CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 May 1912, p. 12

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j ~ T AVW (~TT¶~PV TIOTi~WfVU~W! ITrfÀT ?WflI'V ~l1 1019.. t.'EeJ~~~n -JAAM tiv u J N.i , m - O -i 1. Zifbertr2vt11c lnbepenbent 40 YEARS IN Wlauiegafl Meehlp %un C[FIRKà sOFFICE The communicant to the SUN who insists that a six-1 piece orchestra is "too much"l music in the Parish House GEORGE HUTCIiNSON HAS BEEN P~ A UBLIC SERVANT 0F PEO. fias logic in his argument. Dances are places where young' PLE TWO SCORE OF VEARS. pole like to go to enjoy themsives, flot only by dancing butpby social intercourse, hence if they are overburdened W\aukegan, Illinois, May 27 - wlth music, no matter how excellent it may be, a certain Today was an eventful day lu the feature of the dance is impaired. If, as hie saY-", SIX pieces, career of Town Clerk George Ilutch- are "Itoo inuch music, " why the musicians will either have, inson, aa Il markad the fortieth unni- to put on the soft pedal or devise sorne means to overcone, versary of bIs continuous service In the objection which apparently has been raised. the Lake couaty court bouse and ho ______________________naturally feels a iardenable prtde In the tact. Durlng the last thlrty-fîve An Eastern man announces plans for erecting a "sui- cide hotel" where persons may engage rooms, end their lives without interference and ail for about $175. We can- flot see where they figure out a lucrative business for there are-ëasier»and more unconventional methods of bringing, about the samne resuits, especially in cities situated like Waukegan, on the lake. No, we're afraid it woulld be a poor acheme to take stock in., If voivas prayers are so effective as hspol e- lieve today, as a resuit of the destruction of Pastor Rus- sell's tent following Voliva's prayers that it be destroyed, it might be well to h ave the overseer get busy and see if he cannet bring good weather for tomorrow, Meinorial Day. The chances are that the man who stabbed the wire works officiai because he had been refused a job will have a hard tinie finding work anywhere even though he escaes a jail sentence. Who would want to hire him? Who 0ou1 dare? It's a pbor way to get a job. Wondlir if the Independents of ?.ion will forget their anîmosity towards Voliva long enough to attend the flst progrTax of the new organ on June l8th? It should be ai treat to hear that $45,000 organ even if one fs an Indepen- dent. George Hutchînson. years 'r.l HitcbInson ha, Ouled the plosition or towîî rlerk and it lai,,en- oraiiy recogiilzeld VhaV he bas a life ,i-noe ,ou the piosition as there Is ne Coe sa Toolilius le thînis Ihat lie wOîIl]d cicr have thie sllghtest chance of dpletaing hlm at the pils. Evcîi if Mirlliit(iison were Vo deciare pinîîblank ihat lie woiîid nu longer arcelit Ibe ifflition, the 1icple lu a ixrfect imns ity woiîid risc îi) and gen'iy but flrmly aud place hlm hacis in< liiioffiriaI positon. Despite bis rallier advanced agc, Nir. 1l,îuîiîinson svîll i ,sabtVo gel arouinl and transact the work of lits off ice liciter than a man many years bIs Punior. He ls lu good health and experts Vo Ilie înany years, butl wheu I le flnally dcc, pass on Vo hI, reward. il may be trnly said cf hlm- 'Weil donc, Vhou goed and fuitbfîîl servant." CerVain ItlIs -that Wankegan aud th. township nover bu ads a more f sithtul or efficient publie servant. During the time fie has held the posl- tien ho ha, aeen the cltY growanfi prosper. Hie has seen large modern brIck buijkllngs replace- the one-story trame -building of a score or more years ago. Ha officiai duties as the. town clerk do flot 'require muclu of hi, time and thls bas allowed bâta o hold a position ln the office of the ceunty recorder of deeds. PosBessed of a wonderfuly reten- tive mem1ry. he bas proved a moal valuable man ln the positIon which ho bas held for so many years. Des. pîte tbe tact that he ha, helped toi recover and file cointless thousands' ot deeda and various documents heý ls able wlth hardiy a secondsa heslta-1 ton tc, walk dlrectly to a vault andj open the exact drawer In whlch a document may bave been flled tweutyl or tweflty-flve years ugo. HIs braîni seems to have caiaiogued ail the pa-I pers ho ever has Illed and this tact alone has been of splendid itdvantage to hlm. To stop down out of i, of- fice wod be considerefi one of the worst catastrophes that could betal tie town. Phone 1352 M. 119 Genesee St. TO IIOLD EXAMS FOR SC1IOLARSIIPS 4F4XAMNATION FOR THE STATE SCMOLARSMIPS WILL BE MELD SATURDAY AT COURT MOUSE LAKE MAS BUT TWO SîNCE Mc- HENRY MAS THREE MEN AT ILLINOIS STATE CAPITOL. NIhe examinatlon for slaVe univer- will ho given lni the same office ad at the sanie heur. Students wlll be compelled o des- Ignate whlch schelarahlp they seek before the examinatien papers wil ho presented. In erder te equalize the advantage, oftihe State UnIversity the general assenîbiy seme years ago voted to eward annualiy one scholarehip te each coiînty. Thîs scholarshlb entit- les the hlder thereof te gratultous instruction In the tUniversity oet lii- nois. The Exacmination for 1911.- Forenoon: Iot ln hstory whcli fie seleau6do am-nt of work equai to wbgt the. hlgh sehool pupilidoes on thes tt.ect ln one rear. Atternoon: A candidate niay choo.. ubjets grouped ln On0etfthese toUr ways- a.-One aubjeet ln hlstory; 'one ln language afld one ln science, b.-Two subjects ln hlstory. on.of whIch muat ho Engllsh, American or Engllsh and Amerîcan, history, s.ndl twe subjecta lu s§cience. c,-One'àubject lu hlstory and three lu science. d.-,One subject ln hlstory and two in science. si.ty sciarshilîîa wiii be held t the ) r ýl; 'sh c""l>s«'< ll ad 'net'Lake county recelvasbut two sciel- ofc ofteLk onysupein- h Algebra. arshipa, whiie Its next door nelghbor tendent of îpublic echool next Saturday otrwe-.Hnycmtr- beginning at 8 o'clock in the mornlng C--emty evsfuoecut coaei andendngut hehou efP th at- Ebigllsh mposition anud rbetorlc, suda a scholarshlp for eacb of It, three aenn Aithe re5ion teeheur correct tîielling, caîîtallzatien, punclu rlrsnaîvu îrngli.1k amion An eu iinteisionl b-orlonedhfor ation. argraphing i iiou, and defini-. roîînly bas but eue SpriegeitltvLaat an fine lnttswiib alwd e ion: the ciements of rhetorlc The Sîîrrizîfleld, %Ir. .Joseph Anderson, -et Tw uehcaaîs ilcrn oL candidate wlll lie re<lulred te writelîLakre Forest. Twoschlarhip wil cme e Lketwo or more îîaragraphs le test hi,ý couîîty thiq 5eaL Qune srholarshIp î labahliit euete nls a9ae knowîî as the Luike Ce,înty Seliolar- yeusthEnlbluuae shli);thie olher a, the Ceneral As Algebra-Through equaîiratic equa- WMr. anîl Nirs. EdAward Smith of Wau seîhlyScîolrsiîî lons. kegan are aîiending a short dîne lu The examnlationt for hoth Bchelar- IllstoçyftV will be assumed tit1<re ly l. 'stn red n shlîî, are ldentlcal]Y the samne. and irte candidate bas dons on any suh- Irelatives. F. C. Seidl!Cd Co. The House of Bette; Clothes SATURDAY AND MIONDAY AT fILINS For Satrimy & Monday BARBAW FEAST «Iddy Blouses. Ail ag sizes, beau tifui styles. .78C Corset Covers. 200 very fan- cy trimmed, fine qual33 lty, Worth $1, at ....3 c Ladies' Dusters. Ful Iength coats in ail sizes, 18 at ................8 Hair Nets Ail colors, regular 5c nets, 6 15C for................ Wash Bets. White wash 5 belta with nice bcls..5 Whte Petticoats. Ladies' white petticoats i n ail beautiful patterns. $1.00 petticoats 49c 2.00 petticoats 98c 3.00 petticoats $1. Fancy Neokwear. A beiuti- fui line, ail 50c values at ...... ........... 25 Hand Bags. Imitation' hand crochet and embroidered linen fancy bags, Al regular $1.50, at ....49 Gingham Petticoats. Several, différent colors and a good grade gingham, 50 and25 75c values ..... . 5 IIHEIN'S Evéryorie of our old custom- ers anxd many riew ones are go- ing to be treateci to a big sur- prise when they corne to our store to-night. We Have Picked out a Special Lot of 100 100 SUITS & COATS values ranging frorn 12.50 to 18.00 To-night you can take pick for your- $7.l You'll have to be here early to get one of these values. Everyone a good value and up- to-the-minute in style. Especilly WorthWhie1 N To Investigate the savlngs to be had Saturday and Monday, the lest of our Decoration Day Sale!. Corne and see how faithfully we fulfil every promise. We will refund moôneyon anypurchase you can mnatch elsewhere Looki over these Prices, consider that thére are hundreds of other things here that are not advertised equally as good and botter. Reniember what rellable goods we carry and you'll recoinise that this la a real rnoney-savlng opportunity Wonena fine pure White Veste, S. & L. Sicees .........21c LdisDrw Ail combs val- Wonansfie-pure Wht- at.kc n ,l eltl. i ais rw r D&cC - n-n WiePnt.keoadmDe egh...-2leAlOr 5 ul ace trlm- 3 ued up43 Womna fine pure WhIte Union Sut&, kneeilengthiface trimnied47cAlor7calt to 1.50, for this sale ...4 cWon e na SIiNase, bick and white. béat quaiity, 75c grade... 43C med drawers...... ....3 c SosDresses! Dresses!! Drs%sl! Millinery Children s Putnpa, ont The biggest fine in Lake County. A strap kind, 98c and ..........3 beautiful lot of $2 ii Hats for the children for ...98c- Children's Sandals, sie to 3, wash dresses.................1 I dress and school, now at. worth $100 at ............. 49C A beautiful fine of linen sephire and tissue Ladies' White Buck Skin .5 ingham dresses, 29 Ladies" hats that formerly for ..5 shoe, wrth 500worth $5, at .................9 sold for $3.00 and $4,003,fo. Ladies' White Canvas and White dressses, Quickcerne $10 values ...................Qu.k$5lera.7e Tan Pumps, $4.00 values. -.2.50 ________ail $5.00 and $6.00 hats.. . 75. Suis hi iqe, Slrts - Coats Wht iucorduroy and &il white S t $1.60 value .................7 c $6.0 ..full ............about .........90R Ail about une-hait pries. *00 ui.i 200 white akirta, .......f.lil2.98 bltees, tans and mixture*s....... . 7... 1 9 $350 pique and corduroy $10.00 full length ~f $25.0 suie, al extaordnarykirts .... .... ..... .... .... ..... ....j .9ats....... .... ..... .... .... ..... ........ values.............................. .....12.50 200 pl ain sergé and mixture skirts $00 ullnt _____$600_........................3.98 coats ...................................... 9 .9 8 WAISTS-200 extra fine waîste ()8C~ WAI5TS-1,000 beautiful .9 embroidered effects, etc., at .... lawn waists, werth $1.00. 29 c Cul Out Uhi-r Coupon 1OCopons4 3.45 m Coupons of Consecutive Dates~ > will entitie you to one of the S NATIONAL VACUUM CLEANERS advertised in previous issues~ You may flot find anything new under the sun,J but there are a whole lot of improvements. We've Set Waukeqan Talking Scores of men are talking about the wonderf ul values of The Seidel Standard Suit at $15-00 Scores have already bought them, scores more will buy them and receive the greatest clothing value that Waukegan has seen for a long time. Actual $20 and $2250 values makes them the star attraction this week at Hta at lime Now, Ail the New 1912 Models at $1 to $8 ' 'I 11, 1 1 jýj) ý 1 %OJWJWR*Iimà.

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