CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 May 1912, p. 2

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abs hgem -eamted mtlv qaElar.ei m ae &" ptklr*sist mnc eter beaU a à ,e OesfedN .j 8248 PÎRIVIEV Mim TIU Mitchell viied at Lake Fownt luti week Tuesday. Mr@. Chas. Stahl sud @ou RImer, were Waukegan viitor Mfr. and ilrs. Chas. Sturmn yer Lîbertyvük evifitors Suday. Rev. and Mr@. Umbach are entertain- li;g a frlend front Forest, 111. Louie Holtje oi Chicago, @peut Satur- day nmght sud Sünday withbi parente Mfr. sud Mn@. A. C. Richardse pent last week Wedueeday wth relative, la Chicago. Mfr. sud Mr. R. A. Simithi of Rocke- telle,, vislted wlth Mr. sud !Mr@. Wallace Rtuthaier. Miss Anna Lockbead of Chicago. epent the week end with ber inother eud brother Wallace. Bon Ritzentlialer of Naperville. epeut several day. with ie parente, Mr. and jmn. J. P. Ritzenthaler. Mrm. Emma Krupger sud danghter AIma. visiied with relative@ at Liberty- ville, Friday sud Ssturdsy. P d r.and Mrm. J. A. Maeon returned F~da frain Peoria. wherethey attend. -the G. A. R. eneampnt. Mr. sud Mmr. M. W. Knedler sud Ted vlited with their cildren, Mr. sud Mro. WII A. Ray ut Rockefeller, Suudar. E. B. Maeou, wvha@aa couraet for clearing a large toret tract near St. Louis, la visltiug bis family tuis veek. FOR SALE Stylish driver, geldiiiý, weight 1000 pounds, 8 yeano old, 'dapple bay, White star in forehead, hind ankies white. This horse is very fast. Broken to automobiles. E. J. Peake Brui.gtoa. - 1Illinois1 Boa, tu,1Mr. sud Mm. oems, a dangi- ter, Saturday, My 18. The PIs. Grave .Sala- churc Iolebeing Moved hem fis vweek. Ir Eglkna sd famlly visited reltiv.anover Sundsy. Mr. sud Mmn. M. L Smyren are enter - wmles gbis mother tram Pltt.burg. Born, lu Mn. and Mrs. Charles Matz, a danabter recently. Congratulations.,. Born to,1Mr. snd Mmi. Fred Berlin, a "dsugbter receutil. Congratulations. Mie N. Baker hsbd the miolortune ta W.1 Thurmday and dislacate ber rlght ahoulder joint. Word s receis-ed f rom Gerrny reeeutly that Chaurles Beckmins'.mother bsd died at the age ai uiuety.dive yeans. A grand dauce wa@ giren by C. H. rSeip in Selp'o auditorium Satuiday, May 25th. The Deoolaiue, Suburban reorchestra luriehed musie, Mies Sarah ltennaek fiuimhed ber seboul year at the Weute echool Tbursday, May 23, aud has been engaged tu tearh the Stapleo Corner ebool the. camlug yesr, Dr. J. W. Wilson is planning a picule ' round et Deer Ghre ta b.. calied Deer rove Park. The dance flan, yl ho 40%80. Sutable other buildings lu- eludlug su dlannghal il iIb. erected. It je au ideal location and wyul bocome very poplar vith suitable accommodations to and iront the groude. No Women n Jap Unlv.roltles.' Thora are tva mpertai universitles in jaDan, but wvainuare admltted ta naither. Hertel's Park PAVILION HÂLF DAY Saturday Night lUNE 1_'l12 Tickets - 75c Every Accommodation îA Good Time Assured L.t. Trlpp, R. F. Rouie Irving E. Payne., Proildont. Vice Piesident. Cashler. THE CITIZENS9 BANK - . ROCKEI'ELLER, ILL.. A Cheoking Account witil your Home Bank adver- tio« e. leIndividuai, the llank and the Conuniunity aM being ProISPerous and Proressive. We invitt YOUr Patronffe for our Xgutuai Benefit PAiRTNE.RS AND DIRECTORS: ». L. Tripp. R. F. Rouse. rving E. Payne.. owm H. Miller. J. L. Taylor. J. 8. Orldley. Cabbage and Tomato ma au. Plants a Us us On Mondayof next week we wiIl recleve from the Riverside Fruit Farm, at Gurnee, 150 dozen Cabbage and Tomato Plante that we wlll put on sale at lowest possible prices. These plants are of- a very hardy varlety and are adapted to this locallty. They coine set ln the earth to Ineure their freghuess, L. A.Murrie tiSolE 2-W-2 ROCKEFELLER, ILL MAK YUR uiM I *tTÂRVIA. Now in the tni to tsk thisuu C>so npadarrangeté, bave the woit don» d o omsa*steprmEAm c- Po"tioa aMdr6 oozfIn i fngepar ucsFuaNmmD». A»oIMwss PrT!rR BAKER flue FolOwUmg 8tamtmbthouldd Form oemcusvo PoloofofMerlt b kvery Ubortyvi.Reader e * -, I lBen Bromdhemd va. a Chl ovletor Moniey.' Mns. Ana Lathrop agentsafev dosla lunChiago lutaetvà. W. A. Uhai sud faniily eslied ou relatIves at.Wt6monda Sunday. Itumdeol oensd 'iamlily ai Lake home. M. Èmodier and farnily fram Prairie View, @pent Sunday vlth tber daughter, Mmra.Wii Riby. Mie. Seth Willon and frend tram Chieago, suent Saturdmy and Suuday ut the. Cameras bhotel. John Ronue sud wvue ntved Satnrday froin Lake Zurich jta the Bolcomib cottage on Lake SM. Mfr. emd Mn. John l'aster of Chicagzo, aie vlitlug wlth R. F. Rouqe sud other fieuds ln tble viciulty. the us dowisthe boy@ 0f that Pla" Tb,* Umm ot uearly go onoe.d U b u n m *= and tii. Aromé b"dto go smaeoa .t wo rune off Broya Who wue pittcfnoo bail. Thies utii lint wort Drown bas(dOmis #bispuar and biseraM eet lame ln the IOfth Mad ho retired lulbvor of Schailor and ouF boy@ aeeîued tb 1k the change sud plle fi xe mors ua elo the combat cloee. Dordier Pited elght inninga foru and it wuld do your heart oood tamse, the way ho b*d th.m breaking. Bus. speed w.. esa terrifie that Tony's band wa, hollerlng.for help belon the gaule vovr Oueewent in and p)itchedti me nsd wa. )net me eftt.ehîttiira!Kuigge va, tii. teature (.1 the gaine for hi@ two double. and a singlo hqiped a lot in the. coring. The lads6a1lplayed good bail amd It look& 1ke a good Raine bore uoztsundaày wben the. Waukegan teain corne for a gain@. The. score: A party of twelve yunug ladies traMA Ferry Hall, Lake Forest. epeut the week end at the Cameron htel. HPC b ruie. lb.... )Àr. sud 3Mr@..Rd Mermott tai 8 Klg. f ... Chicago, visjted th!@ wee I wîýth h. .Rome. r ..... latter', parents, Mr. and bl<e . . B. L. Kir.g.2b .... Mason. ~Seller. If ..... ao .T. Dortier. e ....... Mir@. Conrad Staats, who hu en ~R. flOrter- . -. quite ick for s@Ome lime jeintprovinx. W oube.p...... She vs. able ta be up sud outeidle th, oa uast week. Iý' Rd Lynch, vite aud daughter Grace. vi@iled this veek with Mfr. sud Mrs. Win. Nebrieli St the Win Wooden home West oi tovu. The Lambert Stock Ca. will present un Irieh play at til big teut, Libertyrille. tSaturdaynight(tomorrov). Thisislthe st ulght o!their stay in Libertyville. Plan ta attend. A.H. Smith of the Sheldon scbool. who leAnow lacated lu Chicago, culled on fionde bore Suuday. fBe hue juet returued front au extensive trip lhrafigb thte soutb lu the interestof lhe sehool. A canmjittee tram Waukogau, Gtays. lait sud Iranhoe met at the parsoage Sueday atternoon ta arrange for the forty-iorth animal .luue meeting ta l4, held Ibis yesr aSt Ivanhoe on June llth. The cliorche. of Ivaubop aud Dlsmoud Lake wul combine witb ue iu the observanceo!l Mentoiial dsy thia year. The service. yull ha held fbore at the churcb noît fiunday stternoan at tvo O'clock. Rev. Nevcombof lirauhae, wuli delirer the sermon. S. J. Crnpley bas purcsoed s new twie ludia motar cycle aud vjll use it on bis mail route s aoon &sB le getà it tralued tu stop viien It ms. a mail box. This rnthod ai dellvery i. beconting popular vlth the. rural carriers aud je rapidly being mdopted. Laat Thureday at tho parnouage D. C. Mihlard celebrated bis iutieth birtbday snvereary. Thae- yen proeut tva, of hie grand chikcircàà sud tva great arand chidren. lMr. Mîllard came ta lllis tn ron Boston in 1850 and setledl lu the central part of the @tate wben thia part ai the country va, pracîically on the Irontler. Base BshI Qulle s number fron here made tbe trip tu Lake Zurich Sunday ta ses. oui boys bang up suother vietary vben '-LAKEj Miss Bohm la entertalulng Company. Mm. Sophia Ot bas returuef borne IroinChicaga. Mr. sud Mrs. Vin. Leinker vere at DesPlaines, Saturday. (oe. Enlggeasd family ver, Lake Mtie.W. Gren of Forest Gien, carne out viti Luela Mitchell, Frlday. Marguerite sud Hirami Ost tram Greenvîlle, Mo., ane vlsitiug frende bore. Sunday vUs the.boy@ e yenplaylug bail, iam Bariett vas burt qulte hadly. Mn. sud Mm. John Fauter of Chilego, vislted viti Mn. ABUna Rouge. over fouuday. The Dlarnond Lake Cereteny AaSoia tlon yUl meet viti Mn. B. Rame, Juno 6. Tiare ylb. eletlonofoficoers. AU memben aae requeeled ta b. preent. Obituary. Fredqrick Barton Tovaier va, bora in Vermad't March 8. 1846, ho carne ta Miinute wlfh bis parente lu 1850. laI87 lTha wamarrod ta Edlth E. Allameon. Totfila nion vers bore on. sou sud tva dangiteru. Mm. Tourner paeed mvay lu 1888. lia18861ihvswuUnited la marrlage tu ta SophM). okerneper. Totia umin fioe.wvu ors four sooa nd ove dauglitere, on. daugbten dhtmg in emrly 1fr.e~wner vs. merlonlyI II but a 1ed sanoube vs caled lu the hyuan e wuvs sxty.elx yean, tva n.ïandssd adyua Id.He léave. ta mourmitisîn logee a vifsOve@0»' sIx ddnghten. tire. lirother, twa iter. mmd mauy IMouds. 0umerai service. vers hld at Dland Lake ehnreh May 12, 1912. Bevr. Crr offtiated. à. T. Rumier, 261 Fulton Plac, Canton, aY homvy von vuakened bis kWdneys Md cauuad hi. trouble and aulstlng. "FInally I taok Frol.y Kduu Pille mdnav 1 lui lilkoaaew manM bladder action la narmal and regla,6 have- IDDmo rs' s pesaand 1I sSme ~cMlts vor* «e1dld 20 zsaso %hiIBBh sa ITOIKII=- ; Evhnsn. 2... : IN reaudl«. cf. A. Prebu,. 3b..- Ed Brsudlng. e. Schaffer. o, p lb Struet. lb. p Meyera. If, su W. Prolo., r! BeOs..r. IL.. Total ... Are.. Lake Zre. AUMli BA R H p A E 4 1 22 1 1000 35 7 Id27 9 2 AB R H pAà 4 O014 li 3 I I .'0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 j7 Two base bits: Kîîlgge 2, T. hiorfier, R.IDorfler, Bapke.Struvck. Sacrilicehite: B. lteue, J. Dorlier, Brown. Struck ouI byBrovu lu lire lueings 10, hy Sehatter 3, by Dortier 14 in 8 lunings. by eRous 2 lune anciîg. Notes Hauke had a narra w escape front seri. on, muîury wvh0u hi'd 00cr a etake that had been carelessly ef t in the 3graund vbeu the dianîond vas ehauged. île got a wlcked scratch aud a pretty bruise ta the leit thlgh but will be lu the gane Doi day. t Pst King set a uew reco rd for .peed tbetweeu Lake Zurich sud here caiuig home tram thegane. Wlth Otto on the rearaseat he made it in just il minutes sud 45 seconds andbhat the etaori. The numbSr of stnike ount, lu the gamne was remarkable and shows boy goad the Ivirlor e e. Il Dorier sud fBouse ta take on $mneoa!the big bansto make a gaine. One good thinir about Lake Zurich on a rsiny Sunday la thât it Wla koible ta socure the vhereyithal for internai ir- rigation sud thus proservo an equili. brlum. Jr. Darder sathe reaan ho tailed ta get a bit vas because, ha had his e rbase baill hoea on sud they made hlm arather self causciau@. Wm. Kuebiier vs. a Chicago viitar monday. Mi,. Rosa Simpson of Chicago, la sçendlng a ew days bore. Porteous Broa. laid the bard wood floor ln the chureli Imt week. Alvin Smith spout àfour daya vlt blbi alter, Mire. Grant Luok lest veek. Rev. ewcomb expecte te attend thte Otate Suuday ,chool convention at Elgin this veek. Mfr. sud Mn. Frank Smith violted as the. hain of their sont Otis. lu Waukegsu liaturday. Scbool clooed on Wodnesday. Wt have Dot heard vbether thonre laa tombher engaged for Doit yeir or Dot. Mfr. sud Mm. B. C. Payne visiod Wauconda relatives Bonday sud atteDded the Mmerla service $hone. FMONr. Bllly Wagner bas purchased a tue new rig. Born to Mfr. sud Mn. Richard Diez s baby boy. Tesele Dleîz of Waukegau, speat Suit. day at home. John Wlrtx of Wank.gan, @pont Sun. day at home. Mir. sud M ru. Oea. Hertel spent Suuday at Bg HoUiow. Mn. sud Mns. Char)«e Strm of Prairie View, sptant Bondaymu Fred Wafuer's. Mna. MiIIlingalpi sud tclMUll na vlaltlng ber parents, Mn. sud Mm . ea. Traut. Mmr. John Dobnen of Wouoonda, spent Sunday witi ber parente, 1Mr. sud Mn. W. Dieuz. Mike Hertel sud dazjghten HIlda, of Goshon, Ind., opeut leut week vltb relative.sud iiends heme Notice Notice la e eby givea fiat on Satur. da, Junge1. st r place oo.4lal mne cortb of Haif Day o os lmeeayemb 1 i ea»Ilu tletiay a bowd Milof(8110, omml hon nowa s "Bfg oMWi vt*a remord of 2.18%. fhe pvpedy 01f aMlç W. IL Wila, PreblpViev, 114, ]m .Joseph JOuB", 201 B. park et., Harvard, Ili., . : *"Rince1Iubliecîr rwîm.ddDow'@ llduey Pill aOut =tva z Imshllyeare ego, I have laken tiioffsu on u d th.y have nover WW lo taRire Mw. nlef. Qther m..b.n bfryfml ave usid this remady for lumagosudlu very came if ha' had a goad effect. 1 «au affiuted vlth kidney trouble for yean sund as. tlan. paed, 1 teadlly grew wore.. My kidffle ver, w6"k sud 1 had Intense paIns lu my aie@ »sd loin.. Havlng Iloan'w Kldu.y Pille brought to imy attention, 1 heoran their use sud their une Iuprovod may condition lu .vory was. Tho@ t. no qustion lu my mind me ta the. mot ao t la remedy." # For a&Msb y &Il dealers. Prim, 50 cente. Footor-Millburu Co., Buffalo. New York sole agente for the Uuited State.. Remeinher the name-Doan'a-sud talle no other. 36-. Cultivât* a pars" Mpile la pour abllty to write vaut ada THAT AC- COMPLISH TMNGU Professional Cards DR. 0. P. BUTTERFIELD. VETERINARY SDUEOIR. AMOITANT @TATI TETEEINAxuxA. LihertyvIe llo Iluis. DRL A. H. CHURCHIL Physiciennand Surgeon Offce over Oecker & Bonai lrrStore WlH 0 ore 10 tA. M. 1 to3. 7 t. 8 PI @PtIcI attention to Sic. Ear. Nase aud ThrOat GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Libertyville. -. . . Illinois DR, C. R. GALLOWAY. OrFICE avis LOVELLS uG tgoS. uouns-from 1 to 8 sud ô ta 8p.n Lubrtyvilie. Iliutoie. PAUL MAC GUFFIN, ATTORNET AT LAW. luhrtyvile, Ilinois HOuaIC es DR. GOLDING DENTIST Houns 8 ta 12 a.m.-1 ta ô p.m. J. Eli Trlggs Building witb Dr J. L. Tmylnr-Phone I1i Rte@. Phono 1092 Llbertyvllle. Illinois DR, . EH. SMITH. DENTIST. 1 Z)ER LU& VOU1TEY rNATION4AL DANE. auna-8 Cc 12 a. M. sud 1 t'O 5 P. es. ÜAILY. Libertyvllle Iilizole r 'DR. 1. L TAYLOR, oV51EE OVER J. ELI. vTILOgs LunO. noun:-7 lu 10 2 to d sud Gôtk 8 P. M. Boedersie'-bu Broadway. oppoaite Park D[R.e i. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRAOTICE Bours te 10 a. i2to 4asnd 7 to S P.Hm OIS a ver ROY Furniture Stor. làSPECIAL ATT'ENTIONO TO TEKIM LiBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS MARTIN r- DECRR ollIco Opp. lRtit St. gleetre Station Office Phonse 848 lie. Phono 1860a NeXI:TU CHICAGO. ILLINOIS eOATZERT &POILE AUCTIONEERt àLiEERTyviLLE, . . ILLINOIS È%'rm Sals Sold at . . . 1. Conelgument Sale. SoldSt . .0 Waite or Phone 278 W 1 STWAIVARIUS VIOLIN For Sale Ezxemtoma ed la perfect= dock. Camdd eni ou tthL Vste lte Mes Desi"sW. ilud s 5Ne,8 PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING tlgloent attention pald lu mrraimglflg muction maie.sud buet resulte luàhadl. 1 Ikinde af horses, wagons sud harase for amisor sîcheam st &il time. 1HMNY SINE Phasem 148 or 411 làON CITY, EL.L O &"2 Lmi ",hery ANATi*'WKAL *A, K Unted States D.posltoy For Postal Savinga hmd TW a"k ForY. edNsR 3 PER CEN T UEUT ON UVBIGSAM nCERTICATES LOAM A» BOessFUMQUIIED Piiy AT LEAST THIS 18 SELIEF OF THE WISCONSIN AUTHORITIES WHO CAUGIiT MEN. THIS FACT OOUUTLESS WILL CAUSE BANKERS UN VICINITY TO BE MORE CAREFUL. The darîns "yoggmen" vho 'oeme, fully brake into the. Rockefeller bank on 11,2' 8, but vho ver. unablo to reaeh the cornpartmeut contalning tb. $2,0)00 lunrnoney which thse hank h"e ou band at that time., due ta the tact titat the breakinig of tva bot- île.B of ammoula that hed been plao.d lu the bank for luit sncb au exigemcy caused such overpowering fumes that tbey could not vork 10 auy advantage are belleved te, have been captured lu -Milwaukee aud are now avalting trial. The followlng dlapatcit from in lwau kee e of a!their arreet. Millwaukee, Wls,. May 25.-Bankers of 'ail Wisconsin sud Ilinois citles have beeu notllled thal six 'yeggmou" eutered 1 Wisconsin lant week préper. ed ta biirglarie itanks, lthaIt treeocf itent have beon arreglod and are nov ln the M.Itlwaukee jaîl awailtlu trial.l aud lthaI the Ciller tbree are et large' lu this terrltory nov. Thte Wisconsi n Bankers' association describes theee fellove as "weil dress. ed, stop at thse besl hôtels aud are aspected ta b0 the sante fellava wito attempted ta lmjrglarize lthe Rocke- feller, Il!. bank. 'Jiit arrosaelthe Wl- cousin bouudary hune. May 8-' Detec- lives of lthe association arrested lhree of thte men before any bank was ae- tacked. May ld.ntlfy Themn. 10 will be rememhered that two men l9eliived la bave beau those who attempted tn rab the Rockefeller bauk vere seen leavlug the village by a Lib- ortyville physîcian via iappoued ta ho drivlugthbrougit the tovuStai tat lime. Il le possible that he ntay b. able ta ldeutlfy one or tva of the men arreeted. A, long as three cf thte meu are et large the. banke cf tise clty and court- ly are not aleesa tiere la no vay of telling wben the m ecntay slip barle lnto titi territory. Il le prob- able titat baukers lu tis vIcInity wll take extra precautiotis untîl lhe o' Uer titre. mon have beeu arreated. TIser. ls a revard of $600 for thte appreiten. Sian cf theo men who broke loto the Rockefeller bank. Evidenm .of Dl.poetlofi Tie love of moral beanty, and fiat retentian of the. spirit of youth whlci la lmpliod. by th, Indulgence of a poutical taste, are evîdences of good dlopoMUtoa lu amy mnu, aud argu e li for tb. largonuaof hi% mInd tu aliar respects.-Legh Huait Wm. ilusibls 118 Liberty St., Marris, as: " I have long @uffered vith rbeumati.rn in my *Ljoulder sud pains ln my kidneys. At time. It vas lImpossible ior me ta .lsp an accouni af these pains whlch alvmys le! t me tu a veak candi. tion. Bawver. mfiter $&kiug Faiey Kidney Pille rny h.MsleI fully re.toi.d a3nd I1 ialy rncammend the.. wondnful Pille." Forsmbyaml Drngglaat. ba l oit Igv" aot figrS Mr lbIL Mr@. Chas. Hayes, 8.11 Gilendale Avoi., Peorla, bansusffened from nervonsneae, backache aud dlar.y eadae s ena resaIt of kldney trouble and amy.; "I commeuned taklo« Foks'yKldnoy Pille sud tbey eoon id me of ail kldney trouble sudobnelped me au promptiy 1 eau eaely ncommeud theni." For s*10 b',al mI rngg lot. Wisconslin Silo and Tank Company'$ Stave 'Silo's FPtOn The Market W. S. lIAWTuIORNE -== AGE N T Llbertyvllle, - Illinois Long Distance Pion- L.ibertvvillet5Z l'armer', Phione--G(rayolake. Lead the Studs on the Scalesf Ours are Right at Hand Bon Lawrence lmport.d n DsinýNo. W. 65 188 15 A ,DRAd HORSE Weight 2132 Ibs.. H. vrill st&4 lfor service. t RoCDneY Fr., on. and o.e-half mile. -est of Uhertyvil. I. i 100 to luera sliving Mal. Hi* sî sir vegedi 2400 lhs. suam i dam » ons e a For su slI.roundborse the Percheron. la un-approachsimle. R. B. Swift LibertyvMIe, Illinois c-Oi-4 IIIREE BIG AITRkGIION s LYRIC ATHEATRE LIBERTY VILLe, nILLINOIS FRIDAY NIGIIT, MANY 31 The Titanjo Disaster Satýurdaq and Sundaq, June 1 and 2 ~ The Passion PIav BEAUTIFUL. SUBLIMI MOVINe GPICTURES WEDNESDAY NIGIIT, JIJNE .5 Blazinçthe ITrîelO1301O 1> 1 1 -1 %--R" ce

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