~Y iJ R .IREQUSTSPOUICE TO I4OTORCYCLE RACE aclcou 1y te chiCÀRn l bolu TOINVESTI(iATî SEARCh RFORIUSBAND AS AÀSUNE ITI. EVENT taked of Itspaîi as htfIN INCUIATOI -a qusvtet orthse wedlab GI.. club MNOIM FAVORED SITES FOR STATE MRS. CHARLES BROWN, Cl-ICAGO, SUGGESTION DISCUSSED AT TFgwll esecnred tUs rend'," t'w"S'o. TINY ARRIVAL AT 0. G. HAWKINS' IN~E AYLtM AE SING WHOE MSeAO TOK OBThe sPeaklng wii be held ait the park 1I LOGi<EO OV E AG ING WO ELECTIC. N ATOOKAJOB MEETING 0F CHAIRMEN 0F I mmed î ~HOME NEOESSITATES.USE'0F. ____ VRAAN.O LCTII APA.COMMITTEES RECEIVEO. I Ateletl Fatueprae. ARTIFICIAL MOll*E. CLOOEST COMPETITOR SAIO TO WENT TO WORK LAST WEON E&K FCMITERPRE hr wl eabs a]guead SE ROCKFORO; SENATOR OL. DAY AT IIGHWOOD AND FAIL7 AS0FCMITa EOTO Tbeiece st e e a il gamle an MRS. WATROUS WAB V181TINQ -SON )S WORKING HARO. ED TO SHOW UP TMURSDAY PROGRESS Up 1T0 PRSSENT wiletcule, contet ail kjuming.,¶heae H-RPRNT UI B ____ ~~~~~~~~~Ti"t AT THE MEETING. wl nld uun.jmig sr- R PRNS DRN S A lte itýap(h ridy fom (.Warls Bow, lfl gglstn ae- ui. feste of strength and ail thse freal, SENCE 0F MER HUSSAND. Sprirgfield staes isa1tihe sate hoai - Cit¾?auzo, itho. onu W'edesday Chalrmen of the vailous sans es aaretiba atl ure Te'ed f"aet Wakgn a ierjcuao of aclninistrat ion cxîîects to be able teo iiififlh la,'t, started woris as a <ce,', Fourtb coumttees met Thursdai' eve-anfaroftintueTh'gsel! %tign'a otr cbtr durtor on the Chicago and Mîwakeen pig tisat alwaya creates s0 miàsol- 1batty 1 Note upon tise, question 0f aelecting electrie and spent the day abein ni ng in the counicil cbambers and re- usement wlI be ln evidence and ltl A -tour and a balf o! duhe asite for te ise non tace charitable --ro n. according te lis wfeas ported lise progregs tbat bas been puddagse lusttuliu wtlii a , Sierma sh ther lcal-andsbould Iend added enJoyment te thisi was born Bat. morniug at 6 o'clocis Iaiuin iti cri short timte. report tbith aolie, -ba id lu mdeusiasm exepresed tim. enture of tise dar. te .Xrs. WilIsm G. Warous of Lake Preiiiient L.awrece Y.i Shethmrals clfiandb.sasvlsllng I t. hom tihe board, Alienist Sorburt sud Thor.in Ts isaoîtl ssion l ie very incication'tbiat thse day silI bel Street Decortint huf.eb rpans, Mr.sud rsli the.hom as O'Cotor, niembhets, vislted Alton north shoce police, wet-e seen by ber tise biggest lu thse citys istory. Sec- IA eoain vr mtcat1 -siîa t75 Nri vne yesîrda. eetouirîroîoaed sites and a seat-ch ih heiug made aithougis oral plans set-e disaeuased aun shl Ashedon ton stevrct ha n eti tI F't-s Waof 7ti-) ortherl Avissueo nesrtisIct o ieisiuinnteoîer oitloosette omsay o ié ieelo ecdd nwile e1 dowtet onitriotbis abuild lt ' ki, ne ! l iss' oat Toa h vlsiteil East not !)cie any tîing bas happeued t eoaetefoto i uligI'lak eO inapected. Toahie iii, cüuclud'nig tisat 'ho merely liac given due cousideration. sappropriale manner. The electrIc poPular Young Higis achoni graduates St. Louis and Beleville. gone awai for a few days. He had Motorcycie Race. lgiîcomPan.y bas agreed teo turniais wbs. marrlage te Mr. Satrous Tise board members have net adopt- no rnoney ot the compaut ot couse- One ofthtie plans tint met iti con-tise power frse if lise commîttea wIiI t>Ook Place last year. . quence and officiais deny a sensation- sidecaaile lavor sas that of a metr tn eti~~~~~~~~~ deiiesas0 oetu h n tori- tînt ",,, conductor dlsappear- cycle race similar te those that baveotpan L.ln Tiepmtunssttseb-t o stitution 'site but t la Probable thy daithcni atemoe eln-sreamoe ci incandescent light- along the chlld naturally made it a fraI! will do se in an open vote. Upvwarè te thie companyi." leen iseld Iu tise Ity hefor. Il was al tise streets In te dowu-towu dis- Ilittde thing sud tise attending physi- o! seventy iroposedl sites are avail- Brown is 28 3ears oid sud seenied suggestod that à suitable prize tnighi triet. Tise" ligis willliLe isePt bun-t-rcan, fearing il coulîl net Le reared able and mauy or rneat 0f hem wonld9 likies hie tellow, one s-ho wouid not lho Offered and a large-sumber otft-Id. îngfor fiye nigisa But ths'ia Int urodiaycnln.Iterdy be salstactory,ii laissalit.Thept-oh- lderstertsnte sud so arel nletiet-a could be entered. Tise courue suffIicent! Tise cisaitman of tise (101revenlng dis tched a messenger te lem of selecting thse best site vill bc know where be was if be sas able te could theu Le arranged ln u scbS way mitte. lhaî made tise eusta y.Cigot erannebe I momietous. do se. She tears foui pay. Company uisat the ridera wouid paso Jectric ery resîidence la tise ity be decorated sscsth tl arvimwiîL Al ot the sites bave been visted eniployea declare eisetereir did uet Park on every lap. sîtis fl5U, buntiiig.tor lu saine Qîhet- plche-j cigly arrie ise iflt b * ly certain memibers of the board but like nia tirai day's job as condjstor Queen of the Parade. appropriate manner. pli d codnl hntr hl no one or two menuiera bai-e itd su -lit ouL It a been pcactlcally - declded te Other Plano Made. horerlv led it ndnlFilse isplaeêd ail of the. sites. Thits it wiliL e a mat- 11ae a tineen oft he parade. T-ao or In ît ai once, Il la admiîled that tise Cthraof thte. weeks proreto ibe Fut-lis vt Tise pubiicity commiîîee bas at-rang- "e of te elntite sThesr 1 m e r i trewespirteteFut odoctors silI bave a sîrugie te keel aIl oflieso euy stes Te bardC 1 kI lui contest sli be iseld, a certain cdl tebave 25,000 littie red and wsIste e >muners thet i sut nnie tripe, to tise, auounit belng cbarged for eacia vote, sticisers made, telllng about the affair. th is le .hung alive but hop"s are î,remeinlug sites sud in this way Nv C ir sTise succea-stul Youug s-oman would Tiseze will be turnisbed ail merchants beld ont that tise Incubator treatinent £ a SImay brlng It tht-ouais, niaie tiseir decîsion. It Je expected t'0te queeu ofthte-iparade and wcaild aud factoiesa e li a srhol cil Sîrs.Watt-oua rame here te ber par. ride in tise procession wltis ber ladies dren se tisat they sili be sent ont al - tiat tise board s iII ray Wati.-egan, aàafe car81oeth onyInadtotecon tsaéueofaslie1iele_ viBit sithin tise nexIt es daya teolu- a r e In cars uwaîîiug. This plan bas been car- ovrtshontudiin iecm snband s'as away on a busiuess trip. SEect tie fiue ite, that bas been ofier- i ie u erv aîîccesatully every yeaz nullte, Plana an extensiveetiublciîing thise home la lu Lake Bluff, wisere ed iere. Tise leocal site, hIt es..a, t INorth Cicago.canpalgo tisrougboîît te tis e uîr m- ie hae iso ddsnethi a lat cousidered by tise commttee, one f Fine Street Parade. ty, Mvi esligaie. thi mri of tise bet, If net tise vert Lest site F. Bsrot prae at îlWL h t i bas been setnltel, devlded tisai Mr lto frei' taugit a offered and stands probaisly tise esti MANUFACTURER OF aI 10 orlock lptomises te ecîîpae an tte fireworisa s'lll hoset off on ftie 9scioolatstGurnee,R18o lSt Lakse Bluff ehance of auy of beiug aelected. parade ever betd lu tise city. Norths akp, front. Thiss aîîî'els to tise tua- sud s-tas one ofthlie moat popular Senator A. J. Oison bas iseen a orkt hrgobssgife ilirns t oivas Leing tieset ie. .Yugwmnt rdit ri h e lngdilgenly e gt te cluitteM a bleand Gra iteýetoe ee-al floatisud marciig or- Tiseladies o! tise -naI1 commit- cral Hîgi schoollIn-a, beiug a ment- to decîde tipon Wankegan sud If tha pmtaiious n inUnead titis will add tee,-iaî'e arrauged to bave a test rocul ber of tise chiasa of 190. efty finally la selected as tise location I'VluceflS ttti e1 the procession- A trong etf atîdbosptla tent en -le grotinda. It for tie million dollar asyluto a large! futt ls beltig made te got tise tecrulta le probable aise liî itl, ilinl taise Suilocisa ln Englith -Chuech. Maire o! tise credit must Le gIenu Mr. f - rotnt tise naval station aud tise sol- rare of tise lunchtes tisat will lie sorv- At Emmanuel cisurcis, Notingham, OioCemietery Work of Every- dicrs froni Fort Sheridan to taise part. ed. Eugland, considerahie oxcitement s'as Assurance bas Leen given W-auîe-' The fliora der-ted auto section, ns des- The next general riîîet1ng will be cauaed among tise cougr.-gatlot, une gala al along that il s'onld stand one Description i ieBi ieSXats vun gtednn itrdîngs.S un unday by tvio isullocksa enterlug s hile et the best chances of getting tise lu-' nuit bhe-pt ilOo ffo t as It mets wvhs lime al membet-s of comiîutteu are tise vicar was irecsi-g hi. set-mon adtutin d tbehe ftwen aueauisudCorrespondence soliciteci -he altitoval of everv menuiera of lb-e urged 10 le presentquTherala ard id ts ie rthi-rpn comîtitice sallie" lii T -v--i- 3ockford. Tise fluai deision w111 bc Preparing a Program. FIr. and PIns. o! One FsnIiy.* 't1.,y, 1; i1t. '.- - - Made wtbIn a shtort timte nos' and I-n- Tisu i Iaicutan o-f the program t-tint Fit-treea dIffer from pînes onu In coufluotioL, gît in iront of the uttîinals, Cagl peuple riaturWy tre some.-x I 116 Genesee St 1 mltte iintoî.;ed titat au effort Is the tact tisat the leavies grow ainglY and hi' g£utîs aud tarttfui rî'rs1uaslon. laXIOUteknowý- ctth esutt made o lu Juîtge 'îtî ttig a d lite analesof te celles are drove t-m tut in lîbutt att'- amsage - ie,.Waukeizan foi mec bt irSason to detivor ad- amolis, round andi titubÊIPf doue or latîli- n-ised w H Y -r H NEW' woô» - ht Dycll"it lb. a-MEN RATE organiaations are Indeble t o lpl ROCK ISL.AND OFFICE SÉNDS OUT andi rait.' DATA REOAROING THE EFFECT___________ N'!W RATE 18 HAVING. The readjustmeut o! rate& adopledj by tise Modern Woodmen of Amerlce at the head camp lu Chicago lu Janu- ary la now lu effeet andtheii writIng of business nuder tise new plans basu Teg Rcu ain f ieo is.oi Teg Rc ln.fic fth oi ety reports Ibat on tise firit-asix day. tcQliowing the taklug effect of tlb. read- Justmeut tisera set-e recei'ed at Rocký Island over 60.000 applications from old memisers for fot-me oftise varions uew plans. Tula sas exclusive of ap- plIcailonalrelved througis deputies sud cletIsa. Tise sembers of tise Nod- et-n Woodmen o! America are generai- iy claslfled as new or old, tise latter term applying to thunosver 50 yeara o! age. Tiey constitute only 9 uper cent of tise total lnemberailp. .Modern WOodmen wiso wlah to gué. pend Judgçment pending tbrough In- veatlgatlon Of thse nes' rats. are o>- The FIHumane Cov6 flobblIo lsaateed to stop auy cow irom kickifig, or ye mayv relut-n tieseaine and el Yonr îuouby boc-k. Cao Le l'ut on aud Onf Ili a mlnuý@. For sale at the Connly Fat-m at $1.50. Try ou@ flota wsek, C.28.tf We are Again Open -WT A FULL' LINU O Groceries, Meats, Shoes, Çigas, Cndie%, Hardware, Raw and Boiled 011, Chick Feed andin fact nearly evey thing you need C. H. BARNSTABLE G ur nee, - - - - Illinois E Meiredith Flower and Vegetable Company Is THE BEST Ir.VESTMENTý FOR YOU B[CAJSE-î'sa home industryj run bts home men. BECA'USE-We absolutelyj have no watered stock. B[CMJSE Our assets are based on actual properttj, propertM that !Jou can realize dollar for dollar investeci. BI!CAUJSE We do flot Figure our trade as assets, and we ask no one to invest in such a shakyj proposition. BIECALJSE--The fonder of the business is a Liberttsville man, living among his friends, andi positivelq woul - fot ruin his character by having gou invest, in what was flot absolutely sale. Mis board of directors are citizens of this commuitj, andi menî of un- reproachable characters. BIECAUSE -We make no wild cat promises, or induce- ments to tempi j0u. BIECALJSE--We seil our stock at Par $10.00 a share -NONE LESS. BÉCAUSE-We coulci not return gjou dollar [or dollar if we sold to yjou for $9.00 and pag tjou 7 per cent which is absolutelyj guaranteed. BECAUSE-Our stock is redeeffiable on 30 daq1s notice, with 7 per cent and not at somnq lime in the uncer- tain future.- BECAUSE-Raising flowers is no experiment, but a high- class profitable business, fullg tried,, andi established. BECAUSE-Our books ore opeun to gou. our orders are - enuine, and cover everg state in the union. BIECAUSE--We have no high sularied officers, our profits going 10 jou.% BECAUSE-We arc here to stay, and will be here for a centuriq 10 corne, and with the largefit plant in this count!J. BECAUSIE-Youare corning 10 us for a sale invesîrnent, one that you know is absolutel!J sale. BECAUSE-lts-the best. byj actual test, tqou know the plant, gou know the officers. BECAUSE-There is $10,000 more to sell. Do you want 1 or 100 shares? - Meredith Iflower and Vegetable Co. J. E. MIEREDITII, Pres. P.,ý. J. E. Meredith and Co.. flot only recomniends this, but personally guarantees this investment. M ~. 5. ARE Y Ou READY FOR THE FLQ0WERS? Lets get the Lawns in Shape. The Spring lias Been Late. But we Have the Flowers for you. Lots of Themi, ail kinds of them, ail Prices and Colors. Our Wagon will'Deliver to the F'olowing Towns. Wa uconda, Grayjslake, Round Lake, Long Lake, Ingleside, lfox Lake, ihall Daq, Prairie View, Rondout, Diamond Lake. be There. We will Please you With F'lowers, Prices and Service. Watch for the Wagon. MEREIT FOWRNDVEGETABLE CO, r' Il <T 4 -RgckeFeller, ',,-ILrake Zurich,