CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jun 1912, p. 7

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JUN--E 14, 1912.1 25 CgNTS týj *e~1...e.+ 4..+4 1+ + FORSA^LIL-Bsy drtvlag bornes, good + .918.isessud. Lady c-ndrive. J S. ORILIe. 4e4.II c-38 i/ + FOR SALE ATA SACIWFOE-6 r 0m .1 OR Aic~'teatpi aiwork borns. house, .1.0.1 mev; lot \SOslin; Vrud F O R 9A o Q G S . ld colt; t emm yO ad locallan, m uet ho said et on -e ri c@ aktow stssecod,nd ¶ 14isaY ter-usaif <Isîreil. S-e a i e c-iine.t111,Luces fldg. &CMÀ~h ýr1I .'O MSLE-Abont 2)()owhiesuiSdI FOR SALE-S2jradcls 3y-l hart-allaitfeuce. p§S alooealat of aood r aqfe, gôod viut; i lmily na, ~r u:o poecfor ed sund eatinfg. MmsCUECrunahout aud brelklag car ud sanie Ras -Llertyvîlle. Phonoei2671l. haaus. Verjcl beep If strld ai î,nce. e-,r29-tf oga. fi. Koos, ?honel54J, liberyvfflie. k fl'~flc-S-tf bd Fil. 00 75 ou 100 Md> 11RSALE-New modern, p.od «Yv» rom. hou.., lat OuT,0 a Lîneolu Ave. Willi mton u ay er' laquMrsof Omo. 8. Ro»i, Lj.rItIle, 'il.- 11 FOR SALE- 400 buabel ai fine Germnan *I~ oued, eoaî~lnIag nu JouI seod. WU dsilv.r ut Yors Bt-oe.N~ottUng Pleut. O. W. Sm~teusos. 2 mIls. vesi ef Lhbsetjrvllle. Phoas 2T8J2. e.84-if vuALE-é'ur bred Ried Pole bull, Jul Id. JaqIre (. W. iER<FRO'(, a. vW t o Llbertylîle. Phon. c 34-tf FOR SALE-@ room bouse and lot ail modern lmprovement4, lot 1OOiI5O, on ilwîaukee avenue sîîntl of Electrie depob. Inquf re of R. E. Ouone,çx Lîbertyvillie c7-tl FOR SALE-Laie§ lu Osaborne, euh- division on Milhivaukep avenue soutia of iii. EI.ctric dilot.Water anud eeer mains laid. B. «E 1(>nouxtg. Uertvvl ls. c-87-tf fbR BALE-Horee fora il purpaief; afe to v econd band buggies aud samne harase. LAId>. LiveyLIbertyvIlis. . 4. . .. . .. .. . .. + 10R RENT +' FOR RENT-6l rooni brick cottage on ochool streeti <man d electrir lulits. A ppy 141 J. I.. PiceK. eC -tl PARUS FOR RENT. I bave a feu' very good faxma for rezt for 1912 runnlng from 70 acres to 800 acres ana il close to stti±ons. IL B. DIKON. Guuuss DL. Si-tf. tI&W. FOR RIgNT-Flue offices ln the Schanck building. Sme then. -28-tl ELIZABET13 SClANfLc. FOR RENT-Houe<on ëchool trëet Inquire a! PAÂridàMcGrs-s us Libertyville, lit clii!t WANTED-Dishwaaber at the New Caales hotel. f iod vagea pald. c-87-ti WANTE-Good girl 1,6r <suerai boues- work. Inquireof Du O.kF BurErgmELD, fauhrtyvllelii.c7-tf WANTEO-Abaut four Xooad etadY boarder,. Mr. C. W. STOU T. North Street, Libertyvîlle. Ph ne':62<'. C-37-2 W lanTe, -opt girl for general FOR SLE-Seeral egt.ered alefrn vrk. (lod vagct. Aricre. FORSAE-%vealreistre Dolpel Ioi303, Lbertyville. c 86-tf bull ealve. tva ta tour mnnlim aid. I $853n sun. N. E. (iATZ.EIT, Li bsnv- ville, iII. Ibune 278w1. -WANTED-Owners of fat-m bat-gaine Z qp -1 Ywbers betweeu Chîcago and Mil- FR SAL;-3-ytear-old colt or ahi waukee ta list sanie wltb me. 1 can inade for au aIder bouse suiable lar tb. get you resuit. If you really waut ta lvery. Su.i's L'vn, Llbertyi, j oeil. BiI. c82tljR. B. D n.Gurnee. Ill., 61-tL D&W. FOR SALÉ-White Wyandottee aud Ithode Ila"d lRed chiche thrse nontht ol1d, aiea emall chse. (i" L Moasn, e SCryotai Springs. Lbertyvi lie c-87-2 FOR SALE--4-ir.oid driver, well brokeà dooblie and single. tiin sanSsi tof bavlag eprlng wva u io, va. nai la a pod/ion ta nIll befare. but w'ill oSfer hlm DOW at a rffleonable pries. C. J. Kg1InL, FOR BALE-i n îrrîgbt-îpiano, lu tiret eais condition,. Ï75 If talien withilu tva daY9. InqUire at WEL[-s-FÀRf;0 aOle.. P-38-1 WAN4TEO-.-Ynng ladies vitti came education for telephane aperatars nt Llbenty ville and othcr sichanges. Apply ta CbM Operattor. Lake County TPWe pbone Co.. Ltbrtvviill1il. e.27-rf WANTED-DresamakZog. gnar- &iitted. Min,%. JAM4Et LÀrcOCs, Vreliard etreet. P.8-i82 Fire ineurance, houe rentîug. cohoe. tuccue, lban negotiated by Diîaya & AURTIN. e-lIT-tf FOR SALE-Oune sdedtetof i dloce property lu Nortit Chicago;! LOST-A white niar-e vti maus eut hiîgi <round;waster pipre, severgansd sbaB- strayed tram aur place,thie sidewaiks laid; aul taxes sud asee Jndd Fat-m. Qaliheti avenue èmd 2Zivt ment& aid up ta date. WiII sacrifice1 aireet Zion Ciy. Te'o veeke &go; ibis property ai a -ery low cashi prias. - Apply ta W. B. Eutle, 19i W. Jaeioau flder piease notîfi' W. Mlle s t above aîreet, Chicago, l11. wvyItl 1 addresa. vitl> it.- Ol-lIMe Deiieacle. cSepatra. fiansd fragile, c ' MU» thin people ai Iîeartily, sud <met.. vondeTa-ecthe raritses btey partook. There WaaeV, wu dil-Wulte".that gmtronomY. o - titink Of. exceki mullon, su erces, li fayoth ie divine Ammon Vilh banlitehiead. Even te t-naz beef Mir. Mpium pudding ver. net laeklug, Tb@ qasN& Paâint. tuse deflcacles vers as Popular Thebea » as 'the bralled sud su goose, wvhbtise <oSbrovu etout. WM. MKFR trong bai-le>' vIne ta cheer thseà Diansad ~ le and asslilte diestiou. *mueoeosomuu.*.~wu I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WHY NOT BUY A 0 One-Piece siloI Any size, desireci, set up coniplete, above foundation, and use the new 0 -î improved door frame that is flot an infringement on thé Haircer patent.g IT WILL PAY YOU TO FIGURE WITHo ome, Hom umber Co,' Libetyvileien o -mom oý 0-0 jProlesloui lCorde DL . O. F. UTTIPW. VMTRîNAR! SUROSON. AMMUANT OATE VE'TMEIAIU. LibeytyflUe. iWnots. DIL AL H. CHURCHILL Physicien and Surgeon oanci over Deeter &Bo.d'm Dufie Store H.r8 to10 .Mid 1tWo9. 7 to . 8pocial atte"n to Kye.'Es,. . soeand Throat GLA88E8 PROPIERLY FITTED Lib.rtyville. . Illinois DR, C. R. GALLOVAY. uFFtcD ovua LOVELL'O I DEO STOIS. sovai-ram 1 ta 8 and ô ta 8 p. m Ubertyvlle. Illinoi. PAUL MAC GUFFIN AI'TOltt.EY AT LAW. Ulbertyvlle, Illinois paOng 88 0 DIL GOLDING DENTIST Boers $ô 12 a.nL-1 t'O 5P.. J. rit Trim~ Building wlit Dr. J. L. Taylor-Phone 19 lies. Phone 1092 t DIL E L MSMITH. DENTiST. 379a LARA, OOI7WTT IATIijNAL BANI. 6OMMa-6 e t,:a. . nd 1 a 5 p. mý I)AILY. M 1 . L TAYLOR, OFFICE OVra J. ELI. TE-Gi2LDG. moess -7-to 10 a. ni. 2 to 4 and 6 t, 8 P. M. iu Broadway. opposite Park DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE H surg 8ta 10 ea. .2 tc, 4and 7tIo 8 P.a OfiCe ove! liay Furniture store. SPECIAL ATTENTION TI) THE ET-E LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS MARTIMN C. DECKFR <iici- Opp. l8tîî lSt. Elsctric Station Olice Phane 84M 11.8@. Phaus 1360H1 N)iLTH CHICAGO. l1ÉLlNOIS OATZERT & POILE AUCTIOtIIEER LuBEIaTYVîLLïr, - ILLINIds Karni Sales Mgid ai - J. Canignient Sale, Scrd at - 2, Write or Plumne 278 W 1 STRADIVARIUS VIOLIN ForSale ,Excellent tone and in pefecou=- lion. CoulgI caud on trilal. Write te Mi». Bertha W. Mardis, Route No. 5, Roae. Kums PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING Clou0sat attention paid ta arrainlm)u auction se@ aud beot resuite in hyMd. ing carne. Alil indd o! bors.. wagon.sud barnese for sait or exchnge et al ltimen. HENRY SINE 1 Phomma 148 or 48 ZION ClTYe ILL. P. Otabbe, Tel. 261-L2 . Lau0hey. Tel. Sa mnGrabbe & Laugher i b EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEES for Live Stock and F éunt Sales flu a Specsalty. îlted FOR REFERENCE COME OUT AND IIEAR US snd RO0SE Co MB RHODE ISLAND REDS Heom, Pullets ahd CocJeerole, For Sale Cheap if taleen at-once. R. S. TRIGGS Phone 146L Lihertyville, 111. *Il. .1 Rose 'Comb Rhodr lslînd keds EgstoînR.ainem - ,ons m r, .Uets. Sid. p-,. ýiecir a ir n in S. C. KrL;.bLil Uibertyville, - - Ilni =FOR SALEý Iudian Runter Duck Fl'l,s50C Per 12 White Africau Guinea Eggs, 50e 'I15 MRS. L. V. LUSK, Phone Raun Lake 12-2 T7%e suntal commencement of -the BeloIt college takes place June 18. Xml.. Lotru Grrbam of tis.cltyi.b a member of tii year,11gradutlng clas On Thursday ove 9,g June 6, St the home of R. P. ESOy, pear 'Taylor Grave occurred the weddJbs of 511e-I Miidred Celesi Eddy and Mr.i. eriïsiiirton Biennett, bath et Zow City. Mies Eddy bad been a nii -c rer ai Taylor trove end, iu \ ankc-anr jNîr. fBennett4-lea afarine;- 0f Nrth Prairie. At 8 oclock begas th cc e or w hIc h m ade theisi one. kl),jicrrrî, cre-f mony belng uteul. The decaratioup ere dicîc white, Inclunig I;awer : c il k The bride was tsstily dicil'..t rina white 6mhroldered dres chrthel cauîrlecaeNles ..Juafe ardiri ic r- dy as brldsemalds; Eizabtcrrii,-ijt and Evereti Eddy as ion ri '-r :,.rr sud iydney Biennett asci .r.- Mîr-Eddy, father ot the grc, ave ber away sud 5ev. Clendeiiiri , r \\airr- kegan irrformed the elmi jciriijresa- iv-e ceremouy. Aller congratulaionusaItircîr - cecpi n the r-,imptious repat «aaliiiicr-rrc prepared by Mra. BddY and daughtere. T11rec courses yul. serc r-ci irring refreshmeuts, lte baud furriicci-d mcu- Sie. At a late haut- the Iguests dec>arted. The bridaI couple reMaincd aitche Eddy hume. vhert-O bcY vilrr-ile un- tii their nev honte %_ ready for theni at Hickory. Wbire theY viii lice on their great graudmothers 4at-m Thsy :ecelved mauy heautiful jires Waukeganf ll . ice 27,tIL p'ublic noice la baeseby ecren that at a speccal moeetng of the -tockhold- ers of the NI. Alehuler (olic. ci-ciat tihe office of eaid Comapact ai %auke- gan, Ilîllios, au.,te 111da,.1of utie. - A. D. 1912, at the hour of t, o c drocka P. NI. the capital stock o a cccicrrroa thon was lucreased fi-cm Iii-ram ai ~5 . ISU4eSESaiC.& M. SEEX FRANCHISE IE- J- & E. TO KelEtae ra>ser :T1IROUGH LAKE FRS IMPROVE SIOFS bats Caunty Ttî&iuîhc OFFICIALS 0F THAT CITY DO NOT EXTENSION$ IN JOLIET YARDS AIS Ahtrauts of Ttie. Ti ti1 ,. -aici. ,ric, INTEND TO LET COMPANY PRCVED BY GENERAL OFF!- 'laOonicTeinple Bldg . îcl-rr i OFF TOO CHEAPLY. CiALS 0F THE RAILROAD. Lolit J ,1 i ri;-~ OFFICIAL SAYS COMPANY IS 0F- N ÂbDITION TO THE ENLARGE- Jaili i, itrt FERING TOO LITTLE FOR MENT 0F SHOPS THERE WILL Grang arveîî 1nclcce1 uI- FRANCHISE HERE. BE OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. waod farur, 160 acres . tca. u- Thre Chicago acu Mira t, 21 The- igin. Jliet & Eastern ralfroad Ii tritirnlr9adSrn nor hicshrp.rttiecr(lceor isroc cciii oan commence exteni. fou't sd to$ t1.urliln shi.sîuiT14 lun ra-crcog c facccesci biLcirnzoîeraiioa trsa is -as Deed $.1c irolrgh Laie I'ores- ats t iia, il, VAcc t c oi;e'. it as sta'ed ou rellablea .Mary J. Hawkin.s et a]Ior irrrii l r r hcy ail] haerin\Vaci.egarc aloiri, s-oir. r-q (Iar,r kuns, 40 acres in srocc'hr-a-t 01ro. fccrîlti riine rbat If tirer do seri c, I e ci ThI. îcn, pi fpfatîrre of Ihe contem. section 35, Nen port ton irç çiý. , c,.iise rhrough faUt Foresti chaci t m' I )atdlu iirfri cna n $2,400. be because tlrey. have grantt h,,-cl he 11r- inoict -opa whir-h willt rosi Pee Pasr o sa ndcsn ilcîcu chancro c ,re îpecople lurtiraiabouc ti ,,The rîew builirr, viii Pete Persor tamc a Ariitcnri.rA uiecn4er athe Lake Forent , ie icf Uv , k c ci ,e1icontrrie-t!oi. and wifc- forth qurtrer lots i arc:-, i 2. c I rccri lrrihed when toid that' it o .shca c' iir'ers of the cnm blockt 7, Ladd & George s adicicil te ail the eiectrie hUes la fferima Waciý paiy and 'ai, brcîrret-oe amorut of thea Waukegan. W. D. $1,50r. kegaurlu crLturifor a frfty year 1rn-brcsincs, i-, t nacrcrl at he Fast l-- c l,. r is i.ic, .lie' c ardis. ihe great ancîunt af ral-ý Fred Millet- Brewiug cocrcparrv 10 \Vicc. lice'.onght ta gîve that ng ,*taro clrcii-il icitire cmarrucay for ilethilda A. Doyle, west 2., feetr. ic' aiccrtirît r icit away and wiliigiy the carryincciz uf ir risuess. caila 4, block< 73, North Chicago. S. W. . cgr-e bto ac the crty a certain for extensive fariilies for the retrair- $i. carimarit ceîriy cchy the franchise Ing of cars and ioi-rmotives, and the June 5, 1912. trlcer- ,re askIngr ofai Waukegan l0 eapac8'y cf the shaocn. wiich ver. Daniel Lee sud wife ta R. W. north half a millicon dollars and 1 erected several years aga *has been er asud vIfe, 4 acres in nartiiwest ana-irace n occlîbt but that the raiiraad greatly overtaied. faar-h section 17, Libertyville townu ailiciair, are laîrghitîg in their sleeves T-le plane for the lmprovementa-' shf. W. D. $800. at the way they atcparenily are put- have been campleted by the eugneeia Çalilta P. Doltile ta W. IL Doalit- tiîcg It ucer the city," bue said. aud have recelved the appt-aval of tise le, tract of land lunarth one-haîf sec-; Wheu the elecîriUe ilrst passed general officera 0of the oempauY, tise lion 22, Avon township. W. D. $9,- through L.ake Forest it secured a fifty plans helng formafly approved at a Wm. F.1rreh tî iet . year franchise ta operate a single meeting lu the Chicago office of the W. . Rgsel ad wffi'teP. ý-irack in that cit%. lu l1ir3, when*t*campauy Isat veek. Itlale nderwtood Rlçhards, lot 11, Higbvood. W. D. campauy vished re uticrln a double ths.t work wiii beglu oun6ite extensfou m $1. track systerîr ln that ciiy, the îtY tb the shaps about July i. P. T. Sheridan atrd vife ta E. W. Icouncil vas visrted and ulcon the The Increase lu thse capacilty of the Fosberg, lot 3, h.ansngs sub, MWau- agreement to pace certain treein, hiîps viii pt-avide work for a large kegan. W. D. $3,7,00., purchase a ihen exrnitiag sLreet for a number of employee as Oocn u alte Nauie20.liclueyJane 6, 1912.. private rlght af way sud donare ta ýbutilding la combleted sud equokpped. Nanne B Bucleyand hubtanl te the city land on oue side for anather E. H. Ray mondi. part lots 1 sud 2. 1lu ihat u ohn a block 45. Highland Park. W. D. $61- bgwy ana'utigofsecea 25.other demauded things, a ity tearý NEW SPEES MARKS SET Mater ln chancery ta Nels Johnson franchise was grauted. Three yearsFO RE ACNTIE sud wife part north ans haîf nartb- ago, eae the campant a e O RPAIQTR weet aue-foturth ,ertlou 30, Ilenton iived uic ta ail the ternis of lits cn'eauMts townuii. feed $3,100. '-'c 1 .~~ $25.000 ta t.he'Uum of $1000aud-----------:------ . c uirnletnd triact.-- .-- --e iu- - -"- ---- tha cetiicaesaf ncbr ra i-ba'e ife e t ai io AliguPi Frauzen, lots S ~te ly Since that lime the cam- Indianatpolis Speedffsy Race lreeu flielulnte office cf t ci Secr-e sud 9. ilrxk 7, Sheridlan pari,. Wucrke- icau bas been oîerating under ira 0111 Equipped Wlth Michelinea tarsY af State sud lu the offi erfihe,,Eau, W.D., I$500. - franchisé,. ahlch permits of tut ane Recrde ofDees n te touttv lV. E. Cerveuey sud aife Ici Prcînk truck. At the preseut time the comin tns o!the lnîsrsetiug festuresaf the Laice, as prescrlbed by la, CecI>, laud eass sud sdjoining lais 2 îrauy la ailocaed te use the other irack Mienoial Day race of 500-mile. at il'. M,ÂLSii1l115 and 5, Fox Lake e H-an lu sectiou 2, but rîpon the condition that the privi- lIndianapolis Speedsvay va. the rapin pc.o ýdccl. jGrant tavuhitr . h-D., $1.000. lege maî- bc revoked ahîhin îblrîy manuer lun lîhhtirs e es canged. - J. ALS1IIiLI Estate of .1. Ii Wt-euu. deceased, te dat o notice. 9i itti one exception aIl the car@ ta, finlh 1' E. R. Lil1lard. lois 1 sud i, block 1. The heads af the cQmpany have e eupdwthMclitrs.0 ,ý,rýar. We. s d Hightand Park. Deed, $1 heeu ta see the drty officIis af Ihat Michelin was changred an tbe, -ky 3t E. R.Lilia'rd to W. H. Johnsron, aits place and senerai meetings have been, National in ibir ty seconds, hardly giving 1 und 2. block 1,. Wrecu's ad. llh- heu brut sif yet ne agreement bas l aveon tbe driver timie ta <et a drink MARRIAGE LICEN SES. land Park. S. W. D., $1. i been reacbed. iinly Oupen the cam- o! waier. . Jue t, 1912, Iany's agreement ta meet ail the con- Tva imen lu thé preesstand 1used lb 0. D. Street, N'ew Yo«-. --351 H. P. Prie and irie ta Elzabethn ditIone demanded by the city viii the change on DePalm4eariniwenti-ihtW* Es-augelile Weau. lgbiccti Park . 2:,, tcTamany, lot 8, Prices sub., High- mach eought franchise be granled, Ilsescondeand il tbls 4& rue anotber @pftd Patrick Podisve, Wiutbroi lirbor 21 vood. W. D. $100. ls claimed. record vas e.tablilied. Lillie Dollan, Miwaukee. 18 E. L. Hopkins sud vifs te C. A The Laite Fat-est officiai, in sisiug The Mihelini Company bas faliem Alfred C. Savî-er, Racine .1 Ensma Kugel. Racine... _22 Richardson, lot 42. blockt 16, Ciicago up the Waukegan esituation outld Ihat raclng clo@ely and vitb marhied suecesa. %Vi-c. > Iallantine, M.'Jiluick .... 26 Highlanda. Q. C. $1. there ls uo question but ihat the WZau.j'lit-e ninaîvwear out in the airain of.s.- Stefis Zelarka. Miiwaukee -.. - tiI1 N. 'A. Steele and vife te Arthut- kegan franchise ls a mot-e desirable 5O-mile race Ii vblcb cars areaseMotn George H4. Sellé, New York i{ ty.-.42 Meeker. 31 3-4 acres, lu nôrt-bwest one-' asset ta the compsuî and thînits that ai a speed oi eîgbty miles an banr,.but, Helen Hammond, Chicago-.....2, foutti, section 17, Shilds *vwnship. the rearganizatian of the canipany le h I n leass ulguiticent that the wlunâq& %lenna.b S. (Soodmn, Lcakgoret.- 2 .5,1i being put off frram lime ta lime untilirare ln lang.dletanteraceare nariyr' Georgare. Rabbn,. Hav aey at.... . 2u L. H. Lloyd sud vifs la Fred Bar-! the franchises ere le granted at- vith- alwaysappalnted witi Mîchelin. Geore F Bute.,Harer 21 gesan lot 32, block 1. Lloyds euh iouI it the present campany wyul net ~' .tarie K. Dt-ahu, Chîcago..... 2o ligiivood. W. D. $20)0. bac-e mach la affet- the prapaced unev A IIFETSW John M. 'Penan. iciv---------........._____W__overs of the road. He eaid ltait un- MYDSNETSWG Alua Aderonscce--------26!State Of Illinois, Caunty of Lake, Es: der no condition should the cii'co- The Waukegsn elty .officliai.h"4 Fred MeS,ýr* Jr., .%Illwaniýee-....2- 1 tlhe Circuit court of Lake Counly. sent ta gir-e up pracîically evet-y bad thelr attention called tu lte pl&&,~ Clat-a Mat-ui, Mlwarukees---------.20 17ry C. Edwards vs. Bilas Wright, , street ta the compani' until tirte la adopted by Eldorado, Kmn. for- dlspeu, Alfred Boege, Miicrsrkee.. ...... 24 Orlando S, Wtight, Firances Hender assurance that lracks wili be laid lng of Ita sewege by the uee of ePSo.- Anna Panehock..... Siiaure 23 son. George Wright., (us Gray, 1Iiediatehi'. and that -ehen thîs ie triclty and becanz.- lte situation aS- Thomas Parchairack. North Chîca-* William Wrght, Charles Wright, doue the city ehould recelve al ibat Waiskegau la rather seriooualit la pmtb-- go. ............................ 23 1lorence D>uncan, James Wright, sncb a franchise Is warth. able that the plan ahIlb.u1nep4,tle, Josefas lieda, Nocth Chicagoa -...27 Preston Wright, Amnda E. Wight- thoroughiy by the local officiais. bie Jas. Goodbaut7 cicr----------------.29 man, ýVIllIam W. Edvards, Burton Jeremuah Sitea, vwahoI as tbree Plan adopted ai Eldorado proyides hJI Eflen D. Sullivan, Rlaci-ii....- 27 C. Haines. Burt Edwards. Avis- Ed- miles nartbvest of Wada_'orth and the dislufectian 0f gevage by ruea Paticitoty, Cityc........23 4ad, eieHnsaRi ,Cib ho la over 90 years of age, vas a Of electricity. rTe engineers of lte- Meue oheti, ienor.......22 Edmand Balley aud Mabel Baihey,1 Warukegan v-isiter Thurs. and vaîked Kausas state uuiveralty, aetiu n d«:Se Hugit 8. Coffey, Laie Forest ...' and the -unkuovu avuers og or per-, along much mare ,pryly than mani' the arders of ILebad o et lt,.vl!1 Edlb olaud, iidcr.. .2 sos ntresedinthe real esîste men a score of yeasebie junior. H-e uxake a tost of the syste.n by vjitIir - David R. Osborue.,('artersvhihe, Ga.27 deecribed lu the billtuf comPlaint; visited his son wha, lives bers. Mt-. vaste la dislntepatied and ait org&ad'S Edîtis Newcomic, Rockefeller ...22 lu Cliauceri'. Gen. No. 6795. Shea l8 ane of the oldesi men lu the malter destroyed by su lectric&l cur. Arltur Mutrai'. Jr., 'Milwaukee... 32 Satisfactory affidavit that the fol- county. t-Cnt. NaiS Guhin. samne .............. 25,Iioving defeudauts, George S. Wrighti Otto H. Loeveuac ('icicago...31 Julia Gray', William H. Wright, Fran. Lydie ireltlIug, sa'lnir...........23 ces L. Hendex-son. JamesJ. W right, s Axel Madeen. Maaîr c. Wis...27 Florence Duncan, Pt-selon wrigË-t-, Helen Predlnnd. Jcuneauc, Win .-..1 Burton C. Haines, Orlando S. Wright, ~' Peter Adams, Raecie--------------22 Burt Edwards. Avis Edvardsanau '-e lUE U . U I~ Uilitan Ferguson. sauce ........... 25 lie Henslraw are ual residents af the * **~* Glen S. Nayler. Fort Sheridan ...25 State of Illinoilsa that procesberein - C Tony Nîccit cil.----------------1 of tbem and that tire unknuavu ovu Nettie Hirk. sainet .........ers of or nersnuaIcrereste ln thoe _____r eal estate described lu the bil of Aribbiiteet Sicaw of tache Forest, tire complaint" cannaI be found 80 chat, msuv ho dealgueci vie Lakee Pot-est pracesa berein cao be served ouson scitool, vas lu W'aiic1ýegau titis after- themt or eithet- of them hacing been noan lu couference with the Wauke- filed lu the office of the Clet-k of Ibis m<achool board. Tice loas] hoU.d la Court. . suxiens to have thc ancex taoibe Mc- Notice las Therefore Ilerebi' Gir-en, AlisIer achoal bucîr on the hesl possi- tu tbe said George S. Wr-ight, Julia hie Unes, Itl lIhoe rrer tedfat- enaugitGray, hVilcsucif. Wright, Frances L. avai' rom the presprit sc-hocii eo tuaI Hetîderucon, Jiames J. Wright, Florence there wii lie pienir ai 119)t. Duincac, Preston Wright, Burton C. _____________________________Hacîres. Oriacri S. Wtight, EciriMd- i varris, Aris Edwarîls andi Nellie Hieu- r DAID~Tfl~A/ h eaa. te urkcocr owners of or F. BAIUUSJIOJYV eccoos Interested ln the reai esture MANUFACTURER 0F descrilceclin tice bill ai complaint' Ibut sai aiccve nand conapiainaut * lid lii tc1lorcriiiElnlt lu Raid M arbie and Granite (ti'rr t u ire'Chaur-eri' side thereof MotIacc cScandtaa sommcuons thererujion isrcred IN o u i e îs io uctof sait Co ut igainat t e a o uaîcced cir-iccranîa retr-rnable aun1tcr lit-st day ai the Or-louer Termaot tihe Cemetery Work of Every -riccit C('rr of Lake Couuty, to lie- Descrition ksiniai thtCouirt flouse ln Warrkegac Desciptiruintht- torrutr aiot-aie ne uticsfir-,i I Siaudat of Ortoicer. A. D. 1912 as is Correspondence solicited bt a reqcuired and wbich srrit is st111 pecriug. r Dated at Waukegan Ilîlinois, Ihis h 5th day ai June. A. D. 1912. j I 16 enese StCLAIRE C. EDWARDS, Waukegan Lewis O. Broayi'. ent. ~c~e~ ~4Quick fit n myDeýýachabI Just as sape'or to otlaer tires as Michelin Red buter Tube are Io IN STOCK BY FOR,OSALE-New-, modemu, up-to-date 7-roci houtes, large lot, lu Ravine fflope subdivision, Ile'afsler, Il. A bargain. -S. L. Tmwvp, Rocekfeler. ItOn SALE-Lake ceaty farine., land lu Montana, Texaand Fiolda DvM-o»D & AileUI. C-87-if 1 &v dbe lmc e o o o o o o o o 't é 14 il ! 1 1 tract. the new franchise wRS forfeiled : June 7. 1912.-(. Il -d M the Wers tSUt Une On DUU M816 eulmir-i -gai

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