a ~ttêI~ ~&w~Ji or Milw ln manu* ~iê6&'8 Wai gnrwI~ I@O~EI6 th~'n '1 t1he ité-r Is the shw hmb srhüg 1 riô6'* as O ego DW{N~ WA~UKEGAN fttE~ .7 ý àMýVj 49!YUmbt 'ý -- ý '. . -, . î ;Jfff SlV iE'meTI ~ I~IYM. STOPIN iNCT iitvwu As pNiN.E Rq'<dWNCýC1GL' oit tAiSBÉ > e NMAS ÈkW 018,2.NE a ola Pt W. tmIqheudh by the dC "ot M»reuwo a re- Ih t o af Ibla won but oIb»i r et 81.00. thei us ialudo. t - POWR I mL1~CTUCROAfl~ ERSTWI4ILE PASTO*i 0F tURSU. I AEPORTED THAT THISl 18 REASON LENIT TIItES DENIES RtEPOItT FOR BIG *-,001tON TO THE ME. MAS LEFT TtiECITY. LOCAL PLANqT. WONT~~ ~~ TEL0 EWC1REtLL M AY EBUY ROÙ Sa yTM RE'ý 119THINQ MYTL- nIôLS~AIOU'I' àMWE E f.OW PR ACH ES. Rev. EL N. Tuohor, o1 pugiatic and Waukegau Park naoriety, etate. ba he la atil a rooldent of Wauk - and lhe himaeUf brouglt the new minis- ter 10 1the Wet ide charcl a, year âgo. Aaked potatedly 'ahere ho (Mr. Tucker) la now offclating ho decln- ed ta imy and evaded thoe nswer me. ~pêtod aumfatim however, thot tbuIe la otbtng iny'terlous about 'aber. ho ponàd.. undays. Mr. Tucer exproo.od trust surle tbt a repoter aIiould have prfl ad n arti- oles et0f&ag that bu bad t .tbeh.oft JOBS ngo, 'Wheu ha bas bOom bore mau the UmtalD. 21ft, ho culd ot under-1 stand iIow ouch au ovmmlgt could have boonmamde. Ile was tld Iba mach au overaigUi could net bave hhs- PSmled e arding a mialster 1110e 1Mr. McG1nnlmý Mr. Chidenter, Mfr. Love, 'asIl, hobldbecome a0 lncoiimpicou la the comrunty that It w.. evec bard for lire reportera tu heop tzorc~ 1 f hlm. therefore lb waa mot auertin- tiat tbey shouid have said he à bFi 1.01 tawn a ySr amowhen be was . eally harm il of the Urne. >.-Mr. Tucer nid theee apcould kpriait more timely ne" " abmaout b i deparbure (which àa"l «t taken place) ontaggested chat ve peut - mn arUdce touing a"Out blres well. k-n W$LWuklqn w--an seau celng but of a local hôtel Bumde.y lat ln 1 di'¶iimi conditlon. Ake 'ato they 1 ers, b. declinOd to gire fbots, moe.- %y alowng the inteece 12>bang. bM. Tcher tateS thâo bM eliano côtiItlig asa reodéat ot Waukegaa r'bot w<l abca Oontinie golbg away 8undays ta continue him preaching ese *'atee. ubt 'ahere Le domon lt and wIll mot tell. el. l1 nw lig Lil e no ascrel *heée&'ho ôm eeach SiMly. Petbapq lie'. afrai if the p*c gmerally kaov wée o hawoet. ews of the Tageer regime ln Waukfflan migbit Iol- low hlm. Uàkely l culil. *Amll,'btti th&s «8Y 4-aet -t' 1101Mth.' "'O14 .«0» *~oe'Muwt -r bq graff, %l ý 1os<Mw J Pmoc%e wNo'ho embrc o m ,f4I inds hedly." antu nNorboru EuroMe GrManm, lue Il." enai I y porb". 'Me Bani of Naplos(Southoruitsn4> il mi mtmpoe- * Uk.tbe - oeatC-t reuffe a com. W* «dleoe » c! Mr à TISI POSITIVE REPORT MAKES UIT BEEM LIKELY THAT SUCH A PLAN 18 CONTEMPLATED. I& the Public Service Oompeay o! INorth.er» lilinola bulding the $100,000 addition to Ita alrSdy larme plan lu Waukegan for the purposo!f unihi-I lng the operating power for the Cl- cago & Mlwaukee Elebic RaUlrcetln, case Samuel Ineufl ofe Lbortyvllle. tbe. Ildofi o!the Commcawat]ta ldion, Imotrie oompmiy, of *liioh the Pub- lic serviee oempmny te a ubddWoy. t" mo ratheb. oat. as Il boa boo re- poulOd pootthelyinafly tim« e le m- îy IntM&OlDo 'do. i Pos!U#t' htsurance agalnst al Clothes Trbobtes when you wear ScëIdeI Standâa rd of Better Ci.tkes They're lfdnd.Tïlloredthbout, of Uic Best F bkthS$*i Servi Ce bufltrI lto Jhcm, they rèérêht thé e r 1 n' t9è Building aàdd,4ie a skëtèy (uaréinteed to give you thelservlce y6lmi require, noi tltter wIttpfke y»u paye; $ltLOOUPTO$25.100 fortNâ,eBêest CIl.othes Made. 9Phome 1352,< semms ati t & Id cfchomc"s q -M~.U1l imt nd. & wfbalg michkê. The Amre ostr wbom thelacu;1580trO. oifflln Turin, Flocoemm A Wfl 1ý éou oeof 'theý 'X WUs W mthoost' o A#rS~ ~ f n ~ ~ W V~ a rm vy p .10 mlco .W 1%. theumàtup. 1-MÀI