CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Jun 1912, p. 4

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t< COUNTY INDEPENDENT Oe11ce Teleflone No. 1. Ct Editor's fleidence Telephone -No. 145-L. < &atered at t .1 l'u ti.sat Linert.yville. 111, a@ Seond Clago \ulailMater iemueii ?eekl. .irti,.iqg r atps Made Known on Application. â UBSCRIPTION PRICIE. $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W. J. SMITH .................................. .............................. Edilar F. G. SMITH ............ ............. .................... ........................Manager IAAV L. HUBBARD.................................................... .Cty Editor FRIDAY, JUNE 21I, 1912 Anyway Ray Dixon of Gurnee may congratulate him- self that the lightning boit took the heel of his shoe inztead of the top of his head off, which wotild have been more natural. The mad dog season, the "premature Fourth celebra- tion" season, the drowning season and the auto accident soison have all arrived. Bo, it's the time to be on the look- out! An appropriato subject for a baccalaureate aadress or a commencement address to students would be: " WORK." Graduatos now.a-days seem inclined to look about for some popoition which will bring them huge returna and littie work. About the firat thing the average graduate asks is: «'How many hours a day and how much is there in it?" County Treasurer Westerfield's request that the su- pervisors audit his books now and each year shows his de- sire to b. above-board in his work as treasurer, in fact it shows a icrupulous desire to have the public know just how things stand in his office. Which is a good indication! Paniers declare the ran of the past few days is a good tbing, in fact some declare they wish it would POUR, for ia lime. But, at the samq time, they are longing for a real 90t sItpell, which, they explain, is needed even more than the qý-n juit now. If the women of Zion can wield the horsewhips as lus- wemih3.theycan pray and sing, Marshal Hoover better don le tlick suit when he makes the round of the houses to re- ,*Me the placards which thé council has tabooed.. The ,e@i.tla rather "thick--skinned" however, and therefore he b" 'not fear a few ordi.nary horsewhips so long as they are ,740bicted to women and kept away from men. osovelt bas now turned religlous and daims his bat- the Lord. While we're Republican in national to the backbone, we don 't believe that either he or very much of the Lord these days-they mostly of the delogatos and how to snatch a heother. About the only consideration the Lord 'from either, judging from appearances and re- aman occaional prayer tatRe may divert a f ew del- tothir respective standards. UAilustrtion of what hustie wMl do is shown in the t tbat the Globe in ronting additional quar- wblch ta conduct its furniture department. A few aoa tumbIe-down . row Of stores were seon at the <fGense. and Madison streets. Thon the Globe 'ilflsb ,ad COnftdence th Waukegan, erected the usblock they now occupy and have grown and d1.Now they have outgrown their quarters and mbanother location. It speaks well, fot 1er 1h.but for Waukegan and Lake county, for, e .aïd of the pee they would flot have found il Or Possible th tae stops of expansion of tbis sort NOTIORDDI THE EAST "The Editor and Publishor,"P a Journalists' paper Pdutedila Nrw York, says tlisi in ita issue of June 8th: ý*?b. Waukegan (Ill.) Daily SUN last week printed a Oz4 Waukegan" edition of twenty pages fflled with ý1wlte-ups of the business and nianufatuning firma of W.A*effl an ad vicinity. It was gotten up byAF.eo PW9,9 Uol !(Mcao An edition of 10,000 copies wau printect ý ýad ditr1buted ln and about Waukegan. The edition was <i' àcredit ta 1he SUN and Mr. Leopold. 1 The abovs shows that the GREATER WÂUXEGAN MÔUDTIN roachod thë East and must bave attracted con- iddrable attention even there. MAKING USE 0F SOHO)OLS3. <.The suggestion of the communicant to the SUN that l1 boue of the city and county be used for purposes than educating the children cornes as atml n t suggestion. atml n .l erar tment is strong, it is just and reasenable. The soul e permitted ta have use of the buildings .a aprovide them for their children. The use of at odd times by adulta wMl in no way harm ectly it wiil bring the parents dloser ta the Wa4uhool work. diirn are unable ta take advantage of the ,yntlthey are old enough to get out and hustie ~jj~o1u.Those same cilden mnight, in i pa I - DIES AT WÂUKEQAN ' WAS WIoow OPe LAI'E SAMUEL Ing CONE W940 CONOUCTIO OP. 0 ERA HOUSE 3 VEA*RS. àtre. Mary Corte, 84 yeere aid. a rosiV dent of Wauke f or over hait a ceu. tury, paas.d Lwa!i et- the home of ber dsughter, Mm,. Dr. C. H. Albrecbt, 312 Cor.e- avenue ut 9 T'luraday moiga. Death waa due ta aid age. Mrsi-. Cana had heenintn ramrkably good bealth up ta t-ha lait Wnter, whe,î a graduât declîne In health wui noted. Camlng ta Waukegan tram New York fifty-one years a"v, His. dCa. had lived contlnuanaily In t-he came hanse. She was weli-kuown ber@ and reapected by at wba knew lier. Mre Cana wathbe wldaw af thel late Samtuel Cante, wha for thlrt-y-tbr.e yers owned anid canduated thle Ws,,. kegan Opera Housa, oawnlng it up ta the trne il was destrayed by ame.His i JUDOECHARES M WI~ITNEYdeait-b acurred abolit- alght yearae ff. JUDG CHRLESH. MiTRY Nrs. Cane'. funerai viilb. held om Lake County Jurist Who, bn Saturday, Was Monored by the State SuPreme êudyatron i :0acokS Court by *eing Named as a Member cf the Appeliate Court Btra feno t13 'le i of the Second Appelate District.t-he home af her datlghter, NM. AI- +____________ brecht. ',Iri-. Louis lindey af Wsuk6 HONO FORJUDG WHINEY.gan le anathpr daughter. Mrs. Cone A high honor tas ernm e-a Lake County man, Judge Chrles H. wdre ProfaWsukernc of t-ha hod ii Whitney of thetvcai Circuit Bench havlng been appointed Saturdiy by t-he be taken t-a Rosehili ceme0fery In Chl- Supreme court ta the position of Appeilite Judge of the Second district. cg o tret The elevation of t-he local judge t-o the Appellate court la a signalca frhtmnt h'onor, confsrred upon an able, honest, worthy jurist-, a man who ha* given Ob-. mu taewa ainF'b hie lite to legai work and who bas made good tram t-he very start, being for 2. 182amuel cme tas bcaga tra yeara the Dean cf the Lake Caunty Bar. 21N128aCt- nd me1835. a fo Whlle the appointment of Judge Whitney as Appellate Court carres Ne YrkmeyIn18 She la the yoimgest chlid ofa isg nothing addition to hic present $5,000 saisry, the honor as more 10 Judge e Yokirlyb tenmea Whit-ney thie the monet'. It shows he haa been recognized as a man capa- Newrrknîs. b henmeo bie of pasaing on points af isw which have been carrned up t-n the higher er fra mrrag a v.Hai court: lt shows that he occupies a trong position in the st-te as a juriat, ceer frte lu 116. e eMr.vHal. aithough he ha. been a Circuit judge only t-wo yaara. I baein1., helae n We congratuiste Judge Whit-ney, we congratulate Lakte county for agtr s.MH.Ànayh hs having been ahown the recognition through him se marri e- ttrenue -'aonc who for vcars waa an active, LOVE CAUSED WOMÂN TO 1 'iarge of tile guard, Viursday nlght-.1 )u8ness man Iu thi'. cfty. t-ieve t-at 'a'.iîîi-esifl r te1 tcthis marilge alia leavos three, AID SDLDIERS TO ESCAPE I-ko h 1ados a ae daughle-rs, lIrs. .. W. Camrter, of NeW, ack o tueguardouse~ae tkeilYork; tira. eorgp eliey of NcHenry1 t.vo aceks ago. )i>icffle beys werej and 'Mmrs. i 11, Alhnrsht of Wanikegaai. ALLV OF SOLDIERS WHO ESCAP-rmade tram tis Impression la Chîcago, tiNrs (one has made Waukegan bei ED FROM FT. SHERIDAN GIVES it'L alloged. home for mciny years. Soon afier sIte! DETAîLS 0F THE PLOT. That Thomas Hindinan, thbe leader ipft Chicaco vlih er hustantI shel of tlle deferiers, Procured flunada as. made lier home for one var two mie"s, DOESN'T MINP IF SHE IS HANGED s1 istance tram t-be otslde is a report ,Pet- . gr u>r ha i 80 LONG AS SHE SAVEO HlM that gaL'ed note in liighwood Frida> sj, i'.m<ade- 'r ionw t tl t FRO PISN. izt.daughter, Mmrs C. Il. Albreehta 3 tlinirmn, It la allegcd. had over1 Carem'ai-enule. Notfiation ot louvie and aberiffe $i1,00f) on his persan tvhen ha esco.ped1 t-broiih lit-dues of the esuojpe of live ThiirsdUy. pu-Fouers fi-oui Foi-t Sharidan Thurs- One day ea-y lmet 'eek Hindann .Sty nîgIL bhad broug.t- no results ni)totld a soldle,- at t-he raservmiofn t-ba ta to'.ay. The ai--et of the cea&ufeur, he r*ol give 91l be poesesed ta sa- In charge af thbe aoamobie lu whieh 04eL. He exliblted a roi] ai money the men ecaped la expected t.o e that wald cehke a c-ny ven he madeu made posilue through Dela Lawrence, tbis statemnt. F -L the engtneer Of thbe flight, now under I The fede,-ai autîoities have offei-ed aTeat. a rewrard af $250 tor- t-he ai-iest af The woiiOiila5st-ll Iat- Sheffil i t-a.thbe 'fiva men. tian, C'hicago. A warrant 'for ber ari-[ 7A M~~) iet vas lasued by Iuited States miasioner Buell bte ln t-be atternoon C. Jay of tUse fart-, and ahe was arraign ed ict-thbe Federal building t-hie moi- ing, oharged wtt-h eaMUetngln thbs as- cape ofaderal piIonars. 'The naman shuvin regret aver ber part- Ln the fligStenor liei onsequences. 5h. says site wu& lnspired by lier love for one of t-be ilve men lnown ii'ler as Tbom- as HdndinaiL "t don't-care for anyt-hng except- Tom and t-bebaby," sbe sald. "I'm ras possible fur Tom's troubla. a mat him 5000 after 1 vas mariled aed 1 knees 1 ovad hlm. He saw It anuld load t-a sot-Ing but <mbawppnese and enlist-ad en be ould flot ha wit-bme. 'hl e .foufld be cruld 001. stand t-be army lite and daseited firn l'art- Rua- sell. Tit vas thrae years ago. 1 separat-ed f rom my a year 11. was HIndinan. ste soya wba left bis foui- companians lnt-ha machine, headad ws rt, wl th be etasîffeucz, ansd boaided tbe electrlc train vit-b ber foi- Chicago. lie flad vhen t-be police baarded t-he taàn at Evanston and tank the wamnan. "I heiped thbe men ta escape," sald thewmoman. "I didit forthe manl1 lov-e bettes' than tlie. I don't cave If t-be wbale world keows li~.t 1vaild do anyt-hlng for hlm. Thay can bang me or do anythlng t-hey vamit ta vitIs me, if ithey w4iî anly brlng my lit-tle 5-yaar-oid dauglter to me. Skie la my littl-ediarlng and 1irae't live vitIout- bier.", That a wax impresiosi of thbe lock an the guardliouse ws aSkeu imdaia dit-Lcat-e key aesuggled ta theIlse f Men wbo dared deat-h t-o escape ltn bat-ngs-ne t-o thb, faderai prieSsi51 Fort- leavenvcrth. l th. opinion 0f foderai afflai-a at (the gaveraMSt eg. a erciat-Iou. Fart Sherdan. Aithouait fifty dat-ctives are calai ing on t-be traita of t-be lve dlietrs wbo eacapad fi-rn t-be guarliougee on Thtiroday -nlgIsI, (adata ne arreets bave boeue mrade. The prisoneg-s, Tt la teared, are be. ing smuggled over tha border lin.. In. t-a Canada. The police 4MagDot or Cicago vas at-ietched fflday vîthiout sueecasa. 'The offIcer of the dey, atoholaI HOLO MEMORIAL SERVICES The Odd Feilowa, Maccahees and Knigbts of Phthias held t-heir annual ujerlal services on Bunday.. Wlth a band et their head tbey marcbad, througlx the down town streets of th city to the cemet-ery eacb member cae- rylng a bouquet otf flwers. The dit- ferent socettes made a fine sbowIng. The work of building ln ail parts of the city la pragressing ln fine shape and the Indicatione are that so01 there wlll be sever»j,gne additions ta t-he buildings ln th. rit-y. Borne of the work whlch was held up on account of a fallure of materlals to, arrive, noii la belng rushed to make Up for laft Urne. The art of making watiches Bas been marchleg alsei steadily for years. Wekchbltave mars braies £nd at-I putInot tbsreakingto.d.y, t-ban ever. And at-ll bsi- are gttias cheaper aittha wbia-wbieh in rather st-fange. Il you vould like ta l"rui just boy far t-he watch making arthbas a.. vanred, t-hlmla t-be place t3 camme t-a, Il yan w isb t-o and out bcor cbesP a rosi] r reliabis wat-chcouse hosol d ,igit t-he st-ai,. O ur watcb stock coutains ALL tisai of vêt-ch mable bas t-o offer. And we wiiiingly place aur tîme st your dlisposai. jA. NUSSl JEW1ý.ER £ A&V.U -IF IT S FRom SCIIANCK'S IT'S GOOD FE SUHANCK BRos. INSURANCE BwnASSADOR "STOP, young matn," said a busy banker to a life-insurance represeîîta. tive, the moment heostarted bis mission, -you can't talk life insurance tO me here. My time is too valuable. " "kI it worth more than 81 a minute?" inquired thq Agent as ho pleas- antiy laid down a ton-dollar bill, adding, III would like ta make the next ton 'minutes valuable ta us both." And ho did. Wheu lie arose ta, go, well within the aliotted time, the bauker shoved bis bill back ta him and sald, 'Continue, 1 am i uterested. " Upon leavlng the agent carried an application o! goodlv size, ta show how well ther banker'a lu. terest waà sustained. When the modern life insuraude man cornes int a man's office, or taks life insurance to him elsewhere, ho la as appreciative of the vaine of time as the ,"prospect. " Time and appreciation are the Agent's stock lu trade. If ho aquanders bis tinse or fails iu appreciatîng the value of the other man'@ lime, ho fille short of achieving success and of makiug bis work renuinerative. The isurceamful agont o! ta-day visite the offic'e, the recreation place tor the home witb the assurance that the message that ho c'trrnles le one thal needs no excuse on personal grounds. Itlai the message that introductie htue mani, rath or than the mani the message. "If you will not take InBurance with me la .my company, teit me whiat eompany aud agent you do prefer axud I will cail hlm up by tolephone at once," is tue way oue of the meit succeofdul managers trains bis agent@ ta carry the muessage," because jour famlly neede the protection, and a pollcy secured lu some other compauy or from some other agent is worth moite than noue at. al." Ang Other Business Cen Better Afford to WmWte Write to Votir Michigan Mutuelr Life Agent To-Dag To.morrow mag be Everlastingly too bute. THE TIME 'FO ACT IS NOWIU! Yours tmuly JO HN HODGQE 'h.e beoammr.ate eervl# 0Of Lake lt ritu, Omt-he deps» 09 Isster of etcollfeewuas hId suad*y et-os- A#t" j". rnetpie lof master cf t l t-be TintPresbY'teriae cplumi sie@fce. 'Fb. sýOet-o t thse servles Lobe Forest. lTh. commencement yeeterdm' vaspreebel hi Dr. Sahn vias of the collai. vii ltebe ll I. XNoTe. >reslnt et thse coilese, on eedcay'mornlng ln RIl M)emoral tise enuject, "Thea Domini of Gi-ce." L. FL CORLETT . G A. FREDWIS Corlett & Fredericks DEAýLERS IN Fancy Meata and Groceries phone 30 LIBERTYVILLE5 ILLINOI S S-TAVI3R BUGG IES ARE U(1,0D BUGGIES We Have a Stock of Fifty * d-SeetP o . Cail in and Talk it Over. ýj ý

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