CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Jun 1912, p. 4

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LAKE COUNTY' 7ýÏlKt COUNTY1 QU O c6 Tel..; bone No 1. C;ty Edilors I Liberti.viii.. Exe *Iuued V.eeklI-A$tilî B UBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PERY W. J. SMITH ...... ............. ........ . vF. G.SMITH ... ........... .... ......... ..... RAY L. HUBBARO ,..... . .......... .... FRIDAY, J UNE SmaliIBoy, !urnisl I NDEPENDI Resldence Telephone No. Ili., au Seond Clasà, Me r ate.. Made Known on -A f EAR STRICTLY IN A( hes a tesson "Weil, 1 have pasmed from thse tirait t the second room-and 1I cents for dolng It. "Who did you get It fromn?" "From sny father. And now lyse almot got $5.00. And when wont know what te do with lt. Anyway, I wont spent it for candy.' 1 Te. above converaion actuaily took place teday betwmen t mnd a ltte six and one.half year old boy, an exceptlonaliy brîght lit who attends the Norh achool. Ms remarks carry a leison. It showed elaternant at havii through the first year ln achoci; It showed Ni&a pprectatloh of hl@ ra» though lit waa but twenty cents; it ahowed hle realization that ho aJ *,whlch, to hlm, MEANS somnething, Just what, hiel tile minci lai cornpretiend just yet-but, judglng from hl& ready responsa, It wll ni before Ne dosa. Hie went onl furtiser in hi% conversatioil The wrter suggested that, when No gela tthe balance to make ho take it te the bank where No would gt pald for its use. He conti waa thlnking 1 would leave It in my ltte bank and gi another bar the rami that 1 gei. 1 guesa lil change now and go te the bank do. *seing they pay me for my money."l And we'Il wager thai orne day the ttile feliow wll have a ba smre proportions. Hem aetarting ou i rgis-te realizes that mone something; Ne realizea that $6.00 la too mucis to spend for candy; dlates the fact that i father rewarded hlm for hia firet year in scha preciateu ihat tyventy centa as mueh as If it were 820.00-mnd we h father ahowed dood ens n maklng It twenty cents Intead f $20.0 in youngster out te appreclate thse valus cf pennies instead cf havini et dollars as thse basiatfor calculation, la sure to develop an apprecial smiller thinga in life instead of looklng toward the larger thingsa aI The lesson taugNi by thisa six andtà a Naf year aId boy could 1 to ativantagé by &orne of the tudenta who thls week are receivlng t jnas ahewing they have finisheti their igh scshoci course. An effort is beiug macle to have the lawyers a ligat for the Fourth of July parade. It is said thi deliued toi 'corne across."1 They should nqt bee 2f oters "1cone acros" , there is no rmason Iwhy 1 ehwo get rnuch frorn the public, should flot joinj èccaionally and help the public in its affairs. 'Y Rupert Deveraux says the Zion forces are to be !oaieit. WZ cannot. çuiIs STTE RECO TO LAUNCU BRANCE 0O FOR PERFECT AlTNDANCEi NEW POLITICA RiOCK( ISLAND GIRL, NOT ABSENT MANY BUSINESS MEN1 OR TAROY FOR TWELVE VEARS1 ROLL AND PETITIONS'ý -CLAIMS CtiAMPIONSiIIP. à fow Says sgo dispatceuea sd of a yeaagman, Harol . Woodyats of Mtsoui. M, holding tihe etata record vea'regula' attmndance ei mdaool. ho- hng grsduated f romth ie igis shool Uwn wvilh a record of bavlng attend-1 01 asie for' svSa yeara vitisoet le. M wMlient or tardy- 51appeara. howvers, ltbu " erecorS ime lieus oclipsod tu Rock Island, :bgim Anna Baume, o! 818 F'tfteutb sbrmetchâtas a record tisaI la five yean baller can tise record of tise allegeds 81.e camion 81 DIzois. . Misa Hausae alteesded both graxumar m01b00ls anS tie bigi sOMttinoo u ta gMty and for tuva5ve yesrso! ber fcheol lie vas nelliser absent nor tardy. This record la on tuai te sel- deu» aled anSdse claius tisatIt la very dou.bttulift it can le equailad tu thes talestuisHause cdaimsase ma pt'ote he <haproofs of ber wasoert- Ion anS untl a beitacr record la sovn Ibosass-saie viii daim tiese aate CaMupsngllp fou-.s perfmet anhnoo ru Evldetliy Miss Hause ias not ieard o! tise record of Misa Ethel Hilcks, a daugiter of Policeman anid Mrs.Clar- enice Hicks of Waukegan, as Miss Hicks han a record of tiirteen sears atteudance ata ciol iwishout iaviug heen absent or tards- once. If ans-- oe-e sisouid edaim ties tate champion- sisip il Iotise Wauitegan girl. 11MissHicks la lusîiy proud of liez splendId record. blany tinies IL sras CIRCULATED IN CI C'OMMISSIOfIER ORtVIS MONESTY PRECEEDSA LITICAL PARTY OF SI A hrancis of tisauev ne grossive parts- viilbe form kea by lise Roosevel Amoug the polîllciane whoi gleusce 10 tisa nov party 5.1 Bidinger, maor; anS Ccr E. V. Omvis. Iany promîneul busînesa suroil, It la saiS, anaS petit crculated. A commtte mesn ritll'e seiected, lb la perfect tihe local organizat representatlve viii ha dls confer vilS i-be leaders o! U ly ln Chicega. HeadQutarters viii ise sec campalgu lna tavor o! Rooeevet viii be Inaugural *"Honesty lirai, lisen con itai party." claie Mr. !tise radical Rooeevektm. kes-an. ,,r. Urvis Mdains tist tu] 1have toIS hlm tisey voul Rtoosevet If they are c0 write buis nm. on tisetil Mr. Orvis sud MB,'nii- for Roosevelt aItise NatM can convention lu ObooÀe Tise SUN vas tise only - jnavapaper lisat bullluaSd rebirus Saturday night. r bulietined lise nomination ;- 'asydiffcut for ber 10 be present OPERATE ON REV. CL - *vaa' day or to iteep fr-cm ling tartiy. Frieuds of Rev. 'T. H. ~Xma limes tiser-enas ilinesin lise pastur o! tise Nitisodial #eM« -.Sior se GiS niaIfeei neli her- ie inter-esteS and imauy c »èU"f-)May imes tise neatisar vs, prIsed ro itnow tisaI he I Ii- t lucleat-but noue o!tisese oh-s ti-In lu attie Creek We wm* t00 great for Mse Hicks n- iug by Dr. Kellogg and jm 1lsdd record now compen- niov gtblug aiong nicelir. k'lgaul lie lncouvenieuces Tise operallue- vaw ai inutt.lusecurlng l. Mils une sud lb vas fearad th & ae bout ber record.ibut not sur-vive, bence. fr-endi la juaist$S lies- Io lanot fair 10 ailov l ous asuaiteti word wvii someme *luea to eia aasits uhe' elpgrîmn. Tisamessagei hour as-bui » g mti±iWhîearned, successtuuly vent tbroigt 'sud tisat hie relatives Edvsrwl J. Mff*YdÏCWet'master Iluiser-e mucis encourageS c Cbasseery ocauiedt a esodmlise plat- reioimesut of his cundîtic tom stethla epdiuIm miausacons operation. veXaUosa TI.radaa' me$bu aU~M of tise Rer. Ceudeneg veft i Vilmaa dsegatlon. Xli Uytbor bas ago xvednesday to prel 1 r'*" ir-maai aqnua ioI MOng for tle operathm vliii ENT IIOLD UN~ION - .Q*KYW vas nvlted teth tie WRIT0. P'MRS. o. fer=te »eak a th aboe toic.Ml. George P. &.Vo lail :"Your cty is maldng pro-a lneChcg ra SER5ICE SERVICES emeýiD botrthne.Aap O V G Iede Ciiishome n SEVERAL 'MINISTERtS SPOKE AT on tSandffl; tonlght I1eased i ve LX RBRO40FNGu-O fsvrl osi 1001o h ay ta this me etia nd 0.RBRTO F HGHAD bfaç broaldanutaq -t -CHURCH. NDYEE. Yu ow wrNI VISITEtof PLAES ubeanb for tweety a pllation. -cOurt-low thestates attorney la wlu. OVANCE MEETING, PROVED ONE OF INTER. nlng victorles eostantiy. NewteovSO AN CBRSSGT ilenY la qulverlug with fear. Coni- ED WHILE ON WAV ACRO88 - EST AND MINISTERS URGED tîuon effort liings gucese. Yoiî THE ATL.ANTIC OCEAN. . I. CORLElI' Edto ACKING 0F OFFICIALS. have a Y. hI. C. A. ln prospect, wbich- Managerlp la saegrdixnshi. bir Alexandler Robertson, former mayor AManager MîgaudienCetlthn5ed 8,t0f Hlghb=jd Par-k aidformer obaïr. A goud.alzerthessdlueieer4ati5erred euynigt Rev. Richiardson saad: ,"A manl owed aOSU<f tihe lAie rnwiq bosrd ef ra. lIV~~~~~~~~~~~ Edtr~ P-sy.a hri udynetadutY to bsTusineluss ail- these ate. view, vitisbis famlly, ame makiaa - ln thse Intereats ot 8w anid order. A White eburch and saate are separate Rorson te b rn Itooaend eteMr trio of voices rendered excellent mu- the oisorch la thse bulwvari< of the state. tise SUN Mr. Roberston tels of thseC r sicsudlie. . W Chdeter Prealde . ie isrch, vefida a re.igluinu. manly pokits of iluat t*t have Rev.Geore Mflînis vs te tiaI ove,' the stte \Ve have a duty beeu seeuu and ais of oMelr pain"tieh speaker and bis tiseme vas "Law and t intendse visit. Heaisea teleo01bIa Order." tC hist 555' ensde tasthce hrctisavoyage gecesa the AtiatAclu vbltch Chrit wd* tnde uni Caser tse sbglp Cos vb4c be Mde ithse tnIp Haesaid: "Mbsen thse mînlaler ha- tisinga that ae ae.ars.' Geoi aides lim'sd a large numuber or icebergs. F n cx~c5ycournesInterested ln law and order the are ordolaned of Ced. We absouit kaep "i, letters folova:Fan vicions men who make a living by vell-ltzomeS on public questions and '37 New Street. Paisliey, Scotlaisd i s ,trading lnthe weaknessesanid vices acui.elitrnu .N*a ws rus aîo mslea UNe -,1912 Iieli trthse 1mw oa ha a good citizen. He la "Dear Sir-We arrived hors Mayr 26, Poe%3 attend to bia own business.' They for- an enemy tthefletcly aud an eusmy te after a pieseant and . garie oyage he writgr get Uat a part of a mlistel'a busines es arrosa m thse Au.aatlr. We oan, about 100,a lie fellow una ahepard la tei look alter thessre ly.I artl enan cp Rg. . A euCtysany oflaun eusee. us, lac uli wolve;oet lety. dP aml Aoîy< o .ba i oaSpase tbrough ngpa CeI"brisl diS fnt luterfere vits ci' more oknspany of! 16000 people, but a tise danger zone lu SaYIigiW. va"d, even rup c»dlioust lstieo tebdyo eol ficetfe h pr "ieour arrivai w. bave riat aietha ey rud fhlpaetine ts b o eo-bufcin rt lnpur- Man places 0 o InreotL4 and abol ve avagveumntlupose t*at calleri l !ie i ing. He wiso (lasow and:&pont on wioe dayet S T A I et bo long tihe peuple by tise people ad for tisa te right tbem l18flot a kuockei', but lg Bu- iso ieborn, thSe monsameita10 bis peoiie. isattisegoveumeu due. i bdpng fIandmamory tiser-e, thse auiS kIrk of Allo. I peole Wbîtth goerinentdos,1 ahepIg fiad.ny, the outlS bridge of Ayr and faon £ A R E do. eltiser by alive effort or cenour- ,Chlrist snid iarsiq thîna'. ahotie Je- sund mrny otiser places made famoui Dtise $5.00, able neglec-t.ý it 1a tise duty of every rensiera, buo e a-n tisat itye beat ta tise worid by tise Peu of tihe humenr- tnusti: 'I isw abldlng citizen ta stand for iaw friond." Ha plcliired Wiiaukeffl as R tailard wbo died ln 1796, agted 43 îk te save asnd order and support officiais lu the cty. pleafflnt for ob-iarlon and beailti- e bv titdodEdnsrisv'W Nn town-r enforcrnent of tise iaw." fui in adortnment, and if il heconsa lie auaiy places of hlstorical Inereet, a He cailed on ail good citizens taoueod clly It mueat have i, it lise mor-aie iuciudlng thse catle whilchIo lbult ýank roll et ipisoid tise commiassonerra ln their rm- or tise leavessîy cty whicjh in a vision on eolil rock loverIng biais above ail y MEANS xvcaion of hliicense of i8 saloon ras sieen comlug do nulut fHeas-cu. ni li as eu Sogeonsh e k liseyl tt Ne happre- ieeper viso wasaoblIgeS ta lene <'i- oid tli aie-ne., c PetssakS barb sol; Ne Sp- rage anSlisat no respect for iaw silice C Aou u Fsldtvellctae of tiseltad a iee. believa tise iocatlr.g isre.' He aeked isw ahldle-g LfUVsC ~LLLA URIn ieî,Kng,;Parlk attise foot of Salis- 0. Startlng people ta stand hy tiata Attorney '. g' Tsuy Cralgr. stands th. e lnyrood pal- himloo Ddy n posrutonsoflawbrekig F R ANCER sa". vberc eh," gav festive qonnMary C l ; hl cos t>dy u prsecalios o iawbrekin held bigh Is nks wlis DtXruiey aud otIs. tion f tise saloon keeers. In defensa outishe de- 1 ers, alier tise desti or iser firihua- I the lime: îectives, viso secuced tise esidence lit DR. ROSS 0F LONDON THINKS1banS. the Dauphin of Franice, be studieti quoteil fraon Rooevelt lu iis "Amer- REMEDV LIES IN POTASSIUM Thse place. on this*tuîrose van ho hir diplo. Iran Ideais anid Otliir Ess ys,' tise foi- SALTS. Reeun iare Rizzlo alto aaaasinaie.dnt ion ut, us~te rr-tince of t)arrlpey, wrai -aéd I lowinz:hNon uahe er-agged fr-mn tise banquetIF l -tiî lr Waialie ta reacis visens tisel HOW TO MARE THEM DO 8SQ S -nom and uasslraled, .prfflqimuablvb- crimnsalsi oui; by tise emiuio;meut1 THE SOLUTION 0F THE 0iaus~e h.. rounsd ton maich favor lIn'ithe FRC prepare ofthte. man lu plain clotiser. Nov thse PROBLEM. ýe-c-sof Que-en Mars. l8y have fiuction of tise detectîve ls prImar-iy' - 'le ueroil zhAccu to a MeirneaHA eXCUSed. thia of a sîvv, and t i t lways easy ta Loundon, Jane l->. 1 have flot dis- hotsford thse seiil of qir- Waler 8rotý awyers, arouse feeling agalest a apy. Itiie ais- overed a cure for c-ncer, but 1 Uink irS fise. banlo. of the. Tweed. after ,IT lusmi oiitelv ueceessary tao imlsîovhim. I have got very near fiI" na.4 t ehîis we wili cross over tao hier-rsass innlyrSrenti-o!tis uoat'dauger- ,anuoune'usent madtioiay by Dr. F_ lfir-, a few week-a o ew yoîîs <crnlna11; and porvayors ut vIce. wN' For-ses Rosa, wisoae Pain kil!D' "V','i varunot h..rearied lu auy aisier n-av Idi'.. over> vas made publie isat tri-l Buit tise average citizen who ducs roi d :Resd tise. furnissed room &doiiln tise dan epyfii a elZ h eeýýY iseu 1paner oday--sud tisen wrIte a BET- e united. iîi ep'liu t elv iencs 1 anmconiiiced that tise cure, ER wne.It'Sudnityou a lotiger. sily for- nut cicis employament. TI alfount i viii haver-y simple. As far asTE vague n-ny l' deslcea vice aud rrinm investUgabom àlise gns thave punonbtsini uegev .ie te th ie conclusion tiaItishe cause objectsla btise ouiy meaus by visich -otlie cancer lie no contrection vush 1. tisey canplie put dowu. I l ns 0 îat or vegeiabl dlet; neltser la Il necessrlly doue lu order ta carry outttao. FT U lise ver>- poicy for vAl ois el clams- "y tht or s ta hat cancer colla are WILL EN. oring' reails- ' Peter Panas' tisa i yllt groW WILL SE Chuid Peril od fw cUmietf n g-ow oi, INSJRA4.1C E TUA' TV. Tise next spîeak-er, Rev. Franke SealU we could cure tise disease, iecamae ve a-lti "Child Perli." sisouid stop tise mui.plication Of cols P R ODW TIC TIO0 N Ti 1,CLAIMS Aller relatingthtie conditionusrfurnd and tbay wouil hoa aiorised. ANY PO- lis, lie Lakte County Bar-association -'Ivit at ita have dtscovered la y ..i4 'tv ' UCCESS haosaid lises- ere socited ta aclion tihat cancer la uoting more or leua 1 VD O w /il ,E v î , T by tise dhîu'overy of boy delinqueccy. thIssuaa exisanallon of a naturellquai- lalouai ,pro He ladit a largar meneurs of rdS y in a body, poosessed by epthelal aSd in Wau. criminalitY te vicoaion@mvleg iicture cols,coneequent apoundiminiution ii lhn T k supporters, shows asS cIte Instances Itls t tiseibodiy of ptaasuSIt& T en T ke sve&r ale- visera boys Seserted their bornes and Nature Sometinies Curea. rer Juhns j. caed on vacant lots àilatlng rab- "InarIen lisei action here, Dr. T e stestlng tisaIt tey vanted ta gel rîc i cncr asu0oiimsuu--su d ci es men viii andsoi piS eope gaiosndsaitue as tis eb.ilaturai forces of tise boSdy. 1 think NW louas Wiii ha rohb-ina utise motion pîloures did. tisat lu potassiumnSsaltsa b ave tiseo l eto of business Pletures anS books deplcllng crime, ha kes-1tiste prohiens. I believe tii.o IDerot i aiieged, ta id, ugeated crime tb boX* and tiseY tiseenormoos lucrease ln lb. deatb lion, snd a shouid he a lât tatisaIl-ekind of rate trois caner ibsa kept Pace vusb spalcied ta lirewvas wrong. tisa Improvemesta ln th ise PrpratbOn A S S tise new par- Safsguardtng the. Young. of fleur. Mr. Hatherue talleS to appear and "'Tis cortex, or Mdr, of vheat bas curedanid ea _ been removad frainstihe Anes'lcan Pro- Re assets contains no nluctuating b ex-Prestdent ceas of! mlilg, aud people are ted Surpassed by ahy Insuraxice Company int ad. regularis- vils depotwheisd breasd. ba- ses tise poili- cause tise cortex centaine a lot Of Orna. one phosphate of potassium and lime. P O0 LI1 tan lu Wau- "'Vegetaisies are coonposadit arey of ~taaeum saits. vhiscisunfoennateiY, aily 100 meon araeîirovn avay lunlise vatar luniRe policies are upoxi the non-part Id vote for visicis l.iey are boîteS. AnS thisslasno Commiêsioners of Insurance of Michigan, ýompeIIed ta vitbisrice. Nlions vhlob bave adop$. goBrqurdb a n h ttsi cikt. ed tise cîvlzed metbodof o iin rqîe y aunte ttsi tge,' lobiied rno. and lirovlng awaY tlie water ai Repuisil- bave daveloperi cacar.BN oa tait veek. Cured by Potassium TreaimentB E N E la&ke conly "An experlmenmae-d receiilly lhm thse poillcai landed ta coufIrm nsy theorir. A pWt. Jash values--Loan values-pa1d-u The UN he rt e ot vsons a doctor asiS ouid net liv. days of grace ini paymient of premtiums ai ivole ln fuIl. tisree menthea la nov veli anS attend. vrypliy - watches le-g ta business uniler tisa potassium erpocy ENDENING Bas been usarclîîng abead teadfly treatuneni (tlendeung, for years. Walcbes lhave uors braIns "My metisot la to une ciilefly citrate. * ~ a Bu ies chumnc isvl and okilil put Into tbier makioglo day ,bicarbonate o! polmsa am, ken IAn3j tnerB sies 'an B of tisonsur-1 than ever. tiroiîgh tise moutis. 'aad aise lto apPIr' wa prtd And tili tise- are gellînu ciesper locally, 1a the camsur, by imeana o! ant ~ rM chn n M t i55 esda eti lltbevhi e-whieh la rathe,'strange. lectrie ourreut, a solution o! phas. i tisaI ho tg If t voldISltke tb learu just boy pisata of Potassions. far the. watcb makiug art buada. «M xeinewhtl ram vaeti a tPatoi oa . od fio!laftr"To=moru'ow may be Ei ba h igt aned. thela te iaetau c oe futOfZlisxfutrle."vdtltraretTUl E T leioday au. ilIt Itisestore. came_1- 1 Ocur valci stock centaie ALL BELL OLO OOWIE CHURCHTH I E O 4A T iti --buyS SUvmEiJ(fê WU, u alMt *4 or0f j. B. Caie s t .1 «tueO man, Joba sntherknd iw»sI1aeou NorGT'I 1 lUgb=ad Park OoubtY street Ti. n elOdOMUM 1M VI ring an Iflasa pproxlmltely 17,000 Ite d«4 ?iWb$ Tise Nvenata omploed lai w-eek. 1Mr.%- Suther1and t-ho norbh shore h la rol>orted.wi» rc iA~n r,. l4.ncoe la W"uIam nDoit Ot r- A. FREDEaCKS lett & Fredericks DEALERS IN ,y Meats and Groceries LIBERTYVILLE, ILUNOISJ VER BUOOJIES a 0O0D BUGG aIES Rave a Stock of Fifty 1to Select Prom. .*..« in and Talk it Over. SCHANCK BROSI SEEK ýT INSURES AT PROTECTS, MHAT ENDOW a YPoliqjii 11IIWNICE! Michigan SE T S bonds or stocks, as an entirety are un- the United States. 1cI1E s ticipating plan; are approved by the a, and contain ail the Standard Pro- which it operates. : I T S -up insurance-extended insurance and ire ail guaranteed and indorsed upon eetter Aflord to Wait. Write, iii Life Agent TOueDayp verlastinglg too Late. ACT IS NOWUI! Yours truly N .ODISTICT AN

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