I'COOIflÈY tNTEPENDENT,-!2PADW JU'NE 28, 1912. t i..~PON RECEl VeD 1lIU ~ ;~~WltFoRESSTI'4N 25 CENTS YW . . .. . . . .+. .. FOR $,ALE-'rb. Odnt fan., conaist- + . F R am£ +;f ng o! f fty two acreg. ocated on . . .. .. S.ALE. .. Grad aenne, west o! Waukegau, wifl besold -W. aîter's sale. at the east FOR SALE-i team of work horses, door of the Coifrt Musé ln Wauitegan ckeap; 1 8yetar-old cit; 1 temam od o od the th day of July, at i hofrni esp; ane e Otdiatg. Wo .doclock P.ni. Tihis wIll be a grant Lvev. Liberty-ille. Ill.. cisi6tf OîîpQrtunlfty for .ornebody to buy a TEnall farm. - wkly-st FOR SALE-About 200white and FRSL-a rvn oago burr Osk lence , s(m, aiea lot of igond Ita foosr s unidxoleatinug SCII4 Bans 7,iertyville. Phone 21;71C.2.- FOR SALE-Newnumodern, up-to-date 7-rooni iîuue., large lot, ini Ravine Siope @ubdIv!s.'u, u, ,c Ililer i. A bargaia. ffLiTî'î.Rckefeller. c-35.tf FOR SALE-Lake eounty tamnis, land lu Montana, Texansuad Irioridi. I>N MuNit) & AUsTIN%.. 37-uf FOR SALE-New'nmodern, up-to-date * even rooiu bonse, lot 5Qx278. on Lncoln Ave. 1Wll oeilion sas> larmm. r Inquire of Ogo. . Boxîn, Libe tie FOR 8ALE-8 rooru bonnesand lot mIl mode n Improverneuts, lot 100x150, on * Mlwankee avoinue sîîuth oi Elfttrie Lir ,lue u c37.tf gize, sountd Lady can drue . J.S Glnuhr, LLbprtyville. v-38 tf FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE-(, ruioln bouse, almlont new; lot 'oxl.10; Rood location, muet 'ho sold aI un-. Price oni> $1400; eapy ter-ifutdporedl. go@ A.I.SILNEBELE & Comtm-, in ihp Lues Bdg, r 38-tf + FOIR RENT + ...... + .+... FOR RENT-Firie modern, 6 roorn boupee u large lot located ln very good reideats district. Caîl or ses A. 8l. SCUaAEIIELE & LO. in the Luce Bld1 FOR RENT-6 roota brick cttage on school treet; gKm &Bd elctric lfighte. AppîT to J. L. Peium. c-3'2-tl FOR RENT-Fine office@ iu the schanck building. Se theni.« c-28ti ELIZABETH SCAr. ~~NJK ~ML~-bots n usnorne --n -------_____________ diiuion on Il ilorimuîkee avenue noutb of the Electrie ufei-j>t.Water and ewer FORRENT-Houseeun Scîjool treet mains laid. Il... (ieîioîî'r, irtvvilie Inqaîr of PAULIÉAUGISFC, urtyville, FOR SALE-Three eat> eprioge . . ~~ . . .. .. .. .. Inuluire of Wil. H. lrElctLiberty- q W'ANIRD q ville. v-40-3 . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. FOR SALE-New moudern up-ts-date six WANTEO)-l)I@bwaeh-m tt the New roui iiuuce. lut 531150 n BroMa us> (Isseo botel. iood wages paid. luquirti of W. H. LuKEa. Libertyvvlis. c 37-tf - WANTED-Yiunng ladsm w-sîitb nome FOR SALE-loura-e fur al î.urii.ueP;i education for teieîuluuj.-oî,eojrature nt algo two eetoîid baud liuàri--.t and morne, Libertyville aiîdoutl,-r--hauwg-s p- l barrie«. LAniL)' ,%1,ii Liii.Lîirt'vîlle. to cbiel opratcw, Laký iunty Tl-e Ili. -32-tf phone C.., Libertyville. 111. c-27-il FOR SALE-Seierai reisîered Hoimtpini! WANTED--Auibeo aliul dit% for tlliuiin luil caives ttiio iifour nitiim oui, lut. Inujuire n( .A Il)Ht ouRi)aiu t J. IK $3.) anid S . E (i.î'ZEiT, Lberty- Mre&C,@ or phone 14. r-10-1 ville. UIII. I'hne 27x W 1. C32-tf __________________ ...... illWANTE-Tefi nen t.i i-auemotass FOR SALE-.'-ypar-oid cuit or wil îunty.eeil Anî1bew. the conuitraten trade ior antller borse -iitaule for the! tuat extracur hiemkir ieuune l.11. liry. t>IIT*iueLii tai, Liberty ville, jbeer at borne. I'erinauetitowituiin iti Ili. -32-tf $5 daîl>l i-one guarauteed rui-uof - ~ ~ ~ - abilit> . A11k:XtcAN i'ioiui île tO. P FOR SALE-Abonut I35 acrestsanding BOXi 41. Prairie View. Ili. c-40-1i taene ay. Iîqure ai FRAÂMK tuÂvIs. ...........q.q. (iroy.ake. c-4t0. q.1S EL .MEO S q FOR SALE-Teain .1 mares irokmq. ... . .. .. .. .. . eugls or double. M.)u.o urrpy auî bar'1 ne,.. loquire of C 1. CAsiîv, Liieri> l ire inpurane, houa- renting, colite ville. Phione 1IOSL. 140-1 tioum, loalis negotiateif by D% ioai.i _________________________Ara§TIN. c-37-tf FOR 5ALE-Wuirk tearu, welulit 2600, lbn.. lig. Fiý%>LTTE., Lirtyvîsle. 01100k VACATION MONEY Phone 217 W 1. p-40-1 Young mien and wornen. iu ell three - ~. higu grade articles. repated rders, ai- FOR SALE-Forty acres of upiand bar nmuet every tbouse, easy ta selî. good11 on PaîrreluSpePlnia n u i.Inqiuire ufi Wi.sî. rLioAr, Sit., Libertyvilfu-. prnts. Ct(olsan Specfatty Supply Ca., 44 103 Sc îh jeffoeon Sc, Chicago. 114 Waukegan. III, June 7, 1912. Haines. Orl - - hi,. Burt Ea Public notice la hereby given that iiamds. Avil id Nellie lien- at a epeclal meeting of the stockhold- shaw. the auner-s of ai ers of the 'M. Atebulen Co., ileld al, persans- the real estate fhe office ai sald Comnpany at Wauke- ueseribe>. î 111 of compilt' gan. Illinois, on the lst day of June, tlsat salul . med complaînant A. D. 19f12 a the hour of two o1clock filed his hi o f coniplaint fn salc P M., the capital 3tQ-ck of sad corpora Court on the Chancer-> aide therect tion was Increasemi fr-ar the gmn of and that a sumnmons thereupon isgeo $25,0 t the sainiof $100000 and out of safd Court agaînst the above that certflicates of suicl change have i ansu defendents roturnable on the bpf-n ile l in the office of the Secr- firt day of the October Terni of the f# ary of State snd lu the office cf thef Circuit Court of Lakue County. ta bli Recorder o! Deouls iitbs County of Lake, as prescni boubl>Ia-, NI. ALSHULER, Preaiden- - C. S. ALSHI1ER, Secretar>-. a-kly 31l ln the Cotant> o! Lake on the irat Monde> o! Oclober, A. D. 1912 as lu hy law requlred andl a-ich suit lu stillf pending. Oted at Waokegan Illinoi, tIlt 5th day o! Juine. A. D. 1912. CLAIRE C. EDWARDS, Sisie o! Illinois, County o! Lakte. as:i Solicior for Complananl. n the Circuit court o! Lake Counufy- Le-is . Brocitîs St.C1enls licirv C. Edssamdg vs. Sulas Wright, Orlandlo S. Wright, Frances Hender- lou. George Wrght, Julia Gray, LARGE DEAL PENDING SiVilllia nu iWrigt, Charles XWrghtr, Florenuce DJuncan, James Wrght, One nf the largest eai etale dtis Preston Wright, Arnanda E. Wghtî- In the listai'> a! Laite- cotinty t su)go man, William W'. Eulaards, Butrton on record withîn a te-a daya, ulen the -C. Hiaines, Burt Edmards, Avis Ed- ttle taione o! the large-st larme; in thl warde. Nolie Henaw, Roy Crtbb ýcounty wa- h lange lande. Edmunul Balle> andi Mabe-I Haile->, The farta la campriseti a! 1,0010 acres andthie uuitnown awners of or per- andulis ounul by five- ueaitbv Lait sans interestet Iin the real state F orest resideuls. One- man is alleged describeul In due bill o! camplainit; f 1 bas-e entereu linto a de-aI for ile lu Clianceut. Gen. No. 5795.- ale o! 160 acres a! lanti atl $160 au Patsfato> afidvi thtileflf acre. Anot er man w-l! se-Il160 acre- laine defendants, George S. Wirght, o! lant i at$430 an acre. The lowe-î Julia Gray, Wililam H. Wright, Fran- prelrnuglit sas $200. ces L. Henderson, James J. Wright, Thme Iurcaser bas paiti down au Florence Dunncan, Preston Wright, ption o! $100 au acre, according ta re. Bumrton C. Haines. Orlando S. W'riglt -porta. The deedr t ie, IlSlegeti, will be Burt Eda-ards. Avis Eda-artis anti Nel- lled in Wauitegan ne-t XVdnesiay lie Iletnwhlaw mre not utsidents o! the __________ State- o!Illinoia so tbat proces ereun cannot be uerved tpon theni or elîler PLAN $700,000 IMPROVEMENT o! île-mn andt iat the "unknown own- Thme chie! engine-er o! the sanlîa ers o! or persans Interested Inl the d uistrict -as am-ereii ta preliare pisi roee-rire descnIbeul In th ire 1 1O! andt specillcations for a sea-age ciran complaint" canant le founul 80 that, nel extending from'Glencoe Ici Wihano proceais herein ctn le erveul tpon tevanti emitlug loto the norili aloi tlenu ar irber o! them iraving leen diision o! the dliaunel b> the drain ileu In thie office '(lent o! thîs age boardt yeatenuay. Theirebprove Court- en t, for tire benefit o! the norti Notice la Thi tou rGem' -j, f01 . tir. -anburbo, wIliI mOt about $70', to tire salulGemr, h i~~7lt00,ta consttuctionla bdependent ta Giray, William I.~rt- th7s-aon a favorable dectalon b> the Su Yflendenon, Ja ri Z. Wmsw'a. M0e8&m preme court lu an appealeul case re Duncasi, Pm. ix. 'ký, Bur*t7lC igerding tire Jurisdiction o! tire di tric T E ATNWPOLIT ICAL PRYINCREASERAÉ TO ED AT URr SaiANIZATON 0F MYSTC WORbERSProlessional Cards LA MK F RE T Fred Brown Whitney Agifaies Batte %..e..Fur09ede NW AT TO GO INTO EFFECT fo Purification of Pcitics lakî-County Tile & mu.tCmm. FST OF NEXT JANIJARY; DR, O. F, BUTTERRIELD. ONLV DAUGIITER 0F EX-PRESI- - Altra-tsiTitle. Tui tiuî-.nt-e QUESTION STILL UNSETTLED TEIA *ifGt. DENT GRANT TO WEO AT Fred Brown ,bt esn ,ti (Anc S Ifasmnie Teniple Bldg. 5% ackesn, li LAKCE FOREST, JULY 4. les Whiney., Circuit uoi:i-m "'h i mf ln eJ init ,leeat.ru .-nrî aisvN MAEVtBISA -Lake comn, alto was (t:' p.itgnminlLeulsDohner anmd Ife toe'uiciuakIlo!rime l t 'q ' l,\ hI dLibertyvIile. Illinuois Chilcago eociety wiilamloe a popular uger of the Amreican ii;.Ic ttou-t>a>tmrtract of lantd ln sections, 1G In ttuiuet veuiit m' -1 n- wtdower and gain a clarmfng vaman lege feagtie during the 4 ar W' n- and 21, Frernont township. W. D. mrease . n rareýs flmmqi . m of it -l crtm tomorrow when Frankil. Jones, socre- j.uîgn Monday gave ci lW. ,111urg $"37.81. on tDRhlA-, Hrlui im, rtm- Continental Sav- to an - 1eriluthe order. The î,*,;irt , , -1p . .CURHL tary o! the CnietlTrust &Sa-statement t nEngîit Iii F Enutly SiM.,fl-ckley and tmribarud Io: as a coniprrîri; 'e ail i.~, ..uPhysictan and Surgeon ings Blank, and Nirs. Nellie Grant Sar- L ontdon, Eniandu i-ic. . tothe P I. l a rIt1, .aitti est onie-half lte Iec-atiofai )muIl tti- e,,ý i re ts -iaris, oni> daughter af the late- Presi- re-tuts at Chicago. lot 31 Kate W. QI ode in'.-u)fjiioi,, increu 0eOper cenut.i .-.îîA 31i L3,t t t8P. 1M. dent <Gant are martied July 4 at Lakte I vi enover fr.ud crt tiiWe n- I-ke Zurich. Q. Ç.ui1, 1 The adiani-e ini rate- i ti;imn S, n: e a.Si u Jr 1 aaF the iiost pallrînt (Il), ar' GLASSF S PROPERLY FITTEO hI fIl ions conscience, j t mAi,-i fIf.T. Adatms andif t- tu Ifi11.1 aonetefore the fouir (lat * . L ,i It. - -lîlinois Tôûusuhfar from 0-la hoeing aou rîlin caliapses. Ameri a t iltif vde. iAdams, lot l.iablock't, Ici 24. fi î.mk 3q' tott Situprte-ors tfthe il<t tien] rotaauce, politics have figtred oniands a progr«esve-lii,.t1ti lt and lot 2o, bia.it 47,\ct-'eAi iag i " i a-licd L'y Xii-. iii amm t- etrougly In the ives o! bth anmd the ub îmlican union party, c.' t:t e ao- . .$2. im arc. 'aho e lifecisortforDRC, R i-m.rA Republican national cousventionnbas.i[de aFiloin chancete tdu tir-to P In Imser armfvite te10 Jo-humn t rh-mein the %Oed pta ytIIti- D.C..GALW seen the cliaino oac:liii rating lutocenard Sm i doi ho- Suydarn, Jr., one- acre in no- l4,,-mutiIt mur, rrluch seema.,ta le the ummsla OFFICE OVES uiIVELL 0UGsSTOE, wich thoeir- frfendssay-began ln ear timba. 1 ore-foîrth secion17, .1e-t uSit-Mhail iumaurance 5 fnwfiemîr; aons-trorn i tu 3 and 6 toeSçP. M. ly dhifdbood, -As thle beluwed Mukt- s- marni township. W. D. $22').vd For bêle t 1<own that 'i.boughom aig aagr0 0et. mi12-1.L.Juesam-if-fu ml Ili f iw bat a majorlîofa!the' LIbertyvllle. Illinois tileir fortg friendAhfp lIra. Sartoris lbns, ppblican Coflege league- an> II,îmmcau! fBaldwin, northeast îpart lot 2o, i a .I-le.ssrcantrldeatoh10 aemse followed 0-e poltical fm.th o! ber dis- lonofary advfsory contirai F jorest. W, D. $10. i 0 lt l titi neug otained wlthclut I PU A UFN tingulshed !athev, ahile 3Mr. Jaones ha. irge io*egfae toebatiktleitI Gfformi Jue 19,1t1 wi(' .iffc>ult.vfur l as tpatenut toi PU A UFN been one o! the mot ardent Dema- l'Inchona, James R, Garti-elI. f)raul A. L. W. Rowllng and wile 'ta. c . r'~ t ail iresent that an advance ATTORNEY .&T LA. crt nth ntd tto uîuey and Theaodére Rcoteitt for the \lanzer, lots 4, 5 and <6, -lock 5,l a 1, -e>or tliti-orufer, ruio areln a posi- Llbertys-llie, Ililnois iunil-m-o o mnis ln vc fvna , l, o hmou trecondition woiil<f fltentE8 HUNGEEPORD - Young .educated Arrerl a nshorid G. W. Yeoman and wffe te R. R -iantu for the Sm-'ion as essential te HEAD4 GÂ8 CO. repudiate the old politiclian, tricitery. Yeoman 35 lots ln northwest m aid teod0 h odr ___of,_____________ _____Lot the imai votera !rmîmm 2u.uotOOlWasIegam. Q. C.1. l.TheINDEPENDIENT Nos murs suS- DR. GOLDING M-R. I4UNGERFORD PIJRCHASi<p stude'>tg write elleglanice tu toOiseetl1 une 20, 1912. ' criber-.sand la the best advertiusng DENTIST GAZETTE ABOUT A VEAR AGO ln iguring the polie> tbat t acecimed W. W. K. Nina te t. W. Pence, lot medium In Lakte cnunty. HeSure 81te12 a-m.-I te p.M. BUT SOLO AND MOVED AWAV may ho lits oY.m Iluge amndîJury, a "A" ixon's subdivision and land _____________________ Buildiung practice unnprecedeas'ed In me as an north o! ani adjaent to Wauitegian.1 - J.h Deeds $400. 1wtDr J. L.Ty- r-hh 9 J. B, Huugrford, who. but>er îpu- international bawyer." John Kuec Il and wiftet W. E. sud- SHERIFF SALE. I Ses. phone 10952 chansed the Wauegan Gazette, but lion. ('harles Whitney, t t tce of rime, OsiarBeechmam, 211 acres In south-ý Stale rtf Illinoi. ibImilc Nonice-Lbntvie lfn wSno later sold. the property and sil-Cril court of Lakte renti tat ni-mrWest cee ,fournb section 29, Deerfteldlahrb ietftbyru oTre sequently returned ta bis for-mer borne ber of the Grand Old C mmileie-; a township. W. D. $3.000. ta ireioIy isen haDRy Ermue oMTbre F. S. Pirer andl wife 10 Josépîhine certain wnits of Spe-ial Execiln aD.E .SIH ln Carrol., an-asjust beau el--cm-bcd Repriliian t heart, ale t r .llege-l S. Grlawold anti hu-'bnd, 40 arres ln sud ooth ie- ounrv Couirtr 01t-, prestuent o! the Citizens Gas rom- a CrOng Taft SlUPPortrîr souti e ne-fourtlt sectionu 7 and 40 Councy and State of tllinois. diremte11d DENTIST pan>, a orporation lust launchumd in, Whother Flue stand hibti mha.s ta-iacres blnrthwsi:eatat-fourbir section toelime Sherif! of said Lakte-(oimnty, 3VK5 LIU& CtOlNTY NATIONAL BASE. tatity liHe f lsasecenthe hoard tienIn tile camipalgn i Iru ic omhae 18,Xewparttownshp.. X1). $.300. iDeWitt H. Crirtis, te Gultiejupe Len- IliInois, ÈIated time l7th uav of lune. ottu-M tcs :à a. ni. sud to5.0. o! directnrs, ies r- net, la net knootil. i ':mnIiar r iet 00 ttfte-tnorh 1,,0 foot, lot A. D. 1912, one ln favor o!fIthlAbert-re )I Tidi . I ebfinit gas compi>Car- breakIn lu aml> les liasm t - iearalul- 30., Hi,-hwood WV, . I. 1vleLu$500ipn- oroainLIetvle 11o roll can boe-stof. Tfhe prospects for eut nier the Country. NiX 'Ai te toosc1 H. 1.Stanton and wlfe te Fred Ne-w. ad gia Coarny- Sa Cionep a: u fetvlsilr suceess are ver> brIiaua.Carrohl IsoIt Longsworth fa a Ine-r. ,.rmad _ ton,'norîlu >20tee-t lot 22, StantorsadaantHmyJ.Slce 0-nf. subdivsion, Village- o! Foi tLake. W.- ver of John 1, Taylor and agaun-î ja hustling Western City. mare lier hnshaid onsi O $100. Harrtu J. Sheeler sud one in fasor of1 DP. 1. L TAYLOR. The contract for lnstallingCire so0n 1mlw, han annoImtmv r ! tc nu!ýs wl W.TW.K. Nixon to J.K. Orvf 10 J. D. cheli anti against Harry J.1 OFFICaEs jR . ELI. Ta'uaqsaLtO. plant bas been practical> cloged visil ticik-fte tepar-t> asi r'. Iizt r or, bibt'-m Nlons ut ttri ltTIffans, Shller,,t salli on Saturday, the 2n-b sotrs:-7 CuL 10 a. ni. 2 te 4 iad Ot, Arner-Ican Construmction company and' TatIut- Fr-scir- tbdlt luiomt. Wautiegaur. W ,dyo!JlA .12,atlloi0f8pr. wor-itwilI ho pruh!as !ast as mipr lion. ('harles Wbi4tmm% r mleited ilm. 'W i-K.Ni-xon tn EpmnmaLinulslroane 000 ocl n the afternnon o! saju ed, WdI. -un fBroadway. oppomisPak ia eu o ai da- i CrrliTt" n im RpuliantiI~- ii'meofce 1lot 5, loct. 7, Warireis adullîlen la day, at the easit door o! the Court ýLotzl-Ie Ipleut a-lIt le modern and upto-date he inw bolds. He ilaii,,, uîmirer 'Watikegan.'W. D.$1300. leuse ln the City o! Waukegan. Coun-! ln ever-> partictular. The central huidof lTheodore Roasevelt-Ir2,112 yo %ean tt fIlios ll lng will lue o! the laet type and ail J. K. (iOnu -d Jiti ehres21,a91. t uo!lie VandueState o!Iliolst self equfpment anhihnr il er-A E M D NTPne o ,botk 13, Watlburti der for cash ail the rigît, title and lu-j GENERAL PRACTICE s ent the latest Inventions for gus tuak- DE T U N ESprings, Waumie-gan. W . 1. tra ftesaIla. .Shee orsruu r.leiad70 tf ite. There a-fît ho six miles o! maitns G. L Brand and wife ta F. ilacDon- in the follawing descrtle ui ea esiate i Office avenRaY Fumiture ltoe.. laid t tle star-t, aud lnteras i 511te MRS. JULIUS BRATZKE, 73 y,,,,, alti Lowe, 4(0 acres ln somihwest one-. levieul on b> me b> virtue o! aaid SPECIAL ATETITON TO TUE ET£ n un froid 0-ose id malte connections OLD PASSED AWAY AT MER 1oiIscio 1,Ie-rllitaisi.arita as the property of the salut LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS wib uidig. sltbe octfn HOME FRIDAY EVENING. D 1. Harry J. Sheetor-, to-wit: Lot Thre1 ________________. 'for the asc factany eau ho obtainoti. laîwlena Netzej to Adolph Netýel,' (3) ln Blockt Two (2) o! F. H. Kuet-, .Ire. Julius Bradaz-kýe ;uars aId an lt8 ainnar-suiiiina at ters subdivision o! part of the north MARTIN C, BKR C. L. CHOPE DEAD aid anti rospècted ru-ni lu mt o! Lake blocki 2, Lenox subdivision, Wauite- l aj! o! Section Ta-enty-OIne (21), TOS-rA..A Wlord las luetn recetreul bre o! ths couat>, lasseul away at tter homte in 9&'W. OD'$J00.- -Townshilp Forty-Four (44) noi rrange' Offce Opp. iStI St. Ifectniet StiU i death o! Clarence-1h Chope o!Lsla- Gurnee at 9 o'clnW Ftui ugt o- A .Logrnaniwf aI.zl tvn>1 ato i third Pninct- Olke Plions 848 Re@. Phone 186019 ton, Idaho. Nfr Chope nisited in Wau- loi-nean Iiînesof --tim-aenthte. Robinson, a-est 51 fieetla 1, blockt 6,f Pal Nteridieru ln Lake -Coutt, Ililuais kegan for oeigt a-ee-t IW aO searcs an, Mr-s. Bratzke was horn n (lurmany Lenox subdivision. W. . $3.000. 1u mu aliwn b> plat thereo! reconded i N03TH CHICAGO. ILLII4OI at the home of is sons, NMrs. tosephIt n 1839. Sliecame to X\auieganf .Pd1kan -f - sldn ai !pas aeTet 21 .stcron- a W~alulgta steet i 174 nd rsidul ier foriim- sarBDresself. four anti one-lial! acres ln- Dated at Wsukegan. Laite Cotînty, f1111T ER ~ -lrhe lIme lie me-I a uumber a! local alter wicsrisfo ent tii Wadsuortli nnrthwest one-fourtli section M, We'st':mIois, tluJs 24tli day o! June, A. D. - "T & OIE 7 penîmle.simere ahe lfve-d for flirte-en vears. Anitioch tow-nship. Q. C. $1. 1912. tAIJCTIONEER Holeavc aidun cili tam iineeh u-m-t t Gîreo A.S. Hayward and wife t . ELNIER J. GREEN,. IETVLE, - - ILIO Tire- catuse o! deatli whiîcîoccure-d an a-lioe me livet i)10 th re lime or ber .MrCann, i-aoated street saath o! loti Sherif! o! Lakte Cotantv lin. Fea Sale Soldaet . . - l. Juine 17, a-s typhulul oyer. Ho a-a deaili.14. blockt 5, Sunderlins First addition, BEN MILLER, Attorney o lItf!,CnlunstSlsoda eu gfcit for ouI> one wek '.%Ifr Chope She leavea lime fouowing cblldren: Wauegan. W. D. $800. wkly 3t rit or Pho.. 278 i1 w.. thîrl>voar Oid. William oe fIamof! Watie-n, 1-erman of . June 22. 1912.-G. A. Reedte t H. P.t a-li lises at 'illllbturn fa an uncle of' Guree. ALi,ut-a Dunfe-c o! Minne Bea o .bak7,Hguat aiI_________________ r the deceased. apolis. tilts.lie-ma Wlfson o! Gien- W. D., $2.25. _____________ nonaille, Mo.. (hirle-s o! F'uurth lake, Lucy A. Hanna ta F. C. Clmrchul. ____,.z STRADIVARIUS VIOLIN F. Suik eARAG iCNE Fritz Bsul Juliti of Gurio. lot 27, blockt 28, Laite Bluff, . D.,$1i xeln on n npret 0 ________________ Graco e IDanalul to 'f. W. riscoli, PO U LTR Y tEx.cel ent t n al u*$ es-r tot4,____________HghanPr'.W.Brta . ad WW o i fl*l, Il Pavilas Miklas Watileka. ct>. - - 27 WILLIAM R. DOD(E FASSES lot 4 -nlscolfs C.uh iitltd ark Ro»N... I>an ifOua Stanilowas Kueziusl<as, sane. Ife ta Chias. NI. NMarfarlane, six acte-sf I George Strieti, Zion City>........... 21 MASTER IN CHANCERV 0F BOONE ln lime nortîws quarter of the satb PUBLIC AUCTIONEERIN " Sophila Loelir-ke. sarne............. 20 COUNTY DIED EARLY THURS- e-st quarter o! section 21, Avon torun- RoeCm RhdlamdRdIl ioettenonpd *ni5t " Frankt J. Winkel. Grayslaite .... 23 DA TBEVDRE lP, W. D., il1. FuOR SALE-Snock ieus mi ie,- uction"saesnulbeet resoits luad' " Leita M. Clark, sane,...... 20 "He was a sertlicoest, fair-mInded Imogene Blanche Catlin et ai ta breeduna s tniii ise rima for uuuiii ing Berne. " Hernuan Sybrani>, Cfit>---------2. 2 nais and a eood afflrer,"Chuarles Frank lleinti, east 90 te-et o!loit7 3,1., T fiknd fbr.. aos . " Bert+ Cook, sainie--------------...20 Whfltney, judge ufthte Circuait court. Stantans subdivision ln section 11, bernens for sait or exehangef il tissai It George A, ReliteMfiwaukee-...26 William R. Badge, master ln Chian- GattwsiW . 275.Si.Kma fl k i s Efenno Hohb4erg, smiue-----------. 21cary snd a promremnt nember of the Thran thn llinW.o.is inustialCa. S. C. KimbaUllini hns H N YSN ýsRlhA old hcg ..... 1BoeCounty Bar asaociation, died jTe otem linioibryvl«.-- Ilios148 or 48 flON CITy. DJL. * RapitA. oull, hicaa-------2 'Purmule> morumg i ais hosme ln Bel- ta, Cyrenius A. Newcomh, Jr., Tr., tiia May Hauson, saine ... ..........22 ulldere. _____________________ofandinhe______at qar [a inneikChirago- Frnoon a-.... I a 1:it1,A dellegetfce o! ter a! section 5, North Chicago, de-eut. P.___ rabbel. & lL a t.tughe E Mary Darw-in, Blackt Faole, Sis ..4 ÇVia- WukZ eeaa o wts -ilattend FORe $1 00. ______ FOR SALEr MineSdlwar7ikoff. hcg ...2 services. Carl E. SatIer anti sife ta Cyre-mius nîiRîneDuc ggs 9pnu XEIECDAUTOE Alert Dean, Chictaga---------......w'.... Xoiî3a8e ne> itnA. Nes-camh, Jr., Tr, fourteen-ane- WlieAfricanGiitragsi-c -Chas P. Doms, West Ooud. Wla ....-47 court officer hldmcmi n nfeelle beailibud o fo!an acre ln lime north- M : L V.1U K ieSokad arn as for sortîtme-, rulich inal> resulted ul -dth LeaSchleichor, Way ne. iis-...27 ln bIocsà-pob;onmni and liit a l leila-est quarter o! rhe sotuthe-ast quater Phione Round Ltakec1-2 a Specialty. Ernes e lfss tllaukee .. ..29 matir o! late, aliimigh able ta heonut ai oî 5, North ChiI-ago. deed, Il. ~FORREFERENCE CON! OUT AND IEARUS Lydia Feeik at ...... 2ad tn ofl Iiie fbsofcýfseI0.Tedett oIar in Antlion> AnaHeleras beellwauieii-,.25 anuchâtraiactim-edelman, lot 52 lu J. L. Twsee-d'sPista le BannaI Nofs. Xatro.tn.Iis 24 th circbue-mm cir mat(I Due lnce r k a! - Sbii ilit sectito9,7 ,o Fran-, C. Ilewitt, Chicago_--------22 a long pe-riodr iltîntg boen appointediGrnt onI~ <et -m' te MnîadeoMac Le-win, city ............ 20 tirte pos-iion for many con i Gr t-utlse fdee te Louis Lachenscbmldt, Milssuite-e..26 tenTaI. is ltrtapistintment il enry Clauiutg aruti lfe- lu HennuanCo WHY NOT BUY A - Sept. 12, 1079 ailie- has before- rîat Clamîsmut. Ilo acre-s n ,ectiotn 2, Ela J Idla lanthel, same-----------------.26 coimareispclrl twnhW1)$0000 es Etimard Sarensan, Racine4-....29 He wams an attrnrey of fine ablIty> Hfetry tiami.-ing andmimssfe to Fred 1* je Helen Xattheus, saine..--------..22 anti ripe enie-int e ln the court po--iamming t" acres in tIhetortlmrsu __- 011 e ~ i ýd James H. Steele, Chilcago - .....le..le., ut r36igtfie d tiqarer se-mtitn il, Ela towshipm'. 0<1 e - i S lo o! tire office iîlit rare fidelit r e Lydia Nouzdtuîst, samie-------------24 pantaimig rare t ma> le truI utislO.fl.tii ln Edgar L. Sîaugîtor, .al:e- Foret. .24 o! tire deeiitht "lie dieul in time- tari t.. Sar ler andtul mie ta ad s Deborah leicngn, saine ...........21 hSruOs." la\N- Zmuitz, lots 27 anut- Il. tOi-k :. C î stle-le-n Salata, North Cui, ..... 19 XX -urîn Panrk, North Chic-ago.,XW JarneaPose-Iici, ati-D,--22 - 1 -' Any size desired, set up compee in Etigene- roif, ChiraFi ......----- F. BAIRSTON! \orth ChîctigoIndi trlial St""ilii~ --Evauce-lu-a Probasco. o-......33 Ion of msritti of iorro, asueumii ½ SiL above onaie dus th nw 0 beCIi-clos tresen, tlilwaiiîee - 41 MANUFACTURER0F mnideasmtf E. J. & E. Ry. lu Noiti >-- onaio n s u ý.Anna Ne-ste-r, saine---------------27 Chicuti', Ilat. improved [doori frame' that is fot an Abert .J. Siahl, Long Coue- - 1iMabie ([t on tthe Harsderpatent.-, Ottilia XVeidner, Biiffalo Grove...4 M rbeand Gri tk e nîge e n ee ITAlvin Sisahaîl, Zlori City>----------39 m _________________ 'y Jacoie Xof, R,$,cimie-------------38 os t.tiiille Cliamanm me------------- 21 "kfi T W ~IL DAY.YUITO rfIGUREWITH