News of Waukega and the North Shor'e FINUER A!RAID TO ,TO RETAIN NAME SOT OFF AN' JANO GDO I OF WAAU !GA~~ALLA AZA, A TURK, la ARREBTED NFE E HAD BEEN CHABED SIXfEEN VEAR OLO Gli ___________ALMOST A MILE. POLICE WEIRO STOR' Developa that Cyclone CoMpany Wâl Retain Office in Alla Aa, a Tut-k, living et 801 Mer- NIGHT IN THE WC ket streét, wax arrétédlalst night by- Waukegan, Altlsougb Plant WiIl be Removed t<> thé Waukegan police aller a chasé of Raier tthan returii to lie Nort Chiago.néari> a mile, for having Shot Off the er vort and sufer te hui flingér of a countrYma It n a fight faclug a drunken father. lt which tooli placé about 7 clock lait Hudryk. of North Chirago night on Market street. thé voode vWet of thé villi Aza and sonie of ie couitryméli got nigt énd uséd thé truni The SUN learriel sonie interesting and iportant tin a querrel Nionday niglît antd as It maple treé a&& pplla. facts concerning the plans of the Cyclone Feneeeconipany vsxéd varmér hé drev a revolver andl Mmd No Great Fe today, aniong them being these: epparentiy vas about ta discharge Il Thé 16>'eai- aid girl vs. FIflT-he ompny s t iioveitsplat t a mérnher of thé party. Beforé thé Thé stit ver. lier oni>' FJroSthe ompukgau i to NiorthCitspant, explosion could teke place another Sheéslept -Veli,. Not acros te lie o Wauega iiio Nrth hicgo, féîiov, vhasé nainelias not yet beén shé cism, ~ she éflio but WILL RETAIN ITS OFFICE IN WAtTKE- lenet, sprang forvard and gabeirfebn sei e-AN and will, to ail appearances to the coner- thé end of thé véepon and tried ta Slie avokt vitit thé bi e olBEAWAUKEGAN COMPANY. vent ltnber vnrIr et 1 SCON -Th sie wichthecoupau isto c- At this montent thé véapon vas factor>' i Weuiegan.7 Se COinNorteCitegowich ted oIfPi t onOC dlscharged and thé builet sévéral one tendent M ethéfaetory cupy inNorth hicagowIis dilatedto theconi-, of thé vtitms fingemé.ea mnldcniinc e panv, the cit'y, iindiv-iéluals anid Progress club Thwdsirauékmeé ekéd hécohéied ofbe nienbers having raised the $2,500 necessary to thé néigbboms andi Aza hurriéti tram Bétvééu s*.s 0héir prhas h ieacres. ,-the bouse- ÀAtest milttelater he stt>i*7' pure ase thele cnpn bsginev las swtwa policemen drivlng tovard *' sîept Inthtisé ooss TIIIRDThe conpany as chaged it plans hm in thé policé rig. His mind vasvaafldtgoon. as prepared for Waukegan and will have ail otne- maépinascdadlestrd wiliu pafrnts.gohae. story buildings instead of two stories. with thé fléétnessa of a de up thé thtng ta est toay, but I FOLrRTiH-Thc contracts will cail for the eoin- railraad treeka of thé Nothvestérn rk, pany to occupy the new buildings by Dec. lst. tovard thé sugar réfinéry. Tvo or The auperintemlént n YIFT -Th reova oftheeoipans pant threé of hie ovu eouutrymefl. vho Tvt-rî <of theWau<égan FIENot -hao ron a teacomspitivlnt vre incénsed et ie actions, toined Chief Tyrreil uotifiéd Cf to ort Chcag foînWauega was .os .ive In thé pursuit and bécause they liid North Chicago. due to the refusal of the Northwestern to gîve a néarly a block the start of thé policé Chie! Wler camne ta Wa, suitable lease to the Cyclone people for the' land succeédéd ln catching thé feliov be- eat-W haur anti tOnk thei the nede noth f he 15MO itethy pr- foré thé police ceught up vith thént. (éo Hé vigbtédh tey e-eu asnot duot th e iia sit thecsuper- Aza seémet alrnaet frigliteied ta home, butwvus lunabie tla chasd-i wa mo du totherefsalofthestpr- déatis thé policé carne rp. facts In tihe case. be<-au visors to vacate Sand Street. The Nrhesen Hée ubnittdte arest quieti>' and mothér eould flot speati wus the real cause of Waukegan losing the plant. vas taken ta the police station. It lan gage. Te Ratin Waukoen Connections. 1 fgise thé Cyconé compati> a suitabliélas héilévét i l ii h given a héaing "I titinkIe t la a case P*lmps thé mont impotantt cf ai leassé for thé landi nanti of thé Kirk totiay. Théetian who bast a finger lîquar It thé homte," sut( «f thé aIo"e satçmentgain, thé one site. vie tici i eoltitélY hsd tauibave vas taken ta Dr. Kalowaky, vhére thé to a SUN repoitér. tthe h.cUioBll.yr vbte isoiliatisé ta exécute Is plans In Waukegafl. ant iinjury vas atténdeti ta. The chié! la conducti tet»t North Chcaao la toi maI- whlch the Northvémtern officiais had thé surfacé Investigation t* eIta offlifes la WskPa.The lntitated thés mouid have ail riglit.L À TDf I OOSa-otTedyeei -- ,y -=-1-i-- -- -- -- -- - -- -i-vestigagtibnhWin sticon, m«m bas.mid m&Ho!f te bookkeeging te caiscél tbeéi plans heme anti go teavil me asItifl nmanly dne. a fort onisChicago térmton>'. Thé refusaI MISS NELLIE 110V AND MISS SkI- «a bo Smks ars o! lu Wisakgm ,o! thé supérvsoiu te 'escate Senti ZABETH JACKSON WERE LEAD- a1 tiesld cgo! e Usép ilaNorth Cet- treetwvza e m Ieinét it vas ERS IN WHOLE CLASS. off. Thé e "uuyga stidotus7 vinthé Noetitvéstern vhlch bioctiet the bii thé Waukagoutiprint.téimil pians e e-it vas thse NOrthvestern ONLY FOUR IN CLASS RECEIVE CE téétaWiqaim md li sent vliých dtioré tise Cyclone Pence césti.TI4EM BOTH MRASSENTED COM- &M ehre M&dla himtta tisé com-, pel ta 'ortit (Sue. .MENCEMENT ADORESSES. MoiwvéltheL.CycLoe raecmti1s- Plans of Buildings. îbi Vil .51 hé& Wukgu con- i The Cyclone coosaéy ite tebave Thé Laké Forst collOge Wliébs. IN. 0«% *th, lita *,tory' viii hé)l- tvo lnge buildings on tise nev msite thity-fourth annuel cmmencemenuiétt %fl j« acmno tée WWakets ltue vhtc Isli st north of the "j." gel>. progia lnteit éd Mémorial cbapei on la NUitSchicdm va>'. a mort o! triangular pions e héWeduieêia> and tlttéé Waukegan Mev Se@WéseOltalsuit. tve tisé 'J." snd tise Nosthvéntérn. vomen éit edoff eme of tisé béat bon J Thé North-ils (Ibasite vas Parcis- amn lias pt fr suds a mueSr-t n !tsé>e!.TétirloasIyMisg MMt «eM M-a. i !Nw York Cty. Tisé feus building viii hé 1261450 vometn e-ho gataduatedifio:Mse 0& lis Wlfor the ns.e mns bin 2tst net.aiéstor>'. vith aasmsll portim nNellé TiI>'.Elzabeth Jackson anti »è5. 'Tid itéevas net puaosétib! for factor, office et Osée Md. DoriaMoody. *0é Cyclone e, siuusy amn theScmpaui>', 119sPebuilding vi behé120x450 MI-sTiti>' oeid off smie of thé h VIIIIM4t. es tt do a" i idelnWanké.Iféet, one story>. béat honore thxt coutld havé been gir- ve IIIII buet CMthée toeT t uedo- Tisé Waskegmus plansa se red en tea a Biudeiit.Theg realcat vas ti' »&" te thé jasaiuy if K vanlit la. fr thé cossçan>' calletifor tva aOTmy thé SMiid Hosior. Ot of théeéitiré -é~~~~ clamI lta, h m~m bSigbtetNsti<us. i.'dr. ftour tunts at5m uselectéti yeam- Qmt ft Nor 00ééit hé,allé,Thearge s e amplbue tNrth bae itm e on 1for thée helti Houée-. Téin i ameu eiis idf $W>'c Notei thes, ite ,000 aMpés->'. save-là n e e e raved on a @shlltanti ihcel t Mdl av»eet t liteM m of théesMv- 'Te veut antinoséis aidés of te i is the fibrr. Thene boumSare g1s- t »dIr sJÎ< ilmete malus tete it,hbsldngs a e e .of pessed bt-Ié*,en for éxcéllicé lit sdtoiishiIantiln the vent eOftthe mouf s>' iaitug usuas-ta giseagooti eppermue ta are muflh songu alter b>' malnte s f amoibel b>' Ctizmia of te tovn. AnU germons peseinon thae 5vésweternit uMenanstaeting innéfortem, la thue emuy geta thé mte for Duntis babna. LAin sé eceveti théetiépartinentfi in& t 9*et isafsee site,. degue Plas for Swtching. isunor-tisat la, site mécatreti thée51gb- lhete, f t u it palet 855.000ter-tise Thé édvtnligeofféréti b>'ties ite et hSorof oanycasé lu bi- iap.t dia ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~rsi Itèped a a hgao iécmey adI u !m nt.altditionis te tits is e neems wiltit comaiteriug tée Nastvatérti thé bout avalati l lathlai , séia p-Iécf$2 frexIdéid landiif hupeti tea hé mitiéto »Ind met hst mpitssleti b>'thé éxPlaaa±tau lifat-a9.ulangusges, lIse bavlng sitéc.a visgef allumé toacqiré csansetithse Uthe tiécosipan>' i ta baive a dobleImzdInatilGreeéS- km of tée plat ta, Waukeffl. TItis trmck betveén is buildings; one fsrn Mime Elizabtht Jackson aloa recels- pisice vseses-y ceap but It wvas tée the "J.' anti one froin thé Naorthwt-véet he tihouar o! hing et tisé béaI o! la«ste 1Iéé s-. Mtt oviteti litNortiies-. Théeé tracke viii be depxe&Waéd1tr tiélantmeutlnu nalhemia"icantiV Chien"a and she des-edt diapos.eno titt loaiing me>' Progrecs on aI phblonopls>. MIgà Mooti> aiea ranSétiV o M, héncé tisé ciepne. levél. i lnliés vawrds,. ldaeau cenThé y ig la bler classes. la s Positive Fact. cartét rgist Into cars vitiotit lavIngi trous tsa..forwle edl théd 10ui Thé SUN kiove It ta liépositive te lft theuntup as le thé casé ln -mO tiitiéI.forveeéCédt tIiat tée Nothvéuteru's retuci elt factorle. dlivér attirésss u tise commence- ment éxerelsés. Iu enhappenetI tInt - t# i e >Woukegcan -aung vomitn veré POPULATION vork alrady 1lhave over 16,600 *eectd w tissdditionl ihonan. 3Miss t-i i finish takIug tise sensuis vitb- atdres: Thé Dincovérles lu Cioté.., N ONW 16,700) na f ée îayg aud wl aveII issé re-Thé uubject o! hisJacson'u mudscee -à&- - - : , torj-t ady tofie wt ath chool vas: 'Ttae Influence et Kante Philo- D. . GADYREPRTSRAP - ýhoard tthé éeunneaofthé rt Meetingi papli>. D. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h A.GAYRPRSRPD~ July After thé camme)nemét alunch- GF1OWTH IN CT'S 4ut. flt-dv bas anVassed éven>'(con vas servel it Calvin t)uranxd Coin- POPULATIUN h,,me[ln iaukegan. He bas fén t-mone, thig har-hua béén furilséti b>' à - - n -- ,loié- an a'siwant, but basviuteti thé trustées. Waukegait fééls justi>' earhhomte élin prsoti liéeliuithé nam rnéupe fthefnhwn aeb h Thé5i[ii[tIofl(f \ t.îtahasin., and ddres a!every persan ln theclé o!th ne ooehn. ai > h 'creesed ciér .,1 i'îfig tr he 03atrt. l fit record Ilenttarrengeti ln Ivelvé nionth£. albalcale order. but lu districts. Court One Day a W'eek A year agoa hn the.ffecra ofiC- li-in,aFed te Sout'h 514e firit exd il ulg tisé mosIthe or Juuu anti Âug- ogla scompplted tak[flg thF, et-ails thc- te North S51k. uet the asu dma hidh the lia- 'fl-.tis>' répot-tédtht- ))icrîfaltof l1hifuifinitata rgé nimbet ! o >f !ston.. t- va ntheir WMdietn ai 1,06'. orignemra fae IIIt \Vauîlegai urtit' vt 0eu -inty court vii élu Insce- 3eceoti> the achool botctiipo,&l fng the, pait two vea ut as aimn>' %ton but one day. according ta thé 1912. rdyt tk heEholurr. e yrr.cînsai c iaýl,.en re-1Iteucé OaIn umcentént gisén ont b>' County censue for 1912. \ot-îh Sfde dring that prlOt. Jutigé Persoa. Ordinat-il>'tisé court ln it Mexclusive Interiew t i - ____a___ SIYN séortés- Tucsaie!afternoon Mr. vaultihbitlnaession four layes. Grati> madtiis statemeult: AUTO SUNS INTO BOY Juôgé Persoas iliiit in Chsamibers "Thé pop"lton of Waukegaitn Inuturtting toa ai-ad tunning lttae aen other tiaya durlng thé tva Mniai 16,700. 1 fiti that tises-eare Ina.pePb o1' on a motancycle James !cClesk>', tas- leering anti tlapoe1iisg Oa! DMaL lté itidita thir homme o tiséctSautS 12year old boy ren directrl>' litthat me>' hé nM eesecleli>' b>'pr oui fille; but thé Nos-th Bide more tan front cf au autemobile, triven b>' Ar- appaînîmént- malen itp thia dficency. thur Lanyoa laie 'Vedesta>'a! tex- Thé plan la tise msesétsatJutige I fit-mir belléve thsé goernmSat noon. Thé bcycle vbich vais drlvexi Persoa Is rmnld out last yOaaetviilcS cabaue totems rreti viséxutbsey flIel b>'thé boy vas damageti héyanl e- time Ik vms furd tavolt ont sesy tbeir reportntlnS tisattise>' dMIss Vers. Whén Oie youngetqn ginet ishie1AalaactotY.1V al ns-nelye ér s par 0su pople ln timin-ce » ." " test e outeti: 'Nov, tu gins t touemta have ecasa rd d uing the. I bavé ual cornpb@tei usy m u sfor a »wv vleel.' vase te gis-l hmabéési gven IOME RL TELLS Y 0F A ir home af t. lmilletion af ittie Frances o, went. ino age Mionda! ek of an aid as neotafraid. y ompeitionL ln rnitls oyed sui a lt-de et 4:15 thé viappée The superin. nottetithe clathlng sand un. jn toi tui i had trouble flot lied any- 1thInk 1 cas w,ifiéd Chiéf ipolice farce bief Wlér co aukegititnt ai Sgit-i ta'Nort]: her parents ascertain nu Lusv. thé girl'i kthé Englist >of too MUeI d Chie! Wie [t an unde t and viti fil ug. Ait opea ductéd li tht deago tonigli na bOrne vIi FOUNO OIJILTY ON ýNO GAMBLUNG THiE FIS[ BALLOT ~ AT PICNIC JOE HARKUT FOUND OUILTY ON THRHE COUNT8 *Y JURY IN GAMBLINOGCAME& 0F ALL KINDS J COUNTY COURT TODAY. WILI. «E ARRED AT ELECTRIC SALOON KEEPER AND FRIEND8 PARK THIS VEAR. TESTIFI ED THAT ME HAD NOT BEEN NEAR TIE AON. It bau been definitely decided that there vl lié no gambllng gamél at t The siate won the second ceue ElectrIe Park on thé iéourth of J.IY. g wèen thé jury returiséd this elternoon1 There bave béen any nonthér of eppUl- i et 2i20 otiock wth a verict of grill cations front mens wlo are anxioîs Ito$, ty Ib thé case of joqepb Harictot f éatabltsh different kinsis of ganiblifigi t North Chicgo aeinst uhomnin i- garne. and vuus ta pay for thé prive- formation on thé charge of ieéing bis legs, but In eceSinstance the nment- tj sédoon clpen on Sunday lid ed auééi led bers of the concessionh committée, ALct by Stgles Attorney Ralph J. Ddy. Ing under nstructons tram, thé gais-9 Theé Jury rettred eti Son and did flot oral nommittée havé turned dowo thie take a Vaité on thé matter untîl after offer. t 6 iby lieddînuer. The firat Voté takfin Thé ordér, It la éxptained. doéa floti re.nted ln a unanimoits opinion of prbii theéune of pais wbeebfer sui.Whch poodlé doge or boxes of cadyI r on ofthe uroe w Ineine taare given ftway, but peijaie teémpn-I toe, a diffégrent vlew of the Irrt ennunt die Vrbeigmiae.chnt-uckub, viselo a than ot at irrbed by thé statutes. of fortune and thée riffgtng of moneY. 1 but wa»firuly bsought oser by 5rgu NVtbout question th,, viib heé lrt ments of thé othér eleven inrors. Thé hig picuic éver beld et Eléctrie Park jury v&& read>' ta aulit I<* verdiciviiere gambling deviceof norne kInd k e 2 o'clock. but jwdgprsnfoa had i M4xe l,.r 1 ftot yét rturned from ig borné. M o Hé @ A lt r e vag notiled by télephoné theti thé JurYWn'i-a Aao. r- vas réésiy to subrmit its verdict and There vas a meeting or the général n gsateriéd to thé court mont. coumiflttesIntheitécouncielianhâ érs Thé verdict was read &adranOwed 1est nght and It was de.ctdéd to givé f Herkut guilt>' on eaeh of the thréé ups thé idea of having, an aviator hère counlu5 chargési. Nr. Orvis vas asl.ed on ihe F'ourth, In viev of thé gréat )f if lie wishéd a poil of the jury an d cost tht vould hé entaiiéd. 'Mé ma- repUéed thw- hé diI. Eecb juror In joritv poin.ted out that vhié thé fea- .tura arase ta bis fée* and de.-lared turé would cost $500 that It would not 1 tbat thé verdict as redvas bis. At- hring ln that revenue In véw of the, a' tornéy Orvls who repreeentéd fthe de- tact that t t19flot nea&riy so0nitch o! iY fendant et once mnade a motion for a a feture as It vàaseYPa.r Or 'two aga. s név triai. At thé previaus meeting il heil been eh Thé case va, thé second o! the, practically decIded ta go a5ead with sérieof cse* that havéeliéen brouglit thé plan ofqi ttting te aviator. Thé ýh by> thé ,tete's attorney. Dtectives nien whoa igreed to cone here for $500 r teetified ta liavIng purchased Ilqiior séid hé would maké flîglits ail day ln thé Harkut place on tva diflerent and would tal<e îssengers uP vltà ec Sundfty.libm It as thoughe that posuîi' .e Tlsrlrt dé-nléd tixat bis saloon httd enougli people vauld a gréé te, pay 91() lé IL IANQE 0F VENUE IN VOLIVA'CASE IJUNCTiON PETITION WILL BE HEARD BY JUDGS CHAS. DON- -NELLY 0F WOODSTOCK. UDGE DONNELLY WILL MAKE A SPECIAL VISIT TO WAUKE- GAN ON THAT DATE. he Circuit court, grantéti a changé lu .nue ot théetamris injunctian péti- ion: Cooké va. Vliva. Mr. Coaté o! thé Cooté Eiéctt-icai Donpany o! Zion Cît>' bas pétitianeti se court ta grant an Injunction en- oinlng Wilbur Glenn Voliva anti bis sovers fron holding religious meet- jge in thé vlinity o! lits plant, and frm moiestlng lis, belp. Thé prayer for tise luJunction vas fled it Wautegeit. Tiséchangé lu venue vas granted today lu auter to &pétition Ilied b>'Ms-, Cooke attar- "Ys. Jutigé Charles Donnéil>', O! Wood- stock, Iti., viti matie a spécIal tip ta Wtautégan an Monda>'. Jul>' -, viien hé wuli Sean arguments. This -lait cf Jutige tianélly's ta Wautégau marks bis frOt ual t ta Waukegau in mati> mouths._ Saverai othér mottersa!of muor Imt- portance vili hé diaposéti of on that William Cnt-mati o! Grand avenue la visitling vith Prof. and Mm. E. M. Joués a! Alrion. Miei., ftraxi ate laya.. ivéar that lié had héen it arîothct- gel f. place. On one Sunda>' t vas estifiét Ail Committets. ho bail spént thé gréater part of lise The chairman o! théeset-lotte cor»-nit la.> at thé pet-k. On thé second Sun- tees subiretted their reports howing te>' It vas cideîd that thé '-0 de- that alilof thé cominibltééa are yack-1 tetivé, visa repreéntéd ihat thé>' bng dîîîgentîy and are achlevlng ré- aimhodt t bu>' the saloon vére takén suits Thsé reports lndSmted that noi [Into It for Just ton minutes. détaille lid been néglectesi and nov It Thé cOnnt>' court eall aboys that la neceesar>' merel>' ta conîpieté the listée mare of thé case have hpén set varli tiit bas been startél lu sut-h a for trial for oext Tueda>'. Thé! are «plendid mannér. thé pecple againzt %feinter, thé Peoptée h fnacecormittee- repottd Sgain iEaugltér and thée évl that thé gtîarantée fund ls growing gailist Werner. ct;nmtantiy andi that thé voting con- teste are progreeng lnt fine éhape. It JURY DISAUREES vas decided ta lnjéct more Intérest cinto thèse conteor8 by offerlng ptIres IN and tlig ilvii hédonc. Thé dol that han héèit offered lnt thé doil votIng JURORS LABOREO ALL A FT R- contet la suffit-lent but in thé quéen NOON IN AN EFFORT TO REACH content Oirée fine lirizes "-Ii hé affér- VERDICT; DISCHARGEO éed. Ta thé young lady géttin.g thé mont votes v'hich l Ie give lier Oie Thé salcon kéépens o! Norths Chi-a honor o! héling queeu, a diamoal ring go won their firet victomy it thé Lak ite 'h givén. Thé one éécurlng thé oount>' coutt visn thé jury lmiurinel- seond hghést nurnber of votes vîlI éd li the Casé Of tké People O thé receivé a $10 sllk Iimona andi thé ane State vs. Walter- Kreuse dimp.O'éd. securing thé 'th#rd biglitet nunther Tise case vent In thé jury at 12:30 o! votes viii récéil-é an ordér for a Thainada>' et 8 oclock thsé faréman na- dozén a! $5 pictureet thé Iféniné tifiéti Jutlge PersOi16té tilStheY bnphatograph gallén>' Thé mati aecurlng been unahié ta reecli a verdict. Jutige thé greaeet nunihér of voteIt thé PersoasirméedlatelY ihred thekingcontet viii héthé king and viii j urais. 1réoelve a lina of 100 cînar Havane ci- Théefirat ballot stood 7 ta 6 la fa- von o! conviction. Théeésecnd and third blots etootis thes mie. Tvéitty- tva ballets véré ten. Krausé vas charged vlth having op- és-sed a tlppting bouse lnt North Chli- caga on tisé Sablath. Comrnlslionei FàErié V. Orvle, thé cceinséi for Kr&usé. la the fit-t Weu-ý kegan etorncy vha liaswon a partiel ile-try ln thé saloon casé. Thé local saloon cass e wre a MAg victor>' for the tate'sattorney'. t k D Thé evidèhce iatradîiced at the trial niihed by tva Chicago détéctiveef.doi0 Both men testifled they lied purieh dC li liquor lit Krauses saluait On thé Sas- % u bath. YE.OMAN'S STEER STRAIGHT ta in.Ley or o ljonbave any Is th.e Best That sutî n".d. rppairing or hrise. We claimu 10 know Our usnesand to at- tend t- t-a daim made good by everY M:oney Can BuY Job ieaving Our banda. Even Il you don't need our serviceà today, drop ln Our examnuiîou are tiioroiigh sxiut'Cornlete &nyhov ,Welcorél lni every nay tir coMpetent ref,&,ctioi,~tie e of C(> charte We rind oui own leug andl matie our W in. aycci Co. rames to fit eaeti paritoulai case. Wm. Laycock Loi J Yeomnan MOLINE 140TOR CARS MANUFACTIJRII40 OIPlCIAN p15hhop34 WAUKeGAP4. ILLINOIS. FINE SALO-- jol-N JANAS DRAWS FINE OF *$0 ON EACH 0F TI4REE COUNTS, OTi4ERS FOLLOWSUITS. John Jan"fi. e Norths ClItego saloon .eeper. 'P'hîredlay mOrnlug ple&dOet guiliy ta havlng Opénét ilis t1ppling bouse on thé Sabbath andi vas ftneti $150 by Pérry U. Pesoi, JutgéOf thé Caunt>' court. Janis vas finéti $60 an cash Of thrée coati. one other North Clii- cm«o iloon, keeper 4ntéeda plea cf Thé case of Wikss-Kiaxise vent ta he jury et 12:30 toda>'. Krauae's ttoeney. Zimrne V. Orvis, finiwhéti lit igumnést et12 o'01CLok Omoislnîaed la is argmmnt tCt Ralps L DBd>', M ue'% aCtO r5 Y. laitd pthe sémen vba @piedt on thé matoon keepeMa *Mr. Orvîs. uubpoenied Thom"5a iuayîet~ the 1.5vý andi Order leigle. but li. Qiayie eiti fot take thé vit- TisSe rnung e SUN reporter met M. Quayle on the utz-eét anti infarm- ed hlm tiet %Ir. Orvs contendet] that thé tvasptéesvho visîttilthé Noths Miicago maoons vere émpiayéd b>' Mr. Dady and thé Law itd Ortier legue.i Orvis le an aId fo01. Hé tliaugfr. I1 isti sonéthing to do wlth these cases. but 1 tiI not. Hé modie me ait for vo tays In thé court bouse," réond. et Mlr. Quayle. A SUN reporter caunlaI fiténa- Ion kéépérs sud harténgléns ltu thé roîimt mont Thuay> momnng- Thé néxt casé ta hé calléti vili hé tlis f thé Peple o! thé State va. Mm. liurkst. Thé jtstge vas nable to aUl hs case et 2 ocIock bécause f thé lxick f jurymen. bintGméen anti tva dptties mpesst thé afternoan roundig up junymen lIn thé nartsémi sud veemupart f thé e Snty - STJDIENTS DO A MARATHON SEVENTH GRADE SCi-OLARS, 0F SOUTH SCOOL HOLD ANNUAL PICNIC AT DRUCT'S LAKtE. Pt-utes laké--the hu"caceséta a sud- tien stol) eheu neséofthé hoines lt-p- pet deti-the tudets o! thé sevthi gradé, Sauth at-hav. I, î fot &stop b> thé radti ide, but took ta their heela and i dda modelm marathon ta thé laite. Thint>' sciolénu matiethé ral. Thé>' asriveti St thé late it a tlreti condition -but et once toot ta théevater. Thé Iriver télephonedtotaWaukégan f r anathes- horeeanti continuéti On *a trip. TMé tend hanse e-ai hurled jong thé oat aid« . 's Thé ppls titi fot reLui t tathéir hontes Itnttis cbt>' rntIl laté n thé evéniog- -Were a viser; but not e satiter lot,- sattine ucholar -vhén 5e reecli- éd bts home Mt 10:30 P. rn- )etachable icher1 Easiy Fis Any Quick Detachable Rim No Tools Required IN STOCK IBY UBERTY VILLE GARAGE i- ai si t' b n à e e I P.- q4s ý. -til t . màtabie au" of 1 was whàL Suffl the Mnce peePle 1 - bf Pl dI di to tg fd ti 1 lný il 1