CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Jun 1912, p. 9

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LAKE COU-JNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XX.-NO. 39 PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, I!LL., PR!DAY, -1 UNF, 28, 1912. EIGHT PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVAINCiE. 816 BOAT MAKES CONTRACT IS AWARDED PORT:WITII 595# TON CANEO COAL FOR MEMORIAL TO LATE ITR. CILCHR18T 0F FAIRPORT 18 "SILENT" SMITHI IN THE FIRST BOAT TO MAKE HARBOR INSESO 0 1I CEMETERY AT MJLLBURN OTHERS ARE ON THE WAY¶. 810 COAL SOATS WN.L. AfIRIV.EMI WAUKEGAN EVERY FOUIR DAVU! SAYS fFRANIC WEST. Thes toanrr(illahrst nMade Ponit ai 6:07 Wednesilay moralng witb a 5,600 ton camegof <barid coelifurthe .Western I. tk<ml and Dock compmy. The Gilcitriat lanttetal aiboat teawe ilie loosi bmbar lis e sson. The captiiln of the is MgosaIboat asa Doi t llged ta oeil a tam tug to tow bis i b o e sdock. -Heaille bis bh a ai lb. k iuhout any trouble. l'h. big (relllng Bru. frda lias rasnoved the bg sand bar aithle nrnutb of thie harlur. 'lima depth 0: te wu- ter et Iis point la 18 feL Wlman the aclerlis mnede port Tue%- day a re »drawag 17 £eet of saer Kt Ome how am et the vstera. 'itnk Watt. superlntawleat of the Western Coai and DockCoempany con- arisai the report that bg botte vooid mud&aWskgn barber evsry dire. or £M oast f rot t hîis te on. BMt are elerlg froni Buffalo, N. Y., todlay uih cosai for te bl om- No boat ba clared for lha Ooorbey couy t. data. "lM* lichrmst lt iii ha nuiguilaiabout «Mufd MM rna n d twlfl leava Watt- Num WHv ISTORY MAICES APPEARANCE Acoey of t e owCounty lmstou'y lmau ..bandeil to the SUN. 16 In tinsaiMa orSlnaliy uiarted by C. C. t 1 s ev ies &ga, la vhicu Praf. HAi' et Lake Fbrmat Inter lecme ln- tu a~M M fluahiy aammnd charge or T'h.ebook coofaus laterectlng de"a te this oeity's deveiop- ment wltlimone va]ube aaec It i lndaxed carefull U lac Uhug'au L pagels sows a rev'ew of thie cofnty*e lnduatrla.idevelopinent. of is People, af lie churchz, lka ZMon C'iy, e. ShIART IS SEEKINEi TO IMPROVE CON- k DITION 0F ROAD SHERIDAN SaAB 16 VERV LOW IN FRONT 0F HOYNE AND KEITH RESIDENCES. THE WATER SETULES THEREI STREET SUPERINTENDENT NOW MAKINO DRAIN TO CARRY WA- TER AWAY. Street Bupt gSmart le maklng a 'try" tu seIf lie cannhi inpve SOttedan rosadPaving In frontaofte Keit andl Hoyle Placesa on "bt rosa. 'Pliaistrlp for yeaze lia been rougît due tn the utter lunposlbllty of keep- lng It drY. Sprngsamar iany In tliat ioeélity and the rond la alweye wet banteltte paviug viiifnotstand up. 'The reait tain boa. tht I ba been chopped up baedly ail the. tinie, witli mufîli a.tat, may bmnpe, etc., and IL lias been the eyasoi% of autlesansd otheu'e. PullIflg In Drain. Mr. Smart la Dt u tine- bswn s drain lu the onter et the a treaitet Ilil tpoint and t i s lelieved uhea ht te pwlelleri, lu-a teiscRy ate' peair tiie pavine-ja bave It st&"d for a vimll, viereas, la tia i-st Mien re- paiu re ade81, ttaey dda*etand &&mîý wlongenouiglifor Rthe W~ Memoial WiII Take the Form of a Fence About Cemetery Cost Io be $5,000-It was Dcclded Upon by Heirs of Late "'Sient" Smith FEAR OF DYNAI1TE PLOT WILL KEEP RUINDR13DS ATHOME REPORT HAS DECOME CURRENT THAT TABERNACLE IN ZION WILL DE OYNAMITED. REPORT IS DISCREDITED SUMMONED AS À VOIV, T S EPRTDWILL IWITNESS FE'W MIN- PREVENT POSSIBILITY. UTES BEFORE DEATII in n UCUUy irioms miner. 1V. Tlie reporrt litat lias tgaired consld-11 erairie currency In WauýtK-gtî antd Zion HERBERT RUSSELL WHO WAS Ttie coîtraoi boas fiotily heen li1 wIv h a nl is îîncie, George Skitli UiCty that an effort willI lt- made la- KILLED HERE, HAD SEEN SUM- and ittrk le ta stt t once on i . took hlm totNew Yoit andta teind t trrw night ta bkeui uî Shiloli Tati MONED TO RACINE INQI.EST. memortlifence wihiîchlirs haof the1 making buyn hie heir ta millions ai bise eit5leie lit loitylty.aiI dynamite, bâtie »Sieni" James llenry Smit are, deti. James lleury nsarried Mrs. t Jle aid, wiii heep huîtdrtdt of Wau- ta erect at Milîburu cssnetery In meni- Stewart of New York a few yers go!kegan and Zbon CItt îeoie frîm at- FACIS RAllIER UNUSUALI ory ore Ii mIi ane neoiliar who and lIed near Japon wben taking bIs ending the dedîration ot Volivas ne. died a few years algo. lihoneymoon. It wae alwsys feît that 1pipe orgafi. This memorlal feupe. Ie ta mat about hle mîglit leave somte mainorlal forý Ju st wbere the repiort gtarted, no M R. RUSSELL H-AD REPORTED $5,000 anud le palil for ont of money is coinlry #,IrtitplaÀ-e, bt li did flot ou' e mea ta know. liit -tores bave- DEATH OF TRAIN VICTIM- ieft by James lenry Smith for tli4and ai LtoIIni e, wlien sked hyithe herberd It and bave tfl-art,i titat tbey INQUSETS AT SAME TIME. purpose. Work la ta stai't ai ontce s wrter to coutribtîte someting lu tlie do not lntead ta latte anv citant-es. aresull'0of te contrat bar lng been way of a memorial toa te oouuîy' ýTbey say tha thlie reîucrt 'totinde mon-1 1lgned ibis weok wberekuy th. F. P. ehidli gave dhlm birili. eple trougli sonalile heenuura If a11(wl1 n effort were Ilert.ert itu.sel. conductor of thel Smitb coçupany of Cbkna Le laash iIs serlary but Ilie (Md fnit bave anyi onlfaut hi would lie a Il n, time.for It CiveoandI Nonbwestern Rsiiway the. work ta campbieutas anon sas mooey on band avallable for suehatb a beeue eu h on colupanys train, tbe crew of .311db possible. pampas.. Now. bowever, cornes a quntiali but liai thotitlgarnacie vili I dsoovered ttre body o! Davîi Priee, To Be Three Enlrancee, menuorial for bis moliier. lie lilled ta overtîawIung. aîong the riglt of way o!flie ralircad 'Plere are ta lie threa unreata Smllbe remaine 5 ai uried 111Ilie! Members of tiTlhe Thu-mlra rtc aY comîanry let Tliurday mornlng. dI.b ceietemy. esc-b of ulii 1li e Ras ..m V. A. Rowlisch. former>y In Zian Cty bramid the retîort asl a wa killed in tire compantys yarde ai marked wltit uge piliers, The fence cf anlegan Is a dauugbiem o! Mms.e. aird and My t Ilw"s started in an Waukegan Monday iuorning wlien, Iseif il l e somewlai af Lie nature SulithbIn wua.. meaiory the valuahble' effort tuo kaap people f rotatteVing. engagedI n claiing two fulerbi cars. of " abut he nveopef4cory ut enc wil b er'to. ley a.y (liatthere is rio one in Zioti Jus' a !ew mnutes before thle fatal atfn tui aliaut tile eeefd ta r u enc no ~~tdvicionsase tea tem[w axîyuting o! accident, tMr. Rii~lell i Iailrecelved for tis fencing. 'Plera vii li e about TO HOLD ANNUM4- RECITAL the kînd. ladependents say tliey are ore ta lie in Racine et 10 o'clock a doen piliers or pieru. 'Ple puplis cf Mm ugu ait Struible not n sure cf thli.* 'uesday inomning ta testiliy bIlteIn- TPhe lance .111 coaaçtiy eicJI rele 1Badwin w-llji gIe (téfr annual recital At any rate 1Je La smtht !Votive, quest bell over thie desi cf Mr. Prico, tie cernelery and vii i mbea bem*ut- Inthlb.KnWalg of iPyi a l on dees not lntettd tae anuy chanee s ays the Racine 'imes. Wlitle the ln- fui luarovemien, for the blueteeýtIng Wtahlugton o'.ett urdoya, mà . and aktiosutit i lis . idleaIaa da-e queet wns being heldInl Racina over plans for the. bc",cf t»(le D5 vo vueJuite- 801h. An exeMIM le rà hmlau heZion CXlY Ibly war Iliettend lte Priee deatb, an inquest sias belng u'ou'li ffty illion. sit laestAi adbeen arraaatt m» it promies tate oi havea a lflrge nuaiter of 5iâz it on eld lI Waukegaa over tle RuseIl vtomoamtlerles itinthnlie lItle1 a very enternlnng oce.. An.5Invitation band toMPrDvbOWnigh!t lt i tU OtWdeanti.tIr. Russell, wîlh two other jy*- eeumalry bounIsent Mlllbumn. Mr. bas heen extanded tate ipulie ta at lng of tue'lkial happera 'Plihe uardB pair met, bail clainel twc freglit Smith iwaebrt InLak1e 0oeuuty but,! fend. IL le repared, .111 eurround tetLI cstoet ie s, w-len aa witch englua jernacle and w-lul t once arrestal biiY alked lown anl '.Ir. Rusell vsn siupicuiook0ltg cbarafts-r. onuled beiween Lb. lwa cars andl lied A tomber cf Ibeute guardesut llie a fe. minutee laler. RED CE 14 UNT 14 NY ESDEU -atiored indde as well ta Irevent Mystary Around Prîce Deeth. any passlible autlreak. This w555Theilnquest beld Tuesdlay over lita 0F JYP C L RIE 0 G A D AV N E omse alp y hy he report tliteathz:of DaviddPrice ddn( e: OF K OCH ORIT Of fiRO AV NUE um or he ook mplyezand Iu- In leeruaintng wfat train struck Mm. IN LAKE WATER REASON 18 TI4AT WATER AT THIS TIME 18 PRACTICALLV FREE FROM GEANS. tOP'POSE LOt»' FLAN BSAY THE STREET 18 TOO NARROW AND TOO MUCUS BUSINESS PASSES OVER IT BAILY. USE FIVE POUNOS DAILYISUGGEST__JULIAN STREET DAILY TESTS 0F WATER SHOW THIS MATTER WITH OTHERS THAT TOO MUCH HYPO MAS 1 WILL BE THRESHED OUT AT BEEN USED FOR FEW DAVS MEETING NEXT TUESOAY. A peculiar and uinexpeolmi triam- formation of the laite water Lt (tie 4present lrne and for thie last severai days, là for the bad taste ln thie water for the past few days. The wate drawn Ino th le Intake lias been quite free f roco geoms for several days a.nd becraue of itlis fact ouid not talc. up s0 mudi of the hypocblorite of lime. The resuit was bat the wa- ter becan-e more heavily cliarged wlth (lie lime solution andl people liegan to compiain of the taste. Ber'auee of thils conditioin of the wa- ter the &Mnohnt of hypoohlorite bias been reduced, from. eiglity pounda dally down to, five poiunds dtlly and tests show thlat ibis agnount la suffi- dient to kili the typhoid germa. The more germea(liere are ln the water, (Contlnued on Page Two) POSTOFFIC~ IS TO CLOSE ON FOIJRTH- Anuiunitu,éniites male todayd.iat Lie pctofflce wil ljoe on Meube iurtl of JuIy. 'lie windowe .111 be open fmsm 7 'ciock li the iamoi-ine- for an heurad a hlaf. There .111libe oe collection of mailit lnibe mcrning anid thea natal dispatching- o!fenail but Liere wi11 b. no dellvery af mal Iurtng Lihe day. 111 belleve tot Lb. people et Wau- kegan shl h. la eympthiy Mii ibls moveut uwbicli gives te çiorks al earriers an opporleniy of anjoylug the eolebratoit." sa~Iý,OIbaaSter Wet- roua today. Peopla e *%are deailoos of mc«gving tibeir nm"l iug cet Ihat :Uest otwSc dintng te tipa It 19 Reeldents of the oasteru part of Grand avenue do not favor te grant- ing of a etreot railroad thee te the Cbkcago & Mlwuukee Eleotrlc Rairoeadase per (the propoeed Ides of the new contmect. Thley point tote faet tai the treet la ton narrow and la a busy one, and tait lte Episoopsi and Congregatlanal churchea would bave their quiet groatly diaturbed if the ours were te0 mn frequently ln lfront of them. Residteats of tne street eu«gest that a legs prornineut smreet, such as Juliart street, mlsltt be sead te malte the desired ioop. This opposition on tbe part aettheso property owners lias been communi. calted te the city comanlelonere and the Issue probablY wili lio taken up and dîscussed t the mass meeting whict will b. hA1 next Tuesday eve- nlng in the armor.. . Tbere are severai other Issues which will lie brughot up snd It le euggest- ed that any people walo bave any sort of a grievance would better have Il taken up ai thîs time se that It numy lie seMed wheoi otiter matters, are dis- (Continueil on Page Twa) MU'S OFF TO CANADA WIFE TO SWEDEN Dr. J. G. McKee, former Sout Sde drugglat, wlio was marristi a few monthe ag aigone te Canada where hele istevieit relatives of bis firat wife for a tinte. He lo.ok hie cli. dren altli Mm. Mrs. TicKee lhas gons to Gweden te vlsk b- er relaiveas and wbte.r the. Oeanhl la to return ta Wakpà a"l la gi ,1 <Coutinueil on Page 'Pwo) MISS STONEBORfi A POPULAR JUNE street crossîng of Lhe Nortiuwestern. 'Plai b. sas struek by a uort bound train wae the bellef cf alroal men andI othere wlio Seroe t the ltInuest, but te elne la tiknown. On Wed- nesday nighit, lune 19, and 'Pluraday mou-ning, Juute 20, between 9:30 ô'clock in tlie evening and 4:17 oclok In the moring set oral nortli botind paseen- gor train. passeil tlrough Racine and IaYruILT Ii'!U Ni'.rPr" as similik by oui, «fibes BRID WE NES AÏ robblya train wWicb passed thirougli lbotît midnlglst. Flagman Saw 1h. Body. DAUHTR F R.ANDl MRS. F. A.. L>eiman,_ luginan_ ot the CAR STONEBORG MARRIEO MR. JAMES M'GUIRE. MARRIED AT 10:30 TODAY SERVICE WAS HELD AT THEý CI-URCH 0F THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. nortliboind train w.1k-I îsu.aed îhronigb Racine at 4:19 o'ctock lilums- day morulua, ieille at thLe rear door of the train san.Lb, body o! a peruoli alongsido thie nortlibotind track and lie notoilied Couduitor Russeil. On tbe arriual of the train ut Milwauklee- Mr. Rufflell telegraplied ta J. R. CIole, a bîody beine- aîong the right o! w-ay auI Mr. Colo on going te Yoîut street fouiri Mr Prlce, wlio sas conscoos, but sas unalile 10 tel liehe rne lie bail Wednesldcy morning et 10:30 Mfise breýn struck dos-a. but lesiredin ta b EtmaStaoborg, youugs* dauglilar moted le Et. hIons ,hveiî,itaI. of tIrs. Oscar Sitneborg, sas unlissi ln marriisgp ta Mr. James Me-F Guire a Ille-Iotsg reilemt ef Wauke- FINE FEATIJRES AT N.E.Cevn,îtatrtflieCOMMENCEMENT lias. N .Gvn cso fte1hurcli cf Lb.entlacultoieConception officiai- A sperlai feattime o! Lb. Waukegan ed ai lire weddluîg tervios. Thle arv Conservatery of Mu6lc commence- le sas lietl i lb. citrcit. mn hll iiocro Ilus ofPthe brie i. Lie IagBie rosineeveîîîng. June 27, ln Lb. Baptiat churcit cf~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~l uooSuttSi 11e a trio for organ, vialin andl pi- dents. She. s tht- ssotar of Mme, 'Phom-ana to e lie Ryel by tire. Laugliliansd as H. NiclCann. %Ir, andI tIrs. ttandy. Anotiter aitraot- 'Ple groim Is an employe of Lie ite nunhuer on the program w111 b. Amerloan Steel aud Wlre comPlany. tle brlliant "WIilam'Pol overluiro For yearsb helias bal a respoxaible îln3yed on taie pianos by Modbel Lonise position ln Lhe sdtLîping departmerat. Reuhe andI Mrs .Latughln. roiiaslng te weddIng service lte __________ bride sud groom anid gUe6ts lefi the churoli for Lhe brides Varenta resi.JUDGE DUNNE 15 douce shere aun olalsrate-ddg breakfast sas servel. e COMING TOMORROW Tht-y lefL Wakikegan on lte noon train for Cicavgo wbere they wi11 take ileurnbers o! thie Demnocintir central a train for Easterit pointse. comruittee In Waukegan bave recels- Itothi the bride and groom are weII, et word tai Julge Edwarl )urtne of knoos reailenla of Wauhegan. (thîcago. DemnocraIilc candidate for 'Phe bride wse a "of Iwhile gove,,rnor bInllinois, sil axrrIve lit meesalîne and carrieti a siiower b, Wutiegan In an automobile toenrrow quiet o! bridai roses. evenIuig St 6 ocltick et shicli ime lie Mine Myrtie WaY of Racln as a i .111 eet frienîs lIving lni Ibis city. brlle's midd. She Wors a gown o!f Akilouiglilite announcemtent la not w-hite embrsllary and oeMred Killar- maIe Il la expectal thet Mm. Dun»e I louas. I lnmMe an ,aldreaeeftier on ta à» WSIOV uifhe bd« m& «Ce« or la aSU S OuS 1i M U. The Taikof Libertyville, Ill. is Report. ed Sale of the One MtIe Track to R._ J. MacKenzie, Who Recently Pur«, chased the Pleasanton, Callfornimi Course. MacKenzie is One of The B3ig Turf men of America. N egotiationa for the. sale of Amer- tatoly ptircliael ty Mr. Ma-ah aul I iras fastest one ulile iran, iLiborty. altiers *b.i theLitrlreal une thitv t tille--bty F. .t lo o .l ito (tie bands of a recelvar. Kenuto, ilie miiiionaire rac-e ttacki SbOUId NaeKen7je ai em otmil d king of Canada are pouddig lie 0ro ey wîIun a' e f.vate t Areport meul-iedI Librtyvilie ed<- l eleelltitsiefotyUWa nesday uflemnoon liaitlihe track liad tu stage a nuethier of racea di ithe ,been sali tCo Mr. %ar.K,,zie. trark lu Augusit. î Ire. tiarali claim.a ber bushitahmj TodaY a nuimber aoflthe flest w~ 1 ui t old the truck, (but ubon sttoi f olte Aitarkuaiturf are a u r"tal ànelgotiaions se-re in progreessliegged at lliertyslle. tu b exusedfron anwern« ad r- 'Pueday lta ltrack rrerd for tv&>. ffli, therePorter taulier buusand. tel-s, sa s enby Dock- IKcMdwpbe 1 4U) R. Hansen o!f3lîwatikee wI.o id*Bq arlen2:0.T SW bole an Inerestluinthle track . s 10- est uilt Milie of lte u ers C&tedover te lon distae telehoneîy "LAMaisla. I'ýla 2-09%.,13J catd.osr L. on lsiatc tleptoteg»" lit 2:10 and 'Oir C1î g4 ad sai no legal inasfer bal yet 2:11%. bossu matIe. l'te MacKenzlea tabq.git No trans!or lias been IRaI ln (lisaYtblnrg faut Tueoag. îoffIce af the recorder of deeds, but il onae of li egt asu% . 'hî le Irepoftdj dtUan tiietrant af titjleu t urf e«d bas Ui. - dte proue"'y u& ruecewmty bmaIe. litad ait ta 119 IJL Tite LWkertyvliUa trock in reCOguuiad day. by lioremens euore of the fastet -f h aa oto iO.~ iracks ln Amenia. 'Phe truck vas hb.vil], it la repoiie, bbfig bulle for lie Cicago & MIiha ag i bornastalte WylI ri EleCtrle ltalrod Yers egM, and Vas forist lni.. iPENSIONERS JIERE BAVE BEEN SENT OFFICIAL RECEIPTS SOME ARE PUZZLED AS TO WHAT TO DO WITH THE PAPERS THEY ARE RECEIVING ADVICE IS TO KEEP THEN ONLY TO GIVE VETERAN PROOF THAT APPLICATION MAS SEEN PROPERLV Fl LED. Waukegaut pensioners who Oilnd de- eLamtions for an increase lu Lieu- teuanere under Chl ew las are re- celilug f rom, Waeflngton iteir recelpt for the papers 111.1. Tis recelpt situais sas attaniied la lbe paper Lb. appli- can.t filn et! iy showstOaI (lie der- karsIon bas beau 11.1.1 Inthie gasem- ment offices and a etamp Indicates the daie and cliaraeter a!flte pellaban lavolved. Many of lte îensioners bave been puzziel as, ta whist tb la ithi these recel pIs and Rome aupn)osed (bat tey slsonlb. fi 1ed at the eounty clerk's office,.Inth(e samee manner sa thefir vouchers are execufeil. A number cf thue veterans bas, appeareil et tbe cotunty clerks office witi thlb recelts. ThIe receipts ma-uireuno asellnait a- ever. 'Ple only luîly cf thte penelanar to wliom tliey are sont ln ta preservo tbem as an evidence cf the ffing of (Continuel on Page 'Pwo) NAVAL STATION MAN IS MARRIED The enarriage of J. J. Willils, an ln- atroctor o! the bugle squad et the na- val station ta Miss ldt U Burrows cf Sautrwwa Pu.cso tek place la Clilao yeMîerday. 'Ies weddiug tokplao la the Churcli of tle Aecvelisloa, Foilowtglte weddiug ihey weut te téCollagie Init w-bre titey dînel. Amoitihose ln the party were C. M. flumelleandl die Misses Burcimt, McNeil and Kerr. ..Kerr expects te b. tuansferred ta lte ocastln a shorltk tht sd hoansd tas Ilide vii als. ýtimer home whare ~10 1qWbouIL - , -. DOUTES 4T11 CEL CHECK FOR THItS AMOUN? RECEIVED UV COMMWI*ONe~ AT1'ERB39Y T'@Od. - FINANCES LOOK SPLOW~ EVERY INDICATION THAT WIiH3- GOOD DAY ALL OF TI+E EXPERt. SES WILL DE MET. Commnliaoner Carl Atteýrberi-, "Wà~ man 0f lte fnance comml«o<te ha. eý. celved a donationi of $100 tewwd1 Fae oui-ltof July celabratdoa feqig W. 0. Jobnson, recelver a« ltaemq go andilllîwaukee iilsotMle air* 'Phe latter f roui Mr. Johumsi o st Ing lb. chieckt for the m aoutein aa. reade aàs follows: Chifl, JWatteg,.' IlIai. Carl Altu'ber, Ciarman oaýIîâife aaf6 Waukegan. 111. DeasgMr. At4ettueryý--s 1 bave lh. pleaaum ie~ia clieck as receler1 rd $ 100, ling olurz dletet it * P'oirlh of JUIF M"M"aib ait Waukegaaon Jtnly ir4d mal I. ' We are ea i alstas wilMU gto 4~~ sirtar oward. public midertalu. a trust thât thda vii mftlty ta pamps of Wak lai Ww m iulle aplulÈ- ed. Very cordlally yesura W. o. JOMNUON. lI adition ta tithRie Chmo0 Mfiwaukee Electricc egpauty bua bea asked by Clairman Fowier of lthe Pa rade. cmmitee te docate a «P place bond, but die ansarr Dot ya« been recelved.'Phare la reason to îblnk <Irai te cmpn eoniîly wiLli the request. t Donations for tle Yýe tý made on several i ee. Mdth gîtnrantefund it basbh» makes il IltIte liait *5 ear il b aft-. e" 1

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