_____________________________________________ -ET]! MNDET, FrRmÂY, JIJLY 5,1912. _______ * Steady work, gond par. Se Ambrew sdvertiuen in Waot Ad Dopt. today. The. Warrpn Cemetery AssocIation Wilii mset wtb Mrs. Anna Wooley, Wedues- dey forenoon, JUlY 10. Mr. a"d Mis. Osu. Panzer returned frorn tbslr wsddilng trip lasi 8uaday. Mins .legg, wbo 's smployed t the Publie Serrige compatir, vllted Bat horne Baturday and Suuday. Clarence w ooley bai purchaeed a new auto. A large crowd attend.d the bneit dunes t the hal Fidoy evsnlng. A.m-b-r-e-w @poil@ sue...l. 8«. want à& tudjay. On Sunday, June 28rd at the. G,.j.. lak issiia.ion Boume, memorlal services wericonducted I n ernory o1 Willia James Elobury. UBITUABI willamnJames Elabory vms born la Sornratabr, ERRlacd, sept. a. 1868. He carne ta Arnric t asvets YOM of sa, la thé. rear 1880- n. va rnarrild to Elaa HBeker, Oct. 25,10M. ne.whis bhu.tessea mOn e ffof Gain., ta viait rlative@ sud *" &a t bis boyboad bome ne I. .gIed a0vws rturn go abis famiyla h Oui...cotihe i-fated tamer 'rtanii. visasbu lait bis 11f.. He vasfortregbt 798Msu. Oa monthoa adeleven dey@,"id. 0108Ves a vite, tbree sons. Libert, eorgeand Lloyd and ont daughter Bemulce, &10 tva sioters aud on brother. PRETTV HOME WEDOII4O Mise Mabsîle Chandler of GurrIe11. W.dded ta William Nohlecheck of Mchi'gan- ?0O LÂTE FOR LA" rW EEL Mr. and Ms. Hmnry Ragers of Wauke. gais, are apendlng the week wltb their daugbter, Mrie. C. L. Tborn.on. Mrs. Benwell-of Morton Park. ie vsit. ber son, George Benweli and tauilly. Mris. Duoelly, ber daugbter Ruth and Miss Grace Daurnan are viiting relative ln Cbicago, Mis LlsýY DonnUl oi Volo, @peut a fev days oi iat veek vltb ber cousin, Mrs. Herbert Davis. ira Sralh buha.purchamed a fin Dow bouring car. A.rn.b.r-e-w .1*11. sucee. Ses van> ada today. Mise Mary ltichardsou af Kalamozoo, Micb., returued home liouday ater spenrllng aweek wt bher oncle, H. A. Hoinies end iamlly. C. F. Hagedoruni Chicago, vas a guest ai H. A. Hoimeo sud iamiiy aven sonday. Jo. Baner cl Wauconda, vieted at Arite Moon wa, lu Waukesgairiset V.Dtit.Bonday. iatundoy. Miss Oive Wilson o! Chicago, 'ss'islt- ing ber aont,. r..jJQrge Benweil. Wili ,Man ad iamUly visited Snnday st M. Freuad'a uew l Mcleary. UmLssB Freund la spending a couple af weeki vitb ber slster,lMtr. WI Arnn. Marrisd. nt Waterloo, lowa, Wednss- day.Joune 26, Howard Couvereasnsd Mi ainin 8..11E Bowardcouvera la the. oay son of Fred Couveras. sud bas a bcutof tfdfl& à""Madelila vWoi &Md faorablek novu bem ,àbavha ioametly ,ed d t Logisside sud GOais- faîte. Obis1» a giet favorite Bnrung ber oopclats. Mr. and UMs. Coae'ere yl ru" wi.lth thé, graorn's parents. Mal happhum ansd prfoep.rtl attend them. Mdarilo et Lihertyvllle. .une 26, Rayl Paddock snd ies Irma Buson. Houb partie are youfig people of many sterfing qualiti.. ard are held i igii satesen by tbeir many fridu. The he vishea ai their bouet offriends ane eztended ta tbem. HICKORY tire. Picklei sud. Edith speut Friday A vtry petty veridinq occurned Wed- t Harry Tilaotsan's. n(e.day aiternoonaut the borne of M.tir. sud Mrs. Frank Edwardje of An- aud MrnC. W. I.baudier aiofune. wlaeu tiocb, Suadayed with the home tolem. their dangbter, ilabelle Editb, vas The L.adies Aid swl ety will meet Wed. uted luin arisge to William G. Noble- nesday, July 10, with %Irs John Slocum. check oai Menines, lch. Ail sre cardially iuvited tu attend. Jut asthtet. duit @truck the bout af e. Steluen sand ismily retrrrned Tue@- tvo, the @train# of Medelsohn veddiug day ta Evauston. march. jlayed by tire. Yonng of Ournet, Miss Laura Irazien i.S t hom tos vire heand. Tbe bride met her fathen ut otvatin the fot of the stain caue sud the bridaishr atIn Party seniled lti way tbnoogb a lame Mr@. Chas Taylor utftienua, epets,ev- voruposed ai riends. ta the parlon tW a enal daye vsiitiuoe iriendm,,returuiug,home corner baul of flouer., vhere tbe cre- Sonda>'. àMi. Thomts lFrazier accoin- muuy took place, M. IB. T. fchryven pauied her bomne. oficiating, the ring service. being used. Steady vomI. good pay. Se- Ambnew The bride was beaotifsally gos'ued in advertisemeut ru Wauit Ad Dept. today. white satin withli luvoit ai tulle, sud A ver>' it.retiug menrbensh;p couteat üarid satbouquet of bridaI rases. She con*pcted by the. Hickory Uion eociety vas attended hy MIiss Edua Sits ai closed tast wsek Thureday witia a ban- Waukegau. ubo vote white rails trim- quet at the Hickhory rurcfi. furuithed by sied vith baby îrish lace aud canied the dei.ated conte.taute. The socrety Pnk caruations re a.di rd,l ,, ,, qiual 1parts,.ttli Tht. groiii r aatiouerriLbS ir. t'Ju inutwm il,' t-ir it. .. el-rip ut ClianJer, brother ut the bridle, s a t ofrîtI, îrlru ati ruil . rserm . i.% l, irs. man. Uollcnb,-L. Ta',ziii, -nue- in euilrer, Ater iongratiiistioue, a splendid cols' et.. garur-tri imuliil,- 'uiiet. tAlter lion ae .rsedon te isn uner a ti s ue etirg, a >bort pragraw spacromansarling. Tht. hrade'etaleva ndereli. lii,,Erelyn Kelly ot vbich hlil the beauti!uIly dpecrated Pleaeant Prairie, wgiirg sveral readinge veddlug cake.,stai senveil ly Mispes sud tirs Esa !Martin furnisbiug a nom- Doratby Ilatr ad Mary .tmarn, ber of selectioue ui instrumentai music. ecoolmates tif tbe bride. The clot The leader. ai tht. ,otet were greatly sebeine va. greem and white andembowed surpriffld ujion being preoeeted vitb much teste sud @siltin arrangemen t. j eautitul eourt.nin spoonso. Tbe young couple depanted. amnidI $hot o! iaughter, choyons at ice ncîd good vishes. fot Waukegan ubere tbey WA.RRENTON tool the eight O'clack train lot Chicago, I.1 Menominee. liîcb., and uther places iof bosltiRud vs, a Prairie View visitor it.reet. Wednerday. Many beantiiol peents of dut gluass. Cien Chevalier trausacted business ru slver and liren were rectived sud a unii McEery tiondsy. que gia consisting ai tw o boitsooicboice iiapbael Kelly i. nov employed et the cherries frinmthe bride's great uncie, ouandîypnttGuc. John (.erry, ai Deehmere, Wab. wmndiypattGue. t' veryoue îolued ln wlshing tbem a Mr. sud Mr%. Wrn. ehback are mnter- long and bappy h'.asd B happy îauruey tainiug friende froni Cbcaga. urer untried L~a. Joftpb Atklueun of Roudout, vas a Mir and tir@..Nolecheck viii hi at cahot uin thie vicinitY Sstunday evening. home to thelr many friende alter July 20 et tie borne oi tbhelbride'* parente. LK IL The out of town guesis weft: Mn,. J.LK iL W .N ohleclieck, mother ai the groom. The membere af Waukegan and Cedar sud lirs. Gorman toi Menamineê. Mle., Lake campe met with Oleon camp iRoyal Frank Nolecheck of Fond du Lu,, Wr.. Neigbbors sud were royall>' entertainoil Mir- aud Mr@. A. P. ezlo sud danghtet. on2 Tue@daày aiternoari, J une 2lth. Miies Julia Hlaîrersan ai Wlmette, M. Hansg Hanson died et the re@idene ao snd lire. Chas Kelly ai Kîkiioro, Wis.. hie mathen Wedneday, Jue 27th. Mrt. Carrie 9'ook, tir. and M@. S. A. Capp Funeral service. ver. beld at the baus, cf Chicaga, Mn. aud ins. 1D. IR. Faistt an Fiday. lutenrett lu the Fax Lake and Francisai Lihertyvillie, sud Mr. cemetery . and lMn. . A. Starr ai Wankcgau. Mn. M. L. Galigen i. vleting ber sou, Faurth laas Poalmaster Exsmination' The Unitedl States Civil Serice Comn- mision anaunces that on Saturday, JuIy 20, 1912, su examurattan viii be 1.l4.t Hockeiellev, Ili., a a resuit ai wblcb it la expected ta maie certifics- tion ta IIR Baconiemplated vacaucy lu the poetia oS tueraiti cians postma.ter af clams (a) et Lake Vllla.IlI., an a ther vacancies Bneili.y ray accur at that office, uleu aoli be decided -ln the lutereste 01 tihe seivics ta fIhIIthe vwaacy br reintatemunt. The compensation Ofthe pottuaster ast tus office vas $950 ior tiie haut Secaiyear. Appicatiop frmeainand fuil Inorma- tion coflcering the reqiremcnts ai the ezamniattois canab.e ecured roni the M ptapter et Lake Villa or tbe Iecneasryoaithe Board oi Civil Service Examuiners at Rockefeller or tram the U. S. Civil Service Commnision, Wasls- iugtou. D C. Appicatlolis shonl bproperly cxecuted sud fOed vith b*tisjornrnuion jat Waihington iiithin sevei deys blore the. date oi the exBmifflioD, otbervise it rnBy ire mpr&ctiçaIlc ta arnne the U. 8. CVL1VC9 gasuCobUOtisa. 41-lt Rer. Fred A. Osilger at Hount Auburnu George L. Higbie, Manton, tiich., ueed Foiey Kiduey Pille tor kidney end bladden trouble. He says: "I Snd for my case no otber medicine equale Foley Kidney Puisetor henetlcisi effect.' They ane a sale and rellable medicîne ion kiduey ttouble and rbeunmatiom. COn.ý tmin no harmflul dnugs. Fon sale by ail )ruogiots. The Stars. The oumber ai stars t au e »ea by a charp cys lu aur iemlsxsbes la sat 8,000, or 0,000In botlr hem- lapieras. By thetelcscopc, ai causse. mmnituisirs o! stars are boght CM t it as Invisible ta, th. uiked oye. Usiug SunigtrumeDt ltti.marcelira tva tuche. vida llre h ave iie.n more thm 810.000 stars duly charted lu the =Cnm ail of the heavens &aous beeuatmated by van higI sutunile oit tue total number vis- ible la the. vhole C$leButl vault vorrl Mont ai ta o ,Oo. éoa. Buesof ai st Fox Lake. wae here gaturday. .Mies Beasie Ragsdale af Chîcago. vas gueit of frlends boes ven Sunday. lira. Wm. Smitb and Mr@. Barry Oeary w5s, t Bock.Ielier Friday. A. W. Hiarvey, aseehor, vas cailed inte Wasrkegau saturday ta report beore tihe board af review. Atty. Wclsb oi Waukigs, tnanacted businessbers Ussurdayr. Editor Neviioie aud liarly eSt Mon- day evenlng for the borne of hie parent@ at Tony, Wi., vbere tbey viii@peud a veel. , Jeus Longabsugb transacted but3inese lu Cbicago Tue.day. Mr. and Mrs. i. A. Feulan are Ppend- a lew day. ln Lbertyville. - Everect Hendee oi Waukegan, called ou fiendâ boeuiMouday. Mdre. Lau Mellen sndsu returned ta ber home in Austin aiten epeidiug tva weeke vith hen parente, lMr. sud lire John ilicke. Miss Susee thitehlead lu vîitiug ela- tires at Wsukegau. Walla Struit r. vorkiuig on the Timnes aes'eral days Unsq week in thc absence of Edtor Newibouse. Tuie traytlak. Athletîe brut the Lake Zurich base hall &esa Iast Suuday at Lake Zurich luas score of 12 to 1. Mr.aar. nu-Ar rl-uaMo,-e nov living at sterlng, [Il , çwhere they recently rnoved. Mr .ungsbough bad not beard tram bi@ brî,thr mince the Warld's Fair. D)r. J. M. Palmen loft for ilîlîuu, Wis., in hi@ machiafo Wednemday where he joined i iamlly and sîrut ti,,.Fourth et i old bomne there. There vas a big crowd at the Booster dance Wedesd&y eventug sud ail report a fine simue. AI. Thomson Dies Suddanly The citizen» ai Graysisake were .bocked beyond mss., veu the ucw. reacbed thern lait ondoW noon ut th,. dethb of Ai. Thornson, wbo dîed t hie home &bout Il o'clocli;Monday. Juot nwo weeka and aday tram the death of bis brother, George and tbree years lacking tbree days abisfatiieredeath. AI. had recently dlspasesd of hie lgbnning rod business vh e b.bairetaiued uben be bis brotber sl ont their hig bard waro busnes. . Rb adpurcbaeed a eeu peasnger ÇoIeorty automobilead had planned gta psud the rest of bis time vlthbie iimily enîoyîug the fortuie he had vorked *bard to aecunaulated. Hoe bad besn <ovu towu earlier iu ibe 4.,y atten4i1ng, ta sone rîiaeandi returaed ta bis home, not teliag veli ho retired to bis bed sud saiurtor wai summoned but be vas ber 'udthe.heip ofa physicia. AI. %Nam rowu by many far and near anri uuitcd his iriende by tbe ecore, lo, will grieve ovter bisdeatb. ie lea-m,,,r ite, two chidren a mather, a hu'e aand mauy relative, sud rîcîl, ru mouUj hsdeatb. Hi% haneral scau hwId St the home Wedoesday manrînug iteV. Toit oltlclstlng. The funeaiul .rireil on their tweiftb auurrer-îrv ,f rttheir loarige. M. Tiommonr , - blrn the. tiret part of Octoher in 1, -l1vi nd died July 1, 191f2. gueste tf'Mîr. sud MHt.. lVm Ellîs 01er Obituary. SUrîday. Joseph William Peerit a as boru Mn. sudirs. Power. ut Milîburu, April 3rd, 1864 at Let Ilut, alu called un frienils lero Tueéday. ermany, sud died o i l,te.i e t hie Word ha. beeu receîved front the bhrne i r aJysiake. Juin f.-',191. He. Ilisses Turner, s-ho sailed tfon England a icaves to mounohi@ d'ai' ýa %i îl, tiree lew weeke sgo, tatrug theit sale arrivai childien, Leunars, Brîha, i sud Josepîr), sud that tbey vere euîoyîug joli3 oid anaged tather, aud lii ruthers, one L'uglaud. sister aud man>' otlo-r ritt lire. and TTimrae ufilce which re now innted fr-suds. Hie tuneral s'a, leld et hi@ to Main Street bas bail aseky light pttbo umefaset Suuday p. n i lr. Peterkurt ini sud serers oter improvementÊ made' came toO syslakeinll'. i. and Purchased wbichi bas made itia quite a model the brick corner wbere ýi,, t tel sud@as- pnutiug shoji sud newspapen office. lbon are nov conducte.d by biis crus. lie Ed iton Ne whoose is a man of progressive usag a iud sud lovrug lrueband sud isud believes in keeýpiug abreast ai! tather and cousidered aslr% ,sn@ the times sud tire uew office sud the mn. Hie helleved ii tlire tiure o! neat uewey eheet lie gets out 'an-h veek Crayelake tram tihe tart and made, sec- iâ oertaiuiy s credit tao t toua. eral iuVestMeirti in rie towa, building r Je@@ Lougabaugh hb.s vurchape a uaew Regal touring car. Eari Thomson aud hie mother were la Waukegau on business Mouday. lire. Wilkenmon and ber @later, Mamie FChrietian, vieited reiative suad triends bere Tuesday. MIre. C. L. Hlongaard of Chicago, and ber family are gueete of &Mr. and Mre. v ames Sherman. Mns. Frank Norton of Roctrester, N. Y., is pendiug aifea' veké ith ber brother Wiu. Wit'k.-n oa .ke Villa. John Longabough had ni.pîasant sur- prise tllis veeklin tIre way of a letter tram bis botber, Scba Lougebuugh, ad-. ctsirrg im that lire aud Iis tanril>' are GAGE'SLAC1 The Ladies Aid suciety wiii meet at the houme oft s. Samn Whîittucmboun 'rhursday, July 11, at 1 iuý- M. J. Keller of Greeu Bty, % i* ,ieil- ed bis brother J. fi. Keller a iew day. Iset week. Herbert Mogg of Chrgo. dment Satur day aud Sunday with his paents here Mss Sadie Flood utf(urnee, and Miss Wiuule Weish of Chicago, spent Suuday afternonu with NMargaret James. Dr. MeCleary, 1Pile sud daugbter Jo@ephiue of Ciicago, viited Sunday â% the Keller honme. Hte, Edgar '. aet'iseuetetainiug ber daugzhter Irom LaCro,., Wl.., over the Fourth. Reuben Rogeresud tsuniiy of Chicago, epeut the Fourtb with Mir. aud Mr@. J. B. Keller. There i% lii le the nenal service Suuday eveniug. lire. Keller. litm.Card sud MiseGer' trude Mlicrîm cslled on frieude at 'Lib. etyvilie Thureda>'. Mn.. Psyn e isepending thie veek vlth ttieud. at Wilmette. 110 Cacium cirioride bas been applied ta the road lu iront ai the Aines teedeuce vith excellant tesulte. It hardens the toad go there le no dint. Master Haines Wright wuseout lot an auto ride lait seek. Fred Wrght and tamily called ou rilendé lu ibis vicinit>' Sonday. Mr. sud Mm-. Ames attenDîtia banquet st Hickory Thursday. famil>' ocupied 0o1 Lake treet BHevilii hi greatly mieced rîriong the. bueinesse people of the tue n aird bir nu>' innde. aPraservlng" the Baby. Young James had soeau som Ssii Plekled, sud wuse t ance tmprouacd aM pealel ly the explaziatuin, Ucit- aI iT a long and steady tire of ques- dlons. that the saltlng promuea vas ta. mokae tsi lep." Aàlittle later ho attendcd thre haptism of su Infant frend and vas still pusIed. But et lenttaBlight. broie ln upon ",insd lu a abri]i toue ttjat could be board! aiU aven the sacred edIfIce he exclafim .1: "Oh, nu 1 knov ail &bout lb mather. The water le ta miake thc baby keepi" TASTES BULLY TIiAT'S WMAT TIIEY ALI SAY ONLY tbe li-eest, ripeet natural ifruits. ONLY tire rrr uet, chheet cearn. ONLY tire bc'.t of evetythirlit .coin- bined n îîh cean, saitar>' p'r1ensery ansd excellant cen jr c. AT OURt SODA FOUNTAIN 0FR -lîliA DRINKS ARE MAD)E RIGIIT "THE REXALL STOE" Druce Drug Co., Grayslae, Illinois DR. L. M. COULSON VIETERINARIAN Office at Gardinier Hotel Phone 53R IGRAYSLAKE ILLINOISI F~O~cRANSYJ Mis Margaret Geliug aud Mn. and Mn,. loban(iellîng. ut Waulregau, epent several dsys wlth relative, uere.. liismiirace Welch ile expected home tbii .%iiesRutîr HanlonundRalph('rawford were marredl.in Waukegas. Wednesday eveuiug. lune 24L .Congratulations sud bet vimele. Misa Louise Worthr, ai Lake Forcst, speutthe weekeudat the home ai lit, sd .'rr. Northrop. Miss Mary Lewis ut Waukegan. im visit- ing frieude here. -NIîrs. C. G.Nortirop epent sevetal da%@ fast rreek ru Zio i Cty' sud Waukegan. Miss ida Oiver lm visitingin Wankegan. Sevensl peuple from hers attended the organ rocitalSt Zion City Thur.day night. YORK HOUSE tDollars tor yau seling Ambrev. Ber. Latrie F. W Leeelmauu, our ueu district superintendent, vilii peak et York House next Sunudy, Joly 7. Su- day secool et 10 oclack, preachlugaet il ocloci. Thecemetety eociety vili meet vith Mts. J. Gi. Nelspn. Wednesday aiternoon, Juiy 10. Alil that anc iuterested plesce came. B3oru a ti r. audlits. Emery Shaw, Jue 28, a bah>' girl. There stilIl e a .luIY irthday social held ou the suwn ot H. L. Wilson. Juiy 12, Frida>' eveulng. Ail ladies are re- quested tu brng cake. Those wtroi e birthdaye aàre iu JulY or au>' ut thein tarnîly'areexpecited ta haro naine sud date of birtida>' ou their cake. NfaybeIle tlsen ha.;reuvisitiug her conclu. Bessre Harrrruer, ir uAiro -h the pat uer. .rie., vas badli. crrppled witilr reatir rbetrmatiemn due he esYd tauneri acid in bis Ilonri. Fuît.>'idney Pilleenutirel>' eurpid rue sud aiea reinoveil unerouc biack sîrecis tirat wenrecoutiiiuaiiy before m>y eyes- Frîley Kidue>' Pille are a unic acrd suoit ,it and are effetive tor the caniou-, triîuiro! rheumaitsr. For eale b>' aUi lrnxggstm. WILL FIGHT LIQUOR TRAFFIC Anti-Baloan Loague ofIllinois Electu Offcets et Springfield Meeting. ftprIngfleld, Ill., June 27.-The foi- iowlug affIcerg. veto elected at thre an- nuai mieting of tire board o! directore of tbe Auti-Saloon League of Iliis: P4esidet-Âlfredl T. Camps, Jack- vnviie. Vice presdet-lelsop W. F'. Nc- Doveil, Ciicago; Wiii B. Ottweli, Car-. linville. sud John B. Leuuou, Bloomn- lngton. Secretary-Bey. W. B. MilUar. Mur- gan Park. Treasorer - W. W. Bennett, Hock- fard. Superntedet-Ernest A. Serogin. Chîicaga, Headquarters committe. - Chair- min. Revý W. A. Smith, Virden; sec-- rotary, Rer. T. 8. Johnson, Chicago; Bisbop G W. Mattbews, Chicago; Rev. George B. Saffard. Chicago; Rev. M. P. Bayatan. Chicago; Rev. Edsoa ltèit- Imide. Oalesburg; Rcv. Cirarlcs L. ligan, Elinl. Doings aild Sayings of Grayslake IF. J. Druce, P.&torl Ptlone orders Taken for Job Wark ^dvertiobig Ratte On Application Duck 8hootIng in Pars. Duck shootiug at an altitude of 14,- 000 feet. au the Junin pampa. sog the. shore o! thre laite o! that naine. la a sport that eau he foiinwed lu Penn. Very pecuitar effecia are acteur In tbis raretted regonu. probahiy tihe kîgiesl. altitude for tht, sport ln the s'ortd. The guas kick vlclnuriy and the shot ne, nt scatter prompti>'. makIng or;g hots suicceseful. This pheuome- non la due ta, the lack of deaslty ot the air. wlilch la nul>' about elgiit poonds te the square inch, againet 15 at ses level. Au other Interestîng tact ls that the ducks have noa sehy taste. as leh do na( exist lu thi, alti- tude. ElquIrral Was the Measenver Tire occupantes oafaioue at West Medvay, tu Norfolk county. VîrgIla. vere astoniubed et fiuiding contluuallr lu the. fiepiace smali plfecesof paper that irad beca drapped dowu thec cim- ney tram oqsomemysterions source. When the owner begau vatchlug ont- aide the houa. be saw a squirrcl ion up tue roaf and enter the ClrlmneY. It vas conciuded tirat tire Messages bald beu sent dovu b>' tIc aquirreL Epiacapai Services Servir es at the Episcopal chu rel eveny sunniay as. tllove: Cburchsorices at 110:30 P. ni. and Sunda>' echool at 11:-30 Alil are cotdiallv tnvlted ta attend. ler. J. J1. Stêffens, Rftor. Pollars for you eelling Atnhrew. Loulsud James Gerritty oft 'irgil, Ill., are @pouding their vacation witb Mr, sud lirm. B. B. Tower. Mr. snd Mn,. Lloyd Whtte of Wauke- gan, visjted tbe home flk@ Suuday. Miss. (jeenof ilurmanvilie, etuned hime Mouday. M r. aud M re. ltoY Stile, of Chicago, were guests of J.H. :Bonucr LSsturday aud Bunday. Geo. Fiudley, haviug .îeut hi@ twO Nweeka vacation withtir. sud tMrs.J. B. Bonuer, returned to him hume in Chicago Sunday. Severai from Itis vkiniby sîteuded the dance at Guruce Friday nght. lie. Thomas Kldd aud daughter [roue @pent mirerai day. in Chcago the i)aet veek. Mn. and Mre. J. 8. Deumau atteuded tbe commencement exerciaet of Mrt. Deu- man'sDaua, Mies Elizabeth Scbwuthou, ln Chicago Tbunsday, eturulng home ou Saturday. 1 UlTbe Volanteer, claie af the'l Sundav sebool vHiiibald their builueimreeting Saturday and bave a pleule Ina the grave of W. J. Whte. Mr. and lUrs. fi. W. Thom, iss Lucy SpaDaord and otbers atteudsd tUn.dedIca. tiou of tbe nev argan at Zion Cty limt Thuraday eveulag. Mr. and Mr@..H. B. Tower bave a Lake Villa tolephone iustaled iu thein home. The LadieAid Societyr viii hold their monthly meeting ia theT'cbureh parlar Tbunsday. Juiy Il. lire. Errua Straugr, Misse Annie aud Elle. MrCrdil.will serve supper. Mn,. lBrewster ot Zion Cty, having @pent two weeks witb !ben laugbter, tirs. Campbhell, hae returued home. Mr@. Edmund Gerrv and sons are viit- Jug with Mr. and Tom (ierry afIlowa. Spectacular Mourning Out of Data. "Spectacular moorntng te flot so popolar ne It was somne years ag," sald the, manager of a clty depant ment tor3 ln ansaer tc, an lnquiry an that subjeet. 'Therc , taetill a large busIness doncein ail kînds of mourning goods but elther the soin. ber perlod bas gros n shorter or many bereaved persoa prefer flot to be con- splecus because of their sorrowe, for the. sale af mourning anode ha, failen off. In the statUonery department there seemi to be uo change-tu tact. the demazt< for blackt bordered carde snd wrlttug paper ha, tncreased" To Illustrate the qualIty of nme "show mournings" le sald: "At a statlonery «abllâbmerut a short Ume ago a wa. inuIl deepeat black asked to sfe. samplea af dlnier dance carda. She seiected onn, snd ordered onue budred to b. doue on black bordered carde, compramlslng wlth ber conscience bY suggetlng that the. barder b. fnet tao heavy." alvineg EX.Cnvlco s aChin«.. Membera aofithe stite baard aofVP" dons bave beau cocerned for tmrn Urne ovar tUi aime problem tht bia bothered the. prison aiaaclatlou far convicts sfter they are released fram the state penltentiiry. Ot1Y a few dsa &go a yaung min vho bid made bl@ "good tlm. sund bad obtained an extra commutation la bis sentene b, reasu of gond behavl ar d a d«Iii. ta become a useful citisen and bai settled doua to an houait 1f. vith bie mother lu thiia clty. vas oïdered ta move juat as soon as hts landiord leirned snnieîtug about bis hlatorY. Re vasn't bebtnd tn his relit and ougbt to prove R Eood tenant, but the land- lord wouidn't even consîder gliug hlmn a fair chance.-Nebraska State Jour. CIlm the Oldesi Language. It la aiserted by the Basques thet their language, whlch beare s strong resemblance to certain ';orth Ameri- Man dialecte.1le the aideonue luntme worid.* sud was ipoi.eu by Adam aud Eve lu the. garde Eden. Tbey also bonet the± itle the mont dîfficult of &Ul languages tc, learn. Accordluig tti a native legend. the devil IUved amans tbe Basques for seven years. sud dur- Iug that tUme leaamed onty tlwo words of their tonne,'*bal" anud ezx. ye'" and "uo),- ad tii... two warda be for- got within an hour of leaving th@ country. STBER 8TRAIGHT. tu Wai. Laycoci & Co. If Yen bbves autor rreed. epalsluDg or othervlée..-W dlaim tuo nov aur business sud teoj. tend ta it-a claIm made goald by «M'î job ieaving aur bauds. Even IlFmyc don't need Our services today, drap lk anyhov. Weicamet Wm. Laycock, Co. Atouti Fm MOLINE MOTOR CAM Libertyviile, l. -, PI-ONES-.fteSM.c.13111L he Quick 1Detachable Cincher Eaaily M~s Amy Q id ci Detachable RMm No Tools Reqqired IN STOCK BY LIBERTY VILLE GARAGEI -- s . . 1 TUG NAM ED'1' 66WAUKEGAIÏN1" GREAT LAKES COMPANY PU«t. TING OUT TWO NEW TU" - WAUKEGAN AND KENOSI4A FIRST TIME BOAT 09 ANY SIZK HAS BEEN NAMEO AFTIER THIS CITY OR KENOSI4A. Watukegsn bas been bionored. k has. been recagnized: The firet case bas arrlved vieré the name of (die City aKIearcO go0" euough to entîce anybody to n@ s hoat or an'ting etc. after, tiis «tj No, it la not a bg ocean luer la to hecaiied 'Waukegan",; it 1in o a large lake Pasfflnger broat; it la uit a large frelgbter, pldylng alang tbê Iake--it 1* a tug. B»t. Keuceba la ln the canafix-the owuers ofth tuge wouldn't malte Keuosba Jetions of Waukegau, no, uhile tbey ver. nm lng a tug atter Waukelpu, they a&e nammed une alter Kenouha. Her. In what a..Mlwaulcee paper saya: "Ail the nid ftraemn of the Get Lakes TowIng comiusiy return.d to worm Wednnday mnlât. OfficiaIorc the uno. bave pouted s bond aof8$SM for thre falthful pevfaone'. cite coacat. Nov that thr. troubIle là over and ao more of the. ktnd loofl for. the. Oreat Lakes Toviug compsng &aunounces tbat It vill put tua steel tugs lu operaition lu CIioaaj.sdurings the. neilt fev veeks. The busfte «M built nt Clsveland and ore known ns the Kenosha and the Wauenksis Psmlly Close ta o eth. iDuring s receut tefom storun. at Tafleyvaug, N. S. W.. a mIner.bla, wl!, and cbid bad a narrow 68011q» from deatb ln thelr cabîn. The. stciu11 caumed s gigantic tîe ta fli ace» the. center of Uic bouse. bUt teW* dentity the Ma vas at on. Md « ' the building sud bIs vIte and cbii s,t the other, vhen it feul; a"i tbough the, central portion ofi cabla vas liters.lly imsed ta t= grouud, eltiier end of the structur. e malned Intact. 911ah MH@4Vocal Organe. Perraîps the most canspîcuona Q* ample o! tbe Ssii.. that are cablbW. of utterancUe athe. drum tub, noI.CaIe la> reasonuof tiie deep, boomlug aolaq' It ptoducs at yuIL It la found ilff the Auatiel cou$*. from Maiae battu ta Flaridir. W NI