CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jul 1912, p. 4

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LàK E COU NT Y 1NDEPENDENT Ofi ee phoe 1N i C.ry Edtors esidence Telephone No. 145-L. g.atered anihxl. 1- !ie tLii)t.,x~ville. Iii..a'. Se-ond CinsMai Matter 1.eUp ed -kl4 Airtising Rates Made Know n on Application. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W. J.SMITH .........................1............................................. Editor F. G . SM IT H .. ......... -...... .... .... .... ......... ....m a ge RAY L. 14UBBARD ..... .... ................... City Editor FRIDAY, J ULY r,, 1912 If the roadi commssioners having charge of the. hlghway between Lake Bluff and North Chicago (ant excellent road), would only show forethought *aough right now to go over the road, and, where there are now emaîl holes,1 put dewn sorne fine filter after fIaet breaklng up the etone &bout the Indention, th highway would b. alded fer more prnisnentîy thtan can be Imagined now. SALOO0N lCiITi LAW UPI1E1D' HION COURT HOLDS THAT CITIESP HAVE THE RIGHT TO CURTAIIL NUMUER 0F SALOONS COURT MOLOS THA A LAD 0F 21 VEARS 18 NO ENTITLED TO A LICENSE. The clty of Waukegan bas the rlght tu lmit the number of Its saloons. 1 Reoently the Mayor of Aurora i-e-( fused ta grant a lîcenfeta a young1 man. The case was carried ta the ap- peliate court' whlch held that a munic-1 lpality hast the legai rlght to curtail1 the nuinher of retail lîquor stores. rJudges o! the Appellate court usti- ied the mayor's stand in exerclsing hi& diecretIon ln refuslng ta grant the licence. The court ao held tilt a citY bas the right to limît ithe num- ber of its saloons.1 Nt* MVtJTÔ LAW Il ErYlECTS MA14Y N VIEW 0F CONFLICTINO REPORT Ab THE TRUE FACTS ABOUT TNE LAW ARE GI'VEN. ONE 0F TH9 FEATURES 18 TI-AT I RACINà ON THIE HIGH-WAY 18 POSITIVELY FORBIDDEN. In *'fw of the tat tltat there are many reporta ln general circulation about tihe automobile law i pessed by the batst tate legflolatureth Stateas Attorney J. J. Ludene of Wblte- aide couslty bas prpered the follow- lng euamary o! theaw nd lita Pr- C vision$:pl O<very owner of a motOr vebieile or d motos, bicycle "hail withinztai days Of the timo h. becounes th.e own. er 1%1e in the. office of the teecret&ry or sinte r au application for a ilaenSe. 'lite tee.w are $4 for 2S borie power or lbsa. trom COMPLU ED ANNUA. SALE 0F DELINQUENTS STARTEO TUESDAY ANDFIN- ISHED THURSDAV INTERIESTING SITUATION DEVEL- OPS OVER DESIRE TO LEt GO OF "WHITE ELÉPHANT." The annuel sale or deliniluent taxes etarted Tueaday moruin, was cont- pleed Thurday at 10 o'clok- teey estabiling a record for Quicit work la dtapoeing of a large ii.t- County Treamurer Weeterleld aud couitty Clerk Hende. ahowed muc apeed in handiog Lhe mie. thse bld ler& worked quickly ad tiereforle It ,as possIble ta fin" the Liele whlcà, nany tisses, h« a. l m at ofte Many PoId Up. One 0f Lteeteatureg of Lhe salewe tht, vile the pubilsbed lat tha Year wag largerUt au&IIY, maaY Pww-on )Md gone to thse ourt botta.e @fth@(t ft b"d appeared and Pâld their taxes- wbies thu a ide the property soId lit tb. total ranch susaller thsa the. pub. lshéd Sun indiested It wonld ha. A tue.of the speciala lu Zton <'.lY s thut wblle manY of the ProPertY woned by Overâeer Voliva wuaPrlnt0d a delinquent. none o!flt Wesl to Sale, the overseer baving peid up aincetLb. lst veaprinted. Kennedy GaesRailroad Plece. Ose excltlug îhing Rt the sale Iaz the bidding lu by J. C. Kennedy of the C . &- . ElEetric rallroad &t 25 per cent of tii, special coverlng the lai-ion %ti-eei paving lmîuroveuient the ntsiuent îîrinted. wlf h msut., rua'c ing np toalamogt $3.000. Thse total ssmesment egainet the ompany, Ir te reoaled waa about $15,000. Thse com- pany lat yeu.r refused to pay Ir and bhis year toiiowed the garme course. Wheu ibis spectai was put np ta sale, Kennedy bld ln nt '25 per cent not knawing the cruetne sur- r-,iidinig It- Thursdav moribg lual be. fare the gale adJois-ned Kennedy for- maili- requtasted to witbdraw bis bld. but %Ir. Westerfl@Lehlbld hmnitecaue of fta s1ze. lie couid flot permîit it. un. lees State's Atoruey Da*lv Laid hlI it mis ail rlghi lu do go.I-le accord- lnglv put the uselter nito tM~r.Dady (c o0ris. hlm. William Casismore Jr.. feli and brolc the t hmsua on bis rigbt hand Saturday tnornIng. SUHANUK BRos. ý- -I , A ltti. attention now msaflc money saved and the road preserved ln the. fu- Tii. attorneys repreventing the ap. 25 te 35 borne. power $6 from 60 te 36 ture. .At la such a fine place of road that the littie attention now needed pilcant for a liceuse, have d.clared $88 a" abotre 50, $10. Ouiy the, tee eheudhot b. depirved It. their Intention Of Carryîng the case for the Aret, yeear shall b. pro"t.; ____________________________________________ta the Stpreme court. mter thaý time tie oviser miet pay Ordinance Invaljd. for di. fu"iyesr, altongi bhossay de. IKJNNT" IAUDEN TWO INJGRES IN Wile the court hel4 Liai thse City ISy e5UI5W the licens,.. i ltd~ OTIN ATLAX VILA A AUObeArlU of saloons and tiat Mayor Sas- o! Deotiber of Lhe rear In Whlcb thY LAIIOR CZAR FIGITING LAST BAT. - ders of Aurora was justifled ln refus.- are obtaUwsd. Not iter Lian tLhe ltf TLE WITH TUBERCULOSIS AS EVAN DAVIS AND WIFE WHO IHAD of ienet ouh2 ersad January eacb yejr the Ovners FOE AT LAKE VILLA. ELOPED HERE 0114 MOTORCY- If declared ihat Lhe city ordinance éhall file -wtb 4" osacretaiT'of mte 1CLE INJUREO IN MILWAUKEE rgitu aasi uoat uan application for a ilcense for ibai LATER-Martin B. Madden, bijai- r-sati aln vlnd becaI-to l- year. Upon Lb. flling o! lbe applIca-] tWs agent of the. Junior teamfittera' Mlliwaultee's motorutlcie elopers, Ni-. vides for Lb. payment of a license teeien and paymeut of thse fees requlred UJnion, stopped a gamne ofcroquet te- and lîrs. Es-an Daul@6 403 iorlda h ertr fst, saI&n o dey long 5#-C5ough f, dusy that he . Sreet, MilRaukee wlso gained consid- ou h. clty cierk and the statuts pro- tiseseapplyif stse '<hall endt dsnçerouIy II o tha h.hadrenerable Iisidt3tyeveral weeks ago tuv vides Ibat If muaitlie pald ta tise clîy 'e e'o piieîo nsiie sts.eding over the muddy road'. le treassîrer; that it provides that a pltslb ipae n n1.foti glV5fu up iy the physicans who at- WaukeganLa get married lii a jus- lcnse te, ma! lie payable ln two lu- and one on Lb. peur of! lie machine. tend hlm.. It had been reported that lice of thbe peace. -met the fi-ot acci- tlmnswiehetausrqrsTenmb ptsaedfeetfoP h. veau suffeu-îng from tubercuîosia dent Ou thieir mtai-cycle hone>unoon Ist amentlnbiie the santutthes Tebnuehr e latesl q asyediffsn o ensd that ho was ,earing the end. Tuesday nIglt, wbeu their machine coifspyOen u dune udtatlb ad eestiai lx 1< for -taheistin- li'ed wtb ain automoible driven by ordinance la void because It dos not gîe ewe ume o tera "i have been troubled for two years . S .Salînka. Provîde for tb. giving o! n bond ns Is 191adteya 92 h ubr with stornach anud heart trouble," sald Davis was thrawn several teet tram rvd bstus.frhepa192r ,il oa âka Madden. *"My lunga are as sound as a the front seat au the igis powered prodbtttît. icnc. fcor ey A 112are ailleoit a ly wit1r dOUai." ~mtai-cycle and sustaineul a Serines Nt nttld oLiene. Lakrusnd. o the lt a co su lb P concussion of his righti hp and m'ase1 lu tueur opinion the .- At'hae court h tpoiInsu ielwmy ui ct and iti-sised u t .ioibis body 'Mrs. lJted b.ofender tus a fine not te ex- àutin iB. (iSkinney i Madden, who Davis. vas ridlng oni a rear seat n iigshi btCryo uoavsced $23. vus maineuI quilis lu Waîîkegan lu follosred ber hiisiand lu bis flirlit 1aot etit.d te a license as lie dld flot Wben sîpos any p ilîlembay dur. i 1909 and visose liceuse mille witbbeld thrioiigh the air stter th collision, lier.ý make a tender of bislilcense tee te b ngteprlutrntheuslt !oeveea sd s-honflrwad vs rglt akievasspialuul athver iroliei-ci officiai snd did uat pi-avide ieforesuris.. every automobilie shahl iunei for divorce ou a chai-g, of <roi- îalen te EmergPec ositiai. wheTe lb.ebbnd r0tuirei-d by the statute. ehtl v lit iil tlat2) ty, lorns'r czar and dictator lu Lb. la- tueur voîuA ser. t-eatieul suffîcieut- exittwlghsvibealat20f bQr vorlu o! Chiscairo. Is dring. Thse ly foi- ibeintaelie taicen lae their bomne. Th@ icty council ba<l prepaa-es for tet in thse direction lu whlch I i l Mn ws ho bas dodged buliets anduliîng Dr. Salinko andl bis machine enent'. the decision of Lie Aisieliate court., ou u n el ih aboie ln mani' a labotr llght and viso ed. According te tIhe police lb. due-j de, iarIng the licneOusrtldatce nvl vlcs matd onro igiefrn t h, oui bL~a Wwavs bad under bis commandl a toi- sastîruin ou thse wrang ide o d tl. 'ct o nu-il BîSO O- aide o tle crod alro5te o u- 0 jisg o! sisgge" ready ta do bis bild- the' areet and Lb.erotrYcle ils id.A h atct onilse r id ftecradntcpM fb-1 infug, le waglng a tolng figit wlth lu- honemoson larty ri-a 0il before inani-. regufatiug saloons was p85&s g extiugulsbed or igisAed tram lhe 1i bolleuloaMle. ou lu a quiet relceaw near eltiser machine coul b. toppeul. Dr. c d. It pi-avides for tb. Payment of drivers seat.1 Téke vila. SalIniso ided lu placlng the Inistre'l 1 $500 for a saonu itense for six Every automobile white lu use an0 'Iflbe former "lIabar bos la vItii-liaiCOutaile lnibe police amebulance ani outbs. ntead af $1.000 per yfflr. iepbi ihayaaltepoi Il -I litldiuig for osly a !ew of Lb. iben tenir filsmachine home. ,tepbi iha-salb rvdd «rÜth!ssl' vio have stood bi- hlm lu. Suce Mr. suid (uns Davis attauined tihe license in Auroaa nde,- tise ew vîlli guet andl sufficiut brakes aud the various vicisittîdes lu is speola- fame liv speediug asuav front ther ordinauýce. siii b, $>00, toi- six muniba. aise sui.b a suitablibaucn or bell or aItt eubrr career know exactliy vere lci l homes abois' a montis ago lu Lue mai--Iaal navncbgnIgJl '.Ilie friesude say b. cannei liai long i-ed tbey have upeuai their houes,- loybet nalaue elnigJl ber signai devîce. No part o! tise ma-r Ouîy his monumentlal ne-. musas ridne abovt th. streets of Ntill.chiuery shall bc lefi runnlng wville ikeeuplug hm lm nu, iwaienice. sud lto lbhe country on the' le Chicago Law.suiatooiltaetsanngu Madden neyer va, a s-bulst mnfuusor usmooctle isrh stuîlt Aua-u(ybo lmtahoei-l L.public bilgiway aitbout an at- pbyalcallv and for a loue ime hne bas t"-ia uc as cp. !o h th etedn iiOi fellti mrnidly. 11'lowing th turing tise uamnalgu of Cil'.-Clerk ,dq"d'o hto edn Warbevexi L. tea fttrs. IdLucli.of f 'lvakee. ta prMiiluît tise lmtto riac u Cbcg The registr-ation fees coilecied un- -Fl '»1ssneehae yea l vhcb t s rlding'fo!itvpersors on maorcvceles figtisi anov belng maude on ïlb. ChlidrIi-s hhb icu uara ~te1tstsgango! augees va p fil tby wve.ranised vith e opposition 1(Cge Ortinsuce lu Lb. Supi-ete court. tund for lise permanent improvemesut 'bhast'o ganfa ie frmeras ptdandl npantalneul tint there vas no dan- Fr'<t- Iis re»suon, Lb. decisionos f a0b .oordialg te hii frieuda, vent "al e r wlierlob ie on the bniebne. Appellate corait lnu Pboldlug thse Au- apprapriatesi lv luhe general asaembly -felSm. yil lieo lpent inrii iTuet. for Lie machine roaaOrdimance 1 cousIdered impOr- < ia ups.Ts mxut ie Pe to Lre. smentbe lat W'luLr he lny la damageu ausd IL viihbu anis tîme R5t o9, cot ln Lthe Preabyterian lospital beore eltiser le ahi. Laenjov a trip __________t u anyi upaotoi( i mmld masy o! bis assaciaies believeul on anrtihireu but a veil paudel seat ln amatînt levieul toi-r rau and bridge »»r ne e oil<i leave kt alve, ns atomnoble. MROTIONS FOR NEW Returns (o Old "Pace.- .~TIL lsDlur Adjudication NotIce. Wes io left lhe hisptal about TRIASD UILI'RULLU Pubtsle notice lauisereliy glyen tai tbraes mouLu. a"go breLurned ta hie 'N . W . IInAscuCsAfURUl__ - ld room la bise Grand Pacifie isaiei l thEWTTEUe Subscriber Admtundststrix o! Lie »mmd seeting is for-mer assocâtes, p iY 5LCINVJUG ESN JIE.fatte O! Wliam j. Ebbury, deoeeao- b egn alcain te "go luie Ioece'" He ED JUDGEMENT IN MAJORITY ed. viilaxteud tise CowastY Court o! -hhd ,oe'%ts iiMf-ende tuai ho ksev 13G TRACT 0F LAND AT LAKE 0F THE CASES. Ài<. t'outniyt a nterrilibereof ta bu litvosid kl4bi4u t haL hetma been GENEVA. WIS, US PURCHASEO no long eecutomned tg ost lu a bar- hoidesi ai the Court Houa. lu Waiske- s ad epend bis fatones, lavishîs, on AS SITE FOR SCHOOL. Couuty iudge Persans Frday (isard glan l salul CoisntY, on lise lirai NIas- du4nkshe b.oeuld noi break avay front severai MOtions for uv trialsand dey o! September, ssext, 1912, vies the. babIL. HEAD 0F INSTITUTION SAYS HE over iuied tise motion. lin,5lth cse. anid where ail pei-aous having ctalus, .Wisen le tiecane se 111 be coffid LEFT LAKE COUNTY BECAUSE lu Lb. case or Ingalis agaluet cieagueaalesa.i- tfan bordly valk alose 3.addeus vas tuuiuc- gissadeteamntfd ed tus go ouit t a quiet pu-e l intel 0F NEARNESS 0F SALOONS. FId.llty and(tiat- compauy, thse requesied 4o presni Lb. came taid , sstyvie.ha vasullie ava' front motion foi- a nes, trial vas overruled Cutfrald-aln "Oie gang" aud speud is lasi deys lnt The Northi Western Millitai-y and Na. and the tosul eter.d ludgemnt euîfr ELJZA J. ELSBURY, coîiralsv e 1leknev "tisesai Aoeiuedy bave purcbased Ltvh t$2 te verict.Admresttrlx. ganir' would folow if tIse uueitbeis 1.100 tet of Kayee Park ai Lette(Ge- lu Lb. case a! thse People agli55t WaegulillJuya.192 knev bis idîne place and If hi.albndonea, is., and viii soots beglu Lie Nleiter wbo suas found guilty os Wukga, -wkceJ ly ly 1121 any mce'ey tea noeud, sthtie sorv vas kyJ 521 elrcsia)ted tint h. van oser lun'sichi- erection O! a large moadern andcot-m serious charge ths, motion foi- a nev 9" .couions building ta bousse the scisool. 1tria1v1 o esld and Lbe maximum-- Ptecetly Lb. Wilsconsin legisiature .ugmn0 13.70 suas Inaposel, $1t00 TO TRY DANFORTII NEXT14ONTH p&oceu a blli ttueating a larges, dryalie l . ret yei- and $50 yearby _____ zone aroundtheLb.tle ofthtie ncdemy. ftie eucceeding laine uvnis. CHARLES WHITNEY, JUDGE 0F Coonel Roya' P. DisidFon las.eking luaLb.e mse of the ePuspie agaist CIRCUIT COURT, WILI. ORDER t make the arooal eecond ta nase Hislul! 'ise NorthibJCbkv'ts hýloon SPECIAL TERM 0F COURT. in Lb. West. 1 keeper viso vas faund gusliiy ou ibre. Becatise o!fLie proximIty of Saloons counts on a charge o! keeplng bis n., Le-mun Ilnforthis1e ero murder- and because hi seemeul impossible ta boon apen on Sunday. State'e Attorney er,Sel capive lus thsebaie couuly keep the'blnd pige' out o! Highlantd Dady nole pîseed tL ie oraouu sud jaili. must aceuihelbar uof Justice lu Park aud Higbwoasl Colonel Davidson motions foi- new trials ourie otuier Auguis'-firet deeided ta mave the academy te tva cOtunis ver. denied liy tilt.courit, lion Chai-le Wh:tnev, jiuge ofthlisgase allier siitale location. judgement for $100 sud coste being irouit <court bas ardereul a siecîialWaukegau vas thse fi-t pl&ce aOulgbi enlered lu esucli o! Lie ivo coussis. tertu «' court le iselu Iis munti. ansd for sans. littie ie Ler. wsa nijThe sual rder a! commitL.met vas Arroi-ding to iu--etx arraisgeniists.1 des] ou for tise purcisase o! Lie aid made - the spes ual e--lti ili b fied the Di-. Prie home osu sand avenue, the Boy on Pr-obation. Ihe art of ast tva es in l Ausguua. itention beinag ta remodel IL ihorougis- Walter Hulinger, 13 years nid, a Dasiai-ilibas teeri lcd a prisoner ly, puai-i-ase coetaidelluffile affliLung Mion City boy, vas brouglit before 'waitces la~ lthLe rountY Joli tfi- nerîr taso land foi- a parade grosind ansd move County Judge Persona on Lise eblrirge u ilOuttis..Tva months ier lis aif-i-ethlie scioot bei-e. Tise preseulte o! thle tf belug a delluqueui. He vas chai-g- Ha& een tmaiching &boad steadilly ,eï vs. garepor5ed lSa.î le sas ment isu, saloons, hovever, vas one o! tise "Inu.-ed vith havlug rus eway te Chicago a an . Wa p tio hi ae sa- bais fi.. liac. dTise lieriff o! tii. ouusy ripal reesous tisaI causedth b e deas nseveral ies, stulen mouseY on vrt- tien ever. t, hsleLi report. noxt Wcorme bers..ans occasions, stolesi a bicycle and And sit Lies are getiiIZ ceperP .a.reaaon iy Juge Whlxuev Sas Tisen a fine site s-asot!ered ai Laite 5everi lotier Lulsnîs. elthewliîil-wilcb la rathprotisnge-. a lopeica sOésiot cf tise court Ceneve and atter t is autbeen investi- es te vas andjudaed elisqîsent by Lie Il yan vaul l ilke te leari-us st bt) ~ 0cialepIltiuaers tobeb.exam- gaelthLorougbl t il vs decided Liai court, but usiead of coeninitingto & fer fielu-b (ýhmaklng art lmas a- lao nbralization piapers. a better one cosuld nflt lie secut-ed la-o- borne foi- boys. toilge POMersacontln- vscdIbslLeiic Lcoeta ýIIlb fflfedl ad two men have. op- viditxg die laglalatore vauld ps. fa ued bise case la Auguiet 1. H. bldd the iryou isbleta Sud be asi cilli - 1 Otp5apb4ers. 1!Ifisey pats bill, inureing tise «Izof thedry aboy tbatrIfisisie vatphocaseb. soIt& tii..xailaiOus n Asgna iisv i-u zne aou'tIt his as leundouesud oy ieILIf b vosld romie t b. tvieL blaosore tis e at iali- na ballotfr est tiszoe avout f. r'biingsbe bduiladinsgoosboy aud returu ta lbis pUai-lana Oui vetch stock contaist AL.L thououtthd drt bllo fo Prai-thewor oferetIn th buldig@ the boy Ileau orillian) keeç OUO t lat tie art ai vatci meklug bas ta denx t o!tie unbw te ates. tisre, iii h. caried ou vus al pos. had comnPay and staY et iome. l*0W. offer. Monday inornlug ReIttu3. Dedy and ible apted. that lu al proibbliy Liai veise . Andl vs viilingly place Oiurne Ki tlui* aassiu Ege. Runyard, ci-cu Coonel taiaudson explalined thtisaih retui-ied for is hering os Lhse lest yosr disposai. ied a aILlnon oeug insibere of the ished lu ris, tbe standard a! fis of AtîgusitiathMLb.echarge agKinot hlm Laikeouu.Ly bar association for a sciool and tiat le felt b. routd nottudo would tue dhsaulsaed. The boy va. af- A anU S a petial sessIon of the, cou.rt Thse peti. 'bis an long as ibere were saloons tecled isy Lb. !aLIery advice give vas wu.agned iy oves-yWakoflaamenr IL. For thls reasous le teclded hisbaby Lie court am dJiroe doviraJEW =LR eobro ls soltle te gel as foras-ay front tissus as pas- sud tvept. judge Persona aays i h <$Wne s-eSe j=yeigat . M siioU b li.Thun A <k cousby bas bI ose tinc L 7.ustiebabiung o! a ibloeirkl IIfO Y mitlwt tsui *l. !etlie $cstua nthtus. newa nd better letit. Sc bè'. o __________ Whole L if e Ten-payrzsent Life Fifteen-payment Uf e Twenty-paLyment if e Perferred Life Ten-year Endowýnent Fifteen-year Endowment Twenty-year Endowment Twenty-five-year Endowment Thjrty-year Endowment Thirty-five-year Endowment Twenty-payment Life Option Forty-year Endowment T-n-payment 20 year Endowýrnent Ten-payrnent 40 year Endowxnent Fifteen-payment 25 year Endowrnent Fifteen-payment 30 year Enddwnient Fifteen-payment 35 year Endowment Fifteen-payment 40 year Endowrnent Twenty-payment 40 year Endowrnent Fifteen. Twenty, Twerity-five year Term Five-year Renewablc Term Ten-year Renewable Term Single Premiums When a man buys Life Insurance lie does not buy the conipany. He buys a policy, a contract. Now, the pollcy which contains the proper privllegee with a reasonable arrangement ait to restrictions, that is the policy for hlm to buy. The Michigan Mutual makes no special or over attractive offers to attraot business. Its goodit are sold on their menit8 with no frillsbior ibelowit. Every- thing lit guaranteed ini the policy, however, nothing Io borrowed froan hope. Any Other Business Can Better Afford to Wait. f*1rhe" to Your Michigan Mutual Life Agent To-Dayj THE TIME TO ACT US NOWUI Yours truly JO0H N HOPG, VISITEs Iy CLN 'The, to"Mado stact RegIna u0 - cloIWovîs e a duo! tisndef. MISS LOUISE GALLOWAY AEACH. tom nd Chd'lgis vînt. ED WAUKEGAN LATE *UNDAY Mr. and Mr&eBarry lt'rn et o!Wau. NIGI-T FRM CAADA. kegen lire vittits100 meso f E.l- NIGT FOM ANAJ s. user lire et aakatou. Qamud MA. AND MAS. MAARY. FARMER Mr. and Mra. Famer ]a*Yb ees LIVEWITIN 00 MLESOF pendhig a fovrveeka 'wlbi theïr par- LIV! ITHIN100 MLES 0 nteIao! lhisii.cty, bw Ustpbe n ratur CITY STRUCK BY TO;PADO - îug to thse CuianInsOrthlvebt vithin - aufevvwetL miss Lauise Galboway. of Tor-onto, Wl-es are-do In biste Caala 0anada, via ha apendlng di. veek sotiveetand tie oeent o!fltie dam-_ vti Nir. and Mr»s. J. D. Okesse.o! 615b ugo ln ibose plaoes la unkasovs. Northi avenue, .ai-ly SuudaY surngiîla blfared, that tiers a etoi us psssed vltbIn a fev islbes o! Regin&, ot4hi- ovas in the dhistisc ie bave saak, a City O! abouit 12000, "'C Dt ee ord fi-n [vas practically vîped ont iy e tor- DOT1bER IN YLN OE nade~ Bunday nWiglîth & i eat I. o T" (R NCYLN O ef lit,. -Mi-. and Hi-a. ThuosuasAsxbbY Of misa Geloway la ,eturntsng to ber Waukeffl. vere lu tise cIty of RAO»n home ln Toronto eter a sixteen usottih ant ItTidey ic ht. WII! tiseY ltft teuai a! tie sSdCaaien osIiveL. Ber foS Amerkn s olbefore Lste4ribl fatier la iieAdor Lie egricoîtural Se- tomns.o of Bundey nilà ne st iet purtuseesio!fte province of Oetawlo. kw- B. otis ara vil kuovubars. It la estinuted t fbaront fi.fty t Io 1 e Wadkoffl reeldeita ba letL.5l a bundred peroa bavs beau killed fi-vi n I. Acklev 1lut UatuiSeg. STAVER BUGOIlES ARE GOOD BUUUigS We Have a Stock of Fifty Select Prom. . Cail in and Talk it Over1 IF IT S FROQM SCtIANCK'S IT'S (IOOD THE OLP II(HJ6AN EUTUI LIFE INSUlIAN CICG Organized in 186.. During the feotire period that The OId Michigan Mutual Life haia been ini the business, no man-living or dead, hait ever lost a dollar according to his policy contract. f interested in the following, or in any one formn of Poley, Iook up the nearest Miehigau Mutual Lif e Agent.

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