AV T I U E TOZPLY. IWORE be'4- 'ObvetI&dby tisaIgb s TO W.B. SHORT VauNgog Emnom isibe.we rl -0 PROF. GEORGÎ MInDLESCHULTrE pr*oe bat n ta tera ca0,1047 6 ÇOAL CTY CURRENT SAYS REL.A GETS ORDEfttT 000 ACROS e UUV iae enlie o edu TM TIVE 0F WAUKEGANITES WAS WATER TO PL~AY ORGM(WUU OMbv 51 mU0 ed A KENBUINESWANrd s gtp II4 wýlhcoulti bo tracedth ie c A ENBSNSMA. Professer Wilhelm Middlescsiulte, leff 9LOve." PAPER PUBLISHED A COMPLETE the organlat who gave the. Initial cou- EW se Ide&4 Ment D.edd " ughOuR fa IsEs lth ers buge H EA LIST 0F RELATIVES FROM cert ln Zion Ci ty Thursday evenlng, ~te»m. me Yot ung a st- aostnt orth. E HER WH ATENED. basbee srnmnedtepla th Pie ltba veO tefl 1masuve ngntatweter 0 ____-organ beforo a number o! kiring and I lly MADL e CARTEL tisey rèe .oi.urveti. Days passe&i andi B.raiii Short, son of Mr.an queens of EurOPe e. > mrcasPo. the. dnicate uInes were lant la tise e» In a .iru. ILemuel Short wa onE I haghoata l a fmr socauon. ubermisce of tise growtb. but nover tidth ie cou ctv.Ag.9 14,as n leIn W111_______________la__manoforalUtheplanter me a face at the wlndow. atturnei cutug4,14,adde th&than orsllnaryabîlEtyta os vdentto aibo om bomne In CORI <'ly, Thunsd«Y evonî1lir.the tact that hoie anow gettlng readt ta tae à avt tnao l ot et wtls ay r e u Ilub.OO .lune 13, t 8:35 o'ciôck. Hi &lm 5iflta to go te London on Jul>' 2rkd for thse Young man, wlth n fortune, goog looke, Atwater argued InE this wlme If a. came te Grundy county w-sen ho vas a purpose (?f playlng balore lug George gS4 b ealth andi o good i itih ta liibai mee tise lover word idtlaE a bu, c hu c.b d h bis tire ite mince. wih snd hie Quoon. Professer Middle- occpation vas botis occupation Band poeo f IEStioy, redunent andiforney, thse oxoei*on of a Vary fow YOar, b hatle goes tier. on ortion trc>m tiie asoiflmt.go tudiotianuSti td BoIDO kinlninommmie vER ninke a roply «eon kww m iseon psod in or nebr COal CIt. imen who have charge of pravidîng wE*bbung. occaalonally mailing ver>' Ef uzfavofable. go ho waltdad eni Ciut "Mr. Short itsusnEet In marriage Iretrtalnmont for the king, anti, wbillo ott ver... tu magainesO. atcisot. Weaks passed, anti nether et i et vit2 iesl. Mary Heydecker In Watske- e a Atwalterlivotinh a imaîl place. bat the besaven., tiie air nor tise oarth gave never i gan, IIL, Jans. 1, 1878. On 4atighter, abroad. hleinte play betore other a very ld one. Maliy of the dwelllnge a sgn. Atwxteenmieaity was givlmg Bara, vwu bornsof titis union monarcis. Two years ago ho. playeti atooti alone anti otton hi the conter of vay bhoa thse Imptienceo0f love, a" i gi "tr ud v.Ssot eklt nbetore oeklngs of- Europe anti ho large grmagEle bouge vau qualnt ho w4» about tentry nouse more Com>tce Illtr.an Mr. SOM resdedlumad uch a hit tisat tsey have callIê, aud thes grountia vere a marvel of 800d mouploce metisot. Then on morblflg *rundycoeunty for six moebthaandi on hm agaIn taeplay for tisem. heneo tauto. 0n enteritg "jEu mE ut> ehB isn tise air wa« clear andth ie mB» the v5 mm veti eau-. wberthe>' ro- b ioparture now. He woulti have wouli nuotiately be ýmpreueo4 vtb Wva.. saOU thse garde»s opposte .is thepw uaudfor ton Yom. .At ithe oxpira. gono botoro but that lho bad te remalu tho tact tbat Et bad bhoOtraf5l1iso4fatoil ho j»5w hi a now growt uis ut Pml" Mm or tis. Ierioti tioy returned te to urfor the. Zon performance. 1 stidcotltti b>'au artist vii ausex apupli a bflea sol.mci thtis wàlcii club Ocuati>' couty andi occujlil the seoins tîsat ithe profeser hai pbei u iEt10 ssioan- tr ms!moID hiOb--0e. Ebt be lttèvm. but ice t cameop Tise bi jbot bnnsteidnorbog e ýOwn ,wiiooitisa wlndçw 551104 lgrenadI e vemly bh o olaDot ba aurOaet se body,1 Twlv Yurs age<t < came te Calledte taEurope to play' for kUnga andti ut bal eviEtilI> 11015 rrageod e»' gs'at a dEsPuce. liu auother momnt paa Twove armmactio>'caie t (lidqueensB t Ea roalliedthet .more that a ianducp gardenar. jBoti tise artlt h.a " a pmiw ofglasmes lbrout at the. - City' andt is ,place lha "cse beon local p~vero prvile" dtu- boer ml h is*e eo hsmAt'tr.lvrbo.'i ol etb meb *111vift bn& 1r. Short wva akeen hlm l>'-at o cncort n Zion on A gtr su 11* 5rv e 050 c qod bih. ett--liera ewh-t trevived t~nm sat succeodet in se- Thursa inght. two tiRferent vome nat diffreont tEune, Àtwater v.. momentarfly <lieornt- A 5 cÏiultnmug much woatl __________ but hati mener or later diseACe-rUI age&i But Ilt vas crident thit thora. mettes lbvas of a rmrteuWMY retirins mometlslusaiEuone or tise otiior tuo ffend vas more eolslng tîs svbîchiimght club de uatWw- epecially fond of bi. home STEEL CO. (IVES LANI>11hi3 Sensitive tallit, 8moetlslngthat' change wbml appeared toa efsafiE. tureofo &M* niomns eformil n- T OT gtt eltiser eniackod of coma -ioi r au Egan tihe Impatence lf ove E mpeUled dîdt tEmato trientiebipsso ly >but retained T ORMCI aI bsence of ldealty. Nt uhat lie vas hlm t pas for an Emimediate reSpolsSO. lng 001 tise mmefriendus throuohout lite. He a sentlimcental man; lie ma>' rutier 1>0 but hlm IdenlEt> agiin trtuumpiel. lie ng ac .baver enjoyeti robust healtit and for NORTH CHICAGO CITY COUNCIL callet a mon ot entlient. Tbe enti- concindedte ta vat. tic:iziîsg tow ho- situan the put six years bal spent the Win- VACATES STREET FOR CYCLONE mental vas Ras repubove to him iau mioulti butter vatchiugfr triaresponseTe e ter. lu the South or West. He reta-ný FENCE COMPANY BUILDING. continuohi esne a iw cfts On Atiater'a returu trous a journey Mgoudst, b. absented hiisoseif fur a sen- cni e* tronm Tampa. Fia., Juet one0 week Tis Aeic Ste & Wie oi-he founti thut tise place noxt atijoltiil son. fie returned hite nt nirht. and tore tig prier to'iEs deeb. bis on tise east bad chaugeti bandes. tise Dort ortilu, t,,bis ~stsaction, thMth "Pecognilaing i great aptitude for Paty has givon the cît>' o! Nots Chl- Thesane day lho saw a Young lady go be aw plaill>'lettsrs in tIse udJolnlng bushiem mr. Short was madeie cage a rlght-of-way for a street to lotoeithe bougeso mbs appearance grart to ead, "I Ka,'w You Nt." pffIbEtotif the FIret National banlc Fosa Park. thse present streel having @truck hlm favorubi'. fier appantE It les lgis lime thit me o cbonio a-bed" i Of CMCai cty%,lien Etla-as organized been vacatot ta tise Cyclone Fonce aras n gbod taste. Ber bat nîsicareti a rien- utfarbat tes raspirlng En tisEs ont <o4 là« intr, rd h hod tls osit copan of aukganfortiýeir new ta have been madie néither for a iani Ideal nfair fnsm ths tliser $'ie oft'ltiso hl bt thItiEm of 115 deah. o building. nos' a dwnrf. Thse colora of visich liset garsiesi alnl. ment 'rh1toesomedate survivEng relatives Tise preserit Stree.t Interferred v.itb costume ivero com.posci vere atubdued, 1MISS Edlth tufc-s ngir ¶5 S lookitig mual, roh h pasfr hfi $0,0 bid er face. too. bspokte nnte refine- out ot ber wudow o.-isortflhig a-heuulîl a am .tai wife andi datigiter, on s-~is iepan h e $0.00Iui -mont. 1 he éin- a yoasg umas leave ltse ne t ot LgnolShrtani is sstrMi.Ina anti in order to accomodate theise as n-th ie autumsý that Awn 1 b x utsaoerne)u icsInt a Alvin., Gagn,.both of Hamlton. Kea. buildings it waa tound neceasar>' tafIrst aar tissgr n ne! rl>' aves-Y It vas cnuugb for lier thait be Ta hen Hi& tathes' lied in 18-.5 and bis motta. encroucb an the streel which blat day atter tisat lie uiserv'fd ber eltiser nce lookng andt t bc tliivei Dcxl at or Iaseti vay n 106.HI. roterbeen previausl>' iven te the city b>' golng out or coolînit n or ut afi n-nJdo nieAaitrah at William, lied n lntancy andti bs broti- tise officiais of the big steel company. dow. Hielm t I mPîîlee Rstassume ngs ou fIrst seeing bier aere a-bat sIse ot or, Jausio, n theo Autumu of 1906. Tise engineers empios'ed b>' the Cy- tise privillge of a neiglibor and g5o lit migbt ho, mii. motel] on somethitig ta rose w "Ti.tuer-Ia-s oli ra Nn-clone Fence company are t -oslt lay -anti cailEan tisenewcoOsT. anut, troc en 1Ml -MO e fPreb rl an chul rc onSturNe . ing ot thse groundis for tihe nen- biilti- p ure E te ui nth s gi r vl d fr its cidet e hipince berseit on thse vantage En r uq* a syert hr Stra.pesr u tdigtegr ri l ground of nvElbtitvthat I. KmeInse s & Sm t 2 clock. Tise Rer. Wiil, ng. Tise srveyorm bave tiseon work- brief distance that sepiaised theit wouid fat be seuil whist witbin does leci »o P. Youstir a-as aimîted n or. ing at the site for the past three days. abodes. ()ne ot bis tiseorles a is thot adPi oldapÇ noncos rsh gd«lg bythe ex. . M.Dunlvy. t Ioexpoctedt iat tise work on the a refinoti persan coîld not be uir- thd iewould apear unclg osiuiigmat ia Tb*o choir of thse MothodEt church new building wili he starteti no later fineti; that nu deal lieraslil couiiDlnt I lîved nxext door.. mied WN 'AsJeep n ioss' 'B>' Cool SI- tisan tise Ilit day o! Augusi hbc commoripiace. If ste we 1>'d Wilie Atarater vas assuming that tOMlaSisal>' RuE,' anti 'Abido WItb lu aIl tise officiaIs of tise steel cous- Ideal and ref1ne4< abe arouitishow lic i ho did flt cousîder hlm vurtis 100k- lke.*The pol learers vere Willim pant conatedti iree quarters of one ldeallty an-i r0flàAetnent tl islm wth getBlvrsosanyobrig ot aua csutnie- If tiseaM'as elgu senufintni'obevn Roffllsbergor and- George P. 'îller. acre of landte thie Cty of Norths ChI- lchfetsrb roîiIeci o1 litei p omadrk tisai espe ll pre. There were many> ver>' ieautifisi floa-agg. Tise landi la regardoti as valu- tet t itisout spsaklng ta ber or bis Nevirbelesa a-bOn at a vlItOv alise effios 4ietltying te tise et'em lu hie as an>' landtI n Lake caunt>'- Eug apoken ta b>' lier, ol ueDtt okit h don hItieis the doceasol vas belti. The Cy-clone Fence compainY n-Il Wthln at-arfe cis liebat ntue ng pol cre andt taever npnre 4nt1ai- "Banlal wa-,.In the tamly ceniefor>' maInt-m Eu main office In Waukegan. et acte on thse part ot his nelisîsr n- e lce ahnti susor i leared a i im *the 011 isonsstead. dîcating traits tbat ho cOncidere IL"'.o And e et eu l at MiigYîss aed.gýI ~é7I1O pieent t tie tineraIf~-,,î rfpEgiglI'fhtaihN'CalIlitff not essentlaltt. a reflue<i n a ntoE -stn isMcrg, ,"O1ft a-pre- M. al h u rnt C.t. F Il1ULILtNDENTS 3taie, He awn-ber recelve a chidn-hù ILm"'sperfectl>' an-oie that'tis-. Atwaner nM td cterwn i Bw naeyeker:M.an r . AIC.>L5 FRT.-a tca e 10ber ibouse and i e at Once nl»red ber isetore lie urpposest aie AE>DCTCI iCAIIT tsatberiseut narmt tocîsîtrn aas avare of hisexisste-nce. nd Bile 5.J. Heytekoei'. C. W. Heytiecker, Ç. fHe aas tandng at a wndow n-ber, knew h o si bonpre i b>' ana o A. Heydeeker. Waukogais; 'srs. Henry FIVE WELL KNOWN ZEON CITY @lie tteuded un (Id lady to ber carCgl s'C o-s beorcued a k ven-tal 19ich)&u a. ena Hickts O Joiet, 'Ir MEN ARRESTED ON ASSAULT s'age and a-as -sure that sbexYp- aro tat iusint av u x Md Mra. Promn mitMlisIs. Vi§a AND BATTERY CHARGES. thizot wlth thse uged. Tîsese are but grsen tuhaet tis'ult avhedanlie- Owti. ira. Em mt o hnr-IndIvIdufil Instances of Ataater'a oh- twanetsoemt a-d lu unie' s b ed - Ecnma Imitis o! Chss'nua- s~~ervations, no one of wblcis .waà of But- astem ninbi- apatt bon, Mr. s-snd Mrs. Lemiiel Sisort.r. DEFENDANTS ARE ALEGED TO prerne importance. but ail. taien Il-soue t sipeli - Love you" ise bait Alvinsa 9afftne>'.of Hamilton. Kan.. HAVE BEATEN SEVERAL VOL. getiser, nicate a nature.sncb a.seie"eu tIseL, ettera trAed outInl the soi1 Mda, W Carper o! Cilcago.' - COaI EVA FOLLOWERS IN APRIL. couit admaire anti revers. bfr h ed eeptt h rls C Curmint. ToM.vu aa> o le oreo er. Pliecbad purposel>' plasted FEraimosabera o! tise Independont Wisen ba rettirneil ha mate a disceur- Eu er sopDousetuet te -"No" lis TO EECT ACTOY -faction ojon City' areoarroted b>' or>'-The Young lady naît door tii thîn col lthe erthat teie ltitroe- deput>' aherîffa Saturda>' marning on nt appels? ather n tise groundis or et op tefore the otst iebe oe NORTH OF CITY charges pretes-reti hy menihes ofVol' a vlndor. fie begmi ta leur tisat lha a t , aG emporur>' dlsaPoltitttsOet - .- ~~iras faction. The tise men arreateti: b.d'soon ber fer the lenItErnme. That Nte'erkse er'niita Ralps Rae. ear va.e ak4s ta Pain. ie vas toe M1r. Atwater vas.4 man of an deni SI.RVEYORS AT WORK. PILANT Rl Rs.edteh malte Inquhries, bt 1ew no One nature botis trous bis face. vhichBshe _WILL BE &E.ECTEO NEAR THE I ery ln.teagair. Alter a veeofo chaflu ne lanbd carefuli>' stuiedit ti a glass, andi NORTH SHORE CAS CO. PLANT 11FrdNaio fterneen haeanar ber drive uP t ete a b*lseie u mklr o eis -.----- Honr-y Vogler. bouse Ila acarriago and recelve l usi ie oo rl t-.aeStro Tis pesnc o lve sus-rO-son B. J. }opkln . emonitratialil af affection Es>'tise an>'lîulo hat nu mave.I o the 'Dead River fais" \Wedne8day Tuee re vmen as-o alieged ta bave oio obrso b asî>.Aau ke-vr'oelI th'u mt u love anid Thussay gave bitl ta a report aBaulted andi bouten tlree membera os og to upoto is îuornii ens ins a liut ie the -ticmmnca- tha aChcao oiceu ia dciteiof Volîar churcli taction on lt8 anti tke berIlEn bIs arma lussoî. But 4stio groatm ot ofkethe îme necias- tha et ua Chca otis fcrn l na te day Mprl ISi aas nImpuise Iat din't countmaytgis<utftseron d te rec a aniothfacoryon sâfor ofas'l. nsnt bis natural idlosy=nl'- asitc-d ber lsver's uestt uove. Sa n-heurshelicved a note tssgglug per- mear tise nec ;plant ofitise Norths Shore Tise mon cere lroisght Iefora Jus- çles. a lesere Gas company. tice o! the Poace Win. F. Weaiss, at 10 Later ho - matie anotber dlscovei'y mission 15. isegin a cofrcâpcsidaflce an Susve ors have beau ai soi-k on the 'ociock Saturda>' marning andi tuieur îmiar ta itbe fisst. He sa* a ver>' pulser sc ises-plEie tisat t a-ouEd ha a lite for tissea da3 s. In an Intervien- case.sn-es-econtinuedti sntil tise liii o! antisate Young manuIcar- tabouse pît>' tau lssete lpfr0515 hssutlfsil anti a-lt a UN aîsoterindt, Cmmi lu>'.noat doar andthie yofiig ladr'foiloa- naturssl iliers toaurtlicial unes matie jsioner .J. J tetmeyei- admitted i Iat Tedate tweamy-ta-a Zionîtes bave hlm out ta the gaie. aisparantl>'l n e thi Mr iktwaslter of ielc a larg cosLer sissît tsllda ~ ben rreaetion imiir carge. tN e have hlm toepai-t- This tErne it mas T ii l- trtrrplu h a ag ocr budhidafco!bs- Be o im rchres orevesai taeblus Dt osi>'tbat the a-bIle tIseilion-ror csds arere hoautittul lu Waukegan, fines buve been Emposeti. Young lady wan a Eeraon o! Interuai anti oit us;u. tise>' vere ver>' Blow. Tise SUN madie an effort ta procure Tise men arrestei toda>' 55 ra Ib-,taeblus but that beo bWete41'o-hr 1>- And lise malle a requesut to ha alloved -tie ns-ain fa isse new tarior>' bust cas erated masien the>' turnishel hall in Itohe ia of Itel-est te an>' tier "ante cal,- isnguecestul. Thcadori-aDurst, one of suoinof$200 eai-h. Thse flht In arbici Fromt Ibis point oeboceaset tu ho n MISS MarCs-citas' deItsyed tarepl>' ta tise officerb ofthtie Nortisai-iIllinois the msen are aliegetetabave partice matter of atudy>'b>' obervation. she tis note. bul a day or two a is-topi- Xnduntrial is-acuattais. eports that jîsteti took'place niear tise Cook Eiec- a-as ta ha appropratet. -peaiet lu naisacombng mOrnEng cet- tIs Na-lhrn ilisos inus-rta acso; ti-a capans pant elitMiytse tmtry up teta s.point tubas .n tusue lu ber gartien s a-E 8 mal cthe ortn I lliois he lndi ts a stria op. spat es ftever>' one sîddt, ant Il muet contnue aaterEng )et. Ata-atelsa-ber anti t rails-asti tracks forland on ieoe flaha on.lllaotirucks. lst no tErne n gong nto, bis ovugar- tu E a Chicagos iont cru e eb uprdta agr 7h e èD ern - heercio o iigfaýrin Sat o lîlinois, Coîsut>'fLke,â unter constant Observation b>' a yomng waterEng ber planta W ç.harn betion meana s 1e sss. I ts' n utise rcuit Court of Lakte Coun- man noît door îtisont mrne observa- acquni. able o ike mp a-ttii a-il feiuet à%Nre arbor slips, caiti a %, cikiiss Il Jt>, October Tes-m. A.D. 1912, lIn tien on the part of the %W. ~Ata-ateT ifrsie Bs. O' oe casus I '*au otate agent to a SU N lej.arter- hances-y. bat nover sean ber LOOkial t hlm, nDock ovor thoeIeige. Be remarkd Jet yeux tise Elgin, Jolile!o.&î:s lu tise malter of thse pettian of tha¶ ho leiaiti nve? faffledtooiattatsepnsned iasimi raiilatiIrtigtius tp issuto. iLeasard Jucevicis. Gen- Na.5816. bea-orr oapaot. a h rpletatisaaiMBEffri. t1t li a net Ieen -set es Public Notice Es Herebir l-o Tistcub e on m ehtbv a btrlokid fra Xelgh tisEs slip ha. c~onsiuiereti ber as ovemtPsWt heg i odgeogo.bttitfttiiion' ftii UiecPPUtiEosier, Leonard JucerEcis, but boiutis set for a msodoot Young a-oMRaIsusr tiso. re a. a feueb bountiEn gbt flied In tise Circuit Coust f UaIIThat sh e ddnato no convlncohlmpropertes.anti. gettillE antop cf t. -Count', bismapplications, En anti b> vr- that elle dît net consltet'hm -nbopestiUe oge e -ibO> tuo o ariicisho dsîro ta hauio hl boiEnt t.Imch rattlot. Tise girl -8 perfeti>' naue ota "e onaerdJuch."anti is t On n u er-a> AaaeS ea lshe taltet allout ber -lovera as a isoariisg tisoreon viii bo maa- ~~~~ne mas' lging U e sou h ietouhtsr -o noiormbet usoitcoer eTm tiso n tbiîiyr tsattjontg rointl-îtva*h-stnc. lut 110 Oweti> ieIvtei WLL UQU ORS IqR~ LLOPS LOCAL £LKS O ut A GTRI BFFR IJU RE AGO .ABAWDONXD PLAN TO TIE NEZ CAP EN 190"A> 0F YEARO 1STANDING0. CYCLE ACCIDENT 1111CENTILV AI Gutiire.,smon of Mn.-anti Mn. RI MADE eV ATTORNEY IN John pfltbrle of Gien Rock andti Un ARIttGJ.TI& WEEK MBINIGS Col a aeOSnS. suffared injurEes to tise OUT THE REVELATION. kaeeé capcf lisa nlght log 1B.turi*Y nEgit tiist a-mîî n&temeltato hl% utîmg a bearEig of tise ,alof cames et crutchea for manY w veWahou ho Dur bsonne thls. a-one i.of thestruck a rut En tho roati vitb is .mo- -Ys fmode the I'0.DWk -th.t the torcyclo anti aaihurlet tii-ugstise sà voe«D o s e O ~the ke'air a diistance cf tulîs ta-eut>'-ivo teet. nisoro iquor la timpnesot lI" Mr. OuthrEe lu cofsisaS>' it Bari corn t e dolopsnentm, tise at. Hull ofc! Cansaveu" aa-cIerotuitDi Y,.-iho vii net an 51K. idti from a joy-nElde to Chiîcag bo vise a-ls- h.oa-a t&lkinê s-bout, be. accident happef 04. The tao mon tkOi-e lenov no <5115cr d - eiN ust iturnElottis e v ntu te rosi thei locq] Eilks' club ané -liels nean the naval traaini station vise WIl ib son.GuthUe'q Machine @truck aàrt anti Stpe rlFrt a-as hurled Into a tltoh. le tise sutter hem nogt en mn. - a-eas plok" uaisanti placeti 1te an>' extef t5Eit tievolis. Ebat on tise baldie bars cf tihe machine lka' club, on Apri t] it uiade trtrn b>' Mr. Hul. Ho a-as taken w. àan of eliug lîquor o en"%the 35150 lcAlisten hospital. otic. thos lia toU.voc m e e Ho Ea employeti me a cdes :b>-AI w«m establisiset om rne ego Taylor. tise NothsB911M ro everags, a-etcnoe e sitte aWl imea.sbazsdo.setIsSe Sprttag au',s "tte sElst X noves' vii bu. Id bo. rmissesat 11En nspeamkng of - )r expiainet that tise rensofl glu0 ecEteti to c-ut ont tise Ilquorf05. O S T of he club lre a-Oboasum e scos ot a-fristo haEInPoiEtion of b&e ifls5witi>' charget viii conuct. club teature suis swasnot lust - o M t A itise lau as a-as otten tse Case. nembers mate ne o=t aboirt lie-;l v t e g ung the, ale of liquor tisere' right pri th ulegencral>' tiEtnot kisov hab plan bal iseen abamdaned. t m Wlsmt Lemons Wi Do. mona are golden, os>'. a promln r s ,S l . lctes-. snd Ifusany ppe bil elv- lie tses-e would bha ies s'spbas for doctorz Eu St. endîna ta Meats, ir>ct 1Eiri-lefls. A biliQus leadacls tîa>'.y ho iselped b>' iing lem- ln bot arator isitisut asîgar. andult i g narniug. tastins. botore break.i sA a;. &Bdsuits mat aln-Iif a lIttlEl wnter E. addtoie t . a i lan y iaom-rn. T1Bra e iake a point ot having a rut lia.talssBr d. Re eé wasistaniti.anîl liptîna Et fl-su mfe watr. lth'n i--I-Et ou ti * II A n littie poisdertil borax chssuîd bot(3UX'leE Id ult tisa julce jmgàslon&b5fi@7 W- the ën vashgj 000011* tse , tp * atf Mes. Mars' A.- loner, a-Ifsor ret louer. 0< W w* bhgton wetO t tise «a 0 ams.oaler bueboom ouferlU f' *W gjf« tise laityoar antifor Use puat 0o ev agobat boeo c rlticL>' Beh lasu of theU.oltys bout knoa antioatasElsrom01te clUsenm. b«lde ie iuabent se haves four -oii Fired ifflffloeo, WIllim, Rob-. est =4tiGeorge et Wauegss. Bye sEs toms M m ctwg. uies W tsel. Waekossaa. jmi M. LuHotus, lMr. LovEs 1. em n.M >elIa Besantid )M.& St4er anl ot lioa"tibro. broth- o .: I.r . L D it meso er f W m uskon mi . . mentlEp Diotuler61 lise fenoul vib. hait Pritm' matalas et1Io woei eat t ioegis obumis a-tiirequiemi*olmm& .b, 1ternumuWiniii teu ibe la Bt maty ice ail the Lein and Smoked erIes, Notions, !>otslHard- y and Cigars %tur Compressd Yeast RNSTABLE B4 Illiuois ARE YOU SICK? t For Poison Blood 9unesthe Blood. 'Cleanses the Liver, flmtiseSkin, Srreuigthens thse Nerves, lacremmes tise appetite. For C a tar rh. Scrofula, Seroulous Humors, Ulcers, Huams q0, Pimplea os thse Fae,. Constipation, Headache. aims iiisis Dk, med&ail Blooti disesses from amy cause ýFo. rChils C& Foyer im ,,1 "CHIL-LAX lis heworld's grual- u Abiolutely sure. smfe and harmsles ton te thse Maladi e v.. -diat ini Mast cases it drives thse poison entim'ly ou ofthe sstem ini3 deys. A MiIdFaunîly Laxative r The New Discovery ;For RH EUMATISM and GOUT, deep- 004tedn ppren l iopelese cases, amsy Almr condition. Uased by Specialista in every quertes'of the Globe. Pleasasit ta take 'Ds:wap#a time withi compoundu, cure-ails end linimeUCas Cure Tour Kidue s oqr Ldney, Bladdcr and Urinary viesses, iI~~~fnecd, of ten leeds to Bright'm =f ÏDNEY FLUSH ls a soie. speedy 1 ,r,iti*tiyrmd -frln tnîi KIDNIBY .trouble, posseusing a wônderful ntiseptic power 'amma . A 8.8 Sm a. CV? Tm M OU Y AL TO UM Mm"