LAKE COUNTIl,% INDEPENDE)NT WAUKEGANWEEKLY, SUN VOL. e2.-NO. 42. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOI FRII)AY .1 Uly 1._, f191. ONE TO EIGHT s Pu ER YEAR iN ADVANCE. DID T1IEY TAKE POISON TO INSURE DEATII IN WAVES Fidig f u N arBo ie f M r.and largeiy over fInancla iuatters al Fin ing Os up odis u Avr. flu thougli le did flot go lbi ta ai. Q SlitWe 13od es 0 resPonse ta a question lie replied that M r~js. James n bSihs o is f is ftier had carried a lutile hifeinu Shor of a~ce M ichgan ndic tes This statemeun h ie part pute ta Shore of La M 'C" an ln =te$ restarumormthet bsgainéd consider- ~. able currency about town ta the effect P athetic Trageciy had Deefi Most that recently Mr. smitb bd ait a o a large amount of Ile lnsurance andl Carefully PIa.nned. Whole County bi ta1 aon tbi rtorta t a ithrough a lidg deal that would give L ck d y ou llflied 'n enougli monuey to pay al big delits. Ila11,w believeil that lie meant nolli- Waukegan Discovered late SaturdayIn further tan thata he poal Wa that wouid leave hlm out of debt. Af ternoon. Keal Estate Agent bld Not Show Melancholta. The Moat i ntimate friends oft itr. Knowvn al O ver th.e County. Smthb aa' that lie dtd flot show melV anchoita aithougli le did speem ior- rled but they attribute this to the tact that lie .as neyer a man lu show is %VAUKEGAN Ilîlinois, Jîîly 1 - newapaper. He said the thought en- exact feelings and atwaya lried tu look Did Mr. and Mms James G. Smith1 tered bita head that posibty the coupile on the briglil ide of things. taIse poison before taking their fatal bas taken poison before entertng the- This ta seen by the fact that on plunge into the laIs. in order thst their laietsgo that they wouid be doubbY Monday when lie converaed iwtth bis death mlght be doubly certain s. ure ùo! endinfg thetr lîves. He tailel, son lits condition seenied ta lie uor- Thts the question that ha arisen .owver, ta fid auv hottie that miglit mai and gave lits son no castielu wor- et the result of finding à china tes have contalned poison, athough lie ry. Then. 100. MIrs. Smittli ad apent cup near the umbreila which MMs.dug about constderably tri the senti the greater part of Monday and Mon- Smith had &truck into the tend. Th i Sonfllis Story. day eveuing wlrh a neiglibor and gave suggestion seemesàa agica one be-"I Walter J. Sfmth, son ofthtte de-flot the sliglitest intimation that %he causey realiztng un they muet, that the - ceaaed couple v-as then piaced on thie waa contemplating suicide. It talmie water et the point where they enteredi stand.ite ta ernpioyed ai a pnivate iteved that tliey muet liave brooded was quite shollow, thora was s chance secretary inii<hcago, over tlie matter al ntglt Mondat, and that both of them mtight flot die andl liesasys lietesat saw lit a tter alive on Tueaday morning liad made up in thîs wey thir suicide pacet would on Mouday. Juiy 1. At that ttme- le tlitr minda tta Ise tbelr own liveg. have been thwàrted. This la the only met bita ln Chicago and taiked witli Showed Unusual Devotion. solution that can b. offered to sccount binm Fume little tîme. He aay lie MIanty commenta bave be-en mnade as for th presence of the cup. ThiIs dld not uote Rnytlizg alinormai about ta the isnisiat devotion ot Mra. Smith could flot b. det5rmined pouîtlvely, bis mental condition, sureiy nothing ta lier bumbani-an undylng love that only by an autopsy andl thia has beecas bt waid have cauaed lita ta tbinli bail hound ber close ta liim ail durlng coniderd unneceseary. that bis fther was conternpiallng uti-llier marled Ile and wblch causad That Mr. andl Mrs. James G. Q-nql ride.lier ta accept deatli at bis ide, rather of Waukegan came ta thpir death bly He lest aaw lisa mother alive an thon live wttoiit hlm. Suri cases ut suicide. sucb suicide causeil hy me-ian- Siiday, June 23. He admaitte-il ilat devotion are- rare inde-e-i. choIýa tbrough financilireerees. vas bothi of tbet were constrderaily v-or- Even tIhe tvtng together ot their the verdict returned blith le coronersa ried but notlilng ta suggeat that thet' bauds v-as another re-mnder ofthtf a jury wbtcb on Sunday morning at the were desperate. If anytlitng, lie says devolo.The acf showe-d eltlier that Conrad & Hart undertaktng room 0. bis mother sbowed tlie greatei.t Indi- bath o! tliem v-lalied la make sure invsaigateil Ino the causes v-hIic led ration of v-arr>'. that the suicide compact alioîld lie ta the deatb of the v-eh known Wau- Knew They Were Mssing. fulilled or that ln deatb tbey wtshed kegsn couple.Alil the evidence point- He satllie heard_ on Tuesilay that stil talie Jotuei together as tise-ybave e-ilunerrîngiyt tathe- tact titat Itv-as a suicide pact. It v-as shosln that Mr andl Mrs. Staith bail been mlsaing ince etnît Tuesday morntng and that wben thet' illil fot show uit on the- Iiourth tleir trtenils legsîî ta thînk thtat sometbing migbl have happeneil. Tise searcit v-lin final1>' resulteil lu their badies lieing tounil on the iske abore-abiout tbree-quartera of a mite north ofthtIe Finer rond,. sas Instituteil nt noon on Saturilay. AiseM'hian of tbe-Pundt rîgar store toil or pastng Mr. andsi're. Smtb on Sherfian masil about one bundre-il eet soith o! thse Fluer roail at 9:45 O'Clocks e Tîîeday nornlng. He aya le notice-i nothtng out of the vai vitb lb. Il couple. H. spoke to Mlr. Smatit as lie p îaaaed ad the latter v-ave-ilhis uta- ire-lIa ln reluira. "At the- time 1 tbougit tiat posai- lly the v-oman v-lh ita vas a client t v-Iota lie vas shoving some landl wlun lie tbouglit he-mfglit se-llier." lie sail, "I bail no ressor tetasuspect that there v-as anytliug vrang." TPlere- te no questioni but tiat Mr. sud Mrat Smith sere v-sîking totiei deatb at tbis lime as Mr. Whan v-as tbe last person 10 sec the-]a ailve. Amer Patterson. son of H-. C. Pst-. tersoli ot 318 Cary avenue. tolil of finding the- baie-a. He saald lie- ne-v that the people were mlsalng aund on Satur-ia>', about noon. starleil out lu an effort to locatee- iIf 1possible. Hiev-ent dowu the- Fine-r rondl 10 the point v-bore anotiter rondl branches to thie-nortis. He turne-ilnoril ou This rondl andlmail. a close se-arn aItlioti aides afthte rcsal. Fie thonv-ept fer- tiser nortit and continueS lite eý u on (lie lats and aiong the laIne abore. It v-as v-ile- patrolling along the lake shure that lie an acroas the- bodies o! thse tv-o Wause-gan people. ,At thte time- the>' vere iylng iatt lu andl hallt ofotthe v-ste-r. Dld -They TaIsePoison? lHe deacibeiltiseposition tri v-licit the badiles v-ere- Iying andl sail tbgi. one o!f Mra. Snith'u banda v-en. ticil ta one otflier bubaiid's banda vitis à bandkerchief. Titeir bats wees ylng aimost at the v-ater's edge as If tise-y bad removeil the-ni mt betore tlsey etarteil 10 vaile out into the laite. -About ten test trOItise place v-Iene tise bailes la>', their umbreMl bail beea stuci ln tise Band., RIglt*near It ;tu si-Iacus anîd part 9f £ Snnday tbey v-ere- mtsaing but Sud not tthinI anstblng about Il. presumlng tbat tIse>'bail gone- into the- cauntry or ta Chicrago ta ,iitltrie-nds. On the- atternoon o! the Fourth of July hliesail tbat 1v-a rienda o! tbe- fandI>' calledilup anil askedIf t!he- haît bearil anytbtng f nom bis parents, say-- Itig that the>' laal not lieen seen for tv-o or thîe laya. FHe saya lie replieS tln the negatIve lut e-xpeosspd the le- itet thttHie>'bail gone an a visit. pas- sîI>' ta relatives In Vaîparaiso, mil.. lut lliougbt if trange tbat tue-ybail not tl ibm tIseybail gone. Later tri tIse-day lie- legan to think Lat possibiy someting bail bappeneil at the bouse-that posalil>' bis par- enta migbt bave-le-e-n aspli>xtate-d b>' gas. Wit bis a tfer-tu iav- . MFer- ry, andl Richard Mines ho- vet t itai parents' bomse andl surneededilin forc- Ing one ot the- front vinilovs, Waa Quit. Reassured. The bouse v-as searcheS tram tap ta bottera andl no signa of anytlitng out of the v-a>' vere noteS. Thislie- asys. qulte- reassstred hlm aud lie- becamne ltrtaly rouvtuced that tie>' lad son. av-s> on a viait anil wuîi setoisa, proball>thUe ne-t day. On Frida>' maînlng hte- vent to lits v-orklun Chilcago anil retornesi bere ln the evening o! thesaune- day. Whou- be- leat-ne-ilthat noltug lad set li-e-n lieard of bis pareuts ho beinrm con- vinced tisat something must have itap- pene-il 10theta, Intitut. A Search. Saturda>'. Inme-diatel> atter situner, witi Mi. Ferry ansitv-O frte-nds, it stade-il to patroil the flats and tise lake- ahors noti of the- cil'. loptnig againat hope tIat tht seami v-ould lie tustccesstuil. Qîlite a vays uortuu o! thorata Ie- sav- Patterson patroliing tise lie-a-u and tlits pre-ve-teS tletafront v-alIIsng furtbe-t nonili on tlie taIe shore. Tliue it v-as that tbe Patterson boy v-as the one v-lia final>' tocate-lthse- badies. Unsuccesstui In their seat-ch o! tise liisethe part>' starte-iltowaril Vos-l Hause, malntng inuiories of the- iiffet-- eut tsrae-ra aloug the- v-s>'as 10 v-hetber a couple answiteng the- de-s- ciiption issilbe-euse-e-n. Unsucce-estul the-> seturne-I bornelietvcen 5:30 andl 6 o'clocIs anil than iea-ue-d that the tv-abadiesbail be-eu tounil. Was Much Worried. Mir, Smitb ailmilled that tisev-ors-les etis 115athser and motiser bail been lie-en for ave-r s quarter o! a century. One Man Pictures Scene. One mata, a close- tr-end ot bath 'ilr. andl buIs. SPtt, lias lrnv-n a picture- ln ie min' e-ye-, o! the sce-ne iist pr-e-ce-de-iltbeir destb, "It le not bard ta Imagine ibe-ta v-aIIing be-ni ln bandi along thie beadli, lie belplng ier toav-ade tlirougis the dleep sand,." be said. "andl then bis fils- lng lits pockets siti aand tn onde-r tbat tse-y migbt be aur-e ta amIs. TIen the>' tie-iltle landkerchie! ta sach otblis vrlst andl vith a tond embrace, wlitcli vas ta lie- tbe-tr-Isat ln this v-orili wailei dut as far as tse-y coulil. Isisin eacb alier good-liye. eand tien slnking beneat tlie v-ave-s, As I tbink of ut teara came-taa>' e-tes, One coulilnt meet tv-siIsnder or bet- te-i people titan ina Smitth anil it fa rbararte-ristir o! tbeir love ta- v-erd e-sd oulier. that tliey shoîuid die aithIe- same time-," Thte-pon bouse or de-at h Jaune-s G, Smnitamnciavie- eechose the- iatei. Pinauicially James G. Smatitv-sa ruine-S, Mltng spe-îîattona -e-re- di- recti>' responstlte ton lite tai anil nutn. Tue-ada>' after-noon 0v-e-n IBronua v-ea.tly lumberman of Beattire Ne-b., came ta Waukegan ta @pendl a te-r daya vitb hia ister. 'tIrs, Jaine-aO. Smaitha. The- Sritti borne-le founiIonIse-i anil abannloned. Upan luqutry ofut eighbor- le dis- covere-sitiat the> huitnultecu se-en abioutthie- neighborlsoij fcr tuui>' twe-nty-tauîr beurs. Then for île first tlTue tIr. Brow-n le-arue-Sthe filanial standing utfNr. Smlth, lie v-as tliStiaI Smait hd teat bts entire fortîune pîaylng tie- "Cet-RtIcli-Qîut ctn Wui emssfard'- boas-i. '"li, that malter eau lie-e-sii>' remedted,' NIlt- onantotl aIlIte-long trie-nde of Itra Smih over the- te-le-- phtone. Fs-tendu ut the- de-ce-a-se-Jeude-avoreil ta ixersuade Ms. Brow'n ta sta>' ln Wauke-an andl haie a talîn vlUs Mfr. Smsit1h. "0h, I nîust <rop ove-r t Niagrara Fla wv-lere I bave- a son," sai M r. Brown. lunlits conversation wvitbh te- Wau- ke-gan v-omsn, itf aspiaiil>'e-ident1 tbat Br'own nid flot Inow the cIrcuta- stances tsi v-un biasaiste-r ad bus- (CONTINTED OP aGE'àWsX) MAY!§S&L MILE TRACK WELL KNOWN NEAL ESTATE MAN MAS ENTEREd INTO NEGOTIAý TriON,WifH A CiRCUS. HE WILL DI ON THE GROL)NLi A FEW DAY* AND LOOKt OVER FEASIBILITY 0F SITE. After ail, it lap s' I .'ake counti- wtll bave a di i>'Il t v î%ar arouînd-Ibat le, tbe-y nw t t he owvu- er, ot the b l cio sare .,'t î m- pressed wlth tbe loca' iimiritha ie-en offered tIeint the coiuty, it became knts'wUtoilai Tua, a wel known real esttte man has , ommuul- cated wtt.b tbeM reIattîe o0 purchas- lug the large race track aT li5erity. ville for tbeir permaneti- iqiarrao As vet the deal bas no,' ,,roiressFed ver>' far, but it le suid th îilarepre- seutaîlve o!the big rircîl- ýIi!! e liere withIn a tew isys To 1,,,,k ,,er the ground andl determîne 1' h' h>ei. inhies opiston, it v-ould prove a 'yodj site. At Ithe present limne. iTVTarali, a wel known turf Iman oft tlerTvx ile. boids an cItiOn onthe i raik, aavlug secureil itftram Otto Il îî pnor tMt waukee. The purdisse 1 rire or the parke te $25.000 Wli*en Il first became lriosu that the Ringlings vwere to nie ý heir per- manent quarters trom li 0.Wntt vas asuggested thil n e in Lake rounty would lie acceîiîeI hecause tbey want te set wiîiliin Mt t mes ut Chtcago. The report that th, iinglings are- sE-nouaI>' 'Consldering lheie alTer or purcbastng the truck ha., cised con. litcting opinions ta ar. .einiblenty- ville. Some of the rstn~seeta to thtnk tliat lit v-ould b, îIrýght whie others gay' tbat tiîeý (il A ,care io haie a cirrus in the7r - tait the year round. Just what will ilevîTlîîî n the next fev- daYs ta not knoma îî UT ail resit dents ofîtheraounty wiit.îî-îtan>'pos- sîble action wti rot,: JrasbIe inter- Slie las sittnint i , i mi ni. r omiwhlen ' T re'l o i Donegan's Statemen n au exilitiive iTTriw W Si N relîorTed \lr. IDpneg'r ud ýs GREEN; 1OE In'l d :iouse w a bolit S' ____ y_______1 tit to, ___aout__ 1oýk Ther was lenty of! ari-H WAUKEGAN WOMAN,* DRIVEN.( ELHCMISOEYUN 2 1 n*( os.1thInk there EL.CMISOE ON FROM HOME, COMMITS "a,ti' a 'out ilfuthtie- tuif arounsIIITABOOS MANY FARMERS AND SUICIDE t he houîse I did not speak much 1,t1l COUNTV MEN ARE HIT. hýr, 4!ie t u le that she was look- HUSBAND MAKES STATEIIENT POLICE UNABLE TO LEARN HOW POISON WAS ADMINISTEREo. START INVESTIGATION Drivten from home by her huabanil, Mr@. Elten Donegan, it is fearcd corn- mitted suicide by drinktng Parta green. That the woman v-as drivten insane by tbe thought of beî ng com- pelleil to e arn herovniyticdb- working out by the day la the ballet of frienils ail relatives The young woman firt broke intô the newipaper limelight on the Sth day of June 1912 v-ten ah. fiied a sensational bill for separate mainten- ance against her huabanil. 5h. charged him with havtng spent hi* affections on an adopted daughter. The. young lady v-ho v-as namneil n a seperate maintenance bill l nov- living ln Chicago A secret Investtgation ta betng con- ductei b>' the civil authoritîes of Lake count>'. Mie. Eulen Donegan la dean. Sise dlied o f Parts green polssoutng lu what manuer tlie poison v-as admin- tIteresi nolilvtng man or woiaan knovs. Ten boursalater _Mrs Donegan atag- gered oh the iane leasing tno the- re-ideuc-e ocvîîîîied b ' Mary ('aise-y and lier sged tather. alie dled of Parla itag for lier tîoeketbook sud I tld lier i-ioulîIdtîrlîîg It le town tn the morfi- ulnI if ond I We did flot have trouble- 1 ildilnet Firike her She wallked îiawn the iane a far as the rosd tliree ttnîes betôreý Fhle lnally made lier <eparture. '4lioît 10i uclork I was intormed that she had taken poisn.1 went doute Tbe Caseyhome andl abe was there The ', tooik her îo the liospital. 1 vent te the liospîltai about Il a'ciack. Tliey toIt me that aie v-as better. so I went hume i was tld she v-as de-ad liy a tarmer whu passeil me on the road about h uecloi-k Tue-s- day morning. Donegan professes To tînow nohlng about the ttme or mnnn-r the poIfon was admlniatered "I THINE SHE \VAS CRAZY. IN FACT 1 THINK SHE'S BEEN ('RAZY F'OR SOMiE TIME lie told the SUN reporter. Mr@. Casey's Statement '.tust ai dusk Mrs. Donegan stag- gere-il ip the- isue ieadtng Into our bouse. 1 assiste-ber ta a settee She startei te vorite. We rarried bler Into lte bouse. An heur atter as came I nottced that the- vesseI -sa fille l itligr-een stuif."' 'My Goil, shes poison-Paria green," shoote-il Mra. Case>' la ler aged tather. Mrs. Case-y van te a neiglibors andi aummonei the ambulance andl Dm. Fole>' and Beitov-s. The- stomaclu pump v-as use-ilb>' the doctors e-st. gre-e-n posOning at the Jane- , il- -'Va r E- h oapiaiDavid Q. Hartv-len lie arriveil on lT IIE IDA i~~ DOVEME 0OUT' CT THE tlie-scene, M e HE ID N OlUSE. lHE WOVt..DN'T LiET 'ME 'Notlitng' reaPonded the diyng v-o- ~ ~REST OX THE BED HE SAIt) t mou OfI CERL kUILLLLD 'MUST LEAVEF THE HOttiE FOR- Dr. FoIe-y Caims Me. tolil bimta t EVER-OH! 1 4 50 TIREt). I FEEL aeto bota8bepone at WAS CROSSING TRACI<S AT M GM- SICKÇ AT 11Y STOMACH." hogre aouen.beson fPai WOOO ONDAYNIGMTWMEN These- yards were the- isat uttersil An Inquet v-IIlie-o bell over thsei-e- ACCIDENT MAPPENED. byi Mrs. Done-gan before site lapsei mains a- the- Conradl Hart establi- tb a state Of coma.The- word,, ment. Atorneys repi-esentjng tbe WAS COMMANDER 0F IGMWOOD were adilresset ta Mms. Mary Case>, de-a-ilwama-ne reltive-s v-ti attend K. P-'S AND VERY WELL v-liaceaides wftihn 80 mils Of Use- the inquest. KNOWN HERE. Donegau rss.lde-nce v-est of tiia ctty. Thos. Tyrr-el's Statement on WNest Wssbtngton stre-et. "'Ple-re- ta no question lu my mind Robe-rt Collns,26 te-aroalid, First On Siturda>' June 8, Ms-s. iJone-gan but whlat Nirs. Done-gan suirideil Sie- Sergeant of t'o. F stationed i aPFort lirouglit suit In lie Circuit court of acte s rangeiy v-le-n I ie-tt ler. 1 Site-ridans, waa iiîatantly killed i t aIse- countv for seperate- mainten- thtnk abe bail platine-i ta suicide at 10:46 O'clock Mionda> niglit b>' a ance- againat Phltip Danegan. lier bus- Donegausa home, no liait be wvoutllie soath bounil Chicaga sud Northwes-t, band, She- clargeil ber buabani lvlh bell responsihle. I do net îleme-bita e-ris train at %Wa.b-ngton avenue- ln beina uîutltltul and auie-geil 11sf heor rl-lgle alae h l igbv-ooil. Hi-, maiagiedlbail>' vas foree isafeton po n e rI nilberthat sivte ltase ceYrieil neari>' une bundreilte-e-tlie-- hwrd bsafcin pna we ofudta h Jdtkp tor-e litv-as drojiied. The- cornue-ru adopleild 111.erMis AnnIe Donlîn. poison 1 tbink ase v-as auffet-lng fiOni Inanest v-sa held at the- for' iis Mra. Douegan cliarg.i tisat 'be-r hua- insanit>" mortassg. basnd bild be-en gulit>' of extrema «sd In bis state-ment ta a SUN reporter Serge-ait Collii i vthtli v- conapan- repeate-d crue-lt>'. Done-gan ailmItteil tiat bas vite v-as iong liadilsPent the evening ai Higli That ie- repèatedsly caresse-S bis taIse-n amIs t bis borne. Isnil Park andl the trageil> ocrurreil as u adopte-i daugliter, and had in ita-ti> A quiet Investigation la being ron- tbey v-e-te retîrinit ta the- tort. The'allie-r wavs manifee-ed su affection siîîted b>' Stetes Attorney> Ralpb J. th-e-e- me-n. Collins in ailvance-, startesi tloards bie-s, onwarranted b>' Iie-r tiai>, Thomas T>-t-se-l Attorney' to run arrosasSte- lranil tracks. relations or fr-tende- bp, v-as chertges ('lias. King andlthie coroner of Laee Colline, apparentlî d!net se-e the- lit, Ira. Eilen Donegan. count>' train, but lits companiona ilid and' The- auopiesi daîighte-r diappealrei stoppeil short aîi tle sain ttanlim-gving i froltathe- Donegan home early in -aV IA LS CL IE a v-atring dry fýil bitai ta stop. The-'O l 2fte ecrsauth.- -arning v-as a taitil one for Coulina'l girl usa foîmnd tnuChiago. A clitld CURRENT HITS 15 BODY sbtoppe-i lmmneiitnel.v, dire-cil>'In the- lad be-e-nborn ur~ini>'the grls ata> patitof!thie train. le- startes ta turn'iu a hosîttai In thut city. Mvir. Done-- WILLIAM MANZER 0F BARRING- arouil to sec %,1 ýîi bis companions 1 e-ah .aid li ber hl l ihaI her liusland TON MAS 8,00VOLTS SENT v-ereshaouting abulîît andi the- next lu- vas the faliier of the child. TMROUGH MIS BODY. stant hlie- as tihurT i lîîto etersait>'. Since Tbis suitr vas started, 'Nrt. Hia romhîaniun, andi others whol Doue-tan huai manielier honte witi lier W'lllln ianner. T..î years old. lins bail v-ttnessed tfii, fatalît>' burt-ted tu sister lit(Chica.go. foreman for, the Pubilic Service cota- thse point vlîert,- iîîcrtasbe-S lady îayî Itunîav mornlvg shte raie- tuaurin, utflTrrngloti, niet vltli an ar- ln a crumpled Tint be-sîde- the tracks., \ uike-gan SIe speut fut' titre-c uldeut S itîia> moi ning whv-ln ma>' Pli>siciarîs front lhe fart wv-et- i hlotrs o'iîhber attTorniey, (harle-aI c'st bs' etcoIjlTcnpee moue-i, liut It a founsi tiat beholai t Ki il atitielrsaun the Dîunee linoe disil Instantit,'I îTlis bail be-en sta I At 'sur. Kîg's treqmegt. Thomas rieur th ,iîsatinansi hautstarted tioneil at tiie fort for tbe-lat siIT % rreil, nslataut chilet uf police. 10 coi o tolt frointThe pote. >'eas.sîruîe NiTrs. Done-un ta ber husbeJat' 11, 5 -ideIt1tY canme lu contact witit Hie- vas a proinent me-siser 0ff te,, hoe a t Io'clouIs in the- atternoon uic' w wroi and re-cetved Sil0s) volts IX of P, beig Chancelleat-rCommeider! The 'Tai was made for thte islrtose iîroîgliî histiodv, lus arma andi body> o!f lie- ut-er aT îligb.v-ood. fe IsT uîvî il'tirchb-r tii proure lier e10lh- Tvere se-ierel>' lîtrnesi v-e-Il Inowu in W.îikegen, eepe-oîeiîî'ý uni. Elwil Yoîug, operalur lu charge ta members utfTths onde-r, baving at hloî eainue at a bis tlonoe vii ut te-b, îlli staîlti utdiscoveresi tbat tende-ilinu>'futh, meetings baore 1i Ihof Tyîretilt-nime inTo thie *îardt. î ouîeuiine %vas îrong on thie-line- and He -u slîyiosiita av- pe-ii'îî liv sîsîke ta lits wife ansi Theti re chT fthe current. NMauzer fell at a meeting helî lin Higiv-oodIasttiTlrlel To Tie barn tu m;lIs the cul' ,. about thtrtv feet te the grounil, sua- nigit, hut vas uetile-d at Fugulant 'lri l)hinee-an ent imb the houseotaining iiadubîlle fracture of the eft Park. FHev-as ver' PoPuiar v-tI ilt ili tiTîvit li'u suit lase-s itiî rloih T ee-andl a disiocatesi une-e the aldlers ut the pont ansiaie wih ing A. Heiz, stattng engluee-r, 'vho v-as ail thase- vho knewî or hadimet blut I TTr Ttrreil tiegeesier ta leaie thie-Ton the grouinil orsiereni a speclaî train t-ils de-atit luregretteS gene-rall, pi-ici. andretiiru tu uv-n v-tTiblinn. onthie- Nortbwesfern ansi Mr. Mauser "No, 1 vaut t o sePiilieture- 1 go v-a-ataken to theAie-xlan Brothe-rs' Thte victime of ithe-auto smashlii tp lî1ýarKT o'vn Viii airiglit. t vanut ta bospital, Chit-ago, for turte-r Ire-nt- near Anitian lat atut-day atternaun' obualu a few nmas-e t-lIst andl thont ment. The- tripv-as made- troni Bar-- v-e-r-e-not lrougbt ta Wanitege-n as w an t wii v-alk liack I dan catch an rington ta Chicago lu tlttrty-one tain- expecte-il but v-et-e taiken t Sale-ml electric car at the- pari," utes. wici ta muit ne-at-et-.One of the-' Ir. TyrrellIinsiste-il that se-ride- Latest reports art-e lat be la attîl me-n ia ail to bave beau ver>' serions liack v-cbta, m.Sise starie-i ta cT>'1 alive, but littie liope v-sa given tor 1>' burt. ant hat tine-andl Tyri-ellIloft ber, bis le-over>'. - 'CANNOT SHIP IILK TO CITY UNTIL TMEV 0O ME SAYS TI4EY WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO SMIP TO CHICAGO. ('hicagos baffle for p ure- US is laons. Attacks on a dtrty' snd dia"e milk supply bave heen started tromt three diierent points, andiltihe leades for unde-illei dair>' produeteagaae-t-- e-s Monda>' niglit that witb the heip. 0f lb. oitizens the- campalgn would b. v-on. The distinct ste-ps taken ta aecôn' Pure mik andl ave t.bousandis of bais- le. v-fb die annuaîly trom dlsessi datry products Include-: Introduction of an ordinance reqîîirlng nllk o lie- delivered to, the- consurmer at a ternperature et 601 degre-es and provlding thst al exce-Pt product tram certWfed tarina ,aIblIie Pasteurizea. Instance- of "aut out" lista of 87 milk producers by departmt of beailh forbidling producoea frota seiling dun>' mîlkin en c- - go and warsslng ilealers afflut acceptance of sncb milIs. Dtse-emination o! health de- - partment bulletIns to oeao farniers and laiy 0v-net lit sOU- ltton and cleanltnegs durtmg bandldng of mli snd oowa. Healti aCammnitoner Youing, la 11* tvice a montit bulletin, Ineludées th mames et 79 farmâm uanmud defy torbidden ta aend milIs to CW00 Elght otisera are- lnu tte sIstoue~ c)"& because o! tiseir refuseI te, per- mit beelth diepartmeit Ingpectoaa t look ove-r their dairles "Ever>' nman nthse hutont lBU »111 bave ta convince this deprtmat b'-, bas madeiinprovemnain tend"'b. mill, and thisbs produet tias baofne" ' bette-r. betore- be v-tIli e alIowed, q,-' Bell e-gain ta tte Chicago marbseae the comissioner sad. Here Are Taboo.d Najiie Tbe tit-st group were blftkjbflstfwi failing ta rome up ta standard snd In- ciuile tiee Lake. county 11rnmere ('unnlngbam, H. C., Round La"t Davis & Newman, Gardon Pmrire-- I)owe-Il, F.. Round Lakte. Ditbolil. G., Round LaLke. Dov-ell, B., Round Laite. Danlien, J B., Round Lakte Fleaitge, C., Barintoas. Hertel, G., tRounid Lake. Hertel, J., Roundi La».. JOSEPHI RUIHM DIES SUDDENILY DROPPED DEAD SUNDAY NIGKT, AS ME WAS PREPARINO TO, RETIRE FOR THE NIONT. WAS WELL KNOWN MANUFACe- URER 0F MORSE CCI.LARO IN COUNTY FOR MANY YWARI. Josephi Rieim, 55 years aId, a known andl promInent resident et Aps- takisîr. about Oive- miles froni LWerty- ville. drop>eildeail very sudilenîy oQ Sunilay evenlng juat asuliev-s pre- parlng to retire for te ie-ugbt. A or- oners Inque-at vas bell yesterday ead it v-as founil deatb v-as due- ta apois- lexyy. Mr. Rie-bm v-as engageS inla te manufacture of boise collars ansi tail liveil there- for man>' yeiars. Hi-i ulî'.th v-as a Iseen abock la the v-bol, us munit>'. Mir. Rie-litaappnrenliyli ai 'ion tlu the lie-st ut heaitit and i-,niiiîîglîne- ver teltlietter Il it l if-v thlt 'hen lie prepared to go tlia b-viltsunStl'aY He- veuttiti sTit '. anid stdde-lthe eîiq ,e menibera ut his Ç.nilly heard a begiji 1 lail. The>' ruied Up zlairs andl fouflw' blm iyiîug un the flcor. Tielr *yp, thotîlit Was'ta hit ie basi taintedia~ a phusMcait was sumrnoned. amtnatlsn, bowever. showed t# was de-ail. andl apiparntly d.sIl' rame ilusaitly. Besides bIig f fe. M". 1" tbree cbjldi-eus. lié