CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jul 1912, p. 5

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT,_FIRrDAY, JULY 2, 191-1. F àibertyville, - - - I-linois. T HE man in tiheu e not eujoyiug hie rt-st after e hard day'e a-crk, as he should. If he a-are sleeping oxi one of our Lenox. Mattruesees he a-ou Id be resting mus-h casier tha appearauces indicate. Devoting perlieps ont third of is turne to mleep, he coulul well efford to rtst on the best Mattress madle, and th-rt ii nothiug better then tht Steers and Fostuir. Telli him about it wbon ho wakes. TREPTOW &-TAYLOF L1B E R TY VI1LL E I NEVER COULD WRITE AN AD. THAT WOULD LOOK WELL IN THIS SPACE AND SAY What I Want You to Know IF YOU WILL COME IN WE CAN TELL VOU 0F Somethiog That WiII Be Interesting THAT WE CANNOT ADVERTISE E. A. BISIIOP, Mgr. Libertgville Luinber Company Out at lo. k BUTTER, BUTTER. Who ha$ th. butter? If y.u ore lookdng for Butter mae from the cleanet and pureht crsom-Butter thst ha. a golden color, an exqulaite flavor and creamery tests. thoni TRkWGGS'S GROCERY is coPt*lnIv 1theplac #0 find il. For reilabis Orocecie. at reasowable prîce.. colt on us. J, ELI TRIOS PF40NE 26-a W E want ta cati your attention ta the fact thai we are headquarters for Evorything for Mon. We ain to carry a fuitllUneofo Gent'& Furnistinga, and at this time offer you a fui] lino of HOT WEATHER goods at prices that are right considering the QUALITY of the goods we are offering. We guarantee you satisfaction or refund your money. We have employed an experienced tailor and solicit any cleaning, spotting, pressing or repaining you may have ta do, we guarantee you perfect satisfaction no matter how difficuit the J, B, Morse & Coo ~-PHONE 14 iii tiius î.>uîO S aho i U01111t. If yn lihas-e iv uge r sali, your oii uv. tys lhave the> a - pleasure tiuhasne ,i kîîoa- liv. te farci rming us your liasi- le rooney te tht best business. Cerne in ung aud banking and mutuel bt-utfit. Tht o: too good for eny ational Bank bd Profits $U8OOO.00 SELL M. E. CIIURClI SITE LIBETYVLLE BRIEFS EALON MILWÀUKEE AVENUE DEA CLOSED WHERBY DR. J. L. ~j LOCAL AND IPERSONAL MEN ro F*THIEWEEK FO AYR A,00 OAR Y aý_ CHURCH BOARD l8 TO BUILO To insura publication in the Indepen- Miss Pearl Hughes spent is.e week NEW $26,000 EDIFICE IN dent, copy muetthbetri the office no lanr wt relatives and frieude ut Mfd bîrn. NEAR FUTURE flan Tuaaday of each week. Adver- IlSylveter Trlpp and faniii f Roeke- lteari.e, epecially. are askad ta tale feler left Sunday lor (alforîaini, un an It lias lien d..I.di l.4llt,L[v fiat steps particular notice Iot isla ffect. Important business trip,. will ho teken as s,IuP-4 îossible te hr s li aie Mi@s Haze! Monre won thei diameond ereet tbenew Metlîudist churclion thelur 5 Ttiftr ring luale popularlty -,..t t the lot adjoing the pars nage un lrainard shoill ot liave a batik i,, Miea Grace Croker spent gunday witb Hudson Vaudeville Co@. si s'mlv.t week. Court and Churcli streit. nl>ciin bisl to pay, wlitutîr tlicy bc relatives and friendeinluChicago. Mr. and lira. Bey L. Iilllurd are wa« made possible am a res.uit ùl the .(on. check will pa them :îrisdMis Olive Wells frotte Chicago, visited entertaining, lit. and NIrs. Arthur oSummation cftti>.deel v. erelîy telleId rîgtit change. It wolIi >ho over Sundas et le horne of Mien Edna <irkin and Mr. and tirs I('F. Boles churcli and lot adjoirîuugtizfi>.le îiL i> N. C Barbour. from Chica.o, Ibis week. VENT office was soir! te lr. J.L. TaYlor your namne on our books. Yii en MI @"à@ Winnefred and Lllian Brown Mrv. and tiro. Billan Wrighu leIt.N'ednD"' for f7,500. to the hest advantage. Far are opendlng saine time viitîng their day for a vîst of @@vers el v cl. with 1ibertyville le niueh interested lie the Ilieé. We know bout to bandle tather, J. W. Brown. tiieir daugister and liusbaid J tr and purchese of the property by D>r.Taylor advantage. Bankîng es our tir. and)àr@. Clyde Anderson are th, Mtr@. S. J. Youngast Elleudal, N but the docuir vilI flot mate know and w>. wilI talk over farmir hapPy parente of a fine baby girl, liore) îi CatrîteWstîntr u abat hi.plans are eeelIng that lie bas kt Tii.Catrth etintrGidacqulred theproperty. A report prevaile perbaps it will prove to ontri Tnseday niglit oft tis s eek. ia planning a lavn fe tolie g von la the n utegtrlyi cetdthttebs hi notbn en Mr. and lire. EL. B. Noretrai of user futurs. Watc tblepaper forfurther ,nqlee aliacpedtah0es hi nou ak1 plans f Dr. Taylor Include thse erection honeit tiller of the soit. Willnette, ID., vif ted over Sunday wltb antioncement and keeP Your eys peeled of0 rebsns lokvlbl eb lir.aadlire E.E. Elavvth.furpoitrs.umed ai a location for thse Frit National NilasAlce Suydans leenjoylug sa week'i The onttl clieu meeting of th@ Bank, poatoffice andi for offices for Dr.(' Vocation. lii Busan Ryatelaaklng Farnent Woyk.ri vilU behleld Wd ueàay Taylor andi Bon Milîler wivlos ,ba Lake County Nai ber place ai planlit net thse Lyrle theatre. afternoon, Jl l 71à with MIr@. Eger. &ave. The bank officiae are naturaliy M tr. and lira. Roy Rugis bave moved Ail those lntendlng to oiii are luvlted reticent about tbe inatter but tbelr Capital Surplus and Undivided ou rteCiaoadaenwocp-toa epreiut. demeanorludlcesotisat oethingleln lu« the resîdece of tMr. Hughes' lather Tht Libertyville Gune Club and the>.Waa. thewiud"along this int. on Park avenue. couda Gun Club met et Wauconda lant Plans for th. Church it Jotstfcauxblîn and son Howard Suaday iu a matched abouet, the .local Tht churcli plans bave not yet beau r.turned Tueaday trouintiontane. Tbey boys reoelvlng a drnblinîg ly a mergîn made aîthougis decislole final that thse vere eDgaged lu erecting larin buildings of six points. nan structure w-i go ut). It a-îîî coet on tise Warren Heatli ranche lu Yellew- A. A. Ortudy tiîs uc.k sent fife about $25000 and a good part bas T Roue counîy. carpenters frome tise fiende,. îitracting alraady been subocribed. Rev. Wippie A nuniber of Liertys Ile men teck lu Comspany, Round Laketi Mernette, la not yet rsady tii met>. knoa-n the en. the New- York bell gasaegereintbîcego Wis.,where they serî tii 0--t ieiiDow tirie amounet coutributed. As yet noba * bi theetk. ernong themn beng. Frentklieuse on bis 520 acte farns architect bas been engeged eltisougliar Wrght, Be-n MilerOe. Wright and 8uçit. Chartes Appley of il. cpi-îr fae churcli officiais are llgurlng wltb several pieu Barry ttyers. lias received lie ts ow- I. iserigur now. te get estfiatois nni ideas for the tiie Frat Mcuu s, eîeynga vcaton tesrcar auto. tlaii trt. ivs. ma-er nea- edifice wa-li h -in ceîpteted, a-l an, and ia thetfiret auto of the ii-il. t e lie li ebig iprovement te the city.ei fronte bis duties as@lieokkeeper for Srbpurüheseti y aeuybody îs ii lty.Rt-v. W. IL. Whlpple left luor St. Maery'@ae 8hort- Cuinelîdated Ga@ C).et Bigbland i en rae n or ordl hiWdesa onigt peoeo Park. Be s asîeidlng a ew fea-dys tut k m f te befraehe i ,( eiee.Ohe Wdeda unrnlgbtiigs eeof 1e.4 veek et t)evil@ Lake, Wîsnoneu ng t rn o fti>. IlKaiser the mosft uiue (buriiIbildiss o r bluilding, oceupied liy tlin îiîîîî mgpicture r-us-ut eri-sutimn si tiieview fi) dupli- t SteplinTaylor and daugite@r Misbouse Tise front lase)t>lie asrilbcd and Caetieg it.Iflihas ilt onlYea-ehlligbted Faunie letf Tuesdey nigbt fer stacey- trenisformed into a regu iv f buiego auditorîim, eeting thr"e undred aitli L C ville. low!I. where tlieY aI visît for a tbeatre-sjtyit- playliouse. an txpansqion of tbres times tlp.t number ~U F montb or i> a-teks witb tMr.Talor, but hlia lso the lerieli liusi. feeture daugliter. Mirs. Senînel Panriey. fieo. F. Lynch and lai.i i (limiage, a-icilli have spécial preminpece in epesit e foe,-days the-fori,, irt il the- tht-building. A large gyliuazinîn and A e& n b Mis@ Afice Meore, deugisier of Eruest a-et with lire. Lyncl'mi i..tht-r. Mr@. ,equt bailla-îll lie provided am well ae elEttM rgg More îof (Jreyslake, and e niece of Dr. Atiiinson, et Rondout. Mr. Lîn1eli te--viqeRa sae otg E. B. Srnitbîof Lilsert vl. -sprtdtre eCiaoW luîs, wul nany social roeutas, y ille wp peatedtune t Cicgo, h t ir. Whipple tlirea tlie interlir cf the GENERAL INSUI on for eppendieltîs et Wesley heelîltel, lirs§. Lynch and tise chut rou \% ilreiin bidn ntecrenaihneado ueBidn ~ N Chirago, Monday. 1li buildingfrth- umner htstrotten eu it he tise .oE getting on lainîy WSel rpre o temmmr te8t-Ilia atrr tteM E ueBidigPOEi %%e ibave boten efforded i. leasure of cliarcli on Monda '- evening cf this a-etk MIr. and tMrs. F. R. Tripp ofthfis eitY, readinig eam.tory in the- lui, -;îuifflir cf and Ilie pien met witb sery greet lavoir. ____________________ aýouiçîniod lîy Misses Flore Tripp aid l'le Styluese weekly maastus/le jîubllhed As te a-bit-b aey tiie. <-Iure i lli face Hazel heston etoea-uwer', lirove. tt et Houstonflte, a-rtes 13 Lester [B. or wa-litialitstand. the i-liurcb cf. Mo Tneeday inurnlng lirii setrai a-et-' Colliy, e Libertyville lbey and a former it-la are ncw ,ensidering this feature E. H. CORIIÎ-r e_ v sît witb relatives et Fait River and ctiy editor cf thle paiii. The> story le whlieh i ilkely remnain unsettied unti otiier pointe lnu Massacliunetts, entitled, "Wilson! Hilpe .'beii Thet-hie aehltects bave draa-n their plans tu Clarence lme-ii and lDr.and tIrs E. .Stury cf the I.icking A Iririan by the- conforu>te tht- lot. 1 Sinitis bave rsturued Iran> their auto Big Bosses," eand esii s sty intcresting At the boardîl nsnting lest tiendey trip te Wareea, Kentucky, heving and torceful article ev#ning a building comnuitt4e aes cu ve red about 10010 miles iu tise Staver RyCretâD alwdnthfoe ppointed whbe aiii st-cure tend prenant auto. Th-y lied no trouble and enjoyed paré of tiis ae-k a-îtl his brother Ba"r ýen nmetinsas fthre-v thnt a-iee.t Fr amost delîglifful trip, beiug sa-y Cao andotber relative- liere Roy eemployed Teroposidtionofmoaitepain sae AL R * as l>uiman crîducor runin at the south and iocating tht churcli et home lbtre early Wednesday.morulng eletihe seventisofelnMy a-lerin lie sufiered a tfoa-n, lesits F ~]ito ertW.(ironunit, a iighl ree ont I Deter B e atht a e c te iici ancy wIeat8 and thte ge of 57 yeare. cancer cf tht fracture of tht riglit linili, ta-o fractures determined soon. mtomnacl belng the cause of deefli. The of thet Ittfortuai sansd bad seven riteia lunernel a-llitb-id tiens;i Frldevj alter- brokien. As e resuit iii tht accident lio FAIR TIME COMING;Phn 30 LIBER Doutn ah 2:00) oclock et tht- home of E. vas laid up in the lospitel for six a-teks. WORKMIENSTART REPAIRS H. Wells on Newberry avenue. ___________________ We are toldt of e case lu unr village Episcopai Servisce Appearance of a Gang of Mon at Fair a-here a certain youug lady a-bile enter- Services eit tise Episcopel churtil every Grouinds Reminds One of teiniug agentlemnan friend a few day Suday aa follosss Churcis sers-cst aite t 1he Cuming Event o 1030 p. m noi tSitidssy Chouflaet 11.30 ago- prodnced a 3M5 calibre revolver, Allart cordially îmsmited te attend. loaded ta thes fuleet cepesity. Ber tes-.1* J. JSeln-n.Reter. A u h ppoc fthe an- A Fe1Sp cî actions frigbtened tht voung nmanlu nual Lake. Couiity Fair to liefield Sept. question viso ied and snumtnened lise Notice ember 3.6. a-as given people living ut-ar village marebal. It waes deemed ut-ceea- Watt-r rente are due and muet lie paid thse grounds Tuesdeyr morning a-btn a For lH ot AID ary byr the inarehal to reiîsve lier cf tht ona or befote July I.itil gn ihala se e tarted a-ontr W weaçion, but alter admouisbing lier te be F-1il CaBLETT, tiet preparlng the grounde for unet. more careful linlier rnetbod if bandiing Thel ita a-ics don@ered tt mea-tht Men's Balbriggan Underwear irearmein utise future, it a-sretunned te 1 ig - ais r>.> t at 1bave usît vndierI eprogresie a-as lmad e nd ir but uysih imefcon bier andth ie marebl n-i . li-i friend de- quit tise naiscv i,î.siiiems as lias beuendes- learing ealig tract. tt ie tl lgtipreto partedtu icptace. reporteti, but auni stilaitb the- Clark Workmtn aise started a-cri> gredîng marked lesis than 50c, ail sizese Nursery________l_'à_________N._Y.,_ai)the tract and frein uow on it wilii b> Nurtr Cuiiaty ii 1 teico N ' . orked oves- lres1uently te get if lu reedi- Boy 's Bluet Chatiîbray Waists LIFE INSURMNCE oid reliable cnîaî n.H Elî e g for tii.e înîmai couity t-s-nt~.0 -r eywl aefr2 . p-42-1I' .GHNE Wrmnare ao eigput t ok vr elmd o hlti a property mit exposied te the da- __________metkinît neceeeerv repfaire ou the build-i mandeaifcreditora, but is protected isy ingsseanone ,îone if wuit-h needesi attention uîiildreois IUompeiu, imdce ofblneu TéLbertyviseaibiy a uec unit>. aliilsTheii> rtlgrounds frotte faw for oses hairs. serpentine nizai t-eui fir informai recel,- nia-onmin . lie asien>. of aestivlt.v right witli tuirkey rt-i, ail t-L'es ut 25c. thon aet tise tee n ll. Satrdajýevenjiig, 'Ii îte fair thuile. Juy13. Clam of istruction Iluanlng oye 1Play Suif>. l'a-piece stits frtrtm8 p. m. toii iî1.înus informel dancing Obituary. cletlî, long trousers, special et lHu 9Aý -NE B O R Y ptinfr10 If.n i. tu 11:30 P. Lu. orgH.fa.nesir suas iboriuer Ladies I'ioi-iii., rbbe, <ad Con n ejiaatan Doal yaue NxYr- ac,1,148. eveuing aet a reiiil atida-tiI contintted and dîed et bis bîîme in i itertyviIie. su ii torchionilace cacb uSýc. District Manaeff reception dÏans. e 4-2-1 July '2.1, 112. OId ColenyhIe Insurace CompHn iv~~ 5lO, B amne tuiLake. couuty a-len ta-s> >Kimîm ft Mesh" l'nionslito, tht c Ol ..,Lf Iuac omayVn %M .AHO, yeers . ie .and liedait-enu eresident of Otfkin le sa Oltke Mamessc of Ceremonies3. tht veunfy es-ev since. r>.idiug onua fatn able fittingt itiuierwear maide. l'ore w _________________________________________________________ in Avionuntil tfMl7 wiîen lie nîoved f0 fînnislicd t-ai b.50c. on Novs. (I, Ii.713 lie merrled Eiunie-v Fenlin if $and Lake., and te theiimne He ltes-es to mnrerbis eoge a-wif>. and W .C R I L deuglifer. %Irs. R.W. Chuarchilli ofGrays R\N lai»., tiires grand deugisters eand es-trai $13lhait brctbcrmsieîd @inter@ a-ho rt-ddt-lu T'WO STCI the a-est. Theueraiwaas belli et lb>. resîdenu-s Juily lili et 10 Ocloci>. Huril W ILL big ___yikecmee, SÂVEDO IT ÂDCard of Thanks SOMETHING PROTECT \\e ih h te tiîenk tise frit-de and laimi tise Mystic Wmrtere for %im k anusse I JN SUTJ E E .4. A. EBACH W E ER' THE FUTURE 1 si (a-n is unounr recent bertevi-iienf and -edericks 1 N d Groceries ýrYTMLLE, ILLINOIS )fferings ather Wear ir. these are , secondd" is cause tbem to be at, per garment, 3bc. ts, light or dark color, echambray and trimmed amade of Brown Khabi omibrella style, ffiuinhed coolù8t and most comfort- whitu bleached and nicely & SONS CO. DRUS NST F IRe RELIÂBLE FIRE 8 lIN EXISTENCE AMPS HIR199 lor, Agem% rhere',Money la The Farth eaides the gold and slvag 1hs1 re mimed. Mom ney ievauh bmted in good mmpreved 52. -ata. It greve laut, eim bore Snb. anb~tte' , asi riet mtthana MWyofi"ter- me propestie eare ne of.' rins ta ahgevd inve~$r. W. , xam*aul banda 17rea get acqnainted with. SD . ele &Co. re Loans and RANCE X A.FREDEM1JC à -.L-

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