CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jul 1912, p. 8

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t= New s of Waukeg aid he,, ftwInuuIvu habitants are douméd. There la no UUEIIIU~ scaplng the wrath of the Lord except FflkIIIkIaj ining the Mion City cburch, Even as Lot and bjs wlfe left the OF ~ s man lIaures of the cty for the sufferings of thZiea d:a:rt go0 ::t Yupaeyl be made te flfswer ln the day of OVERSOiR COMMANDS HIS FOL- indgement for the relection of John LOWÉRS TO LEAVE THERE AT Alexander Dowle when "Elijah The 04CÎÈ FOR ZION Cil-Y. [Second"~ trled to refonmCbhicago. The Chrîtian APOstollc church - daimis to have a large tolow- SOMO BETIER TRAN CHIC'GO LEADER 80 AVERS AS HE CLOSES OUTIDE BRANCHES AND CATH"$RSDISCIPLES. Sodoan anal Gouori'nh vere spots tt fis' the aliede of angle, wlen coin- pareil toh Chcago of Iodes, accord- Igg tii Wlbur Glenn Vlisa generel oversees' et Mon Ciy, vIa adalsessed. b# Dolck En Chicagoaet 1621 1Mchigan aVenue Stinday. esas lire anal Mmrstoaae felI up- oni thie.tvawoomed cilles centuries Mgo, Votive declereal no vIlI île wrath et God desroy Mchago andal al Ils labehtants, exooplngthoe vbo leed t4 -Wariaiflg anal leave Chcago for MMiaty. "00<5 sjudgement la going to fali uf lb.cilles o! the landanda lupon k* » llrcas mi-a althe Zion Cily lead- er fla hie addresm yeterdas. "Even as Uodom anal Gororrah vere aetroseal & t. adbeces fo!their vlck- n~ses oiICh=cgobe dsryd *h ou compare tAe aine e!Sodoan lad Gomors'<h villithose psactlced dally la Chcago, tiis cilysumffers by Oserseer Issue$ Commenal. - "ou muet corne out or Sodorn an- Wma 701 ant ta ta. destoyed viiea tbe vs'mhh corne.When thie vsatb < 4SmIde thae viii b. but oee cil 'ý fubed by the scourge anal that te Zim Cils. Tii. mosement f - ý1" la the. latter-day Mosorment 10 1 ~ eefor lb. cumnuof!the Lord. . "A400Go"<eopio muiet core ot o! lbe e§Ù* M et .theb. orla. Piorefore 1 com- IM-/ m dyou the falthbul of ZMon, Who are 'ýe"1W yoi abils. ln -Chicago. le laM<ils cil of vickedness anal le obu 40 MS Zon. - '¶'ere arm ne tiýp ayia&bout il fer70%-"eonttnved 4the ovUersra bestosmeal p eald vn l.iex«a.Ou ,l b s1i h esgo tabernacle. "ieOm- 'ad son o corne sa"lier. le notAi- #Ig, liftfr son but E» oies. "I bus eied. allong vltilbth té"s et tha. vend an have esaba- IIei my dasich i practleally es- M7 m My la 1en ehefot totarn a eo' f liais' au. But ilai.nov toc ï%ïiStè Tiers la nolime tac 1118h c «aW«ugothers ibm the . vati coma W* mmml mye ourslses. Outotade Branches Abolsisd. 'Umwry brenclao e i.Chistian Âp q«10110ciorci oulmîde of ZmonCitysil boéeb bolibed anal esery Zion fol- le*' amut corne te BleuCily at once "Wheei yen Cioaxo remembe lieDe o. f the vif. ef Lot anC 10e ffl tact UIit ilongbug "e up"n ti isabi pleausof !teitycis.Tb, etiee of the nations anal aU tieli l Th e Wired House is a More Comfortable Houa. More Modern Hou. More Valualile Hou!! Ask your neiglibor who bhm it about the pleasure tud convenience of Eà lectric Service witbin the reach of içnêAnd the ex- q i nrng bouses for We do the wprk at cost,t pay" iens 2 aonthly iastalunent& ng ln Ceveland, Sas F-rancisco, Hong konu. China; Melboaurne, Autralie; Yokohama, Japen ana ln London, Eng- land. The dhurcI at Hongkong vas suspendeal a short turne ago anal tbe leader, Eider F. M. RoyalI, vas re- calleal le Zian City'. Many of hi& vork- ers andl everal conserts follovea l E- der RoyalI 10 ZMon Cily. CONTINUE L. -FOREST CASE CNTINUANCE 18 GRANTED IN. "ýwATER CASE", UV JUOGE DONNELLY MONDAY. CONTINUANCE 18 GRANTHO UV COURT UPON PAYMENT 0F $15,000 0F LAKtE FOREST ln lieu of the pesunent of $13,000 bY thie Cily o! Lake Forest t10 the 1"0e F'orst Wter compans. lion OChai. Donnelis. Judge of1the Circuit court mondas granleal a coninueqoe ln lIe tamaus vates' case. Amordlng to present plana tle case vilI bu called for trial tle iat Mondas ln Octobur. flome sears ego tie Lake Forest Water compaIiy notifieal tie officiais of the. Cils of Lake Forest 1 theis"' walor rate for the yeai' vonlalb. fixeda 51$40 per bydmat anal 25 cents lier thousanal galon lannsedWaely lb. aldermen Of i ity peamea an ordinnce fixngle v alu rautes for the cils et $25.00 pea t ydrant andl 20 cets per tbousand walbai The 1.ake Foi-est Water cornpanyî dam <fiat tIcs coulal not paY a praP- er dividenal IfIbeme rute. vWer. aenc' tioned blisan act of the court Tbe eue bas been pendlug lu the Circuit court for' nearly four seatB enid durinu 0.151 space o! lime the Lake Forest Water campans bas net recelveal any' sentai Deposiliona vii e laken tuitle cas. Ibis meuth ana l n AugutAl numbler ef expes't engineera Ill h suliposuseal tetestits Is the City Of l&ke Foi-est To date lbe cIts o! Lake Foi-est han apps'czlmaely $36,000 bli te vater tund. Mr. Oelilnav, a menthes' ofthb litaI. Rsllroad Commission, vas sut- pomaaed te lestUyf y itle Lako For- est Wates' comeny. P'h. pasnaenl of $15,000 vil b. made withoat prealudice la ebîhen parts te the. suit. CRAWLS FR0I ED; POUICE TO RESMI WREN Bt$HQP FOUNO ON StimE AT 2 O'CLOCK &UNDAV MORN- ING; CONDITION CRITICAL. 'DAYS ARE NUMBERED ACCORD INO TO STATEMENT 0F AN INTIMATE FRIEND. i té e, APPEAI 4fTh' W., jU LY filW , W TO POPE ACCI DENT11S SuCÇUB lWI f ET tI - POSTMAsT<R WATROUS NATUR-Y STRIKING MEMBERS 0F MOTHER THOS. MAX, OFFICER 0F THE DAY, MR. FLOOD WELL ICNOWN MIRE ALLY 18 M UCH PLEASSO AT 0F GOD CMUPCH MAKE ONE NAVAL TRAINING STATION, MAO SUFFERE O0F TUMOR THE FINE INCREASE MADE- LAST PLEA FOR UNITV. SUFFERS PAINFUL INJURY. FOR THIE LAST YEAR. SUBMIT TO REMOAL 0F FATHER PICKED Ulm A LOAOEO FIRE FRIENS HURE EXPECTED THAT POSLRCzE MARC su«THA KALAN IF FATHER STUCKELL CRACK* W ICO A * IN ME WOULD ARRIVE MERE£ OTLRCEPSAESJt ALSO 18 REMOVEO. THROWN INTO STREET.PROSABLY TODAY. 8^A'ROMETER 0F CON61TIOMS MaIlcloug lie%, la the way several -ses membera of the Mother of God ohurch Waukegnn'm 'ISene" Fiourtb o! Jaly Telegramm recelveal In Waukegan Once mom'.the Postal recePt@ of on the South aide brand the "ute- resulted in th. lnjury of but five peo- Sunday mornli< told 0f lb. deahh ln the Wsukega POatOffiee bave ahown ment tbat they Intenal to form a pie. 511115, Kanqa., o!Eferd 8¶ood, wbile a plienomin gen, ligure for the e" oburch"tbat will be Independent of S Thomfas Max, ofEcer of the day, U. be was gettlng ready e btale brcught year Juati500~piied Iby PoUtMat.r C. ibb arhbimbo ad e th Poe hm- navl tainngstation. North Chi- hack te Waukegmn. fHe lad remided G<. Watrou@ sh0wint a Met gain of p self. «,Suc ai statemeul la flt only cage, was Waulcegnn's firet "Sax"ien K ansais oin. lime andl for the let proiletiy 10 par cent. rldlculou-it la postlvely harinful." Fourtb sitImo. Mr. Mai was J rd y liehd been sufferlig et a tnmos. The postal rmasipU amoorng ta one mnan sald te th SUN. '. true Wednesday niglit wben a large can. Relatives despeireal of a cure andl ît Poutaneter Watrous, for tii. Year endl that the Archblsliop dil read Fatherl noncracker exploded ln bie rlght wae deçided Ihat lie siould ble broegt lus JIqi.80.1911. wus $48,390.07. Kaku ont of the churcli, but Fatber bandl. Tbé. ligaments ln the ban" al ck te Waukegen te endl blm deys 'Tiie pMal s'eoeipte for the e aur Italan Oboles th autborfty of h, were baffiy tore, a deep gaeh bhein£ among the. friensaof hie boyhôcl. lHe Ondln< lune10, 1912 Ws $47A0O1.68. ürchblabop 1e do thks and w. aretom n nthe palm andl hie Irumi> was « re Bandas sorning wWle theo 'isi. bowsa a Inenreme cd *4- willlbng 10te fde by bis oBînlon." amittiof Tefis asbs n alplus ver. being mde. IVlied 411.56. or aexnoety tsn Per cent These strlklng members of the; te a crlap n on. spot. Tbe two lire been expecteal thal lie would 0ie oser lb. precodlng year. cac he brugx bere da adhmospln, wlotoAe 1t1eit street gow, churcli have made a lest effort te heal aI île marne lie. 00e exptoed,1.boui ir tdyaaltl ln' ii AsusatelEce. vsson the brnanb that n00W eet eenohesaaut iea Omeentnl Maxthebu carried out alîhougli hi& coming al" during <Ae puti queter, the two'Posalvely defineal factions of togt11tt1 ie a ee lal îibu far dIfferent <han his frienda 'Plie Postal receiPta for lb. Ie churcé bTley bave written an-Itogttbtte iehdbe t and relatives expecteal voulal bu the ending lune 80, 1911, were $10,024.25.1 1 guisheal by the faîl onto tle brickThpotlecpafr hqutr other letter 1e Ârcllop Qugley W jpavement. He plcked up tle crackier I a eeThon o on ie e posal e 30 912,fer. t1é,qu6.2e. elhleh they have tbld hlm 1h51 itla sana l lexploded in is hand. The acci- lItant Mr. Flo cndIto y.allaonga Cnet gain o?»,1912 ser1076.23 mot se mucli thaItlIey wiah t tain dent happened ln front of bthe Hotel cticaatNr l 111e s ondiftion w«ing cebistsos , etarr ofpondngqrter Father alan as the bond of Iheir Frederîck, where tle young mansrteladti a n ftetInscn vr4 oréodn ure ohurcb, but tbat tbey do net aPprove makes bis home. He left Waultegan tînt caused-hWsreletives, at bis . a& sego.0<0... of Father Stuckeil who bas been ap- Thuraday for Philadelphie te consuît (o decîde t0 brlng him bedk 10 Wau- 'POsîmasler Watroua aiatrally la pointeal. They bave told hlm liat his "home" doctor. kegan vlei'e le lsvef no masy sears. mach Plelleal t <the fine siowing. tii.y viii consent te0 mre man odier Fshrmans Son Hurt. Ms'. FIMo vas 64 yearm olal and wu W. conalder these pretty nies iln- tiban Father Kalau as tbe bead of the AuutLt.sno u iz n ?born at Gurne e Ilîveal there a creames," b, sd todsy. churcli, but ses that they wlll ni<tWAugan'a et£,ks n own fLah oemof large part o! lits lii1vand untîl ho 1t la generaîl>' tioidd lIat the tolera. Fatlier Stuckell. 'ýakgnbs nw lhre,1Otflel h aycre ao Yeterday afternoon a lttes wassuffered paInful Injuries when a glant moved 4o Waukegen andl engage ln canonpeôsll-- etror fce a1.nîs i cerrt ao-i disathe t te Ppeetcoe nno rackes' exploded ln bslmband. business, belng a partner withWII. mettreo financlal cond tion-I dlagsteeal 0 h Pop etReni InThe fleali on twa ingera was aplt. A llam C. Dolen ln the Ice crearnhbail- lime, are sekleIatfîel l whlch ail bthe tacts n h@ lp ee er. large quantlty of burnt powder vas noma. lOntIte ndlcele the tringncy-a stateal. H. vas nakeal permission for Imbealdin the Ilfealy part of the fore Several years &go lie movea lae L- conditions are prosperoue. the peut- thetoqilngoa huri em la a. lis, Kan., vliere lie bid lveal ever office again la the lirst mediuni ta r.- , hall b. ndeofndent of brssci-t rhbl be Indcasenth.olater e ae be Forsîgner Wu& Hurt. Ince. Besides lisa vifé e le eave4 Port <hein. Experience c? years ham A foeiger.rlndicaonseretheirelattedrn.Kreardoeslitlee. shwn Ibat postal business le a safe Irequefit te remove Fther Stuckell. Afr ?Arsdn o akttree ohilres LEasofwholiseswetcrtKantn.,iv udlg i8fn .Tbey feel confident that the Pope willstreet. nareneft known. waa hadîyMs hre aonwlvswst I nciiiontflln t a cmm hey.n grant lhe request anal assert <erly burnt by povaler earîs Thursday Ofliere anal James of aukegan. iiacodtnofaomuty eIIle aeneItninc morning. Ho vas teken te Dr. Gour- %Ir. Flood vwas an aid soldier lias- OantIng this, the condition of thi ley'somceviieehaveeInnos vstennenioneaof1 tuonnn- He vaa city never lbas been btter than et t1h. ridnt ofci the <ia sPope.ndtin-dresmeal. Dr. Courley dlo t take aima a member of1the Msonanal t present lir». 'Plere han heen no re- deTis a aig oessonu l heirthemans narne. adsno s.adla possible 1h51 one or bath of lIsse Irogrei'eon'--lt bas -been onea continual Par aset ire teY emadedtht Te tn yar ldsonof r. ndbodies yull attend the faneraI. mercI o? Progress. Mach mointi. eachl y later a an bfirted eried Tby Mrs J. lterm cf Grand avenue lad quarter., eacb msixanonthe andl oach 1 U lhti eb osbt r e. 'ies hleft band badîs burneal 15 a amali AU P A U I eer, lias seen n stesdy Increae l e- vf bi ob on u r ire cracker'. The.cracker expoded AREL. GAIII13Ubusiess ln<lie Waakeasa postoffie willlng te concede thua potntL If the t î'wk e<o Naluraliy Ithe big ln"rsa bi busE- Archbiehop viii remose Paller beor Leba Um t UENit e hneuesla making the presul quarters a Stukell.The eleven sear olal son et Mr-. anald more anal more crovded analh flb or At the lresent lIme the trikers Sîra. Ilayaard d hlm isrîglit band bad- ATTORNEYS CLAIM lT le 'TOO master and is lmasltanua vii l e fmoi" from the chui'ch have ln theïr trea- bteive o itIepodd HT OTYCSSDRN han pleaseal vien tbey are able t renoagh money 10 pay aIl expen- l i bn.move loto Iliei' quartera ln <lie pro- es, Including the- salary of Pallier, Malt Burga, Lincoîn avenue licar UIGMNHOACUT psenw dr&bulig R ajas, for at leu t hree monthes andl Elevenîl sli'eet, banal badly lacereteal >eIte s ay they are net vori-sing:vei'y i,> glant cannoin cracker. Ws e H ON. CHAS. DONNOLLV TO PRE- LIGHTNING MITS >fmach about lhe conseences. deavoring ta ligît the ire cracker 5101 AT REGULAR OCTOBER WAUKEOAN HOME vltb a cigis'. SESSION 0F CIRC.UIT COURT 1. HOT COFttt SCADS A amil boy living at 210 Lake T'he borne o? C. Breen on Wes r iwÂUKÂNwommN street wae badly burneal about the Athfol Hon. Chas. Whiney. Belvidere sreet was sta'uck andl quite ae body vben tire. amaîl lia'. crackers jualge cf tb. Circuit court, expreimea badîs daunageal by a boit af Ughln- b - exploded ln bis lap. a willlngness te caîl a opdhils seusicu 15< <hie afternoon ville lbe store r-MRS. BRAIN. OVERCOME 5V HUAT, Hal Lewis, on of L. Lewis, bal tle of tie. circuit court tii. lait tva W55 et teshbeiglil. lia'. Breen anal ler STAGOURS TO FLOOR PULLING Ihanilio!flhie rlglil handlbadiy burneal veehe ln Auguit, a naJorty of!thebm n er. alone ln1the bouse at thb le COFFEE POT WITH HER. by a lie crackes'. meaubere of the Lake CountYsrexa&- lime anal es a resait %Ira. Breen sais- te Peter Peterson of West Wasbington saclaîlon vatea dovn th. proPomitioui taineal a nervous shock tramn vhic. INJURIES N9T REGARDED AS street lad tbe palm ot lita rigit lbandl Tussay mos'nn. 1 ahe liasmot set recovereal. CRITICAL; WA4 TAKEN TO THIE bmdly hui'ned whien a cen o? povaler T'ruattors'nym v otealin fasorof Tie boIt bit tbe bouse on thie north HOSPITAL FOR ATTENTION. expiodeal. a speclal terniof <lie court aid ao te aide, torsea large bols, ripplng of -Pour foreigners on Market sîreet r.- enaMle ndge Whitney te apeud a several boards and raimeal berce In- E hrs. M. Bein, on.e ofWakegans ceivea humne on th. face adalieul- greatos' portion of blm lime 5etlthe Ap- aida the houses, demroyng a meta veli maya v omen, vas bediy sealdel dmrs ven a plece of leai pipe vhlc el poIlIecourt in Ocober. Hom Cliii. 01k anal msrnns tler srticles in iabout t"< m. "bse a aae9t Dcrelisha leldpil ectto mn yna 1,es tb, -1v ne o Ieits Vatb. Mres. tcoumiesabfer pr tev as' exp Ivcc ihsue ottand Aaalt or nsw mmb- ci th 1- Park lt. Thuradax ailgt vlien aie mant uçon her kneae W <the 50cr Iu a fint anal a large coffee pot eoptieal ias contente aboutbli es'lai. JumI hoy lirm. rain met ber- n- jury l lstkuovo. '111cmpresent 1ver. rusheal ta a doctes"a cofce for et. Aà a.e.l mwettng efthle meaubers tentian. o? theoruassociation ui ahelal Tues- Tans Bokas, an employe of lie day mrnung at,-9:30. Western Coei anal Dock compans lad HOn. Charlese Dounels viii prealal tva oof hlm flouers burneal yesterdas atth<le regular October terniof the when a fine cracker exploded ln ineIls,treuft court of In~ ake enui. 'In At 2 'clock Bandas morninu Wren 1 Aocrlgt resesM Brain lian. Tnniy.Idu Chailes Whitney viii isliop, a poneer reeldent of Waake- fel eXb.ttd 1 b 0rkokn on Mtcell 2sl i o i- prme et Ithe January loi-m ef the as, vas founi lying unconacloas On t0iecoffee pothAe «Ove. hig on Maket treet vaaloI it n the Circuitcoiurt a! Waodetock. Joage le ateps leading lotobis reaidence Aother vltnei aima e lied ba andl vîitha biank cartridue Yesles'day Donnols avinu declareal hie tmIen- :n Waiington mreet. voman vas oveucome by the .boat Malvard gibbonsa a boy liIng On tion or apendhu<g the vEnter in Las fie vws dîscovereal by n young mansti1111a third vitoa. daims s.Îi mi -West Washinuton sîi'.St -vae injuredAgl eOMrDI wno Iras reta-nInu te, ils home ln pet upon a basana peeFl fell t the yestei-day vhen liewvashabt In the Agls aiona -ol Ciago afler havlng spent the flcer.hnlvl ls etiu F._ H. DletmeYei- la erloualy it Iah evening with a lady friand who re- Mra. Brain vas employed blistIl la- hila home an Northi Par'k avenue. ides on Park avenue. dies 10,ssluinlnte voit aboutt hIl fA ThIe youuu Norh Chicago man eum- lunch counter. Duinu lthe day e. O A --CE noneal Ofier Tornes Booth vhO car- waubed daibe. . Lt lu lb, evening ADVANCES Y EOM AN1S, led Bahop ote lb. hanse. mie asiateil n the talai otpacking No one l in tthîlad manas bedabale. the remnaininu eatebte.. Il vas v-hile His condition la caticel anal frienda abs vas ao engagedlAiat mie fteli te Hard coalbas s ea ump o! Oc 0 laum bis <aya are nurnbered. floor anal vas sadaty salei. per ton ln Waukegaii. - One o! hls olal frienda made tis An ambulance vaa s umne anal avas mont clearly demon- satleneni totaa SLUN reporter Monday île ageal vomai vua aen te tbe stratoal Monday nigha tien thýmoto- morning: Cee, is a vonder Ihet lîcAliater hoapitael e es' asCoutllbers of the bard ot educillen apelieu son. o! lie Wauiegan saloon keep- procure the proper atteition. Mg. <el' bide for «iiPPlYl2l< the Cily ers wlîo grabbed off the niolal ma Brain la a vldov ana l 11m on 0atl- sabal, for tle Qxeulng yPi'. But coin wouldnt centi sqom one uP to pa avenueShie vonh toi-massa!ofbthe a obde vers recelvea by the bord.- the boise to care for Biahopa vwanito. boet known people i n Ï gan. fies . lMrcbut Otfreal to turniathle- lie rertainiy bas been a friends 10 lie 5son, Robert, retîmneal from Camp Ritcool tOa"'ate ulie uhUd acin uWsu- saloon keepers in hie day' ey, Kan. laIe 'Parmday ftlernon w itii kegan for $7.20 a ti«. He b"a areed A report Iras apread broalcas on Ballers C. ta fnirnih bard caedteWthe. Weniegan londaY morning chat the aid man Mi'.. Brame' condition la reportei ne township hgI ichoci fer 87.25. It lied eiosed làhi.eyelîds in dacali n- consldei-aly impi'oved Ioday anal se ilevli canthe11etŽy jut 0 cents more a Is the .Blfl That day night. Thin report la 00< the vii li e laitenhome late Wumfiter- ton fti e hard comi foi-thie Cilsy truth. The latienla condition la ce- nooli. ,schos, anal 55% 4 fohe lb. 1 b-1b -l M onEY w -.Bu tainly crilical, but le may lire for John <oui-I y vwsthe dhIY Oat r etiiaàn r hmh" onl weeks. Bts frienals do mot entertain Mima Luclile Webb, daughter o!1'D. coal denIer whillid a bld vit th Ae tu er ay cminlia etboTOiiKh asaI'cOU fre0 asy hope for him recovery. T. Webb, left 'don. for Chilcaga firn m rtary a! the lourd. 2He aid 17.50 eanse, vs gfrand our own lemis anal Maie us' vbero sie viii taite an auto trip vilh a ton u the coi for 1b e choole. owntrsamest e9oB sjaar iEcalar case- Hon. C. T. floyaecker la circuialingl M. M. Taraanal family ta heir home 'Harti calA viii oeil*fer 18.00 a ton a Woodmas referendum peition b I t. îbnlisy, ut. The Tetrce bave lbaai ere leore lia. rt Of SeP' -usJ. 'Yo man Waukegan. 'Tie petition vas circulai- bnsatn er Iti eb en.tmir, i elk ostl n. O fA ced tiaie mosoing ainonu the business Misli Webb viilromain vitii hem un d«elr te a 8U eot' u ou mmof oth<e City. tliRi at.inoUNro"g 8 WAIJK GAPi, ILLNOIS. B.d eutt Rim Just as as &ei DIES tIN WAi1IEGÀ WAUKSaAN PMETIODISi- MINIS- TglA PASSES AWAY INSANI- TARtium ATrUAI'TLE CREEK CAME HURE FROM ELGIN; WSNT TO SANITARIUB FOR OPER- ATION WEONE&DAY, JUNE 12 Rev. K. T. deudefllig o f Wskega, pas- tcr of Vthe Molli- 211ohlrch ln Wankegan, mie- I cimbed at 8 a. mn. this mornlng Ile th. entmtarlam at Bsittle Creek. Mdunvuathes ho was <1kn no Juse 131h to uliderg a n operaon for cmlmtones. Woid Of hi& desth reached Waukegan frlendsa ai non îtodey. lIrs. (iendeni ng and tIleir ohildren were at hlm hedmide where -they lied been cotistant watcbers sendlng fre- quent messages to Waukegan friends of the famlly. who ai] &long iiad been rmueh concerned over hie condition. Mr, <iendenlng was laken Co the hOepleal where Dr'. Kellog Op@etd upon hlm and for a abort Uine ho seeaed 10 gel alonga alI ri'htthon hoe lid a relapse a9M kept getting worm. dauter In Elgin W'ednésday, blond- Spoisoning heal set lni on that day anal lance no chance for lie pestera i-e-- cotery vas, helal ont taermissives. %Ir. <'lendeninu lhan beau péteor of tAie local churich for thre. sems, bav- ing corne iore from Elgin. He pr,-- %llouuly lelal chargea st Aurons. Rockford ana l Egin, haviig spent moet ofaitis pastorale *ln tbose churches. jHo Ieavee a vîfe anal threchu- juren as foliavi: Thonma. a? Pocîjanal Or.,%Ir%. Roy Lever of 5Elginasni -Francise who lisai at borne bers. h 'r. Ciendening was 63 years ohi n a nls ierezidence be-e, lai emeade mens Minda vbo lad grovo l a titeisbim anal sho morrow oves' hie tdeai . le This la the i-et Uele10mens sears that a mnbisater of a local chui- blias died wvilelb charge of a perlel bore. Detaila of<tie faneraI are net inown -tI. message mareis aaytng that liae body reaciies Chicago thiseveenlng, Eiikeiy 10 bu inougbt lbere. r' te i in er Announcement vas maie Iodas o? adifflolution of psrlnershlp of!thie AIdenBîdinges' anal Compa.ny mumie storein Waukegan, a concern vwhicl bas doue basines hene contlnuals ince March, 1902. TheadisouinO vma by mutisai consent. Mari G AMden buing the i'etirlng mernher of! lA i m. L P. Bldinger andalimes C. OSis, tie remalnEnt' memburi of I e irn, viii conduct theibuliness, lhe former lihaln b carge cf lb. Kenoeebestore ovaa. listhe. &irandnthle latter ln dbasugothés Wankegaie s.. 'res w éaa Il th ii9 Mutiies. * t. lu lui 'w Quick Detachable Cincher meito otIàer tires I-Mir Re. mer T" aare do ,STOCK BY lesoffl lumm a mulv»ý UMM 'l

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