CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jul 1912, p. 10

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à* lklig ib t oui, I noù~n 1ut the 1: t1i e hilhi le .Ieto DISAPPUÀIgÀN E1I L HELTIULLTI -o KNOW LAECONTYMANHEALTM 13ULLETIN ISSUED IN EL Su~ Ib Cèarau s V~ERY APTL H ER E.'H t a _________THE STORES ARE ASSAILED 266 6 Sout<~~ernPar ç~~I¶OUIty AOqa Over DEGLAftED TMAT UNUNCOOKEO pparaç A 'd tq.Owe M uch SHOSID E STORESWem ethi c e'jus!seayg SHsOULD BE h hAVOIDED. eçCý e :o., t IInywEReIulà ves i'enWhofl C__ __ __ _ to k f tha s I e a~ d Ityie Borrowed to Invest In Stocks. stockof wea h . Il lesw WaukeMn people wotld do wtlltbo amw ihV fn t-o ,M V r heedth ie bouleti ua ut IsBueti byvthe manywee s omâlceg"Oddwitéulle é. 'Me squthwtern portioni of Leke gaused a big sensation ln the town- Ulligin heaitJtdartinent. ln waiih tIi. coy u :ly is leMaui mu og titsW --k ehip. tstonnrewbcb rnn- ersae oiled for car- THE PRICE 15 AN INDUCI bytae uendipealac ro - Besities thloe h ro-lesonees ln bandlIng food anti rentier- teytai e~I~n tllppetulCe0f I oit l sad o hve oeowe ps- ng the danger t rom typhoti lever ot>na1M4. , ysl-non em oally, Il le stateti that a number of more p<obable. Whie the conditions' Phone i1352-K4 915 é BIlo Qove, 10WIlty. Mont Prà- relative who signeti notes igîta i m dMerliet iIn Elgin do not exist ln ~s t. 1r1Ylo, wo aoorifl toreprts Iare 10 b. torced to miaus gooti. Many msay 4f the tighcs ocrstr a1 .OISe" 1a.atbeUM hnm a trait o!f01>111 people ln tbe nelghborhooti ame sai to hem., uticli are maintainietilni a strict g q. bh vWIiiggete close holti checkts wblch they caahed for ly sanâtary manner. thare la much ________________________________ to $30,000, Incurredt trough brr,_hlm, wbichlm ater proveti valueless. room for lmproveenflnb any of! de favorable coditions, le -able baker, grocer andi milk dealer have aL given, tuf lag money troua Irlents anti relatives __________ aent. <i roduco a progeny Of more than aufflcieit regard for ym¶r rîgtâts to tieolred wn.ifn the pnrba r > s o tcI.In okofblui h - l te bulletin. PeUPOblt Mig tO 50,000,000 in twenty-four hgurs. comlorm btiith aws or saittsioiI by La ,Uystoi la esiteri to the meter " Tiewr o alstn ieWt-avolti the danger of typhold Infection Tedal ntr !telyl e-kelgterpaces cean andifreeý ~ sinluono!hie wile, that site kegaun. B<idford andi Elgin tiactnsjui The de îti~~»i~sonîad by ntueof te fl le em- <rom thro!lgootis ~~ui't111 M 'lieber liusiiand busc>fpYt rV5il all,~e possible which dose nfot reînflre cook- Advice for avoling typhold las Thie bulletin expiaîne the. method ean.11< &44 ai4 telle!t0at.pSselbly Brunk- tweOI1 fÈve and aflteen cars of ballast ing, snobl as cheese. cold boiltdet nt first ta keep the germ out <of the gys <f by>hold vaccintion by mau <io were unâ xât sÉy lmàVe been depresseti by bis heing useti daity. andi sauengee, wlch ilavoany instan- teint nd second, 4to be Ivaccinated i njectIn« typhoid bacteruin serum. turned a 40mra.ew jlure eMdti i.sUety aay A meeting yul be held at Palatine in an unsanitary agalnst IL tclsatnto ati ac htniac iialMoneaway with Iifles.!.He to<>r'<>u'oo!the to.kholders of the inanrier. I al teto otefc htniac ip &bouit 40 yM oaIdMant Yed I n the Wa<ksgan. Rocldord & Elgin Traction Shoulti St.riliize Food. tihe lau' requirea ever~y phiysicien n dte the sinlty ô! Buffalo rove for ntany company ta decIde upon a bond Issue Tele How to Avold Diqeas. To keep thre germ out o! the gstem every other citizen liaving knowledge Theyi ya , t re econtinctetia farm. of $75,0M .Taie citizens of WaLuconda Teblei dsrbetenatureofail food anti drink ahould be steril- Of the fact, 10 report IrOniptly totae g yWB, wtihreea Tite bulltIn deScriforsthere o! zed d ed vith clean i'anti andi heastidepartineut any Cam. of con-j hi IneavetiFale.rome tcimne o tenwtyphoiti lever and tdirects reldents serveti witb sterile dlsbes. tagious o! Infections, dises.. t re- beggedt . 1 tmf hald. rat.tow to avoiti becoming lnfected. As 1little food as PosEble vichaiqueste citizen. to Wc-operate in carry and oeil Brirn&1otb., besitis runWnng iis Ttiere la 10 ire another pcole at Thdasortphd eeeae esntrureocighulb I uthervsosoftslw. ie.T tern, dit extenalvely in stock and ilîîDeer (lrove park bar Palatine nexitre Iuetl o!lathe ilfvetts doeue s lt,» ulecokn bot e n uttr poiiosootl au. fne.' l9 said tCLrt la where h. encountereti Suiday. Special trains will carry the ibueinleirbalustposetn.__________cu4t. bi »&m tses e eme oplcnlckers o aaie.Ti akgerm. IlaI taken lto tir. systelu on Mut abhould be Pasteuized, direc- bis lneabeaemosne .nHets fmigrem o r atte apark t y ln fond and water, beibg communi- tdors for whlcir may be obtaîned tiaFO R M N W E a M ritakes u uieetat ebcmo aosfrtepciecatedte eso (lte I bloiteam Ibrougir _ eor alti .ta r eigblitee the ordlnary cliammew.0frnutrition and ti ide o mlk bottie sirOulti bc frntfreti aiirlaivs.-Ilnally localzing Itseel at same fa- wasied lucold. water as won M35 e- lng 10, reports in the county. W. I.. Clayton. commissioner ofvcbepit ieeI eeoeaticieiîo iae aipaeia 14" vs ers made to, hlm o! IrOnt$500 insuranoe, of Colorado, bas lesueti a producoesa, poison u'blch saturates > inte1ebx.Nmkshli to~~~~~~ ~ i10b ubrc esn nibulletin dealng wth ratern a _g -the. whole sytem. Secondiary dis- ticernptîeti fron t îîuntiî vanteti for IEllJG CilARor thq armla d t hav ben Icum ance. He gives tue requlrementso tribution o! the germ May give ride use, 'Me lau' requires tirat emPty n o if ber edt ie fu ll value, &Il tue fraternal socleties atimittedti0ccomnplicaions, sucb as typhoiti, mutk bottl« bae scaltied. bel <re betng »ut Tueetiay cred1itS plannetiid ousne bistt.Cmi pneumonie o! typitolti meningitie, tait returne to bte dealer. Four Assyrins wo gae th D t z a çaking @s t 1ale liens [arat hie tod uieslnnslse 1 gtbe situation graver. Weil wntr iloulti b. avolietun 4~su len wul pov auie olte agto naeaaert Many Germ Carrled. Ieff obtaîneti rom a well rece ing ~ o asnAea ioe is ~~ie7~rlwqnlrovotiVbuiseau tiies lto en u e ai fratealnad uara Wgpse oC the tact tirat lhehat eve7- ei niay ia ae uIcn Typhoiti germa are s onali that Itseopply front below bed rock. Ail saicit Nossa HidnadSmra - er one foot of au odlnrrtes muetiyconansuspicions wsLsr shoslld be bolleti. Sraymonti were arresteti by the local -*s*W eed frlis ,value. Brunit- fbran t<ithose actuarily estbntatedt oniekfupt o a rce ta Ilve use! thetBDe Careful o! Supplie@, police tis morzng on a charge of tomt bM soudfaanly'éonnectonsln iku tret iv hban rte ~ ~sw iv~ ntibissutden dis- le scientiflc and mathematically cor- Tains tue six test of one iiy cau car- Be careflio<f tue seleclloa of sup- 'petdlig wlthot a lioese. Whou ta-f ppMuenaee and finanla.l t9Jjie a recb. 'y p0,Q0Q ýtyph Segrps. tn en l ept.,e lat tiie butcber ken ta the police station tbey were" ice "6NOW" * 2.00 th e o oclearmur enli1re 5 nd tms a re hç e. A h only started-You s til1 ha ve ,EMENT 6"NOW"I "The Home of Setter Clotho-s" les of $5 andi conte whicb tey ee of 25 a day, e"ch but tuei they 1tiiey were unable to pay. wereflot wluing t0 do. ng tw of heirsuitcses ill e police areb% inIcI onsider- a a twoeuo!tthe a ot n bletrouble wuth petdlers of this as scurty hpy entontlflcharacter andi have glven Instruet lO11 t to rie the mofley. but to have ail leddlers wltout city li mahe to do so. Later tliey re-- ones îîlaoed under rret. n tbi< ad ra"e temselves BUCI ai they are jrotectlng local merch.als. te that tbey were inally 5Ceit __________ trie, a list o sl] omeofýZi n City'a t"efth feafit of taber- trieti ~ ~ ~ he atfiatt silsmeof wili close Znly 21 et ZMon Tab- ro d e to te p o lic e a n d t e rn s c W V ol v a w m i é l v e r lt e a d 1h a4 they be allo ied to go out dr se. Durin g thie feas!, uielb laste di enough goods to lav theli onie iwer44, tbhrteen me$itngs have 'bey were tld tbe4 tbtey oouid' been hetti, drawlng an atendance of ào 4iebi~ f t.ey palgI L. lceise 10,000 perons front nerly eVery state Clui Oui uP5iohik coc4>Ohi Coupons of Conseutive Datesr wîll, entîtie you to one OPt the NatibL îîOàà 3~I~ advertiBed in previous isslues e- t UtiK j A T A LL tÔ WyL WI ocLsk ttt7"#OblteTfl 8MONTH Wc ôitvIyGurtte our Invesmt! Thie Meredt l oyer anti Vegetabte UonpanY la one of the test profitable Companlea in norbirern Illinos, ant i l la ai protioct 01f Laite County. Tbey dld not cone tb Ubertyville assing for a large bonus as se Inany do but vent to work luit mamy holet Company ehoulti anti sbowed the people wbat tuey' conîti do and organizeti on ai troili ebsrlng irasis anti etecteti their officers. Tbe homes of te officers ame ber. anti nol In Chicago or soane otiier distant place anti meu elected by lie stock- initier direct. 'Te directars for tire présenit year consista o! J. E. Meredith, tire promoter anti gesmrI manager anti -sio lB ai resitient ait LIhetNIle anti manage for the C. M. & St. Painl P. I. for UbertyvIlUe; R. P. Scbnaubete, a retireti fermer anti financier, aiso taie present mayor o! UAbertyvitle; Mr. Wxn. Newton, a retireti merchEflt 0f Iltckeleller anti capitallet; b. R. Clausen, Surpt. a! the C. M. & St. Peut R.ILtK, Weili town botir on tire main line anti Janesvllle divisions, W. IB. Carr, tire fitt idrector. la booayeil knovn to neeti an introduction sire la lie popualr conductor o! on. o! the Iberbyvilte trains on thie O. Paul R. R. Ail the 4trectors excepb Mr. Clansen Uive in lAberbyvile anti visiltue plant deily andi keep a watchfut oye over aveui détailio! thre vora, tues assmrrtng tue béat résulté andthie lut expeirse Tire personalibl o! tue dIrectorsI abovo reProacai andthie person. alibi o!fie stock holders 1e tire béat sand coislJ tpftt'ically o! ailthtie business men a!flbertyville, very l111e <of thre stock belng hetti outalie of lbertyriite. The coropatil la captalizeti for $ -35,000,00 c93igItt1g of 3,500 sares ait $10 Ver ahare andt e solt at par ($1000) on erme to suit tire purthaser, provitilng thbsiare reasonaible, (acir sbaii' drkwlng '7 per cent Interest front dateé<ofdpout or mony abtd due on the. iret d«k o! Mardi eacb Yeir. At lb.ean$& ie tie t ilvitent ill be declei'ed anti payable on or before tire firt day of May. A feu' o! tue reasons wity yu ehoulti own stock In thîs contpaiuy are: Because thre stockt 1e non.ausessable 'sIen tully tld andi draws 7 Per cent Interest front date o!ftiepost ta day o! vltirtrawal regartilesa of diiend.1 Because it is one o! tire feu' companles selllng stock for Greenhouse -Miti' e8lith rio S5ee W. C.eenofr- purpopes as it to o vrlrule ant imyas the qromoler better 10 borrow money at 7 or 8 per cent titan it dog o capttaiize, but we capitalizeti on the tieory tira ln union thege Waa trengtit, aind we have founti it go liy the amount of business we bave done tuis year anti again lb makes lb a profit eirarlng company. Because Tihe stocitholtier le limleti to 100 abareo, thus guarantec- lng Via no one pereon enu get control of tire stock anti'F'reeze' out tbe wage earnsr, wbo cao onta' own on1e, two or three sbaires. Because The company bas assets lu property to cover ai t Iln - debîtinese anti ties flot have lu "water' ita stock lu raise monea' tode- f ray Its expenses. Because rTe board of directors cao flot place amylabilities on thre company -wthoub the consent of tire stock-holders, beyond the assets o! thte corntana'. Because te manager caunot obligate tthe stock holders without the consent o! the directors. Because' Any stockhlolder cao. draiw lii or irer monea' out at any tifne wlth Interest at 7 per cent from date of depoait to date of witbdraui- ait by gtvlng tirs directara due noblcesln wrlting There are mnana' other reasons mast as good iruý time anti space wlll not let us enter tIren ln détail. We are lotateti sitin fifty feet o! the old dtepot at lIbertyville ame. have tue best shirpng faclities ln the country, havitg two railroatis anti two express contpanit'5 witb trains almost every linur. We are nau' offeting thîs; stockt at liai, $19.0, to thé wagé eernere of lbertyville. Inlerest begtnning the day of tie'poslt at 7 per cent- Why place yeur savitigs ln a tank Mat3 per cent vimen yau dan get 7 per cent? Dcon't you know that thait bankyil putb ltMmIsie moss u ot at 6 per cent anti even more? Try to borrow soin. money front that saine banti anti be convinceti- Take 15, 10 or 15 shares ln tle jp~lti tfte anti be con vinceti. Tounen draw out tis money any Urne witb te 7 per cenb Intereet It hais earneti, anti If it rentama one year or more yon wltl also get yonr We exteuti a personal Invitation to ynu andti al youir frienda ta Visit tire plant anti verlfy every statemenlt we have matie belore InveatUgatinli We are flou adding 40,000 square feet of glass tai our plant sand -tihen convploted -wll give us 83,000 square feet untier glass, wbich will produce $1.00 a foot -wltifthre next year andi the expense of malntalnln.z le eptîmatet i 6 0 cents per square font, losses In varions otirer ways, 10 conts a foot, thue leaving a net a! 40 per cent or about $3,350 toire dîvitiet between 2500 sharea, thons givlng a divitienti of 13%, per cent In addition ta the 7 per cent Interest or a total of 20 per cent on tbe Invettent. Thie banker will give only 2 per cent on your deposits anti reallze that 20 per cent on your ntoney. Fgnre It up yourself. No business cao exist on les tuan 20 per cent. If lb doeun fot mate that Il wlll close Its deot@; ÂAiW your merchant or ana' business mn and he convinceti. Sbow hlm blise figures ant If i e e onest b. will tell yen tuaItbey are co.-eect. It le true that we have capitalîzeti for $35000.00 but $10,000.00 was rlacetin 0tue rdasury for emergelicy anti la not worklng and domne lt tira-w interest or divîienti andi can only lie ueti when urgenbly needeti anti lbhu ba toi replaced out <of tue s'orklng funti as soon as possible. In the loregoloz vie bave trieti ta make our proposition as plain as possible, surmlsbng the probable question anti answerlng the sanie anti asein In conclusion,-s-lIt extenti a cordial Invitation ta ail (anti epedlly limas. who wisb ba inti a profitable place to invest earnlngs where tuey posibivéty au canet lose) t0 vsît our plant anti hrbng your note book wltu yon full O! Questions and If We cannot answer tiret eatIsfacborlly, we vili not ss'k yen ta Invest one dollar. -This le no get rîch quick vscbenae. but It le an honeet Invetmenýt, ou business principles, by business people. W. do nlot Bell you tocit for 75 cents on the diollar anti promise ta pay yau bacit 110 tenta on tue dollar at soins future Urne, but u'e oeil lb at face value, 10.00 lier ebare anti promise to redeem lb at itny tinète vt8 0 day.' nbtlce at par vatue, ($10.00 bogetuer wth wbaiever It basiemred over the 7 per cent lnteresb. wr anil Véê,etàble Company 'B~1 BfhI~Qt~è~fO~M tock~51sr5 oit tNOW! P4'el'r$5e~e~ as,..' -'-, - --- ----~ M

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