CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Jul 1912, p. 12

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STATE BORRI> 0f IJEALTII lIS <Il EN A TIMRELY WARNJNG EXPLAINS IN DETAIL HOW MILI< SHOULD BE CARED FOR IN HOME IN HOT WEATHER. SHOULO USE GREAT CARE BULLETIN EXPLAINS THAT ESP- EC14AL GARE S44OULD DE TA- K EN WITH BABY'S MILK. The 1111nolà eeate fond coaarm mon niae furiisest for ddatribulioeln i cI-t las a buileUn oiLthOe care of xilkklu thie home, ivlug directions exoiuave ]y for theb bt wethe. UnIe the ,ntlk la propeily cared for thla weatii er. ssye the bulie1%i16 ili becosue1 unfit for use luntthe home, especially for hables. 'MIe folowlflg rotes are est divan. 1. Have Oie dealer leave the botles In a cool plae, Proteeds fron, the sun awj file@. 2. Take botllei lu tat earLieet posathie minute ater dellvery. 1. Wash rap snd outâtde of botie throughly wth lean, cMd water. 4. PlaDe SI owa on ice. 5. Kaep the tce box clean. 6. The ica box muet contain no subJstanice sf01, as onlofla, flh or other substances a'hich w'll lm- part their flavor tD the milk. 7. Do not remove mnilk f rom cee box untîl you are r.ady 10 use Il. 8. See that ail reoeptarkes for mi> kare dean. 9. Remove cep from botte wlth a lsan speolai ilfter sud re- pluis tAis cap aud put back ounte Immediateiy. 0. Wihen mnll bas been used, toasdiately waah botle as re- uIedty odby nwtaun pte ro ottebmpy a sdtakeep the delivened to dealer. Tihe buletin <ivea inforumton as to, how hatmisln lumlk miUltiy.If prmcar. la not slven, endncering human hven, fiAIN OF 81.8 PER CENT IN PROUCTS (c~>tnued Prow Page Oue.) the etemS worlc and rolllng midis; the»e Industrie gave employment to .bout two-thlrdm of the wagm mrierg Sr, 19 and reported over thrsm-fourth of tho total value cf producta f the cty." "Ths City, wftoae popidation wa» :a thon 10.000 ln 1900, shows un Increae of 38.4 par cent le aveage number of wage mrner' from 19M4 10 IWO9 and, of 81.8 per cent ln value cf preducle." It May b.e nted aIse that the value of products reported ln 19 was mocre thon twsnty--eeven tîmea that of 189. Thera were nineteen iucorporated place having bts-eeu 10,000 sud 25,- 000 iaSab"tln lu1900; fOve ef which -Dee&aur, Aurore.,Danvilie, E82g1n sud Bloomlngtoni-4,s pamed te 5,- 000 mark lu population lu 1910; s-hile one cty-Ottawa--dropped ont of tita group trongit s dacline lu population -ttee aes s-aere partialiy made up, ios-ever, by te addition ln 1910 of Wkean, (ita.upeinM attoon, Lincoîn sud Canton, as tite rasut 0f lucreasea lu population duing Oie de- cade, 's'lile the nujuber f places lu- ciudIed ln Oie group was, turther ilu creased by the organîzation of Oak Park from Cîcero ln 19â2. Summary 1909, '04-1899. Tite cenBuâ complied lîy the De- tiartinent of Commerce aud -Laior, lias thie nunibar of establishmnents : Wsukegau iu 19410 ai 59; as agaluet 42 iu 1904 sud 72 lu 1819. Titrea ousand, seven hittndref and SaventY-titree prsous vere given ean pioyment lu the 59 industries lu Wau- kegan lu 1904. A Comparative Summary. Number of emtalîilsbmenta lu 1909- 59. Number of astablistimants ln 1904- Weaukffl, 1909-3,090. Waukegan. 1904-2,265. waukegan. 1899-495. PrImary Horse Power. The Primary horae power in 1909 la lb&ted by tihs census takera at 23,- 144. Value Over 17 Milions. The captal valuation of the 59 In- dustries in Watukegan ls glven. at $17,- 092,000. The valuation 0( tie Industries ln 1904 ls glven at but $8608,000. In 1899 the valuation wasa $771.000. The Salaries Paid. The salaries paid: I 909-586,000ý lu 1904-11163000. ln 1899-440.000. Wagea Paid by Industries. lu 1909--$2,103,000. lIn 04$4300 lu 1899-1181,000. Coet of materlalo used ýearlî a the industries of Waukegan: ji 1909"14,164,000. lu 1904-47,721,000. lu 1899--$338,000. Thia value of the producte manu] facturad anzuallyý In 1909-$19,984,000. lu 1904--$10.994,000. In 1899-$73000. The value added by tie manufa.ct- urer of Waukegan lun 1909, 1904 and 1899: lu 1900-45,820,000. Iu 1904-$3,273,000. lu 1899--4395,000, The ludustrWiaImportance of Wau,, kegan to Illinois aud the tUni1tad States le showu by the followlug ta hie, ln whlch the value of products aud tie average number of wage easr erg ta shown separately for 1904, 1900 snd 1899, so faer as comparative fig- ures cau be given: 1909-.Average niimber of wage earnerom-3,090. 1904- average nuraber oi! wage, earners.-2.265. 1899--average number of wage earu ers -495. 1909-value of products $19.984.082 1904 value of productEk-$10,994,- 247. 1899-value of producte, $772.794. BRADBURY EXPLAINS. (Contlnued Prom Prage Oue. sL sxaII fraction 0f hi millug &hare MORE tban bis total lnvetmeuts lu varlous minlng stocks amounted to lu Oie agFregate. And 1ihlaul Mr. Smtits word for it, taI othar suiteiaant sales made hy hlm of Poneer Conolldated sud Plo-ý near Leasing stocks, broughit the ra- turn on salas made by hlm up to about $1800. Kuosiug Oiat thea staîmeuts are actual facts i cao state postively that lnsead of Mr. Smith loslog auy mon- ay la mlnlng stock lnvastmants, ha actuaily made mouey. Hene only madle sales tat re- turned lu full ail is uoney outlay, but healaso cleared up a profit of ai leaat 30 par cat Intarest yeuriy for liye yeaaraeo every dollars sorth of stock ihe avr bough-g, buihaiuand aIMYMULEDOOI3D; AUTO TRUCK IS TO TAE ITS PLACE TH18 STATEMENT 1S MADE DV CAPT. WILLIAMS WHO HAO CHARGE 0F RECENT TES8. SHOWING WAS CONCLUSIVE IN SHORT TIME TRUCKS WILL RE PLACE THE TIME HONOR- ED MULES AT FT. SHERIDAN It wli ha but a short tîme wlîen the tinme-houored army, mule that have beau so common ut Fort SJer- dan for yaare, wll have beau sup- ilanted by the auto truck. A short time ago the SUN auuouuced that F'ort Sheridan ltended to try out the experimaut of auto trucks as cofn- Pared to the arTuy mules. Thisi test, 1 t seem», has shown the mechaulcai devtce .s,,i4, ti0o cT IkMZ-eared friends sud ae a resuit the mule must "go 'way hack and oit dowu. The statement that the ar'my mule is doomed was, made by Captain P. A Willilams, quartarmastor of te Il. S. army ' who had charge of the au 10 tru,4'k recatly tested by the ar'my. Heta sad the. animal whlch bas been as Important 10 the armv as ammu- nition lu the pai la to ha evenlual- ly suppisrited hy the auto truck. ln addresslng a mass meeting luI A.ppilouo, Wls., tapt WUt1iarus alto couductad the test for auto truckse from Washington, througt Allants. Chattunooga sud Ioulavlie tW Indla-, napolîs aud then to Duhuqua, sud hal chiarge of the trucks lu the masrch of the5Iprovlslonal ragluneut fromn Du- buque to Sparta said: "The change la niot coing ail ai once, tt wlll lake place to meel lthe de ujauds. We will gradusiiy put trucksý ln as thie mules dia aud lu aiglit'or ulua vears tha truck will ha lu sud die nules out1 of the army service. -We saut the people to gat Intereêtý ed lu what the goverumeut wantea At one tîme It s-as thouglut possible that the trucks mi«ht ba subsidized by tuai faderai govarument, but tiIs mova la' not a practîcal ona, gose e s-sut t10n teruettfarmers, nianufacture"s sud otherq lu Oie auto truck so that Iuf dise of war s-e rMu ga out sud huy tom~ for the srmy. When that lime cornes we w-iil need from 20,000 to 40,000 of the trucks, aît.hough lu timel of peaees-e aill ouly raquire about 2,000 sud Il would not psy or ha wisl to, equlp lte army for s-ar purfoses i lu tInte of peaca, sos-a ara, glad to, luterogt tha commercIal world for lte sake of the artny.' LOCAL TONSORIAL ARTIST3. (C.ontiuued PrIom Page Onea) , iýas beau obearedv more than one lu as-fK nel havi. aukean. awfuly ad.The reuiey k. ,lear, sud it opienEl And wii gy, urthr. hathada brand nes- fild of amusement fori Mr. Smiîthbeau williig t10 sdi ALL ahoibewmn a% 'C". hie ioner h&rs eHY n 109 henThat la the iractce prop<ed-.aud lI the buyiug market s-a streug, ha ready adopt.ed ln scatterad instancesf. wouid hava experlenced no dlfflc,ly But titt ould not ha work for su whatevar in dsposing of bis atira ordluary harber. holdings lu Ponear Cousolild&ted aud Waukegan barbers do net taka verY Pioee lsi tock ai froin 30c klffl b othaeieas sud it la probable te 3w, per uitare. Au ibis holdings in Ihat consîderable dlfflcuity s-ould hi. the two camanitl aggra&galed arounvi eneountered lu seaking tu hava Oie 35,000 sghares, the sala of thte itres plan put îtutuaffet itare. s-ould have hrougitt hlm lu fully $10.- Folowlng are Oie anss-ers given hy, 000. Dedîîctin.g from this antount te ,a tes-of Oie local barber, to ahom lass titan $700 he hitd pald for ail is the quasiIon as t0 ahetitar theY woî,id stock holdings, hie ventures ln the slave cats s-as propouudei- llliilliug stock gaina s-oîld have put "RED" wFIEmFRS-"Well, 1 dont hlm on Oihe goovi ida of the ladger icus-.1 igiti have a tew chicena to the axtent of ovar $9000, sud ha but I marn ielîd t0 think that i wold stili have had laft enough pret - ould draw teline on shavlng cats. ty oetiflcates tut taper a email lied- Anys-ay, i th.lnk that the sbvlng of room-.ertlficatea Ibat s-areaail "vl- eala la golng s lttle bit ton far." vet- ho hlm.HENRY STRANO--"Weil, 1 sbouid H.i BRADBURY. say not. and wtiat 1 wonld say to suy- ounes-ho nuaxiaespcb a propositi n te FATHER GAVIN TO RETIRE? ume s-on.1d nt bhat ai aIl omplim:ent- ary. The ides la utterly rictus.' 1,01J GULLiDOF-"Siios- me the (t.ontlnued Froni Page Oua.) ca!' Gavin bhs made no poiti ve state- ment as to wlen he wouid retire but intimatec that it would ha after the big ('atholic ladiesl' ba7aar which takes î,ýlace n tha F'all. It has een kno'su for a long tîme, mexubers of the. .'hur.chsay that the Incre-sinr 42.duties 0f the citnrcb, due to the tact1 Nuier of establihments lu 1409- tat It is gros-lug taadily lias auru 32. 1o , Peraons Engagmd lnIn idustry, Althooogh 70 years of age, Palier lu 1909--3,773. Gavin lu s-ys bas luslsted upon a51 ln 190"'-.614. teudiug o ail is dutias iimseaf, de- Prp,.etisorsamud fin manuhars eu- cîîuîug te services of an attendant, gaged lu lndustry: -h.>o old have beau sent itere toi Iu 190--146. 5ais1 hlm lu is s-tork a heua slgitI- Lui 1904-34. est hînt that be destred help. If ha IauS.od EmplOYOs. does retire soon, as Il seamas-lill ha lu 1909-637. te case, lie lu ail prohiability s-lit re- lu 1904-316. main long enougbhoeslos- iseue- In 189--41. cessor, s-ttoever be may ha, ho be- The Wage Euanera, cone thorougbiy scqualuted s-ltb lie Avrace number of uugse arnm: '5 iiii. 1PILt BRAND--"Fvery person bas; Vacationists Will Find ht to Their Adm vantag"e to Buy Their Traveling Equipment at The Globe Tiiere is more than one reason why it im te your interest te purchaise your traveling eqîîipment here: First of ail, we have the largest and best aseorted *~Une of Trunks, Suit Cases and Hand Bags in Wai- kegan; secondly, ours are constructed ini the most substauîtial and lasting inanner and will stand tl1e roîîgh usîîage they are bouîîd to receive in handlint; third, we are extrexnely reasonahie in our prices. Suit C a s e Specili, $1.98-24-inch Ma tt in g Suit Casaesith reînforv ed leather corners, and leather handle. lined, LI special price. Im O Suit C a s e specl&l, $3.95 24-inch lep a t li e r S~uit Case ith reiniorcad leather corners, has shirt fold, offered )l special aI ... . . . 3.9 suit Cases 01.00 ta 813.00 Hand BagaSO5C ta S015.00 Trunlia 03.00 to $18.00 Trunli Speclal. 08.50 Trunk Special, 04530 -36-inclt canvas covered --24-nch strongly coustruct- T1rutik wilii 2 fisi, bard wood cil Trunk, one large tili, PlaIssund brans trimmuîngs, auvas covered, siats of hard stroîîgly buiît, . . Waood, specîally i4.0 spectul price. -.50 p Ir id. ... Reductions in Summer Apparel Norfolk Suits $4.95 LinierieDresses$3.95 CooredDresses $2.95 P ii r eIÀ nen N orf 1ik 1)ant: Linîgerie l)reis Norfolk sty les ini bine Suits in nat irai color, es, elegaîîtly trîîî nd ai i nattirai -élored i ii- excel1ently taît red, iiilace, otiers iii the eni th -r lainty îiod belt of same materiai Norfolk style, plain Ai fil li e G rîn offered elow value at w hite And c lors prie inied w ith le, rim a 4,995 - 3,e95 2e95 - 'Waists at 98c Hot wcather Waiet8,lurati ]v made of fini- lingerie und voil,, 1 elegs,îtly trinîiied ajîli lace .-- . . . 98c Wash Petticoats Md of Seersucker sr ed i hani, f louîîca at bot.39C tomD, special. -. - NorfolK Blouses Made of w-hitelei non f gooîl qualitY, îîavy bine collurFand lina98 tri,,,ined jîc. patenit le atiier 1 e t 70 Long Kimonas - iîipire aind luose bac-k etYlie. , iadeof figured lavne-, tiind wit border (if eanie a mzaterial -.. 89C tlosiery, Underwear, Corsets, Etc. Women's liose 11lc-Bîack aîïd-tan, flne qîîality gatîze. rihbed topst'oniitnoîîly sold for l9c, siiecial, i pair . .. .... ...ý......... l Childrenks fBose 15c- Extra fine llack merceried Ilugi', aIl izes, rr.gul ar 25e kind at, plair.. .. 15 Corsets Several discontin- ued lines of fanions Gossard corset, t) be clowtd onît at a sacrifice, regiilar 19 i5 tîodels now. Boys' Under- Women's Vests Ribbon - Il ia wear I>oî'o'i Fille'gatizî' vY t;îlbl;iliair kîîit shir'ts il 1 vesti'l fi.i' 1)v, \vo w iblin, drawvs, wite t a ) e(p i îî , .îII-toltus, 25(i 2 Ici cît t i 3vald ..17 Our New Furniture Annex Located at Genesee and Water Streets is Now Open for Business Sumrner Hat@s sie' aii te Ratinie flats m ian miedium, liapes -te ppula beadgear for fQ suulmÛmr. .7 -. .. 18 Women's Pumps I& Oxfords AX large lot ()f ' îiî'î' wh~ sloe's, inv'lli ig l;'aev an but lili 101, h it . 2.48 Children's Pumps --Il pîatenît, gulîîîtî an ti lî'atlîis, Colon >îial, htttoiî anid istrlau tstlesi, $ 51anti $75valuies $1.29P v aluies t ..9%8c Clearance of Men's Low Shoes Nletîî's hlae-k andt taniix fortîs ini attî'it'tive lace't anti lîttton li x'esA ictali Gentlemen îaind 29 Do>uîgas Makes, $.5>aid $4.00 val<tues' at.29 Boys' Oxfords- Lave Bandais- BoYs' anti antd hîtton in guîî inetal girls' brfotsna, leather, $1 *'5' 1039 size 2t',a 55 -aiîs at .. . .. TO VACATIONISTS Those making preparations for a summer outing wilI find The Globe splendidly prepared to supply all their vacation and traveling needs Il -'I s riglil to ha Jusl as crszy Ras heos-mIs to hoaàa long as;ha doesutt infringu NO BELL ANY LONGER. retreat andd ntîl nos-, uobody but the aituesýses sud their frians, f I C S P R- R E ou the rlghts o! othars. Thi ict- tby kues- Oieir naines s-are regluher iecutrou Vtntaiv oIe saat ng fad shows au imbecilic tom *. (tiititied Pýrm Page Oua.) ed tbre-and Oiey, llkely, have en- men ap)peared, ouaes-oman steppad up DIES AT WAUCONDA of mtudý At titat. 1 believe ihat i tîrely forgottan tue fat. Wonder, sud mada the stamaut thai she migitt shave a fc's- alîdeats If lbey 1iromînence o? tae "boye" nos-, it la wlîe ntbey rea4 titis, if titay ailra- 'couid lIck ail Oive officers."Wad atuPz prore came aloug." ltarestlng to notice the dlscovery of cýaIltietaima they made their s-ayIlu Sha s-as grabhad hy the haud sud s-îth a lîttIe "one bos-e circus" tiat HARRY FINE-"Siire thifiz, 1 moud Ibair mames. 'nasa îs-o men, s-ho to that haifry? led as-ay .hy t-o s-omen friands. sel aia Waucouda Tuesday ulgiti, s.bave a cal. 1 thiuk tbe ides la a lu 1881 s-rota lbelr tael higit Up The five moen sho s-are arrestad-- diad anddenly a fes- minutes after hay good one, sud It is eapecially humane in the beltry, are sons of Thomao COURT SANCTIONS METHOO. Henry Voglar, Henry Sine. B. J. Hop- ing performed ietî c. Ha bail just in te Sommer time. Briug alo,îg the Titompâon, shosa home la on Mc-kidDs sud Harry Rose. rea.cled bia dressing room s-heu ho catean 1u sil l hav a e". Kinley avenue, oser Oie dubool. Thea f . __________PageOne. collaped dyiug a short tume laler. SAM RUBIN "Me, to. 'ut In "boys" s-weut lto edgicational work otne rmPg n. Titis morniug Coroner Taylor pre- favor of ah.vlug rats If their os-nean sd have made unusual orcssa think the officers used Ibeir clubs Mra. Louse DaKoven Bowau's suIt aîded at thi. coroners lnquest ahicit s-st it doe" eoh being principal of big achools and flts to protectet imsies" .agaluat tetrimteas o? Oie asIate ofs-as hald ln Wauconda snd il s-as WNI. BFNN l<I'T-"Shv et It Massadmoussetes. An&ther brother, Deleon orby waa the prooecutirig bar fatter, John DoKoven, s-as dis-' found that the fellos- had i ded of a Not mnit! I1s-ould Just. s= sZ sav Oliver S., la nos- cîty superluteudetit attorney. îHe sas assisted hy Eu-' mlased hy stipulation of the part.ies pulmonary bemorr>bage. due filelaha- a pig as ho, shave a est." o? Wlaukagan sobol. gene Runysrd, asslseaut etata's attor-' bafore Judge Brentano In lte Sitperior Illa'ed te bis violent exertion s-hile No "Johuiiy" and Tommy"ney. court ln Cictago Tueedtay, Attorney pertoring haieial s-ork. .Iay Gratasu. the craek-sbot fr-oi TitOcuPsofl on evening, &fier scitool, Alex Beaubien, onea of Waukeaaus Jesse Holden, rapraaeuling hie client Long lake. s-ho made sucit a lona Lad ciagied itig Lul tsebelfry s-han proaperous Young las-yers, represant- s-as sattlfed slIi ti.heans-er of tie MIss Marie fison of Northt ae- sitowing ai tins OlyuàPle gamem, slslte teacbers were not s-utc1bU ng.l- ed tha liv saliaipolicemen. ti'uiteen, Annie L. DelCosen aud WiI. nue bas gens Hi Ouhkosh. . for a for home from lS-aden today. srlhaed taîr namesansd béatà. hat Afnar the cases baul teen dismissed lal Eliot F'uruess, ( o -ber suit, vlsit s-llh relatives,

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