CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jul 1912, p. 11

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"e ~i. - T:AV1l!<InT!WV T IfflNT.FRMÂY, J'ULY 26, 1912. Defa WTli,*a Why thr. bave icen- bea tilsailluctrinsmaéas esult fb dI-N W O DI (udbittinofrprngtqA D fl Vostlon,.nts cfthe ervice e WOR- instrucions an4d oaà a re it <t h-ln-aAD aunhaBt1n for é.iemd t th. water t'~ ions here already are a 1 ii l 'IhP'jve neportedl the matter te LA E (RICK WMr . :zy hat Qieffl tVotoneeni PO ING CONTRACT c _P__ __ _ASSUMBLY FIJNDS bmalh nd saxtt, (IcpartOrlt and lie REoILED2 DATS IN 2 WEEXS TI(ME l ~ ~~b AT IWINNETKA, ILL.CLEROGEESAS ARE ATTACKED H~ EFOREIJIS DEATII tthe clty for the running of t111e (Continuit! on Page Fve hkt'i o nt it o b o Ie cjisiab'jq__________ atrwork. - tto mal e reluira (ilt,, o, "'nt i. TEMPORARV TERMINAL OF WAU. wt la the earnest dsîre of the civil; MESSRS. M'CUGO & BULLOCI< 0F îllay Tire police station o'w'SINDEAN FACTION IN LIIG FRA- Ti tt'vr , ict b~iMAS. MADDEN WENT TO LAKE KEGAN, ROCKFORD & ELGIN service comnmi.ssion te encourage aj, WAUKEGAN WERE THE LOW- aiwas act ba een 15, but re t.',r TERNAL ORGANIZATI'N 1S clan fiy exît!ain h. ni ior or VILLA AND MADE Up wITH 1a&fairs and t)" W eary HSAN EPR DAH TRACTION COMPANY. ptlcants ln every way and tie help, EST BIDDERS FOR WORK. watt ibanged to 327. No dc tc- ,'i .I TROUBLES. UBN BEO DAH te promotion in their poIti.n.I.xas a e xv,.!artoI t cxc,ý%o I, r The civil service commîslonwere polilce found out about If a II tir 1,e.IfI xai" ht I "'ARE PLANNING A BIG PICNIC ready and anxiouîs te carry on the I WARFARE OTestEand thehlo ,,l)a ocaserlofitvpol vari r,,, ,.w ,llt _____________ elcmhnatlons ai the speclfied lime as WILL START WURK MONDAY ia ,cn ot ti hefelu r lON THE One cas t esiof mbedat ri b' 'ra e t. HE THEN WANTED TO LIVE FAMR N ILGR advertjsed, they tully appreciate the' Ile'is îlscrlbed as a or,,, ,, 5 thatt istgIerely gOOdlrirîn as the' LA AID HER OR O trouble and lIuof tr Ime te every ap- tmatIlluchs b beîgil.ut Forv HAOAMD EMIN O PETEOR îllîant for exaufnatîen, lu these post LOCAL PIRM TO LAY THREE fet l î,ceiîs.InHeigi,,, i hirik EKT IRP RAIAINYlr h aP rmti. ellttecmso arn I MILES 0F PAVING ON THE iri mt u si Obt rIi FORM ED TO DEIFEAT TH E c,'eîilreil the best that ,ild c, -iexi ai' , it, "t,.s hiîied toîlay by the tonements, and are more tau willling grita et, uand slookba. ve 1m b b, NRAE0 A'E. Iioî, uti ' ' Wihn10wek oiMu" tuetereimburse the'm for any ]tisa In NORTH SHORE THIS VEAR. NR cOFRTSliie nt i iv adixoillefor , t irtîtK it"Siîntey") NMad àteam englue that pulls the cars on, wages ncurred hy these. ta,,pont-_______f__ aritner diile bis Clain)tu it r, for fr,Thii' nre Idll tIt onr t gt athe , flic., fumernai of the former the Waukegan, Rocittord & Elgin trac-1 potements. meIn, iersed lu the army. 'lb, h. , \\;tirtaI anranertatta ttt .tî ,Otfi, Chicaugo lahor world tien confiauywill stgnalup the 1 am ,M)ar 'Sir,%Iessrs bli'<tgt& lIliiok, titi' -il kegati olic aud the iteil ýx. tiI , r k Minîneapolis, Minîl , J,îIý ":t lo,r' Oftta te m'el]lms tilte an lu ou - bili ht streets of L.ake Zurich. 'Work on lay-1J. W. IAIWEIA,, ho Waiîkegaui 1aitîg rontrwttrs, -roi' il les have been askid , i , ', o tn l tril)i the ,.toa lîsrt*'iiItt i b', desplte the ftc'- t, ha Thirsdsla1 lae-uîected ta I ng the tracits from the present tem I ' bman 'ave been awardeîl a $20,000ieJpainîg he lookout ror the felloa tIis g aiîte'Weedmen asseîubly nom, thi eati'ux to LblttIfas(lotie for thpir ewtî good. rt'aelaie taltepwru * poar terminal to Lakte Zurich lm pro-' co brc y the village of Winnetk. sii a new oue and local itatit r'. iitarujit tItis orgaîiioi ,fît organizationq Ili (Chicago and many gressiug rapidiy. <'ommssioner Orvs l was in ('hicago OThe aukgu im a heo ctie oit the watcb for ao cff,, rt , some niolîths age te defeat thPitini rmoîed ' I abraot1 The Steel bas arrived and au extra today and Sc ould net Il sen oibî aeuTe Beyce Cousautheio e,,ii .aî at hr.criaseofrates by Itie Modemn Vood COLORED PEOPLE REGRET hir m ong thde ugtmer about lead force eofmmen have been employed toi get an exîlalnatilnenrrbig action Iii' lauy of <icago waa îhelr next ciomst________ men si c ud ovoerthrow the head 411f THAT DEAL FELL THROUGH. lay te trcks. 88ILB9 tuhavethe to exminatons onapeitor Thiscompiiy " awal- eail0rlie mSoceyyo!iltho mcr of wbeiea ewb eader'sr' The residentz of Waucouda have rPostPOned. 'c itree îaving contracta by the iboardl BIG HIGHWOOD POWER PLANT TeseaorterubelNina- C trtedFmPgeO .) hseetsoteSak Adte ralsed one-third of thir milare ot Ih. FoIlOWing lmthe coîxmuncatIon 0f local Improvements, Waukegan îast SDOME;18SUSATON oherL. redeuterinsurontebas chiefdmeurner will beeme rs.Forene stîiscriptions, and hope te bave theý whlcb appeared ln the SUN' Tucsday' Nonday nlght. The Chicago Compîany udJh . uda, ougn d- adn rotwo h eeel balance vîthin a few days..evening and which Promptcd the re- wîîî pave Steele court, C'ory avenue, <.nlodNrmP-eOel tr etrradonpli aaet- C tenia îthrasedîroposltloneand sepeated, itbuan who ffected ren A home-comIng pîcule wlll b. helli ply froua Mr. Barweil:ýaIr-sIew place and Sherman place. Reuteretront alieges that on Sept. 1 h, itlal axd o'g mnycIlto lhhm w asbfr ln L.alie Zîrih ahen the rallroad Edîtor the Si 'N- Neoflî('i n ulot'k (citain ho, big tîmber deals in Ca'aau îbî, sondes0 luidutea hlm lu quit a: te buy said chîurch. wish te say MO Wen dled. Mm. Madden Il§ now couîîuî cnthleeslaungthirtrcit XesrsNtc'uo udthat lie docant thîni of Utir,IrI cc I goud positiniith a clothing concert' am. patto lieroftire A 01. . Fcbrch tiraitI' Coman <ôrilers ayig hei tac i 1write for Informaîtin, which, Itemîtiate starting aerk on tttir 120,trc ]fine scheme. He ,' ',8 1'tuo ark for lii in10the campalgn t1'1 ilermn 1ît lrrierio î,reîOtoiorbas The hody of the lahor czar wilI bie tea reintt.sTe ail se advhir-truet, you wiîi gi, e me. fi()Winnetka i oîtract ou OlIoda' abouît Ith. doesn't secý,,, 'tktîîta against the h,'ad îffi<crs and tuat he ieen ,roiirl t,,r a long vhile Wlicu rE5Movec front the undertalclng roi lae o drk uiht day eamcidIl plan Why it ii, Ihat, ont two different or- *1i1Y29t Il. r lmin existence. Tt fis mai bibat he lias ,eceîve,î es thari promlBed. teu-It aas artas ehbt, eNîcr'ýtlitg wa.ai2346 West NMadison Street, C hîca- anigtae pcuir. A large delega caios 'sesterday heins- the lant) Ttlcy vîl i cIe a lîttlter orf aik tilh<i' a 111e tokiv,, tIti' b îctrslroni bas attachedtirte fitnds of the 1doncltaI ce I d on lîrtt-lthe A, go at 9 a. m. Tburaday te St. Mal- linowhukgr e hoaenlen examinatlone bave been calicd gaîl men work ai W'inntka r i ls ('anada deals are got lc 111Wtif,, lN \tienlOoeu"eltînasml I ehl 0itc iu u tîi ahschrh W.ut~re n tersttiic te aitroaci compsny warn by the civil servie commission for' plan lu hav ie lcr mnlstar at ami' tbcy tonstîmimate, as he ilai si lb ibn lte iraI Nationial iianîk ut Minne- OuIrestîlts.a lîY eHabcriî,tîo, acre North W estern avenue, where the attndth pcnc.a llreman at the water works, the ahi, h lhey ai] maîitàaI ,Witînet saîi, 'he will have se mat,,h Imotue .' a polis. promîsea on tte condition that the sel iIces will be held. Buriai wlllibe 1men who piancd taklng the exanul a ta Ifml tiie the' in, uiv fîttr be wlli ueed a trainte ohaul o "'rostt Some lime agi, liawalha campîs elestbe narrIed o01t. An arrangement a Rshil nation bave grine to the serretarY's m in tîls lctitieIir contrait. tbeu mighî luy bacit the i at'1011 Minneapolis îoted 10 contribute tesas inade for a lban of $1.1, 0 bc, "C c n acso fr1' et E. V. ORVIS 88 ONE RESPON- loffce. prepared Iot aietehéwnecessary rîlti il as a Playihiog, laic' t!- ruad the assemiîiy li assiat i t ightlng the liiiîd wlth the subacripîltioiln orderar iiusldNs.PA.ekhm ret naree leic1norîttelx-fud it' sald il, tcraes Trs.ldtyutF.s A. Peckhe hemmai euleag mc SIBLE FOR DELAYING EXAMS.I testibled havenoire offortued5the exutiedark avenueratMeeetc aimination bas iieen pogîponed? HEALTH îNSPECTCIR COMPELS Would Meule Much.rates Tindthe coiîlut îs andth e wýas" a4'heGrm Npoîl s x i xrsoîbM a rkn, oavenue, a iter otd (f'teîtdnued Prom Page One) 1 haîipeu to bc one of the uumtier THE USE O FSCREEN DOORS. ln î'ase the coîPefai tri t ile p lu lik te ctr sd t eamp rcs a posile, utnfoue t hese Flornc'maden, tod. ltw n ay be ______________ land___ ensuboth Occasiomns, 1 ad te leave ls beadquartera 1 t 'iîti-..t hercldawaja r-ýevident ihat the Gerinan cougregîsîliîorec al pjsitody i- 1_________adest______________in or-' 1torner actiuon,îîîd witlîtirawlactaonarfore \laddeu dled. Hasi be llved the tîrl itaI t %ieu the imen have sbownm ok u oIîiyissjirl r (Coutnuaed FrontPage One.) the powt'r la te corse frto t aluot it-,lt ihie injtiution toc-ediiigs cetîldti ltagi-e ou anwloai. 111 l lit te xaînlilî tatth~~der te he preserit, on]y III fini tbîlat tih,'______]tg______ ____Ientîrre tItweuîîei-ai b Ihto iiarllas iearîset, litaceri "\'e tlêiidcd for certain couceeslons reconcilîlRation would have been comn Ira,(. beeiî Intonîed theit the date b... j (xam wspotondîg the notaiexpo4ed ltl toil 0 , itîs cIl, lwei rit'-iI otrtthe eecctitxe,oîcîietofthie asseiîhyienlitedla, Lak'etc ortîee il- ler,, lîetioned. Tire tcommunicant! Whi 18lathe ucason? Wtvcail îhPI left mahere flc- ,an gel atit, lutit taor mre familles here \"titi'ciî andîlthe Itoard et atîdîtors The nonn_, Ihere wcrccertain repaire that we blra. L dait ond Mrtin m ake peee tuh iottedott Ita tes dlas used a mieros ftbeyeI o î,v înshnf b ny ot the ,isîelners the logical îplace for tite Itaitros eso teectls lîtd oîd hase te niake ii ener te e r esat n arh a ldt exanuunattions itemedelaare ersof te expeat handli ote.tei" pa ns avmcscltwa hugtle i net Ocliiia bsn oft1ile butt a logs:poneal I1iitflerstandIîi taIse coste a ie oo- in am ittnd If wîtb reauli esPeciliy lu face et the t«t tilir'tlthîeiiisî'Iî,tsî10a diiifor sertit os and Oeîr tlasbaeiands e aathoug rlhemîgli of tîtuney.A reason for the ielays ithe clly monpy te cal]i t',,, texants Viteau, k rof .'itttriîg vitîtti 1,k reater paîrt ofthe îioti t r t t IPI trie ~andîtîrsrosîtciltirt itis actionu. \'V,- ]tost(îmauutiIei lt his lîy the 'ldlndedll a'as then atkeil Tire espîanatîon Isi Wthout consiWrlig the lessot tme reguîaîîî,nxlas lt"îng i arrietioritou fîîrnlsbied hcre. It lamIt t it' r r o! inet goîîg through, isixliiEs were Md-ndedtl nadei'îy 'ir. itarwcll. sîîowing saipemrand money to the aIiillcuut' Whtata î,i aaiples of milk are beng t ith1e throlîgb livne betweeîî I--o tandt CITY PHYSICIAN TELLS lft witoltl a preoposition on wblcb 'trs. Peckhanasaic that labor lead- fet aIltin1gua-sa aaîtileaire on te the matter wfttitthe- civil service com- ftrncmail uwattns in the cIl, Ttexo NiIwaiikoeanti Offiialifîtir,, resu WHV WELL WAS CLOSEO r le trotcure te boatu Tire monci wc î'rs ef Chicago ansia number frein pant of Il,,-t.aa,i te hotd the exasl mmsîti,'la t ifolîiig sebcidy Trt talic.. a l i'eatilin the Itutteri Oten baie 'liecu itear 'i'o pn-sdid lîroculre bas lîcîn îlaced lupou a New York wouid attend the funeral nmins ,(iîthtedaes schedled use ceae tii le ,a bite wihnue sud itr llat)itttrioftflire titi 1,1,7 i wisbS chtitIhevorigel,,, rlidlo lttlot and laiu effort smttelng tmade nowsdiaeayo hsewt h b larucl a cIeter toîîows' sBomneothera a'îo hase lalîcu thietroux- in sud îuikineîwîh ae rcpîtîing .out1 tatîx tire beadîtîartena hi. Contitiicîd omPage One.)i te finisht îat'menl for lot sud when Niatden wa5stiouts wouit ibe among Wauitegan, 111. tle te go there on two differeut 0o'c- nîetî nIt, alîlttc calleal tipou lte tat la (dou e eare exîtectlng t bud. the number, July ?4th, 1.41 > scamionste laite the test lw. t un;e't ' tri îtîcuoftît ceillitig prer'atattat t ,tîii lcie tee 'Ii oart epeno hict Oftesadmn0 h .eca FdllIer cf tireVaukegân l)ally SI'N, WiI yoîîtitirefor me, for I am nt ,,k ami]] ii.lttîeIultitgrpat tbrti 'trs. A.t. Kulîte astd tr Harot ldtbutcrire break tiiithe pipîe or wlielh-ihome tadlty, anutî ist lîave it in order Building Traclea of Chicago andi Cook ý'aiikegan,Illinois, unable inI dtermne thie catuse anti ughues ,, the' cilo iuasier sud Raymtond. lett ys..tî i i,a\ for au Pr il îs rolteni ail the way town. Tf te mccl certain conditionsg tat arise county. thae.orgaiiatlon te whtch Mr, I)ear Sîr stste ln t our cotumua abhat tire trou-1The cieauing up o!rte conditionîs eatendcd visit wltb frtcutd.. and rela ýtîte latter la truc t robably wofîd froint an Incresage 0f popuilation. Nladden gave alleglance, 'elîl lbeet the ln >olur yestertiays issue you ataed blte la? t,,tîud un the rear tif maxîy stores aise tuves lu 0hio bc cheaper te sink a new weli titan "H. E- JOHNSON, Pastor" servicasi OUR LAST CAL TO 'ou WL WILL CLOSE THE BOOKS THIS MONTH We Positively Guarantee Your Investment,!. Thte Meredlih Fioaer andi Vegelable Comtpany ta one ot the meat Irrpote's oas it la tees valuaitie and alta tle promoter boter leiltorrtîw littrîon of profitable ('ompanies lu nortbcmn Illiuole, sud litlet a producl cf Lae u îîîtîî orît Riu pler cent than Ilb dosx ti)capitalize, lbut ivc caîittaliu-d on sîturea 7l t'onnty. Tbey did net cotise to llbertyvllle askung for a large bonus as thc tbetery tait ln union these w,,. i rr'ith sud se iait- titriitif I tiy MW so many do but went 10 work just as any honeat Company shouldan sd îtheamîrtunt o uiness se have iîi,r' 1,1-, ar atîdiagat,, tltmalif a th pla tiu show'.d the people what they coulti do and organizeal ou a profit sharug îprofitl aharttrg cuitpauy. V t iss anal eleteti their oficers. The hom s tif he ofltcra are here snd îî,x aise 'ho1estocitholder ri t ri ît if ) 1 0 at s'a. iiis ,grtaranteî' aîe'n te, net n t'hicago or sente other distant itlace and munn lecal by the stock- tO titalIo ne u ier-aon eaugel crtntrtî it fluc stock sla nd x' t-t hii,îîolîo hoiders agssi'er,rahio can oly owui-, t\% to or Ibue lisut ,i tiii1 The directors fer the preseut yesar consista o! J. E. Mereditth. the o-,rt-o'rtecomîtany 1,rt.. . t t 'in îroierty ti) tover alifxs -ccitt,a t. îînîmoter andi generai manager and sho ila aresident ait Ubertyvîtle anti Iiîelexx csand iioea not baîir, î. rr ' ls stock tu rmur- o ry btIc-l. itweciî1 manager for tile C. M. & St. P'aul R. . for l.ibertyvilic. il. P. Sclinaeî,i-be, fiita ilstojjnses. 10 the 7 1, a retireal former aud financier. also the rresent mayor etfIIbert3'vlibe, It-c ause The iboard o e st tIr tsttan net place any liabiitittox ,,a, triitwr .Ar. WVm. Neaýton, a rctlred merchant of Rocktefeller and caîitaiiest; Lý. R.tiomayvthute on-r ft1sochlds K>o h(-eton3 ('lausen. Supt. of the C. M. &.St. Paul R. R., welI known both on tite main ot fic, mpnthati L ) lin. and Janesville divisions, W. n Carr, lb. fifth dirertor, la 100 weli xueri'haii kuowu i0 neeci an introduction asa he la the poîtular cenuictor et one etfIletarse tîtc manager cutrrtt)Inligîtte tteîlstck htldcrF7 athorît sud if Li the LibertyvIlle trains on tb. &t. PauliRR R. Ail the dîrectors except Mr.iti(- content of tîte directors. I ilausen Ilise In Libertyvile ana lvs-lt the plant dally anti keep oa watchttul ica's-t" Any stocitholiîr (c iidri auili-tor hber tîttîri erîtout tînt pita int eye oser every detail of he. work, thus asaurung the test resulîs andt hoetluteaîit interest lit 7 per cent trî,rîti tîte ef daîmesît t,, date ttof iitttsdrw utE least expense. ailiy gis'ing the directors duc noîi c ilu riting.fiast The personallty of the directoms la above reproach andi the persou- Titere are qîany other reason .,jut bas good but timi- îand ,îpace- iviliI allty of the stock boîtiers tal theit andi consists pr5,ctlcally of ail the flot let us enter them Iu destait osibe buiness men of Libertystîle, very l1111e oftheb stock belng helci outalde et We are locateci within iftI,' tofti the old dtepo)t ait l,îhrtyvile auto aoaînblu, Libertyville. gini The cempany la capitalhzeal tor $25,000.00 conslstlng of 100 shares haie th1e iest sblpping facilitie',in t lis, tetintry, havlîîg ta,, nirorids anti lite.wl at $10 per sitare anti le solti at par ($1000) on terme to suit the purchasor. two express cempanies wit trains alitru t cvery itotr. poitiVel provitilng they are reasenable, earh shore tirawing 7 'ler cent Interest W'e are now oferlug Ibi s t-bd ýai par, $10.0ît, te thte wauni' aril vriolfu xll front date otftieposît of mouey andi due on the ffret day of Marcetsach et Libertyville. Intereat itegiitîrg stse day et deposit aI 7 per reot. Wiy ntai year. At the samne ime the dîvîdent i wll be derlareal and payable on orplc orsvn8iabnkt3pe etwh yua g 7ircnntak before the iraI day ot May. itaeyu aig aabn ti1c 'u huyucogl71rrnala an hoi A. tew oft the reasous why you eboulti own stock lu Ibis company Dent you itnow that that banskaiiil l t at aame moncy eut at Fg or ceol are: sud even more? Try to borrow soine muacy front that same batik anti be do îlot sq Because the stock la non-asessable wben fuliy palti andi draws 7 couvinceti, bacit 110 per cent Inerest front date of tieposIt 10 day of wlthdrawal regarciles of Taite 5, 10 or 15 ahanes In this golal mine and be con vînreaisaille, $1 dividensi. You co draw eut this moucy ans' Lame wlth the 7 per ecut inlerv t îiays nos B ecus o 111ea ee o !th t' few om pan es selling stock fr G re obou sIL as earn d, sd f It rme n n e00 ar r oree you will also get y rîrver tie M eredith tlower and Vegetabi See W. C. Sanborn-"B-Usy BUll is One of Our Stocitholders. ofth Iliv idend. which witl be lantproportion te the number ef ,on botld, let it lic one or oan' huîidred. ,extîtoît a ieronat invitatiottu e oi aud ailts'oar frienda tivlait i axia verify every oatement we have matie before lnvstgating je arecuîew addlitg 40,00t0 square tout et glass te our plant andi rnîletel alîl gîve us 83,000 square teet under glass, wbich will $1.t0t) a toot wîtluin lthe next year andth ie expense et malntaining lted a 50 i cents 1ter square foot, leeses in various other ways. 10 fot, tbtus lt-aing a net et 40 lper ccent or aboeut $3,350 te oedividei 25o>I ahanes, thus giving a dîvîdcud ef 131/a per cent lu addition ton t'ont Intercat ou a total or l2) per cent oun the IuvestmetL The îill give only 3 per ceont on yeîîr deliesits anti realtze that 20 per pour mouey. Figure it tir 3ourself. No business rau exist on lee" per i-ont. If it doca nol niake, that It wîtl close is doors, Ask your tt or auuy iusiuess man andi be rot,,inceil Show hlm these figure. ta is oneat ho a-Illtellyou tirat îlicy are correct. ici trîîe that, wc have'capîtalireal for $35.000.00 but $10,000.00 wae in the tres.a"ury for eiuergen'y anal la not workiug andi doe not creal or ilividen arîu aliy ire useti wbcn urgently needeti andi *bc replaceal out of the working tîîod as ioon as possible *the feregoing wo hase Irleal te take our proposition as plain a 3. irmlslng the pîrebable question andal aswering the sanne andi conctlusionu, ahIlextondal acordial invitation te ail (andi epelially eo aiali îu tindal pîrofitable lplace o 10ixvesl earuings where they y (,uanut t ust'i li nit our plant anal hring your note book wlth ut oftuî'stteittanift twe cannot anaser ltentasatisfactorlly. w'w ll yout le i ttone dllar.. Titis la ne get ricia quick scheme, but It oest ioîestrc'rt, on buinîess principles, by business people. W, selt you atock ttr 5 cents on the doUlar andi promise to pay yeu i cents on bbcetiollar at sortie fture tinte, but w. oell It at face $10,00 ier ahane anal promise to redeen t t any lire with 30 otiie aI ipar vaine, ($10,00 together wtth whatever It hm eanned e7 i"'r tcent interest. le Company But Do It NOW! J. E. MEREDIT resident J LJÀM.&I M %J"%.J.LNX.]L

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