CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jul 1912, p. 12

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Page Four ____________ SmJEYISORS 6O TO FOX LAK E TO APPRAISE LÀNDS SWAMP LANDOS, LONG UNUSEO, TO BE GIVEN A VALUE BY THE BOA RD 0F SUPERVI SORS WILL EJECI SQUATTERS CHICAGO PEOPLE WHO HAVE SETTLED ON "MADE" ISLAND WILL BE COMPELLED TO GO. At 9 'clock Wed. morning te Lake vounty board o supervizors left Wau- Iegan for Fox Lake, in autoinoitles, their purpose belng te aPPraise mucit untiseti swamp land in thie vicifit. o!' Fox lake andi also te Oliat the squat- ters front ('itago who have taken posesion of a "matie" ianti ln Pis- takee Bay. Tiiere la a large area Of swamp landi In the vicinity o! Fox Lake that neyer bias been useti or soid becauge of Ils 10w nature but there are now many prospectiv'e buyers, the mal-ority bc- ing people who own land ln te vi- ciaity and whio wisliteb add te iheir boldings. The î of thege peuple la te puchase the landi andt ien 1111 Il lu. For years te counly itas heiti titll to this swamp landi but neyer basl placeti a positive value upon Il At! Urnes tracts of Iis landi have been' solti for as low as $1 anti $125 an acre. The supei'viBoi's now believe Ibis. land le worth mucil more and titis was one of te reaRons for titeir, trip there todaY. Thte ejection of te squatters on the Island of Pltakee Bay was anotlterý important reason for te trip. Tiis Isandi was formeti o! landthaltIwas excavaled wlen the bg canal be- tween te two lakea ln tiis viinity was deposited titere. Almost Imme- dately, squatters freinChicago built a cottage upon thii landi and have spent thier SummerB titere ever silice. It la ,itargeti that aI limes tbey be- came sao notous titat Iti la ~great an- Snoyance 10elite esortera wito occupy cottages on te mainland net 100 test away. Tite supervisors gave Instruct- Ions last year for te squatters 10 nove but tbey titi nt do ao. Tiis yeaT titey lntend te osee taI thembI- etricUlons are carrleti out. MUCHS LOST GETTINO RICH QIJICK Washington, July 23-One hivntreti andi twenty million dollars was flkch- ed from te American people durlng thte last fiscal year by swinderB wito Oteteti largeiy titrong thlie Unitedi Statea mails, accordlng t0 a state- mnent juat madie ln a formnat report Of Posmaater General Htchtcock. Thise was lu Increase of approxlmately $50- 000,000 lli teaggregate of te previ- oua year. of those wito are aliegedt 1 have operatMth ie fraduent scitemes 1,063 were arresteti by postoffice inspector8. They Inclndeti persons ln «Il walki o lite, merchants anti mecitanies, poli-' ticians anti profefsalonal men, paupers ant i mllionaires. ljuring te year 452 persons were convicteti andi seutenreti aliti 'M cases are awaltlng final dis- lositioli. CELEBRATED HER 90TH BIRTH DAY Sîrs. Norman Brown o! 211 Fairview place. cuiebrated bier USothb lrtbdsy snoba ersary yeslerdsy. a fine dinner belng servedt 1 frientis from Mlwau- iteen anti Waukegan. Aterward site look< an auto ride of thirty titree miles andi enjoyedil hvcry mîtri. Mrs. Brown las Bit bhale sud itearty des Pile lier ad"tsnoed age. Clever Fat Men. Il la frequent]) suerredth iat fat la deadtinng to tite brain, anti couse- <uetlY s 10e t10 Iteiiectnal actlvity. EuLt l istis so' Somne ofte greatestý Men te soniti ias ever known ere jlump even te, obesityý Napoleon was decldedîy embonpoint. Dr. Johnson was flesity even tu flaitbi- liews. Boa s bits biograpiticai shati' ow, BEcei. lBalzac. tite great Frencht asv.lIat, aS so atout taI It wasaa *15 oexercise b )walk aroun i hm, ni h. vas ncîrcledtil.h bandages « fi bh w«ea hogitead. Tiossinlthei, eo.poSr. va a reguian Jumbo, since t« six yau, he nover eaw bis kitees. Jules Janl. thie prince o! cri tics. broke oviry sota ho overnest down. upofi. labl8fCbei th great singer, vas chargsd thm e ares when b. travý ed. Dusses pare w 5 lautanti Sainte-Beuve carTIOdtii. siomacit of a Pelta«. Eugene Bu*e lma ucli aver- sion tu bis grovtng Corpul.ncythbat be trauk vnogar to keep t dowfl. ant yt ho, wrote "The WaadotNg 3gw." A -an la Dlot nosa1y $wtO li«uée ho hua aboundeis. to o.l *Aj Aleratiý,,on Sl WeAr SonToAlerAn RdeorteTh-InerorOfOu Sor Ad o- Ba=l Reduoe Stock Bfore The Ca rpenters And.Painters Arrive APRON GINGHAM-Siandard qîaitiy bIeacittd sud unbieaeit- eti mitlins, firn round tireati, ft finish, 71/e qitalit, lo yard litait. sale p1irte 4c yard... 4% CALICOS-Liglit andi dark calicos anti Aneia .,,a.htirti rintîs.6c nuaiity Season' s Most Stupendous Sale A series of interesting sales have occurred at The Globe in the last few nîoîîths. but noue cati rival in importance this present affair, for it takes in e vv r vdcpartment of the store and every line of seasonable nierchandise. It i ttrYinipossibe to start alterations with orpi belrg toko dowiiashort timie as the workmen ivili soon be hcrc. A sinîgle glance over tius advertisenicnt should he sufficient to eonvinee oite of the reeklesti man- îieî iii wievh w'e have slashed prices. If You are about to purchase vacation anid< fiav~e! iii g i iessities, you can save enough nîoney in the purehase of î îî t iis sale, ti) assist eonsiderably lu paying yur vacation expenses. The Linen Dept. Mercerized Damagk 5l') iii,,i teilis witli xideiu Hîder f<ît pvvilaiial itlleil illil ,37 LIN EN DAMASK -574-tlitîs'ur iîtt'tttabi l amnaik,liteat y round it Itrad. floralai nvt en tional liai iard . 7 Crash PeI "ii ieni îa'sli tuxv- e1iîig, Silvei' hlî'ai'h<ie, ievel' soit! foi' iess tinfili10g.,'81 perii Yar'd .... .... .. 2c o! alîron gîrtgbamlntostaltte ttglt rand Ane.'"' mn' ' . .1- , - 1-1 . dark bitte chtecks, excellent Secl1t yard Iilitt, * LINEN TOWEL grade, i0iyard littl. yard . .. J5 'L ird . .. . . ..t... .... 1îtIiett, floral itat ierti 5111lied, reg. r"() vi A Clearance of Men's Summer Suits $8.50,& $10 Suits now $5.95 yîîti'11 ilid a;igood s eletî n of gariw uts ai tliîs 1 'IVe, umade of Seî'vloeegivl~ îg hîovety 9 Nv td s ,tits tlat 'oiuwrly soid t 5 - $8.543 anti $10.030, otti' cloie ...... $15 Suits now $9.95 Thiîs prît e embraces an exception aiiy attracti ve se- etion of 81'îî iiîi d811îunc1r gar ileits, uîeel.%taitît d ot chexîots .9 xxorstcdý anîl <assimlues. Everv suit a îS0)value, Nvoturie.......... $20 Suits now $13.95 'i'ii esîi'haîîdsoîîit i tailox cd gaîineuts and i ni br'av'e a wide vaî'ù tx oftyliehs, patter ns and t loî- iîîgs. sizvS ifor' menî a îîd 'xotmgumen, ga'Ilîeîît s that i*t t ,l fi e 13 -95 "VIîlallsipiîî aîd it pi tfet ix, 'ý20.() zeze.-eý v~~xailles, vel ive ..' . . .. . .. . . Boys SUITS S2.45-The tavitte in our boys' deliartînetit la; so great tat n10 reut cati acarce. ly afford t l)l(11,Itihese offers. The suita 0it sale aI $2.45 iii i'litde ibosu aluit au hlave lieet sulinittt i5. uandI $4-0;malIe of titi' mostfdî'sratuie Itbrics in a sîtienditi mainet'. agea 7 to 17 >ears. sait' 2-45 DresasShirts- Mcii's 1plainl uegiigee anFiti ated( shiiît in percales anîd madras, liglit grouinds viiiî stripes aund ligured effeets, $1 value,.79c Underwear--Meîýi's Po- î'îîskii shirts amid Nîa vIr, vite or eeru, 50( aat38c Work Shirts -tilhlîl bî'avs, lieviots, atî ils adklîaki, 50e 37 values at .... 7 tag hum 35 ai t s c ati Wash Dre Dresses at $1.98 -ii11i as .Iiigii as $.I 44nad Sigîi<'d and1 f(ttehiliî Dresses at $2.98 -I1 ai 1 brotieix linon and Iih Underwear and Hosiery Reduced Women's Vesta- Fille galîze mle<'ve- less, tapi ciiîeek anîd arm hIoIi's, 7 1'2I, e vaivls, at ............ 7 UNION SUITS - Wo- BOYS' UNDERWEAR mena gatze ,ilion -i'oro>skiiilt shris andi R il, éleeveess, umIrawer . jlain White . bri lc us Is. ) Cf leig lit, s val- s a t ....17C ues, i .....1 C Women's Hose- ilaek anid tait cot- ton li lise, toph ii 1, kini at, a pi'.................. 1I esses Severely Cut In Price île ofl fie î1îiaitivlawNvs. ' 'Ix dc 1.98' ýit *% lîinge'rie, ail-ox t i tiii- îîiel dre4ses eoînlîrise this Sî'le'ti oiu tlie St vit's aie 1111111(l',0118 98 anîd thie ille'Of tî'iiîîilg v2'ed values 111) io,$6.430, Sale pi'tt......2 Dresses at $4.98 -- l f 'i'e ' ouxiii tuaiwhite anîd t'oloi'ed voiles, ali-ox'î eîlî' îdî'elinîgeries andt purIe li('ll iii whitii)ead lnattîî i 98 al, the' season 's siliaî'test styles, xvai- è tîes fornieî'IY selliniîg up to $10, pî'le Linen Suits Our enf mî stoek of hineid stlis iiiplain andt NoiÏok sty les, î'nîhr-aciîg values iii to $8.043, 011dià sale at, choices «Je - Linen Coais .Aîiv Ii iin oat li ohr eîîtîre stock, conmpris- in.- values fornierly selliîig as hiigh as $7, 1îîived for a .9 elearance at..29 Waists at 98c- Mani' excepitionaiiy attraetive illoelsareto e f iii ibis selectîoîi, lingeries anîd voiles, 'aliies to $2, at .. 8 i....e Footwear 15 Cheap Now BranBsmn f r Deep Cut on Wooi Suits A-1 .... ,LA t FWALA yoIE-Ip tsy1 [FRUTJA 87Yquart 1And Coats Wonien's Low floes-A lar'geltof %vonien 's uatv stimuler' lluîps anîd tîxitois iin vivi-kid, giiu-îîîeial, patent a î1d tan leatlwts, regîllar $3 24 nt$3.50x'aluies, pai .... tRed Cross Oxfords-A splendid se- leelitîn of styles ho close ouf at a havx'd isvouit; patenit and guni-niet- ai leatilîtis, gooti styles in rostiy sînali sizes, $3.50) and $40 29 values, pai'.......... ...29 Women'a Iow Shoe-In this lot are values forîîîeî'l seiling ai $,)50, lace anddhîîttoî4 oxfor-ds and strap j7 - î nips .. . . . . . . . . .1 7 Men's Footwear-Tlhis lot iieludes shioes and oxfords tihat foî'îîît"ix' soid at $3.503, aitractiee models 29 iin lace and ii ttton, clearancwe price, pair........ 29 BOYS' SHOES-Miade of satin cal! CHILDREN'S LOW SU OSO--n' lete ulace stýles, sîzea i 10 luiug 2 snpmsire coonl*I anti iutton oxfords, ail soliti leatit' 2 t 1.5;sies8to 13% 98 er, $1.75 values t $1M;~ 8 AL Ilta sanr, î' ý package for ... JELLV GLASSES-6 or S ouce polisitet tin toit. tiozen ...............1C wlit rnbbera, doze COLLAPSIBLE GOCARTS- Roomy dimensions, rubber tire witeela. . 4.37 CUP8 AND SAUCERS - VEGETABLE DISHES - L.arge white semi-- White seml porcelaîn. 7 incht porcelaiti, pair ......... 7c tilameler, bave coven ....... 9 FOLDING GO-CARTS - 10. Incht nuiter tire...98 SOAP - Armount Fmily whesaI ...... .'~C Ughtitouse sosp, 7 25 W'&kegn'sBeet and Biggent BtOre Were C eterniincd to niake a quiek anîd * absoluite learance of our entire stock l' Of wool suifs and coats, and as a resuit have made drastie price siashes. These are our regular $18, $20 $22.50, $25 and .$27.,50 garments ini the newest .00 I novelty materials, tail- ored in a high class ian styles5yurchoîce10 mnsyesnayeri-e 9 * Alerations Free of Cost CORSST COVERS DRAWERS 39c - PETTICOATS 44e iOc-Made of dainty Gooti quality cambrie,FiNne ire petti' nalnsok and trlîn- w1ite embroitiery coat, iht t the me ti th lace and flounce at bottom, bottant with an ern- embroidery,. , 59C valuesa broldery rufle, sale prîýce at ....u". 9C 75.value«.t4c i SHEETS--72x9lut itct blîlaçitetisheet.i, tMade front a gooti qtaiiy of î'oanrd tbrcad mnualin, irm woalve, f5c0 eV sellera, ecdi... o 1 - Another Stroke In Our' "0oresS il,,,asshort timje there xiIi bc a wondeiful change in the infeî'îoî' lpar- aî'ot ofThe (hobe .111( some decidcd changes ini the arrangeenît «f stocks. Wlîeîî e utved mir fmî'îituî'e depai'tinciit to another store, it l xS liflith ! rp'~ ose * of n nlexpîanding that business but to icave, us Imorte loonu ou îoîî' -seecoîl flooi' fo'l' othler files. We arec110w abotut to alter the iîitiîioî' of miîr store su ilit 11 aIlillIts ixviihave a largeî' and better opporîtiiiity for lisl)laX* . 'Tht departîîîeils filirîng nIosi <'onispieuIoiîsiy in thîis ellal'geîî)llit jet tî' ' <n it s nt (lflidren 's Rveady-to-Whtar on the secondi floot', anîd Ill le >ee oods, Womn"s Fiii'îisiiinL5 aaidShoes 0on the main liii'. Fui- fi leri detalils ini regard to tiis imîproveieît %vill he imade froin tilla' to tinlie ini thle<'alai <cîs. Domestic Prices are Slashed. Pillow Cases 23-îel soft finish pillow eases, friee frolli il î'ssilig, the kiîîd tlat eornlilIV sel! t*oi. 15c'. sale 1p*je, eaei ...... lOc : 1

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