CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jul 1912, p. 2

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-lP of a. es"rd a N êott'8Emulsion W*W êM à eaci tortdsit lu9 «i ebLsi.0fsilt. .Mm la esas. -AR..ei jau- Mr. Wm. Baseleî and daughtpr Amy, I«qràed home Monday alter a three k w.ks viait niti relatives and riends lu western owa. Tb* prige conteet for the popular 700ng lady In Wouconda or viiity Ios Sttroctlng quit a little intereet. The1 cont et rted lest week and wOIl close onslbhellut evelng of the. own festival Sourday,Àug. 17. Votes 5ceach. The wnuer tpi bewsrded a lads efiue 901d wateh now ()n exhbtion t H. E. ~ ~UiS5'5.l'h.proeeeda wilO be for the bMàaeflta Trausiiguration Catholic à, b&thlng beach is to b. made at the ake font cf the village park aud two <~bath boumes wOl b. bult for the cou- vWaleceof the bathers. This wll OIla Slong bilt want aud Ve trust the work «I b. puabed through wthout further T'he stockholdere meeting of the W. R £E. Traction o., was beld at Palatinse jait Thuredy and it was voted tu, groUt th. directors power to Ossue lrt lieu Cimpas notes to the ar'n uut o! $ 75.000 ta complet@ the romd to S Waoconda. Suh.crlptlons ou thîs issue lmas aready been tarted ber, sud more ,th" 0000 ba bien snbscribed thua far. tIi. money muet h. raleed within the pais tbirii days if the road ia tu h. 4.l Sase bsfal. Amdog thoe. wbo atded lb. Ififeeti sneal contention of te.Grandl Gohuncfl 0f the. Alpha Deta isIma Frstoinity of the i. C. 8, Illumanaal Willler A. flormerfle]d of Ilrrngaton.] Mir. Sommreriield iM k gr aduats aofliii echolsIbs y~rsud won the ôreek hooe zB aelected 10 the office ai Grand Arcb 11gb Prleel sud ViII assonme liat office iu Nor¶uber. Don't mises the Atbletic tlub dauce gaturday nlgt. NetO. Hilîrnan, Maris Helorichb M1 tJ Bcinmana udGertrude fchi wmr Bavnngon vlattore Mondai. Fred BIa toi a trip 10 Gfraj4.h] Monda. The hall gome vas potponew in D&t on account of the.tran. Mir, sud ira. John Smith hi .iollsl visted os the home of lira. iianth'a pâarents ber. Sunday.% The ralroad s puoed to Zurich. Mir. Fowier of Chicago, agent of the. IAetua LOfe lusuraince Co , Os workisg1 witb their local agent, Emnil Frank er, Ibis Vteek. àAipeciol election vill beb hl inLaie Zurich lu the neor futur, b decîde If a uew echool bouse hall b. bulll or the, old one repaire. *Fred Grimum, our rond coulmissioer, bas bult onother fine strtp o! rosd fromt Houes Laie On the Veit end o! the village corýor&tOon. The worý vai dan. by .do"iflon. J. Ellison and Ianaly of Chaomburg, *101 *non mole to Laie Zurich. Au anrail numbr of people report reguliy o! the iati.actori resui te from tailug ol.yKldny Pille and coalmeud th'ir be&allnd alcurative qualîties. Foes i Kdae Pilla are a carefuîly pre- pari medlelue, gurinteed tOnconlain Do barnful or hbt forrnlug druge. They eau bavs ouly a heueflelal effect wb.u ueed,. cw:.kiduey sud blâ4der troublesi, for backacbe, rheurnalism, CharlesWard. an aiertsl Irapere pz ar. a vesicv ruiau u,... $arumerwth'tb. Deisy Lawrence do'j _ _____ gAYI pouy sbow die ber, Tn.say <CI *elgjust ditlta, cloëse of is aet belore li uNE tu letrge rowd t1h" ba.eere i . gwtoMme. He bal been wth the Mis lae eajoying a two v à"W lthelb.fourth ai the meth sud vesis vacation vgIl wint vtfriend@ jbil aieti experigneed difficlty in near Buffalo, N. Y. uffgm»lig is part sud bal coueulted a MliR . L. Peck sudlire. Henry I wbo informéel hlm a f i Palma n viite f rieuda n Norwood Parki ten~0 sd of the danger ai1con- utWd.l _4ilfle& is ork wili b e sow. Word Ua Sbe uay. ry fPaainI lesalons hcught 10 tb. pblclta'e sarSPrk. forerlyo! aîsO bl~v atn1 ibishalsdbnis lue ine.tan vilted at H. P .Icns' aety .~r~o am e hblé nochoc, but cou- Thoma Wilson bol lue misortune ta R hal givin bis aige te the alra ipacwb.h.vs an Wi«asor an fqrly yenn niaId udovs a log Iorty frt, sud brie bis leg aboveN 99 Iapperentâgeasphyelqu. and the km ansd received otber ijuries. I galonnaeia appesrance. Dma. Fuller Thbe menahers oi the W. R. C. went te i j'iaad leCoritalc, vire burrtedly ego- 1DaudeViOai. July 19, and ejoyed e ito the tat but it tlcal tonul tCe trip lmemsely. -,,1ta g81e18a relMWfdeatb bavinlg Ralph Huelett, a eau ai Dr. and tMre. m.?i7 suddenly. Coramnr Taylor HuelelI, farmerly o! hiii place, vistaI Sn« w»lald ed eul juryOn sdlb.arelatiires here nceenhly. ~~es wi bll ud ie uryrenera a ev sud lire. Raon are epeuding epit fdeatt by ,plmouary berna- hsweetLk uvah Ibe proptiora ai the abov bsve tLi eeo a.l ithiM. W. Rugies for fiting ?tilasseEuthi sud Lidia Eraut aret imSWWkb an sd hurlaiansuuiwon ~vieithaag relatives in Milwvaukee. be Wlesoday atroon. 11v. lils Sarah Renci le spenlinat ber ig4llsk ogkeltihlainsd hurl w as made vacation vitb ber sMatar iu Elgin. C le V4omdscelintery. Miss Orace Vanrtom eft Tuesdai for U[M s. bisarie uaClark wae bors at Tvln Laies wher, ah. vili @psnd s ommdord.Vrmont, Oct. 7, 184. AtI yak. Laler ah vIlS go ta Lae. thl e f fbar, the wthb ber parnts, Geneva. .'seaa.d 0Waoonade, Il., saratving lun L£au Wells viited rende bars avel' &bWv#eiati on April 12, 1858. 'On Bodai. ,Olft,16, 1866. eh.vwumariel taetir. lled ai isbab nisluPalatine earlî 3*»M.S.,Clark, vbo bljuil refurnel Tburadsy ornlng, John Louis Berg- bbr along servielu inte Cvil var. 0i manu aliet egrand aId oge af ninet>-i illinaoa Oive ebldrea Ver, bon. On four jeare, two m enthe aud elghl laye. -Jsay27, 1908 b.r huebaul, tben go passeal way quelli irrouoded by ,ilI ymnr of at'., diel lesving ber a is ebldren, grand chidren sud grst w in l poor heath; aud evea ta ber grand cildrn. The fuserailevas bell batlh ber beallh neyer vas improval. Bunday afternoon at 1 a'cloci lu Osl llaurlay igtt July 13, 1912, tIra. Hghland Grove cburcb. Clark ba#e faoweell ta th sorrovi sud_________ aufférluge oI Ibis liUe sud pauseelquielly W .Wdewn aCiamye 1!!ttp*rauqe butsoweesl sud beaittfl W .Wde ett hiaoy. aysterles et the Gireat leaul. Ber terday and1 purcbeaed a fIne tesin -of diallile a ditinct Ioe t10 borgete Wb. used lu bis telLing bul- manl.; sud Onùlbhe ersof ber chldreu. nets. hItl one of tie finest tesuis lavel ones sud freuls a vacancy has lu the clly. Mr. Wege receutly dis- bee cretel t co eu never h. fl0led. pontd of ail big boreil and wagons at 1 . - s Public aucliali. iluinanr colle are bard to gel rOI af sund fae" etlY lead toamatbma. brou. lu thee daya of igi cent of living, a chIi. sud boy leverý Do flt lut your mediclue tbat geta a man up ont ai b.d cal get a belld uYou, but use Flys sund able ta sari lu a few laya 1@ a Houeysud Tac Comipound for qaick v-lusble sud weleome rmedy. John relief. W. H. Allen, Chelea, M'tu., maye: Heath, Idiciigan Bar, Cal., bal ilduey' "W. preer Foley's lioun" sud Tar sud blalder trouble, vas caulluel te is Comapound te oth,.r (oegh medicinem bed, unable ta turu vîtbonl help. "I listasse ik quilOy cure. cougieouIndcotamaenced usint' Foley Kdne PUIs sud coise. t guil ward off a eoîdl Ituiken i cau truly say 1 was relevel ai one." ctou." Ctaneno opiatee. Foresle by Bis exemple Is; vorth followliig. For il."' For slale by ail tirugglme. sale by ail iruggiets. L;1 Tripp, R. F. Rouse.Irving E. Payne, Prealdent. Vice Presldent. Cahier. TH-E CITIZENS' BANK ROCKEFELLER, ILL., àoi« Oido"m payable at principal pointa in Europe «mG@t Britain, are procurable here. "0.1eebt. Interest paid on savingm and certilicates lb. <çs.ckng uytem is used in transaoting 90 per,- oet.of t1m.b13mness of the United Statea. 1? PerImesa' Ru ce et,- PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS: Ob . Route.. 4,4, i.Taylor. livIng E. Payne. J. B. Gridiey. .na8~Wty Âpproxlmately s1OIJOOOO0. lis@ marie itettie lIt Btnrd&y for Montons where ah. vilI make ber fttÜre homne.- a. A. Watsubuond W. B. Kwlp oboi abusinstrip Io Drlinton'ueeday. Florence bartlcmew la e-penbar Ie vaCation at bomne and boa Umi Lu Strlckland aiango, vW.tlng wlth ber. Lle rdnmade a conublned huai- Dmansd pisseri tnp0Wsukegan on Tnraday c t vesi. lira.Ed lieDueotîlM nd ofaiWou.- kegon viaiea ltweek wlhh ber fatlier J. B. Minon. Weand irobson sud Mia.,Jeantelf Wallace or Autioch men oul nWauke. gen Cellsdon EH. A. Wat.on liondajr. Next fluday moraine 5e. Car yl epeak un the. subect: "Stand". Hi. cran- lut' taplc wlll h.: -Paul sud -Agrippa". Fred Dunu and "1-0i C bicagompeat lest week at lb. borne Of W. B. Dans. AlIbert Roder and vif. of Cougrem Park. visited Suuday vOth J. L. Roder sud lire. David BuseelI vltb ber infant son were ont f roui Waukegal te tiret part or the wsek amad visiterf walf ber nother lMre. obà lieflide. lirq. Gara Hull sent a few laais l s'eek witb ber nierous friends On Chi- cago. Mir, sud MliRbert Lammens 100k diener wtt lire.Win. Deckmounat Chiicago Snnday. lIr. and lire. Fuller af Gravilake, called ahe ie tcbeU Black homne lunday. tire. Peter Litchield entertalued thie wek ber @inter, Mmre Lang aud ber nephew Arthur FeIller of Chicago. Florence Rudolph and Amne Kelly of Chicago, @peut Suaday vltb tire. A. J. King. Mir. and lire. Turabull of Wsucouds, elaitoa s ewday. Ibis vsek vith hhelr daugbter lire W. A. Sw.' Arthiur lBergeron af Chicago, la @pend- lut' hie vacation. boe. Re Is roornlng st J. H. Aynaley's1. linday eveuing Arthur Ns)arilc tooi bis firet degree Ou masoury at lie lodge ooous at Lih.rLyviOIa., Lait Batnrday afternoon at ber home l i. B. Pay n, gavesa lînen sho wer for lis Luell&sÇarr who la ta b. marriel ln lie garly auluma. Seventeen a! ber friands vere presnend iiowered ber vth rany dslnty gifle after wvicb lee creaansud cake ver. gervel sud every one'enjoyel the sibernoon grestly. Mdise1. E. TyPrelI bai resognel ber position aI lie Sheldon achool and wlLb ber sinter o! Wauiegan wyul leave earlY lu Augusl-far an extended trip lirougi lb. northbvat. Mdise Sarah, (lareron returnel Ibis week troa seo wveeki tour lhrougb Canada sud the. western stalag. Sue mode stoipovers etaIl o! lie principle pointe of interest sud enjoyel la the nlmoel lie besutiful oSery o! Chat vonlerful part of liai coutinent.' Lait Batuay sitamnoon, ou. cornint' ont of hbe home. J. E. Bolcomhb bards greal commiotion la lb.eoIt'. of eh. mi"e Emma EUdke le entertalln friendsIm frouCicao. Mmr. G.Dorfier and Minas Dora Ver, Waakegan vitores aurdai. Mia10w illi#»nPayne vl4lled North Ghcago, Waukegan and Ubertyillie frieude lait Veek. Milas Minai@ finyder le enjoylng a Vacation from ber teuographlc dut"e at the fiheldon seool lire. Boward Beach sud Il"ta.dagh- ter o! hicago. are the gueute oft Mr, sud lire, W. Beaeh. Rieue.Avis sud Gladi Pain Wt BStnrday for Terry, glitana. Tb.Y expect to @pend a couple of W-eka wllb their mster, lire. A. 0. Gullldgs. lira. Henry Condrey sud cblîdren o!- Wauipgân, viitel lira.Join Siephefrd sud ira. Fred irabbe lait week. Win. Atweil oai MaIson, Wi., ipmnt flunday at lire. Kîrteluger's. . FRPMONT. w âêi.M* ntof ithe bouse san ce 1 aiiala b. ront! IVo beagle -*bbdebhbad attacked iiek ofa tirbaia e.ktlgti id bl VWW * aetr .tood ldly watchinq 1th.. w'iifuOta aort tu, stop the. canage. Mr. UcJnIesb lougbhobareaogiasltle boY as or* vho desptelb. tres signe Md eeiidverbal wmongtoîl9 preitçd On beutint' On the Woods but lie btir raSI sw&Xou bis approaci abd clI nt ervene the lionade ba killel two: 7etng turkeyisud alag igOIbka. A hickory club vgorouelv uni udlclaly applfed soon sent the beafti ocutrylng bomeward nearl ai fait#Ai tbeir amter bad preceeded hem sud qnlckli haddling twn horees lMr. Holcoani and Dorothea gave chis. Ater ranch bard aiding tb.y rau lie boy tu caver la groin fleod a itou. lirow tram ihW idma sud leavluat blaibidfag liera tbqe rods to, lb. houe, »d etabllehd, beyoad s doubt. blq.denifti alter-wblcb tbey rode tu, Lbert7vO Us snd procuted a&warrant for bOa arreel: Ile tu be .suppo@et! thal s gooll somaunt o! parental cQrrective medicin. vas adnsleterd ta the. culprit au be wan uuable t, appear n nereon ta, animer the chargesansd his father pu4d Justice Plleck asetiff Sue beside givlng writtsn suamce that lhe offense vauld flot ccur again. TbOs case sud ifa ending VIII verv likely -bave a i0gfiUT effect on othéeawbo in the futur, feel luelued ta dieregard trempais 'warnnge sud itle ta b. boped that it vili go for toward proletlu what littie 'Rme tier, la set In the. Woods. Baae Bail The rae lux nigot lu ts goal vank Sunday viien it;t'uni med 1h. celui; sud ipollel Our second gaine vitb Palotine. Arrangements hitdbeen nmae foi Bic- nase'. auto bus ta Lake tb. teana ta Deer Grave sud a crowd of fons bal reerved esate on the hua ricaus dock but lb. machinse vaanoi veb-footed sud tbe deol bad f0 blie aled off and the stblotes sud tbelr admîriut' friends ver. foreed te remasin at borne sud speut flu tellig wbat good hall plaestlaey ver.. il mlght b. a goal des to cet s paver hoast for emergency use vien the rosIs are lu lie condition tiey Ver. lu Suudoy sud hbus @top op Ibese vaiteful leake lu aur achedule. lMauager iWatson vent la liamoud LaiS lihing &ocam- paniel by Antthur Nehrlllb and ejayed a very pleasaut SB"batb. Art caught one1 Isîb sud Une get a bite but lie did't taie tome ta scratcb Il. Kuigge ployel with the Dlarnond Lake tearn agate but hecaus eosumony of the natives itili vone adaxedlok du. tOnbis vouderfut activif y of test Bunday . that lb. gener- ou7lyrl u. rM pulatoff suy more spectaclar shunts. Hapke went wltb Glenn and played thbrd n classy style andsys il le Dot 9o bard to make gtiod lu fat cornpay. About (,De more apen dote sud th. bit'lague gui bave ail of our star players sud @poil aur chance la cop the peunaut. Net Bunday we eday at home sud play t1e.1Irquols froi RacIne sud as th@ tsarn beara the titis: "Champions of BoutiieruW isonidn" il ought to make a Rame Worthbcuot gtu me.. [~or M LAKE J tir,. Eiasimani eiuter, lin. Lohrnu vas ont lait WeldnAY 10 get ber two daughteml who have been etaetng witb idra. Eluernan. A lavu social vilOn bellostlMre.Wan. Bouses neit ViOai eveinat'. July 26. Everybady came and bave o goal time. Lant Tueaday eveuing Aga Holm entertainel severai o! ber friende, It belug ber tweuli-tiet brtblai. A fine lunch va5 serveld ail b1 da agood time. The dance given bi the Dismol Laie bais ball club vas a every vny. A nce sor as earuedsud every- oue bal a goal lime. Bereral dauces vrIII b. given Ibis cumuler bY'tlwduhah aý just walch for tàbem aud lry ta corne. The Dimonî Laie (emetet'i Asacla- LIon vili aneet vitIflira. Emma Rouge, Tbureday, August 1. ail are velcorne. Lait Suay tb, baeball tasta suffere its fiet defeal. The gaine with HRal! Day elded vîit ascore o! il La 7. fWe vish them botter luci niaI tie.. Misa ota Bue cfChicao. s et Lale bave returied boterne tr a, viIl Saturday suI Bup*y viti tir, sud wîhfinsu na. tira.~~ ~~ FrdWg.lra. H. J. KuhI sud famlly are apend- lira. Hasansd daugblsa' ROI, af leug ther vacation wiîb lira. George Clicaa, @pan et a eiet the Wirtz Mtchell. hume. tire. G.« Mtcheli sud tip. 'a. Out #pont lira. F. Batzner and laugiiter Barbarea siev days ln the dCiyrecently. sud Auna Aman pent on. day limtins. B. Wehrnberg @pent Weduwela vterni atthe Bei. bons, a borne. El Wgner vas a Chicago caSer ou. ______ lai nseiuly. - Julge Persana sud fuillibave re. lira. DM»bld i. etertaloing Company tunnel fron a fev lays #.atO trip 1t, frmu le titi. Puinceton. Sheffield andi-Kevsauee. Bore, ltulie, aud lira, Jobs X*âeaa .a J Tbeîreport, aut excoelhigl«fl leilt baby boy, ffibai. Jely 19. , til. a1p~ mailei lraet'ol Ohîceo, Oth Mr. ad lmm, John deUg eogtertalued of c toaabloinde souai. MW *W# 0U1. qail a n ipelg a WII GlSaayentertalnaëd Mi"i Klaami Qifl.oSodai. virae e la f mi s ueur ia Chcago BondaY. tm ira.Kreandsos Arthur, are on a eoiapl e mie avOit wltb relativee la Mia. lildred Wbtfngts vlltngfrlmed la Jackson. Mleh.4 lire. Fred Parsona sud cblîdren of Chago, @peut lia pâm% week vlth S. P. £ssion sud auly. ,Mr. and lire. turloa Todd of Fort Wayne, Indiana, @peut semialdaY dnring lthe veek wlth lira. L. P. Todd. Don't forget tbe Union flunda mebool plenie at Selse grove 8Barday. Wagon. will Leave lbe cburehep ost1.11 o'clock &and owaaon vîli b e e DSegrld cornersata noon for the. accota- modaM6iol o tboee who cannot go in tb. nmoeing., Eleryone la lnvllsd On orne. 13RUNKHORST NOT HEARD PROM; ACTION 18 5TARTED Bufalio Grave Man Who iappeared Buill Etudes Apprehonslon. Foreclosure la Steled No dJue bas yet been obtalued o! the wbereabouts of Erpeît ltrunukorst. tus BuffsIo Grave moan wbo dtappeared lit wfek following wblcb dl.covery wai made of aliagel filanclal obligation@ .ggregating about $3t0.(«0. Credtora took etops during the. vesi ta gel hold of wbat visible property io hod amiforëcloeure action vaestarted agaînet hbeOa ri n d 01er praperty covere by martges. the dote of the sale beiug Joly 29, llunkhoral'îfamlly esîll insise tteî have beard nothiug frona hlm. Hi& relatives wbo Veut gool on note sud wbo yl h ua have te seule. are sald, t b. making s determined effort ta get trac ofai hm aud because ofaie bitrayal ai them sud their trust n hlm, Itin Omsod tiey vilI dernd hi@ pailâebnt lu case hbeî are able ta locate hlm. S.) for se agalit the former promiuent farmer wboe inanumal difficulîles aud di. appearance bas caused a big sensation iu tus section of the couoty. ObituarY. luist 'hur@dayv roruhug occurred the deatb of lire. B. W. Kitehen of Frox Leke, etlb. Unlverity hospital, Ghicago, of apopl.xv, due toa £ hock rwcelved dnrlng the. electrîcal otorm of Friday Digbt. July 12. Miss Mande Jessie Spriug waa boru in Vîilsea, Iowa, .Jan. 29, 1881, sud removid wlth ber parents lu the. state of Michigan and afterward to the state of IndiaaViieri the farnil rsided at Valparaiso. ïrorn Indiana eb@ reanoved ta Grayalsae.wbere th. met sud Vae unlted lu marriage to Barry Kitchen, a local ma.a denier, eleven veste ago. ire. Kitcen l eaves to mouru ber untirsly dsatb a huaband aud ane son, of Fox Lake, ber motber, lMra. G. M., Spring of Liberty ville, sud fou r. ietera, beedes about of other relative@ sud friendi. Tbe funerel vas held ai tite M. E. cburcb on Sunday aiternoan, wlîb interment lunLthe Lakeslde cernitery. Tb@ bereaved famlly bave the îiLcre eyrnvatby of the cornmunitjy. Gard of Thanka W. wiih to thani Our friende froua Foi La&ke sud Libertyvllle for the, inu kinduesse îowu in our meent be. reexement. Alo the singvr, paIl- bea1'ers sud those who . contributed la ere. - MUta C. SraUNuANxu FAMILY. tHARRv KIrIZcs<N ANDo80N. In Owr' xperiSnce cvering e good many yem erscfod the. 'Chicqp o uble A" brand of Portlmnd Cement, la glving thé greatest satisfaio to -the ce.tustnnbcofourpatroms "Double A7 Mams Te me ohsa ,bla d o 60I M Ni HME LUUM CZO, Ubestyvle5 IdI Ca , ARMUM wum CQé. iiwUsd e.k w. roi"*lh ~t~i*l m tW'g,0 DeDpgrimeot. M0>6 Jiu ers auaetaet. if.nli 1 i't teoclate. ÀMenants apie.d t4 Aqvf *111 h. wcptt,01.014.4 on the d llar neifi Janaaay. Ycu motrIwlf h alder1, aad It «0 êpays. Toi FIRS! NAHTIOIAL BAïL 0V.LBURTYVILLE N«XT DOOR PIQ-râP~To,"1 ResIoumTSop VILLAGE ANO Au- TomoeiLm1S IOAVE NOTED AUTOIsTSe RTELMINO CTY AT PIOTS? ARE puZZLES Toimc4 $OURO£ 0F Tm£E 8>ELL Grayalake bhas 50V iauptry. the b pets carmins fwobon.0 But tOst it flot the. ouîy new tblug i that Mlage obtaijied as a remîlt 01f the. colilng of lthe new factory, lL.bas au odor euhb as the lake3 at lif.loweel abbas neverilven out1 And the. pas onnaing facutoelthea cause of IL. People drtving te rayslake heain i te "mait up sud taie notice." at tby draw near the. town;,tlaen. aà they get vtif n the. bordera. tlaey bekIn te point their mise 0one w&an sd an- other., trYlug ta betate lhe source of the oderlferoui etrect wblcb becomea strouger and itronger ai th. village fa enterad.11 TOlen, as one pattes thie laite. bo I-Musitae fri1m the. dee.d water, baul. fha poor old lake, wblci badune service thea'. for no maaay yea10, in aat te b. baiued for tbe-odor. As one passes away from tbe laie, sulng ta the uorth lhe odor mita etronger 4uI et110 stronger; then, pa"Ilng fo the main businesstrent. one gela th. fuill efeet of the 01cr ViiOcli. Il la jon disavered, cornai frein t11e uevpea caantag factor7 locMed luit north 0f tie 4epot. The company la nov canulua pesa and the proes. It le now dilicevered, gives forth thi, unusually repugnant odor wieh resembleq somethîng qulte lead. The effect la certalnly Mêee but Graysake People have made up thelr mInds tiey eau sud wyul stand for It for the new factory bai brougit many uew bondi te tb. villag, sud! givea promise cf belut' a valuable~ adjunet ta the place. The. pes cmn- nfng laita .only durincth* epa s ea- son wich vlU soon drsv te a close. And, Viien It does. likely thi e dr VII pais sway wtb IL "X8 W#WONOIN> IIWOME TAX. IMwxakoo% Joly IO.-(Eltor of The rrlbne)-latq6-Iréad inthe Tri- bu» e ilglois 1UrolkV lrçus May rmve 1 b bFbylllofor Permanent Wlatee quartema.The. fat la the case la tiit liglins Dr0cad thoir te 00 embloyes vers driven out of Wl.- eousin by the. Infiannh Inconu e fx law fiat mas paed aI i telaut leg- fe lature of Wleccmop. hast IlaV flot'only would have robhed Rigoos Bron. et rnucb of titeir yearly prote. but would force every one of tir employa. Who earn.d $800 or Mo"e ta aurrender a portion of bi.s earuini te, the state, Do matter If the vages Vere earned iu Illinois, Georia or mace-Jamas M. liason of Wlaoe- six, Rend the £wulaed 1rcm mdelontie' paffl tOua-md thm -wrtea EUT. mC ou.eà nd i soua I1040r. ,Wisconsin Sil~ and Tank Company' Stave SiIo's Buit On The Market B.'À. '0 W-. S. .IAWTIORNEý Libertyville, - Illinois Long Distance Piione- aim . Libelle 15 R 2. Pbonc-Grayslaka.-- A BIG MONEY MAKING -BUSINESS A Fascinating Su ccess-Winning Presperity Getting Business Wooderful- New Money Maker NO OOMPETITIONI JOIN THE MONEY MAKERSI $50.00 to S$100.00 Weekly Bhould be Ma&o Belling "Aunbrew" Concentra ted Extract NoF«OrMaking Beer et home. Str.ctlil Legiti- "mate, Ot Artificial, no Imitation, net a near Beer. NoLicense reqsalred. A genulue Loger Boer. A wonderful success.;eviryone îatisfiid. Eaay to moa, no b*Ming. no apparatus required. - 10 Gaffons of 13er s$1.00, Boive the. Probîtion Question. The Greatest Problem of the Age. Everyone cau make their owu beer at home. Not a near beer, but s genuine loger beer, haviug the carne strength and intouioating properties sa the bect beer made by the brewers. Very eaily made, requiring no apparaMus of any kind; just a littoe ugar aud voter. There is hardly a greater money rnaking pripnFiton in the countryv than the selîiug of 'VXmrbrew" <oîe.î~c extracts.. We want agents an every part of the e>ýua,'x i> introduce "Ambrew" iuto evtry home. This je a ,plendid chance to make more mon ï y i han vou ever made before. This je your opportunity. Any pereon who i. the least bitabiv', who is %vide awahe, wbo ijedesirotas of making big monev Lat î.ike lhold of thie faoinating:busineee sudj by hustlin-., nAkp big money. Thbe eelUing of «Ambrew" dun't need mue-h talking, Eîery beer.drjuker bas been dreamiug o(j.ast such an article for years. Your cue ntorners will soon appreciate ite valute. Experience in net neceslary, almo su argument, n0 conxing, no imploring, no baled work, no disagreeablenesi. Thlnk of it, "Ambrew" i.s wauted in every home; the bhcune*ifo will soon se its value, -wéold bo delighted at it; at îight orazy t0 boy t. Thousaude of homes te bc eupplied. Jait simply waiting for the Incky person to corne alonk teo@(:e thenu. Be the firet, one to set. -Secure control of your territory at 01100. AMERCANPRODUCTS rcCC. 1 v -1

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