~JAX~ ~OU~TY D~DEP~ rFRmDAY, JULY 26, 92 " ' BUTTER, BUTTER. Who ho* the buffer? if lou art Ioo&lng for Butter made from the cisanest and pureat cream-Butter Ihet has a golden coter, an exquisits flavor and creamery taste. theon TRIGGS'S GROCERY la certalnly te place te find t. Fer rliable Grocoris et reasenable prices, cali on us. J. ELI TRIGGS PHIONE 25-3 I-ReductionSael On summer und.mwesr, 'Oxfordse, Straw Hats& Muet s»U to mmli. rom for our FaUM ad Winter stock duat willhe in »on. W. have got a dandy lino .ofsommer, w.ight drues trouses at fromn 83.00 to $&W0. Bue Serge ukeletoa coats for wam eathur. A hall lino Of soft hoomn negIigeshits both with and without coilarsattached, fine for this warm w.ater A fli lin.oOf neckies always on hand alto fi. clasps and pion, sft collars and linen coflars always in stock If yen are thiniolakin asi a vao.faatp.erjet atrip, ou ougi tot have one 09 Our %uatca..,or= .ifo' agta am"7ehàw*Wtfone areaiy. If you aveaiht m eto ouda, ccame a, if rom hava &mme ceme nt.inEVERYTHINOFOR MME. Jo B, Mors.à,e & Coo ~~PHONE 14 Libertyville, - - - -Illinois. TE BETTER THE MIRROR The Better the Reflection and the More Perfect The Toilet SHQW us the ladly who does nt appreciate a good Mirror. Thse Nirrors on Oui Dressa, Dressing Tables and Chiffonies, j have &I been subjected taosevere testa as ýwe have inspecteul tient csrehslty osrslves ud yet they reman unbroken. Comme and Io" in t, ýWe keow yau wtt1 b. pleaéed with tise reflection, as weiI as witis Uhc dinty arttclea of furniture, of whicis tisey are a part. TREPTOW & TAYLORi I NEVER COUID WRITE AN AD. TH-AT WOULb LOOK WELL IN THIS SPACE AND SAY What I Want You to Know IF YOU WILL COME IN WE CAN TELL YOU 0F Something Thot Wl,, Be Interestimg TI4AT V#f CANNOT AOVERTISE A.p Mgr. LibertUqvlk Lumner Cornpang D t puthitoff M" ire. C. K. Aexander retuined to Lbertyvillo today (Friday) ater a twe wesks viit wltb relatve@ la LcComit, Ohio.i Aid a et ie curcis Thureday ePveniag, Angt. 1. supper tram 5 lur4 ntil .ail are served. Adulte 25c, i iridreti 15e. Good umusic. fACTORIES 0f TOWNACTIVE VIStT TO LIBERTYVILLES FAC- TORIES SHOWS THEY ARE BUSV FOR TIME 0F YEAR Additionai Hands Put on at Macaroni Plant, OtHer Concerna Equally Busy ILI-BERTYVILLE BIRIEFS~ LOAL APERSONAL MENTION FOR,71"E WEEK i To inaure publication in the Indepen MssImbelle Carlson visted in W auie- dent, cepy muet be in thé office ne fat., g.. Smnday. than Tuesday of each wbek. Ad n-Ja(nirem . Swan has ?esurë ifis m i rk U~ei. BpftDIy, re ake tatak laLovlisding @tere alter hi- vu. ato. tises, speialy. re ske tota. The Ideal Laundry wants girls for particular notice te thisa.ffect. goodedean work. Apply et UclauudIry. l___________ _ 7_ Read Stalker& Compeny'.-Fý,r Sale' George Wehrenberg spent Sunday inl ad lu "Want" coiuna. lit a tîresIî Waukegan. you. Noel and C. N. Durand drove to J_ ekeselfrom Bigllandr Park, Chcago Tueeday lu their auto. wsabusinei 'str rîy Fred Grabbe atteuded the tuneral o! Monday. Genérai Newberry in Chicago Tuesday. Kenneth Lovel tet 'Tuesdit, rigit tfor Mis@ Evejîn Triggs wPnt to Racite a few davei viit la Chimego at th,i. i. e tbis week to @pend a lew daye with of Aus4tin Cleinent. friende Msues Carnie Cherd wlth n-r r 'rait Frank Appley hae resuued hie dutie nephew @peut the week en1 a th her et the St. Paul depot ater a two weeks uirtler at Gages Lake. vacation, (ir.orge Lusk and wife t fAIr.rdeen, Henry Gleamon ot L&Crosse, Vim., h; It j., are viiting tber parerts..NIlr and vlltinu his ister. Mie, W. W. Bulkley Mr@. Hiram Lugk, here. and other relatives bere. Woâ MIarv Melloy speut S'atu rdav and Mr. and Mr@. E. K. Bette and famiy Sunday wlth Mr. and Mr-, Arthur of Eveoston, vlsited Tueed&Y wltb McLaughlin at Milweukpe, Mte. Mir. and Mns. E. E. Ellsworth. Cah Rai' ofPeaebody, Kanas. spent W. J. Boyd and famlly front Chicego, severat d&3a etht week wlth lis ister, speut Sturday and Sunday witli Mr. Mrs.,tHarrison Brownand otlýr rlatIves and Mis. George A. Frederlcke. hereý Mns. Brt Kinder let lest Vreek for Mir@. Charles Proctor and ltîttî son Castown, Ohio, for amonthe' visit with are viilng Mrs. Proctors panr.ntm. MIr. relative@ and f iends at that place. and Mis. George Maoon at l>amond W. C. Boit ban been released from tbe Lake. eoanty jeill, tacts of whicb appear on Mri. and Lire. Frank Boa er and paorne of part two of tht. lseue. daughter front Liywood. ejýentSlunday Rensember tbat Epworth L eagleice and -.ondey ai the borne of! \lr. and cream social tonlght (Friday) on the Mrs. A. J. .ustln. personagelawn. Agoodtlmeprotflisd. Miuse Lillien and Ermna Hanson Thse women of the Episopet church returned Snnday morning roia a two wlll hold a bakery sale on Seîrdey weeka'iitwith rlatives an11ti f iedO aternoon,J.uly 27, ai Wm. Waroad'.1ati Cncinaiti, Ohio. #toe. H ot supper served by tbé M. E. 1l.adtes' Catherine and Cecelia Ganiere of The membnes of the local (auit,, i. N,. nesa matters. Mlwaukee, are speuding several weeks A., iltl hold their annuel lbasket picnic The Fence Conl wtth their asnu%, Lire. PeterLio wers, atiJ et Lake Bluff uni Wedntvlay. J uly 31, 'the American Wire Per other relatives here. goug on tise10:32 car. rillarccîordially plant jut aow i; aloo ver3 Mis. 'eîonica i eller f romt Stafford invited to attend. sixty bands beiug smploy( News York, vslted avverel days test Lire. William Warren andi daugitter lencng wbieb, for etreng week with Mr. anai lire. J. A. Tîeptow Margurite tet Wednedar tfur Kata. bitlity le bîiaging fume tc sud other relatives bere. maoMc. t ii 1U%'re' ne uew machine for nak W. C. Tiiggs ]lei ltonday atternoon lteRet aatOîr vidtofinotailed tbii week, thua for a eombiued business and Pleasure Lîbetyville vebo ia no%%aboîut niuty- out@@vtpsIcltes.miie trip îhrough nortiteru 1ortlons of eigbî yeare .old now, enbotmai Wisconsin. Hec expecte to begone about @ce the pile of tenciug tur a wek .As a recuit f a drunirilr. rrawi and daily oee would thîik tIei tri'. for-aIl ltght witievb r ti reri on thte euough feuce to suppîy c M is.liert Lue3k of Waukegau, le spend- IuiFt street Sunday et crrrr.u at abount tire country. in4 sorne tinte at present with ber 10:liaorclocli, wlth Jerk 1i11oith iis The Duier Con parents. tilr. and Mrs. L. H. Bryant, place and Ben Bruce, J its t andI Jas hlanoMauat her'. Lirm. Bryant te re"porter] lu rather Clark of Hghland Park. ae prinrîr tirTelnta b Manuftu' por lialtit. tour Young men lodgîrl ru thir,' itY jaifî tceti w bvb lsestin A[ie A i vlub gaveus of Ibeir over nigbt Sunday ati MorniiaY Ilari-plclut uryeai informai dancing larly t the ~toe'n haIl iag wers given a beuitig eturve Jîî,'ticlu tpac nthe carty se ai@ luit "titay eveniog t wticilt about Beswick. The titre r uti Highlanu frteatiiyëe titirty-flve cî'uph- attended. TIte usul Park were fine.] fe3<t0ranrd iiiet'îand tla e port aedtrue ut oly tinte ta8 enjoyed by ail. Yote, alter takîîtz ai, ange trI tenue teu etrtg ha aî Police Magistrate. itllr was bandedrt ay Dow entçloves a1 J. 'av, fr orn tie p@teMtIlIoyed the came. Tircharge w aas disorderivtety h aiewo a. larer ilurtue Cezyv Corner barber codui.dasters, etc. The wooli citeli, bas reeligrleit ie1position, itaving onut.1anada, iset a speclal1 punrbased oIEH F. l'egeîow bic@lroperty 1 On Tuesdav evcarrr< a lawn fete was îuieresting to know ti ai Hait iray'v.Mr. lavy conteniplates beld la the par k u irrictthe auspices of conrern le Oue ot buttii e luipp1iug is shîrîrin the nîcet modern the Tirla Ciapter trtire Westrinsteî tte world wbit le tui eu uj.te-'late style and lu addition te Guld whlcb leair i rgatization oi yoliîg dusterm. W heu Frauvir lus herber equifrntent he tvill instail a ladies connecter] tir the Presbyterian loîcal manager, getstite couille ofi poil tailles aird a corapletelchurcit. Titi'artýtîri,-1n-ters gottent tp îartory erecteti. tire Lib stock oi caudy, tobarvo and cigare. by tbe Young launi,, and displayer] lu wiII be by far tIti largme several prommtiavt , iuîîows had att-act. Business titere te gîîod au W. B. Car. rt oucter ru tirhltt'1icagu), ed nîueiiatt'.îî.t- ,, i odthe attendante titi'wr.rk turtivri eut le Miwaukee & St. Panti ratrrînl and hi@ showed a [un1 uîr t t their unique crrrîîîaîîy hne ý ttscuf ton wife and daugitter ravejut retîîrued detsn.liitiLw@(oNeltuurigntherem front a trip te tri litaer lie rande adeeyniyr.r eb atga _________ and everot Tezas- Tire...ad tbebeliediagI ValeyofTeam Tiv ey he h i goed titue. Tlir-. , reant aid. cal.., Gsrierai Newber very 'enjoyable ttî trip cy itade te wetreo i. td itit'a ietlrai ipr tnp lîb he esten l'ria Ciîupau o~rej for dcl iaiqrrartd ae tact asril tuedthettiannurtteeir ot Chicago i n their privtt bicorte] imibran 1coulai be cl triri.t ' iarttintliI ti. tlrict al ater C.S ce t car aud have nirtrîr raite tôt the evetîîng doirti, " rotrtibtttitig te tire of it ie civil wrl Saturila3 c'Ourtesies shooru th""'r ir' vtir' îiîlrudemand. Ti,. vi .rir ai entertaiuiicltt., o est E' s treet, aile having tesu takea asr a sodetriti tu o! the eveniirigut-i urnieited- by-- ite -umuti.Gn lN (lalveston ,atijiiugbeacli 'l'iey stoprped baud and tiret- iai a piea@ed audience teeneîe (cea Off One da.s et talteeturt. a day ai througlrout. Tlir'cîtleetLibertyt le trulie iwui atract tiflI Hlouston and eioyed a tripi v e aoîB pîi rtîer ilae8 îdnuit ilercated thei'avenu old Meire. Tlîey relient Iatitg seeti a The Yaung lait, aliri belped tote li bc ati. ay twn beautitul countrty ail liirriIvtgatiuru ai tceliiî, ir.eru i~sne t tilretetiber liciteraà Pharr, Texas., aitit flue repsrîtofcorn, chous.The ulal,-ia " and the vuiell ire i elltrnt ù cropa. Lir. Ciry Lias let tIre Lberty-.e 3 o'clock Titeedar attern ville rubat tîli rue Ihretigli Liberty-' cesd tauc rît en among theose beiug la Itracelaiicemtut who patrenîc.cd tie' attractions anti ville un titi train i)assges throug bolire ait the two palmi'tchbal more businesse ruit lsefrt 6:12 p.nm., on the Vîai worti tron. 1'Ctrtilsetr u than ibey couid attenîd to. Altogether i (Ounty l'air arc out. ' _____________________________the tete wau$riait-. a eoccess botb sociatly a copy iiay obtalu the J LIF IN UR NCE Jand ltn4peially andr the Tinla Chapter le ntthie eretarys oifice i I E afad IcoNveniNCEcfasvp t be congratiiiati'd. A part ofthie trENT IîuiliDlg and mal.i leeftutioa sd a protection tirat Ifl proeeds it iss ati are ta he used iu kuetîn. camelOt isC. Ipeyngth xpne 01wo fte sentiers wît r rîitiy tierescent as Presbyterianf ~ Y delegates to tire rrrrîventiOnoite ieGuitd lirE oa. ut-Moruin, eit Winoua Lakie. lad. cci 'Christian Subtuisg il 1145 a. r.-Sunday M S - A-N B uO 's N Epscoal ervcesWedaeeriay 7:30 p. M. Services i tte Epîscopal chureri every C. K. Atexa District Manager Snnday as toillews Church services eit lo:U a.dni. ana Sunda chooIl it 1:Âniioimonel Ol oloyffie l amas Otsitierscriai ivtdoated YOUR BOY'S BANKj. Btffes, ecOOK jîyfgL)teeeer 1$ TH NEX lES INFUENC TO IS MTHER bee laeni th GROWING pelant bstsued uti OURR . BOY GS BAKTBMeNT Satardavuy 2. CTào ae e WITK .digfon at S ' eti denancin c tîofn TLpl'ant brls eur ;tie s sase ~.5~Aorchestra. DOQITO 11EPOS OFiCEPR. Wýtt J. Ast NgXT DORT HEPS FIEDancing. I R U Aware That U R Alowing A great opportiiiity to pass e'.ery day that you do not visit our batik' Succesp and frietuds always foliow a bank account. We cau prove this to you if you wil give us a chance. Lake County National Bank Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits $8800000 a stese? amneMs? WeU.& "'t ihave te gvift e "aa - te find wht yen wu" W. shawre med ie 1.bu"eaf Goda *wum.mb, at Prime tFm .WRD bave t e »yeu N U Fc E D A& Scbnaebele & Co. Real Estate, Mortgae Loan, and GENERAL INSURANCE Luce Building T.1 E. H. CORLETT PHONE 18 Lbetvle CA. FRMDUeRS Corlett & Fredericks DEALERS IN Fancy Meats and Groceries Phone 30 LIBERTYVLLE, ILLINOMIS rth lutW ree. teA Few Special Off erings iti For Hot Weather Wear, j ci uew rvi'andl tire rcsidence et 1.110t1, iiitite ni wtery the 19112 Lae Attyuc.wieiting 8ate by .ialling lun theltit'v iug ilîir anat5 Sel-vices ng worslîlp. Soir' s bio. v,,rbtp. aPrayer meeting xader. Miniter ament vairni oit tact the Libertyville their sucow hall aturday evenlag, lls wiîet tere te day eveaiug have )rage for eue week te ccli cor ,at tbe su 'bal ion for thte Cîming 1instruction ln 10) P.M., informai » 9 te 12. Conte nde. Ci'Conunr's TO', Master of Metii's Balbriggan Underw ear. these are "seconxds" btut only stight imperfections cause them to b. inarkedl less thau 50c, ail sizes at, per ga.rment, 38c. Boy's Bine Chauibray Waists, liglit or dark color, very weli madie for 2F)ct ('lijidretîs Uoîîîîrs, miade of btue chambray and trimnued with turkey reit. ail îizes ai ý25ü. Bovs I'ley Sult'. Two-pieue cuits made of Brown Khabi clotit, toug trouscrs, ejieciat at :18< Ladies I'nioîr soit, ribtKd, made umbrella style, finished wiiii trrclioîî toue each ic '-K ritort Uns"I.îioxtsuits, disecoolest and most comfori. r aile litting underwear mnade. Purve white bleeohed and nioely W.W. CARRO)%jLL & SONS CO. TWO STORM JO INSURE ÂGAINST FR5 m ION£E 0F Talc OST RElIBLE MIS MNsUM.UeEOÔNPAX<I IXITENCE THE -NEW HAMPSHIRIýÜ LCharles D. Proctor, Agent LIBERTYVILLE, ILL WM , 1 Ar- unusuaitcli ltî,r tbr'tinte ît ear. a tact eunphatîcatly eonrbs e uthe iuînd of nau sii rvec1reeeattive. who made a trio air rut tir,' arloue tai-torIes Tue'îday. At the Fouldo' mwarrur tai-tor ' it Was fennd tltat about sive1rty tive biauds ame now et work and tite mtirageut bas advertised lu tirese roimur tfor additionat irlrs. Their ceadori 1. uit now picking% up and lu a short tirzi., about oeebuudred bauds wil l e rieilî. Titis eouceru, Libertyvîlle's largest factory, emptoyes noîting but Aniercan labor henee it le cousidered a pleamant place te work lu. the large, tight andt airy roome making it above tse average plant witere girls and women are ernpteyed. SThe Foulde* company ntakeelmacaroni, spaghetti, veitaicitta, Egg Noodies, elbow macaroni and&a tact ot Intere4t not generalty known, le that the Liberty- ville tactory le now their main branch whileClncinnati le&a sab-brazach. The output ef varions 1roductlonm aggre- gaie about 23,000 pounda per day. Takiag macaroni a@ a basis. the output per day ai the plant, If stretched lulaa sîraighi linset0 Macaroni Wou 'td rech a distance covering about 410 mltes, or it wouid reec fient Llberiyvittc to the company's Cincinnati office and almost back. If It wcre put ln the shape of Spaghetti fi woald siretch ont in a line elmoat thise times a long as thaj macaroni. A@ Macaroni ls lu the shape of a iollow tube, a feolish aaggestlon migât be: Stretelà a lin@ of Macaroni tr1,o.the Liitertyville plant ta theý Cincinnati plant and us itas a speakling tubs w-hen ih la desireul te diseuse@ hui- 1 1 1