CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Aug 1912, p. 1

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WAUR, GAN YSUN VOL. 20.--NO. 45. TWCLV PA«gg LIBERTYVILLE LAKR 00 NTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY AUGUST 2,1912. ONE TOEBIGHIT $1.50 PER YEAR iN ADVAN0 and that thlei beota for her actions MCONSC10llS 5 Ile saId he intend a ohave hisoIder daugnter takre «Mu of the smialer chil- NM MiS DIES NOW dren. Mrs. 'Begte asked for an op-ERPL S RO OEH6prtuity to ge to her ulster ln Chi- MR&. H. J. $PRAGUE DIED FOL NUE CARRi cagobtteeu dedththe LOWING STROKE OF PARALYSIS ORESN TGO m.houlie given an.opportunity to Bob- SUFFER ED MA RCH 10t. -er up trot.1 ISi ài if FIng,ý CAUSEU BY 4PONTANEOUi ----. MRS. LOUISE HOREN OR ROND COMBUSTION,,RUINECD SEV. OU T AND BENJAMIN SEARS OF WALTER FORBERG OF FOX LAKE, ERAL FlNE GOW Nt. MR&. WM. BUTLEIR OF NORTH CHI JOÈ GIESTEKI OF LAKE ZURICH NORTH CHICAGO PAS$ AWAY BOARD OF SUPERVISQRS CONSit TEBOICNAMPE- --.--CAGO CHAROED WITH RV NOW OCUPIES CELL IN THE ERING PLAN OF LAUNCHING bESPiT *KEARAPR Two sleeping childre were rescued i ne death of Mr@. Julia A. Sprague FORMS HIENOIC FEAT front a Came 911ept1 room at 185 North OFFENSE Va. DAUOHTER. . LAKE COUNTrY JALt. 14 years old, wife of H. J. Sprague COUNTY INSTITUTION. Part. avenue at 2:45 adis afternoon by-..- of 123 Elmwood avenue, occurred Sun- Jars, Joseph titein, their mother.. day morning at 4 o'clock, followIng a NE LYLOT IS0M LH neae ic h sar"'--YORERLY OF LIBERTfYYlLLE JUSTICE ROILED OYER FACT "°e° r""e'•"" TO FIGHT WHITE PlOUE cLotnes closet off the bedliroum, burn- March 10. Since that tIme elhe hadl ed Its way through And into, the room - .-... een conined to her bed all the time . S COMPETELYEX .AU tinwhIch the twot childrelt wre leep. PERSISTENT REPORT IN LIBER. adwt h xetoro e u WA tag. Mrs. lu Stein Was-0 à«jaer orkli OFFICERS AL*O FIND WOMAN 10 TYVILLE AND WAUKEGAN TO H'DE UNDER DANCING PLATFORM cId moments occasionally was nunco. COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO * le WITH BATTLE WHEN A Ete kitchenluwhen ehe deticteid the USING 7 YEAR OLD 6AUGHTrER -WA111 PULLED FROM THERE seous at alltimes. Her death wasuETLCL A1AtU ARRIVED odor of smokile. Rushing Tl the bed. EFFECT MIENTION ED. not unexpectedIAINU room she found the room filed with A8"PEE"ORPAE- YTEVLAEMRHL Mr.'raewsbonnUtcN FOR RATE$ AND'EFFICIIENCY , 'a dansé c'oud of smoke. A plumber Y., ln 1837. She had been a restident With a broken arm in à plater casot, who was working ln the neighborho" Fralycagd dt eigda CANNOT YERIFY REPOR T I ae .Wlh utc iteof Waukegan for the last six yeas rendering its absolutely wvorthles, asttedliMr. Stein in carrying the Fomlycagdlhbenii-I ae .Wecjsieo h er husband ls engaged'as a gun- The plan of having a'county tub«> Wanter Forberg, en 16 years old youimths enltren to a place of safetly. Then orderly herself and conducting a dis- peace, has his way in the matter, any smith herte. Besides hier husbandeshe culosis uanitorium at LIb)ertyville.i» rr Iding at Foxt Lake, nemy arf orged the Piunnber procured à garden base ordely houte, hirs. Wilam Butler of man who dares to abuse his wife's leaves two daughters, Mrs. Cbigeniee yteLk dn lts life Friday eaernoo in ruescing which ho used In playing a streamn of North Chicago was arrested Friday EF TTOLC EHASNTEfahrwlreceive sentence of forty Mackay of Waukegan and Mirs. Henry Board Of Supervisers and a conniMit two littie girls fromn drownlin. A third waLter On the dames. evening by the Police after a clever OWNER, TODAY BY THE SUN days and nights in the Lake onyOmno hiao e0a en pone oiv girl, Mis* Oilve Austin, 14 years old, The Ions by lire will amon oapeeo eetv okhdpoe WAS NOT iUCCESSFUL. htleMr.rnDs. ge the feasibility of such ~a P". - of-AMlbien, M4oh. wats drownmed. or- few hundred dollars. Anme ft h uhrte httemte Justlee Welch had an opportunity Supervisor liger 1f lbrtyvillèe $ d te to grlshe as ght. costly gowns, the property of Mrs. was an uinreal mother, in that shle to express his feelings in this matter tiunaay morn:ng at lher home 1noeo hs h hnsta h brg ato eeiaoviwter a xaittiti, were destroyed. Mr. Stein, who -was using her 15 year. old daughter A report gained curreyatLbr Tuesday afternoon when Joe-Glestiki, liondout, occurred the death of M.%r. WOUldpoeagodoe ad and just abuiogv pteØh wst hcg etMrewsa n wattratiootoher chousre-a ghome tyvlle ,Tuesday that the ideal had been Of Iake Zurich, was triedi before him ,s oewf o ae oe.passed satelwgvsteboard when a rescue bout arrived on the in Uhicago lit the time of the fire.inwchtoterhlde a closed whereby Ringling Brothers had Ol,a disorderly conduct charge. Te funerai was hein.te day supervisera the authlority toe rect" , *cene. Those Who witnessedthis inci. The fire was started, it le believed, by o 7and a by of were as ots.purchasled fruimsOtto Hansn iof il- . According t h ttet fthe anat 9en O'clock at SteJoehsmaintain such a sanatorium os a ph det relod n her raseof the spontanleous comnbustion. e wsas.on t euigwuke h1ietyil rnn takdfna te stiktronce dhischurchi lnIetyvC]ci ie . where equemlie institution. young man, and declare thtg ste7ya l agtra silr as a site for wint er quarters for the father-fi-law Monday night. Follow nigh mats was celebrated. The Thosewch avornst theio la nassel worthy of a hero medal. N L*4for her house, unknowingly sending big circus. Jng this rash act he sought safety un. tDocy was then taken to Wauke- ta uha nttto snee MISS Austin who was staying with S SIDthe wee bit of a child out to Invite 8li-ietaki h rprydradnigpvloa aeZr gan for huri in St. Mary's ceme- h onynodrt hier parents at Bert Dunnell's Hotel T SYA TSSI the three men tinober home who had 1which Mr. Hansen purchased fromn A. ich. By the heels he was drawn fromt tery. agalinst the white plague may be"# at Fox Lake, with several girl& Of - been sent there for that very pr C. Frost when the latter becamne finan- his hIding place by the village mar.r- Bnjmin oasDi ed effectively. It la claimned by *=X hier own age was in bathing yester- GENUINE CONCERN FELT BY PEO- pose-to be Invited in and to get the cawly involed rin the Cag o& 111. ushal, wobrounghthm oWakga hre death of Benjamin Bster, 31 stheat c iste litrt l day afternoon. accont f t er P EDH ELTUSABEDS ir evIdence presented against the wo- Hansen has sinice heldi the itrack, leas- Giestiki, according to the state-years old, of Sevensteenth and Vie ou ald cot taoconsotroct it. Byr]l ta much deeper on boutofthe E H•LTU ED. main today before Justice Nehaus vwho ing it lately to F. E. Marsh of Liber- ment& of witnesses has benadrinkin oiasret, otaCiagtoig t a heconystitto t recnt lods.Inwadngplanned fining her the limit-~4200- g Place baturda night, death ben gls& got inato the bed of the Fox river WATER CANNOT RECEDE BY THE and sending her to jail. Tyhe.SN considst t o n. er @uabl of la. A SUNieport-result Of tuberculosis Of whichbh e eratthost.totetxae adthreeof them were thrown fromn BLOOMING TIME THIS YEAR- TeINhl rvonyiodo e-e a nal olar h eh d bbeau very Mr and e an caried ut ito deper FACTIS RGRETED.A Repulsive Case. gotiations being under way for the trounced his His ieha en ufrngsmutm.M On the other hand, there are ther f Te treewee Mss usi1 Tt was the worst case of the kind puarchase of the track for winter cir- claimts It was merely a case ofw Too ueraav s wielad twchildttretin anof ttsuperiorhhonldt A watr. daghtrsofG. . inr-People who eoach year for many1 the officials of this section have ever'culs quarters. The report at Liberty- Mùch "fir water,tefnrl"a edti atrdna nsiuini ot neededl Ûw and te tworden f FoxLake. years have made Journeys to the tan- faced. The North Chicago officials ville states that all details have been lQietki la a carpenter-by tradte and i Oat 30ooc atte hmwt br rsnttm.Teytk h hamn, gamre r ez oue as lotus bedlalocated ln Grasu Laté, heard of the goings-on ln the Butler closed exceptIng the formal transfer hai one e-hild, a bloy of 4 years tli awodcmtr that thé county can seni Forberg who broke his aLrm recently just north Of Foi Labie, will bieuchel home -and Thursday evening pot Of. Of title. -ejk oùt'Èb tras standilgneph br t h teras lnhaesion .eatrither ficer Lus: on the case with ordep tg 'The SUN made an effort to inter- ttiejust wet, M time' -He heard 9th MPforhsn -111 be nl. flMdr-ff1.irthe Big rab it down. fHer dresseln eitize'view Mr. Hansen today regarding 4ho w...o eheQei' th fromn the girls and with out sa p iglotus dlelds this yeaur, clothes and engage'd two foretgners'deal but wasnablle to get him.N A A F A 0£Instttion had i«.Wl tolitink of the great dangertahm The huge Patch of lotus pans ln to work with him. They went withi The report further lis that the horse- ----.IFDA their benéMt.. self heleaPedbin ande a r k u il' of bcoveredwt usWnlei g a clt1him to the neighborhood 0of the But men at Libertyville have been given LAKE FOREST WOMAN IN BIG CAR 8. N. MORGAN, EMPLOYE OF SAM, The commite a poinwta Tom ene bndas ee theuirlser e ot fete adoe linch bighow er th normlier home, and by their Inquisitive act- instructions to morve altheir belong- SUCCEEDED IN GETTING AWAY SCHWARTZ, DISAPPEARS AF. toa.»e matter intends to lat for the PO n and mnuch higher than oldest resi. Ions, near the place, attractedl the at. Ings fromn the track and to see that NIETFE . TER DAY'S COLLEOTIN. tent colonjI just wetOf boire strugglIng in the water. The water dents recall It withfin the past forty tention of Mrs. Butler, according to nothing that they desire is left there. UNIETFE.duet & thorough Investigato.. at this point lastramneight to tenL feet yeas. The lotus plant rises just about the police. Then what they looked It was claimed that word fromn Ring. TOLD TO WAIT AT DEPOT WHItE will look Into all the facli ln depth.- thr ow r t ravetthe atand the for happened. lings was to the erTet that they de- ONE OF THE CARS WAS TURNED HE STEPPED DOWN STREET-- caring for patients thé actua then bocme. thea hard est pah to It is pointedl out that the water can- The 7 year old girl came out of sired to have the Track immediately INTO A DITCH-WITNESS MORGAN NEVER RETURNED.1 etc., and then will make their thmece twshr nu ot recedle now by blooming timet, in the house and asked them to come in, go that they may beia once the RECOGNIZES WOMAN. back to the board at the nexta keep himself above the water but his August, to permit the dowers to come saying her mother wished to see them. work of moving their stock there so Samuel Schwartz would Ilke very meetIng. eEforts to hold up the three frighten- out, therefore it ls felt that there will They accepted the invitation and went that they may winter there the comn- A big gray touring car driven by a mouch to get one more look at a young Just what they will report (a haecilden w a sk thutOn fra trg the fractiallyno l sot oma ear,7%en. According toeLuxthe woman ing winter. The r,,,orts comne from woman whose IdentIty wasn't disclos. man of 30 years by the namne of S- known but fromnprement ni hvbenadfcutnera Grass taire lotus beds are famsous the made a bargain with the foreigners, a source which is cýonsidered reliable, ed, but who la said to be a wealthy N. Morgan, whom for three months they wIll recommend tt pa4o man in posession of botha arme. world over, being the largest in the but Lux told lher that he would walt member'o aeFrs aiy nps rvost usa fls eksn otgeitn nttßo Notin dantdForer plce wrldan acorin toreort, n-for the girl in question, the 15 year LATER-All efforts to obtain anything the afternoon on Saturday collided was hie bookkeeper and caster. In than puttng the county o, h hie free arma about two of the girls rilekd In eauty even by the famous old child. definite regardin-g the sale of the with another car containing four Chi- fact, Morgan has disappeared and M.%r. pense of erecting such a sn ard treading water as best h ol Fox and Grau& lakes are go high "Yul have to wait for her as elhe trotting track to Ringungs have failed cage womtan and toppled lt Into a Schwartz is "out" just about $400 as One thing is certain-It wfil l hnge tried to*keep thbeir heads out of the that mucir dataehase been cresated ls up towni; she'Illbe back shortly; up to press time, while the reporte are ditch. The accident occurred on the a result of his failure to sees Morgan the matter of cost, aus experte tront Ie water. In this the girls, too frighten. in that SnJa Numerous piers, boat you sit down and wait," lm what the Persistent, Libertyville men in position Half Day road six miles west of alter he had been dispatched to lont largest clities have visited the IJj ed1 to know what they were doirs, barisesa b thes, etc., a uentcar mother told the officer, according to to know, insist there isnothingdefinite. Highwood. over M.%r. Schwartz'@ territory anid to County Tuberculosis1 Ittut hindered hima greatly by Impeding his water and ln many cases lawns and his statement today, in fact they don't behieve there is a Two of the women ln the automo- makle certain collections for beer have pronounceed Tt one of the efforts. Several times they sanks: be- flower gardent along the lake shore Lux waited fpr her, but she did not chance of Ringlings purchasing the bile that was ditched were Injured. whileh Mr. Schwartz as agent for the up to date ln the whole country neathi the waves, but each time For- have been completely inundated. appear and finally he left, explaining track. Another man insists he knows The other two escaped with slIght Pabst Brewing company, had sold. bewg struggled to the surface 'and not to Chief Wier what had happened and a deai is on for the sale of the track, bruises. %Mrs. G. W. Callahan sustain. No warrant ls yet out for Morgan for a moment did bie relax his hold A MH M the chief signed a warrant against not to Ringlings but to training ed a fracture of the ankle,and ýlrs. but likely will be signed at once If FARMERS on his precious burden. the woman who was at once arrested promoters- Mary Kelleher's back was wrenched. he la not heard from. But it was almost too much for hu- ' R W S HOMl E and kept In the village jall up to toe-. Miss Clara Seaman and Miss Grace On last week Tuesday,. Mrr Schwartz E E P man endurance and Forberg, so ex. day, when she was tried and it was ACCIDENT AT LIBERTYVILLÇ Walsh escaped with minor hurts. All sent Morgan with another employe, S. hausted that hie was about to give up ex pected she would bie sent to the ¯¯ reside at 133 North Hloman avenue, Auguschultski, to call on the tradte in FARMERS AND T'R EKU the unequal struggle, was sinking un- LAKE COU/NTY'S CHAMPION SHOT conty jalil. . Eison Hanson, 20 years old, of Lib- Chicago. the Pabst beer territory held by .\tr.1DOHR EKU der the watvesi when a r«u ot ISBC RMTRPT LM Used to Be ln Libertyville. ertyville, was seriously hurt Tuesday Recognizes Lake Forent Woman. Schwartz. They went to South Chi- SISRESNVIOA arie.Ta boat hadl been manined PIC GAMES AT STOCKHOLM. Mrs. Butler came to North Chica- afternoon at 2:15 o'clock, when he , cao, ammndGar anAfIall 12 as sonon as the accident was discov- HMIN ELRS EHDAgo fromt Libertyville, leaving therewas caugttithe shftinlg ofaest une l'heacidntewasft nse by (anthey landed at South Bend. Laborers andfarmn bande are scere ered, and was rushed to the sene CAPO ELRSH A about two months ago. Inquiry at cr dyeo• g y They had done fairly well on col- now to t a ay thertinqln« with allPossible speed, but it was not GREAT TIME IN SWEDEN AT Libertyville showed that the actions Ho sustained a broken leg and a rath- d may lections, they went to the depot, and not only lmis vicinty u a moment oo soon.THE WORLD'S MEETING. oftemte n hl eeas rbadilye bruised arm. Ho was remov. Mr. Gunther drove upjusit ai, the Mforgan fInally left the other mn, tro1 ou1amstthn mt More dead tiba.s alive, Forberg and such there that the authorities made ed tu Dr. Galloway's office where his big car was miovin.g out of sight andstinhewudbbaknamnte et the children he had rescued, were Mny admirerhfomgrhi aand It bot for themi and shle was finally injres were cared for. Dr. Galloway declares thF rle trecognizeitheouierto takle the evening train for home. Employment agencies.cuý dragged to the boat and taken to Graham, who represented the United forced to leave the village. them critical. Had it not been for remember her namie. He took the ln- The other waited fromt 4 o'clock untl and factoris are experiencig shore. The body Of the othler little States In the clay bird shooting at the The Butler home at North Chicagol 10, o'clock and then 'left for homne,'trouble ln finding laborèe« victm areay hd snk eneth the Olympic games when hle arrived ln is on Seventeenth street, between the fact that the machinery waes stop. juired women to Highland Park, .wherecohdngtaMranadgvnhmkdM aesChicago at 2 O'clock Thursday after. South Park and South Lincoln ave. podi n time, Hanison would have been their Injuries were treated by a phy- the slip. Hie reported to Mr. Sch. .n sen tareostopped h wa .lnoon, July 25th. He was expected0 drawn into the big machine and been sician. Their car ln the meantime an akeqt*g*t wr Her body was recovered as soon as earlier. but was detained In New York. nues. The family also formerly lived crushed to death. hadl been hauled out of the ditch. It wartz and Inquiry showed the tellow being offered. lbibe and for more than an hour Mr. Graham praised the foreign gun niear Prairie Vlew, a.o al aae n hywr likely hiad skipped to parts unknown. iÉach day farmers oe Jet ty effoTý were made to revive her, but men, whoma he had met at the trapu, While at Libertyville the Botler boy, w o al aae n hywr Morgan is about 2(0 years old and offering big moneyanbardad ait lastlit ws ta h fot tSokom u esi h e-Hrygd9 was arretMl or tk. LTER-evepmets aintchom tthe case ableGerto returnd to Ciicago in forita. worked for, the local man about three r to frad, hsishha î were ln vain. Tt l& one more ta. mans were better shots. ing money from his school teacher. show that the flesh of young Hanson's| months, comiing here freim Chicago. It atafrfar d' Ttilehath talt o helo tha hs ared "We haed a great time ln Stockholm,Thmterwsfnlyeted arm from the shoulder to the elbow¡ BROWE SCHOOL REUNION is otknon heterhers arredmers and not enough atý all of we Americans, and were treated ,Ms Bteil d "Mso aeadPhysicien a h hadscaobesourdinghrlseth theSuim r aeti er royalty by the iSwedes, who are among ' Ms ulri0yaso g n ee rse. assyta rsnl.EXCleedingly large crops. Coronier ý- L. 'Thylor of LIbertyville the best sportsmen ln the world. The hier reputation ln the previous place the fracture may be set but mn such irw school reunion wIll lebe hld Along with -the shbortage of [Brio pPesided aet the earoner's Inquest shootIng events were more interesting where she has lived hias been guchcase thâeIebow joint will be stiff. ln at the scoolethouse, Thutrsday, Aug. CATCH MANY CLAMS handsecha« the fear of a car short- whc wshldFidyngh.T e sg l hn that ine buthe rfer that the North Chicago offi.cers had "allprobability the arm will have to bes 1:th, milt This will he the eleventh age to,,handle the big erop that Je verdict was tin aeordance with the and pistol work of the Germans wasarao obcm upeitso e uae.anltcnuarnonof the olschool.veabwklm Foiser a tremw itletlyrat exPecte. Rafway officiai., have been facts. Forberg *as comsmended for revelation to me."ý and therefore worked the ruse which MARRIED AT FOX LAKE. The andenogePars of thssholhvai.nkki o ie st c a as Biked to make ample provision sa his bravery. Graham scored highinvdulmr gave them the evidenice they desIr. - ways maintained a very close attach- shore where these fishermen daily In. that there wll be no furthler delay in the team event of clay bird' shoo1 t. ed.Arlolph Chelius uwas nmarried to Cla- ment freach other and have m-éaevade thaeclam bes d earc..h for. than.- osbewhntehr

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