UatvlaExcama fa t W PooftIe ai Lbertyvlll. III. M Isèoud Ctý )W M anu AdrtialeiRatai M5ds Kaowa 60 A1pBp 8. 41POCI.5 0 PUER VIAR 8TRmCT1.Y IN pAVANP ?MA)Y. ATJGUST 2, 1912. * Thra a ab as nWttsh chance tef .oveament mndin a ma 4f.tar te-Ma fiaval training station ta figlt a hydropâa neasthore a te h*t 'ae uoo. #a W" el@f rec h«»c." Tha minute any such attempt wée made tc ean" t5a' wr vef e ha, Canada woutd bc aftor Unee am wth bath tet. TitN- 164. tisi section wtii neyer seec the wanship ancliored off the naval training citation, aven for practice purposea. Lake Casnty coaud undertake nothlng more teudiable thon ta start wth a ýqA»rsnlnatt»av novomont ta pet botter roade throughout the county.. Thora, 110 ome reatty 'ff ce" hlglwaya whicli ahoud be taken crae o; thorsamar iMýty raI good radiwhlch noed jut a tttie attention, It'à ui to the highway ,aottmsalnor tabecome lnterested. We beieve the siperviaors have been ahown tht It will bbeflood bual. rtens Judgment te ItOLO ON t aial the cwamp land the county owns. If It la -w»pKh a &malt sum ,ow t9o-individuels. the County la in position te hold lt ta ij" If it wont to worth a lot In the future, for future generatlons. Just bocauas egUidai. flfty years aoc started aelllng t for $1.25 an acre te ne reason why the ;practice should ho cantinuçd forover. The prasent board has klcked the plan l"oto the mddle of Fox rver-and it wil nover bc rescucd. * The Bull Moosers are promlatng much hiere-but lot'* walt and ae o i- I #ans eut beoerachlng conclusions. We canneS sec a second Roosevelt In Lake county at yet. Maybe hett appear. W. have vany wlio try tao mutate TA. In th. umout ef nets. and blutar. But, Theodere hatshl&t own pecullar ,ymy~and, white any0bady conmake notsea ndbuter, Roosevet raally haa ther M~aites eo ewetd nt have the atier prestige ho posernees. Tho.atipervisara t thoîr meeting et Fox Lake Wednoaday aliowed tlia 41nohy ara te. lnvettgatore. at rîghtt," tht la, -orne of thoni. tn fact, theil -lpëi0fgation praclyttles are ef a varted nature; corne ai. botter quatlfiad In 'iilsg thon anothor; tome fean towards swamp lands, aame tawarde ta gaine towalrds rowng, etc. Anyliew they lied a geod time-and t proflted Po* a. ut -C M .'be OUMNO F05 -U '*U? Thé hutobm * auaba t0 at freitn blha.rtavaMwu gottei thal are 4i ~d a it hme 0050 l -Ocpoatca u*MI;t bckaalternA der shtah. Tb4Ila lte ailc titat Wat ftb " aafterofocutroute lauxe puêoilug boumi. Peoogihava e ev. ofal ye4n bain domcuadlu s-te tra titi tender apots and the front Quar- tara bavéebien coldtt thé,cheap roll- Mey coomes the announcemént ltat the front quarters muet hé laken or cne, s the demand fer hind quar- tirs exceéda the anpply. The laoe ln the sale of ahouldor teakg la made -e n li teprice or pertérlfôtae. e "Beet la on the rlce. There ta ne fcerner ln the. markt but thon. are net euougb camte te feed the people." sald a well lnown local buteher. tlils atternoon. 'Porterbouse la 25 cents, iround, 18, and aboulder steak 13 cents. 3The latter la plentital and the Onrt Io obard to get and the round LB anld oc- c caslonally. The trouble Io that ev- meryene wlsbes the best ef everything and will toite no other." The old tîme hnuaewlto who wa content wth sboul der steak and the oid time pron who n col4 eut auy part of a gond beef are ene more. Al et thec ustorners wantý it ThMé Pilan et vUrIOUt caunties dernandtng that the clate turn ovcr a cer- PFOMIOf nithe auto icMee-mncey te ceuntes fer readItmprovoment, la oty just cd rèaaontable, That lt. nIeaitt aheuld go and, f Il ie* tn kahtroaiîai'mucli langer,tha varlous ' ceuatias nover witl hear amytlitng là My ffn.tiing of gtting banefit from Il. Thé counitiet have the rght te *,@Omoa dirécot "enueatrom tite autolt whe, ursty, ara paylng enougli la nia..>'ta the Blt.. 'VhebW« itufcoiermlactner of Aveu town who hlicecharge et tho repaira te*11 14ai0 iovtldae 1Lalte Villa tSXp ~wect,, ahoutd bhé saied of thm. b" 1a* taunisltp Ubautfiel al»eo en f i, .et Ste way ha ha* orderod- k odirai Qes tirowst liete ý*way-for quit@ a diatende. Lake S~1~s>téIawélofiés Ies el uiMaca ofnarny wouiti dIvert that Mg aoi IW, tégielid net stand fer.*toh saconditton etflits road. it «o t Iob. rogud hamis sores, etc., lie tlm u- ~* *e e4m tht sê e b.fw -ýt1 irtude i m~f~yerupw.. *U1eY*heI4waMM ~ote a~,et~L t Uegatherlng5about@garbaf I~U~ i..wuuwvw fL @nIW* a TO a lai m"tlti-hý Usa. gsttey would 1k lectesbut, ownilig te. buae thei. t.No« qeý and, if hli l able tel ytflyajtg eiàg tocotient thé oJ8ikig Uo i* ed x.hè Thosen rmuted.tousof he Zinies =0*frrickbatsî' as tIawydid lu the firat place. "di -.Iw asMff b l raments ,front 1"brlckbats" ~is$w.aroff. Elo, agalt, onu cm al'Ways find smre conso- btouin qverything, no niatter how reafly bad it is-even The, plan being conaglder j,esupervisors of ereot- oo cunty tubec faaMtru or touaty patientsi 'saplut tii.White Ip i u* o.which has nit. 0 aeso coumtion lu tuscôtindulng tii. pt Lisbae gon »number aud, e théi0.lou nt,- fa dtng c , god, a ciuty ;aro ii e '~a~frm 0epr=et Insttutlon's efeotvepto, but.,on ~.'eeter iad, oul lglten the burden of the premeut me te a Certin tst Xt la about Urne our states abandoned th&antikuated »~d isolas systent o! boitios for the. kling of w4m i- It in doulit fuli I l ai esven co ndlg uof any really uInuuabev* d lihr ta as bemne,: la nl~i$ snd black bear should neyébv enamd f -bouuters, and there la nuoug >oj0&. AM DersO! coyotes, groand sqnlrrelaor ptu- been appreciably reduced by lb.. price set ou Lces te fraud and thé. depletlng o! ada quit. 'mmeeded mip ia êIi kMlg. It lu net lb. bush -I sab omrage the kUln f ny anlijis,4 ddehi are ad rte 1l l &l% tu slulterest-lf thet«"sJel re ihau duerespect, w at prluaecitisens of the' sie uteepenaty. Itla areInocent untIl deffultoly the boit.culs et porterbouse and'notb- lni elge. "If -the 'people qut jatlng large uuantltles et meat lbey vîll gel along as well as evor and the prie wlll not go hlgber, but Ir they do net the beet cuts wtll hé selline -t 40 cents tu the Psu. "Pork la on tbe advance and we vili ho obVg.d te lucit on extra prîcos fer that and al - ther klnd et meale within a eitôft tIme. Vegetablos are plentF qhtti clýg The people shoulil eul daim jji& -ébnaasmplon et meat andi ncreame oip! veeable.' QUEfINQ IANY JOLTS PRICE 0F NEW POTATOES OROP.. PED TO 40 CENTS A PECK; STILL COING OOWN. BERRY $£ASON NOW ORAWINQ TO CLOSE, ONLY A FEW RASP- BERRIES ON T141E hMARKET Itigio mt et living suferei another jat vitiluthe paut fév dar viseu Dev pelctos, tool a but lemp la pric. iroplng tram 46 cetsa aPck to, 40 ceanlasvlit ltechances or dMP- tnug to 36 cents vthin a té-w days. Péaches are a*kg qité plentlfe on thé lowal mwetstansd are retailIug at a p" of e$ 1.46 a busel. Smail fruit omcb as ra"ehrrlés and 1k. ameget. ttlugscarcé andth ii. wiek ,,lll héthe viup oethlie séaso. The folle-bIng rela.llpnices are helng qqeted today blocal merchantc Butter and Egga. Butter.-dalry ......... .......... 27e liutter-c-remry ........... 32-33C Ilgg-utrtctly freait.............25e Poultry. Chlkes--pound ...............l17 Bprngera-pouud ............... B Vegetabtos. Beets-buneb ................... 5e Ban-vwaz, quart ..............l1c String heana-pomnd ............10c Cahbage-home growu, pound. . 6e-1c sigg plant............ «..... lOtel5c Cmumbers--homé greve ..... .... 5c CAgrts-hunch .ý.................6c. caullforer-eacbh...........15-20c Radéhes-homa grevu ...... ....S60 Clry-buuch.................. 4 Turnîpe-hbuncit.................. 6c Lee-huncit....................e6 LOnons-peunni.................. 6 Unions-areiln. bunch.............c Peppers, grebe-dosen..........1Ise Red pepPers ............... 3for 50 New Pttee-peck............ 40e Temates-pound ................Se Vegetable oyera-hunch........ 50 Fruit Lamen-ozen ............... 20c Cailorbilaerangea--dazen . .. 2?iOS PInewlb-eh ....15c',Ise'200 mialmaen .............8 toi 826b Watérmelons .......... ......60 Eluaerl.a-qnart... 8. e, e, e Plum"-qart................... loi Apriçots--hSket...ý........... laekbémilea-quart .............1le P'aobe-baasket............15 bu. Ngov appe--pék ....50e tg 75C Lai 0. Breekua>'. circuit court dlenteof Lakte conety, loft WauIogaab Tuésday aternoan for CarlinviliO . I whae e yUl attend ts aunug cou. veullen oet lie circuit court edets et, .lllluola. br. Breckway li boahe t 5 maie su addrue ibétoe té clént lau BeeIi Me laa aui=ber etthe ex*. .cltl>t' ctaitte.sudni.lasîtëd tSo mse of the bg offles ttis Yee. - - ~~e'e~~4 p TREAWRY. j I WNUCI~ I>S~>ALA Y TIltS tYVO UV ~. h~ IW9Unbain th» PUIS t te ua~'f~o p te thé jaugit tiné of j lte talun' 4t eu"b. nuiut t Dm thei auoéda 11 ia-I vePtto tti 'n. Thé e isooliés in the taut tut Monh4Re lg asoniy wth 'hil e 10 gy the gebo1'tbLos ordinarliy .mplo,# lUý ptacei n.theiabaentesc. The é*Mt ttuhe BeviMuânt for thé vacetioa of potl, Uimplyes annually approei Matie *.60,00. Waken'as siar of 1h11 :hnassum varlea from year 10 Yra. ,nt ordinarilî amontste ha. tweefu 30an sd $400. Ul cSta lte overament $36 to aile-w each it lé regular force of carrierej and lerketa t enJOY the fitteen day vacation whtcb the goverumont rulea bgre preided for. This comPuted bhy figurng the pay of lie aubtitutes, wIich lta hbrty cents an bour fortIf- teen Étayaoof lghlt ours each. la- Wapkegan the amotint of meney nocesaary te puy ti'e substitutes each1 year ta net alwayr ftic same lu Wau. ke«an. due te the tact Ihat seinetimes crrIers double u;t on titeir routesi and do a Part of the work that would1 taîl o13 the iubstitiîrcs. It la ex-l Pected that the local] force will bel giveon thelr Vacation. itn a short tîmei, ln fsct, 'one memnbrs of the clerral force lm alreadty taking a vacation- At Joliet ,according, to the Joliet Herald. the postjffice force are en. Joytng tlieïr vacation, through a spe- cial Rrrangélnent. Speakiug of this arrangement the Heirald sasy8 -Nine et the vast grmny ot employes tusougIlOtntthe country are recelving pay except as they may ho tfavored through nobeéSuch arrangement as la operative nlthe local office, whore. threught the courtesy of Potnagtor t'Iyne, the meni are being advanced thetr salaries by hlm. This lm doue by M at his own rIik as abould con- gres atI - te make thSe appropriation the POhIMteév yl have te stand the tege o e lb.mmlnvolved. WAUKEAN Y. M. C. A. I5 UNDER WAY CONTRACTOR.WIL. MAKE EFFORY TO H4AVE BUILDING COU. PLETED INe RECORD TIME Inattireti by the neya@ that a rhlcage contracter bas guarantoed te ereet a $100.000 iactory bidlng tln hlnatI days, Cooractor Charles Pence uil make a dutarmlned effert te ecipia titia record andti ld the flew Y. M.L C. A- butldlug mach lusa time. T'he Chicago centracter wbo wil &pend the 9100,000 I i nnty daye wlfl erect the fléw Cyclone ronce Cempany building ta North Chicago. friday morning, (unlucky Friday) waa the day chosen by Contracter Pence te start work ou the excavow, tien. Thbis mornlng four teama and fifteen men were put to work. 1%eé work of completilig the excavattin cetract will consume at least two weeka. It la expected thal work on the bullei log ProPer willî tart before Augnai 1th. Already M,r Pence bas filed hia or der for the material te be uaed and hopea to have a large quantity of this material on hand by tihe last o- next eek. ilulil >5 Alla - »Uot ChUages ber ltbaM*iut tUm*Oai t it.Mm .Alla 1Mure, Who la Mu" 'ilu 1310 bih fia uteUffa lasling cloué la titi vlnacOowd cattae atcIthe aida of lbO Adak. lu thé heyday of their mani lité t bey ulit e homo wth thmir nuen tande. Next don', her hubin le -vieltlng" at the home et Robert Oathlte.the oncléetfMrs. Moore. bMn. mont - he recé l bg.n atio agaluat ber huahand for -a dIvorce, la cai be hialoo vstlug n the Outhrie flousé.,ý Marrtîd Te~n Veikri. "We have heen married ton Years,* Bald NIra. Sutcllfte. wtb acatch ins ber volce. *'and always have been EaPpy W'hy, tbis littIe home wo actually huit together. WVe aawed the boards and Poundod thé nails home oureelves." TISe fInit intimation of trouble came lait Septemlter. tturfng tho proviens years. the wIte déclares, tbere wae net even one différence et opinion. ButtîliTo usod te téléphone bis wltéi Ihreand four tlmea a day from thel office et the Geneva Optical coiupany et wieh he bula part ewnor. la September lira. 8utcllffe retur- ed trom the Pacific coatt. When ahi atepped off thie train ahe reslized In- tutively she declares that sometbtag: nad came bteen Ilium. Suttlifée bad met lIra. Moore dur- Iag the absence et bis w'lfe. Shte had been vlslting lu ber iincles homo, next Chargo t ea Prolif bal. Coharot e sutofebngal. ben dafo ter 1tree luraIl our Ton dayforteBref imi etnnail oha qsarrlod flte, tb speait crosly to e, she said. "Thèse croîs words gradu- aIly grew Infiactîjal profanît:-.liet seemed -trytng to torce me te atart action for divorce.*, t- Trhe artof. makring watches Bae been marchinu aheail steadlty for yeas. Wetchea hove more bîhlie »d i li putinto their maklnat.o dal than ever. 1And .till thev area pillait ceeper] allthswhileé-whilclje émter étrange. woutd Ilité ta beain met hour far the watoh making art hotadt.' vanced. this Io lte place tai came 10. Il yoa wlab le Sud out howe e,. aréatlv reliable watch cau hé sol- visit titis store. Our valcit stock contains AUt ltait the art of uatch making bas te0 offer. And weéilltIugly £làeé aur tas aM ,your diepocal. A. HU$S JEWELE ouit iti Iao hautMuc l a 1 Xe Il, agémgt, TIsé' Viki>5 hma a b l 11010Mi tige Weel mloul 1151'ast «éf-t» City' ou *"sahitom abeat Sâula nlght »c Uti aIl ta> od>. lam O f JIl lAnde ené ployai, MU as aneld Sui dpsolng Prevaios0» «ti t vr' suonsl. Tien. VAasiueoauthe dhua Takén ce a viole ttIafras oui11 Of thse nmt seoceetul thé Vl"lgo ever have feis. Ihen é eabout la0 leatt0l5ti0ai. W& émt g#tt 1ý nt;~ cet Tiha ~~sa0,e la.ttt a &i trz . . hvkh re,,a ion he effl « pmaa isée iRrh Joha Geanse Weidar vu. Mmet ,ruak.itert, citaînryisu 3. Elumbers yusterday purchaset titi W. B,~ Beeley plaua on Northt Uoasoae streat, the cenalderalion b. lus 17.600. The islwag nogotiatid by W. C. Para«r. I * H. B. EGER Hardware a nd Paints We handle the famous John W. Masury Paints The paiut that wears longer, lookse best longest anid gives best general serv'ice EOER'S j@ the place to order your Binding Twiue-aIl grade@ EOER9'S la the place tW bny ail kinds of Hardware-the prices are right. Libertyville, Illinois 771 IOOLY .COW VS. l1J$RND I S THIIS REASONING'LOGICAL? Once upon a time a woman eaid to ber husband. -John, there la 00 mnch llghtning now 1 wish you would get 1014 Brindie' lnsured, for she would be sucli a lom if she was struck by lightning. " John agreed with lier and at once hunted Up an agent and secured the protection of a polloy on Brindle's life, and lie acted wlsely. , His wile found greatifauit witli the agent because lie would not grant $4G insurane on a $40 cow. The cow would maie $75 per yea.r for the family and businees policy demanded insurance for them on the cou'. Some time afterward John was holding the baby and watcbing athnnderetorm. He waa feeling pretty weli pleased wlth himmeif for getting oid Brlndle- iniured wien lie was ataffled by a volos whicb aeemed riglit at hise ar, -What if the llghtning took a bat at youl" This led hlm to tbink of Lite Insnrance and lio got to thinking. "Here V've inianred my mooly cow against lire, why itot Imure my life againet deathi" lRe called hi. *Ife in and proposed that he take some 1f e inenrance for her protection btut site said -No slree Vob " and John did pot meure hie lite. In -Other 14rd And in Plain Engilish -She ToId Poor Old John Shei Did, Not Conside lIma m otnt To lis Famfly As AÀoolyCow TIII TIME TO, ACT IS NowUI1 Otkees' èisiàéss Cati Bettes'frd o W el. rte to Vous' brochigen Mutubl Life Agent lTo'De Youxa truly, JOHN, pQIP, j - mmmmo