CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Aug 1912, p. 9

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LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDENT, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XX.- NO. 44. PART TWO. LJBERTYVIILLE, ILL., FRID XY. AIJU(%-T 2, 1912. FOUR PAGES $5 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. TRAIN AT TRUESDELL STUI Automobile Which He Was DrMvno Was: Smashed and his Body was Hurled Two Hundred Feet when Struck by a St, Paul Train Just North of Russell Wlten John Gourley's tese on the The cool dock property ai te foot of <Clay- George T (rItienden, 4.7,yearg old, glule trik hlm. Il li eiee itlit a"i,i Lon street expires bin 19-3,Ibh" been awatysokhîe cîîga rîednnsrke h tîi~ lecaîl , 9gesld.tIhat the cty oficalg con- RussellIn 0 aike counti, wmas instant- hlm . again1 sert tilIs site intit a park property l ilda :1r 'lr Tuesday night1 A setion handl aho wiinPssed the, gera antd rëî t a modern pavillon for th e at Truesdelt Station. mast nortit of accident ruslied tii (tif! point w here coîlvenleni-ctif Waikegana men, wo- Rsei whr iealtmlîl t rtshetolvlai icii îe ti oîu man and chitltiren. hel],dli keauombl hc a h oy idte) honan idsaid ti ~~lh lte ddtio ofthi îroperty senger train on thte C(iagît & Si 31aoî,ett a-, seci as waserm to the proîterty 111w known as Uneeda, Paul rotnd. Witn.ess dpilare 'th il fouiîd thîl t1 i ii nbad ticen liter P o park, Waulegan couid bave a pari train was runlîte at a rate Of lfty ahi( risitî--anîd hi ishîes had been fiera o!whib îî tyo!ils sîze î ittmies an itour I loin off h% tIlt-forie of te collision. the lc Il hasit ikewlse lîeen suggested taI Tite automobile was smashPd lto' The nemws of the accident was tele Ont w tihe cty Officiais provide a site on the klodling wood, white te body of I'rit pitoîlcît 10lic anthorîtles at Ketioshal eta South Side of the gos erriment piers 1 tenden was hurted 200 feet. He was aîd thie bodîy was removed to an un., majort fortheboa lier an ths ad a-jdeadvwhen picked up andi deatit ta dërtiatkîtg rîtoti in that cils. Tue pae ditioltat property to the park. ele h t ave heen Instantaneous. lnquest wîl l e hetti thia evenlttg. TheT The ity ouldremvc te roi d.kl ir. Crittenden itad driven to Ke- Mr. lritîtinded ta saldti 10have lv- pae property to te norlt end of tite city1 nosiata 1 dispose of some stocek and eti in tAhe coiînt lilonne ime. tiec dock and even thon trovidp suficient, wa. on bis way hontein the evening ceases a mire and three chiltren. îHe!> recto 10 home ail Waukegan fIsiter- wiben the accident hapîtetteit la reliltedta i haie tiien quit e weatthv 1 sac mnAs ite açproacited theSt. l'aut liii famîls acre îrostraled when te qtueSt me oda.ko aca oka trtcksliebc topjcd lita machine 10 nets smwas takî>n to tem asit tey hait prave te foOt of ('tayton street bas lieenl aiiow a nortit bound freight train t0 bpecî waitIng for hilmn b retrt home.' lier a an ee sue to th cit forthe pas ao Then he started to drive his liem'as lutte- well known In Vu auke ten 511en ypasore0liencty fthe py ast!machine acronssthe tracksflot see- gan andi other parts of the countypaIhEo thers liave vonsidered a plan o! r- n1g te fast oasengt'r train on the titrougit having matie qîtîte freqîtent Thi moving Ilt a site on te forth endi anutit bounti track. lits machinle wa prayor of the rity dock. but no tegal action sQuarely on te traek wben teen-t (Continued on Page Tbree) Il la lis e been tiken.yar 'Te ladies club o! Waukegan vill peiloon nh lit laefrs onet zIar 1;ÏfiEORCE L. MARlON 1ILK DEALERS pitioonn thecly atern to erect slucl a building la erected titey wvIIi r 11711 LIAT Df arrange for bandi concerna Itvice a ASTsL AIA1 WILL INUI BO wekAi T PENE'IENTIARY PRICE 0F BELIEVE REPORT FORMER ZION MVAN SIERVING Aý OICESEI RC FE SENTENCE SAVS HE HAS WL ECAGDB A BOUTOUNTI FLIIER ABU I I BEEN IVEN NICE WORK.r CUNYFME WITJIOIT BASISI - -.t- pi »OST of 0F MILKý r' LAKE- 18. raye Tit ,f th, vho1 tou al and wit la carrled out. stIbly titis w-as donc lie a hic Titereltoakes .1 t ractîcatîr Imipossiblete 10 " f ue ary "etu "nle ue ila la nol lte tirais iilthai lite was Peseindication Ilial lteebchld ,Icarn lthe farts. aithougit no atone will ty. but one o!ftem was pinned bec- ors have been ru, ii îre hut hallbe-en deasi a monlh. The tom ___________________ne-atthlie car. i the tiraI limc bli îîîîor ltree -conîdition of tite box itat atloweti ver-1 Monttnuetion Page Three) 1rite othe Pinkersod ie rlyrta-- 'SMVany pteople are fî.o1l-h enougitre 0lt lk odersi m ary ouItlite reqiîc t miade bl te- enîlabedth ie services of J. V. Gun- 'r, lther, wito telped Temove lte car f. . ýe followlng la a io, tihle pray- PROPERTY OWNERS WAUKE(IAN MAN lthe ma. wito ,l.r.d M te SUN itaving c- ie (ContInued on Page Tbre) reZ ve oe aadi'a ntoish COMPLAIN1N4i ABOUT ESCAPES FROM iAN ANCdIu ENuT PRVER WATER ORDINANCE INSÀNE ASYUM BOARD 0f REVIEW .' Lord Jesus, Iimiiplore îtee__________ hiu an i- cp ils frorn -COMM4ENCE WORK 0M 1esîl ant intai,- us îrocîîeroîîs SAY THAT NEW CLAUSE ABOUT FOUR STATE CHARGES ESCAPE id ln dile tut îi, ie us le lise WATER COCKS WILL WORK A FROM STATE HOSPITAL FOR T N0 U E i h lte-e elcrîilly, Amen. HARDSHIP ON PEOPLE. INSANE AT ELGIN. OW FW U E "Tiaisl bbLg -eni ail ose-r thte _______ SUBSCRIBES FOR THE sUNrTO SELI FOR SEVEN CENIS red-sg t tmet lat STATE RATES ARE BOOSTED1 I _________________seea wtlIl nvilii rng yoil, il PROMINENT LOCAL REAL ESTATE wagK saiti ln Jîîtime ltat ait MAN THINKS RINGLINGS WILL IN ALL PROBABLITY HE WILL1 PRICE BOOSTED TO EIGHT wio wrotc tiîli .vyer woîtd lie MANV COMPLAIN THAT COMMIS- NOT MOVE AT ALL. FIRST LEARN 0F SON'S DEATH CENT A QUART A YEAR AGO free troto al l iiiiyiti t tose SIONER ORVIS HAS BOOSTED IN READING SUN STORV. THURSDAYu AUGUST FIRST. who refused oiciiut, il wofîid soif RATES TO MAKE %HOWING. fer some grelît it-t irtune. Coîîv on acarti anti ci-oufor nine tiays, 'REPORT JUST A j BLUFF' IGeorgehUfMation,thie formoer ZIon "For'the iret lime in ttirev ycars1 one each day, ani Nounwil have sie - et wnr r opan Ciymnlî anw evn ti k wiI I sell i aI sus enitis a quîart 1great Joy" igtut t heîîriîîriy-o ler rei-ti tiî THINKS IT WAS STARTED SIMP. ife- sentence ln Eastern penitentiaryý Altougli teI is'kiclers o! th 5[iilitcetlyth'et îîîiî t LY TO GET PERSONAL PROP- at Phiîadeiphia.a, bias wrtten a rity hase tîren hliîuing tîcîr b athis l'IAI~yt ~;- :1taitineutily ait cw buildingisare ERTV TAX REPEALED. lette-r 1 lthe SUN asklng titat ite bel' in anticipuation o! a itoosl in pr ce o! LUITIUI OFrLAKtE itýýitti aili l cocks so te residenla ______________ jlaceti on te sîîhcriîîtion liaI By ai thilamut ne-cuculcomotodut ityte-y cli ietheni fuir aîitnklingiheit- ttange coinctdence ttc irai paper lie 1ere- notie etid incstiavmorrn tat i ftai NTyAG 7Iso uesit-.Itif theî'oc'ks llt'itle te peristent reports froto w-lit t-.eiv aw-littell hlm o! the acci ite mils tîîol owners -oîîîtinol ralse COllItMAGAINE Ât"eÎiic r hrcaîls fitle-off wtîcîî iot lilieri sîlîla 1 te efecb Iha t he1it1- denîtal death o! hislitlte son ln Zion te price Titîrstiay tîorning. Il" T~nes a*c tef lý rit ttîer lt ert-yslite race track tas iteen tilspostld antifit la very irobable that titis wilIl)îîring te past tht-e years, Atgust STIîfE'AT PwaREoSi-S! "i tt- wl o!f1 t te Ringling Broters' bo te holiehs irat Intimation o! the iragedy aistw"s the day selectedhtheliy- be isels o tt lacitinetiis tîre used as Wnter quartera for tai great Marion, as wîîî te recaîleti. vas duealera to ralse tse ptrieone cent a atelr. circîts. titere are some vito refuse 10 convictetiofitaving sitot anti kilieti quart. A year agit mlk was rlng- ED ITOR 0F SEARCHILIGHT AT il Ilaimedt otione that Cottmis- Iteiave thal suot action lias beela ta.- h v ife at Wiikesbarre, Pa., about lng eiglil cents a quart. RYLK SAYS WRITERS ionr stitsiîeiilaiii he kien. Ivo yeara ago. He hall hall trouble lunltankakee, anti olter nlghitorlng DONT TELL WHOLE TRUTH apiaewtrcmayta À promineni.. Waukegan reai estal.e wtthber repeatetily'. Tbe icîler whiicitcile-a an lorre-asc ln the pti-e o! mik -gugste putblic oîîoiî eery opItor- man vito admitti talte bas vitten lie sentis 10 te SUN. teliIng b vitat haa teen annotînoeti .'___________lîîyatl hait troîîgit blai-k eit leters 10 Ringlng Btrohers' aeeking kind o! work teitas teen assîgneti, la 'We seili 01 t oosi the relai price tîtuî iuie uJtuoits restri-tiona 10 Ite-test tem ln Lake cotifty sitesl unless te farmers demanti more mon- FOR A PUBLIC NEWSPAPER tutu-t ore not gencral seit water I ey." satti one of Waukegan'a largesti comîîantes. TO HAVE BEEN RECEIVED HERE IN PAST FEW DAYS. CAR TURNS TURTLE ALLOWING SECOND CAR TO 610 BY ACCIDENT HAPPENEO AGROSS RIERFOM PINK< POOIILE BELIEF Il WAS SLAJK n"n FIRSTJ TIME IîINt'JYEARS ONE MAN PINNEU UNDER IT GOVERNMENT MAKING AN E- Coroneris Jury Unable-to Place BMaine for1 WAS NOT HURT HOWEVER-DUR- FORT TO STAMP OUT PRAC- Child's Death-Facts Surrouriding the Find. 1 ING NIGHT VANDAL STRIPPEO TICE BECAUSE 0F BOTHER ing of Body Cause Authorities to Be- CAR 0F ACCESSORIES. t ~~~~~~~lieve Child did flot Die Niatural DeathFIelO[enroy caenat Pcitai-prayer wh! i i ýtoffi-e ,rilles are tryintole l arcelY, s, oflte titreat itii 19 l hiîeng worked ln W I -eu i impresslonable periiî io iare iii t of the gover'iii -ii rîîîîî tp the foolisi su-heni-- hili la [o lie hlocklng lthe Iti' f-ai places andtI nterferir c n iiiot lore Importanthuht alse ihese chain lti-r iii- isent great secrecy. It wiii t-,i irt for lcal postoifice aîîihîîrit - to tind who are lte orles ti il?' (if per îlting lthe miademei if b r Ithe rlty of Ingtances,si-.- chaîn- rs are contained on l ca -rbu re Is positivEtY no eto lte ers, lthe princîpte i.....c - it- ut__ ga request for the r-,llîu-fll 1 oîît seierai copies ,f I., ytra erý ctîtaintances who inif iii are rP_ cd to send ot ofIii. tlthe er 10toteir friends in i.i-iman- atong chitan of carits, -nitouti, number tncreasing h luitger lthe Thefitnding o!fte body 0f a new r Miiicci li i h otu%%s tlnaa bort, Infant i apasteboard boa nea, liai t Sitii itîîi iiloflii the lake ai Lake Forest at a laIe ho.r tiettry t4ing, ao iîiriî oe ef thee Tuesday afternoon causes the autito- ,i wh otri i girun tebo.aitelie ins0 rîties 1e believe ltaIt iwas murder- îng lîcu(de ail iniîseil athilat Icaîls cd, The col'oner's jury, presideti overl roîi ite topiof tht biîif itîwtao l by Deputy Coroner Edward Conrad o1lt'lk ur- ln tpee Waukegan, held am inquest Tues-day li.e ihjt litt P ili aflermooianti eveming ansd returned an open verdict, te tox ci-titls c y i' At tirsI ite t bing staledtaI te chilti came te gai e i a ,iu k ti h tcnîticcd tatItd ils death fromn a cause uflkflown 1 was bteauy andi îontaîncd seule oh- the jury, Eserylhing connected with ject. t te myslcry indicales that te chilti lie iaie a c-bsec euaminallon andr dîi fot die a naturai death. r i a4s hi- tai le îiscovercd thter Thte boitetif te infant. a boy I oricc of 1the infant. le itasteneti1 wighing abot tîlelitilinds. andîlahi) liihe oliestation and notitiedth ie;- puariîgto bhasee,in an ilstilY rit tofficais Fiers- effort la belng made iiitîiclildlbatic!i-îi plaîcdtu i a large iii lnras ci itle mi ste-ry whlch sur- î,asti-ioarîi lie. alioitlitcit liavi-rounîds îlefitndiîig of the ibodiybut up palier had i iei laccît Il wa sPaccore tiith lii-lrcali tlîinc titey has-e fotindt 1sv ýie<iwiiiî a t iiîg criil'Te tctiienîis es comfflttely ln 'te, dans. huit une sie ofthle iloN nmas lt-rn 'T'le fart taIte apparent mîîrder catis te aîîlhorilies tui tink Iliat tios was commitled a icasi a monlt agot Tîiesday jîlst acrosa lthe DesPlaines riuer frotît lielnk Pootile Meort gt HtaifttDay, ahi-n heir automobile turit- id iîiritcils thcy tîrneti out 10 alIow anoihcr îar 10 passthem, and t l*5. otite hy a seeming miracle titat %Wrl car diti 001 roill fto thte river. t, Tîte memiters of lthe party qtated lit lhcy were frqm lthe centndePt tif lthe state, but refused to give thoir names or atidresses, saYing lthaI theY dIti 001 wlah pubiity. Tlsey sUd tttcy iad ie-enbinte laies region of Wisconsin on a flaiting trip and woe relîîrlîng 10 Citicago. There ware two men, two womnen andi a chi lin lte car. The accident occurred Just as tlaeY werc approttching lte bridge. Iser. wauî 001 roomn for lwo machines to pass and as lte otiter car was nearer thte tirai car turnedtibo oe aide te allow il 10 pasa. The grounti la Dot «es ci aIttis point andth ie machbine turneil conîpteteiy over. Ptour m- bers o. f themrty wee thrn,, 5*ata. HO E S N IPlhflIPFIFTY NOTIFIED TO APA-l HOW IS AN LCOOLI FORE BOARD 0F REVIEW AN40 EXPLAIN REOUCTIONS. CHARLES HOWE. AGE 40 YEARS, LEADS POLICE 0F ELGIN A FINISH EDIOTHER.-TOWNSHIPB MERRY CHASE THURSDAY. TODAY LAST DAY ON WHICH COM- CIlareut Itowe. age 44 years, of PLAINTS 0F EXCESSIVE AS. auke'iaii esclicîl from teiarpenter SESSMENTS MAY BE MADE. 'bol) of thIc llinoîics tale Ilospilal lot- the tnsante, at Elgin laie Tuestiay afternoon. 'l'ecaîîlioritiea o! four slale's have 'Town Asseassor John Douglas was lîccîlenîîsîcui ty te sîsie lurite calutti tefore the iboardi of reVlew (,hase for thie tieniteti men. Tiicsday aflernoon. going tliroutgh te Elgin picîe andtî te police- of sur- a"essinIenl roll. Ttis seas doa lu or- __________________________der taitecmiglit explain 10 lite board (Continueti on Page Tihree) wtîy certain assesmenua itad been loweredti tts year. In approximately Dr. ant i yrs, A. E. Brown reltrnet i fty ibalances he vas noetaable to Titesday oecîtîng front an extensive1 make explanations andthie hoard ha tour uft! he Eastern siaicit. Titey visit- sent otît notices to ltee .fifty people ePd aI Niagara FaIls, New Yoîrk ('itl-aiking tenato1 appear befom 'the anti Boston.tiuriog ihe tripite doc-, ioat-t anti answer wby titeira- tor til ti extwrietie any t-iitile-'se',oteuits at-e loyer titis year 1h5 aili itis autiomoilie. titey were last. Sorne o! tIssu WUI appe-ar lonîorrow mornlng and aller. Fitiounarii-s aret-ehin-me arnti uby - noon anti oltera vili attasar on Mrd" (Cotiuei n ag Ttra)day mot-ning.1 MADE POINTED COMMENTS AT Ii eftcît. raid wl alcr rates lie-e white tics alteitiing 10 gel a correct de!-'rTe work o! llstening te compilat Ttere ta notneeti o! a boostbInte' NATIONAL NEWSPAPER CON- Iîoasstig oruf u-otiing te largeat suim inillon of a 'litt'iNCOoSe- ' ilappearis from people teio daim taItteir ië- ACTINQ ON ASSIIPTION TUÂT MUSIC VILL prire e-iituî5e I he farmers are not 1 FERENCE VESTERDAY. e rrecels cd fron ttiis tieparîment ltaIthe dciîîttiutîla alnitfo ie ssments are excessive, yl tnot tart SOOTUE SÂVÀQE DEÀSIS, MAYOR EAY SIN« short o! feeti. anti fron pt-sent ind-' Titis iehuibs .doue. il la clatieti, ty titeors o!f tlueold piarty but te Bull untit afler itis vork bu been com- calions tey whil ot sufer a short- lloitig oîly 10 pi-rrelit diacotînt Mioosi-is do ntî accept Weitstcrs de!- SOLO To COUNCIL IN THE NEAR FUTURE Mge untIl laie in te SprIng o! 1913. ý'William I il i edilor o! te lits ain te hast, seater patrons usu tillotin. CnnudoPaeTm Miik lias tee-n aeiing at seven cents,- Seari-lîglît aetlirayslake, III.,.fornter a ily haie rece-iseti 20 10 331 per cent I (otne nPg ir. aqtart trougitout te Summer' y.o! Watsait, Ws. vas te it-1iiO o utIl aî,y uyt Dont Go Togellier. Paul VeIehny o! Zion City, vito ro- Is Mayor Bidînger 10 take vocal las-ite olti adage titat 'mitsiîc tatcharma monts anti local deaiers pretitet titý afl perse-efore liii Sational Newspa- Tht Si'N s ho reucIptrgo! nscierai1 I asno.c.i sidUncie Eben,1 centlylyest four fingers In a punch ~~ons' , o ~~insooth the savage teasts," or voids te same price yl prevailititrougit- Iper confe-rneu uaîoWsysiu i-'cutiti e rgument te-- t a man very seidom bua a aellet Press aet bie Cook Electricai compafly Bis ilîniae frinds sy te a- 'rtey1 o tha affet îity aaytitatha in oui ite Wnter.le-t-ay' ~assertig tcsquablon 'iseicdîanduta olgait-aot- hnt tnbaudu'd aelgPherttton. a de pant, a geîinInaon inefine ba#e Ie iaita! Be lattheu aderattiten-casete o!neDr.erBi imoUnee say haelias confidedt o te hai!tends 10 put itl ito pi'acicai demon- te pealiaîer teating public gelting 1li t 'lie ruiles t o Heslamera simplee ofmDr.a U- o? la aerloîîsIlyconitieing this aeti anti! tralion. ail t'ýi tIrutlli lu cuil lta entitieu "i' i Ititieta gol siiowIng lu lits de- o Zion City, yto atlentiddiim trom lias about matie up hi.tammd t make, Soit ilalitvery possibletatIin te 18 SELECTING COMMITTEE. H-e gave au e-mîîtaîc negatîve. Re-- hariti i ti e > vsay tai Ihere was l'lie- Sesaîîly tivaclubo! Ciicago te tiret. The- InJut-v as a serifte near future seien healeti tebales Mayor Bitilocer ta carefully ronald- porters alto art' .tssugned 1oi a sut, alliai-, a guoii surplus In the caler stîlihotu ls IrtsIannul basket picntc oo:buî t uier conipetent tre&tuat li.artse aniton he commissioneri, thte ering tre apptointament o!fte tan man Ject wiîlî chiit itey are unfaîniliar fiim iîhiui,i<-r ltitho h stem nd suritai ai Foirt Sheridan citSuntiaY. A sPe-lte yoîîng tmart i st of dantger. The împîthew-lait0ioniarivestii voie or mayorl'sltrisc 10 hiesfeet adaliow teo tasmetihers o! hecommîltea cannutît be- e togle nenir 1hepeattue rorosoi orIe noi givetai o teCheao tire lbier oiontît kuleu-r1 h doepls h ha otmpate ieiceasoo ltssalvecry sole flawle-ss anti o! per- î ticeidecOi thtîe necssity for extendti y acciiralc extuositinteie delureul. i-i raies tile ice Eieclrlc raiwavy wl eave te Ev-1 wouuuilias-i utauisaîpeareui. doe le onemlae inin a1510fert iîarîîuony, lit tioat out in te court- lng theiteiiatse.lie la anxious 10 selectjluit te1 udou ot intentionuily iecise. Il i5 saudtiliat a petililon itaIl btecir- atston termiinla a11.30 a. m. AI vienaver eruptions ailseamong teIl ciamblers and tiall tiete lmpe-at. men wto wil titr out to attend ttc Telle of Hie Own Expertence. ,iiled iaiîioiug îrouerty owners tere. base- hal ganta antiotiterspoting eiiinlatTsdyilho« commîssioflers 2,'ch-ti nthe roran. ey Hie lt-ens ut-e inclinedte 10 ake telmuneit apprecý'iatetiantimigitl work est In te malier He experts tb have litîs efforts 10 liard changesnmarie In'Te iluit was lfot-ed by freentasonsaisde oif ail Street inteeeIU, ltter view of te malter. Acing on vondera. hiti comlitteQ named In a day or Ivo. Cniteio aeTte) .lt ae -iac. for social anti charitable purposes. j lutieards. MAY ERECT FINE PAVILION ON THE GOAL DOCK SITE JOHN GOURLE's LEASE ON LAKE FRONT PROPERTV EXPIRES IN SEPTEMBER, 1913. PLAN MANY IMPROVEMENTSI WOMENS CLUB WILL EMPLOV A BAND FOR CONCERT$ IF COM- MISSIONERS LEND ID. WEALTIIY LAKE -COUNTY CANPRYRIFINDINIi 0F DEAD BODY MiAIN MAKING ITS STOCK, BUYER INSTANTLYI APPEARANCE IIERE1 OF CIIILD IN A BOX AT KILL13D BY A PASSENtiER HUNDREDS OF POSTALS ARE SAIO! LAKE FOREST CAUSES A i h word---copy ami send to your jRBjLj"m4a4jw 1 1

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