CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Aug 1912, p. 8

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Newecofrei, <rond the NAIEtY Z: ote SLU<OER AUA.~A' LO ALS ,brogbtabou.. se sddenedat ~î rwx~ TOFIVE CENTS FOR IRDBUGS. MOVA EI EÂDY ENB 1 4A MRDLY SI nBBEo Mr. ck artihe sefedn potf REMKODEL ITELF Washingtonl, july 31.-À man bas FOR. TODjAOFISUTLESATIEIC TS BDY TBBD B.o to . andIlMns. Water Durkia, Atu i et ddagtotnPtbae founol wbo net only waftliebd- 21lScn tet aygr. son wicha abe mistoo rcacb îiowder bugs, but las illing ta pay 5 cents for LIQUOR bRINKING, DANCING AND STATID *Y LAKE COUNTV MEN ..îoSecnd aree. ababygIr. ~WHEO ATTENDED CONFÉRENCE VICIM' LIE WS SVE yONL Iarry Ahltrom f Waukegan Torpoe u t twt e i- Tred of selng a tow of unatgbtly BV INTERVENTION 0F 8EV. tir ck o tstxteefl men ptchlng fi<Drs.New ofbercoendition jbai regch bibd L îY akegFr-allvg. G. m. Zimmer, auperintendenti NOUNCEO ON MIS TOUR. the Highlandi Park teain Sunday. The ed the publie freo, in turn ttreandi the Northwestentrains et Oke for he United ORTIO TMAT SECRET MUET- ERLBYTNDR. Highland Park teain defeated a Chi- it waa these reporta tbat Inspired thbe est, twenty-five mlionalre residenta o! te Unitd Staes SECcuEturl sta cf tae waofy shurbiavecbtped'tion at Vienna, Va., bas bung out a OvIEE.R SPPAI<S 0F POLTICS INGO0F'TME BULL MOOSERS Frank Pudesky, who lves on Jack- cage team by the big score of 24 tao ofo pystina l $0.00pece to drbhaen uIpeMain ign radins: R£FERS TO HIMSILF AND WAS MÉLO MIRE THIS P. m. son treet, between Thirtecnth and 0 o. J.RUNETad DE tkanau atreet. Tbef will spend a quarter of "Wl pay 6 cents for eacb bedbug TEDOV IN SA^ME SREATH. WAUICEIGAN, 3illnols, August. 2.- Foqlrteetb streeta, North Cbicago, Lly . ht ndwf octa u-JEa ilo t aeth angaea P ta $5 wortbY - ÂccoréIng te Lake caunty men Who tbbdtomobile trip teAntiocb on Siinday, O U ilo amietemi aea r il ,wd atten I n uaclouaneasbepd 5 h a it eaivs byIN WISCNSIN Ite gtaurb a tig of beauty. M.Znmer complains that lie bas Wlbur Glenn Valivkt tld igioi- attendet the meeting, a session or tn eie noucosiun$ ysei dn te i wtbehmelative. na. been Duable te buy ail the bedbugs loecna unday thatsatan la tbe greSt- mnon a the Tenth congregational two men on Fourteentb street, near loo. *fflAs an assOciation of citizens thbe iedextres. lept hi twn s detiri u ol n a tric agold nThe ('oafrrngao- OFWAKE hveseurdopios n M e-t fextenmlnaingHanother lnsgectawbh la arksespreadromrclaast ta olpsestl hcaoehrdy atra Wbltes paNts. FtMaR la"e ption fêrtabout 125 being prssent te discuns Commnwealth avenue ai 7 oeclock' he' paete' UinTeerp F RM RISIDENT w WUE- sTueiu 40 o f e4eda ngt.Tw abr Thg Ie Waegn l now Tlocatetiofn GANd FOR VEARS SUCCUMUS rotage on Main street, extendiflg destroylng an orcharti on the expe- advrtiilig tobacc and lioer. te plans f the "Bull Moose'* party e bc Inc n*Teegnlanw laebOin AT HOME; BURIED TUESOAV Y h ndro lc t h u ental taim. Beide thetie jposters vetê-r -lu lnthis district. 9m ifae &lcégé-d to hâve bcn bs aa- the Office of the Chicago Tle. itb block. The lota have the Unl- va purposes te pont atlleraeven nmore Tho"e wbo attanfletiwene retîcent saillnts. He bai informeti the Nortbhee b aoel re uuldpb~ 6 ctTh rsn y. B ~ ~ tdaytedisclasewhat tock place, but Chicago polios that (the twe men ve etw a ek oehr Ipoene Ta Wankgsn peepl viaidbe0hocien PIRONffION OFDE .00e insu aît atpogsitvs corc s-li Ibat thetom oktg the u tblearr of tbe deatb a few tinys 8aille, tnlOVeuiieniI. aidddingy and long an 0F UtAsI FIraniDalatowsky and PhilitpLevan- the eending of messages. inBoln i. fJspRny ysr u h e1et fteSm RVSTU ig d antihler, tcim tbe hb lanacndiateauprogesie atgre dowgky.Chief o polic Weir o, (,ar Costelo of Hghlandeark wunley Runey anti a former nier palaces, wil beo razed. Maindacteosran hrthg aditswul pct!nte Nort Chiage a maing veryeffotof Stjthaild lin the Tenth. Definite decision ot h hica o Io t a kgen but ta lnc in cgn tda n sae eident f this cltY. street viii b. videneti, a amall Park MRB. JAMES OUI 0F W EST IDE tabe at Zio p Ct. vau net te be matie unit ate today to i l o o st tha t w e n b e ale f t e c îtyi n e o w a s O u ly to c willi ng to c o v e r a n Y pla b e c an s tru c te ti, a d as o n t i I a S A W A Y A rT E R P R E O IC T - V I v , h S o f g t w l p n w t n t e d s r c , m t e , a c r l g t totInktba thy avelef th Ciy.kinti o! a bet between tbe Waukegin Dtwsaentkawwr algailbe nov business blocks lueset- INO THAT THEE ND WAS NIAR. a dràt hcg int i h nte an Hle of the opinion that the twobaliclub andi the Highlandi Park teain corpe bers frein Rev, Geerge McGinuls tlng tbat viii pet effenti a conoisaeur - anatidees e ChcagoZientes t th anoilermala mon expecteti Pudeaky te die cf bis wîbloa ans might ativance. vha ta at Lake Geneva Iu effeet that of art. MAKES RIMARK TO MOTMER; IT toliseurla Barila atern»on, Sept. il. taie the imen selectet anti so far, no iplgbt et anreaffteti o atanne cf Very Rev. Jobn p. O'Mabeney. pres- Rev. MoGinnis blidofficiated i atMn. TItle te tbe pnoperty nil be lnthe ic pROVID CORRECT, DEATM loev i lincagout forandeten to l cpmnint spsi Migh no bearrstedon chrrg ofIdent o! St. Viators college, perforin- Runeys fumerai Tuesday lait. bavlng Dmso r.Crs'%c'rik e OICFWHUSLTR hog h wietedw h etn osTdy moilnet the ceremonY of blessing a uew beesu called front Lake Genevu. viti Jones, John 'V. Farwell, D. Mark___tlrubteTi tctov teMeinMreTdy merder Tobete as.aleIoI e colet anti back t>y vay of San Anta- A report became curreut today thât Libo Trubl theCa be. tîon St- Peter jPae* boIC g IjIior lito lilveng inthe Ruutey Cummîngs and Arthur T. Aidte. A promintith at st olt o a setietinu thean llayuherdo lit in generally concededt f la sor churcb t Atiecb Sunday.Fte home on MarlOn stncet, today sali Trafic Congeats Man Street. lilve out the day proveti correct today ulo anti Nvlnnieaus.a sce et n teBu lthends trôlubles vene back of the unwarnant- (yliabeney aise gave the serme"obaisbati receiveti a letter ruitethe Mi teta rsn esxyfe ben ilirs. James Dee, svell-knowli He speke ai saime length On Poil lu ghowevefr, eng kept unjier co trubevlhdalaovaysMrohernpresareetS. îstts olegeandvih aI' vli enc selentutiwes î vmno wkenIng th!s, csj sylng titat whielits ultimate ecf lust vbat vas doue or e en talk- attack. hdsk alli lati some ant he muic ax in charge o!f(lie Runeyo let week anti It vounti up -Ie rfl na b- lr st estlt mornng ma onlie n e k to e b epic" as o o eunei fteearth scl over, Il net kuo wu but outiders trobewt th(I' el; ec éecu oe n tace4geted Inluthe afternoous mreaild tbey bati beard leaders of the lie bccomplainedte bthe police iat' iaiut choir frotte Chicago. net undenstanti the tieatb wbilb sure- mortierres etelautemonbtles anti grie Ont-h Reelta suof sa lu the h mme- lr tiere frni a oerihe cenlr 10conh etrck im.TheallgedaïBllat -Lews 0 Brckwy tturOd e tisly inut bave been sudtien anti uneX-bscrsoaumbieathot- W ()ni survive the euvt'suesinheI e-brfomalvrtecutytao- t h ucrlnaiectisofbreeti. .Te aeFo- Se idet noon. dîste future, fer. vus given a pellminary baearlng ant i dty Thnnsday nigli ri altvle iso irs<nIn.TeLk o Ili., vliere he attendd te anna etd est beaattful plan wilI be away witli Sh Here la- abat the Record Hersîti hiscase continuid eti i aloedMr nyla uvie y i wfd i agl f eilera.Dee vas the -.lfe of a North- Cole. Roosevelt lg eue of tbe great- satd of the Chitcago meetingw h te go on bonds. Hie baerankmeaeting. o!tecIrcuit cl-enk fte Mn. Runey la nd wssurvl stet raterbis hevIted otao'* otanglee o! vehidîemoter brHether hFeann ftr-teh Mn.cBrockpanyof asereelectetis w le sat ohave avoru vengeanceas a member of the executive commit- anti son Stanley. lesdbssn o- 'kesecnepeo!th >atfs wsen nuthectt or at a ngie li e salolr"te hanincthe orîti daig teu theCogreprseinalatlsteron lnstid teay.tee. The crope lu in tisoutiernu part merly vonketi for (tie Yeoman store, bas ntio en tecîded i îîînbut tbey abcwit lu te sik i. Fonasongptimeneslarithe mbadancedttiu lits leptfmIlinois muest ne outsl rn against Pudesky. ocf the state. Mn- Brockway reports. lu the machine departint. He for- are certain (bat (bey wiil make the Roeetadteporsiele Accordlng la the stonY that Puitesky are dting fiue. Tbey bave ntibait being confiuedta tbler lied for a few of ail poîttica. lie madie a tactful stop, t> ly tomerrom or they vili encounler toldthepolcethetwo en aidIn ny *n n Valinill fe nerlymerly was engaged thell IHpostine eutrance tateietovu a thing ne long- men the past. She hledremaîneti about on tie suffrage a man oppositiofi fron.third parI'.candidtaes me lon. Ten heytliree weeks. The tuet there la two business wItl ishabrother. (Clarence, er te lie ashelmeti of. The proposition (lie sainierecenlly, but (bis mcrniug tia the vomen on hieside lie can "This tltituat,,ni vas dpeileret ies- wattuntil lie Came aefrTn thy inches thick. anti freineWaukegan h wxly oetbaoenaieiyetndî baAllu lie ee oke. seleseemetet feel lîck ail creation.- repuhlian reî retatl'.e a iaI asli spisltg ont altrhlm anti nee oe! hein Aibin H. Seifert lias returned froin te Cincinnai, vbere Clare nlce la nOv Aidîs. Ibat the cuti vas nea fr sie matie - andRoosevel. Inatoi, lie.1. Nedl McCormick. chair - - cagh on oeereantialoter gasbezI"long tbe hanke o!f(tae Flambeau river sbop. For aeme years the family the olti. ugly. oraisiil1dings. ehicli feltI as unjustillet lecause lier con- ilie inter-Ocean sald lods>: tee.- The telegrsi am as s!ollows open the heai. ltaleo oods o! notheru Wisconin. liveti tbere anti Iter 30e anti bis tain- face (lie station sud tu widen the Itittion titinet seenmttuch verse than 'lie twentleth century blesproduceti ' The exp uitie comrnitteà o! the Trample On Hlm. H-e will spent Il ekor two lu Wati-tIy moved ta Brooklyn vbere (bey street,' lie ssld. 'Wlieu the residentB suel.However. sieeRank about neun Ivo sud only twe gifetmen, accord drntsetirocres-iiîe cri nlluIfle Nt content wt this, th Ivo as- kegan before relunnlng north..Nar. since lived. Joe vas lu Wanhegan for of Lake Forest arrnîîe home,.tiret--ilanti diet i aIthe sroke of tlie dock. lugte10the stateinent very inodtiPa > oir purîjose te)sîîîýrtWilliamil H saillants kuocke it ate s o(idevalkSellert anti sens-111 retura te Wafi- a fev tisys a couple o! monthe aga- frein thein vcrk, lhey are ferceti te lins. Dee leaves lier buhaautfour us-de b> eue of theinu esterdty e!it- Taft or Therosore lboosevei lu the- «Id henbegn t pumel is acekegan about the fOnt of September. -tr, Runey. Sr., father of Clarence look upen a dîna-y scoe. e We vent chidren. Maurice, Margaret. -James ernioon. et the taiDernacle litlion (li. fothroing comipaimn for lie ,resi. Ditil It vas heaten alinot t a s pulp. Sain B a dblury , W aler (retg anti anti J u, ig living vI lth(le form er lu som eth tug m ore beau litul an di K at he rne . Jam es l i s am a it boy I sud I ie M< one Roose el t," vas d n y a d t e u ýt i n o a e ~Th" h spm, u n s ta tens vereaad raîti Ben Nevham bave retu neti <om aCincnnti. He l5a avery olti man ant i lW i Make Buildings Harmonize. ho, bsvlng tuliercuosia <f the epne, tueo btînden o! lb e cla rou cal laaued iressc er (h tein idquarters ln th - ip nh ie ictis voutiao mudee aidlu eeka o tn tT.o ae, IIL belpet i bs sons wlien (bey vere n le We are gcing bte -.- th(le pnoP- bas been sîrappeti te e cîînved terd (y Voliva. destine t e 0 survive Ite (ongres hotel. Citago. tnln ter Tar thgei vl ti n t vas not until tben M. anti lr. T. A rtur Smpaon ant i li postiug business bene. erty we bave acquired wutîli antisome. fen a long time. betna- removetiabout nain o! ei ire thaltaIoecteduiet fer %or decisien maiy ho mati- isovu te dangter Helen, o! Waukegan speiit uniforin bulIdings vhicli vilI barnion- la montli go.tue - rfuture rIle praeA fl'.e stateconetio ant i e ise t anf i at ite tgo o it - ir wih en shn ie ds an Tl-DI D Mf8U 18ize wtb Ibeir surounding.- Ith.5 p 5 m , Dees liody w-iiliehotken toe -- hae atudîcti the ,olticai ques district lu congrestonal ion'.euîion Esae.Te oic en umnn tives-Keos Exhane.sihie thet Ihene yl lieb lila c w.con Fin tomerrow for huril ai abler lions e! todlay.- saItthe Inspirer! lino- aseembled ou Saturtiay nexi ecp.Teplc eeefue Mns. josephi Palmer bas recel ced s square dtrectiy eppogite the statien foi- holime.Tetlga u et1 eie lentt the felowa coulti net bc ocateti. vntri abn'oD . la î ritn na ni(a ieevi eaprk lu Il. The __________phe o!flied anti ofthe Veil of thie sentatives >.adtieu %latn, Wilson anti the won arote-WahyngsearcC. vas a matie8. fortt tin LUISES mlieLaI W umiovu vas torilasunder for iny Fosa o! Chicago anti Copie)-, MKen- Aut las earc a adpnioea feorllvt era ueU 1.Ufu~ .buldinigs vililieo constructeti about MTRYLSFRee eIe netera nitetu i.prince. Sterling-, cannon. RIospn but t ws o noavat-iowo! the ]aie 305. Palmer,a alentm- ib tis If (lie suggestion Ila atopteti-sal t e 'tThoehr. WeTlittlewootandFuller frontth ri hldsibîk ler o! the Grant Army o! the Repuli- FOUR DAMAGE SUITS WERIE FIL bave expîsîneti oun objet te lantiscape -RRA ELV RooIw-svl a l toee xcha etio een&'epe"te itict ssai pwo P.deksy van reine-ette his home lic .%ra.Palmnernlisteeceîve aî it ack E N COURT TOoAY 8V AT- artiste andt hey are nov vorking on' letost ma.rîi erpou cel ln, ter ep nesfienttIe Fas it l oitiI wilim gretetIos bserurdueg l (hinrelib feorigrlt. uitler. ie, vbreleIsbengcaetfo b Iipensions. Atttonney C. T. lleytecker TORNEY CLAIRE EDWAROS. plans. 1 PLAN TRIED BY RURAL CARRIERS Kinoti - te disclose bis attitude. J@e t2eil hcg. ' ta Mrs. Palmers legai stivîson. "-'%ain sîreet lways li,,; been a lOUT 0F ELGIN MEETS WITH l'his one. exception seema te o lVeO4 ffd Tîti otlesooti lhave net sent rep-lies. Teeue l neell satoe Tiiousands o! dollars are piling uP TWO SUITs ARE FOR DEATM 0F îlot on Lake Forest. We Intendto1 FAVOR IN THIS CITY. la îtsi.ant Iftonut olu learnedti hat Ilie' bissus. Putiesky bas titres chiltirenuna te state treazunv, at Springfield. MEMBERS 0F ANZELMO FAM- maire il as lieautiftui as the Trest o! eilvhmsi.wli theipotonIisll(r f 111lu the saine house o! typhoîti feyer. vhLch voulti lieuseti for reas. The I__________________ . l a nt lkly ha thîI. î,LCANOTAFFRDTHI HWttlernult Tft icet e rtl of%ý 2At Sinit lt vas belles-et that lie voulti amount tunneti eier te the state frinas- L TE W VROE îv I sntlkI la lel IALCNO FODTI OLAKE COUNTY SECOND. lirekirtatI ie leof teii knoi die, but uniess internai inJures te.- ren rom the sale autemobile frit! Furtania-e suite agaregatîna-$60.-ro'.ement yl lieo ceinleteti for a EVER AND MOTORCYCLE dsrctlîreutat .lier oIdthepport by ScretrY o Stte DYle 8s Oer eer SHOULD PROVE POPULAR Il msy lie a pieasnsesrprise to thIli e dîti n ai ethbatutcikt ii oient veop lit ta novsbeliciethtat be viiill (',making a total o! $400lf. 0() g inshe North Shore Gag coin- ___________-farmers o!r llefenrY COuuly te khut0 bý Prestitent Taft ime.The money cannotrlie touceti untIl pany vene filet! lu Circuit court (is Motorcydies une beina- useti w-lUi a thet 'Nieerv ..oty stands second Reli- thîe saie cifect icere thflLII qIII sent y heerua rut ar n heKat i>, ReprmntualiIcsPrie ail Ie exact nature a! thebalerbor un- the nexl meetin-c -ncraIlas- Iton y Atterncy Claire Etivards RAII*.goisceab ne ua ol a-l lecaelu the prodluction o! triaien bies le nt known tote ieNortb Clii- sembiy in Jauuary sud netfthen Tun-efaa a!ton or origon f li vlabecop lULOLl 91 teln le"s 'he assenlly Peses a bill prosid. The nuits foUOv h ftlMcadnnUUIl IescoNnetuto Egn otofce notveutîecrî. iala l 91 enopolc. but uheY are inakina- ex îug for the a1polonient &mnu te vtîich ccurreti lu Weukegsn lu June imiiflM il I ha le the very ltest use te lieruatie veraiseti 1,543 acres. Oniy oeecolin- 'iteprese[ntalIvPe Mann oui huit M e"7 effort to finti oui the truc tate counities. steii teuritlieans vers avercoe .bmtryls t upse s eigb> *IonIthe wer theIUlleMann ultaknaer.e oito of affaifre.An accident occîried ai Kelsys of the- goflfluflsl thfl o!intclvng. îyth rut s urpass te uti ofLake. Alexandert-verîlthelprgressve, î a sin le o _____________ cornera, Cuba township. leit Thums-gag,.v et (e £ sniulttei esdetsliig loa-Ie oueseat (iecbiys! ek leanie ia Iieîiotrssveprt Ils e1 day aflernoon. Misa Maraie NIRIi, 22 (bey passed away lu the Jane Sic- Dr. J. 'I. Fisber,(lie M4adison treet haie been recel'. na- their mail 4uuck. lu the extreme soîtliernnpart o! the rua-ht t nîietbheaîîie l OATS COING FIFTV SUSMELS veara elti. tauglter of Auguat Macla Alisier liosptll, espite (lie efforts te dential. lias îîtrcbased tlie 71/2acres ofo!er fer lie lest month vheu the rOades sut@ wac a close third. Il 1rotiuced - *î eantyourlnuuuilrcas impprli- TO THE ACRIE.,'TIS SAID. o' t Wacn aed anti'.%fax Nag-rvv hmvti(ePioe rs-lniwlhle t(i ouibeasetcen-i ere ln goti condition a5s aresuit 1,45.1acres lu 1910, neul. inasmiiIlias 1 aieollilelv denazo aiiaIn eetnvn-ve Tle rs rPet ! cttbentig e-a motorcycle passed (hein anti, the et boee rre Chicago by Ithe Coin- uer o! Sheridian roati andt h ofo eocce iigueifrteda McHeny courir>,,vîtti one ej, i or u-il te nterrotcte anc repiuli voejslady Who vas drusIna- thenglit inevCthEdison compsny. rondth le consitieration being lu The trilitIon. The ]tit i v5s (l¶letibylitou, bas the lana-est imoprienal vol- Re1resnitativeltodeuîerg o!fEst St ceve n hertyiniat1iett e hersel vnitiliehoflglteneti andTi etilcan hesitcandîdaleads btth a.. aengu- necarer0ie ad ise s m ltInfanibulinsofteout celui18inbs epy crop tu a gooti ont-ei inoe-ry respect, mae te %borrt anti qutek a turu ueltNor!th thSoreGv gbousn de. bt l.e pnieuntybas oun aeuecrner Orha sut wpnevctiedmc tclufrbyuldnso111,ottil lusluhc1e The indics-tions Ior a a igucrucroit anounti a corner.'lie b'ita-yv as e-n Antis Auzelmo va. ClrbSceGskonteiuti.Tepoeh a !s-scrstit( a dpeti bhlles h au !ipo-mnai are aie e ceeul ani lt- ram ae (em t sd ie usatu t cmpounti romPan, danma-es. S2,000- solI t he bot~ ira of theHilî ml srîY. te-o otîcra Il Ifta imeti tîa h 1 pr cent o!fIthe total value o! Our CANNOT G T RR Ai net ise ly ae (tandctlufr e a eun- factie o! the boue of tht- left loa-. joseph Aueimo ss. Nortit Shore Whvb e d te e lice mat sootl efthe uia ! tI ahn s net only a i- am property.-W ocdtock Sentinel U I M IÇ IU Mer buI are vmaluir:zFaoeilroi, o! Roeiet Dstiy. son o!fSire. J.R. Daylise ay i magea. *20o 0 1. oad. rsîece1 itorecels-e (hetr mati quulker, but fi MRS. BERTHA F. HOGEL 0F HIGH. LCNEI TT lotei f utirg a Il grfin-1per- lestteo!Jamsperim ss.the Th poprt las <ouagdo 100alles the carriers 1teael areunti lu LAND PARK DRINGS SUIT FOR Dabe of Hendeson Cnty Girl Mut Tueal)cerau(~o Z-kunîslu le tien n vu a li aI eotti Ti.NOperairOa oMaey, iamages, feet en Guit roati (vIicli ta effiiaii mctciyba!tcliet 00 î DIVORÇE FROM HUSANO. Wear Bar Siniten Throuhl Life Un- neTh-crît arâo! Eîof skcunkslt'y lia ontiasarewuailul t @Prt- bTeqort o re Gag-Vu c 'OMI - kuovu aseGreenwoati avenue), 256 a bai-se sud wagon. rs ls-ohe evcSa gin r e ti aris f a n s c> ir o ! o rci as l nd re b ll g u l ce it spd b 1 ,4 4.feet on She rdan rond anti 328 <ot on R u al c rrier s o t o! the local office d e -t fs-heF. B o-e l la ar k ai Sies M u e nL eaves ta l e3 . Ac o d n gie rtdnt.a o oic, forywàablesta h fpland ai-oud for a Jastper LGtaînitl, adminiatraten o! Northt Avenue.It les just nortli o! are vatchina- (le experimnttlu Elgin tet f(iecl> in tCicutcPark.folise aSioen-fdli.Ii -lut iiAcfriluae- lcIýop ylw or oa.D.te KetI property anti. runuig luaer - itb ceusldci-able Internt anti ahdeorcltsi te Ciruilceunîeor e iili nderti li tuato îlereeic ea-n c! ml- tuniiiîe voulti lhe compelicti te perforru aSn oel atenhay asacIreugli te North avenue. maires oeethey bave net laken aW.ti!Ittd teA, igl h ut a ie i errer a! a îoy eut girl !li ueuiicsou of ratlavi' -P 1 t - l-I ic teiel ikln grs-!t.înaoparation fon a fev tiayB.I$1 >10o! the mostdesirable plOces O!r(lie asye( it ls very possibile (bat they CArcina-el e uLu. vcka filthua ovillio o etdl Ilni fiomii ni iia-ns ec010matie ia 9cieTh, iboy sas hurneoitu an suexpliosiont ilvii lies-lied t(bal Antrew An- kint in (lie cîtY. On lis uerth portion "il gis-e theli-entiers for machines lecircday Crnit . a.B wy h nd heunty cant lie oecthir llmils ceu ar aI ,s o ,lii \c i, T L, Nlman dtmg store a fev veýeka zelmoant bts vile. Auna AnuelinO, te Jeaiasfine a aroi-e efbeautiful (nees as fore (thc Sunier le gond.ynma. ant the nunorfileucihe ethe brgiitrle Inforniatr -t î ervtk"It , ag be-ses amsaniJ- laste(o leouulth (e cîtY. Mi aiic- ut county bave SIc narrieti 'Mr. Boa-el onth e 23rd gnsirnoe basev~e b1 g.c9orencoine, ae goJMilcriesi teîroft,198 oo fe ter Jae G ordlite v t îe'slie rncer i i n l tI v r ,i t- e dt ro m M lt n D u n u 3 -o ê c m b y a a s au t e y s e ll e P a rt o ! I l. l e a b lîa b e ti p re c e de n te liy u s in a u to - md a e Mu . a nd08 . S e o fe r (h ein f H n e s o o i t , a s e o h -- o! \~~~~aikea-as s ilie hleias-aina-thIl1:1sy faseeueinlueroiri-oiesearly oee Dr. isher bas sacithetIcNorthiave- mbiles te deliver mail, butgs erfanemaigeln, Panlrako-lnse <Hneeiicuii ee o-(i c!lisn1vbArizona, necIPerat- Suuiay mornuita. Tlicy vere rusheti, H O.O uy3, 91.oiinatrhohdbe peldt Y Etiti d iM -al . W t re tle p r- te tc b siA nt v rtipg p si T . Cavfei- t h le local ase-office man- notorcydies . liauy o! (hem lias-e long Boa-t isapen as l n t s lened. iis parîe le>o su t uTe il :ant hiii île i-tcia iruie lcarry bis ba ica-te vasxtlone ta roses fletem JOseph - d for sanmesont of s noten convey-ti w Iyat isntreunt.Bspnna !titiTelo uîecs 1 i IalnIlgabot n fnttiall recverdbutfo hùrsItaDr. Fse nuu atItat ho ta te ance, lut tIi Dot teel (bat (bey couitvife clamnahe la mailinugbts bond lu le 19. The girl la I-t-. The 1parents o - taicla-aou u oo lniyreo.ntibtfe bou-s Dr.a-i-. ranuc nClmuOi.bohwe h oiltaewpl ~7~nct u 1 iP-en miles a day. see iet the ltlter trevoiihuilti a reeldence te ccs( upwid5 o! aff I ert optîcbse au automobhile. TheCouu,0h. Il,ùrliýII C.,ey igrt nd g n-fil. ame, heyounger brotber, diOti $1011 lu inthe conter portion o!'(the mtrcycle nov shotl il i l erneet Site s(irsaI he lie aileceti t0as eut as fan as possible antild t fr ccic li-.ruesey Bs uro- u (ueaflîrneon andthte athen tied traliblas netaînei. hbIs ee eat a conparilvely sinali coot. Iun asute ber maîdlennlinte etBertlha I!liftte baunîcfcrimInel îroeecutlon - in i h rchoet h sutwl oher rmte cigmn -tsai, mct, se-y hic speeti a day on use hâter, vithoutlias-ina- ne- face unli on Goi! roati. short tîme it ns>'bc latte a commun Rînebant. Tcstlvl ele-d<o I utt în -v pt-e rn atter galuet aonmutange. rbe =ntller He tieulca emphatlcaii>' (le i-eport( sia-It tasec mail carhtr(iotia-oul b>'Jttda-e Whitney turing blie October Accortivu te thce opinion baudet ny our bu thir al trps ern ofcout.toc-n Ioda> Iliey - out main>' be- t u ,ru. tý- i p luor titunt I At vasxtîncoussloupe for i- any usbthatlie mcy suldItvitie the renainina- (le counîtry nekina-(engiytîatrue oit ci- e m ou- tch,-le-er lie vas ins-ly ecoseret aftteer lIfe bal tioepann ie eIt st nmttec.Cauise tle giI-I s tnter the sgt- o! con- - - ti - . re. yuabee deluanet. -.1 - eep~ fr bs hme len. __________TheTbecase o! Senly hiohers o! 1-11gb sent o! tle anendet maniage act of i u- u.arlitd auev liitIcosration Bietifor ls hMmealOn* ooti ageinst Michael Wolak ofili- 1905. whlcbstaires that ege 16 years. t i- ' iti.uoartewIfana ledla rtat t ( fle y r.s-lcln o- niyla b ak r M s EvFraciso! Hia-liandi Prk bCaveln ak elngwt h aeo ia; ý sIc iT-s elîl a 1 tivoainiei ufnl iet cuYin-Paain e es(npoan eriaimmcreno iglandFi-ad acevh oise (o the former by the latterlUdrii eI sacii fes t- c c t r, rmas 1arlftii1.s claffi-tte vie gldet riesn- avnif:thi e cti 11<natf o! Wemeiis clubs.oifran cutyclrkI Ilios e

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