CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Aug 1912, p. 1

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~AKE COUNT Y INDEPENDE)NT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. 20.-NO. 47. SIXTEEN PAGES LIBERTYVILLE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS FRII)AY. A(UU-T Pi, 1912. ONE TO EIGHT $1 WPER YEAR iN ADVANCE DEVELOPS THAT JUDO! IHER- MAN WAS ONLV ONE WHO VOTEO FOR THIS COUNTV. HIS VOTE ON FIFTH BALLOT THUS APPARENT THAT LAKE MAO NO CHANCE AT ANV TIME FOR LANDINQ IT. Lake county recelveti one of trie einilialots tast when trie speclal étate- ciimmIzs1on îoted Tuesday snd tlfllt :et ided tr locale trie iasttu tion near tilon, SMadiaon rounty, as waa exclusiely siaieti lu Wednes- lay etenlînga SUD. 'll'ait une vote waaacazt for Lake mouni> b> L. Y. Shermani andthtri tante on tetfth ballot. At Do other 1 ime durlng tre iecgri ballots dîd tiis -ourtsv haie a vote frrnt Judge Sher- a" or tram an-,- other member of thle t-ntmiiaslon. .1kl-i,.l udge Sher- mari, aeeing taitLake vonnty reail> td no criante anti rt-ncbering trie fine voe tis cotînty gaie hlmn for t S eflator. luiaiItotiglt hed bard MiIS tmiint ,aîotuilinuentary sol- uth !, lt-- pd o, oit i e. 0oit the 111h bal- lot. Ittree %oies uer. neetiedto tlantdt ttii. asytîtm antd Madaon cotuty got triem on trie eightit ballot, Tre vole on the (itlfererit ballots follow- o c .2- in *0 o d Mineagociny el eve moe kenl iaponeita oae o ntybcuetetecm meca asci.on a- pntinc tie n mny dacn ruet fo te glui's-oaintee le ha isud iteatr, t., d v perdbfretecmisin a pcue h te itssbnte an opae hm ,)Rokod infct, hdlf ohn noe ladi.Teyhë eeve rcia th o a odReuli l e ite in ecarng ha ethr L Y Seo ,nail or Nr. Whipptoo tte tie uigtebloigcudhv landd th asyum or okodI jdeSen anO ro p ou- Juen tuoreiskeen> dadltointedUtnas wLaI te oronecaoftitltere triehcom lîni tsuti Idlteatare- ecsix.) it DIBES ASRESIJLT' MRS. HENftY WESBER, SISTER 0F CHAS. WORACK, SUCCU MSS AT MER HOME IN CITY. As a resuit of contractlng ttomane poleoulng tram eatIlrg Ice cream soda tn Chicago, Mra. Herry Webber, si@- ter of Charles Worack rit tilla ciY wba waa aieo a former resldent of Waukegan, succumbeti ai ber home, 2211 Farragut aventre. Chicago, $un- day. FureraI tram thie home Wednesday. ,Mrt. Webber was trie wlte of a former employe et trie wlre milI, thIs clty, who, witil one daugriter, 3 years oId, survive. 1 A week ago trie young woman ate some le cream soda In a place near ber home andt later abc began ta feel slck. Brie grew worae and finaily a bad case of jtoisonig net lni anti t ottiaîneit autti a bald or her trial te cuuld DOL rie saved. Trie famlly lived bere for somne tire and 'Nire. Wetbe, hati a number o! frierids ber. 0 o wtt! te shocked te bear of rier un'trneiy denath. IUPROTIIENT 0 COMMISSIONER ATTERBERY SAYS THERE HAS SEEN IMPROVE- MENT IN THIS LIN!. INSPECTOR VISITS THEN COMMISSONER OIETMEYER MADE A REPORT ON THE CLOSING OF PORTION 0F BRIDGE. Irape tuon of trie sariotr daim>- tarnsnt. iii roigriout trie coanty irom wic. drâa îlu~-uttsIt ISstippty uf milk nowshowstan Improvemeni ot tuliy 2ler centi, accordîuug truastsatement ritaie itu tile voinattsitrai Otehue n t cil meetirug ibuairtornunit '%Ir.Atier- iîery dei itrel triai ileaitt Irspes tor Aext 'ra:ùîrtottihas tuai corns teti hils inspectionofuttrie diries blohlln 'iXaukt-gai anti in te strroandira coutnri andi fut. tht- conrditiontîm ,rîuî t-iltu a utarriet cuLent Sînu e tht- ciy sent outL ordti it ariprous etâisculti raiet ii re made If trie daîr> mer i s ied io coninure4 suplvirg milst fur W'atietar vonr, sîitptlttt, 'tir.Attenter t,> - ys triai ria> utf trie daîr> mer liait-erectid rentent miuhk bouses anti hait- histati- ed s at-nia uofluasing ttuuintug catt-r1 keeti their millu suititî cooleil. In ail. titîintiitiis, trie geuterat uethoti af keeting anti haridling trie mik bas been lnîuraved greatiy. Talmen as ai as bale lie ayMi ataithie present candI lior ia une Lu cal tortit generaisastis- fatilot, ILt, îîîtderstoodt tin soute ln stances trie conuditionis acre uu<t as gooti as caulti lie cuarietilbut lt trie biggest nîajarlty af cases tlie daîr>- meni hase ahori aa rt-at citttngnesa toin hutîrese condtiuons anti are mariiag additionaî ImprovemenL, as fast as tossible-. itany have purcha-seti sterl- lizing oîîifits for Lthe tui pose of dean- ing aotleB before tue> art- elliet euth mllk Ifi la trie Interttion ofthtre ciY to keeP Ilita active watir on thie dirymeri anti st iîsithe retarm wbich bas bt-en lburt-led ioea iatl lesseri. Reporta on Bridge. Conmtassioner )il-tiit-r matie an ufficiai report te trie toîtrilmen on the t-oslrg of a portion ofthetrieade- walk oit thie ceai aide aofte Geaesee aLeet bridge last Friday anti saiti tht ail trie busness ment anti praper- t>' osvnersHbac! heeri carneil ta marie Itttlruseateata tait Sprlng, but ihat the Schluitz Brews'ng comîsan>' was trie onis ni' la compît-. For itis reasua lie sayc ilialtillam Beit-rari>, a sa- tounkeeper. tamtrie only are wbo bas jusi omtpaitanti la enitiedte tocon- sieratuotu Reitairs acre matie anti trie is aux oueneti agaîn Saturday, mr.Ii- lttmt-yer aisu reltortedth re deauri ast nlght of a vatuable horse lielongung te trie uîty Trie herse was lakeri 111 siitît-ý alsuat rigbt ant itieti betere a veterînarlan coulti arrive. Trie anilmal was valueti at $150. MISs Frances O'Boyîe of Frankllin stueet la spendîtia twa weeks witri rel- atives lu Fox lake. uSERFF AID FIs APTER IAN JAMES TUOKER, 0P WADGWORTH, EMPTIES OUN AT FRANK CLARK AND FLEAS TO FIELD THREATENS RIS PURSUERS ARRESTED SUNDAY AFTER DEFY- INO THOSE WHO WOULD HAVE CAPTURED HOM. James Tucker, a farm hand employ. ed on theo faim of Frank Clark, a lit- tie over à mls west of Wadoworth, wa« arretsd by Sherîfi Green and two deputies Sundaiy night after he had flred gaverai shot& at hle employer and had terrorlzed the whole neigh. borhood. This la flot the firet time Tucker has been un trouble andtheri authoritues gay that he la a "Oetty tough, character." Il seemsa ta Suntlay, Turier hati borrowed ria emuiloyers ibarries. ta go oui drtving and bad Imbibeti rairi- er treely of litîror. Shortly before 9 o'ciociektile tbe arid Clarke were standingign trie barri yard, lie agaîn asi.ed trie prîiilege oftrslig trie bar- nea", but ibis tinterie waa retuseti Clarke ielling hiitat re bat uaed It enougli for otte da).Trie words were riardil 'titken before Ttuî ler arilpîteilot a resvilver anid leveiling it point biank ai Clark, riead, pttiied thie trigger. fits atmu at- bati. bow. ever. and thie buliet whitsiled pasi Ciarris head. Trie latter, realîzirg bia danger.,rmade a break for caver. Accordlng ta Tîrtkera owri statement, rie fired four more abuta at trie fee- ig mari ht didrit take lorig for trie entire ttelgbborhooi tatore arouseti. Tunker In loand tories ariraunceti le was go Ing ta 'dcean-iip thie wluole Clark. tam (Coritîneti OUn Page Six.) WAUKEGAN HOSPITAL FACILITIES ARE GOOD WAUKEGAN WITH POPULATION 0F 16,069 HAS HOSPITAL AC- COMMODATIONS 0F 55 BEDS. IN CASES 0F NECESSITY THE NUMBERS 0F BEOS CAN BE IN. CREASED NEARLY 50 PCT. Waukegan is ccii eqiîpet inIrtrie usay utflositai atcoînodationa, sac cording to figure5 obtiîaned from trie American 'ietilloaidirectori WNitb a [popultationi af a little otet 16,000 trie cîty bas a tarte Itospital a it a nor- mai catt,,Ly of tfiy rive beds. ai- ibougri chen occasion demanda tis riamber tan rie increased neariy 50 tuer cent.This nîtrtrer rarika xery well wlth otlier ities of a simîlar vlze la trie sate Trie foilowsing comt parativelitLsaiows trie osîrital ac- TIIREE TRIS A9E SIJSPECTED IN DEATII CORONERS$ JURY EXONERATES THREE MOSOEB WHO WERE WITNE8SES 0F TRAGEDY. That Charles Mahone 2C, (ira old, trie Chicago & INorthVît r-raii rake- marn who was ground lu lt-at h wberi rie fell tron a treihi 'r-uton trie West Bide lin.o ofthie iïol Sunday nlght, came to bis deail, hiille urider trie Influence of iquor aa itie verdict returried by thie coroners ' ury wbtch t is Mornlug at 10 OCioî k i estigat.t ed tio trie tcts ledding tiilitsa deatil.t Thie Inquest was held in lie 'onrad8 & Hart undertakting roomaI4 and wasýI prealded2over by Coroner Taylor. I lit was shown thrat 'Itahonv, ivas ]ate ID showlng up for work Siinitay nîgrt and thie engineer nottredittlaI rie was rot hîmaelf." He 110w -t- v that this was because ie a as tlilier thie Influenee of liqoor. Thie il ree hoboesr who wtiesaed trie traga-iv îestlfied0 triat before lit happened \11,ioriev hadv offered tilei a drin0k fro'n a hait pint (ConUnu.d O aef BAC[,-THEN0DI', H. H. PEGLOW 0F LIIBERT'YVILLE,i ENCOUNTERO A MOST SERI. OUS ACCIDENT SATURDAY. DIRD TUESDAY IN HOSPITAL à ACCIDENT OCCURRED WHEN THE SCAFFOLDIN0 GAVE WAY, THROWING NOM ON GROUND 1 LATER-Mr. Paelsow dJ.d ai th@e Lake Forest hospital Tuesay mornIng 1 H. H. Peglow of Iiltertyvilie, a weil knowri residerit, wsIn Alic ie Houte bospital, Lake F u î h a lrol-en back, 5ustAîred î iii !te tell trouto-a s.affoLlllg at aa liký Fore-t btite upon whicb lie %-s i *iitg His conditon v rtal, in fact,Ilit lie huilela heli l tiit lie w iiil recoier. He has a ait, niii 11p chulti at Lb- erlyville. Fell T.enty Feet. Peglow fel] a ditanarce 0f about i twen2ty feet, Iltho foldirug glagnb awsy whlle tic "il naililng a boardt on thne roof. Il, !anded Ilon hite bgck and bis spin, waaa iroken lie-a tweeri thie abîîiîlîlv tladea.a Paratyzed, But Can Talk. After lie hall 1,'l'îîhurrledbIntet bospîtal, tir.l'irîîîiter and tDr. Gai],oF WaY of ltert t tht-were caleti and i they fonud his ht k was broken anr that lie waa- î.r.i!îed al over bis 1 commadations intes vrai allier ites roy t ilt -r --ea, ii ati tuent uIntri ia b it-sa uraule t, -p' iiseif toarstucde Ambi> aîîutatou, 14 i- ai2 cdgree. $25,0OO BUSINESS BLOCK AND $20,OOO CHURCH TOBE BUILT IN LIBERTY VILLE îlen Safe pur R. pot oc of valu are Bei J.L G.( J.8 ai1 LIt( TîI DaI irat lail J.L ed bei cori Nst bei ed j Dr. cri esta Tvi prel hon toc err ag Fits In1 or, Itaspital. _______ Belvîdere-Poltulattion, 7,221,ia 2.5 D MO RA S LT beti boapîtal. D M C A SPA Batavia- Pattil ation, 4,440ý. a 3 3(3 FORMING CM CLUB 1thti ted hosuttai CANbailE Centralia- Popu la tion ¶uî,rù a 22 FRANK L. FOWLER,CAD AT ci bei bosuitat. FOR CONGRESS PRESENT AND s-r- Chanîpaigît Poptîlaîlotu 12,441, three GAVE STIRRING TALK. boapitlte,1.0 etis.a Cliniotu tiop)ulatilut5,u65; a 25 beti Wauriegtn il,, i t it ratian eritîuî hioptat siastilcmeetitrît Fon riday evenling in Camîtton-Popilaiton .17;-12 teda, Mctermotîs thll or Washligton DeKali- PopuliatIon Olt; thre street at i luit ui ue a Democratu riaspitais, toLal ot 40 beis. club for the ct ui.vuas dî Dixon l'otittation 7,216;, 30 betis. terestIin the-plau.itul keen andth le or-pa Cet-aiî-îtptiaionitO>; 0 btiganîzatior a i h' ýpertecteti at trielui bospîtat . neaL mettin olt tlits-euri. p Lalailie- ltoitaiat ionlh 80 lied An or an i ii t ut -utritiee orfetour halt bospîtat. teen asas ai triiodtlt arrange for -t- ilacoinli l'ultiia ion 7,.774, te-n ris trie orguînizîîuurîu Trie rexinmeeting t5tl pilistîttal u i-l es wiili e hl-d in trie same hall or Ni]t 'oitîPî iutlati c 2 -I i Lio Ioa- Aîîgutu 30h iai v u îlot-k. At ibis Imei t putais; totatlit.,bt-tii trie etectioutf ficera ulIl aIte plat-e. ii ltrtuinott - lpititori 4,i11;20 lied This orgattizui it cj uiieerirey set- iil itoapitiaierate fronitatwii Democratîi Central îer Syranutitre--Paîtîttatilit3,936;30 lied committet-1 bospitl.I i Sterlinug Agftatlnig Question. j Frankri t.î tiuFitrIer of Clivag,-u, r,, Sterlingittsu-the- oity iytyi trie demourattucutt- for conqres -ii state ahuit ducs not bave a public rtrm his ulitstit is s uresent atihtu Iîoaîlta.i Tht- question of estrililerimeatilut- anduti t-te a ettrrlrg talkin îng suit an tîîslttuilon la ling agi ahirti he adioruteti a camnbînet effor' i l taledi Ihîre itht- preserit time. on te tari ut Wattkegan antid .h coîînîy diluiOrruitu ti getl Ipus. rîtI 2 GRAHAM IN ANOTHER SHOOT. stupporitamorte tienocratic ticket. i. Springfield, 111,, Aug. S -lt-ed Blisl Denoraîsioulas in tilscuasing trieblîr af Chicago matie a rita of 162 anti purîtose ofthtecluit delaredti tigi Etiaard Grahtam of Long Lake a rîunlpurpose wouid ic cttlefly toadvatiote vsi.' i f 142 tIntrie tauurrament of trie Cen- trie cariitaclea of Wilson for pi-esi-1t e -tral Ilintois Trap Shootera' associa- dentl, Durne for governor anti Fowler hi' lion bere today. for congres,.th THE NEW BUSINESS BLOCK. Q C) _l D CD 0 oD C>o(o(Do0o0THE NEW CHURCH. iccording ta a declaration Mled tILe fi 1 a O ray o ti * Lak cîuny out ioue 'utsutD $50000 IMPROVEMENTS Evepushlig pis abîri rtideforh e counity riaw bia, anottier carpota I> FOR LIBERTYVILLE 0 uhi Mefilons cbnc t iryvile, n. Ifita knowr asnLthe First Natiori C) 0 for or Nfonday last, trie building coun. 'e tleposit Caý, af Lbertyvîlle, and 0 Fl AST: $25,000 bank build- . lteo Iecueihiiameig capialîzeti for $15,000. Trie liior (D lng andi public meeting hall, fZ vent oser plans submîtted by Archi- -stors are show o tbre fBenjamin %Z togeihet- with satety deposît 0'teci Gibert Turnbll and, aller malt- Iller, Lyeli H. Morris, anti Arthrr0 vaulte, iriree stores on tiret 0 îng a few changea, înstructed hlm tte Mlier. G) floor, four suites offices on place trie samne in hardaeof contrac- ta declareti uuruîote la ta ronaîrurt, second ftrior, Intige hall third l ors and aak for bis opori trie whole r, uaîniairi and operate sale de o floor; FirsI National bank triC) Job or aeîîarately. Bide are to b. ait t-sri., sofe., boxes and taragu C) occupy corner oft new bltock (D giseri (o Rev. W. b, Whlpple, trie pas- ma for trie teposît andtitetention hc il ieatth onr0tor, aiso astrmbler o! trie commitiee., securîties, articles and tinga ofI0 ofri ltwaukee avenue andi High 0 I teInAugu-si 31, at 7 o'cîock andtI te3y lue, for hîrp. Q treets. 0 Wllleotreiytiecnuteea Threar 10 hae o acIlwhci SECOND: New $20,000 O 2 clock, Sept. 2rid:trie committe. ee r$I)fer15 share f it 0ixili M thodist church ti.o rebut Oreaervlrg tierirgtt to rejet itis .or rriey are riettiry trie folowing lu:G aenc n Arc tre ad modltv trie specuficatloria itimir ~lllr . sare $200G>Elm Court; witl contain com- Q Trie uammittee la composed of the' L. Taylor. .........2 shares 200 0 wplte ymas0 , trgthr otlowina WV,.I_ hlpple, citairBan Q Ihan auditorium seatlng 0 r raue:B .Mle er C. Gitiey t 1bar 50 t294 persoa sandi baicony and 0 trî ,Potuf NiaeGtirffinDr. Taylor and S.eleyGrdie..t5 hars 1.50 . adjoining monts give t a ca- 0 John Wetcri. Thie corporation Ils to base flis Ortlcu(D pacity of 700. Q Ptans for thie Church. Lîbertyville andîtill structly rie a 0 Britr buildings are to rie of enat lns of tre -uc 1 ertyuilie cancerri Only LIierty 0~ pressed brick with Bediford <D triai LlAbeityvllle witl have one of thie le men are Itterestet in 0i. Q stomie trtmmlngs. Q inesi chîtrches In trie caîuniyto cost- Itt aoiearIcl auperita iiDo Tentative plans of both dons.Cl somneîig lîke $20,000. Theabýe rtileapparng ilfil Z -wrirk to &tot a t once; 0 Trie plans cal] for s structure about, LySton NMonday rýe est- fr te.ýýIride for jobs soon to bo caleti Q 70 teet sqtuare. ta rie erected on trie i tunte trie reat itusires ment prise .D for. I lot owned by trie criurcb aithtre Corn. <t. ut trie ret t-tt 1)irîutaiu 1)y Dr. GD Q Q f Crurcb atreet and EIm court LTaylor of Liberi vill- oftheotitGi 0O CI MOOC '%ary net-el Ideais are embondted la ltdi'tt criurur pralterty next nortri __theplansforthe___________________ thue lrdeîîerdenî otilueTîtle tars sîtecîricatiois wilîl riedrawnri o c iret tiris r wloaiete ossie.nta4* Saturday îaî. rite ra'iavlrg atore intIrt fluor dîte a raitaseumentiY I er reporteti some tîme ugo. Trie and bîie will rie called far sa tirie l htciIretregtasu h nslderatiori nas $7,50.tantract may rie let anid wark rush. - wllli e ittet iutri slower b-trié Pret-lous ta trie trarister. trie First cri Lu comîtletion by NMarch ilot nexu.jevery tltlng rie<essary for dev Llional gate Deluosît romuary hall This business blocku, trietiggest andti nient af trie jhysitial aide o! the tri tormeti, the charter belutg record- inosi costy ulanneti for Lbertyvilte,!Ertrance to trie second J anti. 0 itat compariy on _Nlonday, clîl marie a big Imîtrasement ta trie floor ar trie chureri wilI rie trou t rTaylor transterreu title af trie business row along -Milwaukee ave-jaîties anti, once Iride trie aiu3itorluMr, archproprty.Tri offceraai ri e l.The above tacts are of vital tu-i- willi e tottii(bttien te deposit compaury are: terlest ta Llhertyvtlle folks who have set diagonally acros te sireUr4 » Dr. Tal-lor-Prealderit. hearti urautheric rumeurs for a long witl trie pulptit none S fine hast. la tact, lever sharp it was roota. Trie pewa will Wo Benjlamîi H. illler-Vîve Presldclat.t knawn Dr. Taylor was dîcliertig for triai vîew wtll bet unobstruce . rlile rasrrtire olti crituiriproperty. autolrium wilt seat 2$.C~ Grlrro ildey-Secretiry ________ _bat-k nofite audiîtortim, w fll ý To Erent Big Blocki. WarN rIulnSutiay surinaIroam taýýdln~tl? And rioarouîtes therierceal îîuoîîof itUUUlt5LiEIV5ILUaraîlng theun In sc ~ y rais o Lý,g,,tbisi-FRO SCErINfi sari bl-eulurowri au"%an _ c'" Theirw ýfedeosi cmpay as FUSES TO ALLOW FORMATION roa apr ftq wwmm f -îîareti tentaLiveplIans for trie ervi t 0F RIVAL ORGANIZATION rie the batcany.:i ThM, br 6 SIS'iiWi iai once of a modern trre-story trie atudtortri,IIe, tditng on trie site of tht-etttliurtit, il rosi abouti$25,Iufiîî. It vtIII be nîood- Rock Islitîi. lii - Aug. t 2-Fedemal Stih y tihool 0g, ins4t ebt UQA n i eeryrepec ad ,lTtovr tijgc Raîptu C. Camrtbeit ai Fort etri etin aQtl o t u c ey eaîut- anilisII ciierStott Kanrt lasueti a tenît îrarv a uIn iri- vii utpr,* trîtaîttiacî uf ibotl 77 fetjîrtuctitrcestratiita t163 lical camps as goot asaIn a tauge h. tare. uft Iri itoulcii Woottmen of America, Therielt iflour. r On tu tis-aveniue Lrere vI liilue uaLut fuqiui ituture etate, tram proceeti for trie gym, eatu uîi t-e stores oit treielirait lour attitreie t wciii the trganizutiori tf an order titnuersu. banqutetsaçgOBiL uoî rsL Nattoalaihari, ichose lvase ai calteti Kansas Pralerrial Woodmer. crier etc., ta rie prnticIe, 14 lit, IO& J preseuti location. expiresitestitotte uThelcout fri cio fan> ktnd io ibis itoor. Tbere wilî also p read, Il ocupi te corner ct-rpartientfintl .-4, trie dtae selfor theie l.tidresî rauma, b'.lM. tht- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fa t ttmutiiiu it a- at riarna letad Clertu C.W. iiieu iagu iàh Ill bseen Wil ietie sfcde rtîeupotqttara 0 f trie sactety wl e - Ine àý1ïeàuîor tsir .ita s ih rLe Iîomipanîs iiit ,L biis .s ,Ici t ti i a ruit- loitnaill lie abotut si -et éFaBrve t aîue uvîl îs iaitttain, itittui ke sel- i ltiurtuitt-tino duttit triai trielem -ireet. lte irst loar tlbIelutg dowa oSîtturitv Sai inga liatui of Wtuulie torri lmjiartor uolt riuae per- a tille, -onewataion î1tq linof thse Thie sccoltil loorwciiihuit-iitu front Tihis s-cesstout s dite itpart tu Tire acouicaes ill haie raiseti atepe ts- oir fotur suites ai offi c i.îld At- t reîisiuuOfithe rates tif tiue sui.tu-tiusilethtre auditioriutm s rît-y Bernîller, uoitits'tcd i tireluit a u lsago , itsttltt otOftre io l, dl stuutin, ftour. Tir,,tise of alidin ut. as itatrssideni. aîud the -suife ouu f te ntiontal lmutitiittiori t -tdoors t ouif the- iiilitorhilu-i htoi db tuaoit uoîîîusîanuaIi0- t rstit-tit. Iiir.N, flttiIrinoipualu u tiatitsiru- aignedto tpiermîi tuse Of al ,ivitqtufst .1l haie aeutoftrie -u %ve.irilia tIf a ieîv Wtodint t tir oali t- said i ncreuttige t aiacilty of trie auditor- it runtulng r)tuuirs fl v froîituhre\I r. liaises. liti.Trieartrantemnent ha sncb ihat seluutettt -They are it n this i iii r changte eault lurson In trie roorit cariseestth. ()i trie thirî loortt tuteut-Iront wi iia. a lîreti Vii liai- ite suptport mînusierSiitiiav ansd trie mîntter ua tIge riall. if a n'aj-rlr ty th t-- ittl-t-t and ti' ahi~ries-eau h eraori Bi g M eeting Place, st-teinus trait t t tilri ieitsin 10the e1li-St titî us-scltol roota wiIlgaê Airu] er -ls a0ilere anoîluer ioiuîaîtactio aitiiu ,vn iolisuîîreuîue ais NiaI oruitdutcte large numiler o! tl- tilt t tht- utc ptojeut lu ex ngta- lîtîl ,Tbi sotli c i v nom ti tng tireri for till rie about 61h40 fout ai!ii(i At therietar outhtil-secondttii itiiivvu i iidrîlTioi.- ut--arates,. Mol lil total area cavereti. id tir 1I tors.ttreIiroiniter-u lai e thiiti nuit- uf ulul uoit-tt i- aart- trans -'Ilsi of tire MOney for builing lui i luIa autul r t ri il l t ýý%plans e ery dai, ulîiirci1 has lieenraiseal; drille àdi. III oý,rin th tIostoies wih anets'building la being builîl.trie tfetho- tlii tuttiaity out_00.iA) amais na r Bï uts art- ta use trie lplacapal cuuircbt IIN i, t rti-uantI e i, he Blo Y i bu~t 1ilding. II ntti 'l, es ateu, t. i _________________ itrt \I tlue s ittu a n a Ilfl i[fl Ii flfT ediLake F'orest wriere thie pous.Nef tu titiz lu îte, for pout cri a iriti,i i t ts, zo li~ li w ummnoleti. utaquerîuts, nd een licatlirlii Horuney sias brtu-tgiiî tuti 'A mî niiuaraTîere Is ii ttttot-ut t SEVENTEEN VEARt OLO BOY totiay by Chier Sa> I, ýatut tu. ou . iu !ilî the liage. The hall uvil li- P CKS A MNSPOCKET ON eiIiacl r l tI i ivu t ut pei ctarsisrici ai ii- CHICAGO IL MILWAUKEE. Trie pacrieuhûoriand uri, s'e-ce- iuiirtl a, l w et trie ftour siîuît t- i, *ilcos-ereti. Hum--> dtiu . t-t1, rrt 1Pit. Dterieuiiii tt-eauLrtofplckîig an- Greeri and t!icirq thIl., l 1u hceul i T-e .î halî iII lut-frott io - t Itur s pouiet John t.Horney, ageul the mariîs Irt 75.î tv-i irsatres sii rt, 7, a reaudenof utZiouî City, cas an- HorrîtY,.-j t t17 'tu, r,, xi tilirtras irytng ttti _ot-ii treiteilly trie policue r(ier, Waluer Say- i laec.u-I.ut, .. I .î on,'sfzDo-. vtt les, ai Lake Foretstai a a te hlitr ti,- u1it ,Ir, ' sioli'l' P.cls'pock- Tut-, ittlîiiO sltIc îî vi tluu,1t Frttlay ntglit. c il, - .-oandniser to tb, teet sqîîure, a III lit-utof Ht lorney lippeti a pot set book cati gri-au i r-, cr bolieof $508 tir ri.k wiLtth eilitrinîmituga tainting $11 froi a maria pocriet a 1 -l-eWilliam F.W rThe ptlatîs are not y-it fi ut ut ii ile trie Chilcago & N'itlwaukee EIertlti i1 r Of grand IaM~en7*t , lietc bas ep- mrie ad theisro io s.4 -, uua t keFrst. HAm. ..s.(Il- it1. t-- - --trrna.-Il rs tunow ishititriey' aitiant ialîl tected ln trie aci hy aruotlter a>it-kr. 1-r . îuaith. I1h pal seo plavei or trietirai its. WiVier, ger on trie car, ant i u-arielti caîtîlu s i i f Zian City and t- iletai> ,are su itied on.,tlansa auti ly trie train crew until trie cra -1 i i t- lutrgeat cbiioch 1 r 11,ta rem

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