CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Aug 1912, p. 13

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LY. AITGTST 16.1912,. (e*àM lbum .Tht...) Swmge-lipse............. 50 taul-lb es--------.8$818.00 "ir~ommd Oroceries. 4A . &Value. N ~j ~Jeel~d molin.- - 9.60 N '~et&h .... 2-.00 MOI ...........-----10.00 'nudeebun 6.00 'la ashee ......... 18.00 à smocks---------3.00 ... . . . 2.00 Btor mnel 60 . . 7 '.00 ..... .... .... 6.80 Pdo 4fl e ......ear 6.08 sepurs 01wégsaampdb .......12.00 1* ar vm3 tâue .00 60 u ê lbu--------21.00 =M .~0a................. 3.00e O mias Its-----------3.00 290 Betu4à oIc use 40.Wp i bid v=ijW............800 UlIb butt##---.---..-.---.. . TOtaldry goode aid grocer- les---------------....474.40 Crope. 1580cow ies. 'ls ed-ds vowl ..... 7500 ' -Sibu ea ' 1 in lm -........ 1500 100 teu tadâmSamcellar .13i00 "0 bsCorh lncerlb------70.00 Total eropetlabulldlmam.,-.$ 595.00 2811lamai.. una 1913. smO Cotue, Mie. Value. i peu old 100.00 13 . .... ... .... ... 910.00 76 a ......... ... 28.00 4 3yea oi ...... -000 ......... .... rs 00 ..........M .... ...... 9 0 4.9 ~' Sir4,I4âoeUiIs.i~ lik l&rla lâiter bso6ogte mm mra" d Your pelltioner dains that ils prop. *24.0)vltl the understmnaling MotonOUYbd.erty la mil la ruai estute ad thereW vti nid mnanteor tbat sald auede<or1 fb*Morvlor User stâted that there fore oraYe that yo viii refond the imveld a"ues'thb . on enuthîrd of the, Waë àa mm vWhoMd tflbereulosis trou Stat. and County Tex oS muidvalua- value as shown by t»t lnventory .Tuai Mii eOUIi t the IUcepitai and that tien and t.commeiid the vartous tau- througb a mlsËt*iu ci aid aseessor1 hb = equeted to rumove himlas gbodes to retond ail other taues your petSlns ver. sseemed on an1 ,rous -Id ifippitan md akod the no pald by hlm. . equaliaed value of Three Thousand Board tor an ciiisaslon cf n opinion Hermon fMg4brechtL and rerty Dollars ($3040.00) or a ful ta id the bet vmy id dispoaseoft ibs To the Honorable Chairmati and value of Nine Tlsoosnd One Hundred Case. Board cf Bupervîmous ot LakeTvunty Dleiarit(89120.00), that the tui Oupervim r Meyer -of Fremont Cony lios heien arnotmteii One 11undred nievd ttatlb.immturbu cftte u ISit-Onu and Pitteen lHundredths pettviadue g v ti pover to act. Thie undermignesi, t*ura A. fhui olr (8161.1S) whicb your i*titlon- 'Moulà w aY, Admînistrator of the e&tate Of 'er have palsiuMd present berewith a Supervlso Dlg movesi that the William Harris, deCemeed, roupettully receipi 1er snmê dh m mm A £pint a Committe. te in-. representu unie ,'our Honorable Body Your petit ooli therefore respect- tic e-cU e ot ot carumg for tubier. that the. ruai estai.e voned by saisi Nîly aek the Board -te returu the ex. Cu" paients ut the Laie Codnty William Harris, decoaaed, descrlbcd cees Mx pald ilirough the mistake of TU*o"ogb Luu ntitut. and mîso te lm-sucone acre Plant ef roand, Northemet snid assessor. YOUI.Sate theccest ofestabiishing a corner, North West quarter, North JaeKrrndPuR.Ary eeo"y of tuliercular patientsetm the West quarter, section 36, Township 44 msKranPalRAr. Voity md te reortRet ghe 9 Eut ot the Ird P. M. w as au- Saee îlo~ By Paul R. Avery. eetàè ét.suuscd t the equaflesi value otfomt t Ae e MiiUeon* arried. $1$3.00 and the tau ibereon wa$4,46 Paul R. Avery ibéing first duly evorn Ileviesid asumsed for the year 1910. depenus mnd ses that he bais read the The. CJilj appointed au such Torputlmrtrt1rrprsnsaove mnd teregaing Petition and that Comttdie cbitndneof Wauega. tbat for the yeur 1911 the aid rouai tbe tacts and averments therein con- ,ohtMpemr Meyer f Wrmoukeg cu etate abeve describesi esassmevemd'tined are truc. te*juc.vmryrtuu eiltomoremon moed mi man equailisusivalue et $635.00 and Paul R Avery. te ujoun miiitemorovmoringmthe tau $19.U8 for the year and pmîid >* Sxueribed and evern to hefore me lalloe your petilîoner.' ths lOtb day of June, A. D 1912. Motion ____________ our petitioner turther represent suaiameotary Plie. SECOND DAY. ta IeelvethtmirerW. Superviser Fiche submitted the fol- June Itb. 1912. :made in the ipreading of the assena- oigrpt Doardmet prsuat te dje n t son snid property and that @ho cgpPT Boad mt prstan teadJurn ý aspetidmore tua nd at a gemier Cuba,Ilîlinois, June tth. 1912. mmtvltb Chairman Clark prusiding To 0 theHnrbeCamnad *"th fokj mmespr»tvalue iban @he aboulai have beoom i eHoo as-Caria as mmd e oll oeng nieBroksuCm iseuedon account oet nid rené estate. Board etfSuiervlsora of Lakte SuevicaBreie.Boos ,<<~ She therefere sois the Beard o u oltUim iq. Cat[. Cbittendeii. Deacon ld- e et softhe County ot Lake and Yew . cmmittee, 10 whom w Us er, Mmii. WBrrm, Puce, ppervimoorhuCo. kz o, Krueimu. Meer ortère Stat.etfIllinois, te rebt. id ber suclih 5tte rlt on -~, aetersu.m aswould loave laid rual estate m a3ts of th, T..n r nat Meyer 0 * an &ehrasesdat the tair valu. vhlcb il o1 County ald In the re, Si "mm$,s Sorenson, tatteix. i4benid bave buen av ab@ ie aslvised by b concrete bridge ever rspe~iu.. Websb, et Waukeai. ibmth uessqr ibtat ibere probably was W0At Cruk nmarffles Parun b t.d Wlho eweport 25. inerrcmate ateetnigtovn bDeg Içave id subunit te follov- Abet O uperviser Prior. 1. of an re:cînsittunte xenî:ing report: tueseofhebig mmd upen otipocn t meuevisg er l<Jmg- hee It reents the tu re- Wu e ttest ftebig an pottmoindf.uerior 191 clpsfo the saisi years' 1910 and on J-anury SSii. 1912. and organizesi The llovhng ptitions ver. rend, l1911 ad .soibat sai tu receipts by electiig Wm.. (leake as chairman Tltcbe returues int ber. and Emil P. Ochaede. ('lerk Upon and tu<sj-ted te the Erroneous Asseus-1, Respectfuliy submltted, exanvlnation It vmu tound tat a nec mins c.mmlttee. Lie. aura A. Shumway. bridge vau qeflury, and iU was To tic Board cf Super-lsorset Lke ministraturorcthtie %tie et Wî.i burefore deolded te bulld a 34 fi. Cc6untY. inais. lm ariF. ducuasud. aI n,18 fi.rçeadiway on concretu YeIfl te e 1llioierunAnnta ai. Foate, ns mmd4 vinge. the bridge te e rpryasseusment ouled wih Leur& A. Shumway, Adminisinator b. of a flat mrch type reinforced weuh the Assescor amountes inte$66 mu- of the Estate of William Harrie, de- Ibasadresadt aeasb aemd vaine for the yemr 1911; that ce&ecd, being duly evoro. on otn * de- lajIbe ltticq railing and uoncrete tba Board 6f Ruviev ratsed this ten'posesands eys that ehc believethe' ie.i a ree htseiia 12,065 vitheut notice tu ber; &he mp- toregolmg petition by her subicnibusi la tiens bu dravu and thte Cierk adver- rpered bec« ethe Board mnd tbeyitrue to the beut et hef knowledge. In- Thse fopid te mva heCe gave ber te undueretausi that ibi, s a- formaion ansi bellot.Th omtemeateClr' IMeA-t oft$65 van saitleWry andl Laure, A. onurnmy. oMeice Mmrcb ii1912, to recel ce bide, [voold dot be naised. and ibat ah. does1 Sebecibed mnd erornto betore mne which bide ver. opened andi read, and imot'poc.a eseprsonal property ta thé,t-ib l 1h day of June, A. D. 1912. the bida. plans ands pelfications con- *nmt oft116.010 whch sie bslies C. T. Heydecker. sieied. Tte Condtentali Bidge cern- eseeuuod mmd bas beaun ebhgesi te pmy (Seal) Ntr Pbi.pany'e bld wvsu 1,888.tIi, i te Clinton Notay Pulic.Bridge & Iron Woie' bib was $1992.00 tex" 01300. To the Honorable Chairman andi and the Illinos Bridge ('ornîanys bld Sb. tierefore ptitionis 70cr bon- Board of Supervisons of Lakte eau $2175.00, The cont.rarî was mwand- omlel board tuat you wli retunsi to Counîy, Ililnois: asi and let te thc Continental Bridge ber the &&te andi County Tas on an Thte underelgnud repecttully repre- Company for 818U.00. te> belng te mneeêue valuation et $2.000 and re- s ent ntethe Board that tbey are en- lpweet bidderse, the work le ite cein- cqmmund that the varloul #4ifbadigaged In le c business eofeellng bard- Pleted by lueclot, 1912. lum refond in ber a ie pr."pOitioli OfiWare aud gricultoral Implements et On May $1»t a meeting was callesi snob extusa taxes for 1911. IlÂ*ke Villa, Illinois; ibat in 1910 the etfithe Couuntuleners of iligitiwmys Respectfolly subevlttesi, uquaigo4 value of ibeir stock vas and Couniy Comittee to meut ai Anna Fr. Fonte.. iglit HUxidred Sixty-Three Dollars tbe site eftihé bridge and inspect the Libutyvile. Il. Ju 10, 1913. (8868.0), on wbici they paisi a tuioft von, but ovligteute absenlce of To the 0Boareto Superviera ef Laie Fort-gne mmd Dighty-Elgbt Hon- Superyisora Meyer and I»aseon, tbey Conty llinois. drediip IDollar ($49.88) that che tiey being unabie te -bu present on that Yolir letitioger. Hermu Engle- vere approuches by Uic »aueor et date, the meeting for accepiance ot imetit, ropocully siaten tliat the. the 1'o*n of Antioch tif' 1911 they the von vsrasjeurned until Junc DBOadt feilefor 1911 r4lsesi hiebinded'htM ibeir Inventery, sbowlng lBfih. 1912 - p.rmmiui property muneesment 11.0009 mrcb*Uo4s on baud amounting to On June 6ih, 1912. your Commitie egdalaed vaine. Pliree Tbousand and Pety Dollars met vîtix the Cemmîseloners ef Higb- vayes ad Inispecies tbhe-work and feunsi tbe saine complet.d ln accord- anc. wlib the plane and specificatious sud oienily accepiesi the won te- gethur wltb the Commissionere of Higlevaya et Cuba Township. The total ceai ot the bridge leas fellove - Continental Bridge Co., Ver contract .......... 1888-00 Wu. Olèmie, ceomtice work.... 8.00 Win. Paddock, committee rt.... 8.00 John Welach. comniltine col-k 8.00 Wm. Giee.e overseeing bridge . - 22.00 Emil F. Schnaede. duer' services ...... 3400 E. Pcke, coimitteenrk.... - 16.50 H. C. W. Meyer, cemmîtte vonk ........13.50 Henry Deacon. committecon - .12.60 Barrlngton Revlew, printing dvertlsement 6.20 Wm. Oleste. baulimg planits for tite îsmperary bridge and lmylng eut ew bridge . 6.50 Fred Roof. vonk on tempormry bridge.................4.50 John Welcb, bridge. laying out nec bridge------------------4.00 Cbau. Wente. hanging lanterne dur- lng centruction ofthei bridge .................12.00 Continental Bridge Ce., 4 mcon on. day on lem- porary bridge.......... 10.00 Continental Bridge C-e.. greuilig approacue .... 150 0 Lakte County te Pay $229 ýContinental Bridge Co ... ....1069.75 B. A. ieke, cemmîttue vert ........15.,60 H-. C. W Meyer, commitie cork........13.5 Henry Deacon. cemmittee work.... ... 12. 60 $1101.46 Tuown of Cuba te Pay Continental Bridge C'o.$..828-26 Brrlngton Reviev........... 6.20 Wml. Giesie. commitie e wrk ........8.00 Wm. Paddock, cemnxttee verk ........8.00 John Wehcb, coimmtice verk ........8,00 IV. leke. eversoeini bridge... n. on Emîl P. Schaede. clenke services ........34.00 Wm. Glesie. bauling plank te tuas- porary bridge and lmy- lng out new bridge....- 6.50 FYed Itoloif. for vonk on texnporary bridge.................4.50 John Welmnh. fer vev-i on tempermry bridge and lyng out- nev bridge ............4.00 Chas. Wente, Palsi Cocniy Treasur- hmnging lanterne dur- en ............... 105.363 lng con structlon of____ bridge .......1.......912.35 Continental Bridge (Co., StateoetIlîlinois, aie Coonty, as: 4 tnen onu day on lent- 1, Elmce J. Green, Siierlif in and for porary bridge ý ... 10 00 the Ceunty et-lAie and Otat.etf1111- Continental Bridge ('o - noie, do solemnlp *wemr that the fore- for grading.............-0'on con eI i ePcsJa ____ nsi truc accerding te my huit inovl- *101 .45 esige and belle. Ail et chlkh iv ressectlully et Elmner J. Green, Comynitteti et Supervisera . Subscribesi and swonte before me Emîl A. Ficite. (his 8tit day et June, A. D. 1912. H. C. W. NMeyer Ley. A. Hiendee Commiseloners of! Highwayti County CIrI. Wm. Paddock Suîervlsor Wclch of Nwvpert amevd Wm. Gtie i t-bat the report be relerresi ote John Weicit i ermîttee on Setlîcient -vith tii. Atteet.Mmili P. Schaude, Cierk. Sierif. i vas movesi by Mr. E. A. ]PIke N lotion carried. that the bridge be acceptcd and bills Supervisor Eger-movesi ihat ail billem mlloved as reasi and recordes Iin ibis be referresi otec proper commltteee report, andi motion vas carried. vithout rcading. Exeil P. Echaede. Motion carriesi. TownuClent. The toiiowing bill cas prementesi. Superviser Blasons movesi that the May 28, 1912. report be accepted andi adoptesi. MO- Laite Ce. te W. D. Bruvue, Dr. tien calrried. Jan. 20 To Jail Job .........8100ù.00 The followclng petitien vas reasi Jan. 20. Te vonk court boume 1.85 mmd reterresi ote uComaitte On Jan. 20. Tc0 vire court bouse, Fues ansi Salaries. 2 hou-s @ 75ec.............. 1.50 Wuiegan, Jone 8, 1912. Jan. 20. Tc remov-ing oId To te Buard of Supurvisore etf Lakte mutlding, 2 heure U 7k... . 1.50 County Ililinois. lteh. 2. To 9 X-Ray refiectors The undersîgnesi. aura Hoye. Tels- O083.00----------....----27.00l phone Operator ai theConurt House, Pub. 15. To wirinz nec cleset 3.85 ouldsirespecttuily petililnyen te grant ber an Increase lai elmry et $195.70 Tvo andsINPity One-Hundresithe Dol- O. K. lers pur veut. H. Deacon LAaHoye. Elmer J. Grene tbenif. siuhmliicdj tb. fellewing report. To the Honorable Board ot Super- visera ot Lake County. llîtnole;. 1, Elmer J. Green, Siterit! ln ansi for tue County ot Lake andi State et Illi- nois, repecttnliy preseent tbe tollov- iixg repent et ail the tees anti emol - monts of my offce for and duning t. hait yemr ondins June lai. A. D. 1912, Inclusive, vhereln I state tegrs anount of aIl the tees and emnluasents Ilyme rnud_ by officiai service sitr- log lb. hait ycar. the total s.rnount et receipts ot chaiseuver nane or char. acier. Emolum ente. Barnesi IecepitsR %er Shenittfees ln suit»ina iCourt .8.303, Sb Pco r asîscellaneus service------------529.501 Total carninga for %, s-car .............8833.36 Received during the hait year tor servie- es berutotore re- portcd by ElvIn J. Griffinthem Sherlfr as carnusi by hlm mnd net receive. . Receivusi durlthbe haIt year for sers-- loeberetotore ru- poricd as earnesi us nie and net recelv- cd .... .................. Total neculpis for haIt year .... Dsbursements. Shernirs italars- for haIt yuar--------..8850.00 $170.55 2.50 .688.00 H. W. Ferry K A. Picite. SupervIser Eger movesi that, the same bu referred to the Public BuJl4- lue Audiing CenmlUee. Motion cas-nies. Supervisor King moyeX toadjenrn unUil 1:30 P. M. Motion cerriesi. 1: 30 P. m. Board calusi te order by - Chaininan. The foilowlng communication van rend. Belvidere, lit., Jon. 4. 1912. Dean Mr. Clark: 1 write yen as one et the Boardi et Druciors et Jane MeAlister lieupital Association. 1Iinteuded te tali vlla yeu os-en tue pione but coulsi mot ket ye nd andseam vritlng. The Homntai Board viabeu te ap- peai te the Couniy Boardi for aid. Perhmpc the Prumident ofthie Hospital Association ban seen yeualready. If se 1 wlsh te loin ln ber appemi for aid. Sbe (Mia Sbumway caut give yen ail the details. I merely vis te gamy gem- ermlly ibat oving te the systm s dopt- ed by the Ceunty Board for clng fer thse ali c earc lix mees et Ceunty Amd (and vhicb systm wo cenwt asu dl as amy aueh sYmtem could bu bzpected toI tue Hospital Asacatlon lttmlled upen lu certmin Instance@ te cane for tue poor and ici vie are reny (or ehoulsi bu)Coeumiy charge, or bu sub- jet-t te crlticism for turnlng avmy the. poer ansi unfortummue vho really ougit. te receive CocntY aid. un humsalls-' Ian pninciplea ce muet cars tbr tbe case&. I bave ne dul. te erftielue the County Pbymiclau, Ela lu ua, as weh au he cas bu expectesi toe. u lix no sena. ougit to b.e xPeced te OUK LAST CALL TO0 YO-U WLWILL CLOSE TUE BOOKS TI MONTH We Posit*ively Guarantee Your Investment!!,I Illc Meredih lcer and Vegtable Company le on.etfite murt pu-el*bje Celupamies In northeun Ilinole. a i i ia produci o! Laie Couaty. Irher dis met cerne to UÀbertyville akilng for a large bonucs au me mmmp de bt ccxii te on rjust au an>' bonesi Companys- heulsiansi éhovea the people chat tbey coulai do andorganizesi on a profit maring bausmand eleçiesi their ellicera. The homes eft he omIlcuru are hure and net la Çbicalo ornme ether distant place andi men electesi byithe stock- holdors dimect. %%a dinectons for the prenaint yemr censista et J. E. Mered.ith, ihe promoter and genenal manager and che la a residuni ai Libertyville ansi manager for the C. M. & Bc- Paul mIL PL for Llbutyvillu; R. P. Sebumebule. a retir" d ",or ansi financier, aIse the prenant mayerofe Lbertyvihlo; Mir. Win. N-eton, a rutirusi. mechani etfItockefeller ansi capitaiet; U. R. Cîmo6brn. Uupi. of the C. M. & St. Pauli R. R, veil inecu botb on tue main lime uJmuvllle divisions. W. B. Carr, the liftt idrector, la toe vuli kneviq id uàe4 »antroducionxas he>le the popular conductrof etonuet thie U$,rtiIio trains on the St. Paul mI mR. Al tbe dîrectors extcpi lin. tSlaqsep 144 mlaibvity viit the plant dmly and teep a a vtctul site ove« pVery delail Wthle vert. thue asuruing the busi remulis mnd the "a O" Pef allr t fth i ieectors la above rupremeb uad the punson- alty o( thte tock bolftte lu tic beuansi consiste practically ot ail tbe bunslaame* ot Llberteviile. very litl. cf the stock belng boIt! outeide -cf UÀbertyWllle. - Tbe compunY Je capltallieaifor 88,08.00 cenisting et 3500 %haros et $10 per share ansiIla bld at pan ($10.00) on terme te, suit tbe pont-baser. provldlng they are reasonabhe. emcb sbire dravlng 7 pur cent luturesi trou date et depesit et monay and due on the irai day et Marci cacit yeer. At the smre Lime the dl2idend vili bu sieciaresi ansi payable on or bufrtei rsi day oft lday. A fec efthte resns vby yen erbeuld ovu stock in- ibis ceaspany are: Because the stock ilu nn-asesanble vIxen fuliy palsi and drava 7 per cent Interest trom date etfsiepomit te day oet lbsracal vugarsileusoe Because It lae mot chele tue ompanle s elllag étock for GOreenhense purperes sa It la toc valuable ansi paye tic premoer btter te borrev moeus-ai 7 on 8 pur cent iban It dot-s te capitalise, but ce capitahizesi on thc tieery tha la union these cas trength. and ce bave touns i noseby thte amount ot business ce have denct- iis yemn and again it maies il e profit sbaning Company. fiecasase The àtocibolder la lmlted te 100 ebanes. titus guaranice- lng titat ne onu pereen cmon get cunîrel ot the aient mmd "Freeze' out the cage earnen, wbo eau only own one, ico er ibre Mare. Recauge The Company bas aseets lu preperty te Cuver ail its un- debtesinees ansi does net bave te *watt-r ies stock te raise. moey te de- fnmy fitaexpenaes. - Because The board of direetors Con fbot place amy liabllitiua on the comPani vîtheut ithe consent ofthebusteci-hiders. bes-onsi te met ot the cemany. Because the manager cannet ubligate tihe stock bolders vwitheni theo consent of the direcions. He-au- Amy sientholder t-an drac bis or ber asoney out ai ans- tiasu euh Interest at T par cent from date et deposit te date of withdnaw- ah by giving the dîrectors due met-e in vtiting. Thure are Mauy opuer reasons just as goend but turne ands pore c1li met Ict us enter tic. lu detai]. W. are ocatesi vithîn fiftts-teet fthe 014dupai at Uburtyvi1în .110 have the boit sbipplag tacilities Ie the ceuntry, biavlng tee ralironde andi tee express compa*iies vlth trains almosi uvery heur. We are nov offelng ibis stock ai par, 110.00, ta the cagAe tat-s of UÀburtyvllhe. Intel-eut beginning the day et depôsit at 7 pur cent. Why place 70cr aviage lna at ai 3 pur Cent vien yeu ogui 7 pier cent' Don't yeu nmev hiat ibat bmnitwill put liai sane rneney eut ai 6 pur cent ansi evun moe? , Try te horx-ow sone meney frein ibat sanie bank andi bu convint-ad. Tait. 5, 10 or 15 sb.res in titis gels i ne and be convint-t-s. Yeu eau drav eut this money amy lime vith the 7 per cent Interest ht bas ernuesi. mmd if It romains one year or more yen vl aIse get your portion ofettic ividensi.wvilc i vlhbe lu proportion te tue number et abares yobold. .oIci tabu oneoran e nusresi. We extund a personal Invitation to yen mmd ahi yocr friands te vili the plant mmd veixlty evcry star.cment vu bave ma" e here lnvetgathiig We are nov msding 40,000 square feet et glass te 0cr plant and vten cempletesi vill give us 83,000 square teet under glass. ebici dili preducu 81.00 a foot vithin tue nsxt year and the expense etfmalntalnimg le estimatesi ai 50 cents per square foot,.lbaseln varieus other vaya, 10 cent. a foot, thug leaving a net et 40 pur cent or about $3,350 te te diIsids btweeu 2600 sbires, tins giving a dividunsi et 13% pur cent in addition te the 7 per cent Interesi on a total et 20 pur cent on the invustrnent. The banien cullive cnly 3 per cent on s-aur siepoitsanmd resSie tuai 20 por cent on your moeus. Figure t up yoursulf. No business anuit uie n lacs tban 20 pur cent. If lu dees not mate ibat It vili close its doors. Ast 70cr marchant or smy bufeuanmanmd bu ceevincesi. Show hlmthus figure. and If bu les henest bp wyul tell yen tuaitues- are correct. Ttisle rue tul vuhave capîtalizusi fer $35,000.00 but 810.000.00 vws placosi ln the tmlwury for eznergency and us met voniing anideo. net drav Intenust or dIvidunsi and can only bu ususi vien urgently neeedsmsd t bas te bu replacedt! o te ue vntufnd asmu onas possible. lix tbe foregeing vu bave triesi te maie our proposition u plea dme possible( aurrnulng the probable question andi auuvoning tihe Ma mS" again ln conclusion, viii extunsi a cordial Invitation ta ail (mmdepecimlls- those che vimb te finsi a profitable place te lovent snnngserse tIsuy poeitilvly cau net losel te visit our plant and brins yonr note bock viti you fuloftquestions andi If ve cannet anser tueni saiefatorlly, vu vii net aak yen te levest one dollar. -Thie le ne gui rlcb qulci acemeebu t I s an bonest Investment, on business prlnciples, by insines podie, We d1o not sei yoc stock tor 75 cent. on the dollar and promis, te pqfyeu bnci 110 cehte on tue dollar mi morne future Urne, but wu svonil. at fae value, $ 10.00 lier &bare and promise to redeurn ilt tsmy Umne cith 30 sinys notice at pan value. ($10.00 togtier viti viatover ftbus eazned oethibm7 per cent Intereet. Meredith Flower and Vegetable Company See W. Ce Sanborn-"6Busy Bihle One of Our Stockholders. But Do It NOWI J. E. MEKEDITeI .rsident Paue~vs . L

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