flierybody le golug te 1h. lawlin l.* Pal Frkda aud llturday alternoon A 1h11. daugher vas born te Mr. and " l. Frak DB"mon the Hoaimcer faru Vaucoada an Lake Zurich bail teaus tàmà for Ib. third gani, of the. asmon at Peh.ttusdal pele rat DurnGrave nmi Ost*i. Bactissu hm a won a game *0 i bis grarne i vI h.th. decding lue » M ecitlag UIla lpredlcied 1 gr, 40 am. A. C. Held, who have i* "e ew ouela our vilage for the 9M moatha, rnoved te P&wP&w, Ulc., tbis wmk where tbey have bought a hmr for Ihir son and wll mate t lireir IuIWpe home, ame bail gansnDut Sunday bhtween Diamod Lake and Lake Zurich. F.P. Clark and C. W, Andrews made a *i lte 0Chicago Mondai. Wm. Buemcing, Herman and John * BbSoler ver. Waukegan visitons lait IOLk W.. Blcknaae. Fred Sl p. Loufs Gea! U.Mai pay chwernan took a loai of moaIZIUI55 te Elgin Tueeday. Ilis. F. C. Selp, If n. Louia Geany and lira. Hsury Schwerman enjoyei au i' uoohie rde lat Tueaiay. Gorge ý Quýt#a etLihertyville, vas chaffeur. lk#lv Loornum viated is fathen An KAmaeo a fsw days this week. SAe. Buehler la again employed as tesamnwteratC. B. Paton crearnerybr.. » b". &b.Suot& ofChicago, le wlth relatives hers this week. EL.Prehu and ermai Helfer vent Mdsa o ndai ta engage an architect ta ~4na Plans for the mev school hanse le tii .0h . blt thie fat. TAYLOR GROVE Ibe Oupday achool convention vas «7largli atteuied au account of lMhtcble veather. Ait report a fine MieJen!eMleudeli viited fiende be Mr. aid tirs. G. A. Oshora Hoe. ?.mukeg« ai lesmThureda.3. Ime Margaret Geliig oi waukeganý la vwstlog fiende Iter.. Mima Lorette Doyle speut a few dats - olaatweekvilblime. Juhnftrahai, Jr. li. and lire. John~ Benett and saù »sa4aa trip ta Zion City Tbursday. ~"'ýQuIte a numben ?rom ber. attenied Èhe plemkr at iary TbuMeay. lied sud Eddie Leable maie a business1 t4 tob Milwauke Friday. line. John Strahan. S., vîll entetatu tin Ladie' Aid society Aug. 21. 8ev. MKey vas entertained at tAie b oue oi Fred Wilby aven Suuiay. KIfL POIS For Ba Blaod. Ulma LanaSAuderma»in a guet of rinis lu Rockeifeler. Mmns.Vailionu vlitsd vlhh frindlaf OsIk Park neenly. lin. aid lir@. H. F. Battermanu have C E PO D N f or thir gulatétaheIrn aec. aid lttle eepbew rmuMinnesota. Mr. and lins L. T. Ileuse entertaiued m n.j. l'Bric fCicgf bi. aifaher, Mîmes Marne aid Sarah vtlîlug Iis wesk ah the home of B. L.e Rissefroin Chicago, over Suudav algo Burdiel.t lira. ridy.Nin&anadiPaul fRoue îpsnt lionday lin, aid lire;. . C. Schultz aud lins. vlth lir. D. A. Ayusley at Highlad Se"an evisiting lu South ADakota. Park. Borni, t M. and liMm.L. T. Sense, Owen Vanpiev 0f wbealan, va. a hug. 8tb, a daugbten. vilton ait th. W. D. Porteous home Mira. Louis cboppe aid Mise Sarah Sunday. Vom. ro vimltng frienda lu Fairmout, Mm. J. B. Maison lef for Chcago lion. Klan. dey evenlng "for a vist vlth ber lim. D. 1. Home. and Misa Allie 101 dgite Wmdemdy tn Ldigtca. lch Mins John. Roder and famlly of Chcago, Gre aiflru dCassis a- i flaspenteau lSb lire.Mm t*. Knulge Gae uon ar spedCa"vo "vee emb Mio. Roder la ipedilng the week. Ga oreem. nig w eeswt Born, ta M. aid lire. William J. î tbem.Willlamm ou Tneday, Aug. Oth, a lttie Rev. Robeson ha. returnd trom bis girl. vacation and occupied the pulpttfai Mr. and liri. H. Julin oft Louis, guaday. Un., tire inmklng ai extended visit at Borni, Sunday, Aug. 4%h, to M. and îb. pareosage. lir, B. F*ss, * daushter. l. and Ruth Shadie ane vilting IA. B. Balin lauetteeWanlug bis old vith frends at Everly. Ia. chooluate, D. 8. Hpldeî, 91f ockport, Net fiund*y rnorning 5ev. Ca«r vîli IIL epeak on: "The. Unkuovu Coi." la the evenlng ihere vl h. held a special FqýK0RYservice ion vhitcb a prognam hba. heen arrangsd. B. A. Tilloim n ad vile aid Edih Mr. aid Mn@. S. J. Cropley yene Pickles vlsied Saturday aidn ua hcg islr audyad Suuday. vlihrelaIve in aukeai.John Knlggé aid familiy geidlre. The haryest plcalc held Thuraday va. Richard Voelken aid sou @peut Suuday ja cuSsiaid li spite of the îhneateulug ihrltv@tPatne veather, a lange cruovd gath.n.d and en« ihrltvsa aaie joyed 1h. day. J. B. Kubl«and family of fiheil A. . Syff an failydunaye etRock, la., are vlsltiug witb relatives the Ed. Wells home lu Antioch. br n ati iiiy Mr. ad Mi. Cba. Talor rlira. MmBen Bnoadhead, Jr., aiddaughter Mn. ud Ms. Cas. aylo retnîed53h1, vlîlted Ibis vesk eat1h home of fhoueto Genoas atunday. Beuî. Broadbead. 0. L. Holineerk sud family vioteiseaIW. E. Duunu ha. begun ezcavating for Warda Coner wit hoe fok%. ai addition la the ba.emeut unden ie Ry. Stiner vas called te Dakota 80 home vest of tovu for th accommoda- M. Wlnker hld services Sunday. TAe echool bousele being rspaired. liru. . A. GriSai la ou the Oick flot, Jouie and Harvey Main came fnom Hébron to attend tb. banvet picule. Watch for the date of a marshmallov noasit ta h. given by the yoaog peuple. LJtMflS CORNER Mn.g. Nahpm Lamb ha. oturued f rom a trip to Colorado and Nebraka. inse. Rose Chope anid children of Iowa, have gaie la Waukffaa ta viil ela- tires. Thée Warren Centery Ausition muet@ ith lins. Cssie Rarr Wednseday Augut the 21. la epite of tb. nainy veatber a large cnowd attenisd the nana raiiug ai Dr. Faiey'sg on Thunsday. Nolan Bras, of tb. Boston Houes Restaurant o! Wau- kegan senved tAe lunch. James Sueesby. P., ha. aimuetr. canered from ie recent illaes. Weahher bers prmttiag b. will soon b. seen vltbhils oh ibresbiag, machine. L. Burge and iamily of Graylake, sput fiuuday vltb Wm. Knox. lin. and lir@. Sidney Hook @pent Sun- 'dey at Frank Buaoke,. Min. and lins. Horace Vase viaited at G. Vose'a, B., Sunday. Robet W. Henlser, Lawrencevillieno., vbo bai been bothered vitb kldaeî trouble fon Ivo yea. mey: 'I Irled tIbm différent kînde a1 kldney pilla but vltb no relief. My neighbor toi me to, use Foley Kidîey Pilis, 1 ook Ibrue boules ai thoiu and got a Permanent cure. I recomeni themt WevenYbodY."' For sais bY ail DruiffiOSs. 8. L. Trpp, R. F. Rouee Irving E. Payns. Presidmt Vice Prosicdent. Cashier. TUE CITIZIENS9 BANK ItOCKftLLtR. ILL. Xetal Savlnge-Banks ftirnlhOd F-Pm * DePOsitoru' 3 per cent interest pald on savina snd certilioates A Chocking Âccount will Put YOu *0 2no expOfl8 and in a convenieflt time.savtfglâ sd business 1k. mnode of paymng accounts or purchasing goods by mail. PARTNERS AND.DIREOTORS: là,. L. Tri pp. R. F.* Rouie. Irving E. Payne. Oen . Miller, J. L.. Taylor. .J. S. Grldley. vertuers' lies ponsblit mately $100,000.00. iîî MIrhers va lug tbe rr w r~,plemansi I1 fi The f 51i Rockefeller SaiayBarber -ShopT--, Ae. sd hi f'lrt Ca.. Abo1.elwUp-t dae. i~' usa tiaiof thie chu Net kte. A$OWII fý,të dte- Clie u a IOIreaved dat â«d te comwrnod.. Childrens Ilair-Cutting pattayof t £~a4IIAMr. and ~P'~kegan ruis rY lIait P099 Ili chance 1W more. The dariflg tactiles complutely oue l. nfleld andithe. third baie m"a brsw over the catebers ,heai ad Ivo #e scame lu. Neit 8unday 1h. Palatine tearn coma. ber. for 1h. t4alrd and ddggame sud It would beêa& wsât. of worde 10 try to tell you what klad of a g1kiefIt will h. and arrag"mat.e being made for the biggsml crowd of the year. Sunday'o acore. -A5EÀ HePk. Sb................... 4 2 2 8 2 O J. Dorfier e ...............4 i 1 0 1 O 0.Knlge. lb..............4 0 1 80 0 T.O erM................-s 0 0i0 i 0 Selrler. ................ . i 0 e 1c0e T. otra ............. ... e1 l 1se Ttal ................... 40M0 a00 OoUin8ms,0.......:ý...... 8 0 i10 ÂiklusOnlb ...... 4.. .A0Ils29 eroup. ...........-. .. ..4 0 e0 Wfllau.s........... ..... 4 000 2 i Plstte& 8b ............... 2 00 1 i2 0 Osayo.i ................ .2 0 0 O O O Baum 8 ...............1 1 2 2 0. Total .............. .. .... 0 424 128 Ares........O 0 2 0 O 2 0 O x- 46 0 vaukegen .O0 0 0 00 000- 042a Tva bam bits, Hapke 2, T. Dardler; sacrifice huta, 0. King; etoien hasses, Ferry, R. DanSier; @truck oui by -Dorfier 11, by Ferry 8; bwae on halle, off Dorfier 3; bit by pitched bail, Seller, Carlson. Umpîre Melloy. Tiui.ol game 1:35. Atteudauce 15000. Noes Knlgge va. nobhed of at ea.h a triple vbeu ora. vent a round beini Hank Lobma's bam and plcked off a drive. Pat King va. delsyei la getting bare and Davis vent lu at second and filled insallai iortly. 1 7h.o- fue A parti of young flks vent ta Waukegan Sunday evenlug and t00k ln th show. Itlel undeslooi that saine ai them are stili looklag for the China. man. Bora, ta M. aid Mns.. Heury Kublaul an Satanaiy, Aug. 10, a boy. Atr a short span oi tAre days the 11111. one paased avay and va. buried Tuesday at lvanboe. Base Sali lu anotber dandy g 8eSudayth homne boys were vtonusvn..lb1t. Besley ream tnom Waukei hite score af 4 ta 0. The Arean played ernanless hall aud wve neyer lai &Dy real danger ai being cord an but they were ûut foraa@but ont and gatI t ilorfier va. pIOchng thAe liai aibal that has kep uns ou top ail sson and gaI eleven stnîle outo the ruast con- MataItperormer ha this respeet heing- Telap wbo eeemed ta Le eufierîng tram a bai attack of wbiffentis. Hapke vas tAie leadlug the ck at an aUr @ide and va. there vîth tva dandy tva haggens ani tbey came hst vben tbey vers needed ton. Jo. Dorfier elotben trinig ta put Ty Cahi, out of business or ho Lad a Arain siorm on tAie tovpath la one of aUr coring spasme. He va. on second and Haple an thind vitb Knlgge at bat ani an a it dova tirld base lin. Jo. tare for thîrd from vhicb Hapke bai Do LZZiclE lira. Hope MOrIlI returned to her home lu Dakota Fiday, ai er epeudng smre tim. vith her parent.1ev. A. 8. Newcomb and vite. lir@. James Ciaton, of Chîcago, wae th. guet of lire. Frank DolpAi recently. Stanley Bail. and Afre Tanner vi. ltqd %t Miesi Emma Radke's list week. Prof. J. B. Farneworth of Mafalr made a short vfalt ait the J. L. Chamber» lin home Wednsmdy. isse. Ad&anad Bertha Kuebker let Monda for a trip to Toron to, Niagara Fails, and ther places In thb. ast. Miss Emma Cliambenflî la pedlng a week with Mies Mdarguerite Clark lu Chicago. Our out fieldemi bai an easy lime of Il Sunday vlth ouy one chance aid Seilen maie a pralli catch oitbat. Eleven etrAke outs lols@ pretty gond fon Donfier aid h. va. iaclng a gond Lunch of battens loa. Ali a ur demon athietes are tulng up for tAie comlng fray next Sunday aid yau may neet aisnr.d that ItwvîlI be euome garae. Counod Proceedinge Meeting of the bowrd ai trusteesa ai1h village af Are& *it tbpvillage hallMou- day, Aug. 1L2, ailouna orm Adg. 5. Pre.enl, Smith prealdent; tnustees, Wells, Gsvle,.imeenWatton, Zerum; absent Tri pp. The minutes ai thie previous meeting ver. read aid approred on motion ai Watson aid Zersen. Ordînance No. 56, entitiei '*An ondin. ance levying thie taxe. ta déf!ray ail neceeery expeuses to the village 0i Area for the Bsald yean eudiag Marcb 31. 1913. reai. floved Ly Watson and Devereani that it be pamsed a.read. Motion carried &Hl vollig Bye. Street, alley and .ldevalk camiitte. repGrled on Park etreet siewalk question and the routa decdei an and arrangement, maie for laylugcro@singo. Thie folloving biseread: F. C. Shaddile, gradin«g............. 150 T. F. Swvan. type wnting............ 1.50 Moved by IN atson and Zersen that bis h. allaved andiwavantedrawu on treaennen for the emre. Motion carrled. Moved Lv Ooeevller and Zesen to adjouru. Motion carrWe and meeting stood adjourasi. T. F. fvai, ak. by ber daughter May, vho bas been maklng an ex tendsd rIaivth a bisten. Mir*. E. M. Avernu aad daughtan Mil- dred, of Spart&, Mchgan, spent Thune- day with Ilas Agie. Payne.. Mns. C. Dorfier spent a ew. days with ber daughcpe t Round Lake receutiy. Mmre.Kirtaingerent.rteiied twodangh. tort-ln-law froin Chlcago, and a niece fnom Loulelana laet week. Rev. and Mm. Newcomb entertained their tbree sons fnom Nebraika, Austin and Rockefeller, Thursdav. Ilsmes Mini. and LliUIa8 Styder tbah a trip to Chicago Monday. 0. W. Bailey hin Î1tlng bls vile vho le ffedixthe sornro at Lakeide cot- Mn. r. J. Turabaill aiWaucondi .,-.'.tue --. -- -.i» v eek end ai the home ai B. C: tffe. Miss Olgca Hoîru leaepeidlg afev days iu Chicago. die', Cemeteni Society met vlth Dont forget the. date cf thie Annal D. Cook lest Tburaday, and Plcnic, Wednesiay. Augaisî2t. Every )rbth Lake Bluff Onpbaiage. body plan ta attend. s a oeood attendatie, consiier. _________ veathen aidndm, d 'aid a ad profitable alter.o.n a. AyD V There viili b. a&lnvsplcliic InRaYs nera aifMr. George Hacen Of GoeatDaodDkAg 8b r. va. heli at IbIs cburch lielsrov e iaori DIe, An.MYlh 1. e va. an aid aoldlar va "haPonesb" at from Fremont Towiship, andIol the ndividual, man anrvouai, vbo àhafamily, yens faltbtuj membere uses Folay Kldney Pille for backach., hntb for mai years. Thei. ie- hmaîism, veak bacS aà" ihher îuvghter, bave the'sincere @yr- kidny and bladderinnsgulanlta. P019y thln maur Monis. Sidney Pille are heallng, lsngletn, toule aid quiek ta proindm neca ,Id Mns. OtfirnSmth viellai Wau- reauta. Coutalu no bitdfulinugs aatives Saturday aid tiiiday. Ne,*n sold inhall. Pet 1p la 1'wb Ob"e lunsea&adbotties.Thé,goulue In a 0iUelAia.ua»C]2&0890 vlatan .llow package. For mas y m1l à.Sha vas accmpiil bd» E)rugimtO. "àiSm uit. B!, Liaai are the pnocid pe" t oa bahrboy bure o thom fait t~M. mi lra.H. . Shverman spent ,uiytArome Mis.D MdaiLeonua Lot. returu- ei tu llivakeslsait $noal. . im elDrusThmtpan ntortalued ber cousina d frisai rou Aunera over Bun. da". MItuAÀt Thoupion Wb1 Tuesiay fon KanaasCity wh.ee h.o.vW attend ichool the lilovi ng tenu. A, 0.. Sc*rmu rummated huil... lai Chicago lait Wedneaday. M mitAh 01 Chicago bai bon .vimit. lnuafov days vlth M. and lin. C. Meyer. lieu. M. Potta bas hesu nteralong relatve. rou Chicago lb. poët v.ek., W. Ntb of Chicago, vlelted vith Mn. aid lira,.Il. Lots a fev daym. 9. J. Uuh.nistock sud kt. A. Eggers ane lrnuUng bres bais of grav6l un tbm rad belvem a iueliaid Olluer. -ire. P"u Tohy aid ber son JohniTue- lam boua ni.le, &pont Suaday aI Baaa.y IAm'.. Mins liualins Meyer in up.nding a couple or vaskolI Waukegai vlIb rela. tiv.. aid frisais. lire. anaiAmain and ion Barney and daugbter Amaelia open$t tIi.latter partof1lhe vesk vllhber lier lina. G Lui ai Wankeg au. Miess arbara Aman@peut li«t vcek vlth friendsanad relatives st liceery. lire.PetenrlMeyer ha. retunned home ater 8pending a couple 0f vesîs vith r.. lativem.jp Wauksgan. NM.. Gos. Amanu aid Graudma Seldel and lir. Chanley Seldel of Liertyvllio, spent at Wdneaday at B. Amaiu's. Miem Helen Tekaàmpe @pent lait vsek Satnndal st Waukegan. 2ev. J. M. wheaton or Chcago, le ap.nding a few dave at B. D. Cook'@. lin. Caroline Odet and daughten ara vimting vitAi Grace Odeit at Druce Lake. WEST FREMlONT The rain the pat week ha. oroved very destructive to the grainfields. Wbere the grain ha. heeu ct il le gnoiw. Ing .and neanly one-eighth of the crop viii h. polled. FraiikNordmoyer and P. Thomas trausaced bua in hLbertiville one day laet week. lire. Water Roney and son and hem Gealdife gay of Chicago, are speudAng a few days as the Roney home. The nuew barn heing buit on the Sayder farut i eaing completlon. Percy L. Thoma" peut Sunday alter- naon aid took euppern t Gomaei'. The Chicago Telephone Co.,hau cou. Iracted a numben of new subscribirer lu this vieinity. Meue. Walter Roney and Frank Ryan of Chicago, spen0g Sunday with the former'. paren te. Tha buildings on the Frederickefi arm and the barn on the Brown farmu bave been improved in appearance by belug newly painted. Never beire have w. seen as good proepectm for a bumper crop of cornua. thie yean. uearly every stalk that i@ earing hai trom two tuo four ears. Jos Baner @peut Sunday altennoon at thie Gossel home. .E FORT IILL Born, tu Mn. aiid Mrns. Oiffon White, tugusi 101hi, a son. Mrns. Wilson ai Grayelae le @oueding a fev weeks vlth lins. Herbert ijavio. Rev. futher SeLildgea of the Fremant Center charrhbLas been callei ta th. Joliet churoh. Next RSnnay, Anguet ifitA wlll be bis la8t Sunday boe. Be Las mais maiy Iriends durlag bis etay bsn. and ail are onny la bave hlm leave. Mnr. and lin. EarlTowneend and lttis sous viellai the latters parent., Mr. and lins. Raison at Vaia finniay. lira. Lynu Munrie ai Rockefeller, epent Weiaesday vith ber parents, lin. and N. . Ira t3mibb. Mir. and liresIDell Tavusend and chiîdren epent Sunday vitAi relatives ah Onayelake. Mis@ Grace BaumnmuIla@pouding the week vith ber aunt, tirs. Pries ah Jefferme n. tirs. WilI Amnn ententained relatives tram Mcflenry Tuesday. Thene vili b. Buuday achoal at the Fort Hill1 cbnrcb aI 2 p. mn. nent Buoiay. Evemyboiy coilily Invited. Dr. C. H. Ellsworth, i)entlst, 10 Baldin St., Rochester, N.,TY.,sais! Fois y Kîdacy i'Plle gave hlm Immediate] relisef! and strengtheaied hlm vonderfulli. 111 have been bothered vlth veak kidnsys and hladder trouble and suiferai musAi pain. Folay Sidney Pille gave me imelate relief aid strengtheaiei me vonirfuly. 1 amn plea.ed ta rscom- usai their ose." For aale hy ail Drnagste. tom MequItmBDon% tio. 1,itla tige isualemoieuuto that do àn th. bitLn. TRio..that bava lt atbyplum&e-l eateufi a ailta every year'la uorthleas lnvestmnents and se- curities. That la the report rec"ved on ln- veetments ln Ilituolg-.-about $150,000.00 for every county and Lake County le no evcep. tion. liard earned dollars lost forever to ochemlng lndividuali; and promising promot- When you loin on iiveat uoney vhy don'L you woueult. your banke-the mian who depends on yomin permanent vealîh for bit living? Oubuainess juidoeln. invei!t- ment. andmin uve oa 11you the. diffêrenee betyenana inveatmant and a peolatiou. IVo do t f(ne.and you vili b. viser and vomthier for having &"*a ne. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER THE FIMS NATIONAL RANI 0F LIRETYViLLE Nest Duo to thé Pont Office An Incomparable Li.h A Helper that nover Tires Are eaeh available at the touch of a bn*ton When yoiir home is equipped for rELECTRIC SERVICE It is luxurious in everythiug but coot We wlre bouses at co@t ~24 montha to psy lhe expense of wirimag is low PUBLIC SERVICE CO. of Northern fllnois UYOUIR HOUS"E INORDERD FI Autumu le coming on and wlth the shorteuiif ing days you begin to spend more and more of yotir f Utime indoors. ks your bouse in order or does it lllack some piece of f urniture that eitber necessity or comfort demandsi Now is the thne te, thinkl of this and now i@ the time to sct for the botter-l ment of your home. The purchase of good fur- niture is really an inveatment and 1* will yield large D returns in, comfort, convenience and happiness. f But beware o! that word "good" for. like chsrity, f It la somettmes made te covoor a multitude of sins, f both of omission and commission in the manufac- One way to be assured of valnes that are really gaod is te buy of a dealer whom you know to be reliable and, who in tamn deals with reliable fl We feel confident that we csn prove that our f flstore fits into the above dei;cription. f . It will be to youir advantage te look over our f M stock in yoîîr fali buying and you will find it asM flnear complet@ as possible. fl You are especially invited to see the new M. Schu C i anss rie o eaerte poD of tlÈem.pinsjtariefowerert Watch the weekly window display of, spe - fliaUly prlced bouse furnishinge for perhaps what f fyou want will be there.b UTHE MAY FURNiTUP E AND PAINT'STOREQ M bertyville MlinoisU TheINDEPENDENT $1.50 the yea r. - 1 1 t.. M . n.w hAatin. nlant tA ho 1