34th A NNUA L RE- UNION 0f Liake County, flhnois SOLDIERS and SAIL ORS WiII b. held at WICK'S GROVE, GRAYSLAKE, ILL., WKDNESDAY AND TiUURlDAY, AUGUST 2ist AND 22nd, 191 2 iGond Speaker. Allendale Band Dancaî at Opera fliouse Maie Quartette at Camp Fire - Thulmday eie. By order Coin. I'ROGRAM, WEDNESDAY, ALJGLST 218T. The day wilii bo devoted to vtuig wltb Old Soldiers Muit by J. M. Ray- monda@ Fife aud tIruni Corps; ail old veterans of the Civil war Camp Fire lu the evenlng at the (Irove at M o'ciock Aluoie by Fife and Druni Co"p Prayer by chapialu Addreou ai Wecoine by Preu. T. A. Revualîlsa ae a by 1ev. A lexander R. Thain of Canton, 111. Sang hy Maie Quartette camp Pire Addr. P bIfeand tirum CorpsCamnpPire gtorlea )fon bv quartette %fore ý5tarie@ hy Old Soider. Fife sud 1bruni Corps (ontlutied iteiarka by Oid Soidiers Song iry Quartette TIIURSDAY, AUGtST 22ND Amsociationi Buiness Meeting at 9:30 Base Bail Gaine at 10 a. lu. Mugie liv Allendale ras» Baud ot 18 pleces and J. Ml. liayruud's bruin Corps ExPrcises et Wiek'e Govne at 2 p mn. AdJrese hy THOMAS -0. G,ýACT ot thao.iept. G. A. K. Commander of Ilîllîjoi.s oltowed by ALEXAtNDER R. THAINS and çhort adâresses lev others Btauid (o-rîert atthtbro)ve !om 4 ro . 1). iatid froin 5 tu flfitaithe Botele flai, it tle lîlsira llousein the Ereuinît A.\l>RE% WIIITF. HENRY PO(rhBSKI, MARSVHALl. iW ATIL. No troublel No workl No ptimping in the fezn coldt The Farin Pump Englue wilI provide aUthwae you need for the bouse, dairy, bi, feed lot, pastur-j anvere you want it. % . ' aÇorlrgbt outdoora lu zero weather. Pravides water aIti h- lght tsmpratre-no lce-paeked tanks or bothersome tank bottera. Vota lana tha a Food wlndmill. Doms ten tînmes as grumablus aIot long là.nora' on t"dnf Attssbstp àWy Pmp a 9 Uue.. Bu aPoler for ruuuing auy baud or Obc- ~wrmiiiner7 lielpe the womentoiks tewashlug machins sud wiug. etc. Rue the coin shelier, tanuciug fed D = eaatn. Dos most &Ulthie drua cbm u bilusaltme. Au ed, = -we~ a 1.Cames on its owu basa. Ne := ataa rplatforma e dad. Pour seau boit te lt an my pimp. No boita, â». b. ga e t Wou* Wd lbM a fU rom3fp E.g asMneshui. tin la ou al wroue&Si Etlàai arieomekm ai a aajthe hl.d of Wau thât linamm for Sale bu SCIIANCK BROS. R. R. LAUGIILIN Teacher of Voice Culture I r ede it \Waluko :, I î '.tV 01 i n er Director of Libertyvilie (I rd N i Dm in g tnu. imring season, begirînîù'g juin îtîiM, r .Iii i.:rîi liru s ii e i n i bl.lerty- ville on une îIaý of îam lu au rh Mr. Laîîghliîî wil be jmeaud lu hear Irou busc îîtereëted, address Watlcegaunsîervaîtory of Mime. Puîblie recitais will Ire givori &e soon i ipuils are îircianeîl. Nrs. 1lauglîlin a iii ecmeve n lîîîited nuîmber of 1piano(îiupls. Stop! Look!, Listen! And at Gurnee too We have a quantity of tire sale goods we are almost giving away and we are also selling Orocerles, Meats, -etc., cheaper' than other'stores. -i AT THE NEW STORE Ca H. BARNSTABLE Gurnee, Minois LÀ"E COUJNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, &UGUST 16, 1912. RUSELL The LadiesAidemocef> vii meet wlth lfire. Joe lMerville tue laet Wsduesday lu Auguet instead of Thursday. Tiie harveat is greatly deiayed and damaged by the heavy raine. The Miount Rest Cemetery soclety met with Mfr». Allen izion on Wednesday. The Oakdaie Cemebery %ociety met with idra. E. P. Siver on Tlînrsday. IMYrtie sud Laura turneo retuned homeaunSuda> fromn rFîir veeke visit Doings and Sayings of OmylJk Orders Taken for Jlob Work Av ostbmla Sl on Application e- lilm s ui.Whitehead @peu t lest Friday end Baturda> wit.b ber ulece, lmR l'alerte Raty et Guru". , Letor8Shaka trauaated businessil Chicago Mouday. Nais Avanson near Druces Lake la ver> slck. Milas Blanche Hougbton retnrned to1 ber' work at Chicago Suuday ater spend- Ing a couple af yacks hein with ber mother, Mmn. O. P. Barron.1 Dr. C. C. Whltmore was unabie tu attend ta hie dutîes ber. Monjda> onu aceount of belug slit. Client Whtmare aud LaMout Allen were Chicago visitora Mouday. M r . a rr'y - t iesl a1 C h icag o , ra -pedi., a ev veeks vith M. B. Atweil and eifs ftsdp 1,i.d d isJe Longabaugb sud dangbter Luctte aec<rmpanisd b> Misses Shtela Miler of Lake Bluff, Katherlue Mac Mnilen sud Lena Srnitb of liexter. Mîeaouri, iade a trip tu Zeudau,We aud Lake Genleva lait Ttînr@day, eturnu. iig bonie Fnlday. ",Iu ur ad and secluuua mou cari obtaîr a ai tanry tîu-th brumlu fre. li elrug Cii Irans ý.andi ctertaisîrîsut an Rounid Lake. lueedmî,tày nugbt. Aîug, 24), giecu byj talc M. W, tl, nlM. %VW. of Round 1Lake and the lic utizrrumilarînl utf Liberty- ville. si-t.nlal vaudeville wauto anîd lai i'e I rg rmwrc aiii Ie ýtIstred rhrmiiîgliuuiint iiw evenirig frer to ail iuîîld- iu aceni-. Fres Iwtienair lusoîl coneinrt ut 7 V, ilîmru. MrsneA. W%"rmlîi uit iftr tAmnanila, Texas, il vmisutlug lier mdoter, tireleur.v E C. il ni irangaced buinnesun '.Ar. andtirs tAi(rITayloîr andf dauglu ti-re, \Iusmsg Gertrude suif Mary îof tunora, tii-ut mlim séertend ut the Itiemail i ttage. %I r Weudellken and a ifs mot Chicago, anire ieiting a few daym witb their Sou Fned anuiffaiuiy bere. YORK HOUSE The eoug service Sunday eveniiug sas W-11 attended and greatly enjoyed by ail. Mins. Hostin. waa witb us and Fang adverai sangs whi e vregreatit appre- cistsd. There wiii te a social h.id at the home af Mîr. and lira. Lincoln Egbiert ou the Muinford ltoad Friday eveuiug, Anguet V;. The lunde ralsed.wiii go toward thme uew bassient. Mir&. % ilsons alster, Un.. tis. Trucs- da], visited ber lsat wveet Unr. Egbert'@ mother, lire. J. tD. Klrst and ber @ister, Urn. A. J. Nelson from Dodgaviiie, WRs., are vistlng ber. Mfr. and lirs. Eruest Barustabie eajj- ed on frlende Sunday. Ure. (Juerd Ho@âine of t)eKalb. Ill., vaited at Mfr. and l11n. Elliot Bacons@ lait week. John B. Low ut Lake Forest, rpent Sunday with relatives here. Mfr. and Mi. Bain have moved on 1Mr. liantkins place. lire. Bartley ententaînKilthie Ladies Club lat Mnnday and retunned with ber @inter to Indiana. tirs. Eime L!awrence anîd dauglîter Mdiss liaragarict of Tabor, Iîiwa, are vlsiting Mr. aud Wr, G0.A lýow, lire Brocteuru entcrtained ber iuother Unr. Rîruse of Diamoîîd Lakie, Sunilay. Jeosie r.turued lîîîiie wîth lier tii epeiid the week. Mir. and Mnr. liay visit-dàlins, Mary Snyder who in very sick. A. ts. Joues ufthIe le" Pharrnaey, Chico, Cal., who bas handied Foiey & Ca.'s adeues for înany years, sa7s: "I consider that Fleyis s ouey sud .Tar Compound boanon equai and la the uns eoogh inediclue 1 eau recommeud an cautainiug nu narcotles orother barinful praporties." The genuine in a yeliow package. For sale by ail Druggints. With every box of REX.&LL TOOTH POWDER or wlth oetube of Enthymol Itooth Paste we will give away ab- solutely frce one Sanitary Tocth Brush Bruce DrugCo'1 TWO STORES Grayslake, Round Lake DR. L. M. COULSON VETERMNRIAN, Office et Gardinie Hotel Phom ss3R, fiRA,, LUnIME Howard Baguof Llberyvîls cabinet vorta, trauasetd businesbere Tue@. day. O. E. Letaisud vifs of i.îbert.yviic, vlalited th.lr danghtcr, MI s If. Perry Wedueeday. j- B3. Converse, wha sîcut a few days here recenti> rstunned to iiis bonis lu thie West. lir,. Jeé Longabangli amui sutvr, Ndias Frazie Shanké sud Misses l1,1,a Smith aud Katherine MacMU1îlîrmu msitpd at Laike Bluff, Waukegaii awjl ion City Wednesday. Euan Thomnson transîsivtcîl bluenese lu Chilcago Tueeday. 1fr. Milieu and famîly itjare lgueste of John Wieiearia Arîthur Rch bahm nnbi..î:ufli ie passeuger Kîrt autoinol.îl, IDr- E. Vî. fHatrve ml»t ii s n Mis JantesClinton aiA i vlufnicrîd oif Chicago, epeut Wedusii, 'iii "dTiîîn- dav wihMr.î narsd li,.I munc uu and faiiulv. MIns C. B.McCîla i uer liulen icît last week fol Spinii.î.r i. imOiit nlativM,-sThey aill hou . i.abouit thf,~ inet of beptemlo.î fýi tflin nus liomîîe lan 'ienice. 111 i.r, Mn. Mia r îln ii loin r h..i G.-i Fînuderson. who ir- r ,inouru & luo , sas ealling on r... ine llîrs r. E. llarritt and faniil I ,, %%nitooha, anc giemst fH. Perry uiul Iru1 Sin. àoomn, Bi The alaninl of tlîriiii..iiilug suhmî il I g1vs ari iut'ijrda> nî.cririg, mlmg. 17, lu Sti,r i,.n îîîî jj iiiiiens mand former it. s aue tirgenly ncqueeted to it . itîîleuithe Pposen t sud former oeliui, î leThe (liniruittees have doue wai il ..powe5r t0 ruake tlîis affair a cmi e- ali t le expeeuted that ail she lii i. iuduates wiil tuout ontud help toi iii" the beet and biggestsiiu înu 1 c edlu llrayslake. GAG--- F Franfes and Evelyn Beak are visiting their antislu Evauton. R.W." es pending morne fiimeat bis faim la iunesotaà. AIrs.G"loreand Bernîce spent Sun. daY with Mr. Ane" and famiiy. Mr.anIdisa. Dave ('arîson of Wauke. gain, allVent Sunday with Mfr.snd Mre Geo. gappe. C. C- Amne @havîng hie bouse ralsed Mud a ew foundation put lu. lbe Vaudenhike of Chicago, @pont the fore part of the week with Wili O'Nsl. ils Dix of Waukegan, speut Sunday wltleî alter lre bunyder. Phîla Am@@s le visiting friendsaiafTay. lor Grave. Misa Edna Kaîple cil Bighwood,e1îent 8undae' with ber parnte. Mi@s Eva Tueken of Evanston, calîrd ou Mrende bers Sunblay and Muuday. John Lawrerîee serit Sunday with lin. and ]drs. Evau Lamwnrlure. lire. Ana Gaîrraîî of Chicago, suent SoUday wltlî Mr.lia Lawrene Mire. Chais. Sruî îl,'î us ,till very poiînly. MiT' and Mlin El dlarof (biago, oSins visitou t tli.,home uofNMr. and Idis,. Kelier r nt, vi; O . W. James of Vu uiiîkegan, speur Situu day ait home, 11ev. Win. Teeter. a netmîrnipd îrîissun- ian> froni the l'liliiuiaee, olli prcaumb neit Bunday iîuirîiung 1fr. sudMlra Kellen.re 11N-sutaveon a.nd hMiss Gertrudli hlanîluaie sere Wau- kegan visitors tatîul." e M. W. A. and M. W. W. of Round Lake aud the Cîtizeus' Baud of Libertyvlille ii gis dance aud eutertainment at RUnd Lke, Ttîesday uight, Aug. 20. Sricai vaudeville acteansd moving p ve iii be featured tbroughout the evenlugt. Fre oupen air baud concert at 7;45 P. ni. Oeo a AlWssiluChicago ou busi. upes latioaday Z. R. Youunguf Hebron, Ilii, sud lits. Young of Troy, Pa, visiteS St lDn. Youngs uns day thio seet. Sorn, Miîuday f0 Mr. sud Wr,. Burt Mille, a @on, sud Wedneday, ta AIr. and Jdra. WJIiMcClure a daugLter. Peter Thommressen ot Chicago le visit- lug lima J. W. Grnay sud ather relatives bore. Mfr. and lira. H. H. Siroueuberg veut tu MIiwankee Sanda> 10 inset a niece tram liontana Whu viii eas> ith theru nomes tue. R. W. MicCure vas lu Chicago ou buel. uew Weduasday. A Piîtic was heid bers ý6uroday vhlcb Wa tegleu bu>Tb@. LadiasAid oclaty. _i. p"d lir&. Rowar4 eutertalad J. R. Corra aud laniuly anîd Aqa Corris §Peut Bandai ut iinrnee witl, tie E. à MAIetaf famfly. MIra. S. C. Browe e;ent a lesi days with lMra. Tonibougli lu B aukegan. B. C. Melville sud fanily muent 4îîndaY at Wili Meivilles. Ou account ut the rain aundladrad not Mauy attended the suriiav uluîi convention at Roseeranm. Inez Sîver bas bren lu Waukcgun eoriîi turne tlsitiug relatives. Myrtle Cornie retuned to ber duties um bout teeper lu Kenusha on liondar, ROSECRANS ] Mies JIenniîe MendlI lof licaîriu fwnt the wert end wîihMnarnd Mmns WIii Webb. Mnr lueen W cVliii1, ofil lliagri, et une dai last mmmci i lom-sna, Mrn ad MrnNIH. Sriîu i Gnillen Elîvri, aiîd i sBanîîmurvii . i ,laglu. wp.re ententalil ut thi\Nunt lrop iiOoi .nen Sunulay lire uug his lieu isil uig Itîsiuul MIr, anîd )I n. i uin fiii ofnn, i / i CSiy, ene luismi nans iii alie r Sulay lu spine of the iiiuddy ruîaile and tirdI n cather, the ilimnceution %meli i luapashelîl lu thîe NI. E. hunîli sac ur mliattoJlIl lait Siuday. Peuoulle frnîî lise,HI. Xiii City and Hghlandl Paît-nini. i.i Mieis Margaret liilliig, mm h(,lias îiciuu viîsîting coiiihur e, lias nciiliî i i lie borne in NVaukegmîî I1 iimloie i nd lisie ri r r Nr. arîd Nîns. Wlluiîlonit itumelw n ji fin"t flnrm fIealiangîr tastuin îîmen Sur) lîîy hue h rotbîn Ruiluini Mrn. aul lins Charlet siuiuinm. sus ut -____________ Sundaiy sitil the lîmmne f. ý ls. f Ici er undf astbma reîakc rgo fýuite a nuruber Iruru liene irte-udAie iflr'onmisîlofiintente iire inî ri Rman Harvest PicnicatffickorlitmtTlursdav. pfflips Foi-vs Honet and Tan cor.I James Oliver bas returried horn- alter r"iuîr' imes prompt esand relief aid li oottiiît ud hoaiing i tire pinfiaruse a six see&s vîisit in Richmond,îli. membranes Wm. Mlieret4ew. N Dorlug the past lesw verts several silos ltearlirr. lie . Rave "Afew doses of have been bnilt in this vieinît>. F'niiYs Honey sud Tut Comutonnd slieeef niefua severeattuck oft sethuis and leas than a tuttI5esuacît a ecuipltP 611 cre. RPIus, aubetitutea. For sale b> MILLBUTUT=Z"D-PROVE» The annual Thank offering and Thera is a Hesp of Solace in Seins Mîsiouary tea wilI be held at th, cburch Able.ftn Oepend Upon a W.I Wednesda~y afternoon, Auzg 21. A good Earned Reputation PrOgraM 1b&8 been preparr.d lvervcne Welcame. ~~~For MOntha NEEDa sdl W r. a n d 1 f ,. . T b , r n u d M r a d h a v e e e n t h e c o n s t a n t e x p r o I a Mr. nd rs.W. i. homandMr.andpraise for Doanso Kiduey Pfli.s d Msf M",. Ra)pb Harrie spent Tuesdav with about the good work tbey aIM'r Mr. Thom'@ parent@ at Libertyviie ii thls loca-lity. What other.= eVer prîîducea such eonvlncing poo #. Mfr. &Wd AIr. J. A. Thain and Lymnan mrit? left FrldaY for Suinrers, Montana anid Mre C sR. foag, Orehard St., Libuel>j alo ili vigit in Mirneoota hav iJI.., fil , avii hhoab1 ave Uv« rlomieaud Iloalie ide y Hua Ma1 é. Mrhan r*. JJ. S. behm aniei he r (lue îny liurn'iy was alise are way.lumbago and the kîducys werf are way.ami inactil e. [ban's Kidney Pille w.oe Meure. Lyburn and Rocs Stewart left used and tlîey liromîght relief." for Canada wbere they will spend tw %Ir@, Hoag ni ouly one of IIIU w ee k s ' o n th e ir fa r im e . L ib e r t y l e î m o l w o h v e g a ef lV endorsed lorian sKîdny Pil. Il )our A. K. Bain tranearted busfiness in baek ac-hes-il y'îur kidueye bather you, Chicago Weduesday. dont simifly aek for a kiduey remedy' ast dletlinetly for Doansm Kiduey Pd,. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harnisq left Friday the sanie than Mrs. Hoag had-she for thîin borme at North Peorla, fil. reuîedy backed by horne te@timony. 50e alilst<nres Fo8ter-Mlîlburu C'o., Prope., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wheaton and Bu falo, N. Y. -Wlîn Your Back tu llldr'ncif Wbeato, , IIIcame Tuesdav Larne-Rernember the Narra- 46-2 un their autoî fo uend sorme'time- at-thé Mn nîftIr r;. afBord rctrrmnd tii (heinlîîi. aiBuxuIcII. i. Tlîurday. 'onr a fIl, w .l, îilusî iitii tîuung f0 Portlaîndbînrnon NIfr. and Ml 'il ni W Tbir mi and il iIdrnn tient Siîmodai'v-iiih mru . i Wl5 !fre EFlicalelb r c i rcluhi scierai dams ' ii M-rn l,nv parc ,,.ii wèeet Thil tio,l, bfi-t tîllii,.eIt n"Id 011111111v -Mr, Mn, Hclcî Fluesrltt Mînu IV ni. lIvlydrnildaîbs Ilaidl>Il t i de'rvfor Clliiavo hiee tIlarîde meltntr ti- ete nhile ies' tiu iili. 'oaiilttaiber Srit ti) Thi Mîemnar' tidvfi-laemet sîhli %Ins G,o arnimiesrThumdani For Riieninatinin sud Gout. ail Drnggists. PI4ONES-Raaid.ae. 1201. She~ 43M BEN IM. MILLEaR, Attsa.y. Adjudication Notice. i~iuiuiie aherebY tieî Olat thie Sub. ONicl.1de.-ed clii attend tisCeunt i'- unî ilLake Coiiîrr at . rerm ihereot, li lie hoiluei ur ie tonni Honte la Wasikeuu. 111 s"] i,.1 î iot,ou trie tuniMondai' oi Octîrber iiox. 11ull 0he0 aid liere a.l)lierions ihadg driquesteil ro lî,resesîtith ame 10 sald Court fat A iE s hN 1C K,îL Aiimlustîatrlx. Oiiiei,îiiAaîrîîs i. 1912, c..45 STEER STRAIGET tii W -n.aI-ri, ck & Co. If pîn have 'ay iiito nsed, npairîug or otheilse.W# d1ai utusînwour bueluea sd t i teumi îîî lt-a elaim niade guod by evet> Imut leasing unr bands. Eveu il yoià durit uneed unr senvitmes today, ýdrop lu anyhos. Wsecorriel Wm. Laycock Co. Auats For MOLINE MOTOR CARS L.ibertyVil1.ý HLI ARE YOU SICK? Iribiste Clas For Poison Blood * P u n i..3e th e B k diC.u n ssth e L v hig e'.Gsde Sk1,794.rng htheN e eres Increses the appetite. For Cîr Scrofule, ScrofulousHuosUlrs Humors emd Pmlson thFcCospto, edce Pan e ; hDosd i Booddiges. m s-ny-cause. For Chilis & fever 09 us .mlLTA Malarias ed Ague .0 HI-LAX- l.the world's iceut- est. Absolutely sure, safe ud harulesto thé peisn.taking it, yet so exîremely fatal to the malaria gsrm - duau i most cases it drives the poison enfirlroyout of t»sysîem inu3 deys. A MiId Family Laxative RThe New Discovery orREUMATISM sud GOUT, deep- or RHd udapperndy hopeole.ses!.any IWE ugodbondition. Used by Specialistu in orr uate of the Globe. Pleasant to take Doo'î w@Mwituaomounds, curo.alle and liniments ~~Cure Your Kildmeys For Kidney, Bladdr and Unlnsu'y Dfsosos, whlob, if neilet.d, often lcad. to Bright'# lisse. KDNBY FLUSHe k, speedy andud eifstory remedy for long standing KIDNEY; trouble, pouomuing a wouderf ni antiseptlo power 0111 1 OU? AM &10 a Uj1.