coINT'P ~g ,s EYT, I3WAT, = News of Waukega n andthe North Shore' t ThePolice Arrest A. S. And W. Co. Land Alleged Crook WAITER IN DEER PATH INN AC- CUSED 0F CRIMES IN SEVERAL lustrial Association WilI Buy 44 Acre CIIE, -ASA-ES9D just South of !uwelope Factorg. To WAS IDENTIFIED DY- POLICEMEN ractofies on Site BV PRINTED DESCRIPTION _______WHICH'HAD 9 EEN SENT. Joluy Jack. 1 Tars'Kick RE( SA) 1. The Northern Illinois Industrial association is to at- Two Lake Forest policemen made d avi tain titis to the 44 acre tract of land owfled by the Ameri- an Important capture Tbursday vvbeo a can Steel & Wfre Co., situated just aouth of the Nationail hey pae underrarreat a coiored _ 19rivlopefactry btwee Tenh SteetWaukganand an named Chesler Marshall Brou.1 faco etwenTenh tretWauegn, ndwho lm wanled on a charge of burg- aien Fourteenth Street, North Chicago. iary and atlempled murdier and 1in-vol 2. Said tract i.a to b. divided into eleven four-acre fac- cage on a charge of burglary. Police. for tory stes. mn Waler Fuies and Robert Duri the 3. Dlrectors of the Northern Illinois Industrial associa- etmd h Brown wasqeifud vcrking rasa aare tion will locate one staunch Iowa industryYonl oneOsite witli výaiter in the ,.eer Path Inn ait Lake loir fa two months. Forest. Tbe Ive police officera had he 4. New factory wiIl smploy fully one hundr.d mon, wifl received a description and plure cf ., manufacture dump cartil, concrete mixers and steel dig- Brown and frein this lbey diucoveredth gingmateWi ad eqipmet.Ibat be vas vorking in the Lake Fer- plin 5.ngElgin, iet &n ulpmnt. -îrod wlletn est htel. co Joie Eatrn ral.oa WIIexeà it8 They went ta thedIning rocin and cl Wtch tack i North Chicago north on CommonWealth catted hlm by naome. He denled that il avenue to Fourteenth street, thence euat to State Street, Il as itsnaine, Out sad that Brown 1ha t.hence north and eut to the Mad acquiied by the associa- w- In0 the oexl room. This t.rew ah tion for ractory sites. tment od r f terga for a mo. cut 6.North Cicag land ownera have declared their in- moen. n they slePPed lotor1the nexl . room. can tentinofeetg twentyr houssa before snow fansa. Quick au a flash Brown ran up the ter 7. Drc orso the Industrial Association will bring ton stairs and bld in a closet. The oltIý lit. factorisa to Waukegali and North Chicago neit year. ceris were not for a behnd hlm, bt x 8. Plan of extendinj awitcni track on the Weat Bide of bey tooe.' î locae hmbefor a vhîîeclo 'Waukegan abandoned f or a year or ao. He munaged ta double on is tracks dar 9. American Steel & Wire company directora will meet and when the officers were searcblng . 8eptember l7th., when deed for the sale of land to Indus- ooe rmon he wouid slip mb u noîher. chI trial association will ho drawn up. The earch finally nairowed down ', At the snnaI meeting ef the dit-oc- Iheir geeds in Waukegan und then viii however, asud the police finally foundW toi- of the Anerican Steel &- Wîre rent homes In Waukegan. Tdyhmhdn eid ieo oe.H'ry, eompany. la e 0eeld September 17tb, many cf 1he employeem eftIhe tac- muhnllted ta arreul after a brief slrug-l tories in North Chicago make Wau- ae btpttpabaditu he 0 a deed for the aieetftbe fOrtY.four kegan their home. The Northero Ilii. ,bt u Pahadfgtwhnte . aere tract cf laod iualed south of noie Industrial association la vorlîing authorlîlea attempted le photograph lai the Waukegan plant of the Naional for the expansien cf the cotnnunlly blem aI the Police sation. t favelope faclory, helveen Tenth ut large, and net for Waukegan or TO.' Lake Forest lpolicre have lurned& and ourtenthstret taNorth Chicago. A grealer V.aulîegan the felinsv over to the Evanston airulk aad oureenh sree 10the dîrec- means a grenier Nerth Chicago. A toilav easotlm oi tort of the Nortbern Illinois Indutrtai greater Nortb Chicago means a great- toieswr ahrtim agIIcor uMiociation cf Waukegan and North et Waukegan. lu aid 0ie ne!arly killied a policemnanpli Chiagavii h.dran ~The proposition of annexatien te 1n making hlm escape frein hlm. Ch« wl e rwnu.Mr. Sayier'm vision revertm hack ta__________ Dfit. pans for tire prchas. cf the old ides of îyraony. Il veuld b.'est" thia tract cf land by the Waukegan Impossible for on.' t0 purmuade North ol asul SMpan havebeencomplted. Chicago ta voeeIn favor et annexa- oiaP e c s co~pay hve ben cmpiead. tien aI 1h15 urne.. Taxes are cheaper Elien Factory Sites..» n North Chicago today than vbst This tract of land viii lie divided tbey are In Waukegan. If Noth Chi- Strong Sermon M lato elleven fout acte tactery sites, cago should bu annexed by Waukegan fftcb trackm viii iotet'ect each and thi section ofthIe ceunty weuld not ZION CITY, SAYS NE, 18 NO PLACE every mlile, and ttelgbt coOuiepbiped have a tair representation In the3 FOR FOLLOWERS 0F THE trm~ i ailie. by hotb raltoada. ceuncil or In the Board et Local lmn-REO AMSN On. Site Purchamad. prevements. il reverîst back te the RN AE.N Aiady the directe-rs et the associa- Proposition Ibat confronied 1h.' peo- tie. bave mcceeded In 'tanding" one pIe vben they declared ver against ALL PERSONS WHO ARE DIVORC. lagfa tory fer this ite. A satunch Engiand vben they ver.' 001 ailoves EO AND REMARRIED CAN'T BE 101v& tactory lima te b.tamoved to Walu- repremienlalien in goveroment. SVDFO EL k«»a a once. *The main office of SV FOMH . RE tht. Company viii bie lecated In Chi-u crgbut lb.' plant viii b.e rem eileDOies as Resu Utclocj, bitter sudilu ncumpromîsing, ter U City,. . hangs over a large number et happy . Its copanyla ne e thelargBt f nju ifehomes lu Zion City. WIbur Glenn Vo- et lieskiad in America, and la ovned lvoesefi atbcoadds by nmornfe Chicagos îarget capital- ivoesef. 0lhcoadds tata. One local man bas offeted ta H. F. NORTON, FATHER 0F MRS. ilirbet' of general traoquiity, bas issu- finance the deai for the temovai cf HATDE NCCAO OS ed an ultimatum thal Ibrealens te dis-.w ibis plant te Waukegan. if necemary. HARTAL EARLNHICTO HO&- rupt a number of homes aud sever The ti-ns'atille viilnet be made numrousmatrmonal les tat l, I knovn t ta ime. ueosmtioilts-h iIf& Carl E. Saylet, prebient of 1the CORONER PETER HOFFMAN TOOK the Personu referred ta hope 10 watk P Noriber Illinois Industrial unnuels- 80 MUCN INTEREST, ME 18 the straigbt and nrrev path lae 10. UocmIn an Interviev vilb a tepresen- HOLDING THE NQUEST. pearly gaies." taliec IeSn e-dy om, __ Every divorced man or voman who s "*Ont association vili boy the Ameni- H. FN orton, 84 yeai-5 oid, tthur bas marriled aain must sepurale ora eau Steel and Wire conipany sîte on etfNrs. David Q. Hrt, etf\Vuukegan, go le bell,' vus the wrnlng, swlft andu the 17tb day et Seltember. One' ln- died inl the Rhodeu Avenue bospitai terrible,' delivered by the everseertata dutty viii b.' iocated on a portion In Chicago aI 6t eock Iiasmornîna is foliovers fi-on Shiloh tabernacle, t) cf tbis land betor. th.' unow faits. as lb.' resuit of injuries received vben We wyll locale ten other planîtu on lie vas struck by an automobile lut,. There wau ne alternative given, andmi ibis tract of lund hetore 1914. Weuinemoday aflernoon, au decrIbed ex- there are many dbverced pesans05i10ra . Tbe E.,.JJ & E. raiiroud vîli .'xtend cluively In the Sun liait eveonn. Zion City vbo have been iemarried. W liasvItcb track te Iis site. The track The coroners inquest iu being con- viii b. exlended noui-l on Common-1ducled hy Coroner Peler .Hoffmau ot Frein thein Prophet Voliva as top. it vealth avenue t0 Fouiteenlh treet,J Chicago Ibis aflernoon. lied off go much of the "struigbt ansiai sat on Fourleenlb str.'.-î le lb. prop-1 Accrding ta the Poice record in narrow- path It viii 0e aimout Impers. erty vbicb v.' viilomn. TO.' North- Chicago. the automobile wblch ulruck sibie for Iban le valk lt t ail. o western railroad wil exiend lils uitch Mr. Norton bore lb.' Illinois ulate Il- tsck ta ibis ste.cens.' number 157,468 and la owned sud He 100k is aulbority fion Natthew e "The plan of extendlng the syicbi driven by D. W. Conneil ot 5430 May V. 31-32. These Verses read:l i track north lto Waukegan il be tteel. Chicago. Conneti vas ut once îî bhath been muli, whosorevei- siail a carried 0u1 vbun necessiiy demanda,ý placed under arrest lîy the Chicago su. probably In l914ý The deai for the Iherities sud in belng beld peoding lot awvay his vite ltlbhlm give her a iE vutchase ot thc A b'ý & W. Co. land 1.e verdict ai the laquent iis aller- vriliîg et diiorcement. But 1 gay It vili be iatiled ai the directorsr' meel- noon. The accOlent happeo.'d ai lt.' ilte YOU that vhoseever ubuit mari-yw ing ta ne belid Selt. 7ih. W.' viii corner o! Wabash avenue aud Jack- ler thOat ia dlverced committeth adul-n sir te Cis t *vo Nort Il Chicago for a son boulevard. franchise 10 cvtenîl the swlîch ti-ack Ni. Norton v-as plck'd 01) uncon- teri-t a noItth lis i noiwrcsTTre preîîerty scinus by the poice and wus ricmved Esý,ery man who Oas tivorced bisa vii l.' orîledrcdo i th .est hY the te the bospitul whei-e il was t once tiist wlfe and mari-ed ganter Oan gotB E., Jý & E suitrir rark and on tOc aen tOt is condition wsu very seri- Ii give her up," thîîndered lb.' prophet e sa»t th r & N 'w stch t-aci. ous. Vils son-ib law, David Q, Hart i Consîder tOhi- troir i tIir' ioet de.'c I. îîîetkn j-me ord&A (horris oet niffles greetesi his verda oii-sOie piecc oft tir i , tîl 'intuthe Hart, et W'aulzegali vas cailesi to Chi- and Oadkercbiefs ver.' rais'd t10the.a middle s'est, cage W\edîîesday night. Nire. Hart wcseing eyes. "I conulder tt.ii tIii, Ili ti ti ent tlu bec-fathers hedulde earty '1 ioîleot01care wbo mai-riesi you. tract of land rtt. r'. s il l bc 1tu rsdav mornlîg and remalned vîtO of great-i i.i-i i iii h tic ,wil liti u tnt il the iast. ver're lilving tIn aduitry andi have got t beaefit ta Waikiguî ii i, Ci Ili aro 0 t isintessîýbi !ogamy just vhat the.' 10retient i take ne' stock lu thesea wIMI altalo the tiailiîî o 1 1'r 1:verd-ict sil lic luit Coroner Hoffoîso People getiiug do on the front stepu Voa u tefa loi-'Ni,, iliiiîr în 'i 5itt1li h am Otand sntiing .et 10cm go tea1the pee- woa~ n th futori' î Nir t 1 le I) rs-ri i-n îr he Inqîleut persanie-t odcnfusi u 1$-foribChicago, i afili'i, al. he ie o ndcnîîsi, n 1j*om asr.'sidenî'e t tl', 1ii .1 t, isîraif.1 ,t-sbi ceides wlîh tle 1.'people they siole trom and te-t dhbed bin ie witb i t, il iiMrîi liai-t h O, r". MNorton teases the store. TOats COri-lullnity of a prac- r mrraak h a setiatiit i il, ii îIs I rOt ilren, lirs il Q. liar i- l I îiim and what 1the vorld ne.'ds.' periOS ithWaukga!,. i. .1 F, ltlv 'of \aukegan; Waukegan Is a C('v ilmi - lui 01oClirîrige. Fre t ifDenver Indignation vawrtten in capitlf U& ts atôry ?cliies ci-e wonderfrr l iii ýi i-n of\'itî r- . nuaTii'he iînlefceo>mn of1. -They contnet b.' 5il i !tai li- lii iiirat aie lttr (îei-ni.thfes cofii.'Iqenacolte1 cauve land in North Chcago iua i , i .. frth,, r. nra eranwi t Zors, ste î ietaence quired ut tac lems.cob u ai t.,' t. ltir.ston. ,î\id anirto Ili mauy titre. inime NVaqiieguii v i) I ,,-rIi rlit ttl untîiieril madlet ciiries a ii tuîcorieg. T'enu'in tOutla !idii tne'lIîrlia Defîiiid Pr Soi" lu" Di .. ir ni Lit u t w ar,. trîuried buc ' ' iltiri friteries 'l1ie s " i'îtii tr 1,I iimi ititi ,ti la.-r nh "t bllcag. hai.i1, n t 'r' ,rii' c cil boylnyalery nes i- ra rttî e..'t'tn. ~' r i. CRUITING OFFICER DECL.ARES ÙNIFORMS ARE RELICS 0F LORD NELSON'S DAYS. VyS IT'S TOUGH ON TAR TO LOOK LIKE COMUC OPERA COMEDIAN OR CAPT. KUDD. Uiameof galiote ln Uncie Sam'a îy have been the saute mince the lys of John Paul Jones. The Jacklea wmait a change. -Not that we pine for Engllmh iat and skin tigbt coata, that go ong wltb a cockney accent, but we uid like to look like regular mon ,once," maid J. M. Tbompson. ef ýnavy recruitIng station at Minois. >11es, Mina. "The trilla and gowgawn -undiably impremalve wben a mui- ir.l on @bore, bave, but tb.y are In lway the remt of the time. "Our uniforme are mtll relies cf ldaym wben a ses fight mesant grap- ng a.nd boarding and a hm.nd-to-hand :abat with cutiamees and marlin lkes. Theme flat caps, for Inalance, ere developed fromu the cottage st vas vorn areund theb.heasi to ii-ed a man. froin the aving et a tisass. "The vide 0011cm trousers that an be mlipped off eaaiiy in the va- gr came deonfrein the days vhen fe ou the i-cubag main neant an un- pected dip In the sa vitO yeur lotbe. on svery day or Ive. Nova- ys net ene sallin 10 1.0 ever droe teo the ocean. 'These haomne black neck.'r- liets ver.' adepled by th.' Engiab avy vhso Lord Nelson vas kiled. Ve ure son-y lbe died, avtuiiy sec- y, but il do.'. seeni a Oit tooiish to k.' on se afier 2001 yeara. "The buggy trousers sud vide coi- i-s areI-.n the vuy, butl w.'couisi ,and tbem If oui- other ciolbes ver.' le evei-ybody eIse's 'Il's tough on a tai- te look like a ormic opera conedisu or an accem- ice et Captain Kidd. 'W.' couisi do vitO less pictur- sque almosphete andi moi-e common tee' N'ill1 Selu Ogsters Pork a nd Cigars EW RESTAURANT WNICN WILL SELL THESE ARTUCLES TO BE OPENED IN ZION CITY. REPORTED TNEY WILL MAKE EV- ERY EFFORT TO OUST NEW- COMER FROM THE CITY A îîrofound sensation vlth perhaps i-liot 1.1 expected Ini Zion City NIhen .1. orner of AnlocO, who formeriy conducted the "Star' estaurant ln tOut ciiy, opens a i-es- Sai-anl lu Zion lily ut vhicb cysters, îork undi lobacco vîli 0e mold lb di- ect violation oft1h.' principles upois which Zion City vas toundesi. Itl a said Worner ha been promised the support of the Independents. -At the iresent there bu but oee-s aurant ln Zion snd Ibis is condîsetesi by a Veliva fellover. Strict heurs ot closing are observesi and lb.' restaui- 'sot la closesi ail dsy Sundayu Titis viii 0e differeol le tbe nev restauîranît t is saisi, as the place vili h.' open at ali bouru of the day und night. Aged Mant fit Bq Automobile H. F. NORTON. 84 VEARS OLO, FA. THER 0F MR&. D. Q. HART, SERUSOULV HURT UN "CH.' MR. NORTON 18 ONE OF PIONEER BUSINESS MEN IN CITY AND U18,WELL KNOWN HERE. H. P. Norton, 84 yearm oid, ftber of Mrs. David Hart of Waukegan. vas perbapa tataily injured vben be vam airuck by an automobile ln Chica.go eariy Wednemday evening. He wum taken ai once te tbe Rbades avenue boapilal vbere bis cendlition laei-e- ported 10 be very criticci. As oon as Mr. Bart beard ot the me-adent to bshi. Ies tather he bur- t-led te Chicago Wedneaday and vent to bi. hedmîde. He found tbat the in- juries.tote b ged man bad been very mentons. He vas badliy cut about tbe head and bis heao d face ver. badly mvolien. Hlm body aievas qWtie badly bruised, but It de met knoov definItly as yet vbether or not 0e suffered Internai Injuries.. xssI boy the accident piappeoed Mr. Hart a not yet been ahie to de. termine, but Io oftIhe opinion thst l happened vhiie NHt. Norton»-voas t- tempting to cromsa c treet. The driv- er of the automobile vhlch etgiýck hlm vas piaced under arrent, pending de- velopinents. Ni-. Hart reiurn.'d te Wuukegan at an early bout Thurs- day and Mrs. Hart at once haBteued te Chicago. Mir. Norton la a poneer resident et Chicago sud ai oee une vas one of the veaithieut nen ibere. He vam lhe founder et the R.'id-.Nlurdock cempany, nov oeeoftthe larguaI coîîcerua lb Chcago. Laterb.' oisi eut te 10e preaeol cyneru. For yeurm '.I-. Nor- ton Oasa been rettred, living aI 10e Palnmer bouse ln Chicago, Physlciams assert thal hlm condition is more critical because et bis ad. vanced uge. il viii 0e a tev days b.'- fore l il lib. knovn lîist 00v ,eriousa iy be vas loluresi. Norton lnquest 1 W*as Postponed BECAUSE SOME 0BF THE IMPORT. ANT WITNES WERE NOT TNERE US WAS NECESSARY SAVS MACHINE WAS COING BUT EIGHT MILES AN HOIIR; BD NOT SEE THE VICTîM. TOe coroner's Inquest ilitte idestn ai M. H . Nortoni, father of 'dru iDavid Q. liai-t ef Waukegan. vas ulai-ied bn thirago Frlday aflernoon, liot sf1 er huai-inga s ew witnesses vas peut- pon-ei unil Augîtat 27, lîccause au of the wiinessea couid not Le lîresenl. D. W. Connell, who coîdîîcls a con- cern wOich makes gas and eiectricai tIxturea, vhose mnahine s'as tOheue whicb stuk %Ir.Norton, vas jîiaced on the stand. VHe eaid Ibal the fiIrs Oc uav.r et Mr. Norton. vas when Os vas ditectly in front et bis nmachine. He sayu 0e vaa 001 goba tfaster Iban elghl miles an heur sud Ihat o.' stop- pesi Inside ut fi-cm fourleen loches lu Ivo teel. Viesasys 0.' Ihen go eut and picieii up the unconsclous men, reinesing hlm tote eChicage Eye sud Esi- bospi- tai sud laler te bis roun. He sys - ceusiAnerue.a sacilege, IL lu reportesi that toîîov- Outcterjistlie 20wen ercs ers et Voîbva viii naku an attempt t ca u oh uei.wenb urhs force the uev mnnout et business and a i-lot even lu prediclesi ln came 0e refuses lu close lb. place. This clash It la sald, wiii probabiy eccur tenigbt vOeu the pulace lu opened foi- busi- ness. This fi; 10e first tîne Ihat any- one bau dared te open su estin boueil. ut vOicO oyaîers and potk are mervesi. But le inutlt a cigar came fa conaider- ed even vers.. Wormer, itlal said, uudertiands t0e siluatoq, iut dues net aeen le vorry very much 'mier ILi.Illa muid that 0e holssas ecelver's deed te 1he pi-oper- ty, se thut it wouid 0e impossible te oust hum becaume be taiesi te fitfili tOe conditions lurescribesi ln 1he regul- lulion ZMon leasea. That fotiovers of Voliva viii ut' leinîlte ofui-c.'Werner eut oet 0wn, no on.' denies, Sorne ussett that Wor- mer witi instail a set of rîflegasnd a f.'y Gatliîg guna te repu! an lova.- ton. Desk Sei-geant John maynard of tOc police- siallofi Oas lu his poutres. sialu n oudi ud bill vOIcO vas pub. limbl in 1tOi r il cails.attentlin te '0 te act t i il t 'i lug Ieptblican liet r.m as o5 i I (rt hlt-sion Frbîl5y, Sept. lia e uvp~ i ýi troninent part lu the iikttr f \'aukeeun apîtear lu the tHI. Il I n a fine ulule oi preserva lion deutulte il- ste. Accerduîîg te a tI eM r. Norton sai Chicago nessisiaperi id vOile upoul bis vay te 10e hospitaltbtuth1e acci- dent vas unavoldabie, allbougb titis tact disi 001 coin.'ont ut the nquest. Two men, on.' a cabman aud lb.' other a street cleanur, vhe vituessesi the accident, say tbat they turned Ibeir beads and rian avay as soon as lhey auv h.' accident b.caîîs e t Y couid net stand the sigbt ot IL. Hov__ uver a replorter on a Chicago evenina paper lu saisi te bave aise vitnessed tb.' vbole affair sud it wau 10 get bis x - .- - -a To Purchase POLICE 0F WAUKEGAN CLAIR. THERE ARE NO DISOROERLY HOUSES IN THIS CITY. OUTLOOK FOR COMING VEAR 1S Whei-cls Fia' SAID TO SE EXCEPTIONALLY A relîtuseltatluc of île- lOiaKu' GOOD AT PRESENT. Cil> Railcoad I outîsot, spelîl a gi-est ______ er pai-t ut 1h.' lay ln %Waîkegun loeo TO.' trustesof Foi-est collets log for a womaîî aho la known 4,a hase decides ta nue.'graduatiy frein îîî iltOc lenderioiîî distrir t the preaelit coedîicalbonai sysiem 10 lîmIcagu. yard a co-orîlînate systen etofadura. This samle Eus vîmnes-e I a railrîîad tîeîî for nmen andi aoiiî.'. The' pur- uccidientiln tOut cîly a feusvents aga, 105v ý a te develoi eentua]l> a dis. sud sOc la vanied as a sîtocua b> îiuct collae. for men andi a distinct lb,.lr..toad company. college for women TO.' frut steli Tv-o repnesenîtatlbs of e -cemiîuny wîli be tOc divisiontofeth1e tre@bmen cans'assed the 'red-lîgbt district lasI coeisIto sectionîs fer men andi for1 v.eek and llnaily vers advised tOut vomen. andi as 1he rouaege gi-0555,aEva lsf1 ciiago for V.aukegan. siilar division vili he carriesi Ibrough Whenu sen by a Sun reporter ai a ln other curses and ln the iahoratery e'clock Wednieuday atternoon the -e p- periosis. It yl sîso O.'possible In- resentative oeth1e ralivsy said 0e îîîedlatly te creale sepurate î'iass Or- husi been unable 10 loi aie the missîng gallbzatlons foc men ansi vomen in ,.oman. the fouîr î'îiiege classes ansi bye a1'] 'The- police et yen- cîîy tell me dent coutîcîls, le i-dl-suent the gen- Ibere are notidsmrderiy bouses ln thi-m sriat nteresis orthtOcmen andi ioin.tI>,asisi 10e iepi-.senlSives of tbe TOh, trutees believe Ibis arrange- big corpoeration te a Son nent isilIleb more vbolesome and He admittesi tOut one' man busi be.'n more effective than the presenl one', kllied Inlte raîlvay acident wbich ilitthb. independent organizalion of occurreil neai- Tvenl> second sireel. the men uni th1e wonen viii 0e goosi He cialmu Eva was the' ou' vltness for lotOhîparties and i viileusi leeven te the accident- bietts'r condiionstlnî btheIlite oeth1e eoili.'ge as a whoee TO.' audeuis vho Moi-e and belter neya lin NIEPEN- are here during the conina year wîli DENT than any Cther weekiy - tory" by Crealbng the mscbinery for tOc nev orgunization. The eutloek for the coming yesr bu excepîbonîiiy good. Froin present in- dilcalbons 10e lai-geai rellîrn ef olsiste- dents ln the hlstory ofth1e colloeu is expectesi and tb.' prospects for new ttîdenlu are nuch botter than lat YEIOMANS testbmony that lb.' Inquest vas pout- veer at lobe lime ponesi.___________________ Mr, Norton Osd lved inl Chicago six- tyfveyeru coin f-o eue are aI 1the Sherman and Painer ty-fve ears coing romGoa houses andi lbey are ahi bave left, Coun., at 10e ago ot 21. Shorlly aftt oIrco tsBi oByImgl' i erwad h opnedthe ensead& bere.' VHe would not returnu untl Norton Whobesal e Gi-ocery conpany. akgnaldywdei rod In 186 c sld ut e te Rid..ýlr-Ihe streets and hoteis -lb.' haîîtofe doch companyI- n business 00w aI bis youniger sisys.' -" ~ '-~ Lake tnd 'Market streuta. lis v'as known for hls enlbîîslasn is.the Bes ÂLLUII Il sîmis laut nîght by is neigh- ituplilirs. Mc liParut said Oc vi-el (i, ... tiers In Ilhe vicillily ef 6%.>Deatheriu loeselt a lcIter last Deaember, gior ey Can Buy~LL avenuie îlat 0e ivue alvay.qou the gel hi i l i'aniliri opinins cf hm bi;es ln nes tr nt oni e xcelît 10 slOt'li ' le sî',î lu,' nct 'lidc Deticciut lu i ii- i ,ii Icth'I totusi- ut u1014. ocli0cl lir int,. mn- r i tintoft'îi.a il t tili ',5 e iit r s i 'l at i l , ir gry iriliu. asserleul t' W Itîl«Yr, i , aI u il' io ý lr.,, i 'a1i u i au fciîui wlirii S hi rnferîei is ri-cir i Wliti e wul kýie ý1Say j0týLouis J.Yeo a legs 'rerr> t ou today ' He worl lbly te write vent ado THAT AC- AUATRN 1TCA jautb ansi say, 'Weil, aIl ny olsi PRIS CRMPLISH THINtIS. WAUKIEGAN, ILLINOIS. I 1 Nortero Illinois lad Tract of Land Ji Locale Eleveut I TRUSTEES HAVE OECIDED TO MOVE CRADUALLY AWAY FROM PRESENT PLAN. bei' Nerti i , r Wbli. T"~ i iri ýl . --W. 1 AL . Ma &-s. ý 1- 1 « 1 To fleor Motion Mo Establisf for' New Trial Credit Ilouse FAMOUS MOTHERSILL-VOLIVA MERCHANTS TO ORGANIZE FOR CASE MAS AGAIN LEAPED IN. PROTECTION AGAINOT THE TO THE LIMELIGMT. "DEAO BEATS.", IF MOTION S DENIED, VOLIVA MEETING HELD THURS. NIGHT: MUST APPEAL, PAY JUDOE- OUT LUNE PLANS FOR OROANI. MENT OR GO TO JAIL. ZATION WORK IN CITY. The famoum Motbermfl-Voliva alan. iIn order that tbey inaysys tematic- der santi ham again coneiute the lime. ly lut the dead beata" Whc are slow light and a motion for a new trial vili pay and lbe iranaients Who neyer lu- be rgued uit Friday before Judge tend to reciprocate, the merchanta cf Arthur H. Frost of Woodstock. Attor. Waukegan Intend te terne a protective ney Alec Beaubien, vho representa organization. NIT. 'Motheraili, wAl be prement go Thurmdmy night a peciai meeting cf argue agait the motion for a new ail local merchanta waa called by a triai. la(In&l probability lb. motion Chcago rman Who came ta Waukegan would have been argued soner, ouiyte perfect the organîzation. But e!gbt ymerchent@ responded te tb. cli. They that Judge Fi-omi had not returned wsr. Messrs. William 1. Lyon, Rubin. frem is l vacation. Krebs, Touloua, AI. G. Taylor, it y The came ta one of tue mont ramnsua cbeffler. David Webb and Theodore ever tried ln any court. Motheraili Ne eatbia rai Nu contenda that Voliva referred te hum We tabhe ranlt ou*h*. ee a "a Young laWyer, tee Young te dtip perfected 1the merchants of Waukegmn the. pipp off hlm bll." Iniend te esambh a credit boume. A The lIraI titre the came vas tried Young man viii be placet! in charge er a verdict of 114,000 vas returned il. and il viii be hlm duty 10 obtain a ratioz upon every citizen of lbe againut Voliva ln Iodge Donneliy'm clîy Who ila"low pay or Who haa court. The nemi lime the came wam ueglected te pay arccunls asma due.. heard before tbe tale Judge Wrigbt Card Syatem Used. and-reauited in a verdict of $20,000 A card ystem Ill iib. umed t.y the which vas cul in haif hy the judge, upetfintendelit ef the credit houe., bis dlaim beng that it va. excesive. tli card viii gîte tb. credit huyerms naine, hi. addream, occupation, where The third time the came came te ernpinyed, how long enipioyed at that trial it resuted ln a verdict cf $11,000 place, married or single. number of being returned betore Judge Fi-est. chiidren, hie ammete, iabiiiîiem and a When the came heard for the complet. ligt 0f bie permonai preperiy. The card wiii aime 11.1 the number fonrth lime Attorney Beaubien made of Viamae muii.a vbIch have been a plea t0 tbe jury aking for a smii tarted against hlm and tbe number verdict ao Ihal Ibere might be ne of oulatanding bilta question about Ibere being an biity Each memîjer or the association là te be gien a ard Tbe merchans8 te coliect IL. The verdict vas given vii leui,îoy mer] to cao. ama the ritv for $4.000. and i reiare the carda for tiie credIt Clhe defenae at once made a motion houa.e for a new triai and the motion wîîî Ater the msaem ha. ie.'n estab- be ague Friay.If tis otio lnlished it wyl be,ornethe' dut> of eacjî 0e ague Friay f tis mtio i.meTnber outhtbporîlanizatlor t0 reixort denied, il viii mean thut Voliva wiii any person %ho l9 behiod lne bspuy- have to appea Inb wbich came h.' wIlI ment. bave 10 file an appeai bond, If blIe titîs olanrier b.' mercharala bepC doe ths ad lgesou lntheuppr 1 .gel1alin.'o.n-all the- cr.'dlt buy- doe Ibs nd oue ot blb.upe cu wo urbase gooda and never court. h.' viii have no aay etf.'vadiog ipsy for #wm, payment. - In came he does not appeai the came WITNEýSS H-IDING there are but Ino alernaI'.eu-heIN W U E N muat puy the Judgement or go te jailýI AU E A REPRESENTATIVE 0F aBiG COR. EST OLLEETOPORATION SEARCHES CITY LÂEFRDROP CO-EDUCATION FOR EVA' WOMAN. a 1 l c h