CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Aug 1912, p. 13

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LA- - A COTWY- n4DEPENDENT. FRMAY, ATITUST 30, 1912. 14~ILIVEfx MES THN~TOWNROAD Lîbetyvlli. Reelldt Give. 1Mis5 tde6. ptegsrdlmg the Opening of the New RodI AmIe 4ibertyvlii.. ihberlyvilli, Ill., Aug. 28th, 1912. "Niltor Independent:-4n regard te tMe Vàii of dacay wrltteu byaau aony- qmuscorrespondent sornet lreveeks sinn, uaid article baving beau mis. &$&Onln twio or Ibrea points Md iearing on the nov rond id on Juiy *12 bylt.ettirsa superrisors prep. erly commssionei on appeai. i1thale a Utile history oethIis needed Improve Ment flot amis. aitiis ime te cor- roset the thinking Of Soin. veii-rueau- ing persons. *'Borne tInte lu lune. 1911, a petition vas preseented ethe tcemmssilonera - ef bighwiys of libertyvlile for a new roi ovar a different routa than the0 on. nov laid. At the rejectlon ot ths. route, the chsluman oftheb.comnis-1 sianers of bighways, then on the4 ground. and iindlcating wlth his hand the route nov seiected sud laid. made tht. promie-without quaifications- 4 hâ ila the ptitloners voui present a paition covarina the routa In a stIaight line tront St. Mary. rositu1 tb. north end ut second treet un. der the viad.ct of the Chicago,. Miii vanité and St. Paul vlauct at that Point ln te village oft Ubertyville va.faould bave the t-ui ln tbree menti,. and thal they wouid nt lay a rosi over any other route. The osar pmojsct wau sot ln accord With the pvonoters ef the Improvement. but OPaly vas arranged and the case- iiients obtainai coverlng aeil the route trou St. Marys roid <lrctly veet go tie Chicago. Iilwàukoo & st. Paull rlgbt et vsy ln the village ot Uber- tylile and »sea6U00feet easi etthe MM oft Second etrent. About tht, lime (sept., 1911) thée owers of land aven SMe aew routa met iu s reguiar meeting of board commlstiomur. ega-. c Ptéid daielvered thetenleats Ina " ~ dte *0 ecouminzioners, tagtier *U't Oarbéitfrnt mone et Lie land o it ediv-t a alficirMe lu maaie..the 011 nequirdsu'intle rond Maomtuct ;hean.s-wemtt s a apoftion of sa"irosi. nt the 648i «ed, e, the patron. who Cet-e tkip.-W 1e benefltd. tseaton or tt*el vb-ing subscribed ta tha vork. '1 docteutaare unfIla viii the 1*the conclusion oft lii. business edlum Lie chairmas of bthaboard 0~ydOi~i.iouee instructed your mdiii. 1 lnfoMs.the board of local lM%àdweamîa fer the village or uh- ertYytjle Ibat they bai maie aise- » or rrsnant ter thir end hotqai sud vers reedy te go ai l. kt11 vas do»e la wrillng hat maU»e venin., vabelleve. l shoul be @ W teitheli*spoint that -at a joint Me@tl- priertut iii. lime lbé bo*rd eo " tntprevamenl. bld interuci lhe lýq*Uaisaner8 tat iiey ver. la t*vr o, dand vere <ing 10 teksecas of lhe 0O0feat noteda aé, nbCessary t eaniPI&'.4e I iuiveuient. Short- 1Y $Aer " nione a m -ploil an e6000»r and oxe or theut as su ibr,emriYed ma ndsiae a plat Of et t rosi sf lnstrudtbd tb. prop- -'!Ovnere Wlbere and wlial ireai we ha o erenrovOd jfSpeattory te taig. The vork t«4lireil saveral dYnMiUite beau.. 1the Movlng ot the «Tlnie avn arrisMfr rddg e ana rinted ele, nov on the groni, for eivers s5 a plev; bai weatber nq1r met tuIn sd orIKdelay- cd, but our,patron. are rffiy to, con- plt.e ttk Ibis fai. "The rein>' seaaon of 1912 bas de- t ty iyimatters iomeWbal, lbut on July 14M hiuILthe b.pétition o*kr lhe sur- e'd, route vas actai qlon b>' the miener and proýbIp9y turned 4TIII, :zl"eirhiànin -tbeirpromise atf4ill4'ilr objectioh. nmet ae Ibeir eWniegIaln. ReJed baause of c ton gm-et' b)twas tlééverdict. Nat- Unnaliy$lie"PoMoters »Ilt hurt'lu ha thu. tr@atd aiaIthe blende of their ~s public aerva1t.sand On ajipeal to the s lsoniffl foliowed vwitit the resuit ( Ihit the rond va, orderesion u li L29111. 1912. "No procit of su>' veilbt as ofier- e- d ai Ibe tlime advsi-ti»M tnet ai an>' tes,1te mater hasa Ito loe.any Of tihe ProJeeclirotttes:,b>' commis- stan.,. or supcrvtsois. i 'nt vhom endon tei f flb otr w.Ut object. lb e b. bai Wth rosid Me auver. ai 'none' and t111cm e6that %el thaughî the ezpob-mp4 f thfe - superviser.laid il *16 iY17 oeu le aobiatei . to at aèe4tt" iiet .*'lm p »pefty asklp ti i a *" "tbu bèt ti t ISi5fl1TAflUI WINOXN LOC LS An mebanr oet loa ee an ti, îc :î i loceitertalued the Tîjeodore Donald the baby boy et I i tt-I ie bud oncet sd Ie es-ai iemitivrs oft'le Y01111g Ladies' Sew . I.uad Mns. Charles Dieuner of Vwo socal hald tumnorrow evenlug ou the[lng cIub tact c' Silng at her home ou ýtory street. was taken t& 11 MoUIiB T. Whllsiensevsiraslaic Ilv a h NrbChicago City hall. Juilanastreet. 3Aver-c leassant cee-!ter hospîtai lest ulght for an opera- s aT.îWhtewof Ganslok-was ad refreitments Idonhelsadubeuavryctcl NOW BRO MJiI NTukgnbsns vstrtdy h s&trnoo~ n heBptsttiawn were servel ,e nla ad ob i vonriia TO C N R V R Y reuted a store bulding near the l inder th a"" pcesof thie WC. T U. Miss Edna 1Dahrîccer of Nort h Rohert, Chester sud Berandine TO C NTR YER Y Aisir shoo. Nlas ouie 10,111.ter'ofEvanalon' Genese{- siref luaes tomourrc, f,rl Suiit! hbave returnad te their homes gave a very Interestlng talkan Miss U (herokeela . %lleresitehas ace-pt<l lun Chicago atter spanding the »put bai Iohav iiinateKnoi. wliiam Soboenka bas retiîrîed to GUsakItireudered corne tieutitul so-'as ititon Iu theilihil schoota of month at the borne of Mr. and Mm. ~aa 0 av îunat PflWIthis City saler enloyins s a w eeksu'lois. that city as a teacher, Leroy iiolmes. *dgo of Cortelycu Letter. Ivscatiou et Hubertus. Vlc of a rond to open Up tha fluest midi- tien t bLibertyvilie ever offered it, and we challenge any unbiased mind Who wiil lte. the tints to go over the Proposition and get sttquainted With tbe facto to Bay 10 the contrary. "The supervisors, atterý becoming failiar with tba situation said. -We tise tilts rosi ia a needed Improveent for UIbartyvlle and wbere dpne ail wlli hc pias.d that Il hai been accoin- Plisbed.' Sucb, cOmlug frOmn men who ara Progesaives witb s big "P", com- lug frrnt a town where they ara do- li;g things eught to carry weight goy- wheî'e. "One supervisor te the north of us renaorkad, 'The Lord ba,% dons great things for Ubertyvilie. givlng it grav- ai. igoedlester, trees, beautiful natur- i acflOPy, with the chance for the hAgi Of msu to take Part aud mold to bis Plasnra. Il certsily ie great.' -~About the cost of this improve- ment, iL May ho $8,000 or thereabout.t on.Ll latwil rote frrnt the ueinty. The fliveOr six acres of land for the rad la doucLed ui, te wlthln 500 tort of Serond streat, on the Oaleway as&tate Md we have bfon lutoruîed by ta reliable source. thal the executor if that eptate han wlted on the vil, li#0 board proposflug to gîve the few, rode required lu t-van up the villagei end, wliha proviso, which we hope ha wiii se" lit t raniove lu the Interet Of Progreissuad fair-deallng. "We are sorry for the kiekers and knorckers and hope lheY may get their effs opened to hett-r thIngs. To the boosters bere's our bond for progreu 1 ad s greater i-ibertyville for surslo-1 gin. "0. D. HAVEN.' CUBAN REPORTER STRIÉES ilBSON; UNDER ARRESI AMerican Charge d*Affatres As- saulted lai Cowardly Way. SEMOUS AFFARIRl RAVAA Cubah Papai-s 045v. DeenAbusIng lIn. jfà"d Màn and ?dinioter Beau- pros on Account of Wernlngs fi-ami Wasington. Havane. Aus. 28 -H--igli 0. Qibon. lb.e ehba;- d'affaire of the American légation. vo.s asauited tram behiud and knocked down without warning bya (uban newsPaPer reporter who . d basa forbidden to enter the legs- lion b«.ause oha ai iyti(glyiymîQuot. ad M1r. Giluson. Sacrotsry uft LegptiOu 1B*ii pronuPtlY JumPed lu and knocked .down Mr. Gibson'sssallant. thug sav- ing the charge d'affaîres fron, serions Or poisibiy fatal Injury. Mfr. Gibson, wheu he vas aussulted 40 snoco*adly a wsy. wai eniering 1 th bbtei at whicb ha dines regulaj4y. 1Hi. i-maiiant was irrested. tir. (oh- 1son han sent a communication to the 1Cubu Mtaedepartment demnanding 1that ha ho heid. 1 This la the second eowsrdly attack ,ou au Amarlesu charge d'affaires. .i thothar case being that of M r. Ter- . er. in August. 190&8 fr. Qibson bas beau obligod te sterniy cati dowu the Cuban govern- ment for net Making uayments or long .overitue debte te American contrac- 1tera and onfy Tueaday hia sacured tha 0payment of ocer hait s million te 1 Hugb Reiliy, the contracter who seera Cianfuegoos The menubari St« the cabinet are very angry et (Mb- om n thia account sud the C'uban mevîpePers have beau abusing hlm 1 ad ?diniâtar Beaupre, ln the mont eandalous fahion for th. traquent ai- 1Motitions Prealdont Gomez bas re- Scalti t rain Waabiugton iu regard te -paying tues. dlaimts. 1 MARSHIALL 15 IN NAINE -Addreses People of Atugusta ln Op- psition te Prutentiva Tariff. Augusta, Me., Aug. 28. - Governor eMarshall of Indiana, lu an adrais rmaie :np iargaiy of epigrams express- fIng 111 distrust ofthe prolective tarie BSylo s a mnedium for Improviug the o ondition of 1the American workiug- rman. urg1d aPOn the rePeo f Main. the value ta the national organization 13tof the iection or a governor. sanator tand four congreesman ofthle Dame. Ycrotie pelitical talth. Two cures for the trust avil wore suggeead.Governer Marshall iret y foresIL Plan for the torefeiture ot the charter ot every corportion y wblch marries another or hy gentle. I-mens' agreement lives ln open and no. u tonlus aduiltery vilh muother." and seconoid, woud nmaice "the iawyer wbo, r. 0011101, si«a. oboet or adylea 1h. .formation ot a trust "liai ila. I la" Peekîne Soes Nat Quit Sîei. New York, AnS. 28.-Tha prodletea seigustionet Gosrge W. Perklin. w a $rltoe vas ot pmcep tel e o t, M=-4 t', l" , Th hnston Corn Binder has the greatest power, the lightest and most direct draft anid wastes the least corn of any machinel*on the market, Why? Account of less gearing, rol!er bearirigs, Iargest main wheel, natural inclined ele- vation, no packers, etc. Bas liberal adjustnients for t nec M(ade ny a string, reIihir sut inilepen dent cooepauvY.stoli repairsa t tUarrwe. Warehouse Ilt hfilwauliee sud other nearby cit- les. Auy repair in irau thari 24 houra. Iurtber informa- tion on requeat. aigo naniusof ueanes r (urue- W. also have soi, e second-haud bug- giea anasurreys. au Excelsior 11111 Motorcycis, 2 second-baud Atitomobile,, 1 uew Motorcyle Engin. and otjher parts, 12 h. p. two cyclinder englue, etc Also a foull ne nev% Farni Maehinery of ail kindâ. angines, pumps, wagons, bug- gies, harnisà, etc Supplies sud repaira. We huy ouly from reliable independent counpanies, and »ell on trial. Why flot letus figure on auvablug inaour line that vou rnayneed? Lightni gR&ôda apclaity. I. W. Metl.UIRE & COMPANY, Gumee., fliluOl E HAVE TH1E RAIN COATS LET'S GET TOGETHER There vers tva plain drunlis at the eit>' police m@"Oiu aut night. They WIU. BE CALLED AS W11NESS recev the'utuai fine. Deak Seriioant- John Maýnard of ________the police force returord tü bis -du- ien today aller a vacation. William R. Hear-st WiISDe Anather Mra. S. S. Smltb ot North~ avenue Proi-nemnt Witnest Retors Cern- basî aune South tle oli ub.-r hîsband mittee, and 81111 Others Ai-a lu El Paso, Texs Subpoenaed.' The Osicub Girl$ atteuded the con- ________cert ai Ravlts park lest evî-cng sud Washington, Actif.28.--The muâit ln- NIra. H. 11toenhIbum and daughters tari-stua deveiopment lu the Penrotue- uf Wsshlgt#e strf eot t-f oday for a Rosevfeit controuarsy front the Wash- vieil vitb tronde and i slaum in Ra- Ington vlewixjint vas this tatemnet, lu,. attributed to Cooela Roosevelt: Thl& evaniug la the l'arlii bouse a "Mr. Knox di! coma tuto the room i private dauce wiii eha Ii-d which Stuere i vas writlug the ltter (the prois, te ha a very deliglîttut ai aimouitury letter (0 tIr. Cortelyou) 1 fair. and my rccollecion la trt t i i nLa hlme ieaeba -nlst i vantadIL t olue ttthe record ienaricage WlesesitaH .-u ido o cause i vantai the record kept e hi oleWlrHRde tCln- tright sud for uu other Itpj , oun ali of W aukazan . Sanater Penrose sait thera cf the fdr. reenberg. oeao0f tbt-Z-wo- colonela eneuies attach a good deat ara ufthLb Barrison theat., fias pre' ot Importance Lu Ibis statement. They "sentei the ifoyers whist. sera ho- point out that the colonel hirnieif ba£s tuveti upon hlm by Chicago admirers now cknwleded he ccurcy f aopeung nlght tu the piatients at t .he nov ckuvleged he ccuse-> ufa ScAlister hospital. part ut the stury Ihat bas beau circu- lated about Secretary Knox belng Prmeet vheu tuigle leter tu Corteiyou vai vrilîau. Thie part ot the stery vbich Colonel Rousevetlt dues net toucb un, thoughlnistuaI ha vas teid£we a cab ln the presence ut %Ir. Knox thal thie! e ak mI $100000 contrlbuted hbu-the Standarda. e se b O11 compauy had been expended and h wattobl tiat Il vas couaaquautly Impossibla te rature IL. It va. aler racelvlng thia H Information that Mr. Roosevelt, se- YOU HAI cordlng le the sLtements ibai have been made in regard te this luitiient, said that the ltter ought te go ln tew thie record anyva>'. The Ciapp Invesigating commIttee wili cali Sacratary KInox as a wituess and bis etimun>' la expectai te ha moet Important. The statemeuts In regard te Mr. Knox.s pracauce ait1the White Heuse vhen 1the ltter te Cor- telYou vas dlctated, have been re- peadin the test tew days no pool- tlveiy by persona vbo ought te kuow vhaL they are talklng about that the csling of the secretary of state ha. New things cc comae te ha regarded as one etftthe Most Imporant peeaiillliee of the ln- just recclveî quiry. If tht- tonies lcuiatai are as the flrst sl true, ha viliiha able te giva direct teatimon>' to the tact that Mir. Eoan- tait knev that the Standard 011 noney bai beau spent andtbat Ibare vaun n- chance et returnlng IL. Penrose ta Puth Fîiht. Senator Penrose lati Waihici-ton fer pho o 15- Atlantic City' after announclug liaI ha vouli punhit heflghL agaînsi Roose- 19 G n s .S tait te th1e eansd thal ha vuuld have 19G n s eS fui-Lier lnterestlig diacicsure. te give te the public vithin a tev deys T$o% senator seemai te ha aunes bat amused aI thé dally bisais Il .tire. comling front Oysiar Ray and ha prom- laed te "kaep the colonel lu «jot vs- tee, and te give hilm a suffetn uzo- ber of charges te anîver se a l prevant the coutroversy trambm hn- lng monuionoils eliher for the colonel or for the. public. Amena theatirât vitnesies te ha sun- monai yl ha William R. Heastst. He ý ---- viii ha questioned about the batcb eof Standard 011 lettara vhlch ha bas litt4 4Vuwss.,.~ b- possession sud viticit have beaul ilterIng out during Lb. past four yesrs. Many other pramîneul mer vlii ha calici as ,itresses. 1108-16>~ Colonel RooaeveaIttti-t-a yl h.Geurge f~ W. Perkins, George B. Cor-ei> ou, Wil liaxu loai, Jr,- Secretary ot State Kaox. Willam Flnsud a nunubc of 6eusiors snd epreseutaîlves. Senator Payuter of Kentucky, oneaf *.-e~ ~ a A the Ivo Dentoccatlc mernhers of the " t Intesllgatiug committea. basntesigned and bis place viilha filuai by ap- " i ate"Bc pointment utf('haîrmau DlltlnghantAi etlel'Beo the senate comurnttee an irivilegas Have a Busineu Educk and eleclions. Are 'voit dî-eaîmlng ti SEE WINS A POINT 'by-anîd 1be?" VicIor i In ire Skirvlsh ln Carmpalgn " and bye"is tii( la Oblat.Reversai, lins tallt'i. Chicago Aug. Oi AY is the dav - Chiag, Ag.28.-On a point se lechuicai snd se minute as to amouse 15 ttie slogan of sîcvesb generalinlterest ln legai cîrcles. (Cet iii the gaine vit Evelyn Arthîur Ses, convictad sud sect taucai lu the penitentlary for the ah- '1t0ili1(tIulS)tiiiliis! duction of Nlildrad bridges, wou i.tx-iitu in l tirât sirtul thelb.fight in otqr- o ste ire ti throw the verdict ufthIe jury that trled W/c nuit olvy fit x-oiu bim, sud Cl carry bis casaeb e hes î-e-htw bighest court lu the tate. ges r r-lt e The receaier or the absolute lite - ')IL cuit, fouud guilty as thie state cbat-ged, filed a bill of exceptions whlcb vas, sigued hy Judge Honore. Ses was touiti guily of abducllng Mildred Bridges after a long trial by a jury uftweive men, but Sec's bibi of exceptions demanda another triailAbe. when th1e Judge and counsel drew up Ea il i lhe fOral Instructions to the jury" 4,000 1dm. in Cou Strîke. Hasieton, Pa., Aug. 28-Aii the an tbrselse coliertes ut the U. B. Makie & Co.. were tied up b>'. a etrike -bf A beIgting engîneers. The disagneameal'o vas over vages. About 4.M0 men ae av a u k Most Anything You Could Ask For comlng la every dar-Suits, Sweater Coats and Shirts. -d another. lot, of thosc 50c SiIk Ilose t. seUl at 29c. If they go as fast shlpment you wIII have tg hustle te Set ln. 10c- Rockford Working MHose.. 6c 5c Red or Blue Handlkerchlefs. 3c F. C. Seidel de&Co. "The, Hou&* of Setter Clotho&" ~4 t~, "a - I Dme Re-al Casties When You cation 1 of the gru-at tlîiîgs vou Ii 1 o tu-liut tîto w-lin-lthe iu- I'liet ~- '-e-- 6 -- ~ -'i. S~,: - -- -sstet-4atjecise. ~ 'I'it \Vaiikugaîî iiiess (uollege wi.ll have a "Rest TPeut" at the ('uutv Fair. See Prof. Mun- son about enrolliîîg vour son or daughter at this tinue tor- tail at flhe (ollege at Waukegan, Ill., if flot î-onveniîeit tut(do elicu-, phione 6.36 or 1551-M or write foi hanîdsouin- Catalogue and full particulaN rc-gardiiig theî Collego and it's Nvork. foi. aetjoli! 1"DO 1I1 NOM". ReHeîeierthat tlis is the Ideal Sehool of Shoit- ss! hand and Typewriting. Ideal Sohool of Buiefi, th aîîibitioii anid waike oni to English, Civil Service, Pemanship.C -Have you seen the Stenotype? Lean to Ils sll st iv p- >l(-(! Write Shorthand on a Machine. TPhe S3tuotype 1 fol a psitiol of does-or loi orthiand what the Typewrft.r doles f or for ai spîlsile psiti011u l'nlia iud - priîîts it out in plain letters with great-: Iîa~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i tu-iîheîe ogti -ase, greater speed, and greater accuraey. DO NOT FAIL TO ENIROLL WITR US. Ferm'Opens Sept. 9th, 1912 FOR DAY AND NIGUT egan Business Cole WALJKEGAN, ILL. pagfe Ftre 12-0 01110 $2.50 âje

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