EFFECTIVE TUESDAY DIEPARTMENT TO BEGIN AT ONCE TO FORCE DEALERS TO FUR- NISIt INSPECTED MILt<. STATE WIDE CAMPAIGN PLANNED WITH OBJECT 0F PASSSNG TUBERCULIN TEST LAW ('liragiiti ew mi,'l-ordiflance v-eut hio eftrui i îesda.u> \Vl i t vil] Iro:mait ake tiucee oc tour 3veeks to have thte entice ordinance enfocced. thie healh deîatment il commence active suori ai once ta force the milki dealers ta turnish their customneca with inspected ilmuk. A ,Meeting o! the sub-conimittee of the ekizen's rnik commission, af whlcb Alderman Chiarles M.. Thompsoc 1a thé cbairman, v-II te calleai vithin the. next few days ta devise ways andl imeans foc waching lhe effect of the Sotanre. It ls planned ta have AI- iderman 'rhomsana sub-cornmittee kreep tab an the manuer lu vblch tht nen ordînance is ocmplied witit by the idealers and report frequently ta the concil. For Tuberculîn Test Law. Ila addition ta this the suicommritteo DUansta devise vays andi reans af talz- Ing the tllk question ta lbe state log- Ïislaure and having a sate-wide lu- berculin test law put upon the statute -1 feet," Aldernuan Thomson saai., «tba a state wide caropaigeaboulai bel begun et once. 1 dont keon v-hether thls could be cacieti on botter bjy the preseut ctizens- mik commission or ta>'nome ailier ho>dy of a elmilar na- The beath departrnent does not an- ticipat, any dillicult>' lu euforelng the t«M'Uiof the ordinance, accardiug to -Comau.ioner George B. Young. "".,Clean Mik Demandedi. «IM 41r*ly meaus tut ceait mlii -*s sat»Wtp the publi." said Dr. yIsg, "ulad r. auticipate no trouble ft baviug ever>' featareofaIthe. ardu- muwUlved np ta." 1 »tispod o! technacliltles. the, uer ,"ugm meaus tint mli whicb le f l£W loani> can be sold nithoni ~te.'iZtiO. vhile that abont - hiere le a question, muet be pas- lwTOR 0OF £ASTERN PAPEN $^Y$ pIREMEN SHOULS INSPECT #,i PUBSLIC BUILDIGS à" wne gttiug ail the henefits ne 1i traJ m Our lire depatmtent? ,l asinusa tire station bave YOu %as« ea'eted the systern nbIcb kept *iable men dle samucta Of the 1%0. Cit>' salons of Cincinnati found tbey were not gettlng ail the benefits tram tie fis'. departmeut. and as a rmmft the men wec. given ontalde Tbhe foloiing extruet tram a speach <b>' Maj Hunt of Cincnnati, Auguat 151*.a outtinai wrm that could be un- leaeudaupon the. shoulders of Wauke- Mm'a ifiremeu: -Bon Ciucnnati la utitizîng these men on a mncb needeai non of pre- 'tÔuilerable tisue vas devoteai ta t1li system af building Inspection by treenbicb v-as starteil Apritlots a"d bas been :xtended alowly sinee uteibenaof the department engage-1 tu thîs nark each veek day. Sînce tgspectton wrck ras tn'ed more Ihan6,09 Iinspections have been Made. aud witi very few exceptions. tiser. has been no trouble ln securing betterment of rond ions by owners or accatants of buildings * 5*0 fl5Kii A Ei'5i~ DRASTIC AUTO ORDINANÇE tsIlle. INQ DRAFTEO UV THE COR- PORATION COUNSEL. ORDINANCE WILL. EM800Y ALL RESTRICTIONS FOUNO IN THE STATE LAW&. A drastic automobile ordînance that %Ili embody the following restrictions la being dratteai by Corporation Cune- sel Arthur BuIkie>' at the dictation of Commhlisionec Carl .Atterbery, the, corn mnissioner of public health snd safety: 1 Clause I-Boys and girls under the age cf 18 yhîrs wilt mot bc permitttad 1te dive machines. 1 Clause Il.-Automobile ownere must drive on the right hand aide cf the road. Clause llI.-Machines lefI tifldtng ah a curb must b. "h«edd" ln the direction that willI enabte th. driver to stat on titc jotrflCy wthout vie. lating Clause No. Il. Clause IV.-A-utomobil. owners muet carry tailt ltghtsanmd keep them burea. ing between &un-down and sun-rie. JClause V.-Automobile own.re 11lk.- wlse motorcycle owners, who persiat IIn using their mufflersau a xs MnaI te attract the attention of pedetriens, wtll be fined on a dlsorderly ccnductt charge.t In spite of the protezs of a fer automobile and motarcycle ornqre who seem te thiuk- that the earth and 0 al uPon lh their properhy, Waukegan8 le ta have au automobile ocaileance1 tuat -lit prove drastie enough tet guard the Ilttie chldcen frorn betnge mun down by persoas vho are mlot phv- i zically able ta drive machines. c Alter considrable deliberation. Coumlsalocer Ahlenbery, isba beailsu the deparl.ment of public bealth and1 safty han corne te the. conclusionu that no >outh, under the aga of 18C shoulai drive se automobile. "I helieve," csïd Mc. Atterber>'. -that Joe Sloemer'a 15 year oId boy cao drive a machine better titan any youtb ln Waukegan, under the sgo of& 24 years. t ean say the aime for George GoadSon' boy. "However. t feel that re muet dtrab a lin. 50mev-er. sud the. stahe r.- t stricts boys sud girls under the ago of 18 from drlalng automobiles, ni gues. ne mueit provide a similar o. dinance. "if Ih la right" eald Atterbery, "that al auto driveras hould nse the right- bandi e!e of the roai, thev shoulai stop their machines ao that tien conld continue their Journey without beleg furceai ta tutu hber machines areunai le travel on the righh-haod aide of the 'Tle crdinance rîli b. drafhed thie week by Corporatian Counsel Bulkîey mcd wni be preseetedat ahei next reg- ular meeting of the commission. SECOND RIDE ON RAILROAD JOHN BOCKLEMAN, 85 VEARS OLO, HAD RATHER UNIQUE EXPÉR- IENCE LAST SUNOAy. NOT HAVING VISUTEO LAKE ZUR- ICH CONSIDEREo STRANGE AS HE LIVEO NEAR 42 VEARS. John Bocitieman, 85 yeacs aid. iaid hie ficet jigit to Lake Zurich aon Sun- 'day aithouglu he hsd liveil nithin ? toiles cf the place for thie lati fort', uwn yeara, The chances are h. noulai never have seen the. village at ail had if flot been for the. fact that he ras ane ut the itasgengece on the train v-udt uon ýFmnday made' ils maldpn "The norlil bas coiae te reeogatîze trip betw eai Palatine said Lake Zurich Osai prevenhIve medicine, v-Ph ail the on the ne-w Watulucgan. Itoclford aud1 iipectian sud supervision that It lm- Elgin Traction comîuatuy lue. t v-as, plie., istahte. ay ta assure the heaith the second time tuai Mc. tiocklemau flot ami1Y of ritdes.,Ibut ut nations as had riaiden ou a rallrc,ad train lu b!s ,Wei.It1hla the stan. rlth tt fine bale Ilfe. vaste. The wvay te stol) the efocnouis Mn. Brocklemati vas bta lu Ver- lasse-t la ta prevect fires 6** many anai made the triputram Gcr- "'Tua mach eunphauia cannaI ha' laid! many to New- Yock in 18-d. For the On thie ngreuslty fac gond vostruct- fIret lime lu bis lite be boardedai ton and gnod and caceful ocrcîpaucy. ralicoad train andi tade the trip ta There la ',tunultîon fon the bellef that Chicago. Thon ie weci b> team te by a ridi nfoccument ai the huilai- Quetitns Corners wiere h. secuceda hng (-aOle On aid ltbuilings. as v-el as tract ot landitramntih goverument. He On ini-u. uur large rîties wouId h. lîvei tiiece up ta a year ago v-heu he Itide<oiftig'uit, ruoof, n- eticedand tawveuhtaeIls-e lu Palatine. "Rigti] 1, t th le tire uelart- t)ucuug al lis long residence ber. b. Ment Nvauld sou flue Iohem af the never ,tl as acquiceai the. F.glilab ladluiduDItb11u(1111l'y ltv iilang the. language, - relese bau d1iIt"fg r ttutuunandotiti expîosi1 l". ttc t'utmt.tutidan- t eosparlriartn a tt tIrnU ult lune 4 0 Ubieh, s(ancetuiti t'tuut'nof a b.idnsandilasuit(t)fs- u't uuuPrancev S exit. lu a vutrul <'rOtut'] tht. X ld.gand ire del)afttnns ue havetî ~hdiaect avenues of (timinallon, if We Pr*ta taie the. experlercs ut for. O ~illàicaunstrles as aur exemulars.' K 'C. Dvii... tmmting contrw-tuir luvuta èt 019 koleing Court. Cantu. It11_te s0w Upltid of a fieret',sudafltvu. gNm of! iane>trouble. Hliiiack rtfluetl niàdlho ras laotb..aed wrth beadai'lieg an d l>' spelie.. "110ok 0k laie'dn.y Plla lut &Asdirerteil and l n a fer aysli leit muii botter. Ilifo sit etrugth *-eeeaetn sme isuci antid ep weit ta&Mnov - l .v MW troIule Red jlat t0 rscomaucnd FruIt.> Kidnt.>'Plla." Try S theni. Fuir sale b>' &Il Drgeat. L .LAIMes big v-e.kIy-*NnPwawwÊt1'. lu sa ha îuîuu-îud tht thlie net-rail. rua u5 'titltugh 'ttcBocklemau'e% tirai andua n t'sd litfaoly ilecideil itu abatultitale the nalden trip. H. a as snes bat difldî-ut sbut boarai- ut flue train, but svallov-lug hie fean le. madi-thetrtp. As thet rain lasseti throuigh bis aid lurnu le aiighted sud standing besli.e te icat-lu uaihie Ititure taken. lie s(ue'md un fiel vec> prouuaio! the at lu lveuniett Titi- ouuhletlun of the' strt ot the routi betutcen the Iwuo villages Il sn imporant snftep ln the comîiéîiouni flue ettice luensud shows liaI pro- gresa lsbeung made. Thle 0 osu'metm01 ia casafoalh~Âtlnt JUg i OIGANTIC HIARBOR AT LAKE FOR. EST WITH MILLIONAIRESW HCOMES le ICHEME. ALL SItE AWAITS NOW 1S PROM. ISE HOMES WILL BE BUILT ON SMALL ISLANDS. By the waving of d~moderni m'agie wand, $3.000.000 ta be exact, aW modern Venules, where stately gondolas will float along wludlng canais spanned b>- delicate bridges W*ween two score Islande, on each of whic will be the Summer palace of a miilionaire, la ta spring froni the waters of Laie Mici. ian at Lake F'orest. Mrs. Harold F. McCormick la the fairy godmother who ls about ta bring this bit of fairy land luto existence. -Mrs. MtCormick bas long cherished the. project and circumstances mndi- cate that ahe is about ta wave the. magic wand. Tv-a years sao ean- nOuuced ber rîllingness ta epend S81. 000,000 ta ciénatruct the. modern Ven- tee, provldlug balf er oxpendituros wre guaranteed by the, government and local authorities. .The. lack of response led ulany ta belleve that ah, hs.d abaudoned the. plan, but it le reported on good au- thority that she bas clung tenaciously ta the scheme. Only tbe promise ot the anlilionalcea at Lake Forest that tbey willhuilai on the laleude lea aaltei ta start con- struction work, aud fiile believed that these w-i be forthcoming. Match dilficulty has been encaunter- ed by rnany of the wealthy residents in findlug eult.sble locations for thelr country bernes. among tJioee rbo have been oblised ta go tisa or thre miles Iai betng J. Ogaien Armour, L On'uislF. Esift.rthur Meeker, Sam- uel 1'hae. redeciciMcL.aughlin, Clyde Carr aud many others. r Nrs. McCoemick wUl not order the 1 woil sarte Mntl ph la nga e rs o! the City'. luat the Islands v-ti be made uneof.I "Tounill bear more fcorn me rien A ureas,.ater wîîî ne coustrueae About three-<uarters ai a mile ýrom shore, and Ininade the 'lhe Islands,. about tblrty or forty in number, nu be constructeil snd decorate it 1 hransPlanted trees and rare flowera, JIJDE TAKES MOTION UNIJER ARVSMENT ASKS FOR BRIEFS IN MOTION FORt NEW TRIAL IN CASE 0F MO. THERSILL VS. VOLI VA. - INTIMATED AS MUCH BUT SOME ARE DOUSTFUL IF ME WILL - 1 DECIDE TO DO THIS. 9 Juaige Frost at W~oodstock ou Priday atieruoon, after beaciug tie argument1 foc a uew trial lu the case of Mother1 5iii va. Valiva, took the matter under1 adi lemeut for heu days aud tnstruct. ed the attorneys on bath aides ta suhit briefs o! their argument ta hlm. .ludge Froàt intimated that he naight grant a new trial, atlhough thote v-ho are familiar wlth the case are o! the opinion that there la douit about this lu view 'oh the fact that the case ai- ready bas been beard Bo m5tty tines sud even bas been taken ta the Ap- pellate court. They thiuk that the uew trial v-lit mot be grautet unlese the court couelderes scb action urgent ly demaudeaihy tih. factoe. The argument advancedi b> the at- torue>a for Volilesle aaking s mev- trial that seemed tb appeai moat straugiy ta the court v-as that the ., imarks creiteai ho uoliva and pI'esenh- gai as evidence St the triai nere othen 1than those utentioned Inl the declaca- ;tion. The argumenta vere ttarteil Pridas' miornlng sud lasteai untîl 5 o dlodu ln tbe attencoan. Tu metiUonthe' bistor3- of the' case la 'bandly neceasan>', ai It te v-eu- liran o arge cf telanIoritaiVaI. livaon ta cail.eMofireli le suand neady has secureai verdIcts ln four di!- ferent trials. The. test verdict v-as for $4.000. ani ras recently awandeai v-hec hie attorneys sakea the, jury nat ho ceturu a verdict ln excesa o! $5.000,, as lu the prenlous trials cen trials bail heen granteai because tbe verdicts returneai nere consîdereai excessive. HAVE NEW INSIONIA A change hie bien made lintthe coalt sleeve Insignia o! ah. paisengor couductors on the C'icago & NoI'tIl western Rallway sysem, wv-b Le tîav-in efect. Tbis latignia lo madie up a! stars and hans on the~ coat eleeve laîsteai nf lie atripes formeeri> v-arn about the leeve. The>' are placeai on the Ie!t caat sîrave the. morne as beretaf are andi are a! a ver>' neat desîgu. One bar denotea ove yeana lnettls service, tv-o bars ten Yeans, anai so on. A bar fon ever>' ove Yeau. The star,. tenctes îrentY-ftve yeara a! conhtinonsservi"e and after ffty years lun tbe service the>' rme? tiosa tars. -"Pue niagum a hauc>l meaten thau lte former one. KIWNEY l"LUBH For Kidne>' asid IaUsz dê lousm- 1 returit from Chesto." Mr. Tornqulst claims be nIll gir. tie mayor and comnmsioners an o> portunity ta resIgn their positions, before he cîrculates tue recall petit- MUST MOVE AT ONCE A number of business firme ln Laie Forest rere %Monday serveai nith tv-a montis' notices t amore lu craies' to malte moni for tihe ieautillratan plan, wblch thilty uilllonairus have piedged themielves ho finance. Tne plan pravides for a mev- library building as the. central structure of a, 1 eourt aunv-bichi al public bulildngb, vill b. gi'oupeai.i The Chicago & Northhveiern Rail- road rompany. o' which ituSf" vo! the peopule intereaheçn are dîreciors, signi-, lied its Intention or hoeing thînga alor:g by lhe annujounceent vester- day that ail of lia mateclal ahedis "v-Ii be moveai fcom Il'.- tait of wsy. The firme which %vere gluen noticel ta ',ac-ate yesterday nere the' C1 S. Blanchard Coal cornpany, the Lake Forest Ice romtiaey andi the' Aucren, E. Schepluers Ceul company. Thr,.' hundreil aud ifty thousanai dollars han: been itipilgeai ta the proJect of beau- tlfylng the town. ThIis vii be teea ta widen the' principal streets and for' thle ececlionuuf the court about the hl. Ib cary building. CHANCERY NOTICE shete afIillinois, County ai l'ale. sm. In the. Circuit Courît t nLakeCtn, Octuuber Ternii, A. lui h9112. Frod %I'yer vA. F'truertu i-ka~-hl Chare Wicicrgbcim. Walter H. Fukeit truiitees. andi I nknown tuv-m fiesutori petrgotue inta.résta'ui lan tht'Notnh halltuof the wt'at liait ut tii . Rai Woot quaater ot section tié). the Norti.. bait(curthe- Souuth Esat quarter oft tii Southa Eat quaurter ail tua' SauthtEat quarter ouf the Nuorth Fast quarter (eiccpt the eoutb une rail titeres,!>oful v-iht,.,35. l lu Townsuuhip 43 Northu, itasujo11)a Eset ai thte Thirai Principal NMerdan i Lake-ruunty, Illnois.' ln Chanciny (h-n. No,. 5578. lrlie reujuisite affilavit having been fliedi n the.oftilce af tht. Clerk oi the Circuit Court of Lake UountY, Illinois, notisce theretore hereiy given ta ail o! tht. abave nanisil saindukuown iefenai- auta thaI the above cameil cumplateant heretolore tilledi billioaicompiaint ln eaai court on the Chancer>' sue tiereai. andl that a ocumons tbereupou n iamea out of sali court agtste li of the Mlaoenanisanmdukuownedelendanti, retumuable on te ii.liot day aifi.thetro of tihe Ci rcuIt Court oi Lake Counut tisbe holda a the Court Bouse lu Wauk.gan in t lai Lake County, an tiie fhnit Monda>' i fOtober, A. fD. 1912. os le b>' Ian Meuired anil vhiei suit ln .1111 p.ndiug. I.gvis 0. BancanÂT, Clrk. LWankeau, Illnois, Atiguet 20, 1912. 89MAtSjen H. IhaLEsR, COMPldant'a isolIe$or. cu484 mu aail raulu in.eutrmattand - mn?" Cr.res-"O-h, the>' feol gléir fatber eored nildcesta 5»0 l*àt * nhoIe famh.-judue. 7 EifyJinh iiual bL-atGlt4 OPPORtUtITV TO RXIII4ONTHEIR OFFICES. PETITIONERS CLAIM Ci"Y SOL-, ON*, ARE NEOLECTFIJL, CARELESS, WANTOM. At attmpt la ta be mide ta rec*fl the ave elective officers of Waake. I Recait petitlons w-ilI be circulitedi bY beVeral weli mnosn business mou. i M.ayor Bidinger and Commisalouers Orvîs, Atterbery, Dletneyer and DIV-'ý er wIll b. given au opportuity to' reelgatu thr positions before the te' call Petîtlona are plared on the. Street Th) Restons Atelgnsde f The. recall mavetueut v-as launehod Mondaty nlght by Charle Tornquist, pI'opritor and manager of one of the' eity's largeot clothlng establishments, Mfr. 'roiquist made ibis statement: "Y«., il la true that I latent! teo dr. culat. a recail petition; I badIl ntend.. .41 ta draft the petition Tuesday morsý log. but ras summoneai ta Chicago.' Porsonally, I arn convIncei that the rMWayanad commissioners are nefflect. fui, rantom, carelees and ilncoup.t- eut. "The merchantile business bas beén lrnpugned by the cash stand of the mayor a.nd commîs8loners bave taken taken au the. bridge matter. I b- 11ev. that bath bridges coulai b. ce. paireai for the nommnai suni of $2,000 andi 1 believe that older heads naulai bave Purimeai ts plan of bettering. existIng conditions. 1 have talleda with several of the biisiness men a! Waltkffgan sd ta a min t fluai tise> approve af my plan. t have taîkei the' matter aver nut men isho bave had the honor of servlng as maLyar af the clty. andi tbey are vlllng ta show, their bauds lu this malter. rat not afraaid ta êircnlate s recail petîtton for au>' oue of tIhe five elective olYl- Sept-3e,4,ý5,6e,'12 A $3525.00 Raciug Program hm been arranged, 15 Great Events on the best 1-2 ile traok in Northeru IMinois SPEED PROGRAFi WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4 2:1 Pae................................Purs. $300M0 2:-25 Trot ........ .... ........................Purse $300.0 Running Race, 5- mile dash ,........................... .... purs. $12&00 Running Race, 1 mile dath .............................. ..... Purse $125.WO THURSDAY, SEPT. 5 u:5 Pace................ ................. .... Purs. $30000 2:35 Trot............... ...... ..... ..... .... ..... ...... Purse $300.00 Free-For.AII Trot.......................... ............ .... Purs. $40000 Run0îig Race, 3-4 mile dath .......................... ........ Purs. $125.00 Running Race, 7-8 mile dasb ............................... Purs. $12500 FRIDAY, SEPT. 6 2:22 Pace ............. ....... ... .......... ..... ..... Purs. $30000 2:20 Trot ...... .... ..................... ........ Purs. $300.00 FreeFor-AU Pace ... . .........Purs. $400.00 Consolation Race, 5-8 mile dash.... -. ......... Purs. $100.00 Running Race, 3-4 mile dasb ....................-. Purs. $125.00 Runnlng Race, 1 1-8 mile derby ............................ Purs. $200.00 Exhibits The exhibits this year will be better and more ex- tensive than ever before aBase Bail There will be conteste each day, one li the forenoon. and one in the afternoon, between the beet teama obtainable for liberal purses A Clean Midway. Special effort is being made by the management to dlean up the midway this year and an event un- surpaosed in previous years is promired Plan to attend, LaIte Couty's C ýnest Fafr0 LIBERTYVILZ L 1 ..rk t.,ted wil eh. la nn-.Oýivd 1