CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Sep 1912, p. 3

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*LAKE COU.NTY TN1EPENDENT, FRTDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1912. r- - - ~ lasé. No-iibbore sud frenda ex tend s>- path'r. Mn. oscar Shepardon and iîaughter The Ladies Aid aocieti se-hi loid thoer aud grand son of l'snnsyivaUa a reguiarmonthly meeting Sepe-amber 12, viniting Mr. and lMrm Ernst Shepardion ln the. nhnrcb parlor. Supper wili be and othar relatives la ttiîs viintyv. served by Mesdames Belle Ste-pheDs and Mr. and Idra. Clarence Bonner of Eva atrang. Evanston, vlstd relatives and attended the pienic tiere. L _ _________________ lin. Libbie Padggttiand daughter of Sehool book& and euj pies at E5nil ChbrIeston, Ill., are viitirig ber parents, Franks'. Mir. and Mmrs James Jamieson. Labor day was a biîg d ay bere ail the Miss Vooso fChicago, @pet the week hotela ver. filed. sud with lÈre. C. E. Denman. Roy Young, who bas been stck witb Aisse Dorothy Douglas of Waukagau. typboid lever in siowiy reevering. t vstud ber suut, lMr@,.D-.19.Whit Tiie bal aIne Sunday betwe-enC Wsdnssday. Camuentervdie ansd Lake Zurkh vwas won Me-s ion Delite of Rns.hstee. Wis.. by bys screteeng7toI visteil t the home o lMr. and lir@. 1. A large c'rowd atnded li.old ettlers W: White a fsv days. pîil! esonday. lirs. Ali Hughes entertainetiba Miss Aima and Ble.e Eichman of gruduiother snd @inter of Irbans forChcago, ,iaited their parents bers oer savrai days. a!b or dey. ga.CC E Bater spent everal daya Laks Zurich achool wîll open ne-t in Evaostou the. past week. iss Fonte Monday with Miss Sciioiz and Mie@S ~. remaîned viii lits. Bater. DBots as tfachsrs. lird. A. W. gasDord let Thurstiay foâ Win. A. Sommerfleid, Our local ertist Weabon, Ii., to spud ésomé urne vth là exhibiting soute o! bis work ini Paint. bar dea2ghter, lira. . L. Wh.aton. ing snd drawing ai the fair tbis veel. Mir. and lira. Chas. Mb.wg o1 The latet reports are liai Chfi Rbo Mlwaukee. ara vising relative &1@0 Cbapten a! uhe Alpha Deta sigma Fra% Mira. Janette Mat beys. »Id Kappa bil Chapter of the. Tan Oeta Mirs. (errity ant cilidren returned tn Fi Soronlty of Chicago, vilii oid uheir ther home lbuwsay. sanuai Thantsgivsng dance at Lait Id . ad Mru.J. . TalnandnonareZnulchtbs jear. lui. us frot tîmethat tirani lie. A.Tisin nd on reLake Zurich in Io be bonoreil by (Ireel ezpeeted borne tuas wee-l. ltter ortitrë. Mr and tirs. J.B. l)eumaninasd_________ ebiudren returueil tii heir home iu Wli flutte# Frairik White 01f[,YOD$, Nstraskas vistins relatives In thiI. sclIItYý ir and <%fr$. Ed win Thiom and blîdre-reare elriéim9 Mr. and lira W.- G1 lbom sud fauilY. LAKE VU-LA The <edar Lakseamp H-. N. A at LakIe Villa entetaineti sereral Rayai Neghbor campa on Tueaa aternonus, Aug. 27. Severa] candidates v-e iitiateti. Tii. (mmee Camp dolng theJ c. E.ljenrnan wai. eaifedt) Lincoîni, ork lnia vsI7 creditable ttanbe... lII . on se.,iullt of îb.ý erlîn iilînes of Frank (jager and lamiiy and Mra- hi. motiir. M. L... <aUger vlsfted relativeosat tira W 4, Tiioni i-tnt a fesv denYs oodotock asud attende-I thise [air e-nu rlàt@ats ai hlic a t Week. Friday. .= sud h-,tis Finey n.1 lir. and ire. lirt l;alîger violted Gte-i I-il- iof hale Fire.t. spent a Wraia t ipaidinize Corners Saturday da. nibreaive- il. isvelnity 1and Siuiia. W i Tlîiîiî lit ,eii, i. e aiuaile1 *tallicine laet uses11 cut.eity on Cornwsos'eNe ofiert liitgf, an îld re-sderit o! i'O beaft sstfrdB o! comçaucr"e i,Iisîty dili tilcnhis 1mwt.' et il 1 a atwys the.almtlaat. andtibtm- Mfîtuii Mouday eainrof1 paralysies peo ire fuured on grosinda of Be leae-ss everal brothers to ;'jîuru bis i-lU.ia FALL MACIIINIBRY' John Deere, Low Down and 2th Century Manure Spreaders Deere and Janesville Plows Deering and Milwaukee Corn Harvesters. Ensilage Cutters Gasolîne Engines Give us a Cal SCHANCK Rose -p STOP Get a Permit and have your- Threshing meat delivered at your door any time yov want it This is al done by C. H. BARNSTABLE Gurnee, . Illinois L GURNEE NI r <sud %Ir, Thies NJ,liure il Uiagu vî.iît-d friende tbeee SuîlaN Et imet t harre land failv i I Trues- &eIl, s[îeflt t TIre-t of t!,' ,e.k a lb fis K. G. Ho,u.'i ii i, i uisit- g. su lîe A îîumîber f mcir euel i-attnd- Pd tne loue3., ii e-. ut L.i t it3il le lire. cararet Thomrn se- i)nt lý ic miik uns ti. amst et j A. Hofinuuliof Re-e-l u. la uins ne-sa cîstor be-re- ast aM-- Mira. Gara Kurin.e.îii n.[-i a- ;.i ' tbe qeurujer yuL Ars l-et I r..turiue- to ber home i Rgers PaL \I.'L"eIiay. Wuff Abright bas retul -[-d tin e-Il u Doiugs and Sayings of Grayslake F. J. DTuce, Edtor Phone______11 _ Orders raken for Job Workc Av orlas.r<g Rate$ 0<' Application Fred Dialy and Wufe (ol Elmbur@t, irere Uir. Lui-k lif Waukegieu, aliled ou gue-ts of relativés bere over Labo! day. relatives and filends bere Muday. Miss Blanche nongbton @peit from Mis@ Reus Decher and Mime Palme-r of Saturday to Moînday evening 'A Ill' ber Evaiietou, violtsd relate u- i. I frie-ndeF mother, Mr@ . .P. 3arroti, bere the ait geek. Viss OliVe Colemi aiglent several dIaYs Dr. E. Duour and wifc f ,bu.agu. are the Siret of the week witb lier cousin in guest@ of Drt. J. M. Palm-r. Chiago. AI!, Mende and !amily mal.- a trip tu Mir. and Mr@. Morley refurn-fil liie Points inIi owa in i@ r machince Suaday alter spendinu st-verts! daàve recenîiy tnakilrg a trip eei20( witb lMr. sud lira. Ed Book. Mi#* Zets Mamay of Chicago,'le eîeul Obi'nary. îrug a kew days witbItiiendo here bta . Mont Allen spetit Srinday IL Chi aâgi. Lâetitia .5uguta a.I dauglter Atty. Claire Edwardso o Waukegau, o! hare-ey sud Eias Hassu.- a , rfl, f-alled on.frît-ndৠbre Saturday. at Ancasto Providence ,iiuî iariii, Lynn linrrie and wi!e of Rockefeller, Canada, Mfay 16. 16, l14 t 1Le- age were gue@sa o! rf. tlnrrle sud family o! tw., years ber partes e--dtiia Sundaylfeain near Antiocb. Ili le,-; e-L,-was Bob Mrroe sudlamiy ofCbic uniubtedi n marriage tu Eu. ii Hcle ande Bobliorisy sd amuv o Cbcagi.Mos cd W iBainesville. h.le b-T- b are gueâta o! Chas. Tocerand dâugliter. mad hi oe[r nn eaa o L. IL Cle and ories cf Monton, Wis,eildhren vwers boru toîlhe-m. two boys are spendinig a few daye wth tbeir son, dîed in thdr Sblancy and a dangbter Dr. Cole and [amlly t Gage~s Lke Jessie died at the. eariy age- I 'îtteen. Mfr. and Mir$. Win. Streat and Mises Tbee daughters survive lier,\Ir,. Abert Aima Hende of Chic'agou, spent ftveral Hiserrod of lionticello, Jja .siro. WWn. tJ3&bhrs reetly. 1 Streat and ]disa AIL& Hendee of lirs. Mrton Smitlt of Ie-boit, vîited Cicago, ala o rss lrethers and e-ne frlendsand relatives bers last we aisâLt-r. lire. Marrow, mother of Mr@. Weblîer tue- bon tes o be dagirc auf ierdl on Laks Shore Drive is seriîîusiy ili. aILthe bomne@of br a Sîr a u.d die, lirs. J. 8ehinssaredtertained ber father ait tb.. age of 68 years, 3 euinhs and from Chicago Iset uek. 12 daJO.. BrlyIn u lle ste- uuhîed wjth Harry Atweii spent Snnday aud %luon t b,- Uethodist churci alid in 1sf 3 day wit his vifs iand is parents, id. brouicbt ber lettar to the i uzregationai andMrs M.B. twel.cliurcn at rayolake, wbe-re-ele w-lihti antiliraM. B Atvli.reremnbered by thi e-îiesas an Do't for-set tbat we are bEadquarters .carne-et worksr. Brln-a -sbl for ichool supplies. 'Ne ean siso furnishBrfuýa wabl you alil ï,ciiol books lin short no(tice-at the churcb and interrne-ut at Girays- Tise Reiaîl Sirem-I>rues rug Co. like -Mletery. CHEER OF THE OLD HOMEI Dental Training i FIfleesuy ane. frointnus If 1 bave Sontfe k% WtsctrEssy Mos n wd'ans teetii lefi !or antileoieW-tfoot Wonun 8Jýoesd Be AhI. ta Look :i 'ti I shalh bine a certain Chine-se boy Upô4u. to do the- foolgi' a Ne-s York sales 1mati salî "He wusd11 <ne- n iieewi, ptien It wotld be a biessing ifIve- parents 1saw hum thet ether dia, ewu n I cailî Just eneec t tiat It mas lie tbat Cbinatavui. He vas pull mrg pegs oenl tise anly cseer lu lite- rebicis aur cbfl- ai a board vltb bis lingera Tise peg tiren rell set La tise cheer ot the oid baît been driven prette- rfgbt Intoboisab bonne, grils. Prank W, Guusanins. lu thse-board. and Iltee-to, a 50<7.1 .l6 i Tiey are isnrylng outf lo th e- rorld, of tre-ngtis 10 get tise-m ot whîcis bas no time ta make tisem 1 'Tiat la a tonny -gutîe for Mm t happy. If tise-yarp tortunate. as the 1pay,'t1salî tef aa-blie mfl vhc ver-Id saisa. they relîl probahly bave! kiiowe the quarte-r. homes, wbere- olil fashionsît sud romp- c -e' ad e *hae la Dot a tng cheer-fenuse wri-id ekin l;s siîns <ame Tise boy la golnizto a 5 l5 agaloat the tu'-nitnre or break the, lisi His folks bave mua upth et Louis XIV. chier. Blesse-il d daya, mInds about ubat amidise- hmscomn anti mat reolesoune ta look butek mnu-eti early 10 tre-tgien bis fin"e-. upon. are tisose whe-n tiseLearty laugh Tbe-y train tbem that way lu Clins cd tati.>- voulil ual eplit tise lace cur because tisera îLe-s pull te-eth viti lb. tains, anti reien malLe-r coiuid have, lingera. He usd1 nyl pull wltii hls fin twa big, be-ltisy chîlir-en upon ber sers lere, but the strengtisans kill lap hblie sise wes silling dovu, -vls vwiii came'lu bande-, Jent tise sana" sasIs ta ail parties, lu be-r-rocker. N,3_______ coin on sars castes g liltie ta mint aad sues a fan In paylng f ifes he-svY Odd Cane of Fe-endmtrlp. expeuseg as Goail Cheer- Pessimiste At tise present if me- a mast unuatial ame mails bel or-e- <-ilîren are- te-n aeof affection Ie-we-e-u adomiicied years af age. sud oea tmam cames s.dacmaatl-e fi ild animal la te ..>e achld ca-nnoet5 te-fla solde-n . 1 . 1_.i. heittte. n.lis.h ias, iOvtîSSiia i laugi Inte reatiy cash ton Ilites povertY Je of Spoonley. ne-un Market Draytonl- andt Ils relie-f. We- taIt about tise- cru- on thse tarn o!fStr, Williamt Woodbumu Tise beneflicf Sf eltyo a a tIe-r-edepr-vng a child for a veek or tuso imata amaît rougir, plant foodi bave of suc'le-ie-ot clofslng. Tt ta 100 hart; sorewiat vie-olus terri-et'frttam tii. Omo, aFrench but a childa tues waulît bette-r hotarmaiead bas Lia-c toticati gambotling planta as caisse rtsddy sud bIs eara tiogle vils cobît in the fildst aitit a large welI-devel- 't eeits l ta s tissu ta have a borne wi15 winle-r lu aped hare Suî f an attae-bttent la ebloropisyll. rets tis amsbre nils ailailMost uncummun plants ln drouth fre-ezlug ta ilcatbt No ciilît la pr-epare-e for lise su- premely serions tiinga of Ilite viso onarches Fine Libeaey. Lute«tln1 canat laugb avay ail thse goblunsand TherIt.lbrarY o! PhislP t1h. Od of Spansers sud Shoote sud break wlth tiese ablung Burgundy, lu tise ftfteentis centurY. oniy toals requin vauîd o! Goati Cieer tise circle drsvn Surfflseil sU aser- Ennopesu book building. Thia amuntd u is ans gîsut. coli.ctions of tise time. it coutainaît mn importaut cna _____10,_0_voumes_&Ilrlciiy lIlumt- elittd. tien i L.ETTING THEIR LIGHT SHINE ae onvellum. w1th bîndinga rit London 't-Bite. damnait eatin and velvet lacruted by cernent ans cast ffl Cotle Girl@ ns Expert Latn. jaela, viti claspa of gols) and) gens- ires) pattern, w dresses Do Not Appusîi teOn* Bruges,.viiers tise d"cacourt wau sge tirougi the New Yor'k Hoesewfe. beil&. as filbed wlthlilterat'! cratti ton erection ate mmU. ans) certain ot their splendid pro- titrout the cei Couseegirls vit have studios) dnctions au-e till ta b. sean in tisa Mid the viols lauudeang lu tisir dônestici science Balgisa royal library. voodaui trams. ourse May noms ime 8ud an oppo!'-________ or dlsuantliuga tunlty ta appis their kuovîsilge vitil- la state ostr be ý out lnconvenleinig snybaily, but 8Doon te Tlrose of Weslc I4ert. tises have onot yet reescleil tiat Idyllc A (lernaun army dadtot', M. churig, otage. ha. put ou tise markuet an iuvenUtoý "Juat t pueset tics are an lu-.rehlch lie declares wyul b. the greatest toleralile nuisance,," gald a voman boon of the- century to sufeérers tram rebo bas bail Indirect dealluga retti heart di sease- Tbo o i iilie- thse youug g'-aduates. -Siace tises benflted are eue-b as cannaI affard s thraugi tise me-iium o! the vasiteni vator. The Invention consista o! a I haven't bail s stile-iso! clotises fit alîpper tisait oîdslta the packe-t.Tise int O L lîpper bas a vers tLlck sud softisale. "l'hat fa becutuse tise-y are trylos ta sud It tL, mantaineil that viien ver. teacis ns taundreste bous tue-su d Its propertîes are- sa wonderfiifHtaISome people Us Iran, Tise poon saut bas made rt liv- It la ffasy to aseet l ilgists of sUira. hink liai any ki lus at tise vasituti for 13 ye- an sd soi] ni a mnuiy bas linougisi np tour e-ldren, se-t nuard ils a ao tisae acietetlte- laundre-asea have con- Clock Run by Fan Moters. ceftage o!fno ciadeil that sise ulesnt knaw ber bus- Fane aciizitie(l by curie-ts of air Cernent oughit l I-nesa.have froiu hume- ta tins beenu&usseit aspcnect cencnfte. "Tiseretant a a Iuedroesilutao mature lfor runnilng cio<tks. One, vland tiCe-ment bh tbat la siste Irn Intrusion. Borne Le-psute. lu li e'Louvrne, Parle. fie- for-mord ant ilhi vaine-n vilS misS tempers wont b. jamîuu Hunite, (if Ltcbfield e-eeifty, wte-.ukni but it w bouoe-ne-l.but ns wasierwoauntIs soo Connee-îicuitienu-one lu 1783flIn makt ustne ron ge-te-mntneree ta refuse Inetructi-eena titan- - emuplatient tise veiglut li no for the- ast montis sbe bas bissu auîndi ii, 1fi t1h- urreint ot air I a l o aC turnin utiatt er weekly vash wtb cislnuuue-' m i.. u - oîmp)etîtby a se-if Unfor CO 500tu e-st Kthintijunt ot o! ellfe aetîigfuihe îeeigis ne-ans tbe o01K0e'B pottering aroîid bassin tise Jais, top ut i t' uts- a '"'be poor womatt la tiearly crazy, eGravai lai Csmc sudsoare- ber ctitoulers. Masse Ai re s Gai.Iliu-, slias , ..] tsll, Lau te santl If le-t ta tse-meea tise girls cau do Filcu s Ilume y aîud Tar C0orumîîmîîuuuf-ti6wB" s decent Job t launderfOS; I know 5e-ars, au(j %uit[leuic sînys e-iuii-ui ny wabe-r-womran ca-O, but wbeti their ift tiilie- i -1s. If nuseen lîil'i tu> ,tir, , ethodse clasis batS mnalte-a botcbaofiOunr iiuîleandul cide nd pes t .bhe Job andIl he-n camte-sbomne isttton-t!crouu.lA e- lae-e flee e-ildni n ami i lasescorceed, sud torn."-New Tank f als-a e"Ci£- tiie-iuuF(leyee Iiùu 2V yai-I Tims.Tan l- ujuuuurid ufor a cold, &adîltlue-y ut 'rImeS. jal ieonwae-If \Vew onld not le sithoutý _______________l in our beunse. Fol sale lt I N RT lade.pedfnt adi-rerd by 25,000. Iirulggidts.NO T C ~GAGES LK jGILMM Boirji ann Pr,. jr n kepr 1i an.y Missm Barbara firnan n and A nd rw tbrembiuz in il- iln3, 1béy a re[ Aano are -a'uiing a coupieeao! day. lu ibne. day witb J. B Ki. er J. H, Jonc-s au an ànîî ii ti'0 ... spent Sunday wîtb \f r-e Jiniie 3Ains. Jas@. Tay 1ue-r -tertamIie, a îîuîî, ber îof ire-n defroîîîI mke- 'i îa no U-i Geo.Cleveland >rturned 'atiîrday se tlî as i arlosil o! cattile. )Ars. Thayer and luuglter liaile- anu Mdies Auna Hotlaneler o! waukegan, eperit edn.'sday aillu relatives. Nlîse Ger!rude Manicuîm returusti home fruuîn Crystail LaIe ehnuday eveninig Misses kEtbel andi Eînly iCoombs tüe iý'uiiuan lln re-rurued to tbeir e-nooul duties at chas. :IR' of U;ja.V eti, e%.S M'sa wîod Tuesday baetiug eçiet their bere ou business Tbursilay. wailh -tb their 1inrewie ble-r,- J. W. Gray vaseut Fox I mý I'eliiui ne-ca Fiday. YORK HOUSE Mie Mnne teeesii Rse--i ee-t"* Mie G F Jîîne-earîl friend Wm F. bere Fritiay andl Satirday. Sle i @ ýf (iii.chg.. melet Sunday wltb lir. and lMrm.Richard ilook sîsîed lt.e- bsud icieme aîîd famil. latives at Millburn lat Sunday. Aluso h lth B vun bas liten viitiiig Mlisses Ethel and %VanN,ieeYiîuth re- frîe-nde at Lion I.ale the pust week. tum to Waukewen for their laet ye-ar at Nf r@s. g, F.h reighêiub a cousin of Mmrs tte bighi seboul the-re Nfî-iay. Lincoln PEgbent. dî Kaneas City, Mo., Kîurieley Esty aunI1 wfe ,l Waukeganý. bas ,e-e-n veWlii g he r iîLe past week. vere viiteire heneSunday. Mrn and lire Allient Kline entertalued lir. and mns firegiz of Chîe-ageirelatives Suulav. visiter! relatii e-she-re-the latte-r liant eof kies@Iae iarnet haA 4be-enviiting st Iset nesk. artin (lisene. B. K. Millewas a 'rlîisauk-.. , idituor 1 Te S g.-av s ...i,,iand.t.ei 'ej.ij.ce.hii. FREMONT. misa Sarah Joî,e viitei Witt) NMr. and lira.Frank lietz during the e. ,pic, ulbet nsAllr' io uenaeignoornooas psl tenild.Tlere'Klirne raceos a beal gaend iThe ewr r asen a Labal venpy eDjoyat.le tine. lins. Mary Sinnutt le liaving a Siliii put As w dsendlu tiseacalo! u up on tbs farm. mal It. va find t tat rebat klI the. FrankIni- andl Sieter Isehie-laa1e t- bigier attiaIts dues net lulur. tise ed [riende at Watukegan Suidur- lower. Cut a poiyp lu two, ai dyou Barry liietz and .i*îe -lle-n oîIla bave tva iving polype irstead of ans tri p tu Clinier, arîlo thler-j- ,î nue udaY dead potyp. Break off a lobsterms dlaw, sud anothen wlll grow. Ton, may, f bas beeu sali. f reeze a 11Y, btt e 'wîii i, le lo r ia . l'iift n a eîe e - r r y e tn C a n n a It r e E z e I 1 0 d e a t h . T h e Pe Gaîrdi-ri tlicli - Lua etlîe e-Xa.a,tseare Infusorts mtled *wieeb-ani- es lie-n lie- steaks .if tbe i urati ee,îuluîe- .f makuelm." lneerotIfens sae'e manY Fuiey lidriey lPills e.-Weuem- roicurtous quailtis, amoug vicb ls tint it isi n experie-oce- I neeîtitiuiiieîil Fuie-y o! suspen-dlng animation for an lu- Kiduey Pili. as a gireat i-irie-*ly hie- dfinite peiloilvitisout cesafuz to lis. klilieyt roe-îil. M ai-!tie -e- a u-îred iifl 5olomles or stifers nsay lbe ege- kidnv riedesee &iand5 arie-1iliiatiy if mycated arnd rendered appareutlyliffeeas. neighboure r e--e etreillie Fuies Kîdney 1and ln tbie aconditions tbey May be Pille Fîr ,sale liv nl l Ieruzgists. , pfor mnteanud years, andt pas- aIbly centurieg. A single dr«p of W& Caetiîssmaternelles. wteelU restos. tbem 10 lts. sud t Theresare fieedining-rexeme I-nu 1eerei viiiisty res Parts wtbeve frontflfty te, eîgbty nuis- ttuefT' ?uflloins cllypseleya ln.g oibes daty neelvetee- ai . flinft wisre it vas broken ob- Can mtines aelles ins e fe--icu- , Harera Weekry. ranta vere caîheil s..isn tiss Wer'e starteil elgisIyeura ago tY NIme- Testlnsswy of the. Blnd. Henry Coullet of Paris. At tiret thne iefore tht tnP! n ne alf ended f1 atif paeaport neeiled wse ist oeae.ff- %ua ppar-ent it niost credeue wu@ ston of a baby, but osîing Wtiste de-- piaceti lu the testîtaony for tise de- velopment of a oontusing hsabit of bor- fendant, rowing babies tao as tu procure a meal, 'Tlat ls be-cause- be bas tIve iiaî tise nuis va. altered, and thse pro- me-n iestIfyurug for him," salît a man vsisot oftree meals le nare dependeut rebo lias served on mauy jeuies. upon negular atteudauce at an adjoin- "WLen I cormes ta a question of me- ing baby cllnlc, oi'y tise word ot a ilind man gos ;mron vls good e-ses. It la witlthIe f effe-ets rit aulpiu sti a5 ,jurymen tisat his te-etmony realfy 1been abowvu yIL ~cD-unus'bt tise imige sud laresersare i experimeuter, On u Z aea mressed.,Tbis ia takiug mIet mge. îurnlp andt radisi., consIderatlou. ot course. tiat the blinît vor the deve-loinert of man bas a nreutaulon for veracity. tardIug the Yellowiug Of We assume that wits the baseof one t. faculle othenslunve developei. Wisat a man canuot ses be beara, sud bis mmnd stores up. Ourntaitb In tise ns- iHouse Building. lentîvenesa of a isloît man's memory d cre-wdrlvers are tise bas be-en trequentîs justified.W'bene nei houp-ta-date homme a person relt aill hie aensèa voulil le- i atest developmeut ln canne coutuseti sud testity vagmseiy, raft ceûmes, as mlfîî be thea blfnd marne-an r-epeat a etuverma- bhe United States, anys tion. verbatlm,' ts accordi-ng te the de- vith a vire spiral pas- .s ceuter. Wbeu ready eei plus are passas inter Ot the castings. bolîsît toge-lier over a Tii. vork of building a bouse ae constreicteS > lmple ln tise extreMa. em to kid of a y nature us11 pet- )rIandi has pet- peifonunt s'cll neit on dint, pi of ,Sude ame 8.IfCond.mnnd. If thon b. a Bver. our-compbox- lonsît man. thon ber. 1 disailor ee tri b. a comptaut judge-Iaaak Wal- tona. For Bbumatièm andlGourt. "Chicago AN: Portland Cernent is not a new product It bas been on the market for fourteen years. The same raw materials, taken from the same quarries, have alwa.ys been used in its manufacture, and the process supervised bypractic- alIy the same men. Hence the unvarying quality of the Nie- aud irm. Banney Amaun and) lamily uitt.-nded the-cie-vup at Waukpgarà st etke. Mi-eH lc-f, iLe-Mutlî Ùs spendinir a fev day@ at lîet..r Me ' er'@ in Waukegan. M re . Warren i me-tt and daughter bave reruiîîeît-. lDru. Lake after ependingc the mueummr witb ber pare-nts. ifienWlîeatiin epent aa-el vltii bf neha .1.Icil recently. Nlsmia-fent>rtaitied ber brotber Ni.e I-uiviiteilKathnyn Lant- i fcul.e-rïe-n Erîîlay RUSSELL r Tbe Lmîi.- Aid miet a-îhb M rs. JO& Merville . tî Wdue'edày with lair atten lance. A rumer froni bere attendeil the ols) settiers' liîcuîc at Paddocks@ Lake on Taursday. 1Asa Corrîs, Licl Poe, Barbara Chas. and Myntie terrs spent Aunday and MIdnday wîîb frlends in Oak Park. Mir. and Mmns Jobn Bo-nner and téns Mi«ses [i)odsse"iît Friduy vith lira. L. M. Sonner. Mir. andMmraA. C. Finis entertalnsd seven cousins frorn Oak Park and on. froni St Luis laet Tucsdaày. tlîldree-lMuîrray aiment Sunday vith the. sseut to I. lieago Tuestiay to vlit thelr. son and brother. They rspo-rt bis" doiug nieely. Nlildred Siver returned from ber vacaà- thon t(unday. Minnie Re-e-es lias gone to Arîrora b, attend se-bool. Mia.. Carnie Austin @peut Sunday and) Monday a-itb ber sister. Ntirs.Chas. Hf, sure to attend the fair thrs veek. HICKORY lils Ena Bd ards e-ifWaukLegan speut bis v'acationuvith i iaplarents. Bois hodins vislteil a couple <il dai )ai a-cek at the- borne iflies. Piclis Earl Edwarils sud a nephews-of Mra. Weiiiss a-r,- enlertainsîl ove-r Lahor Day aI t4Le- Ne-hLLmre. Qjuarterlys Meeting viii Le- Leld at the e-hure-b, Sept. 15, servie-es lceginiug abi 3 P.NIM. Ail ce-m niesdbe-ar Dr. Shepard. Hollim anlentuclsd emi ls ila Sintb af Wands itonner speiit Suiiiay ttith the. Hollenbeek famils. Everybody iiiing il! Doing uhat?. Gaoins to iîean the Austin Euatett Sept. 14, at the Hickory eburch at 8 p. mu under tbe aupicies of the Hickory cena- te-r- steicety. Wl th tihe Bake.d Deanc. bs ewas five- yearet 018 sud liveil fo thse clty. Her mother had takc ez to a farm for a visit and ua po» lus out thse liti, vegetabias te t", litti. girl. "f'bes are cabbagss.*MaI the. mother, piuiting fa soma eabla. planta. Wbere do.. the. com "let grow?"' aid the.aliss. ln ail selille D'eau. U.A. Smjitb, Brldgetcîn, lad., balt kidney trouble for years snd vas ne irippled witiî beunmtiom h. could o dr-e-sa wlîbont ielp. Be tarted usls Fuies lsidne 'v Pilleansd says -1"ibugli lii get hetterat once, and now lail . troule bas lie snd 1 do <ot[5 that 1 ever lad eiheumnatimn. Itest Wd, ail nlsht and tho' 59 yeara aid, e» »5W do the- wurk o! a mas> of 35 jeam Y would fliks fa be tiihe aiseof album getting benefi t [rom Foiey Kldney Pilla." Refuse soubstitutes. For sala byaI Lruggiotos WeIl Woter Have your weii drilled or ex- amined by mon who kuouv. how AUSHERMAN & DOLANi' ALL WORIC GUARATED R. H. Dolan, Mon Cityý IL OR. ROBLRI'S l L I8 flow used by ail the lead- dairys in Lake County as WeIl as ail Counties-You are flot getting the best reauits if you are not usinglt-For sale by The Rexail Store Druce DrugCox. TWO STORES rsta-IM"Doble " Band Grayslake, - RoundLA eaceuaM"The Best flat Can Se Made" 1 H-OME LUMBER CO., Libertyville, Ili. PR. . l. C CHAS. HARBAUGH, Ingleaide, 111. Ofie t! D T. WEBB, Waukegan, 11Office at CHICAGO LUMBER & COAL CO, No. Chicago, 1GRYj 1 ----------- rimmmr- 1 & 1 - -- c ci ý 4

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