LAME OOUNTY mIN1 -e F~U1DÂY News of Waukegan and the North Shore E ?S~] FMBDYO DEATIS BRINS CUIIS WILI RIVE FOR M" DONYgTHE BEA&CH ' SCOOLS OPN TO WAVKE<AN CDURCU WAUKEGAN. 0F BOYLDERMAN O EACH Central Sohool ................393 RECTOR LOVE, CHRIST CHURCM, CITy NE P S OF I E W BNEAR T:FITNOUS Nol-th SChool ......... .........360 PICTURES CHANCE IN CO C Poemate CaiIa G WtrueonTh mni clunab rot îl gveCORPSE WASl TAKEIN TO THE CON- West dSoheol ................... 266 -EL S.adey recclved the plans and specifi- jto the structure an appearance of even RA £HAT MNKOGEIE- clN. ho--------1RSES E N FFO.RART 0WMSIRN cations fer the. City@ new $75,000 t&1grenier soiity and grandeur. Fven .T.T..........N1790 STEEL AOF M. AISO L erali building, thie heing the final *top tbe reaofethte building la taieon cars A decomPoned Cori. ulat et a Total In Grade&.-------19 EAF0 M AI borntawiedifla the contract. A nu- et ln fine sbape and ciosely reaemble man, vas tihe gbastly dud ofetwtv boy (About 160 more thon tirait dny u Aofollnriefo i aeM i tic@ tht .eaied bide wll h.o iie the front et the building. On eltbei' buter- on the. beach of Lake Mitchi- laut year.)MAm orasevcfrth t r. Tt inate ofic cethesicevii0f rthe ideofpherreaaatne sapsihiron aaideWauefa Wedeegreat ni. ota InMloteliol rgaAt Sest anIbld B Ssîwlt. tat et Washington Up to October 18, wil lie pisced marbie sents for the T Aie Hor riblefond ont. eacb NORTH CHICAGO. tve veii-knovn imembers ot Christ latse hms beene poted in the. lobby of thel coilvenience of any desirlng te sit On.ehif mile north o e i.gaveriuent North Sohool.......... ......... 217 cburcb, vite died roci , as heid miliki r "eadohrnoie iih ow.Tes rpiere on ttaile shore. Thle bodiy South Sihol....................W Sumiday lu the churcli, Bey. W. W. van podofic an oter otiea 111he ovu Tle St ef pans e l - rvas vithout ciotblng sud wvu badly __Lv acag.Cu prlited in local newnpapeie. The Waii'ous bas recebve<l la no lareand eopedb teeeet.Many oeI cag,!u epkeicona deciare the. building btrcate ubat Itlanpossile te tell of the.honeuesft hie body vers strlpped Total. North Chicago---------. 477 A fairmgisaitcongregatIon atne u cutIl opef yJn ,11.Te nyaami oto ftemn u f the.flah. Total enroliment todsy, Wou- deapite the boat. on. plas sow he uidin lato o àliatues he uilin wil cntan.Founed iy Two Boye. kegan and North Chicage-....267 Mr. Love praieed Mm. Steele hb--bie noai agnifhoi t struburldIn ndo. afetur o ieCaliFoide.i nal. The bo<dy vas round liy tholostva WAUIEGAN PRIMARY DEPT. canne eoflber nolctude for everybody recel mon anlfcien strctUr andWeu-To Cîl Fr Bie. ie: ugene itameker, residence at Icegne people f.e.lthey have beau wisli About tva veeksa ago Poetinsster 1132 North avenue eand Mark Waver. Central Schooi-----------------.. 49 ad ber appreciatlen et vhat otiere latn roeid for tihe loug wait Watroun reoeved vord that the plama reelidence. 320 Porter treet. Suth Sohool................... 59ver., doinig tor the ciioreli vor. Bbe JO] Building la Fire Proo. and apecîficationa vould probbly bc Returning from Huait. Nortiih@O.------------------56 va, lbe nid. one of the foundors. If bIl The plane shov the nev redera] esb etmbr~ iI The. IvO boys vers r.îumntngfrein a Wet Scinool-------------------.. 4net the founder of the local ciiorc i nter buern e. at iin ieytoSiepAt.e e----------- antedmo.for Its advnncemeiit, Ka buldngwlî isoti'sy irpro a teyarlvdtoday shoyathbat tiiei lthebody. It wvu lying iii the. ead - uthon anyliody aise. ail i ", v.ery ltin vwood vilI lie uaed lni li are a veek attend of turne. anid alieulders In the. vater. Tàa. surf Mr. Ba-rtowvha pictured as a N. E eon«trctlo!i. The prssent adevalk mwauuahnnI-nt e e brearin over a portion 'W thei Total ..................28lae ati hrci a h i on Wshintotn and Utica atreel.n viii plane vhicli lie viii give eut te Coin- fromithie corps@ vas nometblng abiom- AUEAN L.Sept. 9 -Thils vayadid!bilg bliloge and dld thoran veli anni i. remoyed and vOll lie repla-oed by tractera, who are detroun of lilddlng inable.. taUi.eGaddu îa t i aa nvLvnL.a, oid pt b' mucli vider ones. A niueteen fout on the building. Waukegan centmce The carpse.vas piaced lu a rough for te , yougatern f the oîagola tionthera vho b oobt o t ae forEAn val viihaplcedouWablzintora vho are deireus. may bld on thie box and talion te the. morgue vieetiie churcli vor, vie executed themi Jein itreet and a tventy-one f o aldevnlk atructure. and It la vevy possible tuat Itvwu beld pendlng an Iuvestigation. Wauiegeis. Cianging belîn ihie more- on Utica treet. Decrlptioli of Body. ng ummoned tixainte anotler ninle peronaly and vio alded Ilnandally -83 the building vili ha coustrmcted by W legt prxnitey5tsSlchs otea tdeu ao-I i.cthe wrvof et i.local cburch arganxa- Ki TioersonWavinleagtniret png, m-Welgit, one iundr-ed and nlneby ls. achools. Wltb the. Saturdayn and the el oethnteavrg irO l brie o Wshnge aret y ra- AIlIIdn munt iehaIlu y Octolier-lit, Colos' ot beir. lroir-i. TaigrngadCrefla olS a -e. é lispin nd ac e Hie opng il ad It ta probable that ith. contract Saventi goid leetii ver. round la ithe e l is i Wt. H rcunted the les the. ciircli he a bedge. There viliieh a vtrifled vwii ha avarded atonce. h nliouid mnda outb. niouoasiliau Ji brick drivevay b inte rear oetihe nne t ba11le along t ogn ii cl. I on- Imquest Tule. mornnng. Preparatlone for recelvIng tihe Pu- tbas uatale sdpondeutat building elghien teet ln vidth and ô abmuclongtNbgl p te atuel Ctonii n oetvub vr i --pilis beglunnng tie flintday ef achool u eea ete l i.cuc xtendng te the mailing platorm. tecmoe mains by Deputy Coroer Edard Cn- an vall as for thon. wbe iii relura amng old membere meaons hat the we, T i e r slviii ais e lie r o o m f o r IfeImala t r adth e t T b r a d uY . A v e r d ic t 9 a b- v l n9 e r e s u m e h e r au i e n h a v e. b eg n p a r l n b l e p a s an g t ro u g ii a c ria is , uia t 0 0 0 wrIahgbeont@.d e flbt t iebithle man came 'te bis deaih by completed for noverai days, and av. vbile lu the pust the church va-e T vege h ntr idng a inelniahed by Jan. 1, 1914, ter la lttîe drOvalng vas returmued. erYthlng tuea morning vas lu readi- recognized as one In vbtcb quite aloi 18WU bi eidot.îreebuilding ra ire, te be lest. Murdar or Suicide. neas te etart voil. veaitby familles a fev et thera, dont. cht la to i ibyfv eadtre Pending Long Tinte. h nhqetintattejuonated and rnipported. le parli, many A lue elgbty-five feet and iitr-e. - ers unahi, to determIne vu viiether TInBoule Y75apast there bas beenbaenvpadaarndbeom Wl Inciion In ieugtb and the vidih la te The potoffIce deai bas been hang. the man bai met deaili b! naturel more or lean deiay on the fti edy h-a- e no faits n moreo ndmore morte lie aixty faeot, ihee inches. The loti lng tire for such a long lime that canne or net cause thes tudents Il te findt vhab o at nmr fmr oeae N la 30. fst y 18-6 fetwhih 'letha imet mdelai, Orawved f ront Boat. ktnd of teoibooks they voulil ne.d. meana This,,ie reit Ioa acriais vblcti C les,. consîderable ruent for the grass thelr mtn»ds tIla î mever vas gotoz TIat thiemin ca-me te hia death by Thts made lu necessary for ubem e bo iefcdadovroe u po.The. building iii bie forty feet tele reiizd falling or Jumping fren a passenger malete ronsf&Ith eiao M.Selhoaiblng tad "On ta Ilhe topofbte me, e qlb ta ie tinret iace aouteE.Ft.our fre ManLot Two Menthe, venu te bockt tores and made their while '.%Ir. Baimtov belonged te a frio equatyago Cegm-anmn Gorg E ocs of Nearîy twe monîis ago a pasaengergrpetenbvamthlitr-vo Ilk. mauy tedoealbuildings. ta sdistrict, gel Congrene te appro- on the aleamnblp Kansas, Captaln puce. ed thof e n Inc aoft h liehumcb vo0 The. Bagement. prIate $75000o for a nev feierai butil-, John Thorpe, feit eveboard-es' lump- Thia plan was nlot ierv eatietactory e h eoc&oo h hrh û TIM i en ' avw ng recul, tI iehaIo- Ing ere Later le gel an add tionai ed- vhe fl the eeam ship a n passng f r t e b oi ses iw y e e 8 cliatdila hie fine basement. In thts, appropriatton of $20000 te psy for the Ke Nsat ifAonoice froveth atbok sre ln y ere an gao FRE AKEIIIE000 roMtise carriers' irciere vii be ar- lot. The ici seWeteil vouid ceat $26,- nnîtai Cf et11 Plce cruifotgel ated upee n Tii FOa MES, OVE lU YEAR O or raugd ad tiey tJmalete her 500 a-d n lbondes' liaithe hultilfg Tbumday morning teiepboned com.lrby0 upi isi ie ie a f chageaofcioitîg her. ivii i mîgiile put In the hast posstile-o.pltsdescriptiton o ebody te lhe achooi emtirely. Tiers vas always --mu i n.ehb.Ia Test room for uem aand a Cation, people living near t e propose d Police et C8cag , M ilwaukee, Ken - more or lese con usion about b ing M AS N OIR. BA KR, FORM ER sit, ubcrbe te $,00 c ha teliba, Racine ad Evanaton. asstgued te the proper seute lu the WAUKEGANITE, HAD NEVER 1 pincees'batti Iey i araend her m-Ilte usrbdu 600seta h nesti od aletfe dymain assembly ruen. Thilavas elîmi- BEEN ILL IN LIFETIME. Ofeetiol prote If thay ao deaire. appropriation tom the site mîgit Cover l it iiliho urled lu the. potier'n Bleid e Suior batvi b r-sgdfeeb t Oakvooil cemaitery. nabedib tis year by caling the eudenta -p tieeejemn.Advànced On List - The corps* found on the beach of te the bîgli cionilanet veek, Infor-- RELATED TO SHERMANS 0F WEST lt The. boier reoin, fuel rueonsudthie There ver, se ma-ny oibmiuildingsLake Michigan, nt WaukSgan , Wednee- Ing tiem vbat bocks tlieY vOuid lre- STREET, WAUKEGAN. AND he StOflt.r-came alao vîilI ha plac.d in vbIci esaedc iei - uiigday afternoon hy two boy hentere, wae quire "sud shoving uhem wviat seata te WAS WîDELY KNOWN. ( tebesement. wr ba ftelclbidn dnii ln *0Tuaa feno Th anFlo.on tihe it sud It seemed as Ifthie -de. m lfieD ept4:1 0rth yaenueatlke In îhe asemlly roin. A r- hfato-e Mnin veuldlha an Intermina-be oe. At Chicago, ae uhat of her on-Axiellnuit the majorltY ef the studente pur.munCosde On. entera tiie poBteffice u in s juneture, Dot ne very m yFleming. cbaaed thelr bok& ttweek ad Concernn h et fafre fllht ot atone sosl i ebrc otaag.Pnmse aru et The deceaaed vas 27 yea-re et cge. action tley entered higIt schooli bl rumtire Er ae n ee tebidnonteWsigo tetT-n ornthn ago lest Tuesda-y, lgo-tgIlvat lne metti ratdmtethe f A S. Sherandfa-itu es Si. uildng o ti Wnsilngan treboWashington and In Comnpany iyvtb Compay lit wo otier compaulon. loto gi vomitein band. In liatelyaetrei fWs area etaau aide. On elter aide are haiidnomiioCongreanian Fou visted tbe officiaisM.Feigvn u avmlg ffthe h okI atdt h .8.Semnfml 1 ari. columus. Innidn the lobiby one vite have charge et the federal buîîd. Laie Viov svlrnming ba-ch la Chicagosaulste Bcame Plan vas foloved. orMa-a-nouaeatCblcago ape asnte luge envuantersa viii crampeta-adndroabeTiie Sua Plithe scompletelilt ocflai saitnd t s t.elteffi *Crotn arthe lnouesdatr oto-us le- dht sitance avrlv.d. The lbooks ulatvili h ilai fofr itie pu. At l g e s-l 11yan ematWndosnt. Nai l creca-W isnucceeded lu bavlng the buiing adt- litesnavlng crea' dragged the beachplabtsvresgadn-n ierM-.silHiiBrrdedool I duel. boxvindev a ndgenmai d ry vi s- w vanoed neerai n tches on le tint, for- three dys. The body viii lie for- ia I h ain rle n h y A h g f n al 0 erP OthewiS Il oul bae beu smevarded ta Chicago lFiday tor- burlaL ver. able te have thein ail reàdy by aMe.yNaca Brealdeceoft berlc Th, eremlo Iclde, heourace thove t eulydefave ton I dentification vas maie posible by tiis mer-niug. ae ienerdsy aitte rsd eo ire tu hev. b e ,goffo i ce. lnqulrInyhe vctindev. u .d augbter-. i . Jam e E. L o , 1040 D 'Il. crsu aseIncuda ieoura cutilelelt-eonythefotteacTiongoi It atedcesdamuh ~ l bit edaieu elleved thnt the addî- Elmvodavenue, Evanatomi.Bileboita-di the oupa tm etnd of fih e .lobbuldalt e 't 10 te en Hez8 a m$a nder. P o u 1 h .I cA ster Sch oe o ul o i neyeer- beau Ile n ii ela li rle. M rs. Lo y tAtHie saabhend e iiidbu!adthe mtera ta (oge, temnu oadPt-or M SUELELEFf NO ready for occnPancy by thl lime, but aaid inte ltantuight tuai up te ber . -egàtr-y loby te vbich noceas I a l d bncung the. building lu the Oi-t places 'LUx, SON MUI.B À nth er-i -aut viii ha nomIeuieuyray e.1.lSaev x tue emon.! arder, regltrY sMd put- and then eeing ubat vomi la under O- th lefwore han ha coiete.Tesetomaiaiiy activ o e ndt he aea-c ta-i savings anX deprtments. vUmnthvgenlBol bvevn.M. SEL AE DIITAi avryîîî itte' iih o-cnrDc .r r al ns ly tuoet. Tise floors a luhis.lobbiles are ta e o dtreicauuly io get the plana cul. M. TR-40N0SENG FIXAIST n I lerlil crevdu un e grad cou of manbie cf diffenilt lilds. ITic mlated. lMr. Walroua la mrs tisu ON4DN BRINQFIDOLcirole fo a tim a 5the g b c vu ICedbr l aatetegY.n . a lmcoting aise are te le h e ic nie Pl easd a t boh a bl e te aino eic eO A Y J D E c o , o i e e o t e ua Thee II le wolagevalt, u@Record Attendance. Ell11 ad cam I StoaN.Y.,tint mater-l aucb eiendld pmOgresn aet thîn tîme. Tirevii a velagevaît, ncHe assrta that auron, vho destres Deapte the tact tiitt n@holloian T1ea11e anndo Heocam a ya- ue olelHe te eva-oth e ir- un ii pouiasereofIcetie the ta he se et et plaunns ud1 o n ty estate af a hait million dollars, I d&. vas a record b'eaker for the clty bualand David M. Barior, Fve cbli- luhie wr-sgintry occpimen the a ingaihn11 dhevlieh.veloped bedzy tInt thie lie lMr%. Merchoute.Bu.Timpo naI h.dn eanuttna. is.fve-fi rem f cu ln ebl lnedt g vHe hhm anetdtlae 44 nt la.asvii, e neer beard et anytig ink Il.espemi Tii. aident, a daughtem, la Mme. H. sucegetaste Bri oas'anin e a __________ therefere hem only child. Nebon.viiilal IY latiie beginner'. rooila. ho the M. Webster, 74 years eîd, living at la--l a be orrom u ieproesat CamesInte helirsilp etftthe gtire lai .MOAIlsemachool tiiere vers, over 90 Nev Yarit. offl Icbleafurnlnhed wvu a fouitaîn SUES FOR BEING HU 'nTe penomal pTOr-oty Ot vhlch, a- begnner-never a-d tHie Mn.avltieyugicld.6 Of Ite vaber, the va-tomr bing cooied ON HEAD IN SALOON cordIn teHi papera filated l Hinebncvr0.lHiNoisuCe-ya ad lu the basement y a- pecial coolg -Cut cutbe450 a au, iaiunooi,, t. rosvmeas v rITe ater hae YMna A il Bker plant MIKE MELANBKV BRINOS SUi 'nihe fact tuttne viiivas loft y ly soelsiiythe lig eanaiseo 62 yetear are liin levao: F The Second Fiooi'. AGAîNST FRANK DOMBOW. the mi vide- removes the generaiiy in sca-ll te ee esomul 62lteA.Baetr, liviygan Elviang laoltIr. On ti. erOd fooror ezznine as 5KV SUT FLED liiieed teai! tnt ira Stele~ 300 teginnere In the ciy achoole te- borne Ciy. Okia.; and D. N. Barier, pianel 1 gve-a ev me<tory to day, accordina- to tbe figures, aine et Evanten Il1la calleil, are the officea of ite cvi Sîtleaacfi.rt ( pi-a brndt iorh io oaistedne iIah ie service rOmmision,the roiectorvofi-tirotigh bis attorneys, Ciaire C. m Seietoiy houb ere Tdye tt aciol at muacismeer ia A. MAHR VOE c1tuehomeand lOrie ,iil hasheflt .et 1wardri andIl i. (Coulnen, has iirougbb %r tëetdytruhAtonydyo col amc retrto R.EM AVYDE been aseliignol Tli-r- are Iwao finei Boit for $.rrtagatnat Fra-nk Dom. Etam Ctarke, Blledl a petition, aekilagsinbfrn eactoa ttr baiconles in r1r1,rior-ii--a t andl orth- ho- KI,). e liihi. cia-m.anaotated hlm that teillera cf adminisltratioliehaenno- e eoe nteshol'hsoy vent crnfers , :rlil (,irr rln-t- mon-eand il ihreat ferre and vIlent-e, ed te flm an the lson of the vldew and HIgh Schol About the Berne. The deati et Mrs. Emma Harvey, roomla eede inli tmrlkiin uhon14h e-ad silh a- met- îutgx.Perffonsnames ithlmexectutor o! Tic attenda-n.e Ilu iugh nehool thie widow ut CYrus Harvey, formeriy et S The rooft a Io l,r,h i 'I l Olii h e-ri-ltlg of %Iay 1ii tis. Tii. ,alxcms phow the propeity te lbe yea-r.Tire total regiatered this monu- mornlng aethlIe home of hem daugiter, taMi trame ekîln "-'-t, tc--ss itlathaiîv aIms Ie cie-nI over $,,of) worth $1,lniandlthat It consiats o!fltg vue %70. The total regIebratlon NMrs. Wiliam Bain, 114 Second Street. 10 belit-aIe-ni ofti, o fnitji-r i-ielied n1 eaI eta-ti-,bornsn, atome builtings, dttnlttg the venir lasipast was 375, c,,Death vas due te a compictîation, foi. o viiaIsr i .r ,r< rhil toînnsky. uto s te' I-e , bonds, it,-, as weiisas vtîh the addittonai onea vio come in lowlng an attacit ef typld of serre- Thevodycni lr tr-- n i trîi l-.rlrrhi runcln-îiatilta-e rseli-ri-andl contents. m'IliheŽ aborut thesamse as a- year ago Mrm. Harvey vinest1yeane id, ber e ielo atr - - lt-I-r,,rIlrti rngtrotuire li enrt ashn'- ntla oebrvtulebl- retn.lebtiatnac ieao ý Wl wl ieIaneaoi. ardril ri. TIiiý, ase w 1 1 1lî, for 1 Thelbondi ns- tixed at $95.0,000 and In hîgI nihoe. blthday occrring nex Sunday blad The .xIrlrrnirnrh .hiy oes-. < hitri-tt. ilain (Clarke, amoked ii rnday tyhen ths tan vas gan fer the iluet elgit se-ars,. rmni - înni.l,~ '- lrnhilg cln,. Tila l' prap he iiatime inî t trtd he ir tise buttil M. iaelne o Tise base 0f-tHiebuilding la ho ile of ,1, .-. hhh ,sIriSled r-I n th e IS px-tîante -irify tea-r n thfbi-ounaek. vrnIll roh m jrrn , r i , bpta-e-n b1140017Y f tsi- oanîy fat Éa soman of lng,raîrslnrg a report to sprea-d that BeIs granite abctevhich i yl le rhe - -rdr- nhNînrh (rlrsBahsridesIhbi-,Ira.i vthoBainings treira omumed.Thee as ostr- vmI. 'ne baei 0f tI, i norhanaCaude et Waultegan andlFloyd of hLin- 14)l k 'aire rroh urne-ea-i 'he ttc.- v ie1<rause lix- la lhemrieetand however. c building vii le o!fdark Cherry brick.,ruen, h4 hle lilhiti- 'antl-e hticontlY non, Neson A. Abu i oeyetli * Ti, coice vii b. arbe vî, A erl arn Srt . tI and %%IVre tûtttinry'm HSti-.-ie tre-stlent of the istC mNatîonat George Neuba-ker, a emtl l uoo, e , brickaie. Tii, op illg viii hama-r - nifl bns-farîiman, thunglie- emîf!of D. 'n. Webb'-fol! frein a Iin C. Wedgs, sud a motcrcycie ott'lt , dba fse neabopen yU le priont- n-tntr, oi-ca- t e t -hie itipet ma-n by farva-gon ioad of bricks on Wesb Beivi. cd ir Roy Orciard, collidei Sunday Puget! aeflagatafnlc il a pro- ButblnsîY (ouchIntg plangtInu mon~ttcWaiikrne-Cnn dere trept at Il eclodt. He auffersd aftemneon. Both cynena vers drtvtng posd e emrt geatglds 5a51 nuful part o! lils Piaylng)-Exeuss. a number of mIner lady bruines. Hie$ their machines. No oes as tolureil, On tie front of thie structure, oves' me, air, but vould i ot nd waiting - lin Frankn M. Keelfy of Uica condition la not serions., He van aven- but tise oorcycle vas ladly dam- liee ltraun"e. 'v'aiehathe figure 0 e W hll Ineeze?-iiarpere Bazar. Iti-Cil!4s stnitmg the - ee itbibler coulebyteln-ao Isnapo-ae.Bthmna isetrvn doeelierl l ~- unInfltivesaai Laite VIlla..d liav. casi ilin te ta-l negligent- OF EMS.NRAND jINJCI 0F ESTAII FILED lx COUI«Y COUiff IDED REFOIR DEISE rCF LAKE FOREST TO RE. WILL OF FRED UAIRSTOW FILED EIVE INCOME 0F 02,000 CM TODAY SHOWS WIFE De YEAR--FOR CMARITY. SIGNATED AS TRUSTZE -A"VES AND EMPLOYES 0F MINOR *EQUESTS LEFT TO REL- .TE WOMAN COME IN FOR ATIVES AND CLOSE FRIENDS SMARE 0F THE ESTATE. 0F LATE COAL MAN. he lant vill and testamnt ofthIde The vili of thie late Fred Balrniow Mrs. Elien Drummond F'arweli. vas Bled todaY ln County court and ln vife et John V. Farweil, a multi. connection vîli the. formaity, lb la ions.lre resident of Lake Forest, interentlng to note tint much eoftthe B fled for prebata ln the Lake late ceai rnerchant'n rosi satste vas nty court this morning. dlvided among bin ebuîdren norne Urne ne lionpitai. two church nocietten. ago Lu Junt tii. manner he denired, muaiclPalitY andi a number of bucsthe. court baa notblng te do wltb iB recSlved beQuet. .Thon. vbo nometofMnigproperty. BIved a shore of te Immelnse a& The coai business, It nla rnnud, r. vers: mainn ln th@ bande ofthe widow an obn V. F1arveii--The haone lot and truntes and eaeb oethe chtidreu vus neteai, tegether vltb ail ent&t-e Or deeded nome Urne ago property, boiucs resta on rei aisitae. the eetate vbicb vas loft ln hie nme iterIne Farveii-Her danghte- t ithe time of death, Danniste his roal entte, left by ber uncles. J. widov à& trustee, to car. for It Un- )rummond and AI Drumrnond. tIî the. miner non. Paul, anme. ef age, 4ary D. Drummond-Her aiter-an wblcli viii le M&7 1. 1919. luIty ef 81.000. %ir. Bairebow and non. George. anmd ' lzabetli Drummond-Her nîter- daugbter. Jouale, are madn executore annulty eof1.,000. by the viii vhicb vas daied Grand ân V. P'arvell - Her buaband - Junction, Colo..De. 16, 1911. 13000 and Il fumnitue. Eacii ot the. hidren excepting Paul atherine Farveli-Her daughter- la 1.11 $1.500 cansh beelde. te PrOPer. ciotblng, jewelry and personai ef-t- ,giVen tliem nom. tîme, ago; Paul'@ UI .. Lihi. &rd f. , h.aI"s arL faes J. Dr-umrnand-ss.000. oc the natIonal board oft th Young omonChr-sltîa anociatîan-$,- T thie doinestlee and forelgn ml@ aary of thieProtestant Epiacopai îrch-$2,000. Alfr'ed Marwede--Aa empteye--$500. Ii-m Gonshary-An emaniore--$f00. In crog tC&ed plans mi b . Bîr OtHer bequens. laclude 11,000 te hîn brebier- Jowîtt, and his ninter. NM, Bai-ah Wilienson; $100 esch to hie grandchildren; $50 te Rev. W. W. Love; $50 te Binhep Toii; $50 eadi te Richard Brenton sud Thtomasn BeDon- ougut, for faitbful nerylen. Nltydof LaoedFoet. $25. B- Tieint In Mf fathe eafine ud Cityho akewForettJ$2n0V. -aB,. in trustbInbMll.bDahertuni!ainreand I m n wflrumm o bedhn awila te bmaily brutlPu e id %bs truet bi- hbrow- lits _____________________ mer Inhrus b hina ted f o e ni wot hilh pupri ftpediy fer aeo.O IA ' resu. Y 10 A O Si 1,îîkefe hosrtal-TheBume of $1, Afor an endowmient fund. the in. 3me freim whieh ehail go toward eni- wing a ward lied. Thisn n given In lmorY Of John N. Dmummond, an ncle. The Woman's tluild-To the Worn ns Guild ot the Church of the Uoly Pirit of Lake F'oreot-$500. Thle remtens or one-haif cf the en- ate te lie given te John V. Farwel. te *held In trlst by him for Kathertne *daugliter) until nhe ahai have bo-n '0 ome 25 years et age.)T rI1 - John V. Farwetl and Francis Far ..Io Lthe AJVOL d..LL4 vel were aPPOinted executors of the- state. Money Can Buy Arrhblehop James E. Quliey dedi. Our eeam.ntsstoe, .-eth"", r Uh -nid pe in e er, wa, by cornItent r fscr,Â..iet.ui Lted the new nnhool of the. Immacu- ehar rey We gririd .., xw . -and Our ate Conception parlh of Highland owuîtu rt ench partilCxarCBM ark Sundny atterneon. In the. moro 111 be dedicated the. new misnion I.Ouis8J.Ye f.S l burch at Highvoed et vhieh Bey. J. D. O'Nell of Highland Park la the MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN pastor. -WAUIKEtGAIN. L NO The Eiectric Lighted Homse It *as a',curiosit1j at the beginning of the commercial adaptatoii of electricityj. The fact now that a house happens to be not wired is about the onflq reason whg the occupants are not enjoging the advantages'ol electric service as a.1 light producer and a labor reducer. This cotnpany meets tbat situationî with its plan of wiring bonses at cost, two years to pay. rThe interest in reducing the cost to the least figure Ns mutual and the expense is low. IN or id there aily diffiefflty about it if the blaise is an old onie; nor any incîonvenience te, the people living in it. Let us tell yoit about it. ELECTRIC SRVICE 13 CHEAP ANY INCOME CAN AFFORD IT IPUBLIC SERVIC E CO. of Nortbern Iflnois PLANS A a