COUTNDPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN____ VO.2.N) 2 W LEPGS LIBERTYVIL.LE LAKE COUNTY. ILLINOIS JRIDAY SIEPTEMBER 4), 1912. ONE TO EIlHT $1 50 PER YEAR iN ADViNCJ: k î~t nama 0f mny of he boy couldfor tuis existing condition. The on-A .I fot b.simes ofait oflthte bo$cut h ofybade uprioil BOAT IS S VAftIPEDty physician la net to biame. Th1 E C L N tolowing la a it f the boys who are flot to biame. known to "a erscovered. with some "Stili the pao? slck are tbrust ln ~ 1fU N AN ) LE EN %>~OV N 0fur~min poinis. orne say that they are able NEW HlOSPITAL PL.érAN Orst mislngta psy their 'leep, sometimes we fId Willim Staley, rthuream cann'" t pay, yet we cannot throw 1 nutzoe, Hall,,Woodard. Jackson, Bal-thnOnitotetee;warcrnBi -u tSURV O R 1I N LA KE M ICIG 0AN , ey, F&ber, Wyatt Cook. Field, Stock-Iipedtu eencte oan dt crfo i man (etty oficer) Nelson Aareyld l ust de t ee of ourtas e fe r de ___________ de. Wb. Patterson, Pulian and C PLIA FO AID FOR MAI tER fe s dturfiern amut when roI w ns!toeivd OPTLSR RI ick or when partiaily recovered fronti aia Stanley,.n f oesae, HSIA BR RI E an operation. and tbey abouid die we T'wo V ly Imiportan.t B tesB f G n raM t ï0 e &H R r y tod dsa drarnîtic etory of the. tragedy FOR&S 8PERVS0O8. wouid thoen b. hiable. V r u -~ r ts"Stiliw antliect fg C*iiugupbisI1fe'ryn.gtosata".titthr stopaortt r.areri rn fcfthe. conty'a sick. p r à re a at W68K.BEk 74 W l y-gto» e Weetehesatonaoualurtr nthreeyeras the losses we have tto lnthe afternon," pbongwIaU -Je inîtalned b aJa Mueeftenot- ll r r ~ 13y BO Suni.P. u& obi teA5. Omt ere flot ordered out but were givenil UAAIVIi OEN SE!t .10k bas cirned aaofteciun stbl Mayer * permission ta table th, sali. The. wa- teiy $3,687. W, cannot colect arle cu "., on for P o à 180DL- - O 1 O'1 ~ tiua edfgl og adr~cent cf thhs rnoney. Something ihouM UJIL l/.Ol P o 1 o! te bys ov vaer ~-BOARD DSCGLINES TO PUSM THEIng outrig>t, ori. e u rnedg I !of he oys oasgoeew ts terve-r 0fN tLAhINCOboardhe llibrty VMle lJI M1s~O1ay of .L5.1,perieuce that they bosmae helplesily TUNVLWU O T; have never kdafrorgt s bordge fi 1 Iseaalct îftsr we bad gono perbapa a OTHI4R MATTERS UP. In y fle beîfoe nd w l eo eP o ',,l asklùg tis onehIore.iflot feet that o I" kmtyýIie te hre was doing the right tblng. If you 4WîîljsrnNegui was ln command. . eel that yenu ngîte ni soinething He 55w that wit iI ba the boys ses- CLosINe WORK OF BOARD j outrtgiit, vol! and good. 1 thlnk the LIS 0FoSA. arhin th fomînsctitcfkvar nd mlbeitles It ontd be Impossi- .-Approprlt" OM for ceming supervisi re tee canservative. AAUKEGÀN. September lîth. - TUSERCULOSIS MATTER i0 1.8 F ED sslocmng ahe fo rt ofe tterble t a oilie the. boat as hitshould b. year for esreare et Mclter hopi. "Froquently won have bad unconnci- The specil supervisera' committee BIFORE THE SUPERIOS ~~~'~~~" gtads handted,£o ve ptntln toward shore. tel Iflé02,»fo fr the. Lake Bluff cr..coui Persans thruat ln on us. Wbat po- aeaiteunmeigMar 1.Spvsragret e J A. Patton.. penasitien vouldirev.occupy trithis comn- n-du h uemeig ess w-bprir gedt p- Waîîa. Socloy vomen nhistedtnelr ~ We lhad a bg boat, about twenty-four P 2. .. goiU fCirçuit Clark mul.ty If je refused ta take ln a per- eryo0 eno. -fi0fNepotv nci rtsfor ceuntty patienbta Mtb, Wl iisqn EAnt,.bue. mobiles ln tthe work of rescue. 'trs. j est long, with a maînsaîl and jîb. f .M P0ta MO.son la th s condition. We cermeot r,- and Ilicte of Lake Zurich, titis&aiter. orçoisinstituts for the. proo W. . Suthert. J.. nmeyvlt be av araW. banteil down tha salis to matinr 3m--Oeeidod lt. 9 a record of ail celte a guarantee froin in 1cofslinonavisited the. McAister ehsital 12.-C.nsidse1d il the ii a W. L. Nîueoth . icke a ip gurlier couhtm"ie, thinga more anug and present les the -p enduam 4n Lake coueîy. man. t do net test that we are being dl&okdi vriiode omk fstblhngscui>iétainf J.L nà#.oblead anredbint te ufae t testr. he e ak roii * 114M0 for coufty main, are victme of circurnetance. a a report t h <dFia.caiqfrptet tLlbeaeyvlii FrdWinicier. ýbraptalat the station. toitheara sncb of us as wereabale taO nacedurlf gti4. ceîng lieur. "I believe It lathe duty of this course, thora ia nothing ta1 f atm; Dr. Brown faver$ it bi ou ,t, ber automobile ta meet the machine Drops Anchor 30 Feet front Shore frotPOt OMa yo. Utrult oetbn adn. The Sun today lntértlewed oDni en-t. tryMinnokpposeIll. tete 1 6-e4n»OndPoo Far Sueri. Dowha tgrlgheou lathla matter. <uqotoal rw-cairyiiiithe iulotors, forat ee reas~a a lot of water In the tendent Appie*. "I have no fanît ta find with thebero h omte ead. h -i.Wtesn nile Tha misaienqusio Iy rwn pnemessage bail been reoahved tint'boat and mre of fitcoming bln Hthe 7-Rovised flot cf food whlch sup. couuty physician. He bas done bie' Propose viit and lhe.adniitted tva svlng coonvaesenit Patients 0"ae~ L.Pt Foi,$canat11.ic saving machine were on thpir tima. We were ln danger of behng e'.visore mAy glu, te paupers. work tully and tsltbfuity. Hie salary 1iImportant thIngi. FIRST-It wUsa hia'counotydo certai if ohUI.Ih W odad Wram. wl! Tbe automiobiles ot Chas.,Dewey awam ped at any moment. But Negus 1ceuDlntr districts. truancy lse in ahouid he polit for supervlsing snd bel.! à county hospitai for the county county wouid b.evimbursded la i. Woodwad, Wowe, lti. vI he batoagcouttydesct . neflt for druga. etc., for the needy. (Ian- shouid b. huit by the board, ratiler nunher of heurs th.y weirk a G.W aud, *ardotown, 11. lve.converted foinimpromptu ambu- t u ha couid sava 1 astimen, 1 teel that you bave forgotten, W.lances and did praclana berl'ice The wail as ail the people in it. i The board of supervisera adjourned the Poor unfortunate olck. 1 bave, than te take stopse for sny concorted Industrilidepartmont ho hoet tu THE ESCED.scens aongthe ate's dgeremind-1 'Weon vwo re vithin about thlrtaiî at 2ociock 6aturday te Sept 25, at 10 great Confidence ln every mamber of or extensive &Id for the MeAiirliMrhe.tabliisih lntheLaite County Tou t The rescued men, Included ti..s, ad one of the aftermath of a botle, feet of shoreolhe dropped anchor. Thon o dock. i lui board. I do net foal that any pilt. ;env. an imn ta blamo for the conditions, SECOND-lit should of nors. hio .4-Tent cin fiii i thotoal imer ta bathavng ur'.ivor toid a dramatic storv ta ha went overhoard te sea how- deep 10Ona ofththlait Importantî thînga f btolt utd'elttti one manea-rthlthn n ? 44 o drng ofoicesnas th" tete' number in the boat having as only about p teosesion vas tbe adoptiîonofatbar la partiaily ta blani for the builtit akgnrte hnl 1$,5 o aiqfrcut bentet-vv..lgNgs oit omnan. She rerfeod tgive the vater vas. It vas onl about up ty bae N~ esont.ilnigNos. a :cot ,icster he ommit tewinchharge, :exlstiug conditions. Make an appro- aome seclude4 part cf the county. in ene-haf y Wyattame of th;the baavy wvs buri colhlmtrii wOatr whîch provided that the board app l riathun se that under'tua alipervieloni He meraly gave bis opinion, and, S .-Dr. Watteraon saye thler. art Wtocrt. lfcrNei atd nsv ie.four or tie feet deetk. iriate $800 a year for the care of'he 1of the ceunty physiclan vo cou bce lustoa te visit te the bosipîtali tberoîiar cage@ n c9unty 1 "e cimed ockino teNeatgîe, uerpatensde' he o5,ta. TisPrntectod îrom lons. The Jann M evi oevi# Fischer. jboat.lie knew that if ha. os the onîl,'ecimo oc uath ot ta poor patientsathe bospa]. for' Alister bealîltal bas no endowment ta in estigat but it shows the trend, ne attention. undwt- twa&ain e would have tea î lavloremvit tehsptifo dthe efficers of the association do of feeling amang the supervisera. The supervisera Thura.,Oset aaèy 8ile aeaman on, board, retare bi- panlut year the board gave nothing toa net receive any recompense for the Judge Whitney Brougi¶t lnquiry. 1 heid an Important discussion 4e 4 Wlid. ~ot aisbout, hc nouid loge his staud.. for ILNegs clie on t agr i thr hecause t tmbte o-work done.c1have suffIcient conu&hrlsWbte roealt e Camo0f Po t rou ý Wid.l hnW atwsanybody aboard wbo could net The report o he 0toefoncmu hi bord a eijvetha Jugeinuh Jackson. Ig ln the 17.S. Na unvoYOa o ad i oIdt ova: ey eina ib eis oard facho evacr-ter to thres hoitnlu Jun te auet- 1ns ftecony Pattersen. ilatra dEoeadh swta wm n adl ie tatoydent " That v. bave cenferred iii sncbcmitlane teittIey vfiate ud viitier suptebord lnoue vasting tet g of tdrlheng ,the inib toi -uunet bond vthoui grenh -iSa t.egus tn0O - ontboard of directorea nd ibid that our ta tespevsesupport' hetlt ouiee big h dveb the boat le gave the order tw drap the .know vuo ha vas-On bhls back and1 5>-ton of careg ~the eqor la vory thi spoiperieoCaret."sptimtta btiavîva ovn f the.county eotahllubhng IL quhr tteom ipleheade& started for shore, caling for the rost umnatntaci ur t-yu temaaou OIs cbahrman o! the board a&Md "Judge, -the a.moclatlon adequate aid, ltsipples, ctosi InstItute ai the OR~ Tuieratheînboattt a n ies ha of usta îoliow. i vas oDe of thetesot, tbe bosPital and for the, btter monthetore ve employed the services tabigta tehsuinnodabel tLbel*tyllel for thé uieor Tuin. leaotou eoe. ne of the te quit the boat. i saw Negua avim - f .unr lysteintve vould recemend .countypyico ovoepyig eaingththe nt itution not ovepr ather thau have tuent carsid Drap ancbor," lho salod te lThat the soini of $80liibe apropria- t<loYscan e Laitanthe aecutytn oo! iannas... boys. ad ammrd. few siretn £5 h hoeadtd o h Pyin o h o po x. mtay 2800for carlng for t 0 ancb needi The t-auît of bis appei Te ytoI The lad turned pale adsame .thon hae * efeWataeganlbairdubentHnuej tenses ofithotptodaybutetlnupnotpth- 1oxpi.tvas $28d0i0aheysac. md tth 'Hav I gt 10obeytatorder' ho arma vent ont craaziy and Ihoevaut 1thenofetsucncomnbe aid out. bowaver, j poor sicit. i uuderatand tut the city was that a committea vasnamed'T.otcrevsta b led Stboys, aal rni eng inakd on xet fiaig eual aeractice of making an allevane each ti1d 1 ed xd fi ensviii sccapt for the pri« Unied taes avadTainntbtaionIyoar for the hospital. 1 undorstand Ws.miecranrcmed oscreaued rate of cszing for P&Utxt*'k "Drap auchor.' repeatted Negus -He disaiîisared only for a m "-Thar no patient sali be received, tbat woro compelled to discontiDu vsmk ti ecamod tin he tout cotany. Dr. wattevso Northahiclu , a ll,]net hoirch vegaad dheuasteto.hsharpiyment addthl he cme op ndhdonbado sutorn monte hsndtaliena hontcames up aicebdidustIf-woruneutorsda tatbotrd rhvidng foialas ratcite ty boy vit a Lkehlmc auyd more. a aply' charge except upun the ot-der of thethspatcbeasitvsuavu.ttibadprbdnfoadorienucngaewaetaueolê wbich, in manyrespectvhbcs o pfrtbbsC ltied casef theg cOufltadboaacderecee nend tbatpttheeboard dos lam&- lei. tuean barvithout aohe o lookiepiletcolsad p rocoon- couid net moite au appropriation any thîng aise. ettoSpe10rt fel Of the twent-boyefromthl, tou-teaumendation of the county physician. more thon a cty council. u-OeMn*Oiin were savd, the odies ofelght hd tilt crtain o IL The oat wasneamenth ladpatienta Itaotheospitaia haeufur-patirntand hthatalthh fhr- rdscand dotai-isOnardmeobdoraetnt memcomofitteeom atat- st ay-fora casesasDs nt tutth beoteoee pt ontdyan h hr.f @mdams cran'nd1didut sec hlm aur more. Dibld hy the toulty. snchb hinké mont vhat fitpleaassvth the momey1 ed ta Tii. Sun tbat bc believed the dyfrti as. a vlignt earh ws bity e t heusaamednavthe b-Ailthec ater .coutabnling space ta ho filhed hy theinIDthe goDeraI fond." outysbouldoid e oun hospi - $ a fIfrnî m tiiegs vorltget srcrbodvas.big cty p areooysConil etoat thetboilsuper-visor vmîb the followlng Informa- Chairman Carke-'-IUnderitand mervbe 0~y On mai ofMater, te» otsue.AnerIl Ntht-ce bodica.wthbystrln t e ten-Judge. filla the desIre of this board 10 tai fer blasa ln lie county vIe nead 1vs opel o tijtn ctbearlniobesrnggie., g n e t aIn.Rs-do uometbbng to relibve the situation, aid of the kind gitan at snKcb an ln-1 the matter af inveitigatlng cué 0fvIent as a luî. oiicer. msa okritltution. Aakad vhate he b1lNami, a tuondvas eor potient.apesi- one ofeghos auya haadvay atceraiwaa aintdnce af patient, onhpfonbut canrva?" - sbotutidn se h h elvd * vapo i to esy ur withselfa atîves of patient and rentat-ka ulon pond the counly piysbcians rentract-h notd h cmitemn~t tebeach.Therute r aalf snd found tiat lhe conld teach bot- Pretty soan i amy it aasn't auy use tue fSnanclicondition 0f patiet admake it elasic. repliid that Waukgan vas nralteyCnt hsin rmvn ta 10e',t~~ tie cuteerflIladwvutnItAtnththpoint Suprviser saickrtbn-tteoblocatiodandnthatda vouid fyot-uco.aD offbtele * voter, thoen mmvi tt-le. ejecting Ks tom. 'in e-lva1ltI hodph o tc ote otadIjumped ai as n ef ueecAormc-t tiudtis eîintouvig r eeIn- h oainad:a ewudlvrOoDtYoelcemà rw but ln the violent condition of the fit-toat-d abat-e ai 1 could. thon tried tra ofhî an te patiencyorsacciaîl j uteceted 51folongresthe Jn McI OheaFilfueWl' ti ordcin itrb.bim s tend of luman freoht foethe torin t aait hr o ohigdlg dent case the superviser of tha towD "f Cmavaetiiat va appropriate a fund Dr. Wtteraouena w -~atr tat tassed Watrs o? Lak Micbigsn off 5t- Lake Bluff. "la thoreanoneabre h 1cnoticouldu't get aheail. But finally t it hieai once not]fned 10 Investigata the Alibtet- hospital association for amer- 1Wiai tfirtaithlitt Itould b. thesea atitlca ,shovins theeos uvin" dmanedmNms s h puled omehlnmcndsemsoaydd-ggeame euacia cadI in otth patentandgenc caes nd t b.oxpndeatilbe oncudedtha aI vbahav snthbn calngfor atinta wilb e sp, , Lake Mchigan faughi for the lives - l o.oth oa.ot ai the vatar.- u ilt_ out.thee bank ot-....for h fthe aOcaunty hscn' ug.wcéeml M of the t.e.ty-lestsaflthe andytankaal-judte11ta do viti the Me*%later boapktalbeou so 1V ith"th*iie 00c11. o"tetot.iesboaad~ -Ihamntsit toto r,"ue boa aboy lu 1Loula W. But-gea'. art manager for 1 mittmeint of tho patient ai a coun- 1lment.'C 'uut PLim& mot__of o.Fe f1tycwmThe motion vas secondoil. but ai vouid regret deeply an> effort to have ti ae nont alaa th vîccu-thi. boy. thé Populat-Niechantes. vas an oye "That li any case viere ithe super-thua point the boar-d adJourucd ufitil anothet- boîpiat built and thug detract statisics folev.: pants ofthte bhast vre aülle.a wimr audymri Anoter oy as n te iempt->- itneas ta moe ofa the harroving de- viSai may doubt via adviailbty of Stra irlg agfainit the ragng vhud and the heavy Afrontboy iiin he tcAlhsay ait oftheipitattakgItPatdntta heResptrtthecfonhah MceisCeussptaltItdo-Reslf wS uI* Surf. 'Il dn't know whther 1 eau wim ln - «Isue, tphysocians aboliubho,"ahonltad. pGant-ad &haléihobutsuitevosonflotnsecond-t valaisnttietosont.l of bbctventésf footominstitàt sula ln rdff tetae.otm And y.t, on nman via batt ot- anotkd vahrIcnavn u " Wth otvsl tobe o~ tbat ail cages ln the hoapital ta b.o d. that the board gîte tho hopital atuorvise about it. anlyaglnith aor"Cuosme ato w ithmbah. ofsald. dersatll aitet-vard, 'and auhcd tovird Paldbi y thecounty or front auch tund $800 for lait rear eing that thoy tan When told what the supervisera ire '"1.-Total' aRUO« 0f V* atya, nt tehv e slads asd "Cer Ilthmbt t o. e-tue shore. The boat appeared tW bave suaitIlleundor the crat- nd aupertis- short ou oxponsos, but the board dîd thiklsg about. ane promînent vot-ko tient days for SMer vas tatlngIn deirium~ l~d d dNomus. And lbe vent into the boli. t.iruck a sdbar. It vas bottant ide lm orethile ounty physîcian. nttiet i ugsin ~ tellÂltrbaia aote~- bgnb~h.,10,t menraluglndelrim p ad ownan for r ve oy wee ry .» ran t rt opiaccui n t nrd e su ervtera ggtonutbri ir thialtabeloviait mad atr- inWD . 1, 190......... tbe shoire lut nlght, decianljng tbat ho ing takre vti the tvo bays. Otheri s ud atPrfv osvr rîg-"ittehmi managers ehaîl Psy Fermer Boys'Expertes&. and haoalan. vai rospanslble frteflloveil ttihg n frtenielvez. ta dlIng ta the elippery bottoni of Il tedt fotînac eiptcThebl e m ont et o yute o ed 5.0moakha plan. to hva aficoulnet bas-" . ....i.........ptie . gunnea mat sud able eo-'au th lau bOy 0f tIt. - "Thoî datta vee intain ii.>patioit uon diciatge an tut gcouuty yuorgmon datcntnd t 51- "Thatvonldles. c thnderecord 'Sz tat'thateud&,copu chIottan e etopheae fsncbrDeod t ach caset -tonhe achoolof nt aictu $2.a0lIanstrplc- man. Theat ird uvinialungt tbaptrne ull SoyaiiBoutvnvea. Ty fiair lt oh pre fsa ntd odtioansof lorohe h eunty offiIashe: To - ke tal paa t-c roit netituton. te erd "ivsnr ant"h ct lad. »a a sut efu o otI T orefot eet an h) e,. uo icag n L tha udlb o esadva he MAra atti, per4.-Cat o!...e.e..a....- ba ave vo thool. 1 cauld buv beach-Il.boat miii tie vaves and the nsdOt-tow and dîsappearad. I dont kuev vheth-aci -ragular session of the caunty vWalLat-son, Antioci: John Peters. cravdid tiere liai everything ls fuît penses perot-pîenit >s edthebo at and thor vouid hava altott-athant aaocI.Thor veeawlîu"esu rt- yof tIeintvere saved or net. The hoad aniesatnoirspitp lao ld hy aield.touhpry wivie -Il h uners iath tebn.Ieebitacut o-dy flt e t.. roabO ta sor,"tae ebet-olant af Negua. They 213v usderbav seemed ta get tîrcm, and the superviser and aise by the caunty stoto officiais of the agricultu-al de- plia,'1.: iwould ha btter and aiao "'i-Total cost Pfrtient - Bu a lat cma-hlm struggîug Ilike Jean Vaijeat ln the thay may have heen ameng those physicien. lîartment. Ïeasîet- for the NIeAlisier people who per day ........... dantai te sttIon viesavthe Paria moyer vth lie body' ot Marions 1haodies drifted aiort balf o mile or "Reapertinlly sîîbmtted,AdItmtaLt.joudhsmrepvcy'Ieal, "-tldec a ia - on iebak.'reysa 'n ngagan he nayli ude te. FERRY. The board decided Ihat, os mbltani, N o Rnom ta Expand. tetpt a...... * tragody, declared tial Negis did ailnîlbak 'h>aabiaieaanmr Te'ma urte-lIA NIES G. WELCH. e- ,.-s ls a icoteilnluail lioer famlles. "7.-Total doIioIt nou ot!t thai ho Coutld hava douec iiewh e'a ud again ond rîse, ailI holdInghepuimotor novw'. - iI, A. PI-CKE. t, hudb nlue nw 0 TeIprvrl usingv dropîied the anchor near lie shore. h hlpionsaboys vho conld net ovint. And -peple on lie atiooeI wal;ose of ."Cnmtte" tii, I-k :milhotizp.d ty iupervtaorsin, as lis strongesi roaon for blievîne casas for the 3% yeairaabote mms "Ha thînka hoe could bave beacîed jthe iest fiime î.iey av him sink theY;-tîem-v.ero t-unlng inp and ilown try The relort ofthle rOmmttee came lp-r (-cae-. Theyocmordbugiy tir'la voiuy hospital tie hast solution e of e-443.96 th otbth ol e. o d ajdd net sac hIbm rien again. i Ing te cach sigit et ticevimmers or aau Indirect t-omît of thé appeal ge l-t-din liuid dl im he imuturihco b iierVi hepeet clserpéei the boat but le IDulddnet"rialtathe BlymiSvedWby neyuibboties nsor enlign tn bcperviedorn'MadesFadav llieTinfteIWritnat haapresenii ,(A îintarsitatrvOsos' bilreeste. comanan. ie on.rohi ee. Bysl tbhe U. oisnerooîe eh rabd botrîtd1,, sointiimug for the bosîml ' lel'il PVidlm i ue li -e1 hlti oainl nbtatthere The 5'iitie!ttUOig itent-0Wa n" comauudand." v our ilso inatm acame asiore about 600 yards nome way> Tiae ere e'o re fta,~lî.aIl i. a Wi at'imi' SiiPmri l oton ogeortabHofesmnaavisspraecefrtue pull of the vaier."owo y . Thé boys werte missitie and he'womoo wttb llankets. and mn vth l- t.,uitorizv1 lie imnitclimsp (mft nmlkthat aditlenal quarters are needed, culer patients, maIle.fron thtfiWp In ievo? undedsopeole ien colduniundrstnd t.But the boys lwhiOîmy flasks. Automobiles vera pS. iodes Whitney salit bu part: etc -h., t iemn itheydoomnel ftîsîie Ihve fhor u e sof pvp ea imi île v era mav e a t aIl, i. m ot ha e t-mhns tenea h eryeoctktîl Iataata po et e s ffclnb ag i-He.'-ifaimnum a d ufrima ît ne-Jbanoesm a uld , a fr-nfint Ja es M inc k, se rea saurfeîmheluaaselmmg you for an oppro segment ini .mîmîîreuîfmrmand 12h11 r varramnt expenditure of s greai déal a? lags departent. gllg bys Mmy i tan bal ave- ld on them jmat as ha mode tic and rmush tioni vo places vîc theylpt-ltion for the Jone McAiiter hospi-ml ii~it.k' lîifi eplîluage,. mue'thr.Ho arguad again,;t osiabliabilig S bea luthevaer efoe.shore. Fort le> wOt-Ofomnd net fat-1 comld le crt-d for propotr. tai assoclOiatn.Regarding Truancy in County. -1iebahevs uata cuny banha T b ar etum nk o t sîro gi> ' f r île roco N o m îs A n ho la isrob ct... .,Ta it1or- __ _ _ - - 1 - -m -flim huard.on1alie a eo mleyeSimthlt a hooluS iymhn ,ies m iîem ih aîp lt lî thet aon fa ci. doratu.t thutî