laY LOSE A BILLION IS LATEST CLAIMd ANSEWER IN DES MOINES SAY$ IF ENJOINEO PROM RKAD- JUSTMENT IT WILIL LOBE OBLIGATIONS 12,000,00,000 ASSETS IMUNDRE04 0F MILLIONS AND WITM NEW RATES OR- GANIZATION 18 SOUND- Des Moines. la., Sept. ifi-Tbat ties Modern Woodmn or cfAmrica "vostit uffer utimately a defalcatiu etf$1,- 000,000000 if long etralueti ly tbef courts trou putttnginlta effect tisej readjutuient efth(le rates adopted 15tc Jnnuaryat Chcago l'y tse heail camp. tbc leglsîtîve boedy of thse society' lsailegedin lutbe socletys anavfer, filed todai- tu thse InjuactIon proceedinga begun at Des Moines te restrain the oticera tfro u ptitng the new rates loto effect. Tlie came la est for bearîng tamor-1 rua, lu a alular proceedîng at SPinu- fild. Ill. thse case vasaiseo cotinueti uistil tomorrea. Tise auBver deuieq thse chiarges tisat tbe bond camp acted without an(herity lunluuPosing tue nov rates ou tise membersansd auets tisat tise rates na-e reasonabie. Clalme RaM aAre liegal. The couPlailsuts aliege tbstth(e new bylaw5. makini tise oew rates et- fective as ta new meulera on M&Y 1. 1912, sud as to aid melubeni mn Jan. 1, 1912. are :nulilsud void. 'e came tise recorddes nt show their adoption l'y twe-tbird Ofethtie mcm- bers of thee bond camp, sud because ties ociety vas vîtiout autboity te adopt u' amieitiments to 1(5 uy- lava. it te furtber alègedt (at s relerve tond la forelgn te tise Plsrpouff ot s fraterual soclety dolfg buiness05Ou the post-ucttem ssastunt Plan; (bat s surplus of 88,64,4.10 lu (b. benefit ftua at thse beginniug Oethte year »-P- reseiste excessive anti unlul unfafel- ment& and (bat the new rates ame "nnnecumsry, eppressive, unraneei- able, uillustiy discrlina4in.andtInl vio- lation cf the cotract rigis of tbe platntIMf.' Tbe ueciety ansavera that (ho nov * bylas vere adoptai l'y thse requis-ad twe-thIrds oft tie delegatea tctise bond camp sud l'y proper autborlty andt (at tihesanie bave been approved bly tihe proivi- s@teOwffie-s;tisat the delega- tes te tis e hati cgupwere cisced l'y Mtate andi provucal caMpe, composai et delegtes fomu local campe; that *tihe society bas neyer been lu practice s poxt-sortem esesémmnt aociety, but han required oet&ai usaers tise psy- Ment ot oue aaeedmeit lus advasuc andt bat tise novl'y-lava violt. no cotract rigiti. It la funthes- aneiveredt (at tise new rates are 'treasouable, ueceeary anti o nt dscrimuatery," except (bat rates fotrs youmgen incberaare 'lodedr th enable thes ocety to carry its oier Meuhenr $es 22.500.000lest (ban il u u viii Oct(ho seclety te, pay (Ileir cor t:ficstee If th. me mature accord- lng tise society's mortaility table. CAPTAIN RICHARD SMITs4 18 WORKING FOR I4ATCi-ERY IERE <ltluTi Iom sffl Oms.) i.a vlW. th eOte .f te 0Wf@5S ptentil 100 Value of the wtrd. la el t ine. of tho earth. -I beleve th" thietanme tfo n rt publie otatti aboutid mont beRra 4F em'et toreg y sulppot ld encouitge overy state p~-eC5oints, witIOib, t MM&' nd niational ii >COMM8ulon. taud 4K", graCÂ t sct oitwitiMt ud bpeclaliy aiiould we tit thaLt Bolen- , 0f grga otf peche" obIined DUtIl ifl efforts l'e redoubled ail along the ~~ip ates 0 pure lis wblch. i ýine byever ette nd eerY11114101!barvester corgoratOnI. llTrl-Coui't>'MetIng 10f Wisconsini'Phy.- ...t.b.brm ~(e~ International Company Batties djinueojiuyiqz up e151(11 ý vin siciens Wald Tu.oday et Peenoyel Al,Àe. cfbeubaebert tothe ommrial for1 t lwObtl5 14,fl BanltBrium. Laesofbneittete omeril' fe IsExistence. t aîtbtouglâ the c abermaus? W. S. Downing. sei>etn- f ,WMnufacture« Moe han a 5Sveu Waukegnand aideven ether tentdent V. S. Bureau otflirsherles et mot igereut morts or fali Imie-SLI ouydctr ei eah ?ut,in-Bay, a. Baya: 'At a, stations U U PÏtéIO e AICl*nd.compount comValuset tb. Tuesday ehere. A th OOY muni- on thse Great- LoAkewhlch are bleig iMYUI uUWLIiIO NPU U eethe cmerger manut*ctured VT» .tartuili.tboy wee g4eBtB aet the tri- operatedl for the propagation of the -tfcaly gethlug but harvStas". coant>' Meical society, whicl' Includeui fnhes mont sought ater by those wl'o Igr. J'xh deciared that the Detldu<Wolwortb, Racine and KeiOsha Colin- ;stb ahfo (le areO. isei.ppy oferai manager Telle of Enormous eolp d rat utidil 54ftcs cat eBgs tr the martbi thae bail o- Ca nFah eGi arm. gs eai manufacture et: tisé J. B. Murphy tIse remousChicago ofned t rom thoel' caÉughtfamreh- sCin Fg t e sdi h prlb. er rant iedatiextensive surgeon. esvq IFMont intereiting adl- tane renth fo cuhtfr er cyl te il-sId i- ï e eti rées. te the large gstberlug ot doctoit ket by thse commercial fishermen, the I ovf. av efrfurtiser extensioa nti vre te p ietdotr agas eiugsecurd eliserby haing alo leUld cf 5eaertal armpI-gave short talla. agg beng ecued tthr b haing1 uBwasair,*acture. Osuerilly sa- - Atter thse meeti ns,(le uetsai re mien go eut lu tise boats wlth thoe-1 . Raid. however. thse iula i serveti vitis lunchs. l'ise bo woeu, ilshrmen te strip the ripe 0mb au they Cicago, Sept. 18.-Tl'e Internation- i .ýdftlftd te harvestert. froin bore report a mont profttable and a9e-talen frein the nets, or l'y pur- al Harveater Comnpany, tibting for H- -- - delighttlaternôon. the fertfliseti eggs freim the It existence lD thse federai courts '4.WVlg LEADS TEAM MATES: fibre ta eti rceprq".laid the founidatici> for Its deànse. KING 18 CLOSE SECONDF.K E Y TO G fibrne ta etinpîe e isr. Tise corporation lidlis in n -- Fg luYTOG The liumber of eggs collected from the hearing betore Special Examner . lwànud Fi-ou paea<0»O.T) OA year to year haviisg steadiy increi.50d, Rob'ert S. Taylor Mnd proeeded te putONT ER A It la saue te MaY the number of fiais lita the record 'a large mass of, data jgij' J#, Waukega 8, Naval Station, caught l'y the commercial sierusen the Jsdgnlent ot lts lead-i. WrnM.Kic barsietbs bas lucreaset In in 11eproportion, lu crs, te prove (bat Ih ln far trou q>- y2.Waukegafl 13; Chicago W r u M chIc! lo bu reist 4sf tl' 1892 there were 192.966,000 egge, cýl-proabiPS themo oCpoly et agricultur. relAie. positioPeurcedrus eamoanlti bastae lcdrsi(leasm y isngali mpiemelit production allegedl'y AuUint 4. Waultegafl. 9; Mercurys, W .Pac rgsoeM a e A"irt I goveruuL , Chie., 6. - cepted a Position a rviVsii the estYeuas urin th Èrt Yu ugiet 18, Wasskegan, 12, Y. P. S. inLu fer the pttroiiSreit ]Peint tW. M.e ea aa4ssrlu Éotbe ommis. Clarence 0. FUni' generel manager b.1 -_go 4ooiupauy of Cleveland, O. Mr. Keeley W. ne. Tofbenyva* gamfeme 0b omis-c net Iona Havestr crn- Aisat 25, Waukegan. il; Al Chi. bas verketiut the Pearce store for sionet t te ites e igo 4 QO "years andi a hait. The paint cons. o acf Peusiand t's rsutpu aerdleiotewt eue"., Chcago â pry hiel' Mr. Ieeley ill iireprenaint cf batching anti lng of Young stand wben the takini 0f testiiiony lu ÜeÎ~teMbler 1, Waukegau.3;MtwY leueftbiagtluhocutl flubes, tue catehs'of 1gh lunIe B, rie. the bg dissolution sit vasresumeti. chic5g 2. (Ten lmines). MMd&y .en, ii t.lea e aulgan the outy, l'as greatiy lucre"st. lu thse Pensyl- Msny Comnpettors ln Fild. Se cu.ber 2, Wukegfl. 8; Rodke- fnxmnhfrsuhr ien venin section "ione% kiveiug cn]7y emoranda eoncervnsg thé nombe1 foller, 2.mtu points on hie Onrt roadtip. Mr. ferty-ftve Miles, tise lnslustry moi-ens- cf competîtors - tue international S loinber 6, Lake cIay fui, Wau Keîey l'as officiated as traveling sales ea l eigt yura rema lîte over an~y ln varlo" lhues cf uanutac- 1 ea, 46; Racine, 4. man for somo etcfthe largeet drug sup- eà in lgt yair feina ltte oerturc lu wblcb k la lu terecteil acre Sptmber i. Waulcegaui, 3; Keno- piles aud valutbouses lu tue States $200,000 te $600,000 a year. vith n pîaced lu Mr. unk's baud and rend ly'abi, .(leu lunluls).. rvosygthwrklnti-l PrOortona luIcrease i tenumbet lu n nswer te questions. Be coid Se-1 penig ber 15, Waukelau. 12; Keno.pveuefo iy Otew l e -e praporticuate lu tue sh, 1. etrfrl'm Of busts. Yeu MAY travel alYwbere lied (tiste substautiai écirecs of Bettilit ilveragca cf tbe Waukegal5 Tl'e newv Labo Villa State hank la aioug lAke Erie trou eune endi te thse thse comPitiUn. t4tlng tbat it lu" pîares stands: Other, andi Yeu vlU bear uethiug but tee extendive a table for auy mailtW HAM-yWbyto Who bas playeti firat about te start busindas. a permit te exclmatonsut nthstam wth cary u he mmor. be ad apostio lntheInfileil acarry ou busness bavinog beau Issuet excamaion etoutusisinvîts ie- arr luhlmmeui>' l'u mthespostonluetdu hie eteWdnesday lu Sprnugfield. gai-te, te o orleof tbe Ùulteti States Tl'c number of competni concernae u _ l'. , O. eti euW tb~ bodeing Lao tbe different branches varied, et-uate lu batting. Hl& average fer tise Mduth tates bodrn nLk re odn eteeettefen eaue 13. He Ilel'eing bard press- Cbarlea Ford, manager of tise Chi. adwbat bas beeu accompllsbod.1 cni e d"IMe ILt honore l'y William King, cage Telephone couupany at Wsule- iunl the case ot eapers te 103 largo wholie average tbus fan ta .389, George gan. Weducaday atteruou sIgneti e 'Thu, probleinof ccisaper Asti, foos manufacturera of terni wagons, Ilu Wlllaist. captalu ofth(le nins, la a cotraet for n new 87.000 esldence te bas been soiveti ou Lab BErie visere tue manufacture of coen bcllers thse close tisiriitis au average of .387 te l' erocted en Norths Parlk avenue. ft1m belepurcbaseti for.leutissu International compeihB ultu troun fer-,,is .redi. ine-balf of wbat Làkke Michigan caugis yt lt ocra cnista r T)e t"ill atting average for tue fieh cent. Tbe catch bas been tucreas- Fuùnl; tue numbor -of rival barrenea seeso -, W. Wbyte .......... t 6 1 .20 uIsX trou year te Ysesr, aud l l s manufacturona le etgbty-tlve; -eigbt 1 . A.B. H. pet. B. Walt ............. 1 5 1 .200 It a ompeiar malte bindersansd ftony- Han-y Wbyte ....17 74 29 .3938 phnmea tl ea ba 1 tema-fvem1 etators. Wiuiâ*:Xiug ....13 61 23 .389 Next Sunday Waukegau viii play L kets, eveu tbe Chicago markets are Mr. uuk, lu rosPonB.r te tiseques.- .Wliias ....... 1 62 24 .387 the treus (eau of Highlandi ParIc > verstocketi vltb ,LakoBi gtte nii .,ttorn,' Bah -cft. aise R. j> 47 19 .384 Tbe locale viii endeaver te retAil Balst. This le untionbtodly tue reanît vent itt a dets!ed dcc. Apti.." ofthte R. Ulimke... ...... 12 65 21 .392 thair balti on tise.LaIe ouuty chaz> 1et tise OIs batcheries andthie vork theUtime andi Mouey e.sp*no.1 b) tuXe W. Kemp ........... 6 28 il .356 plousl'ip fcn tise season b y defeatisi 1 Uite Stte« Pnnslvala ndOhi havesercorporation luneele,'g ,. 9. Goagina .........16 66 23 .366 tue (eau trou tl'e sontis. fiouis 1 nited tates, eunsylvalawhnicOblo barebter.FCCiimmings.. .. 8 32 11 .348 Highliandi Parle vin (is game t(1W Sr» tioiug. Tise state of Illinois b dauîdr ne.iic ondle R. W11,14........... 7 32 10 .330 viii iay dlaim ta tbe cbamplonthbll t one littie h.tcbery t Havane.. Me proot agaluat tihe ravages et graaqhol- A. Burge ........... 9 40 13 .325 Goglus wltl pitch for Wanlegan oui ar ereuu u b Id aespers aud crn<ts. The Deering coin-' <lforjý Vose . l.. 1 47 16 .319 Buti Voseu ilil'be on tbe receiving eMd ' ae dcreoàu i th juandw&trgpany bad tarted eut on (heinrearcbl M. qu4aus......... 4 18 5 .279 Luttai on i-t. Kemp second. Puis Ias Weil asuInLs ake Michigan and ti ln bietere t(li nternational eompauW~ D. Li4«...........-1 63 13 .245 aus siortâtop, vitu King, Wlliiams, u about time tise People volte np te (l'eu - T. gisIése.......... 6 28 6 .217 Wbyte in tbe otaolti. ru suueo te it tisat tbe state 1 exPentis Bore of (is mouey for thse 9Propagation of flsb sud igh baatelier -____________________ rles"._ __ui F ~ S L à n Nt WNL B OKDlBE MeAN WITI-4 "PIONV" WATCI4 <Contuem 'rom enougis (o gîve the appoaM-lce (0t sire. Tiss semedt ( le peifoctly i-et- ular. He openedth te back cf the -A 6Adt&A neai he luscrifl. Tus public uoney ln tbrovn ava la- d h n heeapera u anýY tiucnmlsael t U1i10' 15 . t t, Bverytisiug appesi-e tu be ail rght, peope get nctiing lRu rtura fer tise andt hoettu IMsupposaiho vB asgt- Lsnoy te(l'e te «piendus lu (bis pur- ting tise lggest lindocf al'ai-gain. 110 pose. paidth ie money usîctiand receiveti Po ber. ae s'efii ausi the vateIL,ÀAIl"tielter l'e vaS ex, -rhre re hro>è ilh, IOMIMI;-I hbitlng tise vateis (o a friand. ers at $1,200 par Iaun u nitrave1 sg "Tisres somethlus s-orng eno- expensea; - aln.t district -vmtiens 1 00 abers." bis friandi nid. "if tue vateis receve, 900 andtravllussiaffl 1.5la1libisewassfori-it tise varkIO»101 recive828 rntitraoilg epeUeeare Worth more (han yen .paiti for I madt ortY-Oee deputy vas-dqus vhe greBouIf tise vateish stibeen stoloni Oe(-e 82 lier day wvises callshy tm- ho voulti net bave sodIt itse cbeapl pluyed, anti, traveling ewrpensesnt:ta If ~bil dbeau, ngondi vateis." . exceecti05 a mout. t. lu easy tu j& The vateis vas accontingly talon te u-re honrmous a'.unt o! lalit a local jevelry store andt (bre tise swandie vas tiotectet for It vas as' uOnOYey ePOded. a'.d for whitpuis-'sertedt (bt (he vSicb uight l'e Vortiè pose?, To conenst a tev tbissmmind60 cents. certainly not ovon $1. It la pounde rf Iliegal 11m, abîcls arteasent believedt (at tise watehs la eue (bat la tO ht'manunactssreti for the ozprress purpose ta e c' 'hanti t-haitaleIe nstitutli s sintiling. The vorks ar e sper andi involve the tate Itluaw iavait (au (Iose fount ln tise cbeapest kinti '.lcistabou more public uuey. Ua of $1 vatChea. ,ise probllo f coniservatlin 0cf ui been solveThi'bs trout sema of cOur LICENSE TO WED IltSeyur afsllB weperlntentient cf IN ChIlC&GO TOD)AY tise Michigan Flal' Comssion, and a memiser cf the Anerican ll'tainlg S0-Tac Weil Inovu Waukegan peuple cie ty, says: 'LooklIsg ate(le situation totiay apruit ,a surprise ou tseir tram a mach claor range,4 anti lu the fs-entsvisonustey elppet iglt. Chicago light of what aeems ta l'e tise vîsest anti obtamuedthetb liconse wviic permit- courefor tise mono Immedîste u ted (hem tois:s:an.;s Ms Mbe ta weli as tise remote future. 1 beieve lu.Cotad ely novisa, ahalg (hin tise conservation o e ourcea lu tish îc ee n*rrh td led lu (h aoncit (bi nirua senne tisat (bey sisoulti l' used atterneon accoridng ,te a telograu toi witb oxtreme conservations aulti 5p- tise Sun. They llkly viii retsin huai plyonl tothoe rsoucestha ca (btis eveuing anti ace-tingiy vii l'eb plyenl tetiosereuurcs isa ca- urprisem t e si 50 hlm aunounicceiit of$ nt l'e reproduceti or restereti. 'COu- (hein plana lu (bis evenlngm Sun, ho- effvstlcn cf Reources,' ie a ulalead- cause It la reporte t iey seugt tel * e »d i nidecoptive phrase, I taseass"slip eue ove-"tiseS' fientis bore.'y' #W tsncb ot tise naturaeno nces 0fteiling noueet tise vedtiiug unil iti vuailI oves-. The Sun l'esut t(hmit -t4g *sr&s aumay ho reproduceti. s am sbleett(o cutivation, are (o l'o 1~4u» anti Iod a n 58sd aitistsavu$ 99 0 N U T &0» use, This aliasof resaurcos. lu-'0 tXo,=Wtm ý,4tsrveti state 54e5 ï fly 7.a adiil past cf (heir Receiver W. . Jelsuacliof tise C ume*alv ýwisea sul'dueti anti de cago-Mitlwaukee Electrlc company.i' =-t, stematàe anti meen- ai a detailiotireport of (heo o»ditidts v Of the lin at the Unitedi Sites DWS t1*seiscino 00 YStIOL W. saisîti trct court yesterdsy afttonoon. 'lTU utiIe.fI'ellf«r -stfu iy, tb reeoiver reposted the currant .11n (les as $247,925.40 sud (ho suit il~ tue obligation ip o$luire moure Iug sgainmtt ho rend as toUtl r9915-1 tuatu replace Ivr , la" * m lo000 Ieore Charies Treptow h4 o4 safiI but ratheta vetjtahlbertyville towns-ù$ a» >G'= Ours .*wob'Tish emdn*~51 Nole udraw m « lmR 4e mot wes we dé b1ito? C - d , ii 5d. 4-TEEfST YOU? ut neqlS 0 ae . the FIRONTIER si»aa - ai- 28x3 9,25 $2.45 $1.90 30X3 . 10.00 2.65 2.00 '32,x3 j0ý75 2.85 2. 10 29x34.5 3.40 2.90, 3ox3½ 2 14.7& 3.60 2.95 3l3lý, 15-75 3.750 ,3.0 32x3iý2 15.30 3.70 .3.100 34x34/2 17.25 4.00 3.20 6X1 18.75 4.25 3.30 b 30X4 21.2e 4.65 3.40 31x4 22,25 4.80 3,.0 32x4 22.40 4.90 3.65 33x4 23.90, 5.00 3.75 34x4 24»0 5.10 3,90 35x4 24.90 6.25 .4.00, 36x4 25.90 5.40 4»~ 34x41/2 90.75 6.40 420 54/ 31~0,6.50 -413( 36x4½ 133.0 6.75 4.40 37r4.J 3.9 7.00 4.50 25x5 Som5 7.50 4.75 36x5 40»5 8.00 4.90 37x5 41.00, 8.50. 5,00 plaila e 9e eaM.eau ab m5 vqà.À .......... ......8P6.dIS r beupaleuuit a OUI i. d,,û.a4 cfia In 0eI *V, -on atrueiqs4.p and or', tu*O*#ob. tlons foie,' wooArc be hr t* wln yoradoelratiog. Wom,.n Who Select ieIr K.ea.ouit. CcitI,#r&#t* We are showîog a few neWl modela, this7fol lf«$13 the;, -are peiltIvely the boat suts, feor the uuoeythat bave eveir corntoeurm#e ie tenails are ail *@¶l, OptIIUre* teco U.S. tested fIbblcs eud f est colors. They are *trict- Iy mnuteîîored gsrmnt2, end llmed wItUu gueatoed siIk-sud setl ias lisu We placlne these -safermts b.- sIde other suite ,ftet-4la soukegen sUIte mre c der how enyýý -èthers cousld -be »<Id. U mll.vy ful F r e A.pC uwem»ý PlMeS blck ad wbute, b 2e Wash Uresses MiOh59 UpdIa reses for Street end lbeuse Wear@ te» 89C duced w w teo............... Silk--Foulard Dresses Ior' éid figured 4 esiguhsed. p oeone sds jimeUAtogdffqe't-thon i*bat have là 6valtetomorrow et .........*- ,er9 e*,Dres'mes î«ewlust y. tb muln aïnluktthe" $va ustoirorrow at. Fanc kaenvI e t s*ctm Iii ýj>tr* le vy ail wool sweaters, w14ted 0 r-- 1