CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Sep 1912, p. 3

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T, !!Ë4Jy, SEPTEM2MER20,1912. are camping aM oom Lake. t Ur. end MmI..elie Kemper of Cicago sçet the wSked satilh D. id. W bte sud faallyp Mr, and Mmts.David i Ito sud daugi. fets ialsted rs. Nahurn Lamb the i. hbad badly Sturday sud wlll be laid ap for eonme urne. CLiyton Deuman f t Snuday for bis futurs bomerna uSattile.Wah. The %evas months daugbter of Ufr. endi lira. Barry Kerr of Kake Villa veluity, was burleti lu tbe Mlurs îtemeery 1' dnday. Uàa E Hlen dafaford entertained ber frientiUlmla Ida Woblfrht of Sommier. I. dale for a few tisys. Earl White of Madison, Wl., apsut the peut wéek with bis parente.. LonS Brang Wb biondai to attend i. icool a (Urbane, Mlinuit. ar ndi Mms. Oo. Jasulamon aMd A"l are vstinr Mms John Bs. o! Ruebastar. WlacosnfintiI. ssk - Tiées vI!4ita *à" li.theeutai on Fsldai evenusn, SePt. 20. A cordial initation le eztuded to evmroue. A number trImmbsre aftendedthelb Mlwaukee tuir lait week. The ebldren wsts ail pleasedti ta a M is mecaif bock hinacisool. Mme. L. Id. Bocuverand Mm. A. C. Corrs @putlulat Tweaday wth Mmr. Bullamora i somem. Clara Efflugr ham rturnet tu Wanke. gan havîing apst dm e ummer wlthhber @lie. mm. E. P. slvsr. Mrt. anti Mmr. Handerson weut tu Chicago Buaday tb vieil:thitarbrother lu the bopiie. [le if Dot gettiugMg ans weU seu bis rient, bati bopeti for. Bvts Wbla accompauied Myrte Corria home on $unday. Onr new mail carrier tarted ou the route lionday. Dont gai uueaay watt- log for the. mail ha tioees ou have su automobile. Mmr. 0. A. Sîver speuttlant waek lu Millwaukee. JJ. Page o! Wanksgs, calleci on friende lait <deday. lir. NancyUurray sud Uts, W. a. Wachburu vlatod relative@ lant week. Mortimer Cannon Slt tbi. weOI fo jW. Johutoi sud famlly bale movad Valparaiso, md. ru m hybaenu to The liliburu Ladies Aid socleti ruhr.Ts aegn eto luvited by tht Hickory Centtery Lad iescagCo. Aid *ociety n spautiThuradoy w tb them. A. K. flairtranoacteti bu*ioesu t W DW R Likwrly vilie Saturdav. Win. Tbom alieu P qoîtr gick the Ben Oiinorg udi!famiiv of Iiitol, past week but ut prescit i. sOMO Stter. pent Suuday at 0, Bartettîs. W. [tauuy Chope bas bati the croup the 1Mr. sud ira. (Guy Dietrneyer puare l'ust waek but is some better. moved toto the. MâcKluvle bouse. 1fr..blettie Jamieson wau calied to iha death bed of ber brother J. P. Davis Fred tasbmore ot a valuabie borSe Monday evening test week. Tbos Strang là pantiug F. 41. ipt- [ _ _ROS A NR S I__j meyer's bars. Mfr. aud lira. W. E. Crary of Lamar.FakLil almnte ao Colorado.,clet part oftlest week risit: A band o! gypslem pa.sed tbrougb berp iugr t C. G. Northaope 0. Tuesday. M ,.Ha leo is, of Wankegsu, sPeut M rs. John Leber je vsting ber cier, Suaday at IM. A. Hogaus. Ufr. Mabel Lui. E S. Faulkner and wlle wore ltoeeraus Dotort ebaltbgvnt vîstor ouSunay.Btw-'s hall Frlday veuiiug. Sept. 27, 1fr9; rnt of Ci-&go. andi 0. Holien- the tiret othbe sesaon. to he i.tvau by beek ofHickoîry, viited Tom dwrds ts ouae.o t are brh J. J. Crawford aud aile of Wntbrop CI A Harbor, vsted st Tom Fraitro Sou-Cil A day. For Châilis sud Foyer. FALL MACIIINERY' John Deere, 0w Down and 2Oth Century Manure Spreaders Deere and Janesville Plows Deering and Milwaukee Corn Harvesters1 Ensilage Cutters Gasoline Engines Give us aCai SUHANCK BROSO p. STOPý Get a Permit and have your Threshing meat delivered at your door any time you want it This is ail done by CH. BARNSTABLE Gurnee, Iminois. Dchl m.u Say2Ig ke F ID,.«., Edior ,F - n éi Orer Tiiaiken for Job WOrk Advrtlslng qOis. On Application Mir,.jams Ltwiler of Chcago. ralled Cason Nevile bas accepted a iositiou on frends bore t the.Dow hardware tre recently Mir@. C. Mller entertalued ber lter of ()pêleti bY TOM Walsh. Miton, Wls,. aturday anddSnuday. Mi" sse abel and, Edjîli haut of Mr@. Spauldlng returned to ber horne Chcago, were gueste at the Roaewild at Mltoni, W. ater spendlsg a couple cott5a Sunday.1 of weeks wlth ber de.uahter. Mr.. J. M. Harold Arn.. bas reeently opened a Palmner. habertisaber store t %Waukegan lu Mir. and lira. Frank IRols of Kansas partnersblp wth 1fr. Bingr)er, wbom Clt>', vere "uthe .sommer home of Harold a. Coombe sud fami ytbe paet week. h ad lutended to go il, Majiaon Unier- Joei Ls, wbo bas beau spendlug the sity'tbis Yesr, but rather titan loose a asummer wt bi mother, Mrc,.Le@. god masn1Mr. Bîdînger tî,ùk him ilu& returned tht.' week to hb ranch lu partuer. Tht. gocato ahuw that the Dakota. Young man Who makes hinîwif lude@pen- Roy Couison, wbo bas been speuding gable to hi employer it rewarded. a portion of the entamer wlth bis Haroldi l a rsyske boy ai)d we ara brothé,r, Dr. Coulson, boas raumed bis to sehlm makre good, scbool duties at the veternari sebool lunlMr. and lirs. Rd. Joueesud faotlly of Chicago. Edison Park, won ieneete of Mr. and Mde..cs. Poster, Pamer aud Thomnson 1 Mr,. Joseph Garwood 4unday, made a trip tb Milwaukee lun1Mr. Peter' ery Kuebksransd taixitly sîtended auto lst Thurday sud atteuded the the airobip imt at Cblc'ýg'î Monday. fair. 1 . Tiie Gmsylake Athietie fiii cross bats wltb the Lake Zurich teem su Lake Zurich Sundsy. C. B. liaeParlane anti family are spending several veais lu Canada sud tise seetatee. John Lougabaugis trausieteti busnea, ai Foi Lake Tueeday. Miss Zeta Benuhu o! Chicago, i- a guet o! ber graudmother, Mcam. liaeGrati. 1fr. BoIt of Fox Lakecealted on trientis ber@ M îîstay. The ordination ut Ceter Mller uili oeccr aitbe Cougregational cburcb \ day eveuing. 1Mr. Miler bhm bad ah rge of the serviceo et the Cougraga- tlonai chorch tise peut 1gw mouths. The Youg Lad"le' M isslouary soiety was helti ai the Congraglouai church Saturda2' altersoon. UmsaBissai o! tui, vas preset sud gave a vary lInerastiug tal ou "A Widows L.iie lu jiadis. 1fMin Nourse of tise Womau'o Bloardi o! luterior, Chicago, . uai alto praseut anti gave the opeulug addreus. A aupper usai serveti directiy ailter tà. prograin. B. J. Lotus wlll returu usth a car loati ut cattie trom the uortb tia wek. Chai. Sbutz took sevaral uft he boys w tihe Elihirurntaucrlunhie neus achine Thursday. C. Amea le remodeling hi, farm honse st Gagea .aieansulo puLtiiug lu s beating pant andi aIl modern impro te- ment». Meuars. Sîteihr and Apitle anti fanuillis wiii close up iheir anoîner home@ sud retors ta their Chcago home@ thia wueek Tomo Walsh bas bis neus hardwarel cago vfistora Weduegday. Mma.Belen Howard of Waukegan, called on friands bere the eandi of the veel. Forty ubousanti pounol m tilk is ex. pected atSthcoutiemoiing Lf to îry hyOct- ober thelot. Obituary. vilette Augusa Fenloît Hiarvey wao bop st an ad Laie, 1Il., May 17, 18.)i2,o sud dieti Sept. 12, 1912, îgi 60 yesro. 3 montbso sud 26 days, She waa mamnled tt,, ir)us Burton Harvey Nov. 15, 1871. to theto were hors ibrea chltres, Errua%> who diati Oct. M, 1908; Thec B. wltî dieti April 5, 1894 sud IDr. Fan itttarvey of Orayalake. At ber marriage ai- reni oved ta the farta bomestead at (irayslake unt resideal there ontîl ftut vearsa ag rtiring then to llve tît the village, bsviug liveti ail ber lfinutL.ake county. M ci. Harvey vas a ut-tber o! the Royal Neigihor camp hieesad P. charter member of the Cougrcgatloual church, belug a tirelees anti charitable uorier. 5h. laavea to moucu iter demise ber hoshanti, Cyrus B. Harve suad sou. Dr. Earl V. Harvey utf trayolake; tb-Ae brotiiers sud tira, 515er..I A. Fbulon andi lira. Euniee Wian-t. Grayelaka; lira. Julis E. W'baple. %iLttt A. Fenlon, Waukean; rs. àac; F-Wai, Kansas City, Mo., anti John M ýlenlîu. itifilit, Kano",ansd s htt A reIativ-cansd f riendâ. Card ot Thanks We wush ta e\tc,I ruthalînks tu, the etore now open for business. The @tore frieudesud utizi,ir. wb> et.i kdly bas a very pleasîng sud Ceiau appear. assisteti us durinig t e msîvknsand deâtb auce, qutte iu keepinie with the geulal ut our wife sud , proî,rw.tor, maho seeme lu havie aIl be liuB. H AI(% kt. cari do.ltIIX a > [ FORT HILL. OTTO MUEEURKE WAS 1 naîir ît'u Ç WPI Mr. anti Mca Fred Willbu- o! llsell, RDLiI!LAM I ilI vfitýdth lttr, sstrMr. . WELL KNOWN FORMER MOTEL Bretter. Saday antdit,îutiav MAN IES IN CHICAGO FROM Harrieo tu tIi e Iint Suiday aitteI CONSUMPTIVE ATTACK loitelh Vtrt bout,. &prei Bnuî sst i îeoday ia Watî Lake voui.r tli.t ll Ib, surpriseti to learu uoftWLIt> tilaluChicaguoit1 kegan. Suuday of Oto ILii-hke, ai oneui-tne Mits MarîiaBanîn >ittttirelatives un, or the îtritrîetutleaders In w est- Wau' indu Saturrjav and tinda.e ruLake vouu! t of the Demoeracy, Santi -ho fonr .vtr, crtdutcted Tt.e Mu- t.tI..t It>>F. trotting hbrcaeAutueg,' ierhke botlt tîl Lake. WuIb ti traitttglitt let. ut ibti Mcfenry lits fiiierri 't .s hi-Id at NI. Hi-rt fair anti, ercuItnitlu , î,i 1 t. ut the TueBdaý, Sel i i ii hantibis death emas tait ti. ;etttnot genci al., kitîruin Lua~ke Otiy Lake t air tiYertuerhlie hul wotked for aomc urne in a uholisale lteirr n Chicago in ire tutt SIt..l'un ~Ii> tàryFltike, iqisor tuilai triLiit and ti,3 luad, hi- Mc. ant Ir,îtJohntuIla,-stîehti ,[ILorid baticontrai i-I rot>nspion whtrlî Lake, .John andtji ileFreundi utMeHency hrought onI is derniae., lund Mrta. 011,11 anti ifaugiter tIlUcago NlîîMenhkî. i t.velilt knoçvnfor rcr anSur o rî, iwhe matie a surne s user. Itunta iari tr ut tittatit 'e. fi;l hote]l Itritrot. Ilasahi- w b citas. liiugbit liaesoitt]l i friîandi belli tbe atiia.l gaine dînners ai lis will loveto Walkegn. Hewillbave1 1 lfor cI-rstheLbmecca for po' il r uiiluttve irtVîîikgan H- uilIhav avs an(jtihietplace visere any goî,o an auct ion sale iutI l nes metcieIlit hvbudretis or! l.. e - coîîsyiy en. Wedîusday atternoon anti eveuiuac, Sept. 25, tIt-ep ilI hi. a octal, lu the even. ilîig bffketa ciii b, c>îîd andt iere wilU b. card pIaylng. Everyhotiy i. invite t t attend. Benry Kuebler of (rayske, gaveabs vecy inteteatiug stitrassata the Fort HliII churccb ast Suîttay. Ret. C. A. Miller of grayelaki., uili apesk ai 2:310 p. m. ueat Sunday. Eaerybody inviteti. The ril eît furniera wile lu the seoriti lu the City, Who îuay lie the wlfe of a cierk. This is one. o! the reasous why statie- tics show the farm la beiuor desertati. The Acoru Bras@ a iuofactuting Corn- pauyof,&rora, Illinois areanuuttr- lug s rlvae gas plant for ligtlng, cooktug sud beating aud bot water lu the bath tub istautiy; lu fat, aIl thse couveuleucees of Cty gao wilh about one bal! thse axpause. A letter, postal, telephona (coliect) wili hrtng their repreetatlva to demontrats tht,. A good live saieslman la wauted for thîs dis.trct. Eecy plant soid ou bonor andi accornpanlad hy our Donded hiuar. autfe. C.514 Is inow used by ail the lead- dairys in Lake County as well as ail Counties-You are flot getting tle best renuits if you are flot using'it-FPor sale by The Rexail Store Druce Drug Cýo. TWO STORES (irayslake,- Round Lakte DR. L. Ml. COULSON vr-TrrRINARIAN rOffice at Gardinier Hotel rPhone 53R 1GRAYSLAKE ILLINOIS L M Lynu Vincnt and George Winer . tursed Sturday from Minneauots wbera tbey bave been the pant %weak. 1 A party o! Kanobba people uer, ber@ Sunday looklug over the Beidier place wlth a viaus W purchagîie«. The 1f. W. A. and Ri. N. A. held meet. luge Sturtay.1 VanNees Young apeut Satucday ai Long Lake.q Alleu Dixou utfIRussell, speut Satocday1 bere. It lueiepecteti that sebool wilt b, open. sal nexl uek. Tbe neus room la about completeti sud ustî gîve rooni fer abiot forty addltioual pupils. John Austin o! KalipelI, Mot.t, alleti ou aid friands bier lait week. Mfr. sud lMra H. D. Hughes attendeti the. MlwaukeFair thle week, Mfr. Kuaaek ot Rocktord, sbohei-on business lait Thuraday. Mr. sud 1Mr, H. B. Spoonenhurg are speuding tis evekai t their Sandi Lake cottage. IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW What a Heap of i4sppinees il Would Brîng to Lbertyvile Home. Hard to du bousework wîtb an acbiug hank. Bring yoo hourq of risery ai leisura or et vonk. Il vornen ouly kuew the caue-that Barnache pains otten corne t rom weak kidueyo. Twouid oastmoi-b needilees woe. Doane Ktduey Pille are tor weak kidneys. fleut i at a Litsrtyvilie citizen éas,.. Mr@. B. C. Beker, Orchard andi Second streea, Libertyvilie, Ilit., sys: "We ceriaiuly do like Iloanse Kiduey Pilla Tbay do ail that la clalmeti for theut. 1 bat dizy asdud ervoos apails aud the action o! my kineys usas irregular. 1 alleu bad pains lu my bak Doanas Kiduey Pilla drove away ail ibese symptoma o! kiuey compialut sund madie me troug and wel." The aboya tatemeut muet carry cou. viction to the mimd o! avery reader. Dont olrply aik for a kiduiey remedy- ail digtincti-Y for Doane Klduey Pili, the @&me tiiet M rs. Becker bal-se remedy backeti by home teetimonv. 50e ail @tores. Foster-illburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. "When ouor Back le Lame-Ilemember the Naine. 52-2 Antoine Deloria, Poatmaster at Gardes, Mici.. masws the exact tactd wbeu ise speaki o! the curative value o! Folay Kldnay. Pilla. Ha sa3 : FcTrm my owu experiauca I recowurnut loy Kldney Pill. as a great reuîedy for kiduay e&rouble. My father n as cur,>d ot k dnaytase.anti a gosît maîiy îof îy .=ghor@ vere corati hy Foley Kîdue.- EPilla. For sale by aIl Druggiota. IAdditional Libertyili! em Ifiluaueado! goodi milk cuwe. Addreas Prim e rseonable andi von qeek P.<(t. Bor, 159, Lihertyvilie, Il.p -51 -4 Addreu Lbertyvlle geefatIllù Tuesday C. H. Smith aoid the Wheeler P-5t2-3 niiiis& dà a bouse ou McKinley avenue toi. IL. Clark. Juet ushat the conideration usas use araeN. W. A. NO"ic usable to leacu, but undersianti Il s,tld Ni e M4",r of Acma Camp 176, mi, si a resouabie figure. earnesîly requeiteti to hé prmutnBhqt Tbe local lotige Amarlîsu 8taré ut uext regular meeting. Tburaday, Equity vill give a usatermelon soi-tsI 26, in order to diseuse thse DM sud negro minîstrai ebous, local talent. question. a vote for sud, sgffia.1 ai their hall on Wedneday eveuiing. wîIl he takeu by ail tampe lu OttobUtà Sept. 25. Everybody Iuvited. 0(Eu. STURMi. CoUL Misa Alice Wison, couiuolt)Democrai E. EL WULLU, C(«)L nototuee for Présideut uf the [;uited Stats, tesachen lu the k'arragut oebo,ol, COLLINS & DOANE COUP4KY« Chicago, vîsiteti rom Frlday tili Suuday atternuon st tii.borne o! Mr.asu d lra. New Organization of Sycamofem 5 William Wigam. Increasing Facilities And; Addtaç Mondy Dmon & A@Unsol to Largely to Their Opératioasu Frak J Walkr f LkeForst lu 9 SYCIMORE, ILL.-'-Tha Colline 0"1, o! Dymouda ufrss subdivision on DoaneCompany,, ,le anarne o01 meta Meiabsue Grove Roai. 1fr. Walker.,py hc i onets b- psus theearactlonofa a fiua sew dwellng &ive busines lu thi, production 4W tberaon lu the near future. monuments sud other granit. ui4 Eariy Wededay mrnrslg, Sept.- Il marbie vork at Sycamore sud st * a% St. Joopebo Cstbolic churcia occurrat pointe. the marriage o! Misa Hieurletta Caeuey, The compsuy consiste of A. C. Do* daughter of Mr. sud M1fr.. ugb Camy, th. Weili kuovumonument M«s 01 of Firat otreal, to Mir. JaumsGuérin, cii, anti W. 1. Colline, vbo hms youugest son ut Michael Ouerln. Re?. sugaget vitis hlm for sevreral Yosm W. J. K inslla perlormiug the ceremouy. lu ssaWeman ofmai17 yaaru exfolbi Tb@ happy couple lettImmediately sud a bighly akillet m.isieeutter. following the cremour ou a week's Tise CcAlins & Doa. Companay bt lioueyroou trip through nurtîtaru ln addition to their hueluus l Bti . WlsvonitnsîuThey usilI ma, tbetr bomne more, completedthe tspurqisae nof i Witlî the grooms tfather ou tii, iarm eqaitppeti yards aud acquireti a "idis nurubeat uf Libectyville. W, ulte lu tablisheti custom as Ubertyvl»ea, e1' exteudiug'liîeacy congratulations. Mr. Colline wili movet. ters viii k family anti te persoual cbap cd Setter bave those otit jobs don, that brsueb for the company. arondnthhebum s efors i-nid ucather. 1 do repsiing of &Hai bluand cemeul work. W. Rl. finE, Libertyville. We are lu Lîhertyvllle for au Indefluite timr nsd solicit your "cvengar work. LAM VILLA m rM. Cai Soreuson is nçot lmproving. Mfr. sudifra. Lee Tweed aud Cari Soi- enson were ilu Chicago Sunday vislting the latter wile. Fred Olgbiieansd usîle of MounutAu- burn, have beau visitiug relstivehare for tbe pait tosn<'sys. Jolhs IitcheIl sud Mis Blanche Deul. Pun userea uiteti lu marriage on Sondas, Sptfrber 8. Tbey have itiot reinraeti tram thaîn wedduig trip. Their many It fi. Mr. Colinsitetioaioteu anlarga the plant a Lut tvla insiali acomplats equlpasai ofuhai up-to-date macbinery, iaskW,, iuduotry one of lthe lsrgssnt MbW tbis section. friaends visi tiena happy Md PM ou@ isinrney Mihro' lite. Mca. Bers Ga11gber anti daughtu visitlsg lire. Han Wilklsonuta S ibis vaek. A really effective kidooy sud Mu matilins ut fetop th . prg t iscure sou ibat cause It. Unse Pol.y i for al kldueyani buider *'~S urina r rrglaritis.Tleer antiruibis. TIhey itep qie rnuy. lu tbtsydow u orslbysi llruKçgle. ARE YOU SICK? *For Poison Blood Fures bBlood Clanss heN ver, ~III r Ot imSkaSrsgbsueh es 1nmsM. ,=uds PaFr Camrrh, Soroful, eo<lu ue. le Humors Mr hpo.o h die Consdpmdon. Headache, peine li e.das*0 mla B lood d=..a rmy cause. ~Fr Chilis & Fever 01aucieniiia GhiUMalaria and Ague jasi< Jc is the world's grest- etAbsautly sure, safWuand hurrnless to t persan ekingtyg o extreoecly fatal (o te m" ri Am o. in umh oustdrives the poison ontoifthe syirnn3 dmys. A ild Family Laxative RThe New Discovery F WEUMATISM and GOUT, deep- »M Md hopelesa caes, any il,," dbion. sed by Specislists in quarter ol bmGlobe. Plessat tatakoe Don't se- dm.*= compounde, oiin.mIla and liniments bCure Your Kiducys E. ~Fer liduey, Bladder md Uiury Dicsuses. whloh. if negleccd. of<mn leeda tse Brigjiles WDIsmue.KIDNBY FLUSH làasafe, spemdir and usejfactory r r.edy for long standing KJDNBY trouble, possessing a woodeful entiseptic power JaUrmafmall Sea il . UIt = # M" m *0- ê. Tasa s1s4 * a~ jobu cv ro mu.t ý 1 "ý', ý îllýý ýý ý1)

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