CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Sep 1912, p. 4

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, Icatiutphone No. 1. CltY Edtal sReleic elhhe . 14r>L. librty ville Exchange go,.1titti I uîoii,.' e,, Lioryviii. lit., ae Second CasaMai Natter 'v %dertflhiu Rate MUse KBOWD on Application. ltPItIPICE, 01 60 PER VEAR STRIOTLIiN ADVANCE W J . i-H .. ... .. ... ................ ........... ..... Editor v . S 5,M !TH . ................... ........................M anager HU B R ... ..... ............................... Oit Iditor FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 20,1912. It seema ta b. the. fad naw, f un offcer bta you la the north shore towna, ta turn about and hava hlm earreted. Sometimea aucli a stop laj Oiti- f" Sid ometimea officera fargat thoir rlghts, forget that club@ are to be used oftly au Set resarts. They araefnet euppoedte be "firat aida." Evanetoti continues te get tome of "gienr Smithe money, left ta hie Srelatives there. And Lake County, whore Smith waa hemn, hoa nover yet sein th clor of hie miioins-exceptiflg that hi* Evanaton relatives are erecting a momorial fonce about the. Miiburn camtery, whers Smith's motner waa bur- WU. And, whiî very attractive, this tance Io fer tram as elaborate as the g relaivte et firt pianned, changea ta e dtce the. ex pentea bing moade several Mimes. Paupers SHOULD have watermelons, fish, etc.,-If they can get them. When the naine of Otto Muerbke is mentioned, one kUils ofthe famou.s gaine dinners he originated. Possibly 1hose gatle dinners ine. ect1y contributed to bis unfortu- nate endng last week ini Chicago, when, as a consumptive, ho passed over the border. County officers these days are not a bii excited when thé county board takes the action of ordering county x.crdmaudited. They expeot it; they even invite and urge »,. Theref are the docigion of the board Thursday ta bavej "ýâUMher audit made, dôssn't perturb any county officialinl ~'It ia difficut problein which the supervisors have ta dW weiwtih and seta-the matter of deciaing whether the ýe ou4ty hi malatain a sepaate Institution for the tuber- MW ipour patietsf the ouflty. Such propo tons are bard ohnuté bmeandmmdepecia1y to settie ta thd approval of .even a maflpart of the public- -, No doubt county afoua swauld much prefer ta have a 'ýxàu1s county auidtar look, after their records each year bo ave a strange firm of auditars invade their offices ~shyear. And, it would look more business like-provid- ing a sutable mnan were selected. But, he-must be a nan of no tirgid nature, onie of force and determination. We can predict with. certainty that 'the meinhers of Sthe. Woodmen, iu the'referendum vote wnmch the state Su- 'p. me court has ardered they may tako, Ithe proposed rates W2~'ffibe voted down by abig majarity. Thenv'ç';at wilhap- Spen romains to be seon. In this Woodmen matter, we see a big smaahup coming, wiith the $13,000,000 in the hands of abnÎnch wha wiil soon seek ta forget Woodraft and ail it ~'implies. __ Waukegan grocers have beei sellilng tomatoes at b cents a pound-persons calling at homes have been selling them at 50 cents a bushel. The grocer's rate ie at the rate ûf $2.50 a bushel. Why -sucli a material difference? The saine is true of canteloupes-bought by the basket, one can =e heQfor 40 ta 50 cents a basket; bought by the piece, thycre trom 10 ta 15 cents each; or, two or threo for a, quarter. Who makes the profit. NAMES Off-MMIWOWM t. Bc te H, SPREADING THEI DREAD DISEASÉ. Mr. Minnock, the state board of health man who ad- dressed the supervisors Thursday, made one important statement regarding the apread of tuberculosis not only in Waukegan, andi in Lake County, bi4t l the entire world. He said that, if the sputum,-or spt, of tubercular pa- tients were destroyed every day carefully, in a short time the disease would bC coneeradicated; or alinost so. He said that experts had determl*ned for a certainty that the terrible disease is spread through the sputurn and through no other means whatever, therefore he urged the uecessity of people infectedbeing careful of where they expectorate. The Average. Quito e Manl. "Wiiich of tbese clocks la rigt?» «I Howe-"Wbat sort of a 1.110w la dont klino. Weve five cloche. When lit?- powel-He can mke two lenm- we waut to Iinor the tinte wa sAS 'eni one grow where only on grew bfDre, tagether and di vde by Stve, andS otanden then hanS theni bot to Iou wbon tIen we're not oertial."-Punch. ou are nnt looklg.'-Judga. fH. CORLETT G. X. FREDFRICKS Corlett & Fredericks DEALERS IN Fancy Meats and Groceries PIoe30 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Rondout, Mar, b tçrm-William Ensmanm.ý Rtockefeller. Town of Friment. October terni-George Mitchell. December terrai-George H. Hertel. March terni-William VCkery. Town of Wsuconda. October terni-Clarence L. Pratt. December term-OGeOrge Benwell. Mareh term-SidneY . .Russelli Town of Cube. October term-Wiiliam Grace. jlecemnber termn-Gottlleb H. Kuih- man. March term--Cbarles Grom. Town of Ela.j October term - Hlenry Steil, Lake December term-Johri H. Meyer, Rockefeller. March term-Wort Lawrence, Bar- rington. Town of Vernon. Octoher term-C. P. Weidnee. Pecember term-F'rank Redmond. March terni-J. P. Ritzenthald. Town west O.erfflid. Ortober term-G-eorge Iteckenbach. Deceniber term--C. G. Pettea. March term-T IH., Meyer. Town af Deerfleid. October terni-Alexander Robertson and Fred W. Scbumacher. December term-Robert G. Evans and Albert 1.arson. march ierm-Samufi LeviD and Richard W. H'wkine For resulis. use our columus. STECER STRAIGHT toWin. Lavcock & Co. If run have sn suto need,,repairing or otherwiae. We dlaim to know our buoinestsudnalta at- tend 1oit-a cdaim made gond by OYtt7 job iVing Our bands.- Even If yosi dou't need Our veri"tel da. drop la sanyow. Weicome! Wm. Laycock CO. A*ente Vo, MOLINE MIOTOR CARS . Libertyv9il. , PHOOHE-ReadensSU io.43 I & li4twlots' JE.MEROITI1 &-Co. RUOM 3 SCNANCK ULOCK 2-" I b 1", 01110 IA Few Things' To Consider Which We Appease WITH BAKERY DEL«TOÂCIES Sure ta Pleas.e BREAD, BUNS, COOKIES Fresh, Every Day PIES, CAKES, DOUGMNUTS Baked THE SAIITARY WAY My Hotel has beAsa entimeiy rrrnodelt ilcI and 1 can handie a gre.t nv.ny more peope as a coflaiqutflcedur. ing Fair Waek LOCATEO NEAR 01.0 DEPOT Mrs. C Spring The art o maing wttohes for years. Wstobem hav more brais anid stili putitt hein makig to-day thaît ever. And tili tbey are getitE cheffCr ail the wbl-tblch la rathatetrange. SI .ou vouldia1k ho leabjuat bow far thé, tete eli malinOit bU S. taure. thiea e Otla- t0O CO tO- il vonî vis ta finS out huMr 'chefil a raslv rllalswtea u bela;a.90o visit thia store., Our watch stock coutalas ALL hat thp art of tb a keipfg 'bac$0. offer. 1 1 - 1 1 And tee tellibogI>' plae aur.tint ei >'our disposai. As, US$ L~II~ Every man who can get liue ineurance should be insured. There iii no argument in the world against lite ineurance, while every argument in the world in ini favor of it. Il you have money, yaur estato in protected and saf o. guarded; whie the man who has no mrnney, in given an estate, areated by inzur- ance for him. The man who spende hie money, ehouid., of course, be meuured; llkowie. the nman who in a natural born saver. ta, protect bis future oarnings, should ho die a prernature death. If you are' insured and taken away, the Comptany wiletop up to your people and. uay: "Bore je smre of the rnoney which this man would have earned had li lived. Borne of the rnonoy ho wouid have earned, had hoe lived in folo bt, it in eaved te hisegetate." But this in flot ail. Under certain forme af Policies, in case the ineured doos flot die, ail the money which has beon paid in je returnod ta hum. It je flot lbat. Par leu than the taxes on farrn proportv ho can carry a pahicy, aay a $5,000 or $10,000 farin. If death comei,the full arnount in paid at once in euah., If, st the maturity af a policy, the insured dos fot need theornney for the purpame of puroham;ing the noesosities of life, ho rnay take a trip ta Europe or Califarniaor enjoy the fruite of bis labor in saine other way. Uf yotL are insurabio, invoatigate and then invest in an oid lino Pollcy, while your ehouldei'9 are broad. Yours truly, JOHN HODGE DISTRICT MANAGER The Old michigan' Mutwü 1Life DinsrnceCompan, ORGÂFNIZID 1867 ISIDE OVIRItMPO«T.Nt IAt-, epwl Cr CAMP ç~'i w '. WEIL ICNOWN lm VAXIOUS . ROftse th *eratase s wof% OIgAR K,5#THI# TOWNSIpQS offcO UNY l *oW' da of tAmerk4 was * , ~Sf N~I Belote are lab0wu the f1555 f ta. àWq " iecoritinhle the lis h Ue nen cba5sfl rem.tIy bY 'tise aumr4 m tt- . g aordnto u *trî t gre toacat as. gandu, Jurset et h'I'l9ý~?éa.y as expir#4,ip theaffl, ~tItý.I Ti, fig October. Decembea04' 9"ý 1h aoi aling betteftcmia.fot nq )iee.- W ýera of the Circuit court:-1Mt& h eudcamp ln the. SangélMon in tseah d e .r 10p*gGtf October tern-J. L. Vinnega sud 0~slttcourt. ton. *i. Inulae. ta t lie-'ee HemneBt.. éO$ FriEdredze of Newe York fl sein itu câdôW rqs5sty. 0 Deceunber torM--UatflI 1NetdOan sd S1% a la actuary for a maabar camp, tondOM rwith 0erea, f ~harea MntIle. 0 ie t pe.organisations, O eal Uatilyer gM o gta. l ta Marchl trm-B. 1. fluPlins and IL.t ed1i fttNidr Otfil Whan ta. anboisé retdoldt4 te B. Holingaworth. éci Dqe. $1. 1910, demnatdeal that the pnItsbi relieé ta rates Into effeet Town of Newport. rates lie adlufed so that th*. orRAJIzé rthIe s sean toue e ceoplâtati October teri-johi Streban. tiau niMcontinue ln buaitiese jAàd IllfTOtgaU parte 09 tb0i at* tisaSW _ December term-Chu.les rewer. ilSb.tb p rotctd 0, hefr '-u r wbti oudk te ne. a.era* - Marcil tern--Georsi Brpwe. AùM. lite statemui>ts of Bidffedecamap officiels tood pet bovevar, t*. - Town of Antloch. ciýmtptgly 'upporteS tht staud taln lugt the stand that the rate increesae October term-P. K. Blunt and FIred by tél hoead camp of the Woodigeit W" nutiOS5Ai7 liavons an a. eclreStha If 1, ata 1 Inurgea«, tIen mad e appear- Hawkns. ",h deeare tha If he atesb I sace lt tii. orer and the December term-F. B, Huber anSd tli'retatinated et that time. the grew witit great rapidit>'. Thse Watt. Chares H. Smith. inOtEbitwouid have te be reratid et kegan camp, tiirougb'the INSstat et- March terin-Charlea J. Jartis andilS Mner tili, t a greater ost. t vue Sotteof Attorney' C, T. Is4ct Charlts IL Van PatteD. eboWit that stnder the 1903 rate it ad on o!tuin, ver>' retr tet, Town of Grant. twcite aes.asmnte a Year, the amott anrgenta. Mr. s a October term-D). V. Watt, inglae. 0 f wtprgylded inattrance per s * 1,0 nitWho saeaStIc Wôodman Ide December terra-G or~e ICsth, Foi fNoget ron $800 for twamt:rtYser <lS wIes It w55 thi',5ti504usaiYear Lake. mOph.b te l $00for men <ver 70hi I i otmêa. ît Vîa-hoi Marcb tern-F. F. OYBoyie, Fox YMMI5.Se did not stop vitis hoding Mebt Laike. "euett obections were regstered lutte 10 Waukegan and Lake. iounty, Townof von by ttoneyE. S Smthreprseningbut spoe halo,. iodgeà la differant Tow afAve. h Âtorfey . S Smth.rep~s.lUfi cies, interviewaS th, bead camp of- t)ctober ternk--Canalus D. Doolittle. tht Insurgent@ to question.s aké by Siciaisa and bas kept up a constant fight December term-rhoinas Meade. Actuary Adredxe by Attorney Miller, Ht dtaervea mstcli credit fer tbe p.- Mach tarin-C. B. Dix. leading-,-eeuasel for te head camp. titions azkgng for i referendum vota that bas beaun showered upon the besd Town of Wuarrofn Most of thest cbJectious teere over- officiais. October terni-James TrIggs, Ir. ruied b>' Judge Robert B. ShirteytWho Whtn the head camp ilecided upon December terni-Na>' La.mb. tg beaxing tht case. tiht ral3e in rates. Il was decided tht Matchl termi-oseph Keller. The oo»lons gît en by the acnaresa they shouid flot become effective until 1913. Note the referendum vote wili Town f iWaukegan. who testtied were baaed upon the ho beld liret and tbh--Valou-Caipg October term-Jobn Deniorent, Or.. mortalty tables of tht Woodmen of of tht order will go on record as et. John Hayes, ýN0rtb Chicago, William Amaicate National Fraternel con- or Opposeit or la favor of the A. Melody, Otto Carlsont. greffe. the valuation of tht institution , ratas aa decidad upoa y he Utadt camp. Fromt prevent Indications the Dacember terna-Charles Odenbreld. and trou pput experience In liisure.mce dectsion - vili iiiin faror or a llgbt Arthur Blanchard, lra ioldridge, and organizatione. t la probable the bear- lncreat.e lu rates but a big modiica- Peter McVermott. lng teli net le conciuded for severalltioui of tht proposed ratas. Marci teru-Devid Adams, Chaee deys. The arguments ikeiy viii talle E W.ehh, J. L. Breweter and John two or tIret day.. Adjudication Notice. Recktenwald. Publie NaSe inhorbni.y alvin the s i b- Tow ofShilds m-be xeasrls o1 thelest WUI sud Tasacist Tatencf Shiida.NOTICE ofBerthas 0. Ebnlaw.r. eeSamd, wiD attend the Octotter termn--Oealar Pearson, iLake (ufftycoeurt o1 LaS. (oupsy. et a tere tUreo< F1orest, and T. H. MeKinna>', North fi av ing decId.-d ,, tt oailt îa.a..t1- t iis to bç boidset tiha(ouarHtllu a uasn ti feU euS il fer t i .. titit ! mapite't eunc outhedwàdeie aofSversns er Chicago. caeap. jF .1 rnui ib-tjiI Iîl ineateslaSiEstte. re notffldo e December term-William G. Dicker. 1. 2 1 qUfitetoptvlat sasto laid court forse- son, Sake Foresit; E. i cNcol._____________________ dWoîg,ft.. eSubr5 52 r4. Narch term-Robert Ruitaeii, Lake Reai ifluty. Foreat; Leslie Davis, North Chica- It la fot duffcuit tu telt the truth: go. the Sifficuity la to cet the tr'th bo- Town et LibrtIt J le*S. October terni-Rudoiph pil r rj, Wouldn't you like to hear Sousa's Band, Pryor's Band, Vessella's Band, Victor Herbert's Orclýestra and other farnous musi- cal organizations which îzc thc big attractions at the great plcasurc pirks andsc.ide resorts? ýThcy are just as grcat attractions to you in o ur own homec, and with a Victor you can ear the same celcbrated bands and orches- tras whenever and as often as you wish. Corne in and hcar some of these splendid Victor band records--we'Il gladly play your favorite selections for you. Victors $10 te $100. Victor-Victrolas $15 to- $.Anwe'l arrange ternis to suit. H,. B. EGER Libertyville, Illinis 1

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