VB1x>tY. EP'rMm!R20,1912. iEZRllTYV ILLE LOCAL AND FERSONAL MENTION BUTTER, BUMTTER. Who hue the butter?< If VO Ms ave oi0g for Butter rnet from the cleanest and purest ceease-âutter thst bas a goid<i colo,.en excquisite flavor and cresery eybste. then TRIGGSIS GROCERYv la certainly th* place to find II. For reliabîs Groceriesa rasonable prie, cali on1 us. JELI TRIGCaS PHIONE 253 JUST RECE3VE at àm A tchîpnitêt of troticctr>, îht pritee range fr.int 1.00 ul, ta 11,1.an the' qualitv tej. Denita, Cottotiade, Cotton, Woo! illed andAl %l Wa. ore are l'eg top, with Llt loops and iiehed hiem, or eaf, and conte are the regular o'ut tronems',in l fact we have &bemt moft any wty yeti wait them, if yen are front Miecoluri orm. in and lut us ShOW you. We azo re- ceiyed a chipint-nt of! Men's IHoiery this week, nearly 10ü dozen pairs. We ha ve themn i Black, Black wth white feet, and Tan for 15 et*. a paier or two pair for 25c. lu '25 ets. a pair sqooko we have Lysie anîd SiIk Lysie and in all the different thebdft, aiea i light andi mediam wight. For 59) etm. wc hiave a very iice iilk* bock, in botie regular and olien knit. EVERY1"IIINt, FOR MEN J, B, Morse & Co, PPHONE 14 Lmibertyville, - fllin'ois I1W <JUI)bc cold c.nifort and a cheetI e"eximtence livinîg ini an It«imo but, withoîît a vustage of ,ivil- ized furnilurc. Though the exterior of vour abode be evvr - îhumbîle, the int.'rivrr ean bc made briiht, cheerful and habitabîle 'Ai up to date furniture, and <t a <'oct fot beyond ' rh ai lh of alny .',nericarl Citizen. COME IN AND TALK UT OVER WITH US ~TREPTOW & TAYLOI LIB E R T Y VI1L L E It Don't Make Any -Difference What You Want I Building Material You can find it Satisfactory at the Libertgville Lumber Companyj Phone 47-'Res. 72 Dowmu by the OId Depot TH EEK SeLLS UNION C11URCIl Oidest Mous. of Worship in Liberty- ville Acquired by St. Lawerence Episcopat Church liontay a dcii was coneummated whereby tbe oid Union church and lot 1 ha fat To nsure publication ln the Iiidepei' Daniel lipeftmel and sicter, Mmn. 106 by 196 teet wan soid ta tbe moillaera re dent, copy muet be in the office nolanter eit rDOUflell. 510 cnticalY il"w 0f St. Leivroe@i Eplecopal church for the tu tha Tueeday of e«Ch week. Adv.- tjphold fte? smd are conritned ln the consldtlettîof o $2.500. The building Ill tiers. especlII, art asked to take M ,Aiscvb li! t Wauteitan h.be ctpe yteEicpi o E. IICDOon au athe contract for the the paet three ycarc.hIt lo their mInen- perticclir notice to Ibis effect. ereetton of&aineS,OOO 0() rreidence at tion ta remodel and extenslveiy Improve Dee.rUild for ut odcial of tîle C. M. & St. the property. Ui. g. C. giee.aon le reported 111 et P. raiiroad. Be began work thi.l week. The edifice le the oldeet building of Ilis ber bonne bere w lth typhoid lever. No buW offbti ta lie u,.ed that bus klnd la Libertyville, having boee con- Robert itz of Wani.eganl, wu atnot thos; e m tramleue olîlermon it. as structed by a stock eampany of eîzty. ehown lu Moulgômery Wat & (o0 new three tockholder lan 18S66 at a coet 01 businesc ristor in our cty Tneeday. catalogue og paets 870, Noi J*1î6J & 7. $6,500.00. t vrai uced for yparc ai a a Robert Wrght 1.11 Tuesday for Iteloit, We are prepaWOredto u-ir furuiture of meeting place for four lenomluationc, n Wl.. veilera be wii attend college the aIl kinds, make foutil urniture te) order tbs Methodiet, Presbyteriati, Cîngrega- comlnoe ysa a phoîster buggies and automoaîbiles. comingyear.Libertyrlile Cabinet Wîrte, Hl. W. tiouai and (inivercalist. Mmre,0. E. Churchili visiter] a lew deyc Boy».. Phono 176a. Bouever. an eachl denouaîaation bol- the latter part oflet wek witthrelatives The Epworth Longue ahi lî old lie ciaîe fiancially abIle, they built lîouces et McBenry. reguiar busse meetIng Frdsveung, Of worahip of their aun abaudoning this Mr. and tire. JosecphResc are the Sept. 27, nt the home of M r. il d Mm. buildinîg untîl ouly the CoDgrega- happy parent@ of a baby girl bra L. FI. Whitney. libers ulîl al.'o lie a camp tionalios ad Univerealiste remained. Frlday, Sept. 18. Ore aud eatb one reii.stnî to take The"eealaln proved themoecîvs There was quit. a represectation of sandwichee and frankforts anable to keep together, their member- Libetyvllinset the Mlwaukee Stobte Ber. John P. Davia died li ic borne shlp alllng off duc to death and familles Fair lai week Thureeiay. on Miwukee avenue' al, Tuiee<ay aaovned.yan h huc a Mir. asudlUre. C. F. Bales of Chcago, iiOraiig, fohowtng a partial stroke ofaI hband n g eeuedaan.o spet .,>er Snnday stihehome nIflMr. paralysiesoufteredatthe Lai.'Coanty Te uldaingsea Jedaca ntilforia su nL R tay L. Hnbbard. Fair. Fanerai sens held Tht, rsday alter- 1Pro flvriya ai h M% ltt Oon e<t the rehldeace. ltiitar.v neit Epiecapal isieon wae organtied oin. Mr. sud Mms. Thot. Pilter sdliteweek. tcheztynhre o rgnlsok.d ehild of Lak( Foret. epetit Suaday with 0 issxytm ria tchle relativee aud friende inataur îity Wider Batterfield, fur ' ore, a remident but eitht are note living. oif thie la". died iaet T"in.Tluroday The truetees of the companjy, ame of Je Mm. E. F. Habhard of Richmontd, l@et the horne of t'le agi- 'i le mnaego, whou arm original eitockholders, cothare vletlng nt the homeeof hergoutitEdward aged 48 jean. The ftutu rai osiae heldi helug heie of stockholders. wlia tran- 1). and Ray I.. Huhîtard. at thie plai-e Satqurday, the. 14th, at t i-l it iiMr.c. e )the (lent are, F. P. iiyaond, M.r. and Mirc, Harr ' Ho-e1 aïd littie C. Fuller on Neurberi- i -, u with preeldent. E. W. Parlihucet. ecretary lion o? Wibukeugaîi, vlcted Sllndby wmebtrurbaa la Labkeoide c.rît sd treaourer. C. F. Wright, J. W. Mir. anidir il I. Lare'andîîtrier riend@ The Ladie' Aid 50.-wtt-t ne NI E- Butler, Dr. C. H Ualloway, Mie. Chas, her.' <hurch beli ther n riiiu, l inin ai Aveuili, John Austin, W. M. Heath, Mn aad lire. J. T, Robertson enter- oilicers Tueeday alteruii ie officers R. E.Osborne and Daaniel Lfe. tained Mr and lire Roy MacDlonald (e! rlected are as folonre lr., Mmli . r._________ ChLcag.st thoir borneoni Division trept El. H. Fike; vice préedc lrî i. A. C. LOCAL MILI<MEN SuDdav. Murray; tresurer, Mms. fli Willianîc; HOLO MEETING Dou't fjrrget "If Happened in Rhym e ecretary, lir. H. B. Ege'r lid" to he ivea by the girlg of the Mouday ulght the conte a, t nas let for Ietaîii etn fti Wetmiinimten. Otaher 2, 3 and 4, at the ae on sd crpebutri . r k n th,.ofMik Prodacere' Aee-clatlon wae heid at taun hall. :e ehdscurh .iiu tinolte Littertyvilie tawa hall, Taesday O. E Chrchll ai cld he ouie ~Dundec, fil., hiug awarîli- Ithe mason eeigfrth aps ! eua.n 0. E Chm-hli aeoeol th boletoncontraot ubile Henry lt.-îî<Idt a1 theI. gfrtepios frgit Second street juot mceti complted tb Rame place captured the'- , <itrai-t for'thc the prielu lie paid for ualk in tues Marte Dohîquit who bock Paceeeioa carp@nterrark. W,rî ell the new vlclnity for the uDt ix monthe. lait sceel. structure uhich la t' i 1l- md brick E"H. Borton was eiectcd echaînmau sud mif;§ qeenmurhy h rpurnd t) titumd wtb hit wil tein t oce.H. J. PoilIe. ecretary of the ascocation. Merhoe Qn ieraMnhy lteb a inet of'd T ota i tall fruh-te ,Luigin at once. The price per hundred libs. offered hy th.r h.tr eek ih.'a n d lie.vis.olThe contbyraitalefot>rr 1 to Yo "u'e Broc , il 70, waoi ,ouiidered ton Rtreute m hlrad ie.odhuwr.,DcenerI lau-, the sentimient of thenoectiucbelng Rob.'rteod.Tuecday Mari IîiI rry wac -alled not to aceept any ofler luwer thaut Lait week we negrleted to chironti-le upoa by one Mille roi Ian and Nire. $196 i -(;, the average pre lxed by tue, th, birth of s uitile con to Mr. and Mme Annie White rif Chicaz, afer preelented secocîstion. Paul fl. Rsy. torn on Wednemday, a letter hrot John Jlieltutri, captain of A tommitte.' oI tht'..'waïf appoiuited neptenther 4. detk<tiçes, Chiicaigoi, il im t aitaseui to couler with Yor.' Broc mu regard ta The adke' iminarysoi of lictlîem lnui fliding éMaivOlite. 19; yenars the now prit.'and to) report ait a meeting Te Lbtaie' Moarllhca ety f ii. "d. ,tanglet'r <'fM r. iti.W~hite and ta li ei lui the towut hall next Monday R FraiuruStoe. aafriîid, Volly Noiretr i,1.7year old, evenlng cet s:3() 1 'c.k. Eceryhody clai, Spt.21ho lrt tiri iio- ri C'hicago <<anI 'terested melm i' tted to ,attend. Speie iTh-nt . <nl lated t the ______________ M. i neSticelI,'.'uit douebhter Fould@ Mitlimujei .. li it lier'-vitte Bln i i iiich. werrrtday îvisiteursc whom they lail j,- .Il , (e 1_ ,il Theatre Train for LibertyviIle athbonofMrs" Stickle'eSoant. .brs. Theriave thir - et iat lit. fa,.tl, y l is r. M. Vr.at'e, ltuer of theiEu aiuiti '.F nr,4tiers. I)ieroolli-;traltc <ttfigrt 1 ei..rt (atre, na.'ilit thle iity W<ed or.'day cil ail ef t rotthe LMeredithi boiuseeon Ithe 2 32 ecInitrei. i ville Dtsdeitig wlîat the pîroseite 'er.' iriar t tour lite t h i orîcli W Au n sin <g i -,[.ti t'itiîof t>' h.'of interet îug the tlintme giier to a ttend thie' I aneton %buen-if arrange- on Newlierry ave-tneexperieuceidiu- i«r -itizeris veth > s "tle"" mente tai.', tleactorilltmatrie fora cousi, r ti-*ii- ii ii i-i . sud a ntma.i isi-îi i.. i i neto) eliv . 'le cpicia1 t-iiatr- <i' ri, i .lîîrt ille.'to ci iî,i . li'ii. r.'SIîi.'i rrît'ii î'esya iiiv ci .-il i ti i-dnisd v ij.'Evanston ont-e aa wek, .'rîry SaturdAy mtiraillez f i,,i[tel od,. \- . evigit enten.'d tii' li iii'inc- ansait attni' aight. sud i'eturuîug alte t lie pir m- Mr. op, 14qt askng rre m ii i - ot ina c ramptîtelsriiiatci n ittiont a i-bang.'of i re a t Lake 'TIen M.-' i Xon-, il ii-iltheir 'ah.nd cauji -i :ýt otn iert)Bluff juluiti' ii, b<ut ii tît.1malle DU<loaI rvgular 1ti,-.tie e ii op1ie ri l'i'r 24th t'illliif"rti. liit -in<alui leii- YI stoups t't W-11 Lake litiifl au tlla nt TIiert-ia iie l,'iiiiiic anr -l rî',iîiti-ti- lln- i] ile)ýe no dmleivir-lli , d .u t i' l) ii iiirreîî,-t ville. Mr i Vatîce i.' ctertiîig en lits <<i i.' i h lai',e o t-u, i lihil-s i e hi.' l<iiii fuitletai-k ai- ss t imiéýs t tleE et--n te te ______________________________________ ci.' vae tîî. i. <r litic)iayed lthe lset serutin <ii the iiiele 1tr 'poi eilv e, attid leslltt ltiyo écueil ase h LIFE INSURJINCE rti'dt r-î- tit-iIi.ftiiinlC~îî iNs, The Lion tiendti he Th nneue minnomrepr lettapjarnitlti t i ae. Sooi tser M iou, ii. Foiirt une Haou tr, iii tact Thtuueued r, uiOC 10 1 sniite har iii- i ý t. he l "t' îe.v mal "il thît')jui%. tethat bave 1tilareil lie than the iciaured. but their famsilies are. immediaîni >v i. lo,tcj' for Ilar.hl .iie-ago lool-.î«,usém.This lei'aeîi Mr. Limberrv <ii., i ii<î ito u a i lr- < '< e leu. cutitrai' t e r ai It the' atest E S y mobîile and gi' . ase.' The g ii' r-lfet' i'. "<t-l as '"î>rty Il i.'Minutest, cuti-i t-bousa'"'ii.î i ii "i litieLg i~iVailiie, Ti' ut ri ai t ron, reite(il ts 'i é -n Si] their t ittfii i e.i iip i 'i ii iaimiîj[i.iu ît whîî îlagid tii'<.tlî theofirure' île-y flispi-Ti sl aeoprul s A14J M ..O r toitly ti1int l'li't w l'n told ilt<ns'<til n 9tt t oitill ie ; tirut gir.' did nt ihtý woud kWta heuteunt iporut l - mtsodiiig <<k fii tile f Omd Colony Lfe Inurance Co.npany cownnd .îî i"Iiii jail, the'y -Vvaîî.iine i n titi' cisiu. tîl if l<tiii aiîll Okl. n te OOtt" acrome, iiini ia, tr iilil,"they <aid tceeftr lljpi i le[vns ' s ' îi No ig 'ýcé-l (lfhllhI * II1flEfII fllffllhl alsi- i- 'atiii iiiiîii îî'r ~~PIcIIKI flhUUII~BsUIcIUI ~ uiUnlý I'iiutt îr ii i i ii sii l'i F tlIIUiUflh ttIIB lIdHhîII bOU UIsi n ii M.E. CJhurch Services. ame anheartîlî in favor af estabillhing a epecial car' s.r.'ic heiweefl iberty, -' Lui ><l ragiirili'v nti i H1, n and Evanston e.'ery Saturdiy night foc îhe accommodation of theatre g-î1 > îl iv Tii- i'L if llaiiiîtii and clt) give il my miiaonage as frequenlt!< as possible. th liii ,mi~r.ii'ie ,t to! a Ilugi.liu -<< __________________________________ , iî<tig lerv i.' ut 73ktii i, I fi L ~ . <Vllqile m, Still '-TISuit. A Ifin fayorotfhe above fili out tle c c ipon and ro iii to the editu for& l-liio" W i-itieudan, 7.30)Pivr..tii thls piper M, E- Skiutday cuhool hoard la.'t a'-kl _______________________________________________________________________ w-,me IL H. Fike, Supt ; W' L. WNVplîîi' Aet Mise Mary Muvion, ',,-y.; Mi. AilatiN àihtila@, TreaN., MislaiHelei IUaneKitkiiile. pi>niis, F. S. (tiereiin,i'i irister, For Fire and Lufe Hn M.c R'dTayllci', ia SEE Thr, l.tliiiiiect 1eacoauee O r1ha nag, CharlesD ProctrasnitE1inirth Childrn'@ Hîînîe nt Lake Ch rls . ro to , luff o hI lîold (hein annual -ari'eet AÇIENT FOR fltine l'eitis'al and Pounîd Party Satan- New Hlampshire Fire Insurance Company day, eteît 28th, from 18 a .t Michigan Mutual Lite Insurance Company reýititeted <o Iunnieh potato calad fan LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. lunch. Contrbutions may he lef t at the Oau Office froua whicb place they willibl coaveyed lu th.' orphanage. NOTICE £Eplicow "ràffls The parti ulýo took by mictake a Servie«e ai l.. e PWsopSl cuel band painted chiu celery disb sud tua Sunday au followe: Cbureb ssrVI modalleons froni the main hall on the 1 OJ80 a. m. and Sonday sehooli at firi rounds Friday. Sept 43, wilI co)nfl)r Ail are cordlally lavlted to attend agrest, favor hy leaviflg the came et the 11ev H. L'. marvîn, hecto,. INUPPENDENT officee No quieetion@ aeked.AUCTION SALM NOTICE The nndeueigned wull I Ml!S Ail persons having cilme agalumt the au,'tiou at ber homie Ott Cook STU Lake l'ounty Agricultural Board are her bqiusehold inrulinre OIj lSM rapge.faIly requested precent the caàme sept. 21, at 1:00 n'ciock pL se. Pthe oecretary flot lacer than Tu.e;day cash Id". B. J. guIeAED», I lghi of usit uvel. LiNWomLN isK, Anuse ?. You have doubtless heard of the fariner who kept his accounts on the barn door wlth chalk, and the barn burned down. JJid it ever strike you that you were in. the sarne kind of a 1"fi" when yon pay your bills by cash? A check is a receipt that eau nover ho denied. Suppose you let us use the chalk on our books instead of wasting it on your barn door. Lake County National Bank-, LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits, $88,00.é * Our At"tumo Stkocksare mow helogm&de«Up new things for tdm cooler weether MYRS Imdél%. We w.fl bave for gour inspection smneVrgIt" estleg things in Dress Goodo, HOsiery,ý Footwear, Beddiug, etc. We have just received a big lot of janesyiObe Batts. Trhe cleanest end nicest. long fibre cottea qou ever saw. If gou',re rnaking ang comiorteru dont fail to see thesç batts. Ail sizes from 10e up W. W. CARROLL & SONS CO. NORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH STORE PHONE 3i 50 0=OD< Clearance of o Wall Pap, m 'I fi o n Sale 1er In order to clear our shelves' of what is left of this year'uj, stock of wall paper we are put,,ý ting everything on sale at 33 1-3 per cent. off These are the sarne fine grades andeclsv terris that we have had such a mun on ail seasoncy rather than carry anything over to spring we arc m«"-r" ung this sacrifice 'hoseof'you who are planning to do youirdeoe ating this fall will find that you can save greatly on the cost and at the same timne secure the very best paper by taking advantage of thia opportunity. Don't make the mistake of thinki'g that because the prices are so unusually low ycrur choice muet be confined to a few designs because you have nerly as wide a range for selection as was ofiered when the stock first arriv- ed. There are fewer rails of each kind, that's ail and most of them very few so if yotu want to paper yout." house at a saving of one-third in co8t it might be weH'F1 to corne early. The RAY Furniture Paint Store libertyfiie p. Râ midi" Ille, -l à OMM