Néews stop for botiiuncor utkon e itheut a a1tri Pause.lise. )otrgas 901erla dliuig the, but acclcat lvael tit ho fil Mt se" IoD uke 0", an thé Malslise ULtil Il u aMço t0 S lZ forlin to -top bis car. ac eaOffl ~ wua InjursI"a Ul0 Coolseterchanté Brc. vas Iu theoWal M144ieet bis car vin st vu s struL. Lobint Ceuttic wWlunatha Car l 4WU OA URI.(O PROO TUACIC au tet u timasi.,h50 the aile, Mr Wa1158 10 Ii epes O t I AM 1URNED UPON IDE Thoae v o ime .te leap t e u.lsda g or f»e p mp he, i.car. rbbing ie.i 'a th WSWWEE A FRSTIOIJNTsu I Mmdtiu rd uBrce mlvard t PRW W E AT l»T TOUGHTRE[,$bocksimd kth e f et M aiMdbue t £ILSD BUT ALL WILL wus isamel fIt for fie time ateit.» 5100VERSons hulars tut b.evas the. mot Mr miaslusi ljurae L thei jef ikSaaIl4ome of tha lessesNp *.PaPl1.04e sspd ietIflet ie .tdto bailmva5ridiagla the cr ro ~Ireite moises t,.. rus ins Arrt 0Sic une.lie aise groflal a mt ý",ree Obe o > ago Muu and. M t fi5am a bt dbiiS fPwu@, *Wkét i e iloaOiIIJOet aie I, 141 -t mla*newa4o bs SCDo o ïZtiti *mmi. 10Wakqfl iain- ansn'uta INOlu P. ai:Ip.Mu.R. O a 'hstr mm1805 ped IliurY. M ,*e sua, CeIagerhkffl. epwsac Th@e»sWv.iuetmnsy ila lIaiMotel'- the Pa9hiqit. evorver, useue0,ethOeMmeBaa e ismaislUne car vuso an siowsy lajaaed.Ho. un rame.. nott nrleusly linuisi Or 1111.1. De- li a*~feMAIie opii ~ upts tue tact iii! the glus latheiC id:te the o i.« os doimgedbah.frut part of isMa r vuis mittrd lAI W. dM1beito IoruttrouOhuasssel ilbu fruit of the carvas cnubol M U M1Oi au 0SO 544.L~ tl cslIromby ieb.wvas mii ven scratch* lie to,$,degoÙuMiCeadoteBra", WUn o&.HO iItge bisMepont and bis bond p ""MISIy i.j.r e l o veway. WvOn oshiseoutroler c vin the CamrPo ?~eimnrl:Ca otgetbOi.th -. B GALedC: aeOu e uu Ceudector Walshib e i.main lUne Ibadjy crusiel, body scratchaI .aA ca appuarite bave suffenol verY se- tj dretsvoesijurias. 'The forcq of the collas-Cm bL III 8 o, oeGlaaousZonion hurlai lm betv.an ivO seauta nd al 3. & ObM 2916 auledai- ialy eMonti-e *a@os volSofamt. Whn Pullel cOut sw qW am l aud rml. betc h tiel tafollet about isi UJ-leikbu -OBABIISBRCII Hgbolce-bt tedar hoe bat & largo imOuint 0etut doter on local car-Back svrely 110 eabmlnioat e0Om vieuciel, oes iiibren. intainal pains about the, aplue and riha lali- lie i»pl. boy bdly ruisd. oste the latter vas ljurol andiai gn ~ lluros boy bdi builsl. let on.eofthe .rbebreken. Ho bas ti * URLHigivool. metorman ban nuabîste e nt inco ithe acatoonu se ça local car-Kne aratchel and Tho Wosti delocar vas danaged on W..breisol., consll.rabir. lisaie vau cnueboi ln th j» (*.. I'>WALSiiHizhvo- andIl u shurlai t ram itn ucks ald CISOStoi on loi. linacar-Bacu.ou, theiitrack. îî turned compleiela' "- 'eiebchd itt Posible mmInJr ote aer aud rested on lieailo. It vas Ro0 u alboM probably et lassi on. rii ratier unusl tact tbat the. front l b : OeLes. sere . emoqrnb"gs.ai- trucks dld net loave the tiaIs. The am4b.Internai Wm'IO& frot uucs ot ihe main lise car aie «e r tva or thie. otiiera vie loftuthe tock and ver. repisced villi Vor mliser nuri0s, but tuyema«i.dorobie-,i"utî. to0" giout thotr Dames.Punie On cir, V s~eiet took place vWhon lie à »Mon the. malinonecar roeit- iek, rilafiu Oh le Wssuintos04ai viathe waccdent teel place. Mon, ti Vum, utartml te cross the mais vooa ual ohlIr.iI er.urlol trosa # et aiB1smsCeutnt, wo t flr smuf'.mai the creaiseofterrer ti squsIl hi tha car on the. fienthe e om naMe otVe pnde- c Ue M. Beciioli, motormu onIl #MW cia "0 he ld»mt à" Bavrai Peuple vr burlel teose I tisaunecarnatil It vas tue laie Mdot hns-r admith vas in tus mas- im-atMOISf$:-stop. ef-ZIefi Ciy, butL Ma WWanel0,a11. v«s ljurel. aun à,ebulnliorar.quite bau- - bOi&-, ô ktàl tat' lui aMi ont scnewii ~oaicar Smclti et a r u aip s ~- ~elb1 treset vin the aiaeet Tii. tat tht thi ei Silo dcar lay Tb*gaa- Iecar anliii mOMIl»is. qaeicos'bivioani *i dans eor Ceeductor Ro1' Wasb mals Uine eeiBotsli Uëd URtrame _* 1ooriau. A. H. Baker, vas rua- A& car vas Beut fotr h i etI te 5mi. ag Seumlandabuld bave bea irea - Cort m oo te icpmwfefla tbo riaIt ef vor. Ai ths cural: trou tièced eu c80sethat uhey pogeob e Intersection 0f trla, eol *ea.l eOu »t journer il ummel fIat the motormu01ethfe AftIefrar&Uail lecala ver. sot tue cs a«Cii thougi the cuer wvel ur ofer .bridge sel nP WpsbisgtOrn Bell, System TrHE Air Line distance to Evan"Iie, * Indiana, is about 270 miles. To send J our voice there over our Bell Long Distance :~Unes costs $200o. ,',,The Chicago Telephone Company is the ~p~door to the Bell System's universal 'i;kW which makes it possible for the busi- in. oMan. to &end his voice on a mission ùýstma4 otuinz a long and arduous iourney. *~ ~ S C.l Mn itance" from your own tele- phoué. bims>Td *s, Local Manager uw r.' ~ss~ vairon êO. .a~ -~ *hu.~ la.~ t vas tiihasomtbt fcenji Wh ne nulr tub e ircmiunlw atm owi laleel boca he ecoalpaflivwsu lding ive ar trains oerrthc e ee osta.t bridge. 14«r le the .entisthsecls lu cletre& a*"y- jet C»lbtrd of th ie lams. muctneo parI.am 4 cli pauma- Mr ou the Wshiiingtonl atusscar vin 16 ceOM teom $88o0. talai roede e 'tOry et theviock au It uphlu Il bo«deditfIa ma tBletrlc pail,' m ai&, -Maiut lova ýabou t trai fs 0%mouh bfont 1 vas taillas ea theeaducter svoaopproociioltil dison canif cressdug oMi eetlead or u sell oveà@ a mim Ill Intersection. li fies aturteal us sa mm Mtate ow le moth e ime1 moIks. 1 . .' Il1 6LONSa oui o et S a "ie Md vL the cpiroen fie mal» »hb heeu o" nipoa usnmud retliM tiat a Sk Wmeu as itl& 1 s Iav tie ilate aâ n osthe nneascr tirev en eo breigs »d tfout hliaitle thu ar venld lit os ibatII; venudc»l "Thie coudunor on ouir matarted vwarî fie reros m e hov»wute eu ir boîtring love upea us-wbetbê îte Sgiit te lhep off Iaus« aiyu. AI mr raie, . obal lst raucialtil >oit la ilsecar vhlcb vas stiick bh ioe ouiier car whon the crashcalte Il reaiel jIat 1 vonl net bari Ame te gain the. Plitttboere idu mr vanl mrile nstgo à ateod le tii mie and firmly graspol a lsoat c mci ailo. The. foreceofthue aiioci orilel me ubrouzi the. front dber ai te the platform. One o et to ol lutetd te clos. and i feared i veuli oa plnolfaust. I reaciiel -out and grabbel thei. b ndulI 111mbIat wvs bls thai mal ed efrorn bains mar, Dertoumly inJurol vienthe carturne on litaidel. As lthe car tippedoe tie front ba. or terfraI aopen an, v as ahi. te gain My trreedorn. "I vouldn't liI.tu moite gay slessr an sa te via1 ibnl vaste bla ojF tho accident, as 1 amnent acquitai el wltb ail tho ruiez of the nemI. will maY thus, hovover, tint 1 la nc tink the aollision vauld havo hal Ponel If tie mateman bal bal rvietotitemaian&es "'rie vlndcv an thenortb aide. bia tUbenettlsure bldbeaubitsk and a curtsin bal tion puilel or, thesOpening. Hadfi Bot beeetfor th rurtain ho coutil net bave bolpolsa ltm taupprouaiig car aunith mi LUMBER KING TO MNADE WAUKEGA EDWARD MINES $KRK$ TO fiEl THE KIRK .U-MBER YAND PROPIERTY. LUMBER TO BIE SMIPPED s5V 50 OF HMIS PLANS CARRlY, SAYS REPRESENtATI VI. Bluord Hins, the vortd'm ves l est Junior MDn iii establiaàil 1bar Yurd la Wauk .n r odai iIt bucseknowe fiai Mleue basment a reprasonttve tWanlegoa te loue the properti c, Ik d by the Kirk cotate at tié aertl- eeraerOfet "mandauClaytmS st»o 9 Wiau Stervieval hi u sun rop er. s niemier etftthe Kirk sutato &dl taI ibai fie reprnemtatve of Hines Lomber ccupaay ihi Og" seu.tie properi ald tiot theii vas still pouding. TwrvO or parties bave ofree rentais for the properti. "Ws Iiii losseitheground If vi Our Price,»mal a Mmuner ef tie tai, te a Sun man. If Mines eutblahem a tomber1 in Waukgan Ait yul mata muci the. cuty. 'rvo thila eofthe lon ho vitI bell iu stock wyul ha smi iet Waulemo by boat. A formor lumior morciott01aN kegan made thiS ataternnis mn Ing. "If Hines ostablsias a tum Yurd ber.. ,i ilmoan muci tor City ai large. Lumiion wilt tat Rtîimp i pnice. and by.noasan tii thon, vwiii ha mono buildingsaoe tn Watukegan Doit year. "Cempel 10 vhai la needel ln the. lumbýr nies abr,s."i ih. Mn. I-ilnem lua peulîng bis maci tn Europe. but bis napreseutatîve mit he lil estabiet a yard bore oucoeduln rentling the Kirk proç The Kirk Propenty ai the nont Icanner et Saul sud Clsyton sireE on thii. mOuvatuable sites Il Mis. Oradie, oaner et Searle ils aild Cub ball, bas agreel modol anI rel.oorate tiie bal 1 CatioIlc Forestors; ual tie KeiM i Colurbum. Steaf boat viii ho tak ta M#&t. buW* t» mr aCODtto0Ç1 vlb muàtatuM bis 0aêgÉVt aMd 410$ ew4 ber il, ..,p.i as Qd peoiirs' for a suttahie aUbtr IM bub" »» by~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ta thé ho&*$imue Lflueri sb.t h' orlfor S et en *tgp45I 1131. ~'qp b.m hb a o tw Y t. ve.y t'bd bTebè ago, àiww Sa John Oourier Lui. «, - u.arýr îs.e.Ugbave à ber 0ofo«r. a 0fBur tecs0esiseUs,0 0 . W4»tbm »»wuw buý r 1the sotock tandaqout, f l.w1001t thaflbm Huu.q01 tâoW acuio . lIoa liat beri, eiipIt mo4 by dainy. uinaat.i cari ~ wpaa tae~bave~ .v ie bIl bm a a1éaemoIi.Ut«rme ootbers th« -Vini1 mp f r Ie" lin* of buatifluat 1 O fl0TeDUl wts hu. n s . pvaIUm t9 .m.qt t~fo o- n 'alee t. m IW l .14 uti*l e o vri n. au..et atiour sa bt 0» nrtb Chicago Lumiier I I oi h« »oy S b« od b bndo b" bar eopeWàyý beaco ithesituatin là ree9amhe for the O clM fltus vret usenomnbo m aovpiS~toby bIs M . Nse thfe Wnt dangerth» o b75fa0oedVM nmbiet the pmty es a"d auemn ' Ur, nov centrlusura« lO bpe1aatte th* oUdt.,tu lcIPpeWus tba th e oient v blumbar telWokeulandalN"rt v b . »tool th* Ioda eut fer M.ud a mi!e tht ii m1 a ooïoago. - ome b ilwg s t é, n smals liZIeg.. 0kteiep 9 quqdThureday. op ca m@ etaitbat Cavala P4"taa t ait alàioeuhu The ~ stea" and bhubi I *G~ I~O i~mty mmàt UnbrcompamyWU te als the boy* Otit Ths va. *%th*. t t h, r Tcicied ban à:bomue: ly f4150, for thi. capt8là d41net mO te ii t fboit# forai a for e*ia~The RsSi ntiiy e r Mt otiletho baii.ed lte »réaotion provtdlsgan * pI.erchglaoly the. stock Ma m & uai. sthebotI*to«fi a tt* pre omNO t ftfl, th lS 1051ad buildinslf the o! e bifi it ftO aSma ooaao Kirlsau te~ aclu dla the gdj. reaiaui la m yat«. tloy theusber« 0f Suaî vu Tii u me> le l0'Sbly a sas b. ao it ri0it. tut dlsatchd the. motor Heinlulooffaiavait by th d omlie viiMMotev.ti.stock ta tlir boat to e M M t ur te '.tbom iip. bei' o. b In uisfent0 OWD iàE Ncl Uni uat ouh of h e bllevas tuAb@ al tbaY fot bit th$ vas mot the buit et thé Kirk Fr& »usr Claton streot.th er Tbe Kirk yardsfor maay y.as eroe mnîber. bock Of vbktch e voer vu. ruT och uitat ýt toeatai JM*t'o a nd 8stréet. amdiàa sp, tbay vouIl fnt have bmn M -« qit otto ueà M te fev .0.11s- " o»tboY moral e8t4 pont danger, for snob boou ts ad bar *-bicb Nagul toa W Mas al OSOOtient le cyclone beavy ma inSathe. ocean rlgit alobai dltoie b vter ta Peces ompèXy purrelthe. ait* onaD le '* hilà tht , Yards tool. Ti* Yard *sud 5U5P. vas, t o&bal et bos i re lu the ma-w site bal hein olleratal by Thé. uequoat board comprimai theas have be veIL Thée a te amnit Kirk but a short Umae baft9 oneaCommander Bmltb, Onigoon .1 the offar vho th b'ho vas wqfbom vwiii parairleand.41 to<>ps, Betavain 0111f. ese, tu shore, but tie stnc. thiW baieun al. t tend Téé acrseaie vryr.o ae, O«soe Ste busimn e n ae. tat ula wiiy ho aà" is fios*iiindeayr-etvtr srrseo ,k bis tsmly lucided the boat tht u vscroit viio vas on theit. baudu vnt .1 bavec wIti the. bo". n. te dispose of the, business viiab han u Sfo itheminutent dtait. startlng vork Do doubt thot aIl v< mbeon idenlffl vltb the famiY for g0o erly telay. Weil Ift the bout bhm Id manyyers. àA bal vas suggoated by A sq i f erutsvoe.put te deep voter, beovans the Huissey and It: bas bous on for id smre Iys, cerne ta a hesd 'rim . oik ibis merntng trying te rtgbt the character canfOt "Il ta à» day. ai boat. vbicii isy opposite Lake se Nogus trial te lind. re Wbat tihe Kirks viii doviithoheita Bltuef. tla a big job as thboat la plage et Malt vbioan huibouuss.d hythe yards la alargeoloue and vas filsa vit vater. Captaln Vnilam toil edont knove, but it la vminable propoýrtyclrntaf i.C r andmrahob.uaCi formanaturing cti thi ot Id purpoos. XItla .hlleved that in tbe TH-E PULMOTOR FAILS TO are at ibis positilon ouI deai Hussey alipulatol thot the. tond RgSCUITATE SEAMEN. aie at lie garrisan. it shouid not ain b.horota for tuin- Tii. Commonvealth fEdison putrnotor tragodY vas 60 groot rt ber yard purposos. ne Uusy Cempany Expondu. wv a ced ta thei$ruae iiy CaptatD doviato tram the cuit lt The purchâts ot the Kirk butines« Wultam., but vhîto the mon n lucharge the colora tedoy. 1by the. Hunier! company caeti, teind made the rue tram Chicago ta on. A court et Inquiri ot the raptaoexpansien 0f tho Hum" eyrmand a bait îb.y ariveaI teclato the uattor, but DOthil ncompany. A test yoars aoalaterr h te al the men. Tii. machine vas ta- ta cerne up bocause tiE %- bat coDducted a very business for a smrna ure, la. iH. liusuoytartesia 'kn te thé. statton boupitai. Tho mon tOday veDt iData Over tumbor yard ina Wukogae vhlch ho wol wto ouris but the. lite or co scesniyfrSOI respirit bal go.à amI uh oe.unable Willam JIliiiso Br) 0fproving aue- cenipetitor te ~te a ampilab ulythlug. The.machine toosuod orater," villi on tieurlorsand Ithe KIrîs. 1Hie business lo or gr.v sd'el .fialti beugît outitheii. au burried bock te Chicago. in Wanioegae soome la Goe rIm. A couple ot yearu tator MOon ia, Muid for Sella.. veon tar distant futurs s-haoerganirol the North Chicago Lam- Fifttoon rocrui.s, thro. surgens, o cf iC eomocratI %nber cornptuy and tock over ithe yard Chaptaie Brodman andIetisaf oin ongre trem the T.n wiivh S. B. Arnold forueriy cenductea tesac frtebdis îneexrse itaiiYt at tint etty, thé ifuss.y Itoroste stili re erifrti os ioc xruo l blt owate5 tiie North Chicago eempany, a tr heOccident. Whou darkoe.amoraor t e o rsber the oeiy lumber fuma SaI North Chien-came Pn, toy uel lanterneansd kopt crots ay thoreola no go. nithéboiorci ut»il 1'cîock weumatter. Judge Elvir Tu it~by mortgelt the Geurleys St vas abandonolountil dayligbt vion crotte candidate tor San. the. Hlssoîsel rk firme. It the. rocruits rasumed te asL v-iii ho bora. bavîna rT 1 z iDzolily neaee io e .Noir Sa.e, pon.toiticiana tbat ho vil Geoge Krk, biie«?lo t iii.Kirtk dthnly. vs a sunir tiing ubat theii v. ng le th*. ciii. ad IoDnderof the. humber yard, bodies rscovrd late v.ning wve deurel uthat thetomber ya-de b, run -as long s the.estai. vwas a» fesel vithin tventl*nvo footet o oAT intact, but viitiith affliction ta bis «Ceh otiar, heleg vamiied np 'On the. on. viiich premet.llMm tOekIDgatt- shbe. T'b o etakon te th. Cov er tiie business, it vws loomol ad. rouilonco viir. tley ver. iioîîpend- visible- te dispose et the. bualesa. bonce theigamaete a iSm. ng the. anivai efthtéi.station ambe- lti. George Kirk. forme'ropr.s.tailv. Ina. viSai onve.<bem tate .sta. lum tram s bis district t itséstate I*lb- tien opital for the. pulmnotor te valk latore and a prem»Mt Mas for yem, on vii.. it arrivol a littilo lator. M4r. thom iaucceafsfly ,« u edst.lide lffpoleRoe hirhm bt er at olargeeutate -andithi.Imer 01>92 tate ibeys vhe vere savol aed ,wer Yards vore loft te 11e aate bit lat ied &alU hey conl te ccufort tiiand o t th* sol, Sam, gurobesol te yards for tegeve tiir userings. Mr. Gand »t» . tbm snce£nail a f mnthe oo d amlJoe. Romsey et Lake Pbreut ort- hevao e Caas srksI nd4U«Dvey ot Lae Bluff oI- iait- oniy ta Pliai New. .1 Captais INellm by lens*lmg their té Thie mergos e bMar«aa Wauko-autooile M op vpro yl gem and NorSith .ii.Dbr 1i.usuO i tO c4 tttht.I! frif ffe m rI eà e.cu. dén1 ber t'adeocf the d0mofttltbrovu Mra. Fuilam ot once, atter sm rnee intte obanda of4slç drI1, th. Inhuaey itie rmeaul iad bientaken ~ta th ini&. Tii. sassait#metàèur leuber bospitai rusied tate ii.ck'ioda and G iEfilm nov la th ourbi fim t Lake.ofre h os odn hz V0rst.vioi '= ~i tt aseyiit, cooriMd etcourbesmendi a, 1gsi stipulated ubatb4. olloig tehermlaorgma.-s ett- lba enir beefoidéta Wanlesmefor MisstuBa. ubool dmmcii concera a cortaln penéd et thin, 50 ilao 0orrthe. tenir andi remaînol close ta die jadchancaeet bun rdtuftbeiff . ber tathera désir In the. administrationiPoorIym 1 frd ________________ building whiii.ho dlroct.dl bis mea"D, rar« rfoetved reporta. 'rie ceptaîn neyer ' Ippedvent toa upPor but bal a lunch tecm~ brougiit ta hlm. wa-Captain'e Descriptionl et Tragoly oi nom-* Captaiu P'ularn, Most alngularly, slci 4 vr as the firat persan taefse the boatp ,r thelu disiress. Heo odedt bis vindow ite a ln bis bomne and, notlng tiatitii. boat ProfIu lreaf aPPJTiently »s tn trouble, called bts your P ,ctol vit,. Me then cailedLieutenant tCam. 'JUain mafnder Smith ana ordered him l t busi- take bis big mater boat teatth, roscue.E Withh tour men Mr. Smlub anet out. atIcu but b. baldt gone fir- iien bis on- eal s ad-. glne gakvatrouble sud b.. tao, bal o preSea it ha. bard tiue gettig b ack satal yto sab e.. perty. Tilh- g4 1 f~ finally made lu and thon rusbod ta L heiat the- I.A4e Bluff wlti plis auto, ta beip attrctiv ,et" lae mg ,,j<s~s roscue the, mon tram the sait boat, In the .LUo e wlkl".i vbcb In the. meantinue bu4 dritol dfar OUT ,rmminailonsee aho<oil 1i4 <1u0io5delnthue laie tovarla L*eoBlugr. lnoorwmy7CUPdItaOl~'feaotCAPT PULLAPA DESIONAYES CEM. ailauI. oore eOWiSo.ul ar £EY FOR STATrION--PtAGO le r- OflisIDO 5omC ..AT MALFMAST NOW or the L a ~te tbla atterneati Capt. ftiiam ai, J.Y 0P therainin.g station sent telegrornu >lafi Af4UFCoewMw*"pAt4 t théneareit etols eM a s eweofthte Too ictime of the* BUDSy tragody, teflez g -loba Oaumfun- w. Y,/ >d, Light-EasySbappbiiig âpoçiiftg 1wtieSOSbMmeuiiwidaum the ]Bd» cene eaàuJ frita du te rhot whuy Ï6 wenl ïd store dmra Owd-tbe shoppeyC6 lJouet -au s tttied and tbedorc mke mmre auictory Novidieg good lihtis ue mciipractican d blk way ci catcrieg te tie convetuence of airons--il i. also the muit appreciated. Edison Madza Lamnpe eyou te do ibis witbo u iacrcsg yooe Let us make your store one of dhe mou ve in lowlt v am t bSoslm, o2 lut saleS t cf btvie fte la mallasu tel pamoemet 4" abOmar et la, i nImoiel lI tosla as aà b* tic ala ai se 0v ne- t.n brile aro thuseet hoal thon.eep arus. toe.crticiesem. à e keptvuuln Ifai hast batis ifmont b sn iey r ail voil beeit i be a el duprin ae- but 'ber. munis beon oit tee Lh honlst ord y drel a dlinralsp ec tiy lomnEtuenr- ti bandidatethor tiaetthbe voul and nol iletp le dout boarth arsu, e ult delivmo a &elu gt droisri cbu Uland oa Dom) oel fij ffg'1e0 SI iem grese te eb wi msuOen %trouer. ISatgu0iuo It~as effctsv rets." : te me- eeV loamocmies.o enf hèe Oier ,afthae isilytin tai pressai tbatuffiAe aPoustpie MeAtJOca. L DeimoCras . a close? Mraieolr3.E.ogercepua Sa situatios fath pRoyal is ts oSifie presi. MAheJustoRfJhiL@PARC,MRs. E., SPENT Major J.E. Poasre, ààa aj or r etIn tii. Ber a nr of at w ra yarrteur, pn cyI auva o kihh ecan os t honorblemietiont, rm.thIlte Quoon Victoria. He willilum. Wankegan tenlîbi for 7. 'racomna, Wasi., vier. b. viii &pend b a few laya viii relatives. Betors bts it retura te EBurope, be «pecta te rusht ýr heiesoBosoetArizonai. He ylspend ,r a tov durs in Wmkffga e orebils à n.iurn Mu.t. He contemplaiea safilng ýs tron, Nov York Ciy $or Europe the. *second veskinluOctoer. * Mn,. Pearmvobsua o-n-m-uv vbe *boldo au equofly respdn5ihl poaition io ln the U. S. army. Ai prosent b. le Li staulcouel nar iiie PDoma canal He M. yl$pend a fev volinleWaukegin nouf WMuter.