CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Sep 1912, p. 4

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Ic. ¶'etphone No. 1. Ci>' Edilonurs îdence Toephona No. 145-L-. Pd làt 11iai- i'v'euiientsl imaýr'yrIlIe. Ili., as Second Clame Mail matai Ntiertieing IRatemode Kuown on Appliation. IýàIWCPIPT1ON PRICE, Si 60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVAN'CE .. ....IT......... .............. -........... ............. Editor t ..... 4........... ... .... ..............................aae II&YL. IUBARO ............................................. ............ City tditor FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1912. 1uMis very strange that tiie formai Détective AndY Rohan of Chicago ,W tii. 00a« of umber ham been an. Lake celant>', dled Saturda>'. N WAS .0 . dln Waukegan. The surpris. onte ofthe Mostc onspcuoc'Mffooem teli.MIlnsg le that It came cu quickly. ý InChîcago, Whc, through bravery, had + gained on.etfthe high posîitis00 'n ti. plan of cosductora refuslng te the datective force. un drsaslen monese pamefgersi +t hn8 11 thé,ce04e~tWay Of compelllng Tht lumber and coai are mlot the 'jpPet Siseridan soldere te romain oni>, commodItles which arte "poIng upr wollgien lantu, k .aItty. At eat In Waukegan laiiowfl by' enlincident betrlod oui te the lmit b' of aturda>'. A Young marrled wonf sio1tctrie and etteamroade and se01 caîed Up a localMorisot and aaked 4ýJWW,& théutUateeffect wIllI h. I<!h prie.of a lep cf mutton und a féeg le 1Mk. a good plan. of lemb. Thé. pr>.:mutton. 20 cents; -+-lanib, 25 cents. Later Ia the day her WâhI cucumbere elling two for A mother calted asother market and L Sf55 ous esther) oeawondera who la Tise' naw. No mutton on hid, Sthe propSI. the Ptmrsfar-J0'nW'îas h.> -eta pea . ceieten b' tt ucelor o'Alboy1 Thua, thse da"' r& had mutosi ofr aile. There wam a time, flot long ago, dinner Sunda> at 20 centa a pound, -wha ucmbimsold frem 30 tô17 whlle lier mother had tamb et 15 ~eftA SUSMEL. TWO FOR A'conta. Why such a diference? NICKEL! TIN FII Fciet wM bh scarce hereabouta this winter Now that à Chicago Judga hem ruleds hia crtaist>. tiat a woman lin no rîgt te, loti: er Speloause on.spervsor ln WIIIhub.nds trousere 'pookets. why w ve oe.Mty ceuld net1 heur pertectt>', iser- nia> expect men wult go home nigis in Oevenson tot an opportunît>, of ulti perfect surity, feeling thetÉ Ossmsing an automobile for une cf hie wlen tho> arise ln the mornlng. the 1r 'tejéa. Thie upervsr ln queton change wiliIbu Intact. And, what wlIlc -igd aye" on the proposittion to tableno*pr iadofretbsfr to» d.ssand. He Mnait te vooretoe lvmdofo .tble o MWfor the. machin.. Au soon as thse tise remaînder cf the week? les a1 cWp wua anemced b>, Charman goed ruling n corne Cases, I 1ohea tuo#mmeu, Love waa lnformed of hic yourm and mine for Instance, tesa iitglce and aseoi te change. But ýr oroe ldnau reled the. vote taken. v+> eo ie t la really qulte rentarkable that aIt ef the eleven victime of a drowning Mt a occurred t the tralnIng station Bunday should have been recovsrmd a period 0f four day. Otentîmes ln other caes where death overtock :~ltJs oe. a close te shore ne n thus case, the bde have nt sppeared fer usany we.tcs. and somnetimnea, neyer. Therefore t te rosi comforting te t1ob* tht old Lake Mchgan, in tht. came, whill cruel n creatIng .uch a trag- edy won klnd encugli te Cive up the. bodiease soon. The W. C. T. U., in Ite ceunly convention, ham borne eut the contention ç4 te $un, recentl>' md ceverai times, n lnlatlng the. mode of uresas fol- sjedb>'yYoung women of the community las hanef ul. Tise white ritbon werk- pue, by their acc, have formaliy sndoraed the Sun'a contention. We trust t eus>' etr Up the motliera of the communit>' te action *nd that dremamakers wlii *l. given a rush of buiness as a resut et the formai condemnatlefl by the unioni. he white ribnerc in substnce cemtendtd that "the stye ef dreas ce worss b>,se man>' younhl girls and women of the. present day, la unbecemlng ud lmmedest and the wemen expreaced the belief that the purit>' and heaith of the sex demanda that every thoughtfui woman sheuld use lier Influence by *aMile and precept te bring about a demand for a church n this regard.» #A*" poer and Influence te the W. C. T. U. n its efforts te brlng about a change in this mater which Mey mean soniethlng te the young girls et the community. 11V DIETMEYER DIES IN WAUKE41AN SRESIDENT PASSED ANWAY 'AFTER THREE YEARS ILLN£Se OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE I!îNÉERAL WILL 1BE HELD NExTr MONDAV MORING AT ST. MARYS CHURCH f rotes active usinese lite about seven >ears ago. Tbree yeare ago he hecamne afficted witis Brightte disease ant iAis condiý fluet raîtidl * vgrew vorse. Despile tlis face he was able lu be about toi-n con- iderably up 10 almuif a >ear ago. On te irai of lesgt Juiy. hovever, bis con- dition tecame BO serionstat ho vas laken 10 bis bed anti ie tas remaîneti Ihere ever since. Hie condition be. came su orious that hie recoveny i-at despaîreti ut, Mir. Dielmeyer was probably one of Fdaia Dininne' r, C2 yearnt oldt t- 1the beit known resîdents of'tAe city ter known as "Fd" oassed at a.%a andi county and ite made friendg wbec- bis honte on 170 North Parkn a.entne ever he went. lias deatit brings cor- &It 12:4L felytemitet 21. followtng a :7 row 10 triends ail over the country, He years iines.'-of'rnirgin diitse'nv l was one of the substantiel bineiss condition liati t'en crticai ior serai men ofthlie cty andi le was one of day. and tlhe entd mas not unexpectei. te î'ery few wito saw lise aitY gTow Mr. Dleînîeer mas born in Buffalo, upt from a smali village tu a triving N. Y., but r an t cto ,a uitegamt 'a t tcly. bbiaparentse teb ut 4 t cars olti. and feiesice Iewlte ie leavea the tol- tUes hati heën .a rpsidettiOf the t'tY losning cituldren: Mra. Chares Rob- for 68 year. le mas a larier "Y binb, Aima, Hecrhert, Florence and Gmds and for fort, ta-tati ertzageti »t tl,"selnes lt Waîtkegan For George, ail of witom reside te Wauke- apumbÏt of yearn ite va it arer san- He alan ieavseone elter, M'a.j ~itb Henry Straita lie re-î,reti Etivard Erb of Waukegan. CORLlr C. A. FRFDEICKS " & Fredericks PEALERS IN Emscy M.tsand Groceries rYVILLE, ILLINOIS il FORM -R WAUKEGAN MINISTER 131 HEADO0F THE EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT 0F IBUREAU tVaulnegamafrienda uof Ko". W. A- Caltetige. who, corne years ago cas pastor of te Waukegan Congregat.un- ai cittrcit anti sho later was head oft te Peopies chunc i nAurora, viii ha pitamedtobu iar t litihhe asjuil been gls'en a recognition. Heohisabeen meade auperintendent ofthlie Educatio- al, deparîrnent of te Retpabt Lyceum bureau. 'one ofthtie largesl lecture bu- reau, est tie voriti. In hie new position, Mr. Colietige wiii speak in aIxell>citautauqune dur- Ing te sumeeer, anS In te course o! a year. i-tiladdtres rom 15,0000 10 200,000 perrons. t'ntliî ie entered citautamîqua work. Mr. Coledge i-as one of the head lu- structura t Armour Inwtitute, Chfi. cage. Hie nov positionAslis e big- geat anS meel important ho tae ever Aeld. Count>' Treasurer Wesleriieid estd is assistants have precticailly fIish-ý ed lte statemenl fer setlement witb the varinus townshtip cierks. The sîteciai assesamnenta titis yec.r occupled more of the cierk'm tie than lthe en- tire lax lev'. lFor Instance. there wam 3twlce as mucie vork witit the North fChticago assesaments tbis year as STEER STRAIGRWJ do Wm. Laecuck & Co.I pS bave'ay autonetS, rppaling or ottiervla.. . dlaIm tu knnv Our busIness and te st. ted to it-a elinim mad. guod b>, ever job Ieavlug - Ou bande. Eyen Ilu îoi dolt need Our apivtwt ldoy, 'drap lu Wm. Laycoc o. Ageats Fer MOLINE>MOTOR CP PISON#EW.S.melàlà 5*ioe41l The. article bel"w li of VI LAIW terest and lmpeftàà oe àa perliepe outltneaa-mq-v.rh drunkenime nStiiape't,~"F Sheridafi otdir*.yih lah Wautcagean ad. OtSblaa e ha overçonte-i> ietcu, a fore thosult ,f AnfaMi t* lait road conductere are net.fpIdth brInge up the';thoilifow pli. hape 1le t e fletu, ai wl>r et çaualne <te a@d L*p' SI4 tinq drenk ehenlistaWbukega adil Northi CicagoMn t hee le are uNible tergatdulk; net he- causee01t'the Paeecbllty t ifl desited *cee oS teetat crs Und 1 deleyed gettlflg base »Wlidfort on ccheduled tme, In whlch cae tise> fa. thie gisrdiseuse. Re.. fused *csste t eiet. uara, the>, atili have the aternative of tihe Northhectein. but, If that rond ahould adopt the sea.plàA'au, thé electril (which la prcvlde fer tIi-1 der the n.w ctte lau), whtih ie4 drunkeanees of coldioem ue refteed te a minkmum5 for,, 4110. 14 mile walk te Fort 4bierlda 1 front Waukegsn la net on. with g évemi *a aedter cii.rI*ee -EDIT- OR. A Port Sheridan coldier eteérda>', w bo baS 011.5 Ud OP oess ne%%r T.uhh &lectrlc car ilying beween Waukegase and North MChcago sb'tation. Thèra vhen he sarted te board te throug cear the, conduetur 'refued te allcv hi. ta gat on because bh a vas nlei- cted-he wua drunk and staggerlng. 'Te fellow waa ilett babind on the ,pAttôrM vhil. 4al-hadosen Campant- fosa. Who cowe sPvâlk t.g-"- udd thttr trip ta the fort. The conductor refuved LIns rigit la ride on the car, tender h companys rsles-sand ho diS right. If te roi,? ver, entorced more generailly, there would perbaps. he more cars nmostg soldiers, about getling drunk wvien eu' for a day. 'lh.>' veuld netcherielite prospects ef valilng home-aid the treet car ie about the handlest va>' exceptlstg walilsg. ln tact. this me>, ho one va> et pulting-.a atoi> te the drnnkest practîce et man>, soidiers. Others Rendy te Fglit Osto companlem. atitougl e h de- clarod ho vas nio friand of the drunk. saiS. ater the car lied ,tarted: 'l haS a .notion tatebrinc that tellov oin lte car astywa>, and If tht- cosidsctor protested, vo couid have cleaned op the crew. 1 changeSl my mImd but l'us going ta tell that conductor ýbout I when 1 gel off; vell shov hlm vhal s close cal] behiad te gelling hie hoaS Split open." "That 'watlti tel yeunot nulir,'re- plieti anter soidier, "aed, when you look t l sensibi'. the conducbor. ln justice ta hle patros,.dld righf le ieeping bine off. 1 dont blame hlm a bit. Yoîe had better boiS yeur tongue and refrain ti'om getting nto an nu- aeccîsar>' mixup." And lb. tiret coiier later reconsiS- eret iei plan of caeaing trouble wheu lie altisteS. 1A Sun representative witutased manS heartite above. REACIIES li0liPOSMON aj ý»P LINSR.. - »0W Zooki.4soan of Attorneey l-I mer vi&* tiio City" luiia ateaag" la W 4$'tird$Aay insieted iOC lAWer1q 6< <at ha eleoqvnm -tie - oufflny ef Cblobfge,l- a thIp~t~1slit e'just nov lit & Sr. leu. 1â .Ipate. Tht labQring ienM -oh. t*ittb. Votn>'conmy 19 c panuiatbuitI"the latter compan>,vii be tvgke"4 lil camie their trouble witli Mr. eO<iha'rn oopany ia net zstole'f Anieet (eék;fomer vice -preel. dm1etit t 'une Trust & Savingi hai.Yt eU sd Sclared ha wua is- lut. oWwïi ,eofthe Count>' Tractiofl «'We viii t trial vtth the Chlcasoi 'mica et preet car men eider an>, ee > UW'OW ' * id Mr. 000ke. "aid if tite Uff triîte on our Ilnec ve chau tom.up Chai>. 'ockw$o Î91vays have 5iolin te> do x11h our lines. The>, are ruù lâdepgiduaifyorfthe chfcago rai- vaye. 21 h.tu elosfor tbe mon te tok it* tie malter wih Johnt M. Rehe for le har notiing te do vitis Us. - ar lii4vc f te CeunI>, Tra.ction lileoand before aulhlütttstlf te the locai Chlago union vo sheil let the ras ta nS stop operalloi. "Ai the tîle o! tihe reorganisatiemi of the Clsgo Union Traction under the namaecft the Chicago Reiv&Ya,, I mustred et toreclsure sale tht 0d15 lins of the Consolidated Tractionc cempaay anS about thal lime I aIme. vite e>' filands, oblsined tht bonda nt the Ciem e ns.r -Sncb part of thtelUne s e rien wlîhîn th. cil>,limita 1 sold ta Henry, X. Blair and the, represeutati vea elt lh. Chiago uàilve>'mreceiving le psYmentIl acuities 0( Ie, Chicago raîive>'. The Anes ceAviSe tht cil>' limItE veros kepl b>' mylitanS My essociates. Wel held lhellàaid lte bonds vere deposit- ed wth tht Barrie bank. For resulfa, dt Our columel. t WsiSs.l U.. 8Ms.ber 9. 1912 e-Si-S ,ake's ig veekly-INDEPNDRNiT. Whicli W. Aplieae WITI4 BÂKERY DrbV!CACME Sure to pwe BREÂD, BUIII, COOKIES Proah Everyr Day PIES. CAKES, DOUIJONIJTS Baked THE SANIT&R'Y WÂY My I-delAhecba ptrl rmdl led &nd 1 can Jiandle a great many moe people nea* consequerice, dur' mng Fair Week 1 LOCATEU NEP.OLO DEPOT The art Of 0 ap been marhlegahadiledl 1er ysars. Watecs ha e m mal end miiilletite tielrUýt5kb-d ai <han ever. 1And stili tbey ev r ti«cha all 1 evwhile-vMbelu ttAlCV If lot vould Mue t0,t1at4 Ian theevatcheb ahiSfb 'i Il y- w vab ta ontebo'cse a elrrellahie vtheau hB ol vieit tiesstore. »ur valeb stock eetaluie AL, ,.ai the arteol v. kitelr g lst ~Aad va wil"llng>,place Our, thAm Four 4lepneai.- aie Sa>tel latw eim bi-ùW# It ha1 dt« a te.eUU ti% lt, I<fe rle ý OILU. MP&, DOOtIttIa' a"d-.Br ,peli. nîett fWa4mem vie romti pu = vohaed à aretom ualo b.i it hae hIIe.thteauaof'Iu il ie u,. ava,. have provem th tii.uduestr> tbat.cla APffltahle " andutPAXi thé è- J. W.*W AuertofVvreport. Ili, vli el#= .a tbe the origiaer of the Idon declarea tit t h lime lanot tar dIs. beti,. lait vien lb. slilppinr t fefgsfor qav mWhachlptrpeflsawilli be supplsated 900.~ >' the plan of -a.udng te dey 015 ckW u chce .l bu han toueSte ha b fm mm ore.ieceail - M. ltier e aouoeg 4h. Imatter -eu bigt te practicali>,evêr>, aat. mlit lie«oansd #or i sefar u Art m5r bel"" aid ScuhalbavaiCaaada. At- FIetîreAve day tnip atilit-e cuntia tb*chiche are-eu lvel>,ansinlasaugood sie lit»tbe Sa>, bl., ere altîpped, S i aithougi the>, traval thee ottre dis. "Wha tnc vîthout food or di'aIL le axIn plaultng y-,It-4.- peseibls te maip i> ciio u steligret distances <hait mben eYoung and vithout givists fe oo.Mr. ilieu pointeS ont tht 1911-12 ro Âllotment of new busines to be wrltten during vear By amount written trom Oct. 31. 1911 to sept 1, 1912 alance due to be written between Sept rand Dec. 81 r NONE tg 1 a hge.-" P<tC' ~ M"n0 ieal.rwvihtepi*ibsprofil. la iijogag ~W',,«aes o< s - - otïw vamtay iC be bedimbenaue thar I~Mc.#eetbity of 1004 du. te abu4ohinq, Tu peut dft*uwhek ta ciwjugies comai tbé peet vitât *»eh a lare uuuwn ,et ium flli t leatch. Tisueu,lu nIo »w.bilgt.d by hiatohuug i.hioçilep n ste Poul- tri - ars and tbon mendizis tii..te the pumurcae. The echiche aresbippedInlad escpet- laU>, made eerrugated paper tra>,. wblub le cx.sthiacld iisoncle a a e- ner that t*Ibo cka cain nove abotl but littie, but .tiII are BOLet ceed. The traya anred114 th chic" Mad viien transpovtod are iea M>eciai oa b>y tbea ipreai ople. Pour hoie. ortst.ers la ste coruw t b -tetheefétout th tc .telulte" t517a e Blimber cf 3&.025anrcbeh paeiedrcivil service, Tia vii et afce«t lie-fouth clan poetmaaler ln XAk mm OSt>, or the 5tat ocf lilimete heaoume lie>, er. Pimeed isader cli servce four yeers. Peatmaaleee.4 the. fluet pecS' nd 'dtisird cilam office are lu the pr$Wâdetiatclame and are subject to r..ppolnlment or diennie- cal at th.e XPIraton oft leir terme of RealEstateInsurance, Loans & Investments J. E.'- MERE-DIIII&& CO. IROOM 3 SCIIANCK LOC CR $241,958 45 JORN HODGXI Distriet Manager In Âccount With The Old Michigan Mutual Life InsuranceCompauy Arrangements are under way for a material Inres. of production i 'this -Agency. The buslu ness has been sold over the coonter. Policies are uputoasdate, wlth desirable privhleges. Company 's gffets are clean and surplus -ample. Sev'erai good'men, whiole or- part of time, are, wantéd under a spécial arrangement. Address JOIEINHOP0- TRIAI FIVE-'Tii Lord only kg heto t wtilt ou eout. Tlb* court cotte cf lb. ee- bave euase, aL Ji fat, neda wlut h. ntbuiae outeeme playbd caue motiseratl S aisa averdict ha net be abileemate upfer lbt cesivé ota luth litigation haW lalled. The came vith iVoîlva. malter how tcoma. o ov, W.t lm qut# efident tht VcîIV& aila8 lltigt hs1if ha Wad on* of the jUdsmeDtl Voive Insistaelie vili figlit t btter enS"; Mothraill ca>,. thea So ne man cmi tell viien and thue caae yul Md evelittili>,. Adudicatlcn Notice. omter , bei la 1 a to the »ab& wbere -1

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