CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Sep 1912, p. 5

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*uvl Bgu'TER., BUTTER. Who ha* the fflter'of ua Sgkg for Butter made fromn lhe cleaue t and purest=.rn-1Wiitie h1 ha. a golden calor, ta. xqiile fiavor and cresniao test*,.Ithou in certaini- the place t. flnd t. For ;sliml Graceries At reaseisitie price, oeil on us. j.eLImmTRIGO JUSTREFVD A sbîpineut of t-udit-,the prices range f rum i.(00 np tO S5.00. aud îbeijuality i4t Decim, ()ottoiiude, Cotton, Woal illed and Ail Wool. Suo are Pig top, vitit boit Iiope and fnihed hem, on cuf, sud nmre are tie regulan oet trnosn, in fact vi bave them ntai ty vwîy yan vauttem, if yen are f rotn Missouri came in and lit ut, SHOW yen. W. alone- ceiid a shipment of Meule Hesîery this vuwe, neaniy 100 dozen pains. W. bave temrain lacks, Blac vlth viîte feet, and Tan for 15 cli, a pait- or tva pair for 25c. Iu 25 et». a pain socks vo have Lyste aud Silk Lyoie sud in &Il the diffîrent siades, aimea in light and medium veight. For5) t» l. vu have a very fice slk ncn, in bath egulat- and open knit. EVERYTIIINI' FOR IIEN Jo B, Morse &Co. [Àbertvvmle. -- fhuoie. ----se-- -- '.rI'W'OU' 1,) b li-d canif.t-t andl a -hebe .xi-tente- living in an E..kima but, withont a vencagcî of civil- ised fut-sitare- 1 ,rhougb t-he exterior of yaar abode bu e ie so hleac, t-he jaîturior c su linmade- lîri_4ht, chuerful and habitable a ith U1î-îa îlatî- ftitruitureý, anud at % con t a beyond the -ru-aci of aiiy .t-,nican (Citizen. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH US TREPTOW & TAYLOR LI1B ER TY VIL L E It Don't Make Any Diference What You Want In Yfouca» nI$uatWsactory at thie 9-eRv. John P. Devis$ Speakina of Noe& P lah puzzls eSltbot. sot lu a docade bui there bien held in Just hilare retting the allier nigbt A quantlty aof.xtraoviaaa-$10 ILLI FiF i ê2e ount7 a murJe irnprsive service va throw "1> Our front ildow for a quit, unknoavuSir, hma beux 1uf Il~~ honoîtegf the Ie and meinory of a Ilt evni imaet 01 y Ia trawier at Ouaaton, BNmhad"W dsate inster than that conducted of thé. mat silence stole a sweet voefish wer, caught white thi eassi w go ~ b six af the dicieed'a co-w4rkers lathecellins "Gladstone! Gladstone!" In engaged lu trawling la the N140M se end.ritg tous. We Went to lied lu Flsh-curers an* exorts s» is Lp A ANOPgiOi6t. MENT" ," F40 %E WEFK Metbodiet mIniitry on lait Tbureday eoiaadrab. vooderment. iY eve- tii>' have noyer sema thât z ' j As = Ï ftenoe. 1ali te f iollowlng day our wlfe liad fore. It han tb. appserae » et : , , Rey. John P. Devie departed tr idfié dlacoveod that our new next-oor7e=9u, but the bead l s a Te i-uro publIction itheIi.idOpo - Btter lhave tiilsodd jolie done Tday, eptimber 17, alter a lingerlng neighbor bas acest by that nam.-Je iheliforkid, whlit.e e p da. cpvmust nolatr aiouad b.bomsbefore coid wathir.dineos. 01 mani-montho. Stricen in thb. QaarpI's NNov-Letter the whole miaidlof.he ud. Ilu. Tu«edy of mach week. Adve- 1 do rsalring otf&à li nds and crnent prime of a uieul liii, yet i diid sot thl .ggpialy or ake tototswork.. W. &R.. Ens, Lbertyvilie. vithout accornpliublng tuait@ lu bie iJsri.*spCiaiy.ivosekd 1 taP-~514 Mater'a work sufficlent to 6i1 witb pareiula noice ta Iis effot. W. aire ssd té repair inculture of vigorou effort the @pan of vesta alloted &Hail k =J 202M foraiture tu order moit men iavored of God to tecb Ki@ Mr. aud Mra. 0. A. Newsom v sit d =hl s ugisaauumbie.wt LibortyvIlis Ill5 Workm, H. W. iiend la Wauksgan Bondai. Borns. Phtoas 11619Ater a brue prayer i the borne on lirat Ka'nr a Chiago spnt t vii eytaal:lis ort wbie ;<>Mlwaukee avenue, six minster, bore Frank ltb LlertvoflCicago, peut t keill "Il au.sdbu w th wmieatu.the lawer laden cagitet; oi teir departeri IhDdy wtb lbeqvilo fiens. ake n 'it iapoise IDRhyelad."brother tute .biaise and ioiiowed by a Bàsrry Niehlai of Auin, vlstedl over wtb its mOIT yefOvd 0i playe ra and rîta cortsige of orrowlng relatives and SundsaliiheH. A. bMos home. prett>' songstord dauces. At Liberty-- irieude proceSded tuothe emporary houes Mr. sud Mis. Havi-y putam and ville town ball. 0.1.2. 8l and 4 oi worsbip oi tbiir iaith la the Union fanuil>' were Cbleago visitors Monday.- lir. &ld Mis. Joseph Litwiler rtuned chUreb. Wavln agaig. Kei, thie c olonial this week front tihe vet whëre thiy Dr. Rlobert Poole>', Buperistenden.t ai rgmaker. Brainard Court, Lberty- have boon for- b. putI monnh. They Joliet District was la charge 01 the 'à. P-1-2 repart a pleasoat jauuiey and are vît-yoesrvics. Rov. J. B. MacOsilin anddlier. S S- . S UmssMargue.rite bpoor ai Lîvonia. iavarably trnprs1sldwith the western W.L.W ppe f<>brtvile oatted s e 5. Nev York, lu vistlnz Min. Ruth Wel$ country* Roy. P. B. McNamer, of Propheteto wu, herm On gaturday -ught of thie week Frank closaisoclats and &"%«,et ta demesi.d The. ebove four BS are the four corner atones upon AustinArthubr Cliest aofCcago,. L Povier, Damoistl'c candidate for lu revival work, iignecreountsd which aur boni, stands, snd thoy stand for epsadlsig &a vee-or tva wltb Kennitb flepissntéirevslaCoagres fron 1h1 rifinlusnces replets vlt enlogistie tes- SR N T, snd olbav aoted sticakers viii Uimony eit the sterling qualilies, fervent SR N T Mn. snd MUn. Pa"l0. FR.y.entertaiued addt-s &9' 6p« *Bu meeting on Mil- easngy sud brillant abilllly lat mai-ed SOLIDITY 4i m" Maye Joyce of Chicago over yaukee avin. __AMr. Devise paitarate In the Mthodist T BLT B.dy.'lt Hppenêe .Rliyieand" one of churcb. Re laid of peisonal tnowiedgi TeLT MUn. . A. Andrews viiîed fromr th@ muet enioyabu., iuteresting, piquant 01 m&gifient aceornPlthminte, the SECUBITY stuvdayta *Mod i ttbMU.lira naiad spie>' af musical cumedles. You building of parsonage.and splendid hbntaaseecoert osblMuiàr eictise at Atoch. sourely muet me Il, or youîî mi@@ au eduffeeof',.iip by Dtiriuig effort,.-<Ti bn htbi hsooneftnailOiun4 UeoPloeuc Evns an-t ti. yrl avn)y god tbing. At Libertyville unuanally oceeatfl revivals reeuliiin la aur accaunt. If -ou are,.flot doing business with us, whyi tii* oest es Evlayns Bar t (ta-iheL> aid ovu llOt ad4acknowiedgment o aifat-b of large net begin today? lieatreby a ygoo iab -igt ndtw a Ot . 2. 8r uyanothî i4potatnumbirs ai uubéiievere, of a devant, godlaa.Lest ee da a cothed impor.antChritias fortitudeampllfed vit-h trainedke C u y Nai n l B k Clar. BondIsa takîsg a nighl coureat Petit-son purchaisd of Joîhn Cater hie Intelligent use of (lad gîven gui. ewbich Lak o n y N t na B n - IeKent Sehool of Law in Chicago , tarin of 100 acres narth f t i ity made the mas and uinister a powr forLI.BET V LE IL maing thetrip every evening. Thei consideratlon wai n lf; er acre. gond. laeach aidaiB the nine chargesLI RT V LE IL M. and lire. Barry- Davis moird ~lt . Peterson tae poise@uei the tiret W bich the departed inuter Wai n niddPoft,$8O OO aselgned lie accompliibed orne spec Capital Surplus adU dvddPoie 8 000 weSt ltrn t-be Archer dat os Mlake aApril. edrn wr.B ma.a"uer"l aven ut the Dehaye bouse an Lincoin edrn ok ewsa"ule"i aivenue. J. W. Glray,ffild manager for the mtinal ways for is Martr. He cou- Resei-ved seats for "il Hlappenid ln Western Fat-m Landa Co., wacin town cilved and conciuered as evideDced b>' hbymeland' viliieh on mie et Dicker & 1Tuesdav and Weduesday wîîrklng op a epiendid bouse.ofi vrebîp, and Bond'. drag store on and alter Frid&Y delegation afi Ubstyn-il:e iih-iit-o ccam- enchanced chut-ch propert>', towerinig alght jonigbt)paiy them au thefin nexttland seekr.' msretu t bis memar>'. Vet tiret sight (toulabtexcursion lulthe Low-er Ri.,,c(Graid asudIgreater tban thec-th'e iîj-guîlt c Opecal vaudeville acta et thi Lyrie valle> of Txas. K ti lob'au rtîqu*-îe.- sud is-ranaiit-î: ats. ont la to es. thn u ay Theremaim of lire. J. 13. rîîîîkhite. a's@, dt-O boue lu the cOniereuce la Wbie-b pie. ai adm ait onm e . ù'u former eedent oi Rie-lm lier, w.-re buea ark-d. prives, of dmimion.sbipped from Lavelaud, Col,i hu n- 1, 1 .-v. J. '%. Wheaton, of Chicago, A FlornceEvan Bar. he ftroestarrlvltsg bers.Wedaesdm ft-re,>,,'. fee-iugly ep.keofhigiîut irmate soenciatlonL vomannvaudsville in "A Min-y Boncb Paul 0. Ray tootecharge l fthbe rernînîne with Mr. îlvei, of bis ronverelon lu oi Langhs." At thei Lînle lustre and bum-lai, bcbook plaie at Dlamond rneetigé ii b>' Mr. Wbeaton rnany urw Autuma Stocks are nmw being Maile 8111: Frlday nigit, Sept. 27. Lake emitery ioiiowing -hurt- services years ago at liainand Lake, of the George Bulkley aid Olta Boehm aitheb grave. diveioprnent, spiritual asd meutli flw thimpg ferothlie cooler *eathsr arrivilog dWlg. rturnsd Tsesday tu aidson ' Wl., Lhryqebiami 1ure hc growtb, until attrme ai hi@ deatb, John We will have for gour inspection moine venj Inter- viene tey vill resumne their eludies in P. Davici vai bunaideâld ose ai Ibe bu tact mai salve the mystere iofsaomn P. Davq thw« s Drees Goooneof:theery, the Universiy ai Wisconsin. &yil not the bt tinipit ortaor in hi@e stngt isinD ef 1i1,1 0 Your-liolin udanger Il you use an- u et- saiusietmhear o in the tii aiecosîeresc-e. ec other tlndoaiTracs Bider titan thasebteucostudunsen h ai Dr. Duios Id. Tornpkins, of Itogers FootweI1, Beddfing, e c »bo wn oDp pa 870 as No. j 83M & 7 In fewaeeks. lio'evet-. ai] wha iancy Park, in bi-okin voici and with tear Miontgomery Word & Co. catalogni. such tbingt- nsn ,'t _engagernents imdoe adgoigtauet Robcrt Bond and Chani Fo-bticb vit-b lb. quarlet 1, nîîîurieiating bsdimîn ted sê aid goviHitelut a We have just received a big lot of JalMsVille *relut-nidTueda>' ta the Nrthweitern yilh W. J.->Iundeu bis eprte ad aisaclate. HIe s ae a . Tb lae and icet l fbecoflon j Sebool af Pbarmaey at Chiago. wlîeri The. Libertyvîib-tî.. iill. înounces cnation. tbe bel valuation oi an I.,the>' viii comuplele t-hen work Ibis the opening ai the rail -. uian oii neri es intimate lu the arduoue wark bu ta- !Jou ever saw. If you're mailing ang conurorers v air o dancie vbich th-l, are îanduet-ing icaunte<lincidente ii. He îîrewv a vfvid don't rail to ses these batts. 5Are i-ou gong tu oee Il LaPoeued in everY BalurdaY eîiiuuiiii the Townu word pîcture of tue taivart, gucal- bvyneiaud? 0f courseyouarel Every. Rall, Libertyville 'lhe- dance ari bearted christian mnand îniieter gong body e goiug Twilbu a jolly gond canucteidlu a tireti-e- manuer and a lhe rvro the brilliaul, effective A il sizes froni.1 Oc up init!At [bertyv>rwnhll et ,gond lime is asilîr, I il vitaattend. are l hits virîciard. lie declared The regular monthi>'lu.enes meeting babaso part'. 0t ,înOrs Chicago rejoiciugt because of liis life m o nohiblys, ï~a-u~~s ~ '~ s- . ai t-he Ladies' Aid soc.ieti- ai the M E. orcbt-iitt-afuriîiu-il.-s music. Entte ived, oi exemple su warthy emuiatiou. W. W. UA KKtJIL & SO NS iq> chut-ch willi Lec hd ut the home aoftirs- at8:30 P- M-.1-t tenditions hy Mtre. Lenora Hughes, §% W. L. Whippie Tueda>' aternoos, , Last Frldayaitrîuîu iiîon0iiudar?, oloist dut-urit- Mr. avîe' paetuirate aI NORTH STORE PHONE 29 Oct. 1let.nine. ears aid, clt) icsr. Gertrud.- Piano aure 'Plains oif Peau' "and SUHSOEPOE3 Imeeting ai the Lakeside Cernetut-> Olendari, met-%tui a ver>' serious "Chritian@ Good Xigt" luuîg i auajti-SUHSOEP-OE3 Ai§eaiation t-t- iii b elid a the reeldeuce accdnt when L, uffered a @@ver@ iui vaice and liaîiing iliitenoit.v ai Nirm. Lulu tiattoüks Fiday afternoon, fracture aiflth- lostur I ii,, hreaking both iFAR Oct.4, t2:30oîl,[ck. Aluliattendauce bonii. Thu aecradit itàluîu1end directls lesdestred. in front ai the John i\ii rnlck residenice John P. Dunies wa8 batuinnuacY on Mochasulve iro %,- R,,îcd w hors W ilîîu 12, 1860i, and died Sep)teoltier 17, 1912. Monda>' ighl J. B. tire, .John usplayaug 1 --. with ltohbie He gradualed irorn Garrett ibliical MnCrmlck, Chacici Averiu nud (lia A. tlCiorrniCk. At t instau.înt te accident liititu-ie t Fcaiîelî)nin I1.-H. le Wrigbhtitlot- Coluiibus, tOhio, vhpe e ccort-id a wagon p;aseed b>' and the n'a. narried Nov. 17, 1INS7 ici leesie the>' wili attend the race meeting ai t-be baye stoutly 'decair,- icaif t-bu men anuiB Swan-, who with two lliot-hers, Grand Circuit. titivagon tiarca a ýtî' ne at thern whîch Wiliam Eii . 5and Benjamîîin arc t-ai tirs. J.B. Nilrie andaidaugltîr 5@trucktWilson uil( ii tl îîbreaklng balla iers, MNI. lr. Jat-n iaandîl its. 'hbi. Cae îi t alleîîaî t-ipMi lw .auke ues. It cte i. i,' iiltce ta îbii-k auiIci ly -survive h iii Two ihilIdrep, yeterda.v (Thnreduy i vîcre ire Morse mas vould lop c i w ac ta tht-av a ot-j trude and Vict-or amcî11; and 14 wll cîînsuit an eyl.- epeilietfo-t lî Iîtlouetas nill iuujia lrag long t-be îIllurntlhle laieni n 1.vit-i l uiîd lis îcg meut iof Mies Cuihleiiîe.ecyesî roadmidi, ait-hîîcgli euiiiîeiien are emali Intiier. Satuda3a mis b th rm enýOsffigit tadoînetfhtîtthig. Hon-ever, i)eccaaed pruachedilduring bis riuihitr.v Salt-dt- ral lv tlicfaili- f tte men aceusei eilaieally dun>' that in îine char-ges, licut at Cherî'ry %aile', Petit-dorf evor, ont- a warrant for tlie titîy threw un, thing rou, the wagon t-lin Alden and Big Fîut.'airkvrlll, arreet af Jack lobe, charging bina oit-b sud @tâte il tbe3ldt iuey would sureit < atertuan.Saudwil, Plan,. Rochelle. asai and latterr .The î'ageevas have etepped fini ail and paîd the Peoarandmi WlminrgtoIin. 1hî,,î wbo c-oernt- o u stieona> ctrobilan @suggecteîl BItiallwam lu Lakeelule celiicery. t who -ouiLit,ý iluntdoctat-'dnin to bie, at-ccdii, t,îiciices, V wler th mouldl b'tig mniUerlcoueWohear yu Skeusaharsou Bandand T hie hecaevahdopePeatdt-et be. ddeiicl hmelv.Icksihir tbec'.palbecit ianiluico-vif s {nd sela Bnd ico payin t-becaste The rree vas thetaget ot ai h ,, eneily As t i@e, la-t uldith.- lamtisaut ite. for their ]b.-dOrhsa a I eo aslonquart-cl. t im .aid. %awlyl bu dii eregarding the maàt, r tier. lcîbcrt's Ocetaand other farnous rntsi- utcrt i asainjea quet-iota.Dr. File>' ai Waukegeriî i i 1()IicIn i7ations which are the big attractions INSURAINCE phi-elcmue in tte aecte.f'lvii. rrara;ernienltmhave been îîaîcde vit-btb 'ý LIFE vas snmrnîîand slia ranctue.ail Il ic,. & I.L-lt-uic fat- euci.sîcar me--. grc,,t picasUre par-s and seasie rsr Th uinurd minnomoe erlpati ntiti.egettîng alintaim uicel> -t aci *lîfo r aeore csbulvuen Lîbet- Ticy are ju.-t as grcat attractions to you in thu einsured ansbut us poni its re clu t %:fle and Evanston thbe fit-ct perforiuhi iee <,(tir own homec, and with a Victor you can îiiai lcrie@eearrangtements ta Le gicn lCtrhe ane elb td bnd an orhs E Eh S Y î.r Episcopal Services ai t-be iigiit- aiSalut-day, Ilet-..tîr 12. lcrtesneclbae ad n rhs Suvcmat th- Epiecipai bch e elIi thîmncii-bt- thie sesatiosal love sta>', iras 'whenever and as often as you 'wish. AN 0 N da mflos>nday hop.vl' >lu lihaii a lenb'tino," ntoi ignoreinindor o eof these splendid Dtrt Md ev Rctt Fror t-lic leit the World, awil lii favorite selections for you. 0 94 C o io n y U f s la mu r a - zoc a , 1Fo r- r u e u , u e au r c o lu n in a . g iv e n h >' 1 e r il io t-i oa i L ieb lîr & C ii. O i t r îîi 1 0 V c o - i t r l s $ 5 t offui in ou Of(licesIndependent ads-reafi b>'26,00. Ne- Youk.-Nothiiig but the bet oai $0Vicntors arnget err0. ilsto-Vitls 15t hfgh cias productions Preeentud. $00 AdweUar getr tsu. Itegular b2.o(i loup attractions affermi aI $1.00 inlndlng car lare la and frontî UMEvaneton for Liburt-yville, Rioukeeller SFEsal at B.Lo _li o' .-dr1cloe..L B .ryv lE, I Iin1, t I M I

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