CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Sep 1912, p. 6

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bIte e fter', grief Le nt :30 o'clock tie i etgm». togother orWaraa. w VU bll. It tyfdai sillir la ,»0 frila theat ere hter-,lotm&The bodies tapai ta the. ome or SAVE MEN RECOYEIEI1 VICTIMS 0F S UNDAYS 085 TER FOUNO THURSDAY *ÇOICS TAKIEN MAON TACAWIR.- OU$ 8WATEOI* SUNDAY WERS ALL NESA THE SHORE. LIST 0F THE 0150. 9. C. MARDAN. J. A. PATTON. J. WALLACE. WILLIA M EL ANTROBUL W. L.. OIJTIWORIO. OFFICEA WALIEA 1. NEaut. J. L. LINOSEYi. FRED WINKIER. L 9. FoutD. W. wL. WOOD WARD. GEORGE W. 8^114. filven boysauilapprenticaes seffa at the U. 8. naval etatiot% Noth Ciii The seaaen for starting buildings ta ciaol Il, 1at thoir UVea Sunies. Sept. aisos:or oui contractora at tst 1ith, viion a cutier ivaMPai, aee - they have fwnwJos lhog » lu; its 10.4 of twentytuve mon Inte theisue lbstheLnauch".w isagn;surf an Lake Michigan off L» ta Ubusprnndgto nau. Bluff. ition of aid ons. This. aummerba The. bodies otthe ulutb, teuth sudi BanD>fine buldinguud ai r eloventh victimaetftht, hbrribto dis- doncea adddotaWaukogan. ad bInea aster, were takon trom thi eafchewot ie h ery vrg i eue waters of Lae Ursucblanrurs. asand teyal vrg dey. building. ThecopseofW.Woodward o o reay. Ilw î ae rom the. le» et it tu no geitln UrnIe for' the vistni *9h'clock Thurada>' morani. orbe byoi-rbfiulng, tiie pumbin; and heat- body was round fllaattng anoisaelaie lu; aPParatea. It. vilI Dot b.Iquost 100 yards troni ahore off Frt SiieM-lin'now bhoro tise acreens vili bave .tea iz bours liter the body' oUt. Plaid ho talon off gai tho atri wiaowo also of Sorento, Il.. vas rond doit. Ing on the waters in the aise neili- put up the parch firniture etov.d bobo.Two baiera after thebod fovîy oui the. over beis maie ready 1 - ~~ W. BRU&,1 I., vas pickei op b>' the. notor nut The tate rire aarahal bas set Oct.1 fram the naval training station onf Lake lForest. 9 asode as ire 'reventlon dey b in lt- The boies of thie eleven victime of nota and it shoulà b. vell observed ln the, dsster bave theen recoverei. the. Watikegan. An haur or go spent i tragedy must go dawn as hstory. lsetn h rmssn httm nTTntia Victirns. lsetn u rmssa tttm The, tenth vîctîi of Bunday, terri- may ave i-Otiho me inter on.1 hie draing catastrophe t tb. nival! Cantractor asaser±t tnt It bas been traingstation at Northi Chcaov., u tl In inetor asbe rocovereti Thursday atternoan vhan1 oeui.tI In hr asbc the, boiy of L. R. Field of Brento. 1Ill. 50 msch lbulding lu Waukoga durin. an appretice, vas roundi lating la a soaaonasa bis been thse case durin; tise laite Shout 200 yards off thi.shore the. paît aprîng and summer. Whîto et Fort Sheridans. Tii. body vas Plac- there, bave not beau so mnan>' mmiii eint the motorboat wllch had ho"0~ homesa a mi> bave been the case lu patrolîtu; tth. tale ait tus point and, vas then talon ta the nival sttion. other yoars, theru have heen several Tii. boy'o father bai arrlvod et the apartmeut bulingisud stores erect- naval station on Tburaday morning ed and upan makIng humeft maya ta Commindlant FMullam, viB accorieti lu addition ta this thore have beau the greteit ceurtey posible. Cap> 1 soi-rai cases viiore stores and hautesl ttaia Fsliam Insitai that Mr. FIeli ho have been remodelled. Tii. greter bts giest t the. station outil theprifi.ewr bsbe cmltd myster>' surrounding theoapparentpatftsvrk sbencmlai irovatu;of et uasn bail beon sli-Id. howover. althan;h there are 1severa1 Although thora vas nt the. lightent large jobs , ,blçb, ara nit yet doue. e"u h but tlsat the. younig min 1,82 Among these are thte new Central ire drvo lhtheotar. ispç station the . .1>. C. A. building, the. thrhpd aginît hope tust asee ihin bi;might'hleIi.intorvenod ýo aveladiution ta theo McAlster ichool and bis boy. ti eoeln of the, aId Daige At leat, axhautetifrtrmorry andi building. Talon as a viiole, it mat lac of île.ep, ho lay davu and saisI Ibc saldtta hr a q eabidn lo tto a troubled leep. He vas tîll boomontin thevsuite. abidn asaep vien the. body of hie renvas a lrn h umr CASE 0F ANTIOdI HKRI1WC1. UID »Y juUGE 9N qtt NE ur.a TAkiEN àg4ià.. 1 ý à Ite, whlch I ui M »S* W h#. wtheutlt ommuOt l*.pfig wth a :7 ;e.WAMM btu l M%."rr h p~hg~'I~t6M ea e1opAý < revolver uir t~ i onstn. t~-hl h g iai*#loP u~~t ~n h t i iy quagrei l vii 6r huabagd .oor e w 1 b", I,éi e a *00tv. ' the comng Iato . %te fthe "failW Igy tGra ,k it Itë oga 1ý _ It 'go 'rjicdMncplJieGm i'*wld~~ g>It iffl qYom.-ea ai mil pina tir. L~a 8nillfe~ 141 ~ lust one woëlitago. .peug. mpemétiw. ogii. ~ Izoon ith 0' 4f8awAM1the c. hargé- et ' wite ahmonLieat broutht bYberhaW .rto wh& be , ,j j ï e ý t ou the. court ofnoDetatie PEeladial,~l'trtt og l g.trd agait lber hiani. iRoberLt le Wegi~gl 4&*004 pbluph idit* p8p tarmerly put av aitluthe ieae lebieu .We~1 ~ oil a'aelA Ti. ASr! li becsalelia.&ia . t.e very hast lot à%a tortosi Ha forget bhie reïslta t M=er of Autioch. bi. ome vaSrUâ .4e it<* aj ioiymlbigta ati1O »mraila» the soparate malff.oe wmvret thé floatialble ~aV siait raenily btauglt by un.ra.Btellite ebc~eo 5 tIl Crui cut.The O1it ifl* ~i A.4; i ait hadàhh "ffly or thé.Wauh«et qgt>4 a i. utItte»PW Y rgr in ieth PaJ w e «&"à it hi ver 18lt - li haMid b* haq" Teteutlmour tgbt eût the tacte B >IlTOI~ IB ia ootnteablé 1 iao U. I Auktiotth. i IneeJhème'te A r tys, that lire Satellite "i taie 10a oo iietken IlMaai aaea i ber huabaix&>o moxoy; tt ae* wm*5 , eA,.-P. *lt'l9lspf j»th*«-upo.lbie 5ev wfouit! a* alopt wth a retolver caistatiy un ç li nayniglitSePt. 14. llart. Oectaaimany there vwau osf der br pllIowand tbst ahe bad maèie *ruAibd S*be one of.the, rttl«est tfb ttta ltter trois the pou lfttle cbnwL-cOme!~ kxchia ffctwn MFirat Bipti-t ehutSthe ChuIdren vota hprlga hia1ü" for ~~po M -tetiy" eti~t tîise arriagg rerbàây o e~t staloi; on tise nseggar allowafte No Riht to Robab shnd. The boqàe was leautfuily déerêted sent homne hy Toâuk wlcî but lbe.mdi- "I don't blini. our hmaUand %for ine it tosemet tet t hé flirried ]Ite 4.4 that ah. wbutd gisto wvan hersit. "Aweavi~yu basommoert d t s t*e l g oe~uple could 'unt bave -- iý order that ho miglt gave, e "A vmanbasno oi-erlat t stai trd ontt uier more suspicions cir- suoney and bring lteau ta Waukeffn tram lier buaban tha athe han ta us*»a.*sooner. Bbc pi-lmitai hm tisavlns stoul tram anyoue eel. 1 i tlnaithe WwQiî'e .enmgratullstlocsa ofscores bits monoy sandreM4is lna ltiaiýt acse chrg."of fdmdî -,theyoung peoaplo atatedand baiis. Ile cilirO -versagiouAi ont otiai. 5neymoon, ienomdit cf- oaatins the moment viie thay mslbt ADJUDICATION NOTICE terwudS te go te Nazarethi, Pa.. viieo b. algpednhLis arma. Publie Notice la liereby ien uhat Mr. NaglTe le ftted up- a rozY lIttie Oten, It fita iviief Tonkowlcs the Subacriber Rieutor otheiiÉap.t home for. bb bride. reoeved tii... lettera hie a5ulty wau jWil an Testament of Joaeoh Peter- ~e~u.o h itioiB o otduo i seeBibsam kort. ieceat'oi -wil» attendtheo Countythmarmna esatd*obske ndigra Court of Lake County, at a term'thero- vontx- Ie.tJat for a tw isys metil were-labout lher as' thet road tisa lot- of to lho hoden at tise Court liouns. lu kp.aloý!ied on the. horizon. At tore togetisrarnud thon laughei aoerj Waukegan. ln aid County. en the fini îlUt I-.t ~* fhougbt tht it w» s 9Rte eeniairisi;ternis. %Monday of Novomber next. 1912, vhees lng sRio .-iselt on %onday s physielan This West on for nme tins. and and viere ail prions bovin; clainis vas cille& lu anti the IlIme,, as diag- thon tise patient Ilttle vif. ao0niany agalnst said eutate are notfo4 snd nogal a- lIai ever mi f h. asivice thouaindi mles avîy begagute grow requested to, resant the sane to Raid va. g*o tisait th. young woma &axuions andi Wonder wiiy the. mena? court for adjludication. should ha lvought to the licAllster for the Passage ef hersefait oui ldtren LOUIS H. LICHTFELP, hsptl nWaukegan wb*re ah. dtd not arrive. One day ahe wuvias.BI Executor.hsléa n Waukga, Illinuois, Soptember ratu onuIli f tt he bbt iposible Émr. lllusioneti. >1912. wkiiyat On -holiday,- ligit. ozactly oee eal Au aid acqualutanco vroto a lettar ____________atter ber winîg coeronr. aise o berln whlch it vazs gîted boytir- A-roudera bocome houe<onra e a laceti là th«. Imel institution. taitistul the. huaband bai boou for ', a mîatter et conse-for the Ot TIN- many aonthand ubo va adiad. ta ~~ nT~~~~îj~~~~~~~ I ndepeydi*4 .4-regd DY .O. crabea.onspsih. tbey I L"XN thaingeabout raei estat.Lake'sB iellpPtD N. witIi the. lttie mono>'*liehai been > .1 Rve~ 40&NT BUY A OncuaPiAce &I * ~;24t-ce r ~1 tmpwe. oor uvame tm i s oam ~6I.gmu st4 , Aa«,eps.t IT WIL ?AY YOU TO FIGURE WITH HmeLumeer.,CO.. -. v HOME9 No matter how cheerless the'home mag seem, how Ionelg the heurs mag pass, hbow cold aod drearg the winter dayjs and, nights may be, itcan ail be turiied into the mnost pleasant place, and time of-the 'Year' bq vislting the Merédith green-houses and selectio'g one l those beautiful Palets or feras# toether' ýwith- two or three Plum oses or Asprengeri and a MaidenaI1afriFerut theg a-re ail of a beautifuil Spri gGreenfl Two ,or three Vincas or lvg Vines creepitnç oveme4hewiI"""" adds to che falftess. ThosteLarge, Ilandsome Chrqsaonthemums of a1tshades willI soon smile upout us, watch theet, who wil be the rrst to get them ? -Juit ke aviewofIour heautiful-fielqis-o! Rse -3ý000; and.,thegslook at 20,000 Caoto~ta will give u or wiater flowers. We have a surp4,,id--store for, ou, gou i*iII fond for the most critical bugere Design work -of al linds to order, both for sociâl aMd other p#rposesa, J.-MerEDI iPresiexi t e.. Greenhouses o- Flrst Steet, nAr h I wS.Dnu 801 ALI<JST AT lnS E» SEASON lIAS BIEN VEAY SUC. ÇRS&FUL AND MANY BUILD- INGS HAVE BONI UP. s

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