CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Sep 1912, p. 9

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ku :RU1/~I TH TE -ONE WHO' AIWERT e.ÀAKE COIJNTY INJ)EPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XX.-NO. 51. PuT TWO. LI8ERTYVILLE,ý IL" ,FPIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1912. POUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVA] MiAn9nEI tIERE TIJESýDA&Y MOIG Tneaday night at 8:30 e'clock et the1 Prat faptist cburcii parsensse - cured the.marrie ofetMies Aima .1. port te Robet T. Jenklnsvn, bothi WauisaiiYoung peeple. The cereimeny was performed by Rat. (ler goa liinia. The.couple vfe ettended b, Arthsur Llppet, brother etftth. brid, as bet muat sd by Min AMde Jamlmenon, aiter et the bldagroem as bride'. mald. Mr. and Mma.JeumLo ane tu relde on Butrck street. Mr. Jenklnsosl la en- ploed as s linaman by the Public service cempany. Mthth~ e O MtteaP nt SOME 0F TiHE OBJECTONS TO THUEt taveramie the éti tio por lne ,tse 50E IMPRCIVEMENT &AV petitiemers. ne action vas tek..b, IG Tt AE tii. board Wdneday, beaassathae___________ coernttée atsiad egiatai t e fl written repob. THt eot ilaTEIR RUONS MRE CITE@ giraRtd. belore the noéeme.tlg. ope.klg tu behaifote o bjaers.t joen D. Pp..e attornay. sai4 lln part CITY OFFICIALS ARE SINCERE IN1 Firsi: Thie bosrd hauneolegal THEUR EFFORTS AND WILL rigbt ta grant the jrayer etftiie peu- PROCEED WITH CASE. tiomers. lnmmchaU the petition dons _________ Dot beasthe required nembar et sig-1 natures. The. ptition se it nov stands That the city et Waukegan ie tek.1 ia mea signature sberL ln&msa bis chance ot having thse viile4 Scond:Te. tae fet c"tybidge lmprevment kneekmd eut by10 vil b. matftially increed by tha Saioo ot tbe. ae township. 5IU5i1115 te .suprema cur Tbuwd: if tus prayer la granted, 1 aSainat tie décision et JudgO milay date sy that -Rtokefeller. ZMon Cit vise hld tiiat the. ebjectoes argu- a~a-,MY Oth t twasbii ill di ie, mentste paylng their propertiomate gaiar Piou. obus o e i.cot'ot the.lnprovamnt, la eii*ttal. claire C. Rdvards. t armey tor tise ptitioners. sald lnaver.veili taken, la the. opinion et one part: loca.l prerty ovnor vhe fiJgd an eh. Plrat: iThe laes il n e t oarda.- Jaction.* a&. W.e dmitit mthe expeof anC' - If amn net very much ulaek..r aidtiemal a.seser, clletef and ah.c mld "thie Supreme court in making tffir Clark ml b. added, but It 5111 , ruling on the. casa viliisustain thie AO< ceet any moe.te spread the 'e .decof etJudge Smiliyaynd At the aments th"n It bamin Paut YOaM. ~. Urntie viligo on record Use d- g.ocad: This board hD5an ta51claing that the. osimnco utida sigbt te grat thse prayerofet i.pé- viicb the. city purpoeas toecoastruet tUtiosiee. Te.Pettiena sSE 't U me oconcret. viaduet la Illégal. Ilt tus stands arrie. ove more Dmrns doeeIt viN kneck out the olt$ia lrquirei by lem. uImproveinont. Tiird: Otiior similar pétition@ viii To masha a ruling on tho ornance mt b. recetysi. Te tha reiiired May b ging a step ttiiher thin réel- unube t votera fer a pétition et the,1y veuld b necessary, but the. eu- mauraeutt fRockeeler an" one preme court venld b handing dewa a V4*1u net bave enougii l00Ù vote"a rufts tant woud b. taen a. a pré- bIt te muiI4dDe towship- 'bUcadent ln ther cases and tisai' de MM couditima Pvislla RD ityCl. cuba vili ha given rgrls tli Attornes Clark & Pbpe ateda pacifil conditions that éxist ln We thMetht@sepOtitiSwvasshort on. aia, kegan.- Md tbat they coti prova heir amr Anotiier ehjeeor te the Improea #jpi by aiin areld4mal ts ftise ment deciarod tiiat h. bal lookea in- eemmuit vbe vouid tetitY t t ,te c awvevry thoroughly and bm twmsty-nlaa moni bad requoeted tuâtabc i httéCt lcaa tisir neme. b. lthdrava frein tue kisMO a i ta tii. cit ca atie estitiom. Mftuenty-nl» mm ndcl,. ain maak y ala b quma tiili' ambate b vit cran ce et appeallng te the Supreata fromatise pet-abc o c tueryr et ii.court. Ho maya tuey are rtsklng thé entire $74,000 improvement te gIave «D t enesculd netv teesetila possibe $2,000 Worth ot objectons.1 gmnab er filu mt e ti.eetiiH. points eut liat if thecity iiud re pumba et mgmatuea. tue obJoctors tuat a test eaue It l geaoiel,.bli.vad that thi eudnt bava beesi made and thse board pregar viii aeccpt tbo report City vould nt stand the. chancaet of tisa cemmsittea and vote atecreete baing tue Improvement knocke eout the nov te*ushtp. Superiier Jas W. ~ulegal by tue Supreme court'.. Waèliet maie a motien On the thor bsnd, City eOmoi"iade te tua le fl t Wednesd*Y. but SuPer. car. tint tuey are sIncere lt 1.11ev 'dmise gn jiamiaad 1bis feet aid tu that the , dinance in velu gmil mevai tbat tua boari adeuraunual thatue Supree court vii, roie@Iln 0 4QEPENSIONS. IV by*CATIIOLICS Waublngtos, D. C., Sept. 27.-Ram- ua le1gWkatlon, IUMW lud01480Pen- iom ndnumpkqoy enlsurance. grbm toIpendont c et tand absiy SImle. shnrJuugoMich- yeal W.Groq dt4lîam te ~sec- Judge Oltea sai, ted, tiaiM Wcent lai lnsùtri lpaaneif prorly tMsi *offl do amcite preoea etirm m im dina e t uhupen oe ~e - nid If ts lm luoue iso s 1 opinon tuat even aheuld thse court dW cide la laver r ettise ebJecoftetat nothimg mdlib. aaid about tua Uiegalty et tue erdinance. Mayor Bidbw* tbas declaead tuat ln case -tue ebJ«Amiw are r4llaveor etpaying thit preper-, tiengtae, hareo f tueasesessment,. thIit the. tve theusand dolars viii ho tak- en ont et péblic benefit. edvmi W. Ram, MUnvanke...28 DO TOU KNOW WIIY NiAS is SOPOOR? CATHOLIC-WOM EN TO IHOLD BAZAAR't -- Atheugi tus loal irinted ln thc UIRE'STHEiRtASON Sun-lait ovons gte thé effect that PROCESS AT NIEW OAS WORKS 18 NOT VIT WORINO PENFECT- LY WITH OTHER. TWOCASESOIVE WEAKER GSS NEVER HAVE -f ERE BIEN 80 MANY COMPLAINTS AS ARE NOW REPORTED. Every ceesuimer et gaz in the. City '~ ~~~m W«d,-*t::e. eoi vhsy the. gasla me 90cr, thse particular char- acteristlceofthtei product being that Iti Iseerna short of hoat and unsteaxiy for MOfiN 0f TOWN. SlI-LAiE VILLA COMMITTER APITOT X ^&tint IETITION FILE VRBIAL WUTTEN REPORT REQUIRED LAWVERs iRepRSEmNiNq PET#- TIONER ANDOOciteloiRS AKE frIERV SP#"eCis Wedaesday, Ot. lad. at 10 A . 'a twMi Meeting of the 4. E Board et Supervers wfll b. beld et Waukegan et vbieb time oacii floU- ber vliiivote entthe propsition etftthe creatien et a nov township te b. knovn as "Lako Villa Township" INCREASE»SIN C SEPTERMRNINTII eTt/DENTS . ENROLL UN PUBLIC SCMOOLS--OECREASE AT HIGH SCHOOL. 1854 IN PUBLIC- SCHOOLS MI0 ENROLLES AT WAUKEGAN TOWNSHIP HIGN SCIIOOL SEPTEMBER lStii. ScheeU Attendiano., Sept. 25. McAlstr fichool ............... 420 Centrai Ocheol ................3$2 South Schoel.................8us West cbcol ..................287 North Schcol ..................70 Total .......................114 Attendance Ouenlng Day, Sept. 9. licAlister Scbcol ............... 418 Contrai Bebeol ................9M Seuth scol ..................53 West Seheol................... 266 North achooi .................60 Total ....................... 1790 [Township hlgh acheol. sept. 9 .... .70 I en hihgh acheol, Sept 85. ..320 lic bazaar beinga bandoni-d, camé trem a maie niesber Of the churcb, Il séems that ho eured ln is conclusion. Mrs. T. H. DuInto, Who lé chairman ef the. cemmitteo today stated to the Sun that tiie ba»,ar le t beh held la the. armory Oct. 22-26 and that Inter- est Io as kaonaua ever, tu tact, she saya: "W. a.eplannine t. maleIlb the. bignait and Most succ-tfill affairI et the kind vo bhave ever promoted." POLICEMÂNSEEN 1N où ~y WITlI ANOTIER WOMAN BLANCHE DOLAN LONGFELLOW BRINOS SUIT FOR A DIVORCE FROM MIER HUSBAND. MARRIED SIX MONTHS HUSBANO A MAN 0F VICIOUS VUL- GAR HABITS SAYS WIFE IN DIVORCE BILL. Namliag Gertrude La (Guay as a par- ty te tue 1bill, Blanche Longtellov,l ne. Blanche Dlen. lias breught suit fer a divorce troma her husband, John Lcsigeiiev, a Waukegau City police- man. Mm.»Longellow cdaims thât bar busband ta a man et vclous and yul- gar habita and le addicted te the use et obcan, and profané language. BSheedmatuat on thé 22nd et May lait ho vas seen ln thé Company et Gertrude ILa Guay. Who Gertrude La Guay la or vbere she résides, ne ene lu Waukegan aéems to Itnov. Mi',. Longfellow s atorney, Géorge Ie deoes net know viere this vo. man lives. On tue third day of last March Mr. anidhMms.Longfellow von. married le Waukegan. Six veeks atten thé marriage tbey separted. At that timé Mr. Longfel- low vas a hartendér for Saloon Kéep- er Tim Kelly. HIe reslgned thii pooi- tion thon and accep)ted a position as a "ceppor", on thé Wnukegan policé dé- partment. Thé young couple lvéd sas man and vite after Longfellow rosigu- oui hiz position as a batesider. lire. Longtellow bas miale hon home la Waakegan for thé past tan yéars. Mer tather snd mother live on Hick- ery street. ?'Ors. longt6iiOV la em- ployai as a ho<kkeeper et tue Ramn- hier automobile plant at Kaneeha. In ber bill for a divercae he' saka Utisat de be périnittesi ta reetimé ber maidon name of Mbance Dlen. The divorce bil viii ho hoard by .ludge Charles Whitney. during the, Octobér term of thé circuit court. MIAN WAS TWISTED AN» WRENCIED IN ST. CAR ACCIENT HENRY MULLEN AO At4AGES UN THE SUM 0F *10.00 FROM RECEl VER JOH4NSON Henry Mullén, Lau, W'resb, has breught suit agaiust Reciver W. O. Johneon. C. & M. E. rallroad fer dam- ages ln thé sum et $10,000 ton Injur- ies autained on -Auguet . viiei a gtreet car, crash.d inte hia rig on Marlon etreet, WaukOsm. Mulien cdaims héoy.. égreti, twist- ed sud vrenchod" viion the street car struck hie rit, sud that b. vas bruis- ad. hurt and voulided about the hemd and shoulders. Hiasinlal ceinnin and nervetia eystem he clainia, voie groat- ly inJured. leuim1sutse idl H. Kbeon, sane ........... n Athough thé attondanoe. at vsBedlaCnit court ihank Metibaitis, Waukesmm ...» iflery Iiultaribe. mmre...........I Prpd Lther, Waukasha ........... 4 Kitieger. sae .......... 2 ParesJ. Hogeoy, Fort Shseridan ... U Waukegan Tovilshp lp buscheol bas decroased since the epenint day of Lscbool. the attendance otftthe public -fchools hau iaterially lncroaued. ,On Bout. RbStii tai anneunc6d tii4t 1870 atudentg liaitenrolled at th iiiish sebel. This merning Principal LCOWMMMe on Pege TWOJ lldvard L. Upten of Waukegan, vho practice av lu Chicago, has Biled suit asainat B«elys Waukosan Brov- ing Comipany for $2,00. This eum la du.' ui, ha daims, for tUme spent and services rendered tue Company nieorvai as oeinsolfor thi ern.m pm »r a iu of 700MpU ARRIES Y0UNQ =l MAN WHO0 TRIED TO SUVE DIUSBAND MRS. oGom- 14OLLkDND MO WI DICKENSON MARRIED AT KEN- OSIlA TWO WEEKS AGO NE WAS THE FARI HAND DIOKENSON WORKED FARM NEXT TO GEO. HOLLAND'S WHEN THE LATTER WAS KMILED Wn Diciienson, the, young farmer vho va. the laut persen te speak te George Rolland betoe he met hils tragtc deatb at his tarm north et Wau- kegan a year age. bas clatmed the young vtdev as hua vite. Win Dlckenson and NIrs. Oierge Rolland ver, married at Kenosha, Wis., neariy tve véeks ago. The nevs et théeinarriage vas flot made public until a tev days age. Diclenson vaw vorklug as a turesh- ing machine belper when hle friand met his death. George Relland vwu caugiit ln a boit on a threshlng ma- chine. The Injuriea hé suatalned re- sulted ln hie dentb. Mr@. Dlckenson has relatives livingl ln Waukegan. With thé aid ot her husband sie intends. It la saad. te tarm the. land vhlch vas présonted te hon tiret husband by his tathen. Thé yeung couple enjeyed a short honéymoon trip nrti. but havé re- turned te their land west etfZDon Cty. Tii. Roland tarm,ase It is knuev e sro-cognizod as oe eoetthé meet valuabie pieces ot tarmn land in Laee county. It conssts et 160 acres. Whén Holiands clothing vas caught ln thé boit et the threfshlng machiné, DicbenBon threv off the, per In an attempt te avé hils trlnda lité. SUPER VISORS TAE Special Master M aIo fCMa ln Waùkegan Today Seils'ChIcai»' 4 and Milwaukee Elect.c. to J&P Newman Whio Acted IF rBj Çio$ue'rs -Commlttee. Cmpnyi be Reorganlzed and OperatedA Company and Not SokLto-TruiÏ Railroad. Attornhy Jacob Newman of Chicago, Johni PL Thompsoin, big acting for the bondholdera ot the Chk .C B. -Morrison. spasia cage & Milwaukee Electrle rallroad, Jacob Newman, Attorney bsdi purchaeed I&H the.proparty ef the rail- ara' conmitte. read cempany ut the master ln chan- M. C. locUeave, bendiieldesa@&u cr sae.hrd et the. Lakte County niitt. court hauts et il o'clock Wed., psy. Hugb McCuleugh. attorey be I> ing $1s,6M00 furi' t. IMe waa the. nly linlaistuatees. bldder. Hia bld on what la known as U. Roeathal, attorney for Wba"m the us faitIne, between Waulcegan and sin truste«. Evansten via the laIte shoe, wa. 81,- Itceiver W. 0. Iohnaonsttli 00,000 and $50AO00 for the watt lino, ter the sale that the. proporty, west et Lake Bluff, runnlng to the. ha hsld b ythe bendhideri 4 state lina. Mr. Newman explalned that ourgnizing a nev cempmry. At SoJ ho waa bldding for Marey 1E. Smlth oe.ating the preporty. and Norman J. Ford ef Chloage, who TheflnWsoonaindIviiin a're memnberu eoftthe bendhidioldeor,oli t tobho5014 at S q'olo.i& ganisation c0mmltt«. Mr. Newman floof at the. Racine ceurt ioS had dapeeited wlth speclimater lnIn idications ver. that XMrN chancery, Charles B. Merrison, two would b. thi.e iiy bidder for t8at certlfled checks for 100,000 and s$80, tien Of the sys1tern.Ha Wti.q 000 reepativoly. Thèse. checks wer. persen te deposit tbi e a ty4 crntWfed te by tiie Continental and tlfled check vith lMaster Moai.I Commerci National Bankt, Chicago. check fur that sale being fbr $N The saif, sttrsrted but tii, tinan- Folk>wiig t iheala her ei.o~ clers froni Chicago, among theni b. loftfor' Racine, ln a spaclai*MW Ing: the eiectric lin. R. Ployd Cllncb. reorganIzation cern- The sale ef th.e eut portion«et ' SUED FOR DIVORCE'ROQSEVELTT FOR SECOND T11ME SPUAK INW-Au ON SAME CHIARGES, ANDNOTRI MRS. MARY JAHNKE BEEKS Dl- Vfl'I'~.ORCE PROM HUBSANO, A STRAWVOE TEBDY 1 -""LLKNOWN CONTRACTOR WON IN A WALKI ATTORNEY HOMES 000061 .'O BELIEF I BU16L M004E,, MAY BE SENT HERL1 ! ýDRUNKENNESS IS CHARGEIWILL SURELY NHIl OU* TWENTY.NINE NAMES ARE WITH- DRAWN FROM LAKE VILLA EIGHT VEARS AGO MR3. JAHNKE IF HE DON'T $PEAK AT- WAUKk PETITION TODAY. . STARTEb BUT DROPPED A GAN HE WILL BE AT RAVIN. SIMILAR ACTION l A PARK SOON CHITTENDEN WILL REPORT SUPERVIBOR CHITTENDEN P4AKES R EPORT ON TUBERCULAR COLONY MATTER. Waukegan, fil., Sept. 24. Thé Lake Counéy Beard ot Super- visors tuis atterneen took a traw voté en their choies for preidont sud thé result vas as felevas: Roosevelt .......................i1l Taft ....................... ..... 5 Wilson..........................4 Chairman Clarke stated that hé bas a father-ln-law wvie alvays likeB to e bé ith the vinning aidé, but ays that th, situation thi tue bas caus- éd hlm te ho semeviiet perpiézéd su that hé cees net yot knov vuici vay te voté. Hé saad h. inténdéd te take boe a record ofthte vote se that hils vife's tathér might knov boy te voté. Tvonty nine namnes havé heen viti. dravu fre. thé Lakte Villa PétItion sud this matter la unden discussion by thé supervisers. It ls deubttul if any décIsIon viilbé reached teday. As te Ce. Tubarcular Cclony. Ciairman Chittenden tuis atternoon gave lhie repent te tth. board on the. matter ef thé county building sud ep- erating a tuborcular coleny at the county tarma for pon patients. Hie committee teund tisat fer $4.00 ai August ahnbe, wealthy masen cen- Rooevelt mayaopeaisln Waniegi tracter sud evuer ot sfevéral pieces Chicago Bull Mooe.rsa bavui et lmpreved real estate iu Waukegan planning on having the bis Bll vas madle defendant lu a divorce bill or apeak et Ravinia ParIk, but flld by bis vit,. Mary Jabuke. lm day evenins, .Attornoy HoUM. . Wsukegan Tuésday atterecon. contérred vitu thom n l Idag Auguit Jahuke, hus vIte asserts, il a is ameat pem'uadad theu an habituai drunicard sud le net a Rooséveit te Waukasn M ." proper pénson te have thé custody lot aia.H hm oD [bis tbree childrén. Mrs. Jabukoasekos may ce.hieme that shé hé given thé cuetedy et the chidr. e. .-.IIARRANGEFQOT. are weIl kuowu résidenta et Wauke- gau., Onéet théir beys vas adjudged In- sane by a jury le thé Lake County court a tew véeks ago and vas ce.- mlttéd te thé Insane asylum at igua.i A fév yéars ago a similar suit vau Biled ln thé circuit court but a racofr ciliation vas effected and the CMa vas dropped. Thé latter case vas fIled by At4S- neya Orvisansd Edvards for Mil. Jabnke on Nov. 21, 1904. Mn. Zan- b. namcd similar charges ln bar suit fer sepenste maintenance. 8h. stipu- lated that hon hiusband vas vontb $10,000 ait that time mand that ho vas veli ahl. te provide ber vîti alimouy. Sh. aime pray.d an Injunctien ré- etralng him frous dlsposing ef any et hie preperty. IThe inuneon wvarntéd but lhe ?m I BAL StEIL The Wankagsl ig s cboel eetiil tonni bai .rmmged a partial acheduue 01 tue gamea that viii bu pleyed 1t1ia yeac. Tii. a qUastiOU mark tolloving havé net bei-n clinch- ai. but thoe e ith o. k. atter thaar aftnred. The sciiedule howover, l Usbjat te the décision ofet tiétulty - Mmd tue football manager. The echedulé follews: Sept. 2s. !.lllaue e t MLIiv cet. 5. Keniosha at Wauke8 5I, Oct 2 S. Jine e efai Ocet. 19. Racine t W Oct. 26. DertIcid 'OW4 (o k.). -Nov. 2-Keoehâ ut Nov . DOP kegan. lIghting. It develepa that the. rensen for tuis unusual ameunt ot trouble Io due te the tact that the nov plant on the date north of the City han tatoly bau put into une and tbM thinge are net werklng juat as they should, In etiier words. the new gar made et the nev plant and piped te the big generators oserthe, hanbor. tant up te standard. therefere the hat units are short and the. supply la unsteady. Ferma s Miea Flilng. It develepe that the gus as It han bean purnped iately bas a sert of sedimoent iooklng like mica which - cumulatea in gis jets and in many casas ha. clegged pipes entirely se that ne Ught ta ebtainable. Ti m"casubstance ores ,front the. no ga wbick la bains mlied vith that made et the main plant hère. Trouble Mon Buzy. The. trouible men et the go& ce.- pany havo noyer hast sucb a busY àpoli as tiiey have bad lataiy since this trouble came on. Tiiey arc cali. ed aOL1ofor the City, thé complaintoi boing et ahortage et béat and irregu-, larty et pressure et lighte. It vas thdugb t hat viien the nev plant started verking a botter gag vouid be delivered and likely It wîli attar thinge. aro runnlng peretlY. One thlng la quite certain. Tiie gas bas novor benuun poor as It la just at thse p-rnant, but now that it la tound te ba due tote new procenSa hlch la net ybt pertected. vhy consumera viilb, a litlle more lenient until tbe Cempany getas traightened, away. IATTENDANLE DAS rt". it ,1- 1 si ,-. e 1 -4 -i

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