An, Impressive Display oj-the A ccepted New Modes Saturday andthe Enlie FoflowîigWeek V ow ini couplete medimsast. welcome you t b great Storeeto Viev tii. exteàsive displays of apparel, accessm- ies 'aafabdu sfor aIm t chanisetbat bias beeà selected Item botli foseig* and dom.estic markets. We'e. psodoe of ont uliowingtkis season than ever, for k tt es as.mot car"n1 md exhUstive Stady of styles; fat gteateeasem "aeof, mchiandlmethau bau evet bees show& Lbae befote and an oftg of qoalty to -tii hig4it tStandard of excellence. FThe styles shown at this openilng may bc relied upon as au- thentic and practicai,. for they were discretely chosen from "asion sources of recognized authority and with -a- vlew to th&i practical adaptability to the ideas of our patrons. The store and our best service are at your disposai;- we have endeavored to mnake the surrounidings as invlting, pleasant, and sug- gestive of fali as possible, and to provide for your comfort and en«- tertairiment. Concerning the Expansion of Departments The Globe in the past fem, months bas mnade rapid strides forward. It bas com- pleted extensive interior alterations; rearranged and enlarged numerous departments, whiçh Mgs ?nabled us to give the publie bett er service and to carry a larger and more varibà kecetion in each line. The principal changes on the main floor are those in the piece goods, woiuen 's fur- fishing and shoe departments. The remnoval of our furniture department to a separate store, has provided room for.the expansion of our women 's and ehildren 's ready-to-wear sections. Our second floor is now oecupied almost exclusively by w'oinen 's apparel, and a new and thoroughly up-to-date children 's department. This latter department is one in whichi we take a special pride and interest; ini tact, it is just such a department as mothers wiIl highly appreciate. It is equipped with new fixtures and stocked with a large selcetion of the nobbiest styles in girl's, boy's and infant's apparel. Suits, Coats and Dresses You 'Il find the styles at this Opening to be al of the practical sort-garments that have been caret ullv designed according t»> the latest die- tàtes of fashion and masterfulIy tailorcd. Extra special values in suits are offered f rom $10 toi $.35.OO. Rare values wvill be found in dresses at $5.00 to $35.00, while the coats marked from $.5.00 to $40.00 are remarkable values. îNew Autumn Miilinery 1 Our- showing of fail milliiiery embraces as charxning a selection of hats as you will find any where. Our designers have given the most care- fui study to the style prefereuces of Paris and New Yoýrk and duplicated the fashions with a cunning iiigenuiity-modifying the more ex- treme styles to suit the taste of our patrons. 1Models for every type of face; prices to suitaill purses. NEW DRESS GOODS. Our dress goods section is replete with ail the neNwest weaves for fail and affords a splendid variety froili which to make a selection. Accessories The various articles acces- sory ta your fa)) outljt forin a promment feature of tis) Openin d ffaplay. Included ore gloves, cors ets, neck- weer, lioaieM , c. Faiffootwear You muet b. ouro to a»eeLi Dow styles that we ame ahowind i footwe&r, foi mon, women anid children. Agents for the "Rod Crase" aho. for women and the. "Douglas" Sho. for mon. Waukegan's But andB11W# tUtre 31 ..- r. Y"' 'I L- . 1 z à, l I Iti ['ni N 'J I.. 'i