CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Oct 1912, p. 16

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WAU KFGAN aI V = - W - -- - - VEEKILY SUN UiL~ LJiJii VO. LNO. 52., PART TIIREE. > iIBERTYVILLE, ILL. TBR411.FU AE $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANC!L i . -quo& up q Dlsorderly Scenes."Enstic Whcn Wllbur Glenn Voliva Makis Diiunclatlon; "You Are Not a Chrlstlan-iick te lion City" Wlly Don't You Preach the Gospel. Wilbur Glenn Voliva'a declsrmtiogi tendu chnrcb and liaI les than tnsi tiat h. Blood for the. truosam.d bis sd one-haif per cent of the. young bitter denunciation of ths Socialîstzu mensti ever entred the door et i. lalUB a ddremw hfor. 1,500 or more church. 5erossaithtei Auditorium Mînnesno- J "Woomn Koop Cherches Opn." lie . .. s.. .of.* AlaAt - - --- JUOQE ANDERSON Pmwding over Dynarmite [ rish Acres eclare to1 Bc Ver>' Near Dath. WWO WAS USED [9 QUELL ACTIVITI ORMIDABLF BIODER? dSURGENTS IN C. & M. E. ALLECE THAT STEAM ROLLER WA$ USE D TO BUPPRESS SIDS. Charges of a coneplracy and use of team roluer to suppss bide in the Me of the Chicago & Milwaukee :ectric raiiroad's properties made by iurgent bondiiolders ln opposlng tii onflfmation of the maie were aug- jented yesterday by the Illing of oh- eItions in the frnieral court witli md- Jonai allegations. Attorney oeu W. Moses, repreîa .ting- _hi mot;e, U Mnrs.-M-N ath 1Ilda W. 4oses, liolder of bonds amounlIng to 2,000. in a paper Ouled at noOn Yem- erday deolares tliat $800.000 -as ed by tiie reorgaiizatiafl comumittee othe elctric road to queli the. acti- ity of its mostférmidable blAdd, the lînaukee, Upu, Heat and Traction .mpany. Tiie filisg of *the objections leotthe ,glnnlng of a narin fgiit promied )objectlng boudiioldere tu the COn- Irnation of the sale of the Illinois -operties made In Fbruary and the, ecent sale of the Wisconisin proper- ls at Racine.1 wiU Mes, Arguments Tqmorfow. Arguments wIllb, beard on the, oh- clions by .Iudge lAndîs Wednesdsy morulng. Tiie paiper deelares that the, Mil- waukee I ight, Heat and Tractios rmpauy purcbased bonds qf the. Chi- cgo & Milwaukee Electric amountlng t. $1,200,000. It further asserts that 'ben the. reorganIzation commîtteeff f the defunet railroad larned tIt t. Milwaukee compauy obtatned the. onde lis attorney, Jacobi Newman, at once devised a way ta reCover the, bonds. Eventually. It la declared. * ~'"10 Sav reu o tuegret ~matrriqlly. h. statAs that hp bas toMd nbieh, for a Uime tbrestened tabbreak ber of ministars wno have gio imny teamsters te report eucrh1 delsys up the. meeting. Tii. prophet,0f ZiMen m iniry taeiecome 1lit s ur-an [te the police and eha aspasecd lit up aM successor te John Alexander Don. agents. Thay areiuttlng because là* - te the Vpause ter aest the <rews ai-- le. hâd spent nearly u, boer .xl>ouzid- masse do sot go te cburch, a"i!1hedoiitli net ln bie d.-partmeut, bg tii. priniples am54 NSSUB et not biama the. poor popie. Tiie mie- Ilierefore ha canmlOt torre thie offIcefre ZUoism attacking ths e mis- taas are etarvingt tem te deatii. The. ta arreet the ofendere. ic nlsistB,ý$ floiersnd delving tutu aflonà curcb peuple are dylng t boear the. oh tint. honever tbat a stop siiould ce put tea problema. rbelle @lauaciied lote thelgosplîa lu oi tntfashion. Whai a the. blocking of crossinge anid 1 eleveul sbject of pollueW. gr«t change tuer, nould hb.ln 1hl5 - -fil thi e at Ofla few cr,esIle i Ne0 sooner iiad Mr. Votvadmamid O.mary if theii isters Weald 'eut y ns brng a change.Ii kiW boifiln the ,trusts" tecause 1.0..'and preach aid ime gospel and Twu .J!4KJJ IMthw."ei i it tii.y requireda b irainy lot Of mee 1 a it p on> a5 Sliipifnsacie as câeTU K C N RO"Agent ates'RidrDetý' rsu thaenad flt 5 a Sfofsil sOt- û uperior digsiary looklng dons upon m eyer. furthr. "ban repent cdly tld! en howee ryngta get Oui t O n a àlot aoflitile Persoa. If a man bs W AR POB ILII!; tosecronst tbey muet fotet by standing around the. treet eos'n ers iLfI of oratory nowadays ho cas tetiione hcisgsbutey ra1 uei's~ siirrlng up esUife and halai." th-a g~ et a position as postr of omlein ~ tnlo ahmcirs us l doses or more persoan theii audience eburch regardilesof nhthr ha han . ALL M R MIE up te the. police." arase te their feet. Tii. speaker wus a Divine callng and preacii bis p.qpe lit tiierefore lookis as if t le uP ta blandas harangued f ront ai B rigbt tata bhall. _________ Commisioner Atterbery to iback Up c tices of the audience, but contil! 'd "f ,t ba netbee for the romen. Conflct wlth bulgaria and Sor- tii. str.t eai Inee t impr orta sI WuS addresi nule remarla of: "Tou tlee hurches nould bave bean lochaentr.itieddmetIprat a cre a fie (hfstian" "*Wby dos't ye up long go. Tii. day of the ciurcii via Soems Onavldabe. Witii refèrence to lie plane on Mai- SE prcach the Gospel,-"l'Yeu lq," sud ie, uflu adgoen ser d e treet Whicii protrîide se iighIn&lu inhlar *pthesu wd i h*«nth ide bson te sudgoaf orevh« ~tiet they caumsebtemps for teamstens, coi Prpwt s Ne Olturisi. com. Ci Aluigly li st lten iii ancMout mu TRO intiiialmost Ihrow them from their me Prpht eNe DeWbd. ce. cbel li.s t ha suntas 1111are114 ARE MUILIINS RO S sset, Mr. Diemya explained that jec Amild atouts of "Go al hta Zlon." rua e naayo. A horrible exemple of ho___libebd tales up tuJe ver) matter wlth dit 'We dou'l rant yeere." "WhY dOR't pfflsctconditions rwu fQrsisiei ye- the yard foremAàsnome dat c bac sa" ioutûl t~ trlli" 1r.Volva aya e.tlyisyanBusûrseuircl ~ eCOttmanCOuvsunmc.t Ma* Colisi Out as aLcchange hald beau made in that pos eni mea rUt bad te the audience and' I ,fgivea avaudeville. eformuce.a 110 sevat utCiU iln afi hti odh ted wbB $ie renaark, "I love Yeon ail." tSli card prty and otii.i sncb sus te -Ail This on lOY cof Trouble ed ta very son.$f hie ceaes. A fer minutes laies th kîesp itaecf up." wltl I taly. . Tr.#lng To Umpruve tM. te qusitoteim ron hallbeeun-rîtd, 1r. Voive appeared on the. tage a gn St w epand htteus' an Mr. Voilas dsmimiei bis audItOra the, Auditorium nithhbils relinue of cAgent Matteren no taing ed hahepof villa the regular hediction. singera et 2:411 i. nM. He rork a uk Lonion, Oct. 1.-War between Bol- thepmny ae fe n tyitonadbMap-vit Tic speaker Maie attempts te reply Md writ. robe. He explmlned that the. aria sud Servis ou the osae a sde.ohga0fti 'yo adMd an i te th@ raerIa of his auditors, but trip wra belng maie ta educata the Turkey on lie olier ceente unavoida- l'on street crossings by larlng a col ras gives ne chaue., Mr. Voliva bas "eoe aZiosntsuad sprsad ti.he i., according in dîspatches recelvei the car scales on Dugan street sear a plessg elivcry sud ras f r9esOf cas.for niilci John Alexandier Don- bem. front Sofia snd.front Attele. Catbsi olg a ot fti spesci. H. rasscalhiug In fle r e- le hal norltai. Ha briefly dasciuhai Proclamalionus have been ls1uEýd by latter «tret on track four. Tlhe b mm*u galun ttilngs ho doas net liii. Zion City asd uhoe xuected ta veil both the. Buigarisu and Sert-ian gev- Presesce of tiie cales la shat bas i s*i did st mince nords ln telliug bis eleven of the larger cties lu the. Vnit e5uinnts calllug for geseral mobili- cased 'o nuch locklug of Cisyton p audinceniit b hhugh of ue is-~ Sal, haore etunln tire.Hsaion of their armies. Tunkey la cou- J treet, ho deciar-v. and nitb 1he isici nho lacsi a Divine callini. toi Ms auditors u, expected ta re- centraligal viabafrs, 100.000usch. lkn hie opitin epm t Monen ustii, vcinity of Adninpetr uii i pno Il came ber* e ttIl ta you about aIL u tetaMinneapolisacson and rouldan logteBgri fnd. soltion of problens thal are pes'plci- probably rmanfor tro neehe.. su slng iii. Bulmafntir. j isg te the minis of ail Individuls," Thosu nho bai atiuered t tie Au- Reports front Sofia Indicate iet Own Wagon 1< liiiFormer, amli Mr. Voiva. ditartuis axpecliug la boar tie speak- crOnds iu the treets bave grownute Bloomneon. I111, oct. 1. -FllinI ' '?ormo.t amnt hese prablema. r ainhiebsOpposition ta tih. tabacco tiousauds, il demanding wan ai ouca. ander a loaded wagon nean bis home. 1 place the. condition of the, churcbea. habit poodie doges ad ailier thinEs be ruile Tunkieb troops ordered front Henry' Wurzburecc, a farnier of we Reaider. or Our ially pubulallasti lls wredlsappointed. The Thrace Imb Albania have heet> or- Strav u asalrnoet instautiy killed. en lseon nei lianee la a rail tit tue peaer refrainad front discussing an>' dered back ln, hem estations. so tb5tthe niiesîs of the awagon passing ov*r eu masse. do nol attend the churchet. of tiieme subJacla and devoted ic ad- se reinforcentents have been cent te hie Dock. tù Ose tstisticlmu Bayse hat leus than 5 dresis largaly ta preaciismZOWBsM SlolulCa. thé Dardanelles or SntYrua w pie cent of New Tor's Population et- sud expiallng its ntaning. for use Sgainet the Italiens. preceedu Agalnat Hushand'a Estilte o Rare in London tie Bakan situa- rlgis, Ill.., OCt t. Margaret Par- th tion. regarded as decidedly Berli sons Tod. aler twp.nty-hlve years of Oni>' lhe Iteness of thé, seaso n at trasgement. la attcmlPtlng te colect b' TEMOSEthe, efforts of lhe powrsi to keep lthe s bill for tiie rare uf ber gons son ni LO KI4 F RCOLONEL 1 IN flfliq)@LI pecsce prevcut Immediate nar. ,An- fsom Uic estais ofthl, e lt obert IN llviy prevalled et the Russlan embas- Tod& $ JAMES SIITiI 0f Roosevelt Replies to Governer5 iplomte:n Conference.Ceut Prices nAtooie ClIIA6O isfiEfiFR ? Wlso an Preidet Tft. plted arrangtementstneemca snumber "en an sd proprictors of garages are c ffl io; S HEHERetofintrestcd ditlomat.e. iný luding the qnguei ln a price ctttisg wri. Os, Tells Crowds ln Chattanooga and Italisu and Tunti8h ambaseadors and dealer btu already retlred front huai-w Knoxvile What Progressives WUI lhe Servian crharge daffaire.-otîli- seW s. SON 0Fr FOR ME R RESIDENT bo for Working Men. ie. bave heen stopped on the, Isand G CA.L.S ON FRUENDS IMER£ TO cf Samoe., wherccthe.réelis ar. eeoo. Rliy Week ln Decatur achooli. tl 6C #F TNEY CAN AID. Knoxvile, Tens., Oct. I.-wete n g freedont rou Turk"y and annexa- Decatur, III., Oct. 1.-Tii, neel of Tesnssesgae CioeiWesVtentienfltao rcece.Ct. 7 ta12 ui<Ii hoobserved lu liei rennecomprabeClel Rootseveclt clocal schiocle as james Wiiitcoxnb I1SAPPEAED A WEK AGO icer.d lt a 5iyfet thenestern CONFESSIONAT LNCI "Riere. ___________As Immense croni heard biaislu Kenosha (WIs.) Sheriff Geta Negro teo îa lUl,, ocd.l lui mouig FaulSmtiu a Cattanooga, and ie::d im my lit WUaAdmit Crime. e ra , Ttsiuasakî caunty, ni., ras mm wno formerly lved li nousce Tamntany tu the Nen Uqrit Renoha. Wis., Oct. 1.-A mock vrebale i sdmoe sdclni telcpboed Waulegan frienda askisg Danuerotin guhrsatarial coutestandsii ycing, slaged by SbenS fAdrer W,. bav, sas lie russties mate GoM1116r Stal o l 0 eoacount-, ras pradun- Ilium If they uli e affu&ythîns Of Marshall, a represastative of the Tag-tirs of a ,onfesiou near her, fronta,10114011 Ustas, Noted Catholle, Qults. ~bis faiber. JantegSmPih, no. halgsrt machin, ot<Insien&a. é sbegro. eccuscil of grand larcesy. The . .Gale.burg, IEl., Oct. 1.-JOmplu Coi- staii. ai iaap.u.d ron ui, ~ Tue colosel amusci the mnib mas confeseed lbe a'leged rmte after ta, C. C. D. D., ince 1877 lun.habrge staflhâddioppued r-ho-a hgt lhe aaiinl regard ta Prsqideft the nope b.d bt-en put anoîud bis neek eftue Roman Cathahin parimh Kt nc* ago amno- ebai net bees seas Taft. -'mr. Taft ays tic. 'Pàgr@ andieras about ln be. pulled off lia Glesburg, bas announei bis resig- cr beard.front ince. ive platfOsiS je S crm"7gUll I. 1faut by the mock "lynchera." amtion. Father George Deuhladay, ne aMi ie usamily nus mmci nor- aUisrr la tuai tue faultzsetOf uu- F Tii@ "nob" ras orgcnized by iuerf- gea of Corpus Chriati schOi holurs, riie&M aiafcl tai soottin se~r- et indutrialsysiant aie &S t.M n tIff Stabl n s recllticmariser. Tic bas besncppointedId@is u«e-aoay m-aubapoci~.~qult. Ad our ltestiole la te Up lnegir'> eesoverporered and appre% BlabOp BaissaO!fPeOrla and ti .OMir out-bs hfl Wdte 31M hem oui pioce by Pt-ne. j.: 7-rAsabout to be tranglai rbbeeet CharLTtY Of ltaly. FTll.Cou" Mfr. SitisthoU f-l'8y onnecled Botu la Chatanoga sud 1C54p!i10etrotte dom and cawfesoed. Wnl!celebrata bis nih hble agey Bre'ugg omuy'and f4tue.ame thousas o f facin" - ______ ou c. 1La Ue us = o% t -. .p y-sdhruud clte 11 lUdb'FsU rmCr ris -Wlaeu i mleghe ne lienrand *legiito rs drardiville, Ill.. Ont. .-Benjeiau X1<11e R.eS n 14-Mle Çkaae ~m1 kuni nu VYÊ ie undProgrUessi o tui*s~f eei, eventyllve ysars c*M inaivlO I. g ..Lsu *ýe né parionlarly disuss1e& d# in tee bIso 51i5 0ai- Ml luwa dftn vt tnly iu *i45 P 1 W fr M a stC mp eltgtrur au car..4 hW Ia ,1 " Abbtt ebtaulp da bug- tic 1et, al rup .u.p egie u oct. r . uirono 00110 at skri, rt to& ý Wle 11t0h-lntis,11 fUT . bet k Ior" . &,.s#ie éabelCrel huýOt 1 <lbhcof sff,#& 1MARb th A-ut 1 Wî15ami hlaabat~~a" <le - ,î-, "STEL IfflvLAY DOWN TOOLS; AC- CEPT JOBS WITIIC.l,, B. '& Q. RAILROA9' Extra Gang irlEmploy of Chicago & Northwest-, ern Railroad Quit Work at Sun Down Mon. day-Were Gîven an Advance of 25c a day ln pay-Ail Left Clty Tuesday. Eigbty men, &Il forsigners, employ- positions last uight were flot alles ed hy the Chicago & Northwesefrflte 849P in tiie work Cams MORda rallroad in, lay the new steel at Wau- *lo~t. Tiey ,oiled up ln thoir hlaâ- iegas, quit work at suudown Mond.,70 ulong the. railroai traclusma" and accepted positions wtii ii the ,peacefulli throughout Uic0086 ago liurlington & Quincy rallroad.-' The, men were given an advsnce of, New steel bas beenjlid ln WaskS- Ica' !gai tht. yesr. The. steel of the north 25 cents a day in wages. 'and south bound tractas- l8 ait s»W 1The Chicago & Northwesterli Rail- stel The Comipany bas ftleý, la b>. 'road Co. pald these nmen $176 a day.tentiaraitswts uèc The. Burlington road bas contracted ta we h aloa inwt r» Stone, snd the. roadbed in sow4Ms. pyte $2.00> a day. ter condition thau l it s elM b ,kU Temnwiio quit work let nlght'many yesrs. went to Chicago this marning. Tiiey At brut l ras reported that 601 Mn, wnl b hi pped out by the Burlington tio, bande at the. yards iiad.-a «-et road tonigiit. on aestrike for a ris, ln rages. . Fror-tii. pressethtei work of iaylng'timekeeper employed 1>7 tii. ralir the. ner steel tracke lu Waukegan'cosnpsny, dente&s tue report, ud b and victinty bas stopped. Extra luensatates that the. men dit sot ual W-8 willi be sent, to Waukegas froni Mit. raas ln rages. wauke, and Chicago on Wedneday. j They huor better th=s teaache -W. can't bure men In Chicago, no sud ose of their numbcrto, a Boua ru- w. are forced to steai men from the. porter.* tallier railroads." a represenlatlve of; ight..n mes r.tusd .>te, etp âtii railroad, le said 10 have told a sec- 1 itions With'tii. Burlission rom&iris tion iiand. they wnu bch ld ber. psunug iM m Sonte of the men wno resigtied their'rival of mort men. ATTACKS LEAGUE UMPIRI Ne. Preildont of PhIUsdslphlm Club As- cueoNesNw Yrk. - 1 New Yoork, Oct. 1.-Aroused by the charges moade by Horace Pogel, pilsil. dent of the, Pbiladeljbla club, that tb. Giants "won at lesai twenty-oae gantes becaume of unfair umâpiruag." tMs Bnos, tiie board of directors of the. Nationaileague nil talesaction. Thoms J. Lynzch, prealdent of the. leffle, says that b. intends to pi.- pAré charges against Fogel aud nu oubuit tbem to, the directors at once. CONDUCTORS VOTE TO STRIKE Georgls Raiiroed Employs Ommnd Company H-ire Discshrged Mon. Augusta. Ga.. Oct. i. - Tiires bus- dred conductone asd trainssen of the. Georgia railroad bave voted to strike io support their demande cd tiie cm- puny, niiich include the, reinstatement iof J. T. Pascbal, a couductor wno ras disciiarged for aliegei violation of the, sixteen hour iaw. A mirike order mnay be Iesued et once If a settlement le sot reachd. , Gardener Drowns ln Cîsire. Newport R. I., Oct.1- Hamr Baker, iiead gardener on J. R. Barton Wl llng s tate, ras accldentally I ,,drowned lu a cimIera. IHUNTERS FIMDS BOYVOF MAN c Bank Book ln PocUrta ndicattes Tisat Nsmset of coased la J. C. Fox. a Wlsthrop Harbor, tOt.1-i rel iresaei body of a mn u rs ua mmosm the, sand iluislnslaiae u qW r ler, b>' huslere. A bani book Rl the Fluet Nctional bank of Aurore Kan., bearlng tb. name of J. r. Fox sud %ualier front a bauk lu Bureau inction. Bureau cuunhy. lllooli,wres tousd In lbe cçil. Tiie man mas fit-e aud a hait feet tell and res about fift>' yeurs ohd. Noi nJWuris rere found upos th. boiy.t STOPS SUNDAY FUIGHI Mayor Moeds Proteut of WoodatceUe. lU1, Clergymen. Wcodotock, Ill., Oct. 1.-Clergy- mes of Woodstack Protasted agaism au aviator's exhiitisg on Bunday &t. the local fair grounds nltii tha rosait 5 iaI Mayor Donua&uPreet-ed thite P. c. Davis of Cicero, nho bai becu a ugaged taO ly, arrangai tu go Up ou gnother day Intesi. Msxlcan troops arrua out. Klsd n Auto AcoUdontI Austin, Tex.. Oct. .-Governor Col- Cninnati, O., Pepi. 3.-0n4 Mus qultbas wlhdrars permission foyras u i i n@tgtntly, one probuli7 W Mxicas fedcnal troops la ntarch froin tally7Injulnei aud tu-o 011.5*MW Manatioli, Tex.. 10 aoher point os 17 hurt ries an automobile tun nwlii iii. border aven Teýxas s0I.L 119an. thiey-rere nldlug tursei oser aet u souneed lie dues flt cure ta lake the le, O. James Casldwell, a glorist, vos FiJI.tue men killei. luteD COL ai USUAL OCTOBaR ADVANCETO go* PASSED Up-,.4OAL lab RNsê UNS $8 A TON. 1$9. A ToN ATI-- SHORTAGE 0F CARS ANDop0FCOAl, BL.AMBO DY THE FUEL MEN OF WAUKEGAN. Ten dollar bard coal tIb wi ltoe ras'tua prediction of om. couleica- ir today. - t Even local dealers nho amre 'n Oe snsii." say mtuI l.>'have fod tt Imipossible ta gai esougli 0e t supp>' thair deuxads. Tuer, nu ha Sa noecase 1t ý. ;< pric. October Orsi. bard cci W brlng $8.00 a tes. Agenst !the. atracite miM.a Chicago ha tve turli.d dows Ordur cool. Thembest ulu.y offenlusa pou-, ise that thcy migbi be able te a" ia car or tna lu tue acxt tises veau, Tii, sudics change ln the iceape- ture caugil mauy Waukefflite i ouI fuel. Wtueu ticy twest te IU diealers tu orner bard cool they hui .. tbattiey couid »M but lfli. X»#7 peupie rere contpelled tu borSw à shuttlce ofcosl front a ucel hbS -111'ý bail been tuioughtui eueouglu te prpuR s winter'. supply. Non, nitu tc00"li bine almoSi empi>' as ulu<ue «0< -le tomera the. mont test oeealn nias. front a dealcr la a tm ouit%0 Piiortage of cumasudi iS00 eibortuge, of bard coul a% heli* Uita the. cause of th ue @adty oeè t4 1" coalj Tii. deuasil ba. ý - great that Il hmlUs. r~ cith1ý u-~ ply. Dealera «Mteiay fiai*0 pnice w» boliuii te m go M M liatIt Ilouli prehshly reeci $10 a tas e,bm. ilh.stprie, mince the Civil War, bch"oe ecold reetier. SI.umrIips nitu oal ar expcctei lI .Wbuuomgvcnyday. But tmo bouts -bate browuit coal ta one dock tuis summ, sud tibIs.upply la ear- 17 exiAuited. This nontpeny expects ho recaiveelg bouta befone tue lake tra»c cuis Mo Ibe season. The Aveagse. -'Whici of thue» s la isrfugt" . dasit hon. Wse i ve clocha t saut to hson the ti Vu- tégeiber sud dl.h Ue thm nWreset c mi :1 57.115~ SI B ~ ~ 5T-EU isTS DI3cLRES LICE C#EWS Ol TRAINS rOMMISSIONER DIETMEYER UN1- SISTS Mg MASM7IiRO TO HAVE CROUINS KEZPT CLEAR. CREWS ARE INDIFFERENT SAVO T S UP TO THE POLICE DE- PARTWENT 0 MAltE EXAM- pLES 0P TOAINM EN. Commlssionm Dletmeyer es one citY officiai Who, viies he heare Complains lodged ia asxlou to have fiatters.ex- plained if possible. Wltii regardti t te contention in the. Sun Oaturday t4ai the Northwesterfl blocku the Madison and Ciaytofl street crossingu and delays tpamoters 1 ---% 9 1 11 Ligbt, Heat and Traction campasiy u abonus ta refrain fram bidîink rien be properties wre placed ou sale. Tiie objetors charge a consplraty vas begun os Jas. 26, 1912. by the, r.- orgaulzatlou committee, iieaded b>' George M. Reynolds, head of the. Cou- miental and Commercial National Bankt, ta keep ail bidders out sud ta Invoke tb.e team rouler procesa ln r. purcbasiug the properlies. The Illiniois properties, rore soli for a cofideration of $1,600,000 ln September, 1912. teAÂttorney Jacob Niewman for Hars'y E. Smnith and Non- nan 1. Ford. Paintiug te an ahlegei conspiracy In regard ta tb, sale At- torney ',tases 0575: "Neitiier Smith sar Ford bai as>' ltnaucial interest lu said bide, but wremerel>' usei as dummies in th. makiug thereof mnid In tue Inleresl of eald reargau.izatlau contntttee." Th", price ppsu for the proparties lu Illinois le declarei ta ha grossly ln- adequate and diaproportlonata ta the reai value@. Thle patltionar assenas thaI theIllinois property cent $8,-500,- 000, nuie lthe proceeis of the, sale oui>' emountai to $1.600,000. E 'Y le K* b- 1

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