CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Oct 1912, p. 9

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LAKE UO UNTY êRCHANT Who IZp IND)EPENDENT, WAUKE-GAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XX.-NO. 52.R W. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL, OCTOBER 4,1912. EIGHT PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ÂDVÀN9e, NAMESCIIOOLSiN MEMORY 0F MARTYREDPRESIDENTS; WEST SCIIOOLTO BE KNO W? AS "COLUMNBUS" SCIIOOI Board of Educatlon Makes Drastlc Changes 1 School Management-CltY Seeks to Collect Water'Tax From Board-Advocates the Salary for High School Teachers. Attacked hy a madd.ened monkey,j r aImont. if. O! an .animal train- vbo vas te havi premsted an 1121 9O@C Q~ OQ QC animal circus aithebBarlsonthé, lat- ter part of laut ve but vho vas prevented q4from doing go by ii.iug * North, Schooi, isme changées 10 "Garfield School" in memory of etriciion blind vitisout a momnet'a 0 Martyred Présidenit James A. Garfild. varnlng. waas verely btten. sud vas 0 4e aaved oniy vhen thre stage bands,. D South School, rme changed 10 "McKinley Si-hoel", in memory armed vlth club. rushed forward and * Mrtyred Président William McKinley. ciubbed tiie bea't into submisslon. 0 Tihe Incident occurred ou tiie stage of * West fichool, rame chsnged te "Columbs School,."in mcmory of the, Barrlaon theatre eu Souday after- Q Christopher Columbus, Discoverer of America. 11o«. 1o Reallng that ber husband va. ntO Central Schoel, name oi.nged to "Washington School," in memory ahi.e1teake car. of th, score or more of0 George Washington, "Father of Our Country." monlk.Ys and oher animais, vho mi O bzU DOtbing te est for twenty-4or' New School, crner of Hemholtz and McAister avenues te be bOurs, Mni. Lainant d.clded in feed i known as the "Lincoln Schooi" n memor' tif Abrahiam tb.m b.raeif.0 Lincoln, a martyred Président. On monkey Iu question, the. langagit0 and mont gavage of alb.m lwaysý be anmhostile lobher Uat iiutj 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 000Q0Q0Q hr buabaad couid feed It. Therefore Chiange School Nam**. piai-ed claim that they did net r -h« . e .gel n.ady In feed it ah. No longer viii the. public schols of sider tuls matter from a partis opelsd tiie doir oniy a f.v nebmcild Waukegau bc designated sas the stsndpoint Wmn. HobeJi. a democr Btt 1 tosiiove tii. food hUle. 1NorthSouth, Centrai and West Wenders vby tie committee dldi Wt&-^ shriek o! angg t iithekey achools. At 'the resiiiar montstly name on. building after a democra @Promg tovard tia door, hurllg l meeting o! the board of .ducation preeldeut. opus by thé. force. Ofthe Impact Tii heid Tu.aday nigbt tii.'Public acisool Secit à Water Toit. naz Pl e hab bd sprong UPOn Mr@.tbuildings o! Waukegan wovesnauied Tii. clîy solens, by Elmer V. Lamn l sd b.d uni lte ubarp teçtb lu bonor of four mrtyred presidelts vis, commislouer ofepublic prope lCI ber Mide. Seral limestihe animai of the. Unted States. Tise West bas Ilied a vater ta, bil l wtb bit ber. sehool viilbe kuovu lu the. future gchool board for approximat Meor cra drev the. attention of tise as the. Coimbus acisool. lu memlory $42100 for vater. Tii. estimated silag, bande viso rusbed forvard vitb oftheb discoverer of Amerlos. reade as foliove: club.slcb ehtboy used ta gond effect Tii, committe. lunviiose auds thi Ou tbe enonkeYllibend. Beaten davis renaming of the public achools v11a.o (Co5tinlild on Page Tbree) Mad aubdned b. finaiiy vas driven bcintob isicag sud the doqnr boit- clan udfil va. found that iier vh<iol. VINII PI CTURES BODY IDENTIFIED lid.tvwu svollen and b.d rued blndposo ms et lu, Mrs. motCORRUPI401LSÎF BY A BROTHER; WÀ WttIOn fiunda ght for Obicago monft probabiyali ouP a»u - PUPILS OF SËCiIOOLS 1MISSINi 35 YEAI ise, r. msSsit the asdterrst- !litah i may b saod tisatbr SESAME CLUB TO GIVE MOVING BODY FOUND AT WINTHF iinaband la stiilu a very serloua con- PICTURE SHOW IN THE PUIS- HARBOR IDENTIFIEO AS TMA dition tu a Chiscago boptai and may LIC SCMOOLS. O F JAMES C. FOX. nover regala the. use or hie iyeu. il ________ vi1i b. recalied liaI he wvas trlck«t Ofi tisIn tag o! lte Esrlou A SHOW EVERY WEEK LATE 0F CALIFORI aterno aon sd b.d ta b. romovled t0 is h btel. He <01 a litle bitter but BOARDO0F EDUCATION SANCTION~ BROTHER HAD NOT SEEN D haî! a rlapse and va. taken toa PLAN-SHOWS IN ALL THE MAN IN OVER THIRTV-FIVI Chiscago 1bos1pitai. Hi blndges ais OHO ULIG-VER-UILTDV laid tbhave beau the. rault or a se- O __ BUIDINS.__________ TOAY vrs ttusk O! pneumonia of vblch he l .111 IIAre tue moirais o! the pupls of the The, body o! the man found In _______________ grade achools corrupted la a certain sand bis aiong thse rallrofld Irai] exteut by motion piturc ime lu 5 Withrop Harbor Sunday mornini ct theaters of Waukegan? been identified as that o! Jame NO IA E O sY Certan members o! the Sesale Frox, lat, o! Riverside, Cal, ELECTION THURSDAY club say tiiey believe the morale o! The, body va. IdentHfied hy the pupls have been corrupted sud Fox o! Chi-ago at tire. ai-loi-k as a resuit tiiey have applied for per-'nesday afternoou, The foiiowlug members o! lie sopis- mission te stage entertainuielts oui-e 'Its nlgi- onto tirty-five Mors cam,. Waukegau ftovnship îîgh- a veek lu the lecture halls o! the sînce I looketi on Iiiat face," 801bool have been uomluated for office, public schol Islaac- Fox. The tears ver. trie IlN.eélecton yull be held Thtrsdlay. At Lbe meeting o! thesiho board dowu h15 face wien he made4 Tiios. nomnated vere: Preaident, held Tuesd5.y nlght Lie ladies secureti statement. Walter Mc8bain and Dorotiiy Car- tise sanction o! the, board membrs te l'art; vice prsident, Harod Pailot hôid the entertaifimente in the. public 'Jim wouhd net stay ai home. Mud John n'ub.i; secretary, Dorotiy scIsOolse raIg run h cut Leagnard sud iarriet Connoly; trea.- At Lie meeting o! the echool board the past 35 years, The ast t]i nier, KeUeLtb Allen and Robert O'F'ar- heid Tuesday night the. ladies secur.dbertfo hlh.vsuRv rail; sargeant at arme, Sam Shuitis the us. o i.lecture ront lu theCa.Te lnodulbtwi sud Lawrence Le9wis, hiîgu scicol. dead man ls my brother ' I ci If rof Knelk decdestha itby the generai shape o! the if Po!, Cuoek dcide Lia itsaid he. vouhd prove a better plan te iohd the lecture., entertaluments etc.,. lu tii.The body wiii not bc taken tE CELEBRATE 20T H gymua.ium. Lie board o! elucatiou Rlverside for uil Arag il alprmît th ladies ta ohd en, 10 have the. body buried lu Zlct ANNIVERSARY HERE Lrtluets lu Lie a.smbhy room ii.emade man vas brou l -at tue si-hool. Teda a a onI Ladies o! tise Maccabées of the."Tise pupile spend tao mucis ime lu Jonction, 111. It le over byen World Tueay ceiebrated thse tysuti- the ickie shows," sall4 one member o! years si-e h. ha. vited lu clii nniverary of the fouuding o! the. the Seasie club te a SUD reporter. aide. order. In msisy o! the Maccabee hlves Tii. ladies propose te purcitae a _________ la the. county tome sort o! observance movlug piture machine sud tiey viii vau A large nunbir from. Wau- exhbbt pictures vui ha" e ben r,- Tii, Es wiii iioid a buelusf kigan vltnessed the. monter parade yleved by s board O! censor shtp. social meeting tonlgybIn lu h ltgOhoago. Tiser. er. more than Tis e.bçve yl lie taged In the. rooms ou Sheridan road. Tire àW aUtomobiias laU ln, &Umil 1y deco.public auhoola ou Baurday aftornoon candidates viii bu lnltila rUt§& Msd eveaings of ascii veik. friiimeists viii b. served. ENRAEiED MEMBI3R 0f SIMIAN FAIIILY BITES WORAN IIERE lnth itk t es C.F Isaac Wed- years Z sald I ckling m He'sr ry fort ýima If rersîde. hat the au tel face," back tLo aments n Cty Bureau River- as anid Dir club ae new siit re- tacin, o ilalperace tsema- Saithlis time. At one lime It vas reported hhat ieo lu 1863 he va. ei.cted an bin, va. travelling about sixty The attorneys for fie olîjecossui a ot-hnresu iIl.jair uLêre uu 84ve nue a hor aimt that the petition did not hear feired h ouId die before Lrîed. This jehectd mqor. lie vow nok"e ________________ fhe requireti number o! signatures. rep a:oùa.'utru, Danfarth le enjoy-1 1884. He served as a e*eit -ALLS FROM HIGH hadnid signiera o! the iuetittiOn iug tnee hast o! eah sund seems ans.- Whoumisanvse FAL RMIHhdfldrequests e ave c heir names loua te have is triai euded tuis 1rsse a uî n 'LATFO M; INJJRED wthdrawn from the petilion, the oh- moiti. Crutcutoesux u. ber o! the commission vMhI' jectrs'attrnes caim Th Ciruitcout oeni net Tes-out lhe city's plan o!fsevMIrs ____The court room was 1uacked viti day vien the grand jury viii holid presideut o! tue scisool beeou 'j Bilas Brlghamn, foreman ai Lb. reeidents o! Lak-eXVilla aben tue mat- first session,.ithob succeeded in isaplu for American Steel & Wlre Co. plant, fii 1er vas brougit or ffor discuîssion. Il tt' tonyDd nanItr c lbidns rom staine edusdaymornng as generaliy predict eutthat the ttsAtonyDd na itr ibulbidns Liem ae luto a ll enedal Aithogiprayer vould b- granted. but even the view with a ESun reporter isat nigit atîorneya forpend tb. ltieghpetîtioners expert- endtatonysucb cases as ha ve a-M S .E vobne er. iraken, Mn, Brlgiamatonyfrth ready been revieved by t-b, pressM .J.E S51 boues d is bai-k, sud i illiiobe ev-c te vt.wouîd bhoi-aiied ho te attention o! I TO LEC IURE anal days hi-fore ho viii b. able te the grand jurera next mouth. restiue is work. H. vas Laken ta INCREASE PRICE This statement means that no at- r.Jh ewi W O& I hie home on N Siieridan rond. He, 0 T E 1(0trî sto be made to couvi-t saloon Mr.oh Bievnif feul about fixe fi-et. O S E Le100 epers o at cut oraigdshervîn of North (Chicago, vibiioê T % Ae-anSte ad ie om peingofîLpkeng ouses fou tule 5u ,, Cîdodl rt"-iiou Th______Stelad_______ dre ftipln bueso te a- n"id eautiu Ari"es ah eo»onbiI panY bas increasedthetiprive ou vire baii A !ew veeka ago IL vas report- Le oeatt, l ii. gat rto 4% * o 0 0 0 0 rods $1 a ton. making the nev prive ed tiat Rev, Quayle o! the. Lav sudLae MO tl wai.1..go * *$28 a ton. Tii, price o! vire naits Order ieague had procured evidence' Sierwîn but ruoeubly returM fusa * M rrige lcnae * ud ir prducs bs ot eenagane cetai saookeeerssudi. Euopevhre ishPen lii..m 0St*& 0 Ochangeut by Lu, compauy, altiiough voulti have them indu-ted for 11v John ofWauhuglhg ý * O00 00 00 OOseverailudependeuts are bookiug or- violations, principal of tua school. A larie .dà - ders at an advann. o! $1 a ton aboN'e I vas ai-knovledged iiy a member ber tronu Waukegan isard lb. la", Pred A. Hager, Barrlngton ....22 Lie markteLo! lie Law and Order heague lia! de- Edua J, Baei-her, saule-----------..19BI FRE T tectîves had been sent out 10 pro- EMPffl Y JANITOR - C l a d e . o w e l , t . S h e i d a . . . 8 B G I R E A Tc u re e v Id e n c e a g a lu a t c r ai n m n Fs dNE W B t AA Cîsude . Povh, sant..Sh....a.... 23 ZION CITY TODAY who ver, ailegeil to have openedi 0R N W BJL p~ Bensrsie L.eErhterorsaine-----salo-s-o-- 2udaI 23ýMr.. Rjhhrd. v.gte yOa _________ Nîcit Christoff, waukegan----------Aen r sm b ue .tprert !herslan nSnsAt a sahary O! $60 a mmoh Rose Bensoo same--------------..19 Zion City late Weduesday affernoon, topher Floilstelu« Antan Kutuer, Port Wasinigton.. .32 At press time fuliy ou, huudred peo- lins. John Shadd eutertaiued Lii. offciate as Jsulfor of thé 1e Helen Keipe, saine--------------.. 33pie iad gathered on thi eeesud membere o! tb, Womîu's Guilîlo! Lii. si-ool sIiithi. v «OfmIR* i vre aseieting Lie tire departmenL. CougregaLional ciiorch is sfternoou Mvc.k-ilster aveue. i i Kenuith Mctay, Milwaukiee-....32' Mrs. Richard carried a $2,000 firne - at 5 ber home ou N. We.t street. A hil e uevdoe. s OM 4W Dorothy Bi-kel, some ............. 21 surauce poii-e'.i very deligiit!ni aftemnoon vas spent. 1Iug ls comipletsd& MR&. LAMONT ATTACKED AND IITTEN FIERCELY *Y MAO MONKEY AT SARRISON. STAGE llANOS SAVED HMER WITI4 CLUBS THE *EAST WAS SUBUIED-FPINALLY DRIVEN BACK INTO MIS CAGE. '*~-ii t 'b TO CONSTRUCT PIADDOCK STILL ELECTRIC LINE ON RECEIVES BUT $25 141LWAUKEE AVE. AD ÀWEEK FROM ESTATZI'1 LT CRI _______ BE_ CN.____ ________BE ______ W I STRUCTED FROM CHICAGO TOB PROPERTV 19 APPRAI&ED ROCKEFELLER NEXT VEAR. DV ORDER 0F COURT. DENOT TO BE AT HAIF DAY: 18 PROPERTY OF WIMW in lent It about time the poor of Lake. that poor, afflirted people STILLI LIN WIL SARTATJEFFERSON jCOuflty were iusured hospital atten- HAVE A CHANCE of gettlug into QUESTION 0F OWNERSHIP 09 AVE., CHIICAGO. 8. INSULL tion and care wthout lie muet, quib, that Institution Il they need tet CERTAIN BLOCK MAS SUIDE FINANCIAL DACKER? bing sud stjuabbllng? Whv fnot hold a get-together meet-J SETTLED DY THE COUWV. lant it about time that responsîbli- lug with ail physirians of Lake County! ity for caring for poor patients at the. present, as weii as the hospitai people Froma a reliable source th, Sun hospitai ceases te be shlfted f rom one and chairman of'supervisorsa commit- <5pehai DUpale> teul'h. 8») learns that within twe years electric place te another. tes? WatertowCfl N. Y., Oct. S.-441118 cars wiii be operating ou ililwaukee lnitaotim ththeootf Why fnot get this hospitai mraiter caiiy ail that remaini la the umgSt.4 avenue, froin Jeffen-on avenue, Ciii- Waukegan aud the whoie county may settied go ihat the hosîital people will the settleuiant of tthe ustate o.0f 111, cage, north as far as Hallit naý, lin have, an undrtatiding fiai, if lhey're know "where they're at," the saine Paddock, decesied, lati 0ort nais taen iithe'reliving lu a coonty wlth the physiclans as a whoie and ai- City, to wbich George I. PàadepIL ns.miIsl.peldo IUccm wetxsa paîd regularly and go the. cournty doitor? is brother, formerly ofWaI monwealth Edison lectri, oîupany, where il h cucd tbat pour Ci bhe The doctors cati s bai-k audsa but nov of WS*ertowfl feh hbib 1 le reported a one of the fuuancial cared for wtliout mailing It uecassary theyii flot "o. k." bilsaud . or one-haif sobJeet in, theoo bai-kers o! the new railroad, te furish a bond that the hospitai bill patient wiii hesitais asling ficun lie vidow, ls the approaimêi9e0à) Brokers isse Land. viii bie paid In due tlune? i docior te ciassify lisasaaue property snd the division f lit aoOq<i. Durng the pla Six weeks John Hasnt the couni>' board ii uron -yani the patient doesn't go te the! ing toi termea aVeed on. Theu 4*'êïÎÏ Griffith, reai estate agent, tas pur-j tie. proper plan of clrcumveuliug lhospîtal 'i'hat day's or week's deiaY of ownershlp of a certain blook la 11h S chased river 1,100 acres o! laud lu tbe thesle frequent discussionSsud squab- may cent blmnihls life. city has been d.eded by 1*0. coul, Il ý 0 ielity f Hlf Dy. he lnd hiese over the iare of poor patients? Why flot get the. thing stre.ightened, heing that itla ,the. Poepsty bacinity o! Ual!ay. ed i and,00e. Hasnt the publi- helped the. McAli-ou'?lthe vldow and that 0 a uc*e sauda 1000 ter hospitai enîhiisîa8tîcaîly enougi_ LET'S DO SOMETHITNG! ne ow ball o! It aâ,e irmn o! Pearson & Tart, bas puri-bas- ~Ti gumtt fid ôwi Pd 3,500 acres of iand lu the ueighhor- Th gemnt md mo hood of Wheeliug. Ili. GeEowrgeILP.L Paddock and Wraj fl _ Acorin t rpotste irctrsVO E AW S 14 TO AILEiED NEiRhIUIdock, ibis n.lphev, unner o r de i nw a lt o r eo r t s hC o dp r e c t o r s ' n c l is t r a n s f e r e d a i o f b is :r p :l4 IN FAVOR 0F NEW M1URDERER 14UST rcle$6awe spring of 1913.b con- Tii. electric Une wiii foiiow Mil- I oad-h le bSin waukee avenue north as far as HaIf TIWPSHIP TODAY FACE JUSTICE BAR use.mstabe . oig l» rat. Day, then it viliiswing sest tovwards thae Ciysrer eiimt madeX!, flot Rockefeller. The elotruc uine wiliiadwo h e rtlc 1 CoGfect wlth tise Chicago & Mhivau- COMMITTEE 191LED REPORT WEO- STATES& ATTORNEY TO INSI4T V«UO. i ê l lin k« Electrie Uin. at Rockefeler. i NESDAY MORNIN.VOTE THAT LEMON DANFORTM E5 ndte »' Ob Withi lfvs, Years, It in reportod,theÇ UN APTERNOON. I TRIED THIS bMONTM. e 15 Ier- Or- electrie line viii pass thbrough tihe iake à__________ erty, district. Iu YeArs to corne the ltre cie blu tiie wiii b. extended uorth as far as Lake. WAS HARO FOUGHT CASE HAS PREPARED THE -CASE thoe.Pinfs, Ison iet teiyGenea. __________galau and North Chicago. If 1bill Tiinew raiiroad miliimean mociiPdok10k one a for the fîrm owners lu ie south and CREDIT FOR VîCTORV DELON<GE RALPH J. DYCONFIDENT TMAT Pdcae b e H. dross - ve.t Section$ of Laike county- Par TO ATTYS. C, C. EDWARDS NEGRO WILL DE CONVICTED Cetr ies . Hnr me ii land han Increa.ed $10 au acre lu val. AND JAS. G. WELCH. 0F MURDER, let DEGCREE. the i b. mibt fort. um< ue gice the neye of tie new raiiroad __________hwell e gtfr 10 a te vns received. IL Is reported trat a ruerda.agamesora large numiier of the captaîîsts wîo 1W a vote of 14 to 4 the suîîervisorir eo anotune ui tme n ere agand r o! iii 11h, are bâick of the new railros*i are of Lakte county Wednesday voted ta fmo nor i rtudrIiemn.heeander or his wif. osIfa ,heaY .tockiioiders In the, Chicago & grant the petition o! tax-payers rsid- fthe bardrof jsIe thi ,msti. face kN Mlwaukee Electrîcrailroad. log lu the. vicinlty of Antioch for s n.w tonsiip ta bie kuovn as the Raiph J. Dady, states attorney, viii F RME towu.hip .of Lake Villa. inallat tbat D)anforth be trled tue UOFLCIT IS ýRS1AIRSlIIP PAssFs 'Th. credit for ithe vlctory of the pe-mnt. .viifocust aacn titioners rightfuily belouge ta Attor- tinua e of thenegronacse.Dtl F.Bscaa, fcon-. O VER W W KEGANu ney. Clair. C. Edwards sund James G. tnac ftengosee ai aty oý 'tir. Dady lias îrepared hie cage, sud o! Waukegan. presldint of the 4RPWelci Thonseaile lawyers prepared Ntoa aio IAT At fiteen minutes fiant ulue Wed, îtthe n a ad srgued In its favor la confident that the alieged murderer of that City, a dfor ffty es neadaY a Wright aeropiane paisesd bfr thebod of superiisors. wihi b. found guity of murder lu tii. Cled wiiitiithecity's rorIam14 Over Waukegan. liuundreds of resi- Itai be impossible for the peti- rsi degre.. hie home lu Elgin y.eteormaw. e,' dent ofthecit sa th alhip ittioners te organize the îiw townshiiip Atiough l)au!orthh lid Police offI- Barclay vas @trlcken vit detited0f Lre ciy saw telrip. I fuerore the next spring electioni. ifliers tiat lie abat is vife. lhe nov ar- Bunday .vening. andI a p abeolreity oer Endfl et barkLiilima atorneY8 for the -obiectors gui.. tha t "sie as kilied by th, acci- Mr. Barclay ran avay heM W q sudea.Thbomathone nudrd sWi-lRIain here 'ailbe something do- detal disi-arge of a gun inl i.Sootand -ven a boy. fe LEU i , ai r T i.m a ch f r ine w a ui ea e ,! în 'hands. E lgin as a ti sm it b sn u t d w d m U S & >EADnorti, fo Mîlauke,'iWhat th, next stel of thé, attorueys Danforth bas been a prisouier lu camne a planeer lu the snfcl~~

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