CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Oct 1912, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INEPNDENT _________WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXI.-NO. 3. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS FRII)AY 0Ti IOBEle 11, 1!b12 ONE TO EIGHT $l 5 PER YEAR iN ADVANCF. OIAflJURY 90sI WORK KARL ASSJORNSEN INDICTED ON A MURDER CHARGE-A RESI- DENT 0F FOX LAKE. ONE MURDER INDICTIENT SpENCER D1ANKS THE ONLY WAU' KEGANITE INDICTED UV TH4E GRAND JURORS. Grand Jury ldltOtf Wm. irwin.--eeIlg liquor withOut Edwerd GuY Alwe'i-011&0 * J '~Ahretis, bgamY. Dit . £Meyer, Fred V"mocs-f Ot. IL Meyer and Fred VOse-481' Cn,. 0tto IL.Meyer' and Fred V00@ or- 011. E. Meyer' and Fred VOS-si ceffy. 011e IL Meyer and Fred veu-laI'- William Collti-flCIy ad bur- iany. Kart Asojorb*eifr4tdOr. .lohn Moramey-4&rcefy.9 AIet Sugoset, Sidney Sel', WMtef achaII.-buI'Oisry. chance Johnes.--atGcfY. e Charicc ,Ih»ni-455eeny. RWÀhsd C«tinel. it»* NseM ate0 lehii %e,cSlki, Henry eV eiS, Antheey Des'IS-IWOefY petr 51 N MWast&lainesPoila- M.cM l*M 1,0551tOesoent M 1n' ^athfmy aRus ie TesY Ran, etat 0eU 351h, alias Frak ani, at NsU et fr»eiulWt. Athur Lmhit"-lSrccY. ""-ptar Lim>-4&ft5OPY. jas New»vey--kcYi'alY. à ,icIt, efelitil-4>10 abandontteat.C Livard i%_ Klie, aias Edardc KIe-lm-iecfly.f JOme mmesagsf, $Il&$ e&s.mon-a g*rMOan-eOmPt te uommît munder.c S5mUci iiarvey-4isatiit wl h Mntn te irdlt e bdIly lnjsw>' james eferol-isU t mî in-1 tant te commit Mudsr.i 1 Zevrgats-larCflY Tb*e grand Jury reportai cut O!Cmk tls. Tusiay. atteruoen,-They1 alglu sc1%slon sbut tvo dSys.à JudOs lga* mla tefgiovina te~thaki te jurons for thi- j eopliei tha*t teI- H.tol t ten tit tbeir Mcmiw qencuaed Item Sfus-lce er vies. but niait RLecalieti1 bat tic tvtegtiiday of oer« lu Oca«meeuc as comniLtîsddur- 1 ing tithei'vc«ag fine fthsv oold1 vsapsf tai e& ideltolon The lui-1 or, yeesvel : pay t tires 'claci sud loft for hem borne- Ther. eeebut a icv Persona l fie court cou vheu fie grand Jury reporfc. Tie" are r.sveral deputy sien iffs, sud tv reporters. liMe. Aireus aleged ta bu fie Sec- ond i vie a! Edvard Guy Aireus, bt v Wguieasn taday tor ber home lu Chil- cago er iuabsud vas indicted an a blgamy charge.- DtUiig ficir deliberaf ion the grand jurors examinai tiirly cases, and ne- turned ninet.een indetmenfs au truc bils The grand jury futher reported titat fbey bai visitai the Lake countY jail, and ha dexamnd its condition and founi fiat the jail bai been well kept, aud fiat thte siteiff, Elmen J. Green, bai given fie best o! atten- tion ta te cane o the prsoners. Titey tound titat thte Bsin!! sas pro- vlding te neceasary baiding. food. ~r clothing and medical Id. ý,oON'T FAIL: REGISTER Go 1 your precinct polling place r'oct. 15-29 and registen If You vaut ta vote aItirhe most Important election ever beld ln thte tate. Yoti cinuot vote on Nocvember 5 If yau do not ap- pear personally sud ihave yeur nauae iegiptered properly. "The old books are out ai commis- slon. An entlrely nov smet wili be maie au Oct. 15-29. Te Polis vill be open irom 6 oaclacitlu tie nommag untjil9 'clock t ifnigt."-]Md. Con.- LAKE COUNTY BOYS AT TH1E STÀTE FAIR LAKE COUNTY 18 CREOITABLY REPRESENTEDC AT BOYS $TATE FAIR SCHOOL. aý da 94 an It t( race by deieating Matitewa in a close finish. Te races were among fie beat a! tite seasan. Tite s-inent: 1 race-5 mile single cylluder-van hy J. Caoley. of Jollet Ume 5:05. 2 race-15 mile, 7 itorne power, van by Hl. Bensan ot Waukegan, Uime, Il flat 3 race-tO mile free for ail Single cylinder. swon by Sitotty Matiteva, lime il minutes. 4 race-t15 mile, ses-en itarso paver, won by Sitorty Matieva. t6-Time trials--stndiug atau-f-7 brnre Power, One mile In One minute8 and tive seconds. BURV OLD RESIDENT SATURDAY. lins. N$elson Marai, a former aid eresident of Laite caunty, ,died titis v eei at Evanstoti, her iuueral belng k.beld Raturday vitih urial in Warren cemeteiY. Iwo BROTHERS, KILLED BM TRiN Thtis count> Is credîla I , ireent- ta tf t he Boys' State Falr urjool o! lmi? by John Petera, Highland Park, and Thorvald Larsen, Antiochi, as delegates. The compietition for appointaienît as membera of the Boy A' State Fair school Increaseasci ucceeding year and thte large number of boys on tbe naiting lista attesta thte ireat popular- lty ofthte Incomparable scitool of In- struction for boys over 15 and under 20 years of age. The alm of thte scitool 19 to offer 10 a caretully selecfed body of yaung men tie mene for systemuatlc obser- vation and sfudy under lte best In- struetors from te University of 1111- nisl, fie best acievement f othle moet enterprislng citizena of Illinois as exempj,ýâed In thte exhibita et tie Illinois slate fair. Tva boys are soected from ecch cutilyln Illinois, one ta represeot ftic country schoolu and one trom the clty schOOie. Thc sebool vii ie uDuder direction ot Prof. F. D. Tiompeon lte princil otf the Springfield bigish ciool. mulet- cd by fiteen of the iealug county au- perlntsndanta of scitoia lli te state. Tic torenoon of caci day of lte veci's session viilbe devoted to ob- servation. Slndy aud clam vonk, the affernoon to lte exaination ofthei varions exhiblta snd the evenîngs ta attendance upon Illustrated lecture aud vrita up notes of lte vaLriaus exorcises et the day. Diplom anr given aftcr lthe wva ar Mie session u thecboys t bat iaie a creditable shovina 'lTe candidates e, theietaise Fair scicol ire sectd byt a commlttee COMueng of thec ouity superlnten- dent of schocî utead fthcprecident of thc caunaty farmer@ lustitufc, and the chahum aet tic couants licetCjiw' pervlaors. Ttc reporta tiat determine grade- ation al diplona tronsthetIcRllnois deperteent et ariculture arc gradcdl on thc folievring pointe. Fis-et, the abilif y of thc candidates to observe ca"etny; second. toulatc u a W*k or lecture snd ta reproduce the main teatures; third, tu prepare sud vrlf e su inter«cfng and Instructive report of ii wba h accu suad board. Thcetially trecordoai cci daYs' Obi- servation and Instruction ,villib pagend taponiy tic aésistant super- lntinderit in charge o th te respectivit seetions sud lie principal cf thé scical. Meclimetuber cf thcecheool viii Pr,@- parc from hie vecis observat ion sud .tda fnal sport, to bu rena t.- la-es nttutie tc, bis veeci for publlealclà iitiis paper. 1 Thc boys usMcd above viii1 douit- lese" reffctf uci credIt tipon beïk; lselvese ai els tiec oufty .n" tÇý stette durint their visit tu tire 8tîtr faitrsud fhic iocuiful capitol diti O 1Illinois viti lie many attractions te thc youtb cofaIl classe o r ctiUze. SiOrty milii ~nae as o@4 fie mcnt daulug motacce ridera. lovered lis vorti's record tor a Orne mile tins triai, standing start, lir tiree secondsa at Llbcrtyviile track Buuday. Tih e rds reord vas oue 1minute and elgit seconds. He cov- ered the mile la onc minute sud rive seconds IlMatieva won tiree races. Harry 1Benson of Waukegan won thte 15 mile over on bis aide &fier tic ac- or »kced ! singfor hils Inlihe fie me.n via pIb hin Dp and ssied viti muci cofler: "Was the lhomae burt The blle! la thaf be actually for- julut ate dii flot seem fo knav. MidrMUCh Mon., Wifh Hlm, Wieu Deputy Coroner Canai afart- cd lii examine tig body and ltifu a! Arthtur McAree, ie vas astaniaited to flnd a sum of money, lu checks aud cash, viticir nîmost sfaggened bum. He cauuled If up sud found $218 ln cash and $500 In rchecks, drafts, etc. Singulan How It Msppened. Tint te accident seems unaccount- able because aftie tact fiat tite men bhs-e tnas-eled titat rond 50 long and affen, is tire generai beliet of their frienis. Vire strong iealigit o!ftte car muet bave laaieidavu nthe trak. to Grand avenue croasing sud es-en thougihthtie bell sud varuing ligit hii fo ave woried rlglit ou fie remalned long enotigb to -ý a car asnorth. He watcbeçl r o signal lizht aid haell on the NORTH I tItI SI TRACK and found that TIIKYN\%'FR£ NOT WORKING PROPERI YN ThI bell dAI fot start rîigîlg ii l hecar rr'ached the srosolng at a p joir,' orlira -lyivt would be z ; ciI C-a.n e pîeration. on reî1' rof the S- anttîier person draf sr'ith I'oind car, te next r: atong and malte a reprt t!,e sivruait were workirL, ,,.ak, the one whichca- ai rInt. lisreport tb that tle signala on tliat in NVORKING ALL RIOIT. BBIDLER PLO YTR F DEÂJII AT LÀKE VIL TY OLD FOLKS HOME PORT THAT DETECT VES WERE CILCAE IrIPRACTICALLY DECIDEO THATý ', fatal Nw'rs EH lIIF THE SWEDISH ORDER 0F VIK- INGS WILL BUY IT. NEEDS NO IMPROVEMENTS ARTHUR AND MICHAEL MARfE' MEET OEATH ON ELECTP.IC LIRE AT WAUKEGAN. WERE PROMINENT FARVERS TRAGEDY CLOSES CAREERS 0F TWO BROTHERS WHO- WERE DEVOTED TO EACH OTHER. Two b)i thers. Artbur and Michael Mcree, aged 66 and 57 years, wbo llved on a larm on lhee Mumford Bond, vare fatally lnjured on Saturda> nlght about six-birty o'clocli at the Grand avenue crosalng ofthlie Chcago and Milwaukee electric rallroad, when a buggy lu wblcb tbey vere driving tu Waukegan, was struck by a rapidly moing south-bound electrlc car. Arthur vws killed almost Instantly and Michael dlsd lu tke Jane Me- Alisier hosptal about ten ocloc theie lame eveoing. Thte horse vas killedi intaatly and te buggy vas smaoed mbt kindflng vood. 1( appears tat te brothers, wlth- 1 out thought of danger, tarted to cross the eieCtrlc tracka. their Vision ta theq norti being completely blocked b! tie depot and lay of tie land. Itie seit second tie car struck then. The tact that tie borse vau tirown on te eaut aide ofthlie track and the two brothers to vost aide Indicates that they vere squarely on the track vhen the accident took place. Their bodes ver, throvu betveen fifttec and tveutty lest ' ad vedged undor a tence. Deputy Coroner Edward Conrad Lt' rlved on thte scne ln bis automobile so00 0 Lithe B ccdet Me precoed .1. 4,-4---pgei Mr et i rsilrcsd oompanY y ba V«, ryni pcrlod et Ume. Both ozamtinfithe body of Aituar bMAre sud both emv at aeec thct ho wvu dead. Tbey than tuencith* ettumtia o te ometS brother wv it iwva omce, as stili allre. TSedrly lic vas carrled upo@ a lit. Use bMaIl Mplace la lu cb a pci- tien tiat heaelMi Dt sec the dead bdy 0( ib# otier. A rapid examina- _14 UIM >, b i b. had hua tfiuisi au»d ât be vas lnjua'cd l. terually. H.ovwu relloved ta the Jane MuhAllter hospital wUtiail possible .speed, am * iuytag Pssible donse for him but t.vas s»m that b.e uli flot ive. Fln' IL W. Ouvin of fhe W trbb e t..inacellate Conceptin 't». mumuo-"maiextreme unction vas atven.l H ie dca short tUms at- er. «, utIiý o the great love vhicti Mie N"a ay~s shovu for Arthur aud vie 1 oï ç m tt osa a r tber surpriang thzn u ýhùi1ke use I $1ked np fîrat and Eliabeth Ilrummond, daugirler afi tite ate Judge Tbomas and Deliaý Sieldon Drumnmond, dled af ber bomne lu Laite Forent on Oct. 3. F'uleral services aI tire Uhurcir o! the Holy SPiril, Laite Forest, Monday, Oct. 7, af 2:15 1). M. The president o! tire club, Mr. John C. Hale, annoîînced fie annual ban- queltaeire held ou Tiursday evening, Oct. l7tir. and also lte tat tirat it s-as to be tire banner event o! the org- anîxalion. A hîgit clams enfertalnnaenl wlll bce provlded and a supper of un- usual menit. Titis la toeire for te BAR ASSN. MEMBERS VOTE TO A sensation broke Itiose in Wauke- POSTPONE CIVIL CASES UN- nar Saturday when reporta Ieaked out TIL DECEMBER. to tire effect that "Severi Pinkerton de- tectîves and five Trihune reporte rs irad &trucçk tcýn and were workirig an one of the mail mysterious cases t'tat CRIN INAI TRIAL CALLS ha& occurred in tis county tin a longi tîmre in connection wîth a deatir." 1 The Sun ireard a tire report andi ranlCRIMINAL CASES TO BE TRIEOD B ft dao'n, to find tirat but ane or tvii JURY-ASSOCIATION TO Tribune represenfatives, nat ordinary GIVE CLAM BAKE. reporters, but men "hIgher up" hae corne ta fown fa work on a "*tory" ,WhIch concenned the deatir hy drown- By a majority vote'Tiuraday morn- Ing at Round Lake on Sunday evening, lng the members ofthlie Lake Couuty Septçmnber 9th f b iMma H. R. Rialriger, Bar association decided that Do civil Who was out boatriding with ber hus- cases would lie trIed by jury during band. the October term o!fite Circuit Tire Tribune man vent 1tte depu- ty coroner.NIr,<'onrad, sho bad pre- idai aIt e inquest but tite offcer boid hlm bis connections viti thte case were inisiai and referred te neya- paper tuan ta Prosecutor Ralpit J. llady. The Tribune man vent to D3dys of- il-ce and vas closeted w1th iim for a long ime sud aler Mr. Couradas auto vas seen standing lu front oi lie prosectar's office, sbovlng Ibef ite b.d gone luta canference. Te Sun made su effort to 'gel lu ou" hq non- lerence, but Mn. DadZuvaI ' tiat the malter tinder consîdenation vas one h vcthte Tribune iad asied unm personally fa consider their affsJr and be bad gis-eu a promise ta e regard il-e However, te S17N s rrr'rrnirerl lv1 another person vito drove a ros s *s, PLACE AS T7 STANDS IS ALLI on Frlday ereming, that th iusmas n f READY FOR OLO FOLKS-225 ii thre south-bound frack vere rot work- GUESTS THERE SUNDAY lng tirat evenlug. Thug, the question Io: urne thre Ig- rais working viten tie MrAroes start. ed to crosWben thre 22j men and woune Were Wall lCnown Meni membere of the Swedlsb Order of i Thte McArec broters vere .tva af Vikings visited the Davld Beldler te beet kuovu ceiracters in the place at Gurnee Sunday last ta In- county. Tbey oSe baro Iu tire coun- spect It and reacit a deeîsion as to fy sud iad livcd hbe.&ailtlIlv,,. vietier they want ta purchase lte Far ycurs sud Y-». fie, bad ived Property for an old PeOpies home, but ala. o ti o1 bOlesead Neiherfouir of tire vrole number oPposed thte1 cf them ever itisfIsd and tirey iad proposition. kept bacielors ha1q for many vearsa And, as mentioned In Tbaradaysg Tbey did a lttie $srmbg sud con_ SUN excluzively, the chances are titat ducted aa-li Mni>business sud lu eh& deai yl 0be congummatei asj titis monner, aUIM sb y frugal living quicily as paper can lie sent baci sud tiey ba! eked -sq a al pfrtu .fOrth ltu David Beldler, vito Io inCali- Tiey could have # 1 tlred mauy ne.arule ago but Ineth-et cthem vould bave Pnice la*5,000.1 telstsfe e40 tile. JTic pria. vitici te Viings are ta NOtva ror * ver lovai oaci Day for the heautiful placte Io $50000. ste ny morn *9 tisse Ivo. Their Thc Property la saidt!a orepresent sorrovs sud iol ve e sarcd mall about $150000 ta Mr. Beldler vito lm- sd their praYci»Ad icn fiat wvin Pi'oOltire 43 acres lu a vanderful fiey psaecd avaY ftbét oti migt diemanuer. He and i, vite tiret! of It together Of00thtcy Migit ual bu a fev years ag ansd be ihas ual becu seParated As theY aîvays ita bomthers -euci etce. Tic prie of $60.- lnsPatablO M Mrt This .'tsî vu.000 18 said ta be a remarkaitly citeap gratifici snd eve icold horsewvilch one. they baid rive n long titat Il h& Tirere are 22 rom n ute big bouse bcnuu a dur ORDmIan, dled viti Aud a nIne -om bungalo at ticher tbem. 02à][s8an Ideai place for lthe aId pec- ' 'riene "er Mvt 'sy far front lle'shantefor viich tie Vikings hfle ibut for y«» gâd made it & vmt t.Tbey vould have to A"mai rscti4ce te drive tàsWmgn ;annMaft. op flgg-speaker cf the<vcàia. lMr. niat, ~alescae â ÉDeoker, la a fev velI cicêci voila et&' 'îli*-Q ' t the *iUitlu.-Qft *sclub fhme ful ime at f4 ccient t= a.ý l W'oeY#b7*laaclub» to Lie Ev-ecue 0yei ev W t*iepcstlive cIa1* kimi ace ,Iwmwfor tbom iAs Mrat Si tW hum ail-emdesi 5ihlII 'tsp qars M *t oeaUi f01 dmf icrenarkaile e-C~te nmot;f bey alvardtaad, cm M tI bat Narthiehlean S 1 foIr via th"i ngt. neyer ad a oNce'0»W otOI!, onuers sud lave a short word taus"Y fer suyone, sud lame hlstoy « «0 egrovti t o!hle ov enau- Roth vene Chriatiang, Michaelbelbe »«t#A %MW conveulecces ad up-to- nom la cih-i very tiantaynerulng date -60emecta as fier. Are At If Arthtur did not attend It v« be. p e* t'.r-iervin thouait fiat if lcause of a accident wvilci minaie el1018 bu ebard tof0 Sd a city better .bisA0 Mc d maie Il drffIceIt for hm Salst*l fur tactOrY PurPace or »a bt ai s1la a pcw. 1ruldc.en site for vorklng peopîs. e Of heAthurhd nbi hms l Fy rt W. S, Lster ai tic Senlti eSOM b@e"asfnd ieal ot een la 0 echo lakc onfieheboohl questin a boya ies ffection for binn.iii pv au 014 nosaevsry interecttiag tacts va1 < aY& is Dot-o- og fl h toaaerulug fie titorougaes of te tibotîteesoMme t to *,A - 4 w.* O* la the North Cbiflgoahoos. L tis, 'Artitur fiIrwn1 g e *0abso«pbke very eluphatically oa fai l frntorte dov la amtoiie One-id af more rooma te accouodatc " I w u cefi t 0f tho he ca,, nanie t héi rapid oy i ucuw in g num bter or pu- Sd vas cas-Hed Into etie Mc pseli dem gstrce iHe apoped tehave Tie iourtb number on tic pragrau, 0en ticMnatiappeV i tallez bytMr. Carl B. BLylor vie 1brotin'iOuad hlm tiere and athsotion.laavnlueetgmnurbdo guuly icipeti hlm inter their buggy as u a . vonéleru adMnnac tosifi teck fim homte.iteai Norti lcngo als ver fUe 111canifetion vitir te deti or th icty of NorthCigosuhave tact 9MeAs-cebrotiers, illals nferc.ting t to f0 poe hi saenef a. hva en 3note that the tva brotherX, tbree t po ehieacqaintnce it rToni 1yesre ac, vere thre first tu, @ln ,ap, e- atYe",suactuiana in Noth C esag ttition sàking bit thte ralîreai com. .taes-rtolmti o!tla.Noroth Chcagfi psuy bu compelled tu place gafe on M.fyo odo h r hO h fie (;rand avenue croffing or At leaut city viti twtv or tire. factoringamsu ta îstaîîarlabeblAttetm a population ai elgit or nîne iundred ithe council tookr no action. The tact laidtaeppulaet in o! about tortieta that theY slgned lire petItion gioved and aPPIto faotfu hn tieY reallzed thre daugre. ud t- Tiere la a grou-lng demand on the The religious advanfages ofthe ticty Part ai Lie peopie ln te clty ta com- vere ably recited by Mr. Fred Cook 9pel lie compsuy Io station a gate- af lie M. E. ciurci via told of lte aman af Belvîdere treet. Washinugton ditterent denominatians, welcomlug 1Street sud Grand aienue. strangera 1ttei services. e If le polnled ouI that If it vere done Eacit of tbe speakers made a ope- Ifewèr accidents; wotild bappen. clal Point o! welcomlng te uew ar- rivais and lnviting titenita ftake Up DIEDAT AKEFORS. tireir residence boresuddftu be a t-L1 ,IntATrLtocFOREST.N Utso mat get tire glare a!fte iealigif If Edward G. Payne vas npPoluted sweetbearts, etc., as tire case may re. case. Tire Examiner said among atit- tltey vere vatciing. Of courselies couservator over Eti T. Bnfiick of An Invitation va exteniedte tahie er tbings: la fie chance liat titey were falkuna Hghland Park, alleged fa be !eeble uew camnera te loIn tire club and sev- "Among tire circunastances viticit sud forgot tirey ver appreaciing thre minded. eral accepted. led te the employment af detectis-es streef car crasing. were tire !olioving: Waa Bell Worklng? John Batlies-y and Herman S. AI. NEW PASTOR AT HIGHWOOD. Pia.liinger wss aid te bas-e ai. Tic Important finin fite vhale irecil, bath of Diamand Laie, Il],. mitted to nelgirbors titat ber married accident le sas ta victier fie crosslng vere itted $75,00 and coula iy ,udge Tire BeyS. J. Gâtes, sto iras been lte sas unirappy. ball sud liait vas voriting at fie Ferry L. Pensons Safurday fqr isel- chaplain at Mercy boapîtal for several "Attentions viticit Dr. Risinger ire- fine of tic accdent or not, A reit- InaIliquor vitiota a license. Boti yeara, bas been appolnted patter at stas-ei upon a yaung woMlan boarder rcsentaflve offie 8SCN vsa at tie #mon are velI known resldeute f li te tire new catholic pariat at HigtwoIn bis home naused camment among Se*"e uallong &Mlr lie colision and1 laie re10n. j ithicit as organized' amout ao. tire neigitirrs. court. Tire vote on titis mat 1er aftoci 28 tu 1. Attorney B. V, Orvis belng the only lawyer laoit>ject to the plan. WiliI Nan Thirty Cases Ralpi J. Dady, dtates attorney, r- portai liat is vould revlev tilty cases hetore tie grand Jury vien thc! boRd titeir flrsf session uext vesi. A majorlty ai tieae cases are ai a tri- vial ciaracter. Try Cnîminal Cases. "Tien. are »seserlinal cacs vicit I villIinsisf on rylng next veek," aid Mn. Dady. Lemon Daniorti, indlcted out a murder charge, yl face ths bar 09 justice. Every manwvi anasbeanu u-k der indictment for faur mantie eau claim su immediate trial. The civil c»scaon thc dociel vii be trie-I by a jury during the DeeU- ber tutu i fthe Circuit court. Tais, a s.-av Vote. A gtsav vote vas taia at tie me@&. Ina et tic Br association. WUWlaý liovard TatI.Prcsent of tii U$ atsî, istiecheoie o!fie lawme of Lkecuat7fort~ee ,~ ascamltioa, Thq voti; . T«t, repuiliem ............. 4~ Wilecst, dentocralo.........~5~ Fi? - ve 0cf iinola4 ilsuse, nuonll ..............1 Diii, dnnS ..,............. range a clanme4,r Bachelar club, *w* Tihis comiffe« lap"ior- oing lavycra: , Mufsse Wm. P. Weiss, Gehyepif .s Claire C. tdvardi. BRA" SAND P^AAD mSreI 0F LAKV( V114,A-0ANI1gS MAKE SPEECHES1. COMMUNfY AT LARGE 8119M PLIEA41E0 WnH AcTiON CF SOARD 09 SUPaRVISwoS. Wlisn thc neya reâched ILa Vill tiLt tie Lake Ccunty Board 0 of es' visons bai irautedth te pryer for lie creafion a!fie uev tovnsip, a bas bani vas sent out on lie streets la celebratlon of tie victury. A mas@ meeting vas beli at igit o'claci. Fully fvo ltuudred 0" I Ut men. vomen sud chiisen atteufci, Claire C. Edvarde and Jantes 6. Welch, attcrneYa fer fie xDUtlthcrs Frank Fovler, tic Democratlo can- didate for Congres., sud Attorncy Cinreuce W. Diver of Wauicgan nade speecifte. Es-en men via bai illeti objectiani, atfended tie celebration. Tie attorneys vho represent tic cijectors are confident liaI fies- l ire able ta, prove thaf lie pelition did not have tire requlred number of sig- naturea. 'Wbat step vilI ire taken iry tire at- forneys fer tie cujectors le not kuoWn ai fhilstime. "Betare tire buns-ra 'tirs TYrrell oit. served a diacoiuratiOn airatnthle moutofthtie corpse. "At tire brneral no anc vas pet- mitted t0 review tire tealures of tic 1dead womsn. an-I the body vaI ps-s mated Ilmedlaitely alter It hbi W1 taken to Oakwoods cemetey, "Tire firuire o! tire corencr's ln ýWaukegan ta suinnon Dr_ AsieI vbaf fie nature ofthfle inves- tigatIOn vas. Mn. i)sdy lnisitcd tiat b. vas "houer boun""te say nofbin fiat thc Tribune iad rescted iim ta hold as con5ideutia% vietever fley toid île about the natter and as ho bad agreedto Wdo no, io voul4dot say a vor4.ta fit. lipre= a 14« 0 1 ; Ibo*=Ï- IsW came real vezeti and a trille ana0e te tha it bhoehoiuid bu tompted to viciate, 'hiaeairsencatevm-tIbot*o Wquiegau as sibally' concernai. Titat' ho vas rigi lnuis position le possible Iomtith ac t fatgo fers as enu ho carncd. viafticheTriPune ieveaRed ta hlm vas natii tangible sud thfe nattor tii la et a çtandotll1 peudiug futier vond Iran Chicago. Uns. Risinger vent 10 Round Laks oie Sept, Oti, vitihber iusiand, to apeud fie day sud retunn Monday marniug. Site deairedtg boit ride lu ithe evenin A sd th Th"r, 'li boat tippai wLf ia.qa1 t.f chante seat., accqsilaétg testimon? af the loquest, snd boti sie sud bel' hushand fcIR butoe c aben, thc hus- baud trying is baft togave ils@teiic, but lu vain. Tic inquent sioved fiat tic deafi vas su accident sud fishov- cd tbat ahe vas a great lover oif lhe vater sud icuce sie iad langed te go boaflng, that wvas viy biey isi goue a ut at nigit. Coronen Courdast waunviilng t- diseuse the case vien the Sun Vufý lie motter op ta hin, expinlng: fiaf tic tacts came ouf et lie Inquef and that vas aRR he hacv of tic case. LUke Mr. lady, ie declincd fa say a fiing eo! vhat toi place la the lattera of- fie iodayt, Mn. Risinger la a prominent Ci- ac"agas, a deutiet ity profession. His vltc.vss a praminent Society voman. 0oucernug thte deafth by drovuina yLt Round Laie on Sept. 9 ot %Ira. Han- kiny R, Riainger, lthe case vitici vas ecalled ta Stafe's Attorney Dady's at- 9tention Sat urday b, a Cicago uts-- paper. BDr. Risinger in an interview In Chticago made a complets etatement or concernîng ber deatit, explalnIng Pitow. in seekiug to shlft ber position *in thre boat her folt trlpped and site bell loto rire aater, bis efforts to lave *ber heîng in vain. 3- Mr. Dady still maînlaîna tiat titere 9seeme notiring tangible as yet as to it s-etber tire case should ire reopened. 9threInqrîest ahowing lthe deatit vas ipurely accidenta]. Hos-ever, lthe Ci- icago ExamInner Sunday pninted a [e statetuent wici caused lthe state's Lt- t- 1 n d 1 c

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