CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Oct 1912, p. 11

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WfOfýPvesiJent of first National Bank Suc- cumbs AfterIlard-,BattieAiàatpat Aliments Whlci- Troo$led Mer for Yeors;,Ône of Clty's Most Charmlng Women. lire. Neson A. Steele, wite ot the presidelit of tihe Virt National Bank et Waukegan an.d periasvatbe bet v,1nw oman ln thse lty. hecause ot ber famliy connections, died a 5:30 oclcck Tuesday evenina. Oct . the Steele resldence, 9rand avenue and Sheridan ruait. Her demis. cuirn* lnatedl a ackneais drectly exteidiflg over a perlod-o! perbWps anie nonthe altboughabit d 4een far f rom volt fer a iumrnor ojte. Seing the demiT tr et Mr. and Mr. John B. Legnard, arnong tbe beai knovn restdeta of th.e ety. and tsel vitle of thse cty'a veaibhiest permou s. lire. Steeles d4tb ##unes more thani ordlnary interest and cocern. *- For smre days pet friends hast àf "tisai »ho vas fIbhting ber last mpxI h'iaginst alimens wblcb had kept lier la bed for smre months pasi and tisai ber strength s a, asi t aliar. 0, Nouse 4eleved that she could pull *tiirougis. lirs. Steele, lest summer, vben her condition hai.,grona alrniing e.. vent ta ier Ray, Wie., vbere alie vas treated by a spéelaliat but galned liked and for wbom everybody aeem- ed te hiave a good word. She vas ot a knd. consîderate s.asd geniai disposition ajud vas aiways leady to do ber ahane ln anything ber friendesndertaok, no imatter wisat that chare migisi be. Mrs. Steele vas a charter member o! t. 'Margaret's Gssld of Chrst olsurcis and served as Ite preident a number o! tîme.. She vas voe Presi- dont of the Guild ai the tIie of ber death. For years athe va, one ai the biardant and mont entbuelaatie vork- cs lan thse churcb. Many persons lu tise Cty bave ai- Neaya pinst ta lire. Bleele as tise Cty% nmatbeautiful and cbamming voinan, ber stateiy al)pearaiice and modeat disposition causing ber ta 1)4 loved by aIl vho 1ev ber. Mrs. steele vas formeriy Demie4 Leognsyd, daugiter of Mr. 'and lira. J. IL mimSard. o North Genese. treet ie grev up In tise City snd abaout twentY-one years ago. lb. vas married In Christ olsurcis ta Nelekon A. Steele. thse wedding beng onse of tise ifflsl nuptial events tise duy bas ever ha". ToalMr. and Mrs. Steele vere borm 1tvo chludren, Charles and Bertha l111e hence the was brougist home bth of whom survive, aged about 2( s.nd %Ince then bU tfaied mui of the 1 snd 16. trne, a couple of rallies givlng faisel Seond Deatti ln Short Tinte. hope for a tme. , The deatis of Mrs. Steele recalla tti -Pbyziciaass"4te thit 'Ur-. Steles- death only luat Augut, en these Bcoil death could ebe defialtely attribut. of the montis, of ber inother-in-Ise ed In sny apeifir ailmenut. ShP had Mre. Margaret Steele. 14rs. Nelsoi a complication of troubles, ln tact, Steele arived home from Wigconali aeend 10 b.ebsrdned vlth iret one but a day or to before ber parer =cg5 15anid then another. pased away and, ai the finie o! ti, NO WOMAN MORE POPULAR. latter', demise. thse yonnger Mre Itan Mrs. Steele. there vas perbaîîs Steele vas even then lin a precarlou Do vorante thse clt ' wbo vau better jcondition. guqa~g~egeg ~soeimta be applicable as in rnany fi stances visere burners have be4 cleaned out many Unes the condltlc ~ ls Just as bad as ln homes wher STR T ,ÎET nothing bas been doue. u1duj~lgflFrom tis t would sec that som, Bol QÂS H thl ag Oise wii. have Io be idne If pa rons of the comPany bere are tu g. any relief. The suggestion bas be( For the second Urne Commîssloner ! madle that a gaz Inepector bie appolu J. J. Detmeyer bas t&,ken up vitb1 ed bere and It lo Possible tisat this1 George F. .0Go4now, onse or thse beadaî the solution to the prohiens of the Norths Shore G»a Comlpany, thie! For weeks %Waukegan people hav matter of unsatictactory gaz tiat le put up wtb thse inferior gas that ha heing turnished L*trons in thse cty.1 twen gîven them because they hpleve He la one man wba la strivIng ta 'Dol.t4at as woan asthie cQmpany got il ometing.' new pilant Info wnr-klng order thi Wbws Mr. Datmoyer bruit Wok tisL. eyerytiliKwould be al rigisu and the matterUp wth the Cas company be! would lie repald for their latieni vas intoried tat thse unsatlstactory This condition ias not dc'eloî,ed. ho condition o! the gas resulted tram theiever, and tise gaa. If possible, la gri tact that the companyls Iew plant on ing convtantly woruue In thse case the flats hadiflot heen projserly ad- llghts. hIl Iiekerw and la so dim tiat juated but that it woid be ln working!isapractlcally useless for readlng pu order siortly. poses while for rusklogit hum, wth reddish flame whisih la almost lackhl t!ponhibI lagyîteL.a. Mr. GQOod4e. of heat. Many people declare that Coailsiai!~~ee. va 1i the Preaent condition existe mu( that P.e quitîi OtIlie p. aboild iselogrtsiheviidaayntr aIl rlht nov as Iestmpany laelsavlngeritis t ue aiga tiserfor iliti Slttietrouible *wt i e sa~.Mr.orcaiiieueg fgseihrfr ih G oodov tlicuýt that prisapa thelo ooig trouble lu ariiag Irons the f act tisat the cqmlpany hbu saçtis4 tiane ta cdeanl "*Pl l Uffulty. ouit the burmers and gasztfutures in a la io, dlmcuit ta, tell th@e trotl aIl parts of thse tIty. tis dMIfUty in ta Cet thse t-thbi Tbla solution.,iowever, ilues fot U.d - tle , .c ~eCouuty I>idependent's Svtorn' Statement Made Un- der New Postal Law. tatemoni f thse Ownerahip, Management, Circulation, Etc., of thse Lal County lndepeiident, publiimied Weekly ai Llbortyvllie, Illinoia, as required1 the Act of Auquel: 24, 1912. S NOTE: This statemneut la ta ie made in duplicate bots coufles ta dellvered by the pablisher ta thse patmaster. who wili aend ane capy to t Third Asistant Postqaster General (Division of Classification), Washlnto D. C., and retain tise ther In the fltes of tise post office. Nains of. Postpffic. Addreaa. Editor* W.L.-Ssasih, Waukegan, Illinois. M.anang Zdi*r:- ay L. H ubbard, LiirtyvllO, Illinois. BusineassMaager: F. G. Smih, Waukegan, Illinoia. __1piaolhero: 'Lake County Publishing & Printing Co., Waukegan, Ili. Owners;. (If *,cq ration. give nanes and addresaea of stocklsalde holding 1 per cent or'fmore e! total ainount of stock.) W. . #It, 3l pry Ave s, Waukegan, Illinois. F. G. Smith, 308 North Utica Str.eet, Waukegai', Illinois. Knao bondiolers. maprtggees, ansd otiser security holdera, holdin per cent or mare of total anmeutât of bonda. inorgages. or ailier iietirties: F. H. Just, Lîbertyvilie, Illinois. W.1. SMITII, Edtor and Parti 0v .Sworl ta and subsacrllsed before me Ibhis lst day of October. 1912. (SEAU) R. 1- 11TiIARD. Notary Pubies- My iCommissIon expires April 16, 1915. 0F MRS NS A STEELE ~y aCoure hn o aroietissoe CONSÇIQUS UNTIL CLOSE, when we sây satisfaction we mean you wiII find the best VERý'4OFTL AFERLAS SC-selection of merchandise for your selection. RAMENT M-AO SEEN ADMINIS- Pur stock ls fnet only large but Is right-bought rlght so that we can TERED, MER EVES CLOSED. sdIeNit right. That means money ln your pocket. lu oneconvustie eals f .ls.We are showing Kuppenheimer Suits and Overcoats-They are better Neison A. Steela Tuemssay evenine. f thon other males,,both ln style and fit. 1.interesiing ta kuos. that Mr. SeeleS ECA FO M S W E - n ntrie wa rpro Sl on t$5 O vas consclous up ta sbortiy after nan P CA O H S W E - nitrie ae-ro lp na 50 1cf tisat day and that Providence vliedAnetah vyo e t$1.0 lui that she sbould have ber full senties netahayO C t$5O . S pi to suris a tlIme as elie Drtaken tcommunion tramn Rector W. W. Love Phone 0,520M o! Christ churcb. .1F e " e a o r About noon Mr. lUive vent toalise 119 Genesoe St. "The House of Seatter Clotho&- b ouse and ield the Epîscapal com- moutnservice at ber bedide and tise -good vaman vas visoiiy consclous and _________________________________ r able to take part la tise beauitfi ser- evice. responding attise varons tîmes y A h m g w ... thraw tise V. S. Stafford estate tii-t lUt. 9Stfotd ld titiqueistly ex- *and repeating tise Lords prayer (vice, 5 1 B Uluis. itictiser tangle He wasu the son preffld tise dç.e mto.e.~sb$trW d ore. servic. LIIIL.F 8f1111 ise sii acaemv butdtnssud Frd at erds tvies iedaus ad isarge o! at tise iegfinlg and endîng cf tise oi* f W. SStafford, fariner ,awner o ai Hoor, a ter aisode in a asvietoa Tisea. ft la reported. &fier iaviat Sti.frd camÉp bers frosu Phoenix, matie,, b"eus ise dii1 not go. bee abe t tae artla hîslat sc g u ~ iu' W U~I A~1 UN UTAr- ,about a j-par ago, alter bis F'lendm and relottysa cf Mm. S:tIf- ramental service, ele lalssed Into lin- b.4~ IA II I 4~r kA~ ro rJoes deatis, ta ietis sttUe ford are finding Ithi ard believp coaeclousness Inside o! a very fev M .1UV 1U Y UU c' estate of' hie fatise, W %1 s. tb5t iDecormitted enicide, minutes folovîng tise priesta depar O F 'I YVIIL> IÂ N4M A N , LY L 1ttr ý d.He hasibeen hure of! sud e jure and aise neyer regalned con (n siuie tisat date. #%Mt@ Pald fWu'Tiait .sciousness before destisc arn t 6Some Ime ago. aliterLe Lisat tried A turkey visicis E&vard -Richardsoni Train îoc Van ta lac.te hi.-s jeter. Mma. had bahea fattsnlng diàAppe4Z@dý VOX it Ail durlng the service. Mme. Steele, Was Taken Off T anGoIfloto <.4iCogo -aptnisdsiie 1tate ra11le eZ v a xiirtiaiil daltisough roalizing (bat lier trengtis R se ,Iqptli D lgC o ll i o- cutssc itemsu a set a charge corên"salte. Wlk -Id 1 Wgfaliing fast. vas lnterested and R s e oIg tli yngC n ii lM r os a lret hmoter ao.ishe (red) npIltishe g.. la the ris e otoua ciseerful phine bssgist b th IaaornDe buildngtise caroisaes of W iii es.Tiais veft* ;tceru.p ieB.In ause of lis Condition; Oled .ah nteod cdm uiigvers vorth $W, tfar.MtII4a atur Wltb ber dumlng tise loslng baoureseor e aiigCo sius es for about $8.000. He' huit juat made key.-.-Brookàoid coudr. of ber life vas tise Motiser Superior o!feoe galil rrangemec.îe ltest veek to pay aver ~Keusper Ssii, Keno5s. visao had came thile maney to the beire of iis tailler -- s o0 dovn vitis Miss Berthe Steele visen su-j broailer but the rnoney b,îl nover ------- -------------- tise ciild had been eumnmoned home. Fred Staffod, on of W. S Staf meantume, gone uer, and, inding iasssed. neither bad tisa tte been Tise '.%otiser Supeir vas one of NIme. ford, a loneer recident o! Wasîkegan, ber not there. liat gone over ta ordered by tise court ta Se turned over :e Steeles clasest triends. iavng per- sud a brother et tilse te Josephs J. Brldgeort, Il., trous wher'- he - as ne- ta Fred. Thenefore, he dled betore dsanally iaaked after ier wiseuiseaiseStaf fard of North Utica strcet. dsed lturning Wednesday su <Chicago visen thiaideai vas ttnally cioseni ad nov vas a cbiid giag ta Kemper hasl acd Wednes4lay, Oct. 9, in theoise neb a ,r(ef pea htI llathv ag n eing a veritable cisurcis mother ta hosîitai. Chicago. ssnder mystariaus "Dr. Jones" la sald ta have inforna- iogstsecusaanar-l. lnber. cîrrumetauces, morphine polsosslng be- led tise isspitai authoriiies thitsai f- et0 ta ha ordered. ltFunerai Pridsiy. ing tise direct cause of bis deasis Mr. fard aipaaled ta bis vite tisme. days Wants to ha *uried Mrs.. n oego hoo Tise faneraI of lire. Steale viiillubcStafford hsd been lu and about W5Oag ato retru ta be. and tiat she r 'a.seld ai 2 oclock lu Christ cissrcis Fr1- kagan for tise past year islping set- I fused. Staffordi h as asserted. then arIlt le an srth lng. issît Mm dietsu- Esud -nbOttPoury lat mo day. hurilIin Oakwaod cemetery. Al itise eestate of is father heure he avalloved the morphine ln hem pires- td 1ofteHe tbouist ise oud D iend- Eeia i lr it v members o! the choir aire resuesied to a adreneved aid aoquaiutances here ence. hitls declared tisat "Dr. Joues"Arcl Cln hae attend tise service as tise full chior luavisicis be hast tarmed yearg agu visea treated Stafford fur tisrea ays sund ln-iav ibat ise alva's liad énougis ordornd piso, tble af&4. W. ta elng. a young man urwa p in tise Coas- ien braugist im taChcg for treat- ssiaey on bis Persan ta pay bis t are selling théei us twentyr gro-vin.gtChitacot. crai expensea, ezni'Ussing tisat be uat. oonyw tge munity. ment. -eva oui tlivier h asgoug frheT he ap je Ito i-odc eni Tise circuiltances surrounding is Stafford vas at irttai ten ta thie e ol elweeh a nn rs gscépi opoue "' W~M NS S RiM etwrihtia orerHoff- Columbus Iloapital, but tise 5uperlnten-ý ta drap dend for he bal a veak be4rt te&-Tie. r .tboùeend innmd ninveatigation aisuptintrd-'anid lie ftoit vanld take bhtm auddenly' sitisauaISlfili sîsetheld thie. Tisdai).atternoon. nagtise man %u sasffering frounm Ie a!euni , e; not affoed to buy qge aloids.that be slvays vlebed taobb hrled ila Gt » Mg&ô w The man vas braugit fta Uhicaga îo îis t_.Wskga eetr n i tuie- - '- - te Mcd. Fortune théIn MinicmeeryauIl i sah. a-1à Wednesday frai» Bridgeport, Il., l ausorueln uig noiler avays viahed hIr lie roien ondtin b a .. Start'ard vas cisout -A yssams aId. beaide Ibein. et 4 FRuw H CLIMBERS w an e u ico naclouscondt o is aisHe -n Arizona many yesrs aga lit- 1__________'iyîia s " r . Jones." Ha aiid ceitled ln Poornix. lie uasasnd ta Mlre, J. J. Stafford a, !srst plannad' WOMA CRZED BY RIGT sad Saffrd as iiffrin frnt ur- Leaves Tbigs in Tangle tise romains sud, if nettOsiary, rnl h. ve WHEN POPtCM CLIMISgR DROPS prhi' asiln.Tsn idlrtd ie sudden delatis o! Nir Stafford ibem to Waskeg»s for ourlia - e-- as INTO SLEEPING ROOM. Neyer Regains Consciouai'C5L Stafford neyer ragainad consciOlat- gag"""..~. . . ed nous after lie vas takan ta tise ho%- ai 10.W .MAKY H ptal. Alil efforts ta soiinteract tisa1 any effecte o! the pois ninss were ln vain s: e.lIe died et 3:10 o-k in s the atter- W~ A-temrisas igs auissaauity çriîbed Lutai. v_ tise colsimu su»potlng tise rouf o! tise Hospital autisoritiess salit Stafford 4 of vrauda at tise William C. Mackey vas taien tisere at N;.10 o'clock ln Use!Tý- lf resideuce, camner o Hickory ud Sec- momning fra tse laiate street sta.j ar ond sireets. a dariag parhcslimber- ion lu thse rivpasi- anulilaace of Rd- If ou the veranda visera Mrs. Mackey Mm. Shute oaid Stafforsi vas uncon-' Lis lay eieeping. sciasevien ise srrsse at tise station tîy At ivo oiark Tueay moring sud itat 1e apeared ta ha aleiigO on ing Mss. Mackey wau avakened tramn her a bonuclantise stie)s leep by a racket Uat resambled ans Snnday, Ieavlng a note for i ais explosioni. er-laa, Nrs. 1 .1 Stafford, witis -t-- i Selaed vutis frigisu. she iay a tee vhion D1e madi alla home, saylng lie' 5;seconds, titeuse iseard tise groasoDuil bihssbau cliled on a business erraud ià, YF ae ma.ta Vincennes,. md At tise fooit o! hem bcd the mauri ay Belleves rother Met Wl!.. iuttretched ou tie floor. Apparentiy NMrs. J. J. Stafford s or tise opus- = ha hast been 0tunnedbyh bs ati. Ion tbat ber brutlsss l iw vent toii dd ia "Heip, islp, belp," shouted Mis. Vincentnes tu mies ls5ý vife, trous 7 Mackey. lu Lcas tiian tva seconds visorn it naw acenis he bcd been tise mnsaas ounibis feet sud vas tun. estranged for more thsu a yeur, ai- ning down bise treet. Tiseememibn ogis le never admitted fitta ll hils s k e ti alw imBI* s o Joiined hlm wisan ie rearised tise front Waukegan relativea Mra. Fred StafMi p a ît in l te g O o u jsidevauk. ford bas beau vlating for a montis et, Mm,. Mackeys tvo sons repanded Brldgepprt sud SusmnerX 111. î , -ta lier cal fomrielp. In lees tissu tbmee Left Heme Suflday. kimntsserlmen-sîl neigisiors, Fred Stafford left Waukegan Sun- S~~~~~ue s oît eroscniin h oud Hesse-nlw lsr.JJ tfod by vere on the scene. day, isaving been bas-k la Waukegani Natsrally Mr&. Mackey vas l1ats e îefrtsrmnia tise hardly tell tiese tory of the attempt vas lu tise cosuntry- Sunday, leaving ~ Gu.N A K 0an R YL K ,~3 t burglary. hlmratiber homne. Wbcnaelleretomised. G 'N I R ,1 .m R Y LK,43 Tisefourmten vere sean lu tise se found s note trous hrl bviicis EERFIELD, 10.20 LIBERTYVILE, 4 ueigisbomisood earler Is tise evenlng. ha explsined that he hs4 decided' ta; R II IE ,1.0LAE1R T ht la saisi thât they attempied Xio go te Vinceunea. md - aon business. He! R II IW 04 A EF E ,' gIn anueutraiioe Into four nortis aIda iho1 ot heein searsi tront sînce by Mns. homes Tuesay mornlng. Stafford.LK U IH lL K L F,51 L<st igist Assistant ChIef o! Police Mouday a5 telegrsm came ta tise W uodDnei2N Rt llC ,53 ans TI-oe. Tyrrelu sent a police office on f8tfftomd hanse tram Mme. F're4 Stafe!uodDne,12N R HC &ýG ,53 tise Norths ida. tord, addressed ta Fred Stafford. It W tK G N,6occ Tj0 <tIti nt iAke &ny report oI th~e vassaut tram Bridgeport, I., and A K G N C aiRc

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